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Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs Book

"ffi,foJenny Dooley
& ChrisBoles'
It'sw(nter,ond (t'ssnowlhg,o long long time ogo.
The Queen [s ln her gorden,look(ngof the snow.
"l wont to p(ck some flowers.Oh, looklA pretty budl
Oh, nol My ltttle f(ngerlAnd look!A drop of blood!"
"l wont o ltttle boby with sk(nos white os snow;
w(th long block ho(r,red l(pslike blood - | hope (t con be sol"
And so o few monthsloter,her secretw(shcomes true.
"You'resucho pretty boby! Snow Wh(te'sthe nome for youl"
But only two weeksofter, the Queengets s(ckond d(es.
The Ktng(s very lonelyond every doy he crles.
'My boby needso mother,so th(s(s my new wife."
'She'sbeoutlful,but ev(l.,.'"..,ond hoso secretllfel"
For s(xteenyeorsshe'shopPy- the mtrrorscysthe some.
But then onc doy the m(rrorglvesher onother nome'
.M[rror,m(rrot,on thl woll, who'sthe prett(estone of oll?'
'l cdnnot
'Whot cre you soy(ng,mlrror?Snow Wh(te?lThot connot bel
I know the g{rl ls pretty, but prettler thon me?'
The ev(l Queen (s ongry, She colls one of the guords.
'Toke Snow Whtte to the forest ond br(ng me bock her heortl'
Chorus: The Ev(lQueen!
The Ev(lQueen!
She (s so bodl
She (s so meonl
Oh, poor SnowWh(tel
Oh, poor SnowWhtte!
Where con you run?
Where con you htde?
Repeat chorus
The guord (s sod.
He wonts to cry.
He doesn't wont
Snow Whtte to d(e!
Repeat chorus
"Whyhove you got on orrow?""TheQueenwonts you to d(e!"
'Oh pleose, sir,pleose don't kill me!" "My deor Pr(ncess,
don't cry.
I know the Queen (s evil, so run ond don't come bock!"
And so he tokes o deer's heort ond puts (t in h(s sock,
tc l eve r
T he guor d i s v er y c l ev er l H i s pl on [s v er y s r n<lI r
hope m y Queen ( s hoppy ." 'oh, y es ! Gi v e m e the hec r lrl "
Bu t Snow w h( te's i n the for es t. " l 'm c ol d ond ol l ok >nc"
she w ol k s ond w ol k s for hour s ond f( ndso l ( 1ttehor r r .
Chorus: The home of the sevendworfs so smoll(n every woyl
The home of the sevendworfs o lovely ploce to stol
Whot o lovely l(ttle house!
And everythlng'sso smoll!
Thy chc(rsond tiny beds there'snothhg b(g of oll!
Repeat chorus
Whot o lovely l(ttle housel
But no one [s lnsidel
The dworfs work hord oll doy long
ond come bock home of night.
Repxt chorus
so smolll
"Th[shouse(s very t(ny ond everythtng's
But where (s everybody?There'sno one here at oll!'
SnowWh(te(s very sleepy.Sheneedso l(ttle rest.
"l need o bed to sleepon. Ah yes!Thtsts the bestl"
The sevendworfs come home now ond then they ftnd Snow Wh(te'
"Th(sg(rl [s very prettyl" "Why [s she here ton(ght?"
"oh, look of cll her r(bbonsl""And whot o pretty dressl"
"Shemust be o pr[ncessl"
"Her sktn(s white llke snowflokesl"
'l th(nkshe'swok(ng up now." "You'rewelcome here, my deor!'
'Pleosetell us where you come from.""And tell us why you're herel'
"My fother's w(fe (s ev(|,""Who is she?""She'sthe Queenl
And now she wcnts to k(llme.""Oh, no! Thot'svery meon!"
'Don't worry!You ccn h(de here.TheQueen(s for owoy!"
'Oh, thonkyou! I'm so hcppy! | don't know what to soyl"
"Butprom(seto be coreful!''Andstcy (ns(de,my dedr."
"Don'tever talk to strcngers!"Don'tever let them nedr!"
But then o few months loter, the Queen gets o surprlse.
"She'stolking to the mirror.""lt never tells her liesl"
"Mirror,mlrror,on the woll, who's the prett(estone of oll?"
"l connot lfe, so I must soy Snow White'sthe prettiest todoyl"
- "Butshe (s deodrThot connot ber Shecon,t be prettier thon mer"
"over the htllsond for owcry,she liveswith
The Queen (s very qngry."Justwo(t ond see,
snow wh(ter"
She polntl her foce ond puts on rogs ond wolks (nto
the n{ght.
She finds the house next morning."Who'sknockingon the door?"
"Pleosebuy some of my opples.You see, I'm very poor!"
ffi'J"',iliH J::i::;"
'All r(ghtthen, let me try one.'"Pleosetoke thts red one here."
'You'rer(ght!lt looksso tosty!'"Thentoke o b(te, my deor!'
But when she b(testhe cpple, she follsdown on the floor.
'Theopple'sfull of polson!Now SnowWh(te'sdeod, I'm surel'
ThBdururfcdre comlng home now. They see the evll Queen.
'lc ftEt the Sueen I see there?''She looksso very meonl'
"She'srunntngto the forest!""Come on, let's go there, tool'
'She'sfollingtn the r(ver!""Now,thct's the end of youl'
Theyoll go home together.'Snow Wh(te,we're home,my deorl'
"oh, nol Lookover herel'
ldhere (s our ltttle Prtncess?"
"l thlnkSnowWhtte(sdeodl'
'Our Prlncess
o pretty golden bed.
And then they moke the(r Pr[ncess
Oh,deor SnowWh(te,
you ore not deod (t'si.rston evil spell!
Yourone true love
con woke you up
ond then oll will be well!
A l'rcndsome
[s on h(swoy he'son o b(g wh{tehorse.
w(llwoke you up
ond breokthe spell,of coursel
The seven dwcrfs ore sod now. They stond oround the bed.
'She looks so very pretty."l cdn't bel(eve she'sdeodl'
They etoy out tn the forest ond wotch her doy ond n(ght.
And cvery stngle mlnute, they cry tor the(r Snow Whlte.
One doy o prlnce comes r(d(ng,He'son o b(g wh(te horse
He'svery toll ond hondsome,ond strong,ond k(nd,of coursel
"lt soys here she'so pr(ncess...but why (s she l(ke th(s?
She looksso very prettyl" He glves Snow Whtte o klss.
"Lookot thot m onl W ho ts he?" " H e'sk ts s i ngour Snow W fr i tel "
'But lookl H er ey es or e openl " " l thi nk thot s he'sc r l lr i ohl l "
"\,/f 1rr r ltr ,
lr rW
Vo{ r ?"" l 'm Pr l nc e H enr y " " W hot dr e y or ] dotno fr c r c '/"
W lr l l r ', I thi nk l l r >v c tVor : Pl c :r l s t,r r x l tr Vr r ) ( ',r r ) Vtl c r l r l "
t,l fl
( {_.
"l' ll mor r y y ou, Pr ( nc eH enr y l "" Snow W hl te, don't gr :,.1,^" .,r ,
"But you c on ol l c om e w ( th us l "" Lel 's c el ebr c tei i l i r r i r ,
Sr r ow W h( te goe s w i th Pr ( nc eH enr y ond tok es her s ev en fr i r ..rr'r' ,
N ow ev er y body 's hoppy ond s o, thi s r s thc I t']{r L
l/ 'r
Nevertolk to strongers,
no rryrtter wlut you dol
They'renot your friends!
You don't know theml
They con be meon to youl
Don'ttoke thingstrom strongers!
No opples,cokesor sweets!
You mustsoy "No'
ond wolk owol
Youdont need ony treots!
Never go with strongersl
You must soy'No, no, no1
They rney look n(ce,
they rrny look khd donT go wtth them! DonTgo!