Загрузил Абдул-Рахим Джабраилов

Английский язык

North American country
of origin
Population of
the country
The population of Canada has risen from 11,5
million in 1941 to 25 million in 1980. Most of the
new-comers are from Europe, Asia and the USA,
so that today less than 44% of Canada’s
population is of British origin. Quebec Province is
still 90% French. There are some groups of
French Canadians in Ontario and Manitoba, but
the numbers are quite small.
Canada's geography is wide and varied.
Occupying the northern part of the North
American continent (about 40%), in terms of
area, Canada is the second country in the
world after Russia.
We list the main attractions of Canada:
1. Parliament building of Canada
2. Niagara Falls (Niagara Falls,
3. Oratory of St. Joseph
Resources of
the country
Due to its large territory, different
climatic zones and types of relief,
Canada has a lot of various natural
resources. Perhaps, in this area, she can
be called one of the world leaders.
Of Canada
Canada has a highly developed manufacturing
industry, while occupying a leading position in
the world in the extraction and production of
many types of raw materials - nickel, uranium,
asbestos, aluminum
Historical facts
1. Canada is the second largest state in the world after Russia.
2. The border between the United States and Canada is the longest in the world.
3. Canada is formally ruled by British Queen Elizabeth II. As, by the way, and
4. The name "Canada" translated from the dialect of the Iroquois Indians means
"land", "edge" or "village".
5. Canada's northernmost settlement on Earth is a military base off the northern
coast of Ellesmere Island.
6. Canada has more lakes than any other state.