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You must hand in these documents with your application for a residence permit (Immigration Act section 40) Checklist for family immigration with spouse - UDI

01.09.2024, 14:36
You must hand in these documents with your application for a residence permit (Immigration Act section 40): Checklist for fam…
You must hand in these documents with your application for a residence permit
(Immigration Act section 40)
Checklist for family immigration with spouse
The applicant is a citizen of : Belarus
Is the reference person a Norwegian/Nordic citizen, or a citizen of a different country?: The reference person is a
Norwegian or Nordic citizen
Does the reference person have a job?: Yes
Is the reference person a self-employed person (selvstendig næringsdrivende)?: No
Did the reference person attend education last year, or is the reference person going to attend education?: No
Does the reference person receive money from the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Organisation (NAV)?: The
reference person does not receive any benefits from NAV
DUF number/date of birth:
Who is the applicant and who is the reference person?
The applicant is the person who wants to move to Norway, or continue living here, and who
needs a residence permit. When we use the word "you", we are speaking to the applicant.
The reference person is the spouse living in Norway.
This is how you use this list
This is a list that tells you which documents you have to hand in when you apply for family
immigration. Some of the documents you need to get, some the reference person in Norway
needs to get.
You have to:
1. print this list.
2. tick the box for each document you have found.
3. sign on the last page.
01.09.2024, 14:36
You must hand in these documents with your application for a residence permit (Immigration Act section 40): Checklist for fam…
You have to hand in this list, the questionnaire and copies of all the documents at the police,
the application centre or the embassy. You also have to bring the original documents. The
original documents must be verified with a stamp. Se the end of the list for more information
about how the documents need to be stamped.
The documents you have to hand in
Application documents
signed cover letter from the Application portal (or application form)
The cover letter is the attachment you received via e-mail when you registered your application
online. Please print it and bring it with you. If it was not possible for you to apply online, please bring
a filled-out application form. (www.udi.no/forms)
a new passport photo with a white background if you are applying from abroad and need an entry
visa. You do not need to submit a passport photo if you are applying from Norway and you are
staying in Norway while waiting for an answer
if you want to give your family member, or another person in Norway, permission to act on your
behalf in connection with your application: filled-in Power of attorney form. Click on “View
explanation” to find the form ->
You can use this form Form for granting Power of Attorney (pdf, 199 kB)
(www.udi.no/forms) or the form you received by email when you registered your application in the
Application Portal.
a print-out of this list of the documents you have to hand in, filled out and signed by you (you need to
sign on the bottom of the last page)
You need to print this list of documents (this page on the Internet you are looking at right now). Tick
the box for all the documents you hand in, and hand in this list together with all the documents you
are going to hand in. Remember to sign on the print-out.
Identity documents for you who are the applicant
passport – and copies of all used pages
If you hand in your application in Norway, you normally only need to show your passport
and hand in the copies.
If you hand in your application abroad, you must normally hand in both your passport
and the copies. If you need your passport back before you receive an answer to your
application, please contact the place where you hand in the application.
birth certificate
01.09.2024, 14:36
You must hand in these documents with your application for a residence permit (Immigration Act section 40): Checklist for fam…
Form with questions about you and your spouse
You have to fill out a form with questions about you and your spouse. It is you who are the applicant who
must fill out this form, it is not to be filled out by the reference person in Norway.
the form with the questions, filled out and signed. Click on “View explanation” to find the form
You can find the form here (pdf, 290 kB) (www.udi.no/forms). Remember to sign on the last page of
the form.
You have to answer all the questions in the form as accurately as you can, even if some of the
questions are not apt to your situation.
Documents about your family
copy of the reference person’s passport – all used pages
marriage certificate. If you have married in a country other than your home country or Norway, see
the checklist for the country in which the marriage took place to see if there are special requirements
for documents from that country.
divorce certificate or death certificate, if the applicant or the reference person has been married
before. As a main rule the divorce should be registered in the same country as the marriage was
entered into.
Documents to prove that the reference person is divorced from the
previous marriage abroad
This requirement applies only if the reference person has previously been married to a person from the
same country as you, AND the previous spouse received a residence permit for family immigration with
the reference person.
Suppose this applies to the reference person in your case. In that case, you must provide documentation
that the previous marriage of the reference person's previous marriage is dissolved aborad, even if it is
registered dissolved in Norway.
if the reference person was married in the home country of the previous spouse: divorce certificate
or annulment certificate from the country where the reference person and the previous spouse were
if the reference person was married in another country than the country the previous spouse is a
citizen of: Divorce certificate or annulment certificate to the reference person both from the home
country of the previous spouse and from the country where the reference person and the previous
spouse were married
01.09.2024, 14:36
You must hand in these documents with your application for a residence permit (Immigration Act section 40): Checklist for fam…
if it is not possible for the reference person to divorce or annul the marriage, you must provide
documentation explaining why it is not possible. Please press “view explanation” to see which
documentation you must provide
if the reference person was married in the home country of the previous spouse: Provide
documentation from the home country of the previous spouse to explain why the
reference person can't divorce or annul the marriage
if the reference person was married in another country than the country the previous
spouse is a citizen of: Provide documentation from the previous spouse’s home country
and from the country where they married to explain why the reference person can't get a
divorce or an annulment of the marriage
if the previous marriage of the reference person is not registered in the previous
spouse’s home country: Provide documentation showing that the reference person is not
registered as married with the authorities of the previous spouse’s home country
Documents you must hand in about the reference person’s job
contract of employment or a confirmation from the employer
In the contract/confirmation it must be clear how long the employment will last and the scope (full
time or part-time) of the employment. If your work is temporary, you should enclose a confirmation
from your employer if it is possible to prolong your contract.
Are you uncertain whether the reference person meets the requirement for income? Check the
requirements at www.udi.no/incomerequirement.
Documents you have to hand in if they apply to the reference person’s
current situation
documentation on fixed periodic income, such as insurance payments, private pension schemes or
rental income
documentation on income abroad if the reference person is a Norwegian citizen, a citizen of one of
the Nordic countries, or is a foreign citizen who holds a permanent residence permit
if the reference person has completed their national military service in the last tax year:
documentation from the Norwegian Armed Forces
01.09.2024, 14:36
You must hand in these documents with your application for a residence permit (Immigration Act section 40): Checklist for fam…
If you already are in Norway, and wish to hand in your application
in Norway
Please note! You do not have to hand in any documentation to show that you have the right to hand in
your application in Norway if you
have a residence permit in Norway, or
do not need a visa to visit Norway and have been here for less than 90 days
when you hand in the application to the police, or
have applied for asylum and are waiting for an answer. Please note! If you have
received a rejection from the UDI, your
to stay in Norway until you have received an answer to your appeal cannot have
been rejected
If you are in Norway on a visitor’s visa (Schengen visa), you must hand in the following documents:
documentation of your education
If you have completed an education or a degree at an university college or university, or
have completed a vocational training programme at upper secondary school level, you
must submit a diploma and transcripts showing how long the education lasted, the level
and the content.
If you have taken education which you have not completed, you must hand in
documentation which shows how long the education lasted, the level and the content.
If you have previously handed in this documentation to the UDI, you do not have to hand it in again.
and/or documentation of your work experience
Work certificates: You must provide work certificates from previous employers that
contain detailed information about:
how long you worked there,
what training you received,
what work tasks you had and
what qualifications you have.
Courses: If you have courses in the profession, you can attach documentation to this as a
supplement to the work certificates. The documentation must contain information about the
duration/number of hours and the content of the courses.
You only need to document work experience in addition to, or instead of, documentation of education
01.09.2024, 14:36
You must hand in these documents with your application for a residence permit (Immigration Act section 40): Checklist for fam…
if the work experience should be part of the assessment of whether or not you are a skilled worker.
if you are not a skilled worker: documents which show that there are very special circumstances
which means that you must hand in the application in Norway, for example a medical certificate
If you are missing any of the documents on this list
if you are missing any of the documents, a filled out form about missing documents. Click on “View
explanation” to find the form ->
You can use the form, Explanation why I cannot hand in one or more documents (pdf, 662
kB) (www.udi.no/forms), to explain why you can’t hand in one or more of the documents. Remember
to sign the form.
Originals and copies of the documents
Requirements for documents from Norway
You do not need to bring originals of documents from Norwegian authorities. You are only to
hand in a copy of the document. The copy does not need to be stamped.
Requirements for documents from other countries than Norway
You must bring the original documents and your passport. If you apply from Norway, you
must present the original documents and your passport. If you apply from abroad, you
must submit the original documents and your passport. These documents will be
checked by the embassy and will be returned to you at the same place as you submitted
the application.
The original documents must carry an apostille stamp. You can find information on which
office you need to visit to get an apostille stamp in this list (external website). No
apostille stamp is required on your passport.
You must also bring copies of all the documents and your passport.
If you hand in your application abroad, the copies must be stamped by the
authorities in your country, or by a notarius publicus.
If you hand in your application to the police in Norway you do not need to have
the copies stamped. Please note that the original documents must still have an
apostille stamp even if you hand in the application to the police in Norway.
No stamping is required on the copies of your passport.
If your documents are in a different language than Norwegian or English, they must be
translated to Norwegian or English by an authorised/certified translator. It must be stated
on the translation who translated the document and when.
You must also hand in a copy of the translations. If you hand in your application abroad,
the copy of the translation must be stamped by the authorities in your country, or a
notarius publicus.
01.09.2024, 14:36
You must hand in these documents with your application for a residence permit (Immigration Act section 40): Checklist for fam…
Do you have documents from different countries? Check at udi.no/apostille what you
need to do to get documents from different countries certified.