Environmental protection Авторы: А.В. Епихин ассистент кафедры бурения скважин О.С. Ульянова, доцент кафедры ИЯПР Томск-2015 г. Environmental protection Action Plan (план мероприятий) A schedule of actions required to develop, implement and maintain the HSE Management System. HSE Meeting (заседание (собрание) по вопросам охраны труда и окружающей среды) Any meeting whose agenda comprises solely of HSE topics. Environmental protection Accident (авария) An accident is an unplanned event that results in harm to people, loss of process, or damage to property or the environment. Incident (проишествие) An incident is an unplanned event not resulting in loss which, under slightly different circumstances, could have resulted in harm to people, loss of process, damage to property, the environment, or the business interests of the Company. Environmental protection Fatal Accident (авария со смертельным /летальным исходом) Where a person(s) is involved in an accident from which they sustain injuries which cause death within 24 hours of the accident. Serious Accident (серьезная авария) Disabling injuries and occupational illnesses causing subsequent death, permanent injury or incapacity from work estimated to exceed 3 months, or property damage and loss exceeding $10,000. Environmental protection Lost Time Accident (авария, связанная с потерей рабочего времени /простоем) An accident causing injury or occupational illness such that the person concerned is unable to resume normal duties the next day or shift (irrespective of field breaks, leave or holidays). Minor Accident (незначительная авария) First aid, non disabling injury or occupational illnesses which, following treatment, do not result in lost time, or property damage and loss in excess of $10,000. Environmental protection Serious Incident (серьезное проишествие) An incident which under slightly different circumstances could have resulted in a fatal or serious accident. Minor Incident (незначительное проишествие) An incident which under slightly different circumstances could have resulted in a minor accident. Security Incident (происшествие, создающее угрозу безопасности) An incident in which a criminal or negligent action has resulted in harm to people, loss of process, or damage to property, the environment, or the business interests of the Company. Environmental protection Fire Environmental protection Oil spill Environmental protection Oil slick Environmental protection Smog Environmental protection Pipeline damage Environmental protection Deforestation Environmental protection Environmental protection Environmental protection Little Penguin Jumpers Knitted penguin jumpers play an important role in saving little penguins affected by oil pollution. penguinfoundation.org.au/wildliferehabilitation Thank you for your attention