Загрузил Shin Yooah


29. Неличные формы глагола.
Неличные формы глагола обозначают действие или состояние безотносительно лица, к которому
она относится. То есть, все «обычные» глаголы могут меняться в зависимости от лица
подлежащего. Например, окончание S в Present Simple после he, she, it; разные вспомогательные
глаголы перед глаголами действия, в зависимости о т лица. Неличные же формы могут изменяться,
но только НЕ В СВЯЗИ с изменением лица Ме.
К Неличным формам глагола относят Инфинитив (Infinitive), Причастие (Participle) и Герундий
Забегая вперед, предупреждаю частое недопонимание, когда Инфинитив понимают как начальную
форму в русском, Participle как причастия в русском, а Герундий как существительные в русском.
Такие ассоциации уместны, но понятия каждой из неличных форм в английском гораздо шире.
Perfect Continuous
to write
to be writing
to have written
to have been writing
to be written
to have been written
Participle I
having written
being written
having been written6
Participle II
having written
being written
having been written
Логика выбора того или иного вида неличной формы одинакова для Инфинитива, Причастия и
Мы с Тамарой ходим парой. Рядом с неличной формой глагола всегда стоит личная. Выбор вида
неличной формы зависит НЕ от самого действия в неличной форме глагола, А ОТ
взаимоотношений действий в личной и неличной формах во времени.
30. Infinitive.
Perfect Continuous
to write (I)
to be writing (I ing)
to have written (III)
to have been writing (I ing)
to be written (III)
to have been written (III)
Inf (НФ)
Inf (НФ)
Inf (НФ)
Perfect Continuous
Inf (НФ)
Важны временные рамки и процессность, крайне редкий вид
Инфинитив используется БЕЗ частицы TO:
После некоторых модальных глаголов.
В Complex Object после глаголов чувственного и физического восприятия.
После глагола make – в значении заставить, let – позволить.
В выражениях you should better…, I had rather… .
Инфинитив может быть подлежащим в предложении.
Инфинитив очень часто обозначает цель. Поэтому при трудности понимания фразы с инфинитивом
следует постараться «притянуть за уши» значение цели, обычно после этого смысл фразы
Ex. 24.:
* Translate into Russian underlining the Infinitive and determining its’ type.
1. It was impossible not to invite them.
2. The next thing to be done is to ring her up.
3. I am glad to see you.
4. I am glad to have seen you.
5. I am glad to be seeing you.
6. All the love in her awoke never to sleep again.
7. He stopped as if to find the way to formulate his idea.
8. It was too hot to go out to the town
9. He was one of the first to become interested in the project.
10. The house was nice to live in.
11. To fly was the only dream of his life.
12. It is necessary to find your certificate.
13. When the car broke down, it was the last to be repaired.
14. He was a man to attract immediate sympathy.
15. He seems not to be listening for me.
16. We must do something to help them.
17. To make a good plan of work we must think it over in all details.
18. He is young enough to be her son.
19. To understand means to forgive.
20. Here is a nice book to read before going to bed.
21. He found it difficult to look straight at us.
22. It must be awful to have lost everything you had.
23. He does not like to discuss anything twice.
24. The sky was so pale as to be almost invisible.
25. It was hard to have been living on bread and water for so many days.
26. She made a gesture as if to touch him.
27. His idea was to keep money in this bank.
28. She had nowhere to go.
29. What we need is to investigate this case as soon as possible.
30. We know a good detective to investigate this case.
31. We know a good detective to be investigating this case.
32. We hope this case to have been investigated.
33. Laws were not made to be broken.
34. He stepped back so as to let me pass.
35. My colleague made me do this work.
36. Who let you open this window?
37. She came up to him smiling only to meet his angry look.
38. She leaned forward as if to impress her words on him.
39. She is a spoiled child not to be trusted.
40. His age was difficult to guess.
41. Our parents wanted us to learn English.
42. I would like him to help me.
43. I was too busy to see anyone.
44. I am sure of the contract to have been signed before Mr. Smith came.
45. They were the last to come.
46. I awoke in the morning to find my breakfast ready.
47. Her eyes were of a blue so pale as to be almost white.
48. Mrs. Anderson is a pleasant person to live with.
49. He knows English well enough to translate the letter.
50. The first thing to be done is to get money.
51. He was so weak as to be unable to work.
52. She went to America never to return home.
53. It is a chance not to be missed.
54. He opened his mouth as if to say something.
55. No one wished to be the first to enter the house.
56. We could not find the place to phone from.
57. You have nothing to reproach yourself with.
58. He is not a man to make woman happy.
59. She considered herself to be very clever.
60. I phoned you to discuss an important matter.
61. To be recognized and greeted in the streets gave her a great joy.
62. I do not expect to be scolded.
63. We came to the party in order to enjoy ourselves.
64. We parted never to see each other again.
65. There is nothing to be done with her.
66. He demanded to be taken to see the baby.
67. It was the last thing she expected to hear.
68. It is useless to discuss this question.
69. My intention is to become famous.
70. There are no objections to make.
71. Have you come to keep me company?
72. He is old enough to be your father.
73. He arrived at three o’clock to be informed that the meeting had been postponed.
74. My hope was to see the child alone.
75. This is a serious question to be put at the meeting.
76. I have not come here to quarrel with you.
77. She was not a woman to suffer in silence.
78. It was too sad to think of dancing.
79. They all were looking at me seeming to be surprised at my coming there.
80. She left music off never to go in for it again.
81. They were too much in love to part for a long time.
82. She was so foolish as to understand nothing.
83. He does nothing to make the situation better.
84. He did his best to produce some impression on Mary.
85. He was the first to offer us help.
86. She is not a girl to be produced impression so easily.
** Replace marked phrase with the Infinitive.
87. It is certain that it will rain if you do not take your umbrella.
88. Do not promise that you will do that if you are not sure that you can.
89. He was happy that he was praised by everybody.
90. He was very proud that he had helped his elder brother.
91. She was sorry that she had missed the beginning of the concert.
92. I am glad that I see all my friends here.
93. I was afraid of going past that place alone.
94. My sister will be thrilled when she is wearing a dress as lovely as that.
95. We must wait till we hear the exam results.
96. She is happy that she has found such a nice place to live in.
97. I should be delighted if I could join you.
98. He hopes that he will know everything by tomorrow.
*** Change Simple Active Infinitive if necessary.
99. I am glad (to meet) you.
100. My dream is (to return) as soon as possible.
101. The problem is (to bother) by nobody.
102. There is nothing (to see) in the street.
103. We hope our mother (to prepare) dinner now.
104. I will be very glad (to see) you tomorrow.
105. Do you know anybody (to translate) this article already?
106. I am glad (to see) you recently.
107. We know this contract (to prolong) recently.
108. It is so nice (to love) and (to love).
109. There is no time (to lose).
110. (To recognize) by everybody was not what this artist wanted.
111. This student was the first (to examine) by our professor.
112. Here is a nice game (to play) after dinner.
113. The expert found the crime (to commit) three hours before.
Text 7.
ПППП. The word persistent in the passage is closest in meaning to: * attractive ** disruptive ***constant
The search to hide natural body odors led to the discovery and use of musk. Musk is a scent used in perfumes. It is
obtained from the sex glands of the male musk deer, a small deer native to the mountainous regions of Himalayas.
The odor of musk, penetrating and persistent, is believed to act as aphrodisiac. In animals, musk serves the
functions of defining territory, providing recognition, an attracting mates.
Text 8.
ПППП. The word disruptive in the passage is closest in meaning to: *disturbing **distinctive ***brilliant
Some animals’ coloration uses bold, disruptive markings to scare predators. Other animals have color patterns that
blend with their surroundings. Such coloration serves for protection, to attract mates, or to distract enemies. Called
cryptic coloration, it uses animal’s living place, habits, and means of defense. Cryptic coloration may blend an animal
so well with its environment that it is virtually invisible.
Text 9.
Film Board.
ПППП. Find the word in the passage closes in meaning to the word acclaim.
The National Film Board of Canada was established in 1939 to produce films that reflect Canadian life and thought,
and to distribute them both domestically and abroad. By winning praise and awards from film festivals around the
world, it has earned international acclaim for the artistic and technical excellence of its work.
Text 10.
ПППП. The word tempt in the passage is closest in meaning to: *persuade **solicit ***entice ****coerce
It is a common misconception that the U.S. Congress has the constitutional power to legislate nearly anything for the
general welfare. The Constitution gives Congress many powers, but it does not give Congress the power to legislate
freely for the general welfare. In many instances, the Congress cannot force the states to abide, although it has the
power to tempt states by the offer of money. Congress may try to cause the states to do something by means of
offers of subsidies or grants, but it cannot compel them to accept the incentives.