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Test (Spotlight -5, Module 6) Вариант 1
I. Listen and for questions 1-5 choose the correct answer (Послушай и выбери правильный ответ).Запиши ответ: 1А ,
e.g. What is Dave doing at the moment?
A have lunch
B do the shopping
C do his homework
1. What time does Fiona usually get up?
A 7:00
B 10:00
C 7:30
2. What does Fred’s dad do?
A waiter
B baker
C postman
3. What does Jane usually do in the evenings? A work on computer B have a cup of tea
C watch a DVD
4. What does Mike usually do at weekends?
A visit friends
B write emails
C write a letter
5. What does Kate never do in the morning? A have a cup of tea
B have a cup of coffee C have breakfast
II. Ttranslate the word combinations. (Переведи фразы на русский язык, запиши перевод в тетрадь).
1. read a newspaper
2. eat breakfast
3. repair a bike
4. plant in the garden
5. make a phone call
III. Fill in the correct word. (Вставь правильные слова, запишите их в правильном порядке в тетрадь)
go shopping
1. On Sundays our family usually have … at half past nine in the morning. 2. Sue never eats … at nine o’clock in the
evening. 3. Are you writing an … to Liz? 4.What time does the child go to …? 5. I want to have a cup of … .
IV. Fill in: to be: am, is, are. (Вставьте глаголы, запишите глаголы в тетрадь)
1. Jane … talking to grandpa. 2. What .. you doing here? 3. I … going to the cinema; … you coming with me? 4. … the
pupils working on the computer? 5. My sister … cooking dinner and I … helping her.
V. Write the Present Continuous form of the verbs in brackets . (Запишите предложения в тетрадь, употребив настоящее
продолженное время )
1. Mat and Fred … (do) a crossword. 2. Why … (she/ sleep)? 3. We … (not go) shopping today. Polly and Ben… (visit)
their friends. 4. Nina’s computer … (not work); she can't send e-mails. 5. Mr White …(repair) his son’s bike..
Everyday English
VI. Choose the correct response. (Соотнесите вопрос с ответом 1А)
1. What’s the time, please?
A He’s a waiter.
2. Is your uncle a painter?
B I’m reading a book.
3. What is Henry?
C No, they aren’t.
4. What are you doing?
D Yes, he is.
5. Are you doing your homework?
E Sure. It’s quarter to eight.
6. Are Susan and Ann doctors?
F Yes, I am.
VII. Read the text and mark the sentences True (T) or False (F) Прочитайте текст и ответе на вопросы. T (Правда) F
My neighbour Alvin is a banker. He is very busy. When he is not at the bank, he is out having fun. Every day Alvin wakes
up at six o’clock in the morning. He goes jogging then he has breakfast and after that he drives to the bank. When he gets
there, he starts to send e-mails or make phone calls. His work is very hard. He works until 5 o’clock in the afternoon. Then,
he goes back home where he rests for a while. In the evenings he sometimes goes to the cinema or meets his friends. On
Wednesday he always goes swimming. On Sundays he always wakes up at noon and then reads the book or works in the
garden. He usually goes to bed at 11 o’clock at night.
1) My neighbour Alvin is a baker. ____
2) Every day he wakes up at 6 o’clock. ____
3) When he gets to the bank, he starts to meet his friends. ____
4) On Wednesday Jason always does the shopping. ____
5) On Sundays he always wakes up late. ____
Test (Spotlight -5, Module 6) Вариант 2
I. Listen and for questions 1-5 choose the correct answer (Послушай и выбери правильный ответ).Запиши ответ: 1А ,
e.g. What is Dave doing at the moment?
A have lunch
B do the shopping
C do his homework
1. What time does Fiona usually get up?
A 7:00
B 10:00
C 7:30
2. What does Fred’s dad do?
A waiter
B baker
C postman
3. What does Jane usually do in the evenings? A work on computer B have a cup of tea
C watch a DVD
4. What does Mike usually do at weekends?
A visit friends
B write emails
C write a letter
5. What does Kate never do in the morning? A have a cup of tea
B have a cup of coffee C have breakfast
II. Ttranslate the word combinations. (Переведи фразы на русский язык, запиши перевод в тетрадь).
Read a book
Deliver a letter
plant flowers
repair a car
make a bed
III. Fill in the correct word. (Вставь правильные слова, запишите их в правильном порядке в тетрадь)
On Sundays they usually have … at ten o’clock in the morning. 2. What time do you usually go to …? 3. Are you
writing a … to Barbara? . 4. I want to have a glass of … . 5. Vera is playing with her … in the garden.
IV. Fill in: to be: am, is, are. (Вставьте глаголы, запишите глаголы в тетрадь)
1. Philip … talking to grandma. 2. What .. they doing there? 3. I … going to the stadium; … you coming with me? 4. … Liz
working on the computer? 5. Dad … cooking lunch and I … helping him.
V. Write the Present Continuous form of the verbs in brackets. (Запишите предложения в тетрадь, употребив настоящее
продолженное время )
1. Max and Fred … (write) an e-mail. 2. Why … (you/ watch TV)? 3. He … (not go) shopping today. He … (visit) his
uncle. 4. Ted’s computer … (not work); he can't print a photo. 5. Mr Green … (repair) his car.
Everyday English
VI. Choose the correct response. (Соотнесите вопрос с ответом 1А)
1. What’s the time, please?
A He’s a dentist.
2. Is your uncle a driver?
B I’m reading a book.
3. What is Fred?
C No, they aren’t.
4. What are you doing?
D Yes, he is.
5. Are you doing your homework?
E Sure. It’s quarter to ten.
6. Are Susan and Ann nurses?
F Yes, I am.
VII. Read the text and mark the sentences True (T) or False (F) Прочитайте текст и ответе на вопросы. T (Правда) F
My neighbour Mark is a waiter. He is very busy. When he is not at the cafe, he is out having fun. Every day Mark wakes up
at 9 o’clock in the morning. He has breakfast and then he rides his bike to the cafe. When he gets there, he starts to serve the
dishes. His work is very hard. He works until 11 o’clock at night. Then, he goes back home where he has dinner and rests
for a while. In the evenings he can’t go to the cinema or meet his friends. On Fridays he always does the shopping. On
Sundays he always wakes up early and then reads the book or visits his friends. He usually goes to bed at 9 o’clock at
1) My neighbour Mark is a dentist. ____
2) Every day he wakes up at 6 o’clock. ____
3) When he gets to the cafe, he starts to fix his bike. ____
4) On Fridays Mark always does the shopping. ____
5) On Sundays he always wakes up late. ____