Загрузил Анастасия Кшишевская

Education system in Norway

Кшишевская А.И.,
History of education system
◦ The origin of the school dates back to the Middle
Ages. Shortly after the establishment of an
archbishopric in Norway in 1152, cathedral
schools were established to train priests in
Trondheim, Oslo and Bergen.
◦ In the 18th century, the central administration
began to take a serious interest in the processes
of education. They issued a new statute for the
universities in 1732, for higher schools in 1739, a
statute of confirmation in 1736, and a law for
schools in 1739.
History of education system
◦ In 1811, a university was formed in Norway, which
began operating in 1813.
◦ After 1814, a demand was made to improve
schools for peasant children.
◦ In 1864 the first Norwegian public institutions were
◦ After the political reform of 1884 with the
introduction of parliamentarism, the school
system was fundamentally changed again.
◦ In 1889, a public school appeared for all strata of
История системы образования
◦ The higher schools were reformed by a law of 1896.
High school education was now 4 years, followed by 5
years of folk school or other preparatory education.
◦ Agricultural schools were the first vocational schools.
◦ Schools for children with disabilities appeared in the
19th century. In 1881, the first law on such schools was
issued, concerning deaf, blind and mentally retarded
History of education system
◦ After World War II, there was a dramatic increase in
vocational schools. State vocational schools at
factories and trade schools were formed on the
basis of home economics schools.
◦ Since the mid-1960s, there was the development of
higher education and new educational institutions
have been created. And in 1969, the first regional
institutes appeared, which were educational
institutions in which people studied after
gymnasiums, etc.
Education system in Norway
Higher education
Upper secondary
Primary and lower
secondary education
Pre-school daycare
and education
Pre-school daycare and education
◦ Children are admitted to kindergartens
from the age of one. About 80% of the
children of the state visit indergartens.
◦ In kindergartens of Norway, emphasis is
placed on the developing of fine motor
skills. And each child is given maximum
opportunities to show their creative
Primary and lower secondary
Primary school
Lower secondary
Upper secondary
• Grades 1–7, ages 6–13
• Grades 8–10, ages 13–16
• Grades VG1-VG3, ages 16–19
Primary school
◦ The list of compulsory subjects in elementary
school includes mathematics, native and English
languages, drawing and music, and also the
basics of the Christian religion and moral
education, home economics and one elective
◦ From 1st to 7th grade in Norwegian schools
there is no such thing as grade.
Lower secondary school
◦ Here, children begin to study accounting,
ecology and economics.
◦ After three years, no exams are required.
Usually, pupils are already interested in
learning, because admission to upper
secondary school depends on their academic
Upper secondary school
◦ From the age of 16 to 19, most
children continue to study at school.
Thy choose one of two directions:
Working specialty. This
education in Norway lasts
4-5 years. After
graduation, young
people go through a
two- or three-year paid
At the academic
branch, students
are preparing for
entering universities
and colleges.
Higher education
высшие школы
Conditions for entering universities
◦ There are no entrance exams to colleges and
universities in Norway and, in fact, when entering
a university, a competition of school certificates is
◦ Studying at the university lasts from 3.5 to 4 years.
As a rule, at the faculties of humanities, students
study for half a year longer than at the faculties
of natural sciences.
◦ University programs in medicine, law, economics
and engineering are built in a completely
different way. There, you need to study
according to a special program from 4.5 to 6