Тема 6 Body language

Тема 6. Body Language
Body language is a broad term for forms of communication using body movements or
gestures instead of, or in addition to, sounds, verbal language, or other forms of communication.
It forms part of the category of paralanguage, which describes all forms of human
communication that are not verbal language.
Paralanguage, including body language, has been extensively studied in social
psychology. In everyday speech and popular psychology, the term is most often applied to body
language that is considered involuntary, even though the distinction between voluntary and
involuntary body language is often controversial. For example, a smile may be produced either
consciously or unconsciously.
Voluntary body language refers to movement, gestures and poses intentionally made by
a person (i.e., conscious smiling, hand movements and imitation). It can apply to many types of
soundless communication. Generally, movement made with full or partial intention and an
understanding of what it communicates can be considered voluntary.
Involuntary body language quite often takes the form of facial expression, and has
therefore been suggested as a means to identify the emotions of a person with whom one is
The relation of body language to animal communication has often been discussed.
Human paralanguage may represent a continuation of forms of communication that our nonlinguistic ancestors already used, or it may be that it has been changed by co-existing with
language. Body language is a product of both genetic and environmental influences. Blind
children will smile and laugh even though they have never seen a smile. Iraneus Eibl-Eibesfeldt
claimed that a number of basic elements of body language were universal across cultures and
must therefore be fixed action patterns under instinctive control.
Some forms of human body language show continuities with communicative gestures of
other apes, though often with changes in meaning. More refined gestures, which vary between
cultures (for example the gestures to indicate «yes» and «no»), must be learned or modified
through learning, usually by unconscious observation of the environment.
Body language is important in one-on-one communications, and may be even more
important in group communications. In group situations, often only one person at a time is
speaking, while non-verbal communication is coming from each individual in the group. The
larger the group, the more impact body language may have.
1. Составьте словарь по теме.
2. Составьте 10 вопросов по содержанию текста. Будьте готовы ответить на
вопросы однокурсников.
3. Грамматика: инфинитив.
Инфинитив - это базовая, неличная форма глагола. Признаком инфинитива в
английскомя языке является частица to, например: (to) go, (to) be, (to) ask, (to) fight,
(to) understand, (to) walk.
Английский инфинитив сочетает в себе признаки глагола и в некоторой степени
существительного. Последнее выражается в том, что инфинитив может выступать в
предложении в качестве подлежащего, дополнения, предикатива, определения,
обстоятельства и некоторых других.
To learn is important. Учение важно. (Инфинитив выполняет функцию подлежащего.)
The most important thing is to learn. Самое важное это учиться. (Инфинитив выполняет
функцию предикатива.)
He wants to learn. Он хочет учиться. (Инфинитив выполняет функцию дополнения.)
Отрицательные формы инфинитива образуются путем добавления отрицательной
частицы not до инфинитива.
I decided to invite them. – I decided not to invite them. Я решил их пригласить. – Я решил
их не приглашать.
Passive Infinitive
Способ образования: (to) be + причастие прошедшего времени
Примеры: (to) be given, (to) be seen, (to) be loved, и т.п.
Passive Infinitive имеет то же значение, что и обычные глаголы в Passive Voice.
Everybody wants to be loved. Все хотят, чтобы их любили.
There is a lot of work to be done. Нужно выполнить много работы.
She ought to be told about it. Ей следует об этом сказать.
Использование инфинитива без частицы to
Обычно инфинитив в английском языке используется с частицей to. Но в некоторых
случаях инфинитив употребляется без частицы to. Такие случаи рассмотрены ниже.
1. После модальных глаголов:
We can manage it. Мы с этим справимся.
We must get someone to paint the roof. Нужно попросить кого-нибудь покрасить нам
You may go now. Можете идти.
2. После модальных конструкций (would rather, had better):
You had better consult a doctor. Вам лучше сходить к врачу.
I would rather go alone. Я бы предпочел пойти один.
3. С глаголом let в значении "позволять" или побудительных предложениях:
Let him go. Отпусти его.
Let me help you with the translation. Позволь помочь тебе с переводом.
4. В сочетаниях с глаголами восприятия to see, to hear, to watch и др., если они не стоят
в страдательном залоге:
I saw her light the lamp. Я увидел, как она зажгла лампу.
We heard her sing a song. Мы услышали, как она поет песню.
We watched them play. Мы наблюдали за тем, как они играют.
5. После глагола make в значении "заставлять", если он не стоит в страдательном залоге:
They made me wait. Они заставили меня ждать.
He made me come. Он заставил меня придти.
6. После глагола help допускается опускать частицу to:
She helped the child (to) lift the box. Она помогла ребенку поднять ящик.
Если в случаях 5-7 используется страдательный залог, то частица to обязательна:
She was heard to sing a song. Слышали, как она пела песню.
She was made to pay back the money. Ее заставили выплатить деньги.
He was helped to lift the box. Ему помогли поднять ящик.
7. После why и why not в вопросе:
Why pay more at other shops? We have the lowest prices. Зачем платить больше в других
магазинах? У нас самые низкие цены.
Why not make it up with him? Почему бы не извиниться перед ним?
The Infinitive Exercises
Exercise 1. Match two parts of the sentences.
1) She goes swimming
a) Why not go to the country?
2) They have to stay in. They can't afford
b) to shout at Ann?
3) Are you fit enough
c) to have a holiday.
4) To spend too much money
d) to ask for help.
5) To err is human,
e) to post it?
6) Don't hesitate to phone
f) to see how she is.
7) The weather is fine.
g) to try and keep her weight down.
8) The letter is urgent, Could you remind me
h) if you need help.
9) I am sure, she is OK. We could telephone
i) would be foolish.
10) Who allowed you
j) to take part in the competition?
11) She is too proud
k) to forgive – divine.
12) Ann is tired. She is eager
l) to go out very much.
Exercise 2. Open the brackets and choose the Infinitive in the Active or Passive
1. They are glad (invite/be invited) to the party. 2. I don't like (interrupt/be interrupted). 3. He
will be happy (see/be seen) you. 4. I was glad (meet/be met) at the station. 5. Children like
(tell/be told) tales and always (listen/be listened) to them with interest. 6. I did not think
(interrupt/be interrupted) you. 7. He is glad (send/be sent) abroad. 8. He likes (ask/be asked) his
professor questions. 9. He does not like (ask/be asked) questions because he does not know
how to answer them. 10. Be careful with him. He is a very resentful person. He can't bear
(joke/be joked at). 11. He does not like (laugh/be laughed) at other people. 12. Look, a ship can
(see/be seen) in the distance. Can you (see/be seen) it?
Exercise 3. Change the sentences according to the examples.
A. Example: It is simple to solve this problem. – This problem is simple to solve.
It is difficult to speak to such people. – Such people are difficult to speak to.
1. It is expensive to buy a mink coat. 2. It is impossible to get a good dinner in our
canteen. 3. It was difficult to start an engine in such cold weather. 4. It is dangerous to stand on
this ladder. 5. It is rather difficult to deal with stubborn people. 6. It is dangerous to drive a car in
big cities. 7. It is interesting to meet new people.
B. Example: He came to the party the last. — He was the last to come to the party.
1. He is the only one among us who gave up smoking. 2. I was the next who spoke on
the topic. 3. He was the first who raised this question. 4. She was the second who got an
excellent mark. 5. Paul was the last who greeted me. 6. She is the first who was fired. 7. He
was the only one who jumped with a parachute. 8. I am the next who will be interviewed.
C. Example: It was the best time when she could find them at home. – It was the best
time for her to find them at home.
1. Here is a simple English book that you can read. 2. The first thing they must do when
they arrive is to phone home. 3. This is a problem you should solve by yourself. 4. There is
nothing that we can add. 5. These are children you can play with. 6. It is not a question you may
laugh at. 7. There is nothing that we can do now. 8. These are nice flowers you can buy.
D. 1. It was unpleasant to watch their quarrel. 2. It is always funny to listen to him 3. It
was a little town where they could live a quiet life. 4. I was the first who noticed the mistake. 5.
His horse came in the race the last. 6. She was the first among us who recognized them. 7. It is
simple to communicate with people due to Internet. 8. It is quite natural that they will get
married. 9. He was the only one who could speak Japanese.
Exercise 4. Fill in the blanks with the particle to where necessary.
1. I'd rather _ listen to the radio than _ see this soap opera on TV. – As for me, I prefer _
watch TV. You'd better _ take a radio and _ go for a walk. 2. I am cold. I'd like _ sit near the
fireplace. 3. She'd prefer _ fly rather than _ go by train. The plane saves time. 4. Let him _ do it
as he likes. 5. You'd better _ take an aspirin. You look bad. 6. He preferred _ put on a brown
suit. 7. She prefers _ not _ wear high-heeled shoes. 8. Need he _ come there? 9. You'd better _
buy a mobile telephone, it's more convenient. 10. I'd prefer _ go there in July. 11. I'd sooner _
not _ go to the country tomorrow. 12. The weather leaves much _ be desired. 13. I want _ get
thinner so I'd rather _ walk than _ go by car. 14. We should _ hurry up if we don’t want _ to miss
the train.
4. Составьте предложения с инфинитивом по содержанию текста Body Language.