Загрузил Валерия Куркина

hw clean eating

Весной 2014 года Джордан Янгер заметила, что ее волосы выпадают
клочьями. “Не круто” - такова была ее реакция. В то время 23-летняя Янгер
считала, что придерживается самой здоровой из всех возможных диет. Она
была “вегетарианкой – сыроедом, не употреблявшей глютен, сахар, масло,
злаки, бобовые”. Янгер была “велнес-блогером” в Нью-Йорке, одной из
тысячи подобных в Instagram (где у нее было 70 000 подписчиков),
объединенных под хэштегом #eatclean. Хотя у нее не было квалификации
диетолога, Янгер продала более 40 000 экземпляров ее собственной
пятидневной программы “очищение” стоимостью 25 долларов - формулы
полностью сырой растительной диеты с упором на зеленый сок.
Но “чистая” диета, которую Янгер продавал как путь к здоровью, делала ее
создателя больным. Будучи далекой от того, чтобы быть суперздоровой, она
страдала от серьезного расстройства пищевого поведения: орторексии,
навязчивой идеи употреблять только чистые и совершенные продукты.
Сыроедческая веганская диета Янгер привела к прекращению менструации и
придала ее коже оранжевый оттенок из-за сладкого картофеля и моркови,
которые она употребляла (единственные углеводы, которые она себе
позволяла). В конце концов она обратилась за психологической помощью и
начала постепенно расширять ассортимент продуктов, которые позволяла
себе есть, начиная с рыбы. Она признала, что проблема заключалась не в ее
веганстве как таковом, а в особенно жестком и ограничительном режиме
питания, который она сама себе навязала.
1.Who is Jordan Younger? What does she do for a living?
2. What kind of diet did she use to have? How did it influence her health? What
happened when she
announced on social media that she was going to change her diet?
She started receiving angry emails where people demanded a refund for the
purchase of her program. She lost subscribers and received threats
3. Define ‘clean eating’.
Clean eating is a fad diet based on the belief that consuming whole foods and
avoiding convenience food and other processed foods offers certain health benefits.
At its simplest, clean eating is about consuming nothing but “whole” or
“unprocessed” foods. Some versions of clean eating have been vegan, while others
allow various meats (preferably wild) and something mysteriously called “bone
4. Has clean eating helped to popularize certain foods or ways of cooking that were
previously not so
well-known to people? What were they?
Yes, this diet has changed people's perception of some foods that were not known
to people before. For example, quinoa, coconut oil and kale.
5. What is wrong with clean eating philosophy?
Clean eating – whether it is called that or not – is perhaps best seen as a
dysfunctional response to a still more dysfunctional food supply: a dream of purity
in a toxic world. To walk into a modern western supermarket is to be assailed by
aisle upon aisle of salty, oily snacks and sugary cereals, of “bread” that has been
neither proved nor fermented, of cheap, sweetened drinks and meat from animals
kept in inhumane conditions. When these mainstream diets start to sicken people, it
is unsurprising that many of us should seek other ways of eating to keep ourselves
safe from harm
The true calamity of clean eating is not that it is entirely false. It is that it contains
“a kernel of truth”.
#Eatclean made healthy eating seem like something “expensive, exclusive and
difficult to achieve”
6. What is the message of the author, in your opinion?
I think that the author wanted to show readers that it is important to eat properly
and in a balanced way, eat the right amount of fresh vegetables and fruits, meat and
other products, but you do not need to adhere to any strict diets, especially when
there is no reliable information about their usefulness to humans. You don't have to
be a fanatic about food.
The oh-so-Instagrammable food movement has been thoroughly debunked.
Its wild popularity over the past five years has enabled it to move far beyond the
It has been more absolutist in its claims … than any previous school of modern
nutrition advice.
Almost as soon as it became ubiquitous, clean eating sparked a backlash.
Clean eating has been attacked by critics … for being an incitement to eating
LDL cholesterol
There is a new puritanism about food that has taken root very widely
1. food, photos of which people posted on Instagram because they thought it was
beautiful, aesthetic. This movement has ceased to be popular.
2. this diet has become popular. many people began to follow her.
3. she did not accept other points of view, considered her opinion the only correct
4. almost immediately, when it became popular among a large number of people,
this diet received negative reviews.
5. Clean eating received negative reviews from critics because it was the cause of
an eating disorder in many people. An eating disorder is overeating or a sharp
restriction of oneself in food, or a situation where a person experiences negative
emotions because of their eating habits
6.low density lipoprotein. “bad" cholesterol. These diseases are leading causes of
heart attack and stroke.
7. this is an attitude to food when people do not delve into the essence of the diet,
remaining in the dark. they just follow the diet because they consider it something
special, not like everyone else.