Загрузил Alexander Samay

Market analysis

Market function:
 Marketing-is the process of performing market research, selling products and/or services
to customers and promoting them via advertising to further enhance sales
 Aims to identify the customer, to satisfy the customer, and to keep the customer
Marketing analysis
 Market Analysis-Indentifies products and their source and differentiates them from all
other products
 The main goal is to determine the attractiveness of a market and to understand its
evolving opportunities and threats as they relate to the strengths and weaknesses of the
Market position
 They focus on family and younger children
 They created Ronald McDonald as an image for their company and advertise the
character to appeal to children
 Put their fast food restaurants in urban areas because there are more families their to buy
their food
Market objectives
 Mission Statement
 To "be our customers' favorite place and way to eat."
 Objectives
 to serve good food in a friendly and fun environment
 to be a socially responsible company
 to provide good returns to its shareholders
 to provide its customers with food of a high standard, quick service and value for
 4 P’s for Marketing
 Product
 Price
 Promotions
 Place
Marketing strategy
 They focus on family and are children oriented
 E.G They put indoor playgrounds in their restaurants
 This helps them by making children want to get a happy meal and play, so they beg their
parents to take them
 This can also make the parents end up eating their as well
 Creates a friendly environment for every age
Market segment
 They focus on family and are children oriented
 E.G They put indoor playgrounds in their restaurants
 This helps them by making children want to get a happy meal and play, so they beg their
parents to take them
 This can also make the parents end up eating their as well
 Creates a friendly environment for every age
Market structure
 McDonald operates in an oligopoly
 Oligopoly-market is dominated by a small number of firms that together control the
majority of the market share.
 Affect on their marketing strategies
 They want to be better than the other companies so they will look at what other
businesses are offering and try to market maybe lower prices or create new
products to attract more business
Market share
 Has the worlds largest Market share in the fast food industry with a 42% share in the
 Have this because of their low price strategy
 E.g. They created the dollar menu