Загрузил Helen Kologrivova

Homework 2

A Read the text below which offers advice on shopping online. Which do you think are the three
most important guidelines?
5. Only give your payment card details over a secure connection, and never by email.
6. Be aware of the security features available both on the retailer's website and on your own browser.
Only trade with companies that have an encryption certificate and use secure transaction technology.
During checkout, look for a closed padlock symbol at the bottom of the screen.
7. Never disclose your credit card's PIN to anyone, including people claiming to be from your bank or the
police, and NEVER send it over the Internet.
B Compare your choices with a partner.
C Read the guidelines again and complete each sentence 1-7 with the correct ending a-i.You do not need to use
two of the endings.
1. Online shopping is not dangerous
2. Reliable retailers should let customers
3. You should not buy things from an online
4. You should never tell anyone your credit
card PIN
5. It may be difficult to get problems
6. Customers should get in touch with the
credit card company
7. Computers may be infected with a virus
f if customers check the terms and onditions
of offers.
g when their goods will be delivered.
i if it does not have an encryption ertificate.
a even if they say they are from the police.
b if customers send back things they have
c if the retail company does not help them
with a problem.
d if customers open files attached to emails.
A Which formal words and phrases in the 'Online shopping guidelines' on Worksheet 2 mean the
same as these informal equivalents?
1 make sure (1 word)
2 Internet trader (1 word with a prefix)
3 people who are not very careful (2 words)
4 safety
Guidelines 7-12
5 tell (something secret), make public (1 word)
Formal equivalent from the text
Ensure the e-retailer's site provides a street
address and a non- mobile telephone number
Check that the spelling of the website name
is accurate - 'typosquatters'’ have been
known to trick the unwary away from
genuine sites.
people who can open files attached to
emails, as they may contain computer
Be aware of the security features available
both on the retailer's website and in your
own browser.
Never disclose the PIN code of your credit
6 ask for things to be put right (2 words)
contact the credit card company
7 get in touch with (1 word)
If you have a problem, contact the company
you ordered from.
Online stores
8 business deal (1 word)
B You are going to write a set of guidelines giving advice about taking care of your money when
travelling away from home.
Before you start writing, think about these points:
common travel situations when people need to have money with them
possible problems or dangers in these situations
common ways of paying for things
ways of making sure your money is not lost or stolen.
Make a note of the language used in the'Online shopping guidelines' to advise or suggest, to warn, to
remind and to reassure.
Now, referring to your notes and using the'Online shopping guidelines'as a model, write your set of five
1. If you carry money in a bag, it should always be with you, in your field of vision.
2. Always have a small amount with you for small payments, it is better to keep the fixed capital
on a bank card.
3. Never disclose your credit card PIN to anyone, including people claiming to be from your
bank or the police, and NEVER send it over the Internet.
4. Take no more cash on the road than you need for the trip.
5. If you have to quickly block a stolen card, report your payment card details only via a secure
connection and never by email.
C Discuss the following questions in pairs or groups.
Have you ever bought anything on the Internet?
If so, why did you decide to buy it on the Internet instead of in person? Would you do so again?
If not, why not? Would you consider buying anything on the Internet?
1. I always buy computer office equipment through trusted websites. By buying online, I save
money and time.
3. Can you think of any more advice which should be added to the'Online shopping guidelines'?
3. Create a separate card or wallet for online purchases. The same principle applies to a payment
card — if suddenly information about it is stolen, it will not be so offensive. Top it up with small
amounts before shopping. Be sure to connect an SMS bank to monitor the safety of money.