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Tender Guideline and Further steps 2021- Finland (Alko)

Instructions for the tender form and authorization form- ALKO (Finland)
To go on and submit an offer to ALKO please follow below instructions:
1. Fill out the tender form attached. Please note it needs to be completely filled out in a manner that
we are able to put together a competitive offer to the monopoly. Please write the tender reference
number on the form.
2. Fill out the Authorization form attached. Please make sure to state your VAT tax number in
section 1. once ALKO ask for register number (Only for European producers). Both Section 2., 3. and
4. in the form we have already filled out so you can leave it as it is. Please complete section 1., 5. and
6. Make sure to sign the form manually, scan it and then send it back to us. (Notice that without
signature and clarification the form is not completed). Also explained in attachment.
3. Send the Tender form and Authorization form back to us in one single email to
akshat.rekhi@concealedwines.com. Please mention ALKO and the tender reference number in the
Subject line of the email.
Example of Authorization form is attached to the email.
Guide for Tender Process- Finland (ALKO)
We at Concealed Wines, always try to give our producers and partners the right information and
support. This is not only helpful to enter the market but also helps to get the perfect results.
Therefore, on this file, you will find information about the tender process and the related
1. Written Proposal
2. Sample Request
3. Tasting
4. Result
5. Winner Result
➢ After the plan has been announced, the first stage is the written proposal. The tenders are
updated on our website for each key market. If the tender requirements meet all the product
specifications, the producer can apply for the tender. This stage requires a form and authorization
form to be filled out by the producer. The deadline for the written proposal is mentioned in the
tender requirements.
➢ Read the tender specification on our website very carefully (current tender). Make sure what you
intend to propose corresponds to what our client is asking for. All the criteria are important although
some criteria could be discussed, for instance, the price point. You can write us if you have any
questions. When you do contact us with questions, please refer to the reference number of the
tender in your email.
➢ To submit an offer for you have two options: You can either fill out a tender form online directly
on our website. This form will then be sent to us. Or you can choose to fill out the form sent by us via
email. Once we have received your filled out tender form our purchase team will be in charge of
going through your form to make sure all the information is completed and correct. In case there is
any crucial information missing in your tender form we will make sure to reach out and ask for any
complementary information needed in order to submit your offer.
Please keep in mind the following information when filling out your tender form:
• All the compulsory information must be filled out.
• A copy of the organic certificate must be provided for organic products.
• The product must be described, and additional awards must be mentioned on the form.
• In general, try to fill out as much information in the form as possible.
• The authorization form needs to be filled out, signed. The instructions are provided in the email.
• Once we have made sure that we have all the necessary information, we will move ahead and
prepare the final official offer and submit it to the monopoly.
• The written offer we submit to the monopoly is always binding. It is important that you can supply
according to what is stated in the written offer in case your beer is selected to be launched at the
monopoly stores.
• Should any information change during the tender process, before the tasting has taken place,
please inform us immediately to discuss whether to cancel the offer or not.
• The price stated in the tender form should be fixed for the first 12 months from date of launch,
since we can’t change the price until after 12 months. After that we can discuss changes of price,
even though it shouldn’t be increased to a large extent since it’s important to keep the consumer
price stable.
➢ After the written offer has been submitted and accepted by the monopoly, the second stage is
the Sample Request.
➢ As soon as your written offer has been accepted by the monopoly, we will receive a sample
request for the blind tasting with a bar code.
➢ At this stage we will be contacting you with a detailed email where we send you the address of
ALKO as well as the bar code. The date to submit your samples is always indicated in the email as
well as the number of bottles that need to be submitted and to where they should be sent. This
varies depending on the product type.
➢ It is important to stick these barcodes on the bottles. Without barcodes the samples cannot be
➢ We ask the producer to send the tracking number at this stage.
➢ Once the samples have arrived ALKO and we receive a confirmation, we send you an email
informing you that the samples have been registered for the tasting.
➢ The samples must be corresponding to the written offer, if they do not correspond the samples
will not be registered for the tasting.
➢ All ALKO general selection products are chosen by sensory evaluation. The sensory
evaluation is done by a jury of experts. Firstly, the aim is to find the best product from those
offered for each search that best matches established customer needs. Secondly, the aim is to
ensure product safety and compliance with the law.
➢ During the first stage of the evaluation products are evaluated purely on the taste during a
blind tasting. Then based on the specific tender other factors that are taken into account are the
Product appearance
Ethical certificate
Producer accreditation / brand recognition
➢ Finally before the final purchase decision is made the product is analyzed at an ALKO
controlled laboratory in order to ensure legal compliance and quality as well as providing
additional information for customer communication and taste profiles
➢ This stage takes approx. 4-6 weeks from the sample deadline.
RESULT ➢ Once the result is announced, we send you the result as well as the number of participants for the
➢ If you do not win the tasting, we inform you immediately and then you do not need to reserve the
volume for the tender.
➢ If you win the tasting, there is a second round of sample evaluation, one of our team members
will guide you further till the time the product is launched in the market.
➢ After a few weeks we receive the name of the winning product and the winner.
➢ We send you the details to let you know the final result of the competition.
For any questions, please contact Akshat Rekhi on- akshat.rekhi@concealedwines.com
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------PRIVILEGED & CONFIDENTIAL This document may contain confidential and privileged material for the sole use of the intended recipient(s).
Any review, use, distribution or disclosure by others is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient (or authorized to receive for
the recipient), please contact the sender by email and delete all copies of this file. If you do not want to receive emails from me as a
sender please reply back to this email and let me know.
Please note that this is a binding offer, consequently, once you have submitted your written offer you are bound to deliver
the available volume indicated above at the agreed price. You can always choose to withdraw your offer up until the final
If you wish to withdraw your offer throughout the tender process, please let us know in writing. In addition to this please
note that the samples you supply must be of the same product you have offered in the written offer as well as the same as
the product you would sell in case your product is selected in the tasting at the monopoly.
The respective monopoly will perform a very strict quality control, both sensory as chemical analysis, to make sure the
product is the same, so any difference between samples and product that is launched will lead to a cancellation of the launch.
By filling and submitting this document, the Producer agrees the above-mentioned data is correct. In case of any disputes or
not respecting the terms, measures will be taken under the Swedish Law in Swedish Court, Stockholms tingsrätt.
Please note by submitting the above form “Tender Form – Concealed Wine” to Concealed Wines AB, the above mentioned
producer irrevocably undertakes to deliver product of such type, quantity and quality and to such price as stated herein to
Concealed Wines AB and to exclusively offer and launch the above described product at the respective monopoly with the
terms and conditions given to the producer “General conditions tender and purchase” .