Тематика контрольных работ, 3 семестр

I. Read the text “Helping the victim” and translate it.
The Government has emphasized the importance of victims’ interests within the
criminal justice system.
There are about 370 victim support schemes- with some 12,000 volunteer
visitors- providing practical help and emotional support to victims of crime. They
are co-ordinated by a national organization, Victim Support, which receives a
government grant. Most of the grant goes to local schemes to pay the staff salaries,
or scheme running costs Similar schemes operate in Scotland and Northern
In England and Wales the Witness Service, run by Victim Support with Home
Office funding, provides support for victims and witnesses attending the Crown
A new offence of witness intimidation was introduced by the Criminal Justice
and Public Order Act 1994 to protect victims who are also witnesses. The same
legislation provides abolition of proceedings, that victims no longer have to give
evidence and be cross-examined twice over.
The Government accepted the Royal Commission recommendations on help for
the victims, such as giving them better information about the progress of
investigations or Court proceedings. Most of them have now been implemented,
and the 50 standards of treatment set out in the Victims Charter.
In September 1994 the Government announced that reports prepared on
offenders before sentencing would include a section about the effects of the crime
on the victim.
The Criminal Injures Compensation Scheme provides compensation for
personal injury resulting from crimes of violence. In Northern Ireland there are
separate statutory arrangements for compensation for criminal injures, and for
malicious damage to property, including any resulting loss of profits.
Britain is a party of a European Convention under which mutual arrangements
for compensation apply to citizens of those countries in which the Convention is in
Give the English equivalents of the words below.
дар, стипендия, дотация
запугивание, устрашение
ранить, оскорблять
злостный ущерб
быть в силе, действовать
программа поддержки жертв преступлений
текущие расходы
ход расследования
10. внедрять
11. влияние преступления на жертву
12. злостный ущерб
13. действовать
14. потеря имущества
III. Find the synonyms from the table out. Write them out.
to attend
to set up
to ensure
to extend
to receive
to get
to provide
to establish
to visit
IV. There are true and false statements. Find false ones and correct them.
1. There are some Support Schemes with 13.000 police officers, functioning as
victims’ body-guards
2. Victim Support Scheme is financed by private business.
3. Witnesses Schemes provide support for witnesses, attending all kinds of courts.
4. In England and Wales the Witness Service is funded by Home Office.
5. The victims should give evidence and be cross-examined only onetime over.
6. The Criminal Justice Code on help for the victims of crimes provides them
with money and moral support.
7. The Criminal Injures Compensation Scheme is available only for the Irish.
8. The 50 standards of victims’ treatment are set out in the Victims’ Charter.
9. Britain is a party of a European Convention and CompensationScheme works
only for its citizen.
10. The Royal Commission accepted the Government recommendations on
Criminal Justice in 1999.
V. Translate the sentences with ing- forms, define grammar function of the words
with ing-endings.
1. There are about 370 victim support schemes- with some 12,000 volunteer
visitors, providing practical help and emotional support to victims of crime
2. Most of the grant goes to local schemes to pay the staff salaries, or scheme
running costs.
3. In England and Wales the Witness Service, run by Victim Support with Home
Office funding, provides support for victims and witnesses attending the Crown
4. The same legislation provides abolition of proceedings, that victims no longer
have to give evidence and be cross-examined twice over.
5. In September 1994 the Government announced that reports prepared on
offenders before sentencing would include a section about the effects of the
crime on the victim
6. The Criminal Injures Compensation Scheme provides compensation for personal
injury resulting from crimes of violence
VI. Translate the text into English.
Правительство Британии уделяет большое внимание программе
поддержки жертв преступлений. Существуют более 400 подобных проектов.
В рамках этих проектов многие добровольные помощники обеспечивают
практическую помощь и моральную поддержку жертвам преступлений. Их
действия координирует национальная организация, финансируемая
правительством. Большинство дотаций идет на финансирование местных
программ, для выплаты зарплаты сотрудникам, которые организуют
добровольцев или на текущие расходы.
В Англии и Уэльсе служба свидетелей поддерживается фондом МВД,
обеспечивающим помощь жертвам и свидетелям, дающим показания в
Королевском cуде. Судебное законодательство предполагает отмену
обязательных судебных заседаний, для того, чтобы жертвы преступлений не
давали свидетельских показаний или подвергались перекрестному допросу
более двух раз.
Правительство приняло рекомендации королевской комиссии по
предоставлению необходимой информации о ходе расследования или
судебного заседания жертвам преступлений. Многие из них были внесены в
Акт о жертвах преступлений.
Программа компенсации жертвам уголовных преступлений устанавливает
компенсацию при получении телесных повреждений в результате
преступления или насилия.