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My diploma research

My Diploma Research
Let me introduce myself. My name is Tishin Nikita Mikhailovich I graduated from
Tver State Technical University with Bachelor Degree in 2023. My speciality was
Information Systems and Technology. The study profile: Development,
implementation and maintenance of information systems.
Now I'm taking a Master’s course in Information Systems and Technology. Study
profile: Information technologies of radio engineering systems and complexes at
Tver State Technical University.
Information Systems and Technology. The study profile: Information Technology
of Radio Engineering Systems and Complexes covers the study of the development,
management and optimisation of information technology in radio engineering
systems and complexes.
The title of my thesis is "Enhancing Communication Reliability in Remote Sensing
I decided to take this theme because I think that the problem of ensuring reliable
communication in remote sensing systems is important for optimizing data
transmission and enhancing system performance.
The purpose of my work consists in investigating communication reliability by the
example of a remote sensing company, GlobalTech Solutions. I am going to study
the theory of communication protocols and consider the methods of signal
processing and error correction techniques.
My master's thesis will have two parts: theoretical and practical. In the theoretical
part, I will make a review of literature on the problem, including the international
articles that I have already read.
The practical part will include the research on communication protocols and error
correction mechanisms implemented in GlobalTech Solutions' remote sensing
systems, as well as the identification of resources for its execution.
During the research, I will perform the following tasks:
I will examine the communication protocols utilized in remote sensing
systems and their impact on reliability.
I will give the comparative analysis of performance indicators of different
error correction techniques in remote sensing data transmission.
To explore empirically the features of data transmission in various
environmental conditions and geographical locations.
I am going to compare the effectiveness of foreign and domestic methods of
error correction in remote sensing systems.
I will study the reasons for communication failures and propose potential
solutions for improvement.
The scientific novelty of my work consists in the fact that this kind of research has
not been carried out yet in the context of GlobalTech Solutions' remote sensing
systems. Together with my scientific advisor, Associate Professor Valery
Konstantinovich Kemaykin of Tver State Technical University, we chose this theme
for my master's thesis because it is essential not only in Russia but in other countries
as well. My scientific advisor hopes that my work will have practical application. So
do I. I am planning to defend my thesis at the end of 2025.