Загрузил babakmargarita

Контрольная работа по английскому языку

Контрольная работа №1
Chemical Industry in Russia
Russia takes one of the leading places in the world for such natural resources
as coal, gas, oil, iron, nonferrous, and rare metals.
On the basis of these resources and great achievements of chemistry,
chemical industry is highly developed in Russia.
The most important discoveries in modern chemistry were made by Russian
scientists – N. Kurnakov, N. Zelinsky, A. Favorsky – these discoveries made
possible to invent new materials, such as polymers with valuable properties, extra
light and solid metals, and also many new synthetic compounds.
Many industrial plants have been constructed all over the country to produce
materials of new generation.
New industries are closely connected with these inventions: space-rocket
construction, machinery, electronics, and microbiology.
Natural resources are greatly used for production of consumer goods. But
these resources are limited. Artificial materials must substitute natural ones. There
are many plants producing synthetic fibers, polymers, resins. Powerful production
complexes were built in the Urals, Siberia, the Russian Far East. The production of
these plants is being greatly used in many branches of industry.
It is important to understand the role of chemical researches in technological
1. Лексические задания
1.1.Переведите следующие слова и словосочетания, запишите перевод.
coal - уголь
2. oil - масло
3. rare metal – редкий металл
4. nonferrous – цветной металл
5. discovery - открытие
6. valuable property – ценное имущество
7. solid metals – твердые металлы
8. compound - соединение
9. artificial – искусственный
10. space-rocket construction - ракетно-космическое конструирование/
11.Microbiology - микробиология
12.natural resources – природные ресурсы
13. research - исследование
1.2. Выпишите и переведите предложения из текста (Chemical
Industry in Russia) со словами и словосочетаниями из задания 1.1.
 Russia takes one of the leading places in the world for such natural
resources as coal, gas, oil, iron, nonferrous, and rare metals.
Россия занимает одно из ведущих мест в мире по таким
природным ресурсам, как уголь, газ, нефть, железо, цветные и
редкие металлы
 The most important discoveries in modern chemistry were made by
Russian scientists – N. Kurnakov, N. Zelinsky, A. Favorsky – these
discoveries made possible to invent new materials, such as polymers
with valuable properties, extra light and solid metals, and also many
new synthetic compounds.
Важнейшие открытия в современной химии были сделаны
российскими учеными – Н. Курнаковым, Н.Зелинским, А.Фаворским –
эти открытия позволили изобрести новые материалы, такие как
полимеры с ценными свойствами, сверхлегкие и твердые металлы, а
также много новых синтетических соединений
 New industries are closely connected with these inventions: spacerocket construction, machinery, electronics, and microbiology.
Новые отрасли промышленности тесно связаны с этими
изобретениями: ракетно-космическое строительство,
машиностроение, электроника и микробиология.
 Natural resources are greatly used for production of consumer goods.
But these resources are limited.
Природные ресурсы существенно используются для
производства потребительских товаров. Но эти ресурсы ограничены
 Artificial materials must substitute natural ones. There are many
plants producing synthetic fibers, polymers, resins.
Искусственные материалы должны заменять натуральные.
синтетические волокна, полимеры, смолы
 It is important to understand the role of chemical researches in
technological process.
Важно понимать роль химических исследований в технологическом
1.3. Образуйте прилагательные от данных существительных.
Nature - natural
Chemistry - chemical
Industry - industrial
Scientist - scientific
Microbiology - microbiological
Production - productive
Art - artistic
Power - powerful
Technology – technological
1.4. Образуйте существительные от следующих глаголов.
To achieve - achievement
to develop - development
to invent - invention
to use - usage
to produce - production
to research - research
to lead – leading/ leader
to substitute - substitute
2. Грамматические задания
2.1. Распределите данные прилагательные и наречия по способу
образования степеней сравнения, запишите образованные формы.
Many - more - the most
great – greater - the greatest
important - more important - the most important
closely- more closely - the most closely
new - newer – the newest
possible - more possible - the most possible
bad – worse – the worst
valuable - more valuable - the most valuable
powerful - more powerful - the most powerful
little – less – the least
high - higher - the highest
greatly - more greatly - the most greatly
young - younger - the youngest
2.2. Измените предложение, указанное ниже, в отрицательную
форму, задайте все виды вопросов;
измените предложение в видовременные формы Past Simple, Future
Simple (в качестве образца см. задания 2.2.-2.3. к тексту №1 для
самостоятельной работы (What Chemistry is (part I)).
There are many chemical plants in Russia producing synthetic compounds.
There aren’t many chemical plants in Russia producing synthetic compounds.
Are there many chemical plants in Russia producing synthetic compounds?
How many chemical plants are there in Russia producing synthetic compounds?
Where are there chemical plants producing synthetic compounds?
There are many chemical plants in Russia producing synthetic compounds, aren’t
There aren’t many chemical plants in Russia producing synthetic compounds, are
Past Simple:
There were many chemical plants in Russia producing synthetic compounds.
There were not many chemical plants in Russia producing synthetic compounds.
Were there many chemical plants in Russia producing synthetic compounds?
Future Simple:
There will be many chemical plants in Russia producing synthetic compounds.
There will not be many chemical plants in Russia producing synthetic compounds.
Will there be many chemical plants in Russia producing synthetic compounds?
2.3. Измените данное предложение по видовременным формам
группы Simple.
It is necessary to take care of ecological safety during technological
processes at the chemical plants.
It was necessary to take care of ecological safety during technological
processes at the chemical plants.
It will be necessary to take care of ecological safety during technological
processes at the chemical plants.
2.4. Сделайте данное предложение отрицательным, задайте все
виды вопросов (в качестве образца см. задание 2.4. к тексту №1 для
самостоятельной работы (What Chemistry is (part I)).
Chemists invent new synthetic materials with valuable properties.
Chemists don't invent new synthetic materials with valuable properties.
General Question: Do chemists invent new synthetic materials with valuable
Special Question: What chemists invent with valuable properties?
Special Question to the Subject: Who invents new synthetic materials with
valuable properties?
Alternative Question: Do chemists invent new synthetic materials with valuable
properties or beautiful design?
Disjunctive Question: Chemists invent new synthetic materials with valuable
properties, don't they?
2.5. Сделайте данное предложение отрицательным, задайте все
виды вопросов (в качестве образца см. задание 2.5. к тексту №1 для
самостоятельной работы (What Chemistry is (part I)).
Russian scientist made many new materials on the basis of natural resources.
Russian scientist didn’t make many new materials on the basis of natural
General Question: Did Russian scientist make many new materials on the basis of
natural resources ?
Special Question: What did Russian scientist make?
Special Question to the Subject: Who made many new materials on the basis of
natural resources ?
Alternative Question: Did Russian or French scientist make many new materials
on the basis of natural resources ?
Disjunctive Question: Russian scientist made many new materials on the basis of
natural resources, didn’t he?
2.6. Сделайте данное предложение отрицательным, задайте все
виды вопросов (в качестве образца см. задание 2.6. к тексту №1 для
самостоятельной работы (What Chemistry is (part I)).
New technologies are connected with the inventions in chemistry.
New technologies aren’t connected with the inventions in chemistry.
Are new technologies connected with the inventions in chemistry?
How new technologies connected with the inventions in chemistry?
Are new technologies connected with the inventions in chemistry or natural
New technologies are connected with the inventions in chemistry, aren’t they?