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Advice -situations

I want to buy a great gift for my best friend, but I can’t decide what to get. She has really
good taste, so I can’t get her just any old thing. She has a lot of money so she can afford to buy
nice things. I don’t have so much. Do you have any suggestion?
Steve often borrows money from me but never pays me back. Instead, he tries to give me
some of his junk as payment. He’s a good friend and I don’t want to spoil our relationship, but
this is driving me crazy. Do you have any advice?
I really want to lose some weight. I’ve tried several diets, but nothing works for me. I
only drink two or three cokes each day and I only eat at Mc Donald’s three times a week. The
other days I eat pizza, but not very much. Do you have any ideas?
My boyfriend is always late. He always has some lame excuse like “My car wouldn’t
start”, “Traffic was really bad”, or “I had to finish my work”. What can I do about it?
The bus is always so crowded when I go to work. I never get to sit down…
1. You ought to …
2. Maybe you should…
3. You should…
4. Perhaps you should…
5. Why don’t you…
6. I suggest that you …
7. You could…
8. You could try…
9. I recommend that you…
10. It might be a good idea to …
11. In my opinion…
12. I advise you to …