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Конспект на тему Путешествие машиной английский язык для СПО

Theme: Travelling by car.
Developing speaking skills.
teaching - to present new vocabulary, learn to express, to develop skills of speaking.
educational: - to increase interest to learnt material, to discuss.
to develop skills of communicative competence.
developing: - increasing motivation to learn English; development of communication skills
and cognitive activity; development of memory, attention, outlook.
learn to express, to prove own point of view
Facilities: blackboard, handout, presentation.
Predicted result:
- vocabulary on the theme "journey by car»;
- the rule for using forms of auxiliary verbs in the Present Simple;
- use the studied vocabulary on the theme "journey" in oral and written speech;
- form the correct form of the verb depending on the person.
Procedure of the lesson
I. Greeting. The report of pupils on duty.
What date is it today?
What is the day today?
Who's absent and why?
II. Topic presentation.
Look at the screen. What do think we’ll talk about?
III. Vocabulary revision.
Many people like traveling by car. Travelling by car also has its advantages; you will never
miss your train, ship or plane; you can make your own time-table; you can stop wherever you
Travelling by car is popular for pleasure trips while people usually take a train or a
plane when they are travelling on business.
a) Writing. Fill the table
Write down advantages and disadvantages of travelling by car.
2. You can go at your own place
and stop whenever and wherever
you like.
3. You don’t have to rely on
1. You might experience car
2. You must have a driving
4. You can see and explore more
3. You must pay for parking.
4. Petrol is expensive.
b) T : But, unfortunately, accidents may happen.
Skim through the text, do the task, what will we talk about.
I was standing not far from the main road and could witness that the truck was moving at
high speed beyond the city limits. It was almost near the traffic lights when the red colour lit.
So the driver couldn’t just stop the car. At that very moment the row of cars from the left
started. The blue car from this row hit the truck on the left side.
1. What can you tell about the person talking? He is …
definitely a policeman.
probably a witness of the accident.
the driver of the battered truck.
the driver of the blue car.
2. What could be the reason for talking? The person is
a. giving evidence about the accident.
b. reporting on the results of the accident.
c. trying to justify himself and his actions.
d. complaining about the circumstances.
3. Who could the person be talking to?
a. A doctor.
b. His boss.
c. A police officer.
d. A shop assistant.
1B, 2A, 3C.
IV. Pair work.
Read the text and try to explain your partner words in a bold type.
There was a serious accident (1) on one of the main roads into New York this morning.
An old lorry (2) broke down (3) in the middle of the road, and the driver (4) couldn’t move
it. It was eight o’clock, the middle of the rush hour (5), so it soon created a terrible traffic
jam (6). Drivers got very angry and a man in a Mercedes tried to go round the lorry.
Unfortunately, another car was coming in the opposite direction. The driver braked (7) hard
and tried to stop, but he couldn’t prevent (8) the accident — the Mercedes crashed (9) into
the front of his car. The driver of the Mercedes was OK, but the other driver was badly
injured (10) and both cars wo badly damaged (11).
a) someone who operates a motor vehicle.
b) large vehicle that is used to transport goods by road.
c) slow down or stop.
d) hit something.
e) harm or spoil something.
f) something unpleasant and unfortunate that happens and often leads to injury or death.
g) stop working.
h) one of the periods of the day when most people are travelling to or from work.
i) a long line of cars and other vehicles that cannot move because the road is blocked
j) ensure that something does not happen.
k) hurt.
1f;. 2b; 3g; 4a; 5h; 6i; 7c; 8j; 9d; 10k; l1e.
V. Group work
Answer the questions
Т: Think of the answers to the following questions:
1. Do you think there are many accidents happening on the road?
2. Whose fault is this?
3. When do accidents happen?
4. What are the safe places to cross the road?
5. What should you do when the light is red (green)?
6. Can you run and play in the road?
7. Can you get off the moving transport?
8. What happens if you don’t obey the policeman or traffic warden?
traffic warden - инспектор дорожного движения
V. Speaking.
Put the sentences in the following four dialogues into the correct order.
1. Many thanks.
2. Is it far?
3. Excuse me. Can you tell me where South Street is please?
4. Not at all.
5. No, it’s only about five minutes’ walk.
6. Take the second on the left and then ask again.
That’s OK.
Turn round and turn left at the traffic-lights.
Excuse me, please. Could you tell me the way to the station?
Will it take me long to get there?
Thank you.
No, it’s no distance at all.
First right, second left. You can’t miss it.
Is it too far to walk?
Thanks very much.
Excuse me, please. Could you tell me how to get to the town centre?
No, it’s only a couple of hundred yards,
It’s a pleasure,
A: Excuse me. Can you tell me where South Street is, please? 3
B: Tаке the second on the left and then ask again.6
A: Is it far?2
B: No, it’s only walk.5
A: Many thanks.1
B: Not at all.4
A: Excuse me, please. Could you tell the way to the station?3
B: Turn round and turn left at the traffic-lights.2
Л: Will it take me long to get there?4
B: No. it’s no distance at all.6
A: Thank you.5
B: That’s OK.1
A: Excuse me, please. Could you tell how to get to the town centre?4
B: First right, second left. You can’t miss it.1
A: Is it too far to walk?2
B: No, it’s only a couple of hundred yards.5
A: Thanks very much.3
В: It’s a pleasure.6
This way of travelling is fast.
You can stop at any place you like and go where you like. You need no tickets. Usually
families travel by it.
Home task. Fill in the gaps.
Read the text and fill in the gaps.
Last week there was a serious _________ (1) in the town centre during the _______ (2) hour.
Where the road bends near the petrol station, there were roadworks which ______ (3) a traffic
jam, and people in the jam started to get impatient. A young man in a sports car at the back
decided to overtake the slow morning traffic, and at the same time a lorry which was leaving
the petrol station _____ turned left (4) the main road. The sports car _______ (5) hard to try
to _______ (6) an accident, but the lorry which was coming in the opposite _______ (7) was
too near, and ________ (8) into him. Luckily, nobody was _______ (9) but the sports car was
badly _________ (10).
Там, где дорога поворачивает на заправочную станцию, велись дорожные работы, изза которых образовалась пробка, и люди в этой пробке начали нервничать.
4. into
7. direction
9. injured
5. braked
8. crashed
10. damaged
6. prevent