{ Health is above wealth 1. to control weight 2. to be overweight 3. to contain fat 4. balanced diet 5. a portion 6. to skip meals 7. to lose weight 8. to look slim 9. tissue 10. gut а) ткань (биологическая) в )пищеварительный тракт c) контролировать вес d )выглядеть стройным e) иметь избыточный вес f) терять вес g) содержать жир h) сбалансированная диета i) пропускать еду j) порция Some rules of healthy life to eat smaller portions; { not to be overweight; not to change your weight quickly; you should control your weight. Eating the proper food is important to stay healthy. A correct diet helps your organism work well and feel healthy. For many people, bad health begins with a bad diet. Some people eat the wrong kind of food. Others eat too much or too little. No wonder they often feel not well. After all, the human body is a machine - it needs the right kind of fuel to work properly. There are also some dangerous eating habits, such as skipping meals, unhealthy food. A lot of people like drinking coca cola and coffee and enjoy pizzas and hamburgers. Fast food makes you fat. Regular physical exercises help you to develop positive traits of character avoid depressio n be healthy be strong, patient, wellorganized keep fit lose weight Having positive self-image. Choosing healthy food for good health. Planning your time and day. Getting along with people. Participating in social activities according to your abilities and interests.