Иностранный язык 1 курс - Ростовский институт защиты

Частное образовательное учреждение высшего образования
«Ростовский институт защиты предпринимателя»
Ректор института
Профессор А.В. Паршин
«15» июня 2015 г.
на Педагогическом совете
колледжа права и социальной безопасности
Протокол № 10 от 15.06.15 г.
для проведения текущего контроля и промежуточной аттестации
по дисциплине
38.02.01 Экономика и бухгалтерский учет (по отраслям)
Форма проведения оценочной процедуры дифференцированный зачет
г. Ростов-на-Дону
2015 г.
Комплект оценочных средств учебной дисциплины «Иностранный язык» для
специальности среднего профессионального образования: 38.02.01 Экономика и
бухгалтерский учет (по отраслям).
Частное образовательное учреждение высшего образования «Ростовский институт
защиты предпринимателя», Колледж права и социальной безопасности.
В.К. Барашян
ОДОБРЕН: на заседании ПЦК гуманитарных и естественнонаучных дисциплин
Протокол № 11 от «9» июня 2015г.
Председатель ПЦК:
к.и.н. В.Г. Вартанян
Директор колледжа к.ю.н.С.Ю. Зайцев
© ЧОУ ВО «Ростовский институт защиты предпринимателя»
Комплект оценочных средств (КОС) предназначен для проверки результатов
освоения учебной дисциплины БД.02 Иностранный язык основной профессиональной
образовательной программы по специальности 38.02.01 Экономика и бухгалтерский учет
(по отраслям).
В результате освоения учебной дисциплины БД.02 Иностранный язык
обучающийся должен обладать предусмотренными ФГОС СПО по специальности
следующими умениями, знаниями, которые формируют профессиональную компетенцию,
и общими компетенциями:
Цели и задачи дисциплины – требования к результатам освоения дисциплины:
программа ориентирована на достижение следующих целей:
дальнейшее развитие иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции (речевой,
языковой, социокультурной, компенсаторной, учебно-познавательной):
речевая компетенция – совершенствование коммуникативных умений в четырех
основных видах речевой деятельности (говорении, аудировании, чтении и письме);
умений планировать свое речевое и неречевое поведение;
языковая компетенция – овладение новыми языковыми средствами в соответствии
с отобранными темами и сферами общения: увеличение объема используемых
лексических единиц; развитие навыков оперирования языковыми единицами в
коммуникативных целях;
социокультурная компетенция – увеличение объема знаний о социокультурной
специфике страны/стран изучаемого языка, совершенствование умений строить свое
речевое и неречевое поведение адекватно этой специфике, формирование умений
выделять общее и специфическое в культуре родной страны и страны изучаемого языка;
компенсаторная компетенция – дальнейшее развитие умений объясняться в
условиях дефицита языковых средств при получении и передаче иноязычной
учебно-познавательная компетенция – развитие общих и специальных учебных
умений, позволяющих совершенствовать учебную деятельность по овладению
иностранным языком, удовлетворять с его помощью познавательные интересы в других
областях знания;
развитие и воспитание способности и готовности к самостоятельному и
непрерывному изучению иностранного языка, дальнейшему самообразованию с его
помощью, использованию иностранного языка в других областях знаний; способности к
самооценке через наблюдение за собственной речью на родном и иностранном языках;
личностному самоопределению в отношении будущей профессии; социальная адаптация;
формирование качеств гражданина и патриота.
В результате изучения учебной дисциплины «Английский язык» обучающийся
должен знать/понимать:
– значения новых лексических единиц, связанных с тематикой данного этапа и с
соответствующими ситуациями общения;
– языковой материал: идиоматические выражения, оценочную лексику, единицы
речевого этикета, перечисленные в разделе «Языковой материал» и обслуживающие
ситуации общения в рамках изучаемых тем;
– новые значения изученных глагольных форм (видовременных, неличных),
средства и способы выражения модальности; условия, предположения, причины,
следствия, побуждения к действию;
– лингвострановедческую, страноведческую и социокультурную информацию,
расширенную за счет новой тематики и проблематики речевого общения;
– тексты, построенные на языковом материале повседневного и профессионального
общения, в том числе инструкции и нормативные документы по профессиям НПО и
специальностям СПО;
– вести диалог (диалог–расспрос, диалог–обмен мнения-ми/суждениями, диалог–
побуждение к действию, этикетный диалог и их комбинации) в ситуациях официального и
неофициального общения в бытовой, социокультурной и учебно-трудовой сферах,
используя аргументацию, эмоционально-оценочные средства;
– рассказывать, рассуждать в связи с изученной тематикой, проблематикой
прочитанных/прослушанных текстов; описывать события, излагать факты, делать
– создавать словесный социокультурный портрет своей страны и страны/стран
изучаемого языка на основе разнообразной страноведческой и культуроведческой
– понимать относительно полно (общий смысл) высказывания на изучаемом
иностранном языке в различных ситуациях общения;
– понимать основное содержание аутентичных аудио- или видеотекстов
познавательного характера на темы, предлагаемые в рамках курса, выборочно извлекать
из них необходимую информацию;
– оценивать важность/новизну информации, определять свое отношение к ней:
– читать аутентичные тексты разных стилей (публицистические, художественные,
научно-популярные и технические), используя основные виды чтения (ознакомительное,
изучающее, просмотровое/поисковое) в зависимости от коммуникативной задачи;
письменная речь
– описывать явления, события, излагать факты в письме личного и делового
– заполнять различные виды анкет, сообщать сведения о себе в форме, принятой в
стране/странах изучаемого языка;
использовать приобретенные знания и умения в практической и профессиональной
деятельности, повседневной жизни.
Контрольно-оценочные средства включают контрольные материалы для
проведения текущей и промежуточной аттестации.
дифференцированный зачет.
Студенты допускаются к зачету при наличии результатов текущей аттестации,
предусмотренных учебным планом соответствующего семестра.
2.1. В результате аттестации по учебной дисциплине осуществляется комплексная проверка следующих умений и знаний, а также
динамика формирования общих компетенций:
Показатели оценки результата
Формы и методы
Результаты обучения
контроля и оценки
(освоенные умения, усвоенные знания)
результатов обучения
У. 1 Читать и переводить тексты со словарем (без
решение ситуационных
Контрольное чтение с соблюдением норм и
словаря), излагать их содержание на
правил фонетики и интонирования;
иностранном языке
Перевод текстов разного уровня содержания со
практических заданий и
словарем/без словаря;
Пересказ текста;
Изложение содержания текста на разных
лексических уровнях
У. 2 Участвовать в беседах и обсуждениях по
решение ситуационных
 Владение монологической речью;
темам на иностранном языке
 Владение диалогической речью;
 Ведение бесед и обсуждение на иностранном языке с
практических заданий и
применением лексического минимума по тематике
У.3 Понимать зрительно и на слух устную и
решение ситуационных
Зрительное восприятие монологической и
письменную (монологическую и диалогическую)
диалогической речи;
речь на бытовые и специализированные темы
Слуховое восприятие монологической и
практических заданий и
диалогической речи;
Уровень владения речью на бытовые и
специализированные темы по специальности
У. 4 Выполнять разного рода и вида
решение ситуационных
Выполнение грамматических упражнений
грамматические упражнения по основному
разного уровня сложности;
базовому уровню владения грамматическим
результаты выполнения
Самостоятельная подготовка карточек с
материалом по специальности
практических заданий и
грамматическими заданиями;
З. 1 Основные виды словарно-справочной и
учебной литературы и правила работы с ними
З. 2 Иностранный язык в объеме, необходимом
для возможности получения информации
профессионального содержания
Свободное выполнение грамматических тестов
Активное использование словарно-справочной
литературы согласно правилам и нормам,
установленным основными техниками перевода;
Использование словарно-справочной литературы
в каждом выполняемом лексическом, грамматическом,
фонетическом заданий
Владение иностранным языком на уровне получения
информации профессионального содержания;
Активное использование лексики профессионального
Ориентированность на обращение и использование
лексического материала профессионального
специализированного содержания
Владение лексическим минимумом общего и
терминологического характера в минимальном объеме
1200-1400 лексических единиц
З. 3 Лексический минимум в объеме 1200-1400
терминологического характера
З. 4 Методика самостоятельной работы по
изучению иностранного языка
 Самостоятельность работы по изучению иностранного
Выполнение заданий сверх установленных
З. 5 Методику работы с ТСО (аудио- и
видеотехникой, мультимедиа)
Владение и активная работа со всеми средствами
ТСО, используемыми на занятиях и во внеурочное
время при подготовке самостоятельной работы
Самостоятельное творческое использование ТСО
2.2 Формы текущего контроля и промежуточной аттестации по учебной дисциплине
Элемент учебной дисциплины
Текущий контроль
Формы и методы контроля и оценки
результатов обучения
У, З, ОК
Промежуточная аттестация
У, З, ОК
Модуль 1. Основной модуль
Тема 1.1 Человек и общество
 - Межличностные
отношения (социальные и
 - Чувства, эмоции
 - Образование, обучение;
 - профессии и
 - профессиональный рост,
 - Страны, народы, история
 - Туризм, краеведение
 - Планирование времени
(рабочий день, досуг)
Тема 1.2. Общественная жизнь.
Государственное устройство
 Научно-технический
 Новости, средства
массовой информации
 Навыки общественной
жизни (повседневное
Решения тестовых заданий, ситуационных задач
практических заданий и самостоятельной работы
Контрольное чтение. Аудирование. Контрольный
Составление диалога
Сам. работа по карточкам
Монолог, диалог Карточки с грамматическими У 2; З 3; З 5;
ванный зачет
Решения тестовых заданий, ситуационных задач
практических заданий и самостоятельной работы
Контрольное чтение. Аудирование. Контрольный
У 2; З 3; З 5;
Составление диалога
Сам. работа по карточкам
Монолог, диалог Карточки с грамматическими
З 1 У 2; З 3; З 5;
профессиональные навыки Тест
и умения)
 Культурные и
национальные традиции,
краеведение, обычаи и
Модуль 2. Профессионально направленный модуль
Тема 2.1. Social English
 Функциональный язык
(выражение согласия,
несогласия; высказывание
и запрашивание мнения;
просьба о помощи,
предложение помощи)
 Правила этикета
(пунктуальность, подарки,
одежда, угощение,
общепринятые правила
поведения и темы для
разговора; запретные темы;
продолжительность визита,
прощание и уход)
 Организация сферы
обслуживания. Питание,
 Переписка
Тема 2.2. Business English
 Профессии и
Решения тестовых заданий, ситуационных задач
практических заданий и самостоятельной работы
Контрольное чтение. Аудирование. Контрольный
Составление диалога
Сам. работа по карточкам
Монолог, диалог Карточки с грамматическими
У 2; З 3; З 5;
ванный зачет
Решения тестовых заданий, ситуационных задач
выполнения У 2; З 3; З 5;
практических заданий и самостоятельной работы
У 2; З 3; З
5; З 10; З
12; У 5; З
качества, карьера,
Правовая и судебная
Корпоративное устройство
Деловая переписка
Реклама. Новости средств
массовой информации
Контрольное чтение. Аудирование. Контрольный
Составление диалога
Сам. работа по карточкам
Монолог, диалог Карточки с грамматическими
8; З 1;
Контроль и оценка результатов освоения дисциплины «Английский язык»
осуществляется преподавателем в процессе проведения:
 практических занятий,
 тестирования,
 опроса,
 анализа кейс-стади,
 дискуссий, диспутов, дебатов,
 выполнения студентами самостоятельной работы, индивидуальных заданий и т.д.
Тестирование направлено на проверку владения лексическими и грамматическими
единицами. Тестирование занимает часть учебного занятия (10-30 минут), правильность
решения разбирается на том же или следующем занятии; частота тестирования определяется
На занятиях осуществляется защита представленных рефератов (докладов, проектов),
творческих работ или выступлений студентов.
Собеседование посредством использования устного опроса на занятии позволяет
выяснить объем знаний студента по определенной теме, разделу, проблеме.
Кейс-стади - это проблемное задание, в котором обучающемуся предлагают
осмыслить реальную профессионально-ориентированную ситуацию, необходимую для
решения данной проблемы.
Продуктом самостоятельной работы студента, является реферат, представляющий
собой краткое изложение в письменном виде полученных результатов теоретического
анализа определенной научной (учебно-исследовательской) темы, где автор раскрывает суть
исследуемой проблемы, приводит различные точки зрения, а также собственные взгляды на
Подготовка студентом эссе позволяем оценить умение обучающегося письменно
излагать суть поставленной проблемы, самостоятельно проводить анализ этой проблемы с
использованием концепций и аналитического инструментария соответствующей
дисциплины, делать выводы, обобщающие авторскую позицию по поставленной проблеме.
1.Составь визитную карточку.
2.Переведи предложения с русского языка на английский язык:
- Мой дом не большой, но удобный и хорошо спланированный.
- В нашей квартире есть все удобства: электричество, газ, водопровод
центральное отопление, телефон, мусоропровод, лифт.
- В ванной комнате есть большое зеркало.
- На столе стоит лампа.
3.Напиши названия дней недели по порядку:
4.Вставьте глагол «to be» в нужной форме. Переведите предложения на русский язык:
- Where ... you from?
- How old … you?
- What … your name?
- I … glad to see you.
- What date … it today?
- What … the weather like today?
- It … cold and rainy.
5.Напишите цифрами числительные:
-the fifth
-the twenty-second
-one hundred
2 вариант
1. Составь визитную карточку.
2. Переведи предложения с русского языка на английский язык:
- В моей квартире есть спальня, кабинет, гостиная, кухня и ванная комната.
- В кабинете много книг.
- На полу в гостиной красивый ковер.
- Моя квартира находится на первом этаже.
3. Сопоставь названия месяцев и времен года. Запиши правильно:
4. Вставьте глагол «to be» в нужной форме. Переведите предложения на русский язык:
Who … on duty today?
Who … absent today?
We … students.
He … ill.
What … the temperature today?
Today … five degrees above zero.
I … glad to meet you.
It … cloudy and windy today.
5.Напишите цифрами числительные:
the second
the fifteenth
Итоговое тестирование по дисциплине «Английский язык»
для студентов 1 курса .
Выберите один правильный вариант ответа:
1. Taxis ___ red and yellow.
a) is
b) are
c) am
d) was
2. There ___ flowers in the vase.
a) is
b) was
c) are
d) am
3. His daughter ___ a computer.
a) have got
b) has got
c) haven’t got
d) have
4. The cats ___ a basket.
a) have got
b) has
c) has got
d) hasn’t got
5. Alexandria is a city and major seaport in northern Egypt, in ___ Nile River delta, on a
ridge that separates ___ Lake Maryot from ___ Mediterranean Sea.
a) the, - , the
b) - , - , the
c) the, the, d) - , the, 6. ___ British Isles are a group of islands lying off ___ north-west coast of ___ Europe.
a) The, the, the
b) The, the, c) - , the, d) The, - , the
7. We have bought very good ___ .
a) tomato
b) tomatos
c) tomatoes
d) tomatoe
8. These students are ___ .
a) sportsman
b) sportsmen
c) sportsmans
d) sportsmens
9. The ___ are in the yard.
a) geese
b) gooses
c) geeses
d) goose’s
10. His ___ are on the table.
a) knifes
b) knife’s
c) knives
d) knive
11. I have got two ___ .
a) brother-in laws
b) brothers-in- laws
c) brothers-in-law
d) brother-in-law
12. These ___ clothes are dirty.
a) girls
b) girl’s
c) girls’
d) girls’s
13. In our country Christmas is celebrated on 1/7.
a) the seventh of January
b) the seven of January
c) seven of January
d) the first of July
14. Tom earns 3 ___ dollars per month.
a) thousand
b) thousands
c) the thousands
d) the thousand
15. ___ we were in the south we swam in the sea and tanned.
a) When
b) Where
c) Since
d) Because
16. Man has played the power game ever ___ he appeared on the Earth.
a) when
b) since
c) because
d) why
17. In Russia there was another class ___ dramatic shows which were called “Vertep”.
a) from
b) about
c) out of
d) of
18. ___ their earlier form “Vertep” plays were very popular.
a) In
b) Within
c) During
d) Inside of
19. She had taken the advice, but the decision was ___ .
a) her
b) she
c) hers
d) she’s
20. I spoke to Mr. Lloyds yesterday. ___ promised to call me back.
a) She
b) They
c) He
d) Him
21. The room was empty. There was ___ .
a) somebody
b) something
c) nobody
d) anybody
22. ___ is expensive nowadays.
a) Everything
b) Nothing
c) Everybody
d) Something
23. This book is ___ (твоя) and that one ___ (моя).
a) your, my
b) yours, mine
c) your, mine
d) yours, my
24. Ann doesn’t like her friend’s dog; she thinks ___ (ее) is better.
a) hers
b) her
c) its
d) she’s
25. You only have to make ___ foreign friends to understand how absurd national
stereotypes are.
a) few
b) a little
c) little
d) a few
26. There was ___ coffee in the cup.
a) little
b) many
c) few
d) a few
27. ___ adults think of their childhood as a happy period.
a) Most
b) The most
c) A most
d) More
28. We know ___ than we want to know .
a) last
b) least
c) less
d) more little
29. It was absolutely the ___ food I have ever had.
a) worst
b) worse
c) most bad
d) baddest
30. Anne is ___ girl in our school.
a) the beautiful
b) the most beautiful
c) a more beautiful
d) beautiful
31. ___ necessary to study well.
a) It be
b) There is
c) It is
d) There are
32. She is as____as her mother.
a) beautiful
b) more beautiful
c) beautifuller
d) beautifullest
33. There ___ some butter on the plate.
a) is
b) are
c) were
d) am
34. There ___ mice in the cellar.
a) is
b) are
c) was
d) am
35. They always buy__ meat at the market.
a) a
b) c) the
d) an
36. Telephone boxes ___ brown.
a) is
b) are
c) am
d) was
37. There ___ some tea in the cup.
a) is
b) are
c) am
d) was
38. ___ Mont Blanc is ___ highest mountain of ___ Alps.
a) the, the, b) the, - , the
c) - , the, the
d) - , - , the
39. ___ Lake Baikal is ___ deepest lake in ___ world.
a) the, - , a
b) the, the, a
c) - , the, d) - , the, the
40. Three ___ are in the field.
a) deer
b) deers
c) deeres
d) deer’s
41. I met ten merry ___ , six pretty ____ and five happy ___ .
a) mans, womans, childs
b) men, women, children
c) mens, womens, childs
d) men, womans, childrens
42. Ella, put your ___ on the ___ .
a) books, shelfs
b) books, shelfes
c) books, shelves
d) books, shelfs’
43. His ___ are in the yard.
a) ox
b) oxes
c) oxen
d) oxs
44. These ___ toys are new.
a) children’s
b) childrens’
c) childs’
d) child’s
45. This ___ office is light.
a) doctors’
b) doctor’s
c) doctor
d) doctores
46. We celebrate International Women’s Day on 3/8.
a) the third of August
b) third of August
c) the eight of March
d) eighth of March
47. He wrote 225 ( ___ ) books.
a) two hundred twenty five
b) two hundreds twenty five
c) two hundred and twenty fifth
d) two hundred and twenty five
48. A river boat passed ___ the bridge.
a) under
b) above
c) by
d) along
49. The whole family was sitting ___ the dinner table.
a) about
b) round
c) beside
d) on
50. 50. I feel lonely as I’ve got ___ friends here.
a) many
b) few
c) little
d) much
Проверочная работа №1-1
1. Напишите множественное число существительных.
Man, pen, wife, money, goods, box, boy, city
2. Вставьте нужное местоимение.
1.... are at the office.
2. ... am from Germany.
3. My brother and ... are doctors.
4. ... is eighteen.
3. Задайте вопрос.
1. Her name is Mary.
2. She is a sales manager.
3. I am a student.
4. He is nineteen.
4. Употребите глагол to be в нужной форме, а во второй части предложения
употребите нужное притяжательное местоимение.
1. He (be) a student. ... name is Henry Brown.
2. I (be) a teacher and ... brother is a doctor.
3. Nick and Andrew (be) twenty. ... friends are twenty-one.
4. This girl (be) from Great Britain. ... boy-friend is from Germany.
5. Употребите притяжательный падеж.
1. my friend, car
2. his mother, dress
3. the girls, shelves
4. these men, wives
5. your classmates, bags
6. Употребите в правильной форме.
1. My (sister) are married.
2. There (be) wrong information.
3. Put these (knife) on the table.
4. He caught a lot of (fish).
5. (that) furniture is new.
6. Sheep are here. Do you want to see (they)?
Проверочная работа №1-2
1. Напишите множественное число
Woman, child, person, furniture, tooth, watch, day, book, mouse.
2. Вставьте нужное местоимение.
1. ...is a good girl.
2. Are ... your friends?
3. ... is not a table.
4. Is ... a businessman?
3. Задайте вопрос.
1. Mary is thirty-two.
2. His friend is from the USA.
3. We are sisters.
4. There are two teachers in the class.
4. Употребите глагол to be в нужной форме, а затем во второй части употребите
нужное местоимение.
1. You (be) a teacher. Is ... husband a teacher too?
2. This (be) our cat. ... name is Snowflake.
3. My sister and I (be) students. ... mother is an engineer.
4. Those (be) our classmates. ... names are Tom and Ted.
5. Употребите притяжательный падеж.
1. his sister, friend
2. her son, wife
3. the women, dress
4. the children, toys
5. the teachers, books
6. Употребите в правильной форме.
1. Her sister’s (child) are twins.
2. (this) news is very good.
3. Police arrested two (thief).
4. I have got new information. Do you want to look at (it)?
5. These books are not (my).
6. He is interested in (this) goods.
Проверочная работа №1-3
1. Напишите множественное число
Table, book, mouse, news, trousers, fruit, life, tooth, money, teacher
2. Вставьте нужное местоимение.
1. ... are at home.
2. ... am a student.
3. ... is twenty.
4. Lisa and ... are good friends.
3. Задайте вопрос.
1. Mark is sixteen.
2. His name is Mark.
3. Mark is a teacher.
4. This is his wife.
4. Употребите глагол to be в нужной форме, а затем во второй части употребите
нужное местоимение.
1. She ... my friend. ... name is Mary Water.
2. The boys ... from Russia. ... girl-friends are from the UK.
3. Oh, you ... a good writer! ... books are very popular.
4. I ... a doctor and ... husband is a businessman.
5. Употребите притяжательный падеж.
My sister, book
The boys, hats
His uncle, car
Her father, glasses
These women, dogs
6. Употребите в правильной форме.
1. This works are bad.
2. The hair are long.
3. This girl is from your group?
4. This bag is not my. It is her.
5. These students’s books are on your table.
Проверочная работа №2-1
Choose the right variant:
1. How long ... he spend in this city.
a. do b. is c. does d. –
2. There ... much snow last winter.
a. is b. are c. were d. was
3. There ... an exam next year.
a. are b. is c. was d. will be
4. ... Moscow is situated on ... Moskva river.
a. the, the b. the, a c. -, the d. the, 5. My elder brother goes to ... school.
a. the b. - c. a d. an
6. Ann usually drinks ... cup of tea in ... morning.
a. a, - , the b. the, -, - c. the, -, the d. -, a, a
7. ... William Shakespeare, ... great English playwright, was born in 1564 in Stratford-onAvon in ... England.
a. a, the, the, a b. -, a, -, - c. -, a, the, - d. -, the, the, 8. This story is ... than that one.
a. more interesting b. the most interesting c. interestinger d. so interesting
9. There ... 3 meals in England.
a. is b. are c. was d. were
10. Jane is ... girl in our group.
a. the beautiful b. the most beautiful c. more beautiful d. beautifulest
11. Every day I receive ... letters.
a. much b. many c. little
12. My friend plays ... piano well.
a. - b. a c. the d. an
13. Where is the book? It is ... the table.
a. between b. into c. over d. on
14. Do you have ... time? Help me, please.
a. much b. many c. few d. a few e. a little
15. Pskov is rich ... old history.
a. on b. in c. at d. for
16. It is ... answer which I have even heard.
a. bad b. badder c. the baddest d. the worst
e. worse f. more baddest
17. Выбери правильный вопрос.
Tom has two best friends.
a. Has Tom two best friends?
b. Does Tom has two best friends?
c. Is Tom has two best friends?
d. Does Tom have two best friends?
Проверочная работа №2-2
Choose the right variant:
1... you ... what I want?
a. you know b. do you know c. does you know d. is you know
2. ...lot of ... students go in for sport.
a. an, the b. a, - c. -, the d. -, 3. What parts ... Pskov ... of?
a. do ... consist b. does ... consist c. do ... consists d. does ... consists
4. ... there ... a flight for Moscow tomorrow?
a. is b. was c. will ... be d. is ... be
5. History of Pskov ... rich in the important events.
a. does b. is c. - d. be
6. ... Jane ... English?
a. is... speak b. does ... speak c. do ...speak d. was ... speak
7. .... your Dad ... any brothers or sisters?
a. Have ... got b. Does ... have c. Does ... has d. Is ... have
8. I met my ... friend yesterday.
a. goodest b. better c. best d. the best
9. Pskov is ... than Moscow.
a. oldest b. the oldest c. more old d. older
10. Baseball is .... sport in America.
a. the popularest b. more popular c. the most popular d. most popular
11. Thank you very .....
a. many b. much c. a lot d. few
12. I don’t have .... time but I try to help you.
a. much b. many c. a lot d. little
13. Give me ... water, please.
a. a little b. a few c. many d. a lot
14. I live ... Lenina Street.
a. on b. in c. at d. between
15. Выбери правильный вопрос.
My mother has cooked a cherry pie.
a. Does my mother cooked a cherry pie?
b. Does my mother have cooked a cherry pie?
c. Has my mother cooked a cherry pie?
d. Is my mother cooked a cherry pie?
16. Pskov is famous ... beautiful churches.
a. in b. at c. for d. –
17. ... there many lectures yesterday?
a. is b. will be c. were d. was
1. Present Simple Tense.
1) My dad….at a travel agency.
a) works b) working c) is working d) work
2) The Bible….love of money is the root of all evil.
a) say b) is saying c) said d) says
3) The concert….at 8 p.m. .
a) began b) begins c) beginning d) will begin
4) The Moon …round the Earth.
a) goes b) is going c) went d) go
5) She (not) study French.
a) is b) do c) does d) is doing
6) … your friend smoke?
a) do b) does c) is doing d) have
7) …you often visit your relatives ?
a) do b) does c) did
8) They (not) often go to the cinema.
a) do b) does c) is doing d) have been doing
Past Simple Tense
Yesterday I …my mate at the University.
a) saw b) seen c) seeing d) seed
2) They… to this place by train.
a) go b) went c) gone d) is going
3) What …you… on TV yesterday?
a) did , see b) seen ,did c) do, see d) have, seen
4) Mary…her lag this morning.
a) hurt b) hurted c)hurting d) hurts
5) How much…you…for this jacket ?
a) did, pay b) have, paid c) do, pay d) did, paid
6) We…party yesterday.
a) had b) have c) having d) is having
7) Alice and John….London two years ago.
a) leave b) left c) is leaving d) leaved
8) When…you….school ?
a) did, leave b) do, leave c) have, left d) have, leaved
3. Future Simple Tense
I…give a call in the evening.
Will b) shall c) do d) have
They…come in a few days.
shall b)will c) will be d) shall be
The film…begin in 5 minutes.
shall b) will c) shall be d) will be
We… stay at our friends.
shall b) will c) shall be d) will be
The children…do it themselves.
will b) will be c) shall be d) will be
John… graduate from the University next year.
will b) will be c) shall d) shall be
She…help you with the cooking.
will b) shall c) will be d) shall be
We…dine out tonight.
will b) will be c) shall be d) shall
I…drop in 2 days.
shall b) shall be c) will d) will be
Progressive Tenses
4. Present Progressive
….you ….me well?
are, hearing b) do, hear c)did, hear d) have, heard
The plane….at 4 p.m. .
is arriving b) am arriving c) are arriving d) do arrive
Why….the child?
is crying b) are crying c) do cry d) is being crying
4)They…now .
a) are quarreling b) is quarreling c) am quarreling d) ) is being quarreling
5) She…at her report now.
a) is working b) am working c) are working d) is being working
6) They…computer games.
a) are playing b) is playing c)am playing d) is being playing
7) What…you now?
a) are doing b)is doing c) am doing d) is being doing
8) What song ….they now?
a) are, singing b) is, singing c) am, singing d) is being singing
9) What …you at?
a) are, laughing b)is, laughing c) am, laughing d) is being laughing
10) What photos…he…?
a) is, showing b) am, showing c) are, showing d) is being showing
11) It…. .
a) is raining b) is being raining c) am raining d) are raining
12) Who…at the window ?
a) is being standing b) is standing c) are standing d) am standing
When I switched on the light I … a strange scene.
was seeing b) is being seeing c)have seen d) had seen
When I arrive, Tom (lie) on the sofa and (speak) over the phone.
was lying , speaking b) lie, speak c) is being lying, speaking
The police caught Dan when he (rob) a shop.
was robbing b) are robbing c)is being robbing d) were robbing
He could not speak because he (die) from laugh.
was dying b) were dying c) is dying d) are dying
When I got up that morning, the sun (shine) brightly.
is shining b)was shining c) were shining d) is being shining
Somebody stole the money from his pocket while he (sleep).
a) were sleeping b) is sleeping c) was sleeping d) slept
8) I (sit) by the window when I heard the noise.
a) was sitting b) sat c) have seated d) were sitting
9) It( rain) cats and dogs as I (walk) towards the house.
a) rained, walked b) was raining, walking c) were raining, walking d) are raining, walking
10) I glanced at Tom who (shiver) from the cold.
a) were shivering b) shivered c)was shivering d) are shivering
11) At 8 p.m. I (wait) for her at the stop.
a) was waiting b) were waiting c) waited d) is waiting
12) On coming my way home I saw a man who (try) to unlock the door by force.
a) were trying b) was trying c) tried d) are trying
13) The student (reply) the question when the Dean came in.
a ) were replying b) is replying c)replied d) was replying
Раздел 3. Семестр 5
Present Perfect
He knows Africa well because he (travel) a lot.
has traveled b) has been traveling c) traveled d) is been traveled
2) Something (happen) to Helen.
a) has been happening b) has happened c) happen d) happened
3)…they (tell) anything about the events ?
a) have told b) did tell c) do tell d) -----22
4) I am afraid I (forget) my book at home.
a) have forgotten b) forget c)forgot d) have been forgetting
5) …she (yet/ come)?
a) has, come, yet b) did came c) did came d) do come
6) I ( learn) the poem. Could you listen to me?
a) have learned b)learned c) learn d) have been learning
7) Have you (ever /be) to London.
a) be b) being c) been d) was
8) He (not/receive) any news from his relatives.
a) has, received b) received c) did receive d) do receive
9) We (see) a new thriller two days ago.
a) see b) saw c) have seen d)has seen
10) I (not/seen) her for ages.
a) see b)saw c) seen d)have seen
11) My sister (work) at a hospital for a year.
a) has worked b) work c) worked d) works
12) My friend (be) ill for a fortnight.
a) has been b) was c)were d) been
13) … you (ever/ride) to a horse.
a) have ,ridden b) rode c)did ride d) did ridden
We walked home after we ( finish) the work in the garden.
have finished b) finished c) has finished d) had finished
2) They thought she (come/not ) yet.
a) came b) has come c) had come d) have come
3) Did you ever seen him after he ( finish ) the University.
a) finish b) finished c) has finished d) had finished
4) I went down to the beach after they ( leave ).
a ) leave b) left c) has left d) had left
5) Before she entered the Medical Institute she ( work ) as a nurse.
a) work b) worked c) has worked d) had worked
6) When I turned round she ( leave ) room.
a) leave b) left c) has left d) had left
7) When mother came home the children ( go ) to bad.
a) went b) go c) gone d) had gone
8) He could not believe we ( do ) it ourselves.
a) did b) do c) had done d) has done
9) Helen was afraid she ( forget ) her key at home, but she found it in her handbag.
a) forgot b) forget c) had forgotten d) has forgotten
10) I was not hungry because I ( have/just ) breakfast.
a) just have b) just had c) had just had d) had
11) I (finish) painting the ceiling by 2 a.m.
a) finish b) finished c) had finished d) has finished
12) I apologized I ( not/phone ) her.
a) had not phoned b) phoned c) has phoned d) phoned
1)Yesterday he told us he (explain) everything.
a) would explain b) explain c) explained d) was explaining
2) Tom promised me last night he ( not/tell ) anything.
a) did not tell b) did not told c) would not tell d) will not tell
3) I thought I ( find ) this rule in the book.
a) will find b) would find c) found d) founded
4) It was decided they ( send ) their report at the end of the week.
a) will send b) would send c) sent d) sended
5) It seemed there (be) no end of the questions.
a) would be b) will be c) be d) should be
6) He promised we all ( come ) to them.
a) will come b) would come c) has come d) had come
7) We knew he (come ) back to get his money.
a) would come b) will come c) came d) come
8) I did not remember who ( be ) the first.
a) would be b) will be c) be d) was
9) She told me he ( return ) your book tomorrow.
a) will return b) would return c) returned d) return
10) I ask when he ( work ) better?
a) would work b) will work c) worked d) work
11) She thought they ( come ) in time.
a) will come b) came c) come d) would come
12) He told me Pet (be late ).
a) will be b) would be c) be late d) was late
13) I wondered who ( do ) this task.
a) will be doing b) would do c) will do d) do
14) He interested who (be ) our guest.
a) would be b) will be c) is d) was
15) She asked me when I ( ring ) to my mother.
a) would ring b) will ring c) rang d) rung
16) I hoped I ( learn ) these words by tomorrow morning
a) will learn b) would learn c) learn d) learned
17) I knew he ( go ) to work by 10 a.m.
a) will go b) would go c) went d) go
18) He was afraid I ( not keep ) my word.
a) would keep b) will keep c) kept d) keep
19) Nobody was sure they (do ) this experiment.
a) will do b) would do c) did d) done
20) They decided they ( go ) to the sea side next summer.
a) will go b) would go c) went d) go
21) She told us she ( buy ) this book to his birthday.
a) would buy b) bought c) buy d) will buy
22) Helen said he ( be ) the last to come.
a) will be b) would be c) was d) were
23) The children told the teacher they ( go ) to the circus.
a) will go b) would go c) went d) gone
24) My aunt told me my friend (recall ) me in a minute.
a) recalled b) recall c) will recall d) would recall
25) My boy-friend told me we ( marry ) next year.
a) will marry b) marry c) would marry d) married
1) When he learnt that his son had received an excellent mark he ( be ) very pleased.
a) was b) is c) would be d) be
2)We ( not/ know ) where our friends had gone.
a) do not know b) did not know c) not know d) had not know
3) We knew he ( go ) tomorrow.
a) would go b) go c) went d) gone
4) She said her best friend (be ) a doctor.
a) was b) is c) has been d) be
5) I did not know you (work) at the Hermitage.
a) had been working b) working c) work d) works
6) I knew they ( be ) ill.
a) were b) was c) are d) is
7) We found that she ( leave) the house at 8p.m.
a) had left b) has left c) left d) leaves
8) My uncle said he (just/ come ) from the Caucasus.
a) had just come b) come c) came d) comes
9) Helen informed us she ( just/ come ) back from her relatives.
a) just came b) just come c) had just come d) just comes
10) Bob said it ( do ) him a lot of good.
a) did b) done c)has done d) does
11) Mike says he ( be ) excellent guide.
a) is b) was c) are d) will
12) He said she (bring ) us the photos a bit later.
a) would bring b) bring c) brings d) brought
13) He says they ( already/ make ) a great progress in English.
a) have already made b) has already made c) has already make d)make
14) I knew they ( wait ) me at the Subway station.
a) were waiting b) waited c) waits d) is waiting
15) My friend asked me who ( play ) in the sitting room.
a) was playing b) is playing c) played d) were playing
16) He said he ( come ) to see me off.
a) would come b) came c) comes d) will come
17) I want to know what he ( buy ) to her birthday.
a) bought b) has bought c) had bought d) buys
18) I was afraid you ( hurt ) your leg.
a) will hurt b) hurt c) hurts d) would hurt
19) I knew that my friend ( never/be ) to London.
a) had never been b) has never been c) never be d) is
20) She thought the children ( be/ play ) in the yard.
a) are playing b) is playing c) were playing d) played
21) She said she ( can ) not tell the right time, her watch ( be ) wrong.
a) could, was b) can, was c) could, were d) can, is
22) She said she ( play) tennis from 5 till 8p.m.
a) played b)was playing c) had been playing d)played
23) He understood the soldiers ( arrest ) him.
a) had arrested b) arrest c) arrests d) will arrest
24) I suppose he ( know ) English well.
a) knew b)knows c) know d)would
25) I was told she (never/ drink) alcohol.
a) had never drunk b)never drinks c) never drank d)never drink
1) My brother (draw) pictures with his left hand.
a) can draw b) can draws c) can drew d) can be drawn
2) She ( wink ) with her right eye.
a) can winks b) can winked c) could wink d) can wink
3) The girl ( speak ) French very well.
a) can speak b) could speak c) can speaks d) can spoke
4) I ( type ) 20 words a minute.
a) can type b) can types c) can typed d) can typing
5) Dan ( give ) you a book tomorrow.
a) can gives b) can gave c) can give d) could give
6) You ( take ) a pencil for a moment.
a) may take b) may takes c) may took d) may be taken
7) You ( clean ) the blackboard.
a) may clean b) may cleans c) may cleaned d) may be cleaned
8) You (take ) these books.
a) may take b) might take c) may takes d) may taken
9) You ( go ) home.
a) may go b) may goes c) may went d) might go
10) You ( speak) now.
a) may speak b) may speaks c)may spoke d) may spoken
11) I ( get up ) early in the morning.
a) must gets b) must get c) must got d)must getting
12) She ( make ) her bed.
a) must make b) must makes c) must made d) must have made
13) I ( clear away ) the blackboard.
a) must clear away b) must clears away c)must cleared away
14) They ( air ) the room.
a) must airs b) must air c) must aired d) must airing
15) Helen ( go ) to the Institute.
a) must go b) must goes c) must went d) must going
16) He ( to be allowed to ) go home if he likes.
a) is allowed b) was allowed c) will be allowed
17) He asked if (to be allowed to ) bring his sister to the party.
a) was allowed b) will be allowed c) is allowed
18) After they had finished their homework, the children (to be allowed to ) watch TV.
a) were allowed b) will be allowed c) are allowed
19) He (to be allowed to ) join the sport section as soon as he is through with his medical
a) were allowed b) will be allowed c) are allowed
20) He asked if I (to be allowed to ) borrow my car.
a) were allowed b) will be allowed c) are allowed
21) They never ( to be able to ) appreciate your kindness.
a) will be able to b) was able to c) is able to
22) I was sure you ( to be able to ) translate this article.
a) will be able to b) were able to c) is able to
23) You ( to be able to ) go to the country.
a) will be able to b) were able to c) is able to
24) I ( to be able to ) give you my book after 2 days.
a) will be able to b) were able to c) is able to
25) They ( to be able to ) to pass the exam
a) will be able to b) were able to c) is able to
26) I have not written the composition. I (to have to ) write it on Sunday.
a) shall have to b) was have to c) am have to
27) We ( not/to have to ) buy a new book because we had already bought one.
a) did not have to b) b) were not have to c) are not have to
28) I (to have to ) work late.
a) shall have to b) was have to c) am have to
29) Yesterday he (to have to ) start getting ready for his exams.
a) had to b) has to c) will have to
30) They (to have to ) go home tomorrow.
a) will have to b) was have to c) am have to
31) You …. go there .It is your duty.
a) may b) can c) ought to
32 ) They… to help their mother.
a) may b) can c) ought to
33) Peter…to win this competition.
a) may b) can c) ought to
34) The soldiers… to defend their motherland.
a) may b) can c) ought to
35) We…to help the old people.
a) may b) can c) ought to
1) The box ….. taken to the station in time.
a) must be b) can be c) may be
2) The river … crossed on a raft. There are no waves.
a) must be b) can be c) may be
3) The work…. finished in time because of the good weather.
a) must be b) can be c) may be
4) The books…returned to the library.
a) must be b) can be c) may be
5) These exercises… done tomorrow. The teacher will check them.
a) must be b) can be c) may be
6) The books you need …found in any library.
a) must be b) can be c) may be
7) These letters…sent immediately.
a) must be b) can be c) may be
8) These mistakes…easily forgiven , those were the circumstances.
a) must be b) can be c) may be
9) Such berries …found everywhere.
a) must be b) can be c) may be
10) This work ….done carefully.
a) must be b) can be c) may be
11) The doctor says she…taken to the hospital.
a) must be b) can be c) may be
12) The work…done in 3 days.
a) must be b) can be c) may be
13) The books ….returned to the library .
a) must be b) can be c) may be
14) Even the tallest trees…climbed by monkeys.
a) must be b) can be c) may be
15) The hands…washed before eating.
a) must be b) can be c) may be
16) The rooms…aired daily.
a) must be b) can be c) may be
17) The cat…eaten by fish.
a) must be b) can be c) may be
18) The dog ….eaten by meat sometimes.
a) must be b) can be c) may be
19) The books …kept clean.
a) must be b) can be c) may be
20) This picture….hung above the fireplace, mother permits us.
a) must be b) can be c) may be
21) How this word ….translated.
a) must be b) can be c) may be
22) Where this case….taken.
a) must be b) can be c) may be
23) Your phone number….written down by my mother.
a) must be b) can be c) may be
24) This cat… left in the yard, my mother prohibits to take to the house.
a) must be b) can be c) may be
25) She…offered a new job it is , it is probable.
a) must be b) can be c) may be
Тексты для контрольного чтения и пересказа:
Larry had a friend who was in love with a young girl. Once his friend asked him for a favour.
He explained to Larry that he wanted his girl to believe that he was very rich and Larry, as he
thought, might help him.
He told Larry he would invite the girl to a restaurant. He asked Larry to come to the
restaurant at the same time too. He also promised to invite Larry to their table and to introduce him
to the girl. The girl's name was Nancy Ferguson. Larry's friend said that he would speak of things
that belonged to him. Larry should interrupt him and explain to the girl how rich his friend was.
Larry agreed to help his friend. At the appointed time he came to the restaurant and saw his
friend and Miss Ferguson having lunch. He was invited to their table and introduced to Miss
Ferguson. Larry took a seat at their table. Larry's friend began his story: "Last Sunday I was out at
my little place in the country..."
Larry interrupted him and told the girl that little place was a real estate. His friend smiled and
went on: "So I was out there at my little house...". Larry interrupted him again and told the girl that
it was not a little house, it was a beautiful palace.
His friend smiled again and continued his story: "I called in the maid..."
Larry interrupted his friend and informed Miss Ferguson that his friend had many maids
there so he had called one of them.
His friend was very pleased and satisfied with the way Larry behaved. He felt that Miss
Ferguson believed that he was very rich. He continued his story and explained to her that he wanted
his maid to bring him some hot water, sugar and a little whisky as he got a cold..."
At that moment he was interrupted again and Larry told the girl that it was not a cold, it was
galloping consumption.
estate — поместье
palace — дворец
galloping consumption — скоротечная чахотка
Bernard Shaw, the famous playwright, enjoyed popularity all over the world. His plays were
staged not only in Great Britain, but in many other countries too. They have been translated into
many languages and in Russia Shaw's plays are staged in many cities and towns.
The most famous play "Pygmalion" has been screened.
Bernard Shaw was a very witty man and he was never afraid о subject himself to criticism.
Here is a story which proves it.
It was the first night performance of B.Shaw's play "Arms and the Man". The house was full
and B.Shaw attended the performance too. He sat in the box watching the people in the louse.
The play was warmly received by the audience. The scenery was beautiful and the actors
played very well. There were many curtain calls and a lot of flowers.
It was clear the play was a success.
Suddenly B.Shaw noticed a young man in the gallery. The man tried to express his feelings.
He kept whistling. He wanted to show that he did not like the play. The face of the young man was
not familiar to B.Shaw. The playwright wanted to show the young man that he had seen him. When
the performance was over the audience demanded that the author of the play should appear on the
stage. Bernard Shaw went to the stage very slowly, waited until the applause had died out, raised his
eyes and looked at the young critic in the gallery. Then he said:
"I quite agree with you, sir, but what can we two do against all these people?" With these
words he left the stage.
playwright — драматург
to subject smb to criticism — подвергнуть кого-то критике
scenery — декорации
to whistle — свистеть
It was the rush hour and Bill was on his way home from London. When he reached Waterloo
station, the train was at the platform. Nearly all the carriages were full, but Bill found a seat between
two fat ladies in a non-smoking compartment.
When the train was starting off, a man ran down the platform, opened the carriage door and
jumped into the compartment. He was wearing a black suit, a black hat and he was carrying a black
bag, an umbrella and an evening newspaper. As the compartment was full, he opened the door into
the corridor and walked towards the front of the train.
The train stopped at every station. Nearly all the passengers got out, except the two ladies in
Bill's compartment. They talked so loudly that Bill went out of the compartment and walked towards
the front of the train. Suddenly he saw the man in black again.
He was standing at the open window of a first-class compartment. His right hand was
holding the communication cord. He was quite alone in the compartment. Before Bill could do
anything, the man pulled the cord. The train stopped and Bill fell forward. When he got up, the man
had gone. Bill rushed to the window and saw the man in black walking quickly towards a large
house in the park. Bill wanted to run after the man, when the guard arrived.
The guard wondered who had pulled the cord. Bill pointed to the man in black who was
walking to the big house. Bill thought he was a thief.
The guard looked out of the window. He saw the man in black. He said: "That's Sir Bertram
Montague. He sometimes doesn't get out at the station — he pulls the communication cord as the
train passes his house. It costs him 25 pounds each time. But he is so rich that he can afford it".
rush hour — часы "пик"
communication cord — стоп-кран
Once a middle-aged woman felt that she was seriously ill. She decided to consult a
physician. She did not know any experienced physician in the town and asked a friend of hers to
give her a piece of advice. She was given the name of Richard Prime who was a very experienced
physician. It was very difficult to make an appointment with Dr.Prime as he had many patients in
the town.
Nevertheless the sick woman managed to make an appointment with Dr.Prime and soon he
consulted her. He listened to all her complaints very attentively, examined her very carefully, made
the customary tests but failed to make any diagnosis. He could not say what the matter was.
Meanwhile the sick woman continued to describe her aches and pains. She spoke very loudly
and quickly for an hour or so. The physician felt exhausted and thought: "If she were really ill, she
would not be able to speak so energetically". He could not tell it to the sick woman, as she might get
An idea came to his mind and he asked the sick woman to show him her tongue. The woman
did so obediently. The physician examined the tongue carefully and thought: "How nice it is, when
she doesn't talk!".
He could not say it out loud, so he told the sick woman the following words: "Now I know
what your trouble is!" The woman looked at the physician with hope and fear. She was afraid that
her disease was incurable. At last she said: "I hope my disease is curable, doctor".
The physician smiled and said: "Quite. Just your tongue needs a long rest". The woman was
clever enough to follow the physician's advice and soon she felt much better.
physician — врач терапевт
customary test — обычные анализы
aches and pains — боли
fear — страх
to exhaust — утомить
..couldn't help... — не могла не...
After O.Henry
Miss Carington was a famous actress. She began her life in a small village named Cranberry.
But that was long ago. Now she was to perform the leading part in a new comedy.
A capable young actor Highsmith by name dreamt of being Miss Carington's partner in the
new play. He told it to the manager. The manager explained to the young actor that if he wanted to
play the part he must persuade Miss Carington to accept him as a partner.
The young actor knew very well that it was the part of a young farmer. The next day he went
to Cranberry where he stayed for three days and gathered much information about the life and the
people of that small village. Then he returned to the village and went to one of the restaurants where
actors usually gathered after the performance.
He saw a small party sitting at the table. The star of that party was Miss Carington.
She noticed a poorly dressed man enter the restaurant. He approached the famous actress,
greeted her and told her much interesting news abut her relatives and friends from Cranberry. The
way he spoke made her believe every word he said. She was sure he was a farmer.
In the end he told the famous actress that her mother wanted to see her again before she died.
Then he gave her a rose he picked up from a bush in front of her house in Cranberry.
Miss Carington was so touched that she couldn't help crying. She thanked the young man and
invited him to see her again at the hotel before he left the city.
The next morning the young actor dressed in the latest fashion went to the hotel. He was sure
Miss Carington would agree to take him as her partner in the play if he told her everything.
To his surprise he was told that Miss Carington had left for her native village forever.
Highsmith realized that he had acted too well.
star — звезда
to pick up — сорвать
bush — куст
to be touched — быть тронутой
in the latest fashion — по последней моде
After E.Frank Candlin
Mrs. Blake and her husband arrived at the platform of Victoria station. Suddenly they
noticed a tall, heavy man with dark hair, carrying a case and a light overcoat over his arm. His face
seemed familiar to Mrs. Blake. But she could not remember where she had seen the man. She
wondered whether her husband knew the man. The answer was negative.
Mr. Blake bought his wife's ticket and found her a seat in an empty first-class carriage. He
wished his wife a happy journey and left the station.
When the train was starting, the tall, heavy man got into the compartment, put his overcoat
and case on the luggage-rack and occupied the seat facing Mrs. Blake.
Mrs. Blake looked at the man and remembered that there were some pictures of a man
wanted by the police in the newspaper that day. It was written that the man was a killer. "A killer
who always uses a knife", the paper said.
Meanwhile the man who was reading a newspaper took out a knife out of his pocket, then he
took out an apple and began to peel it very slowly. He didn't pay attention to the lady sit¬ting in
front of him. Mrs. Blake couldn't tear her eyes from the knife. She was so much frightened that she
couldn't speak. She didn't know what to do. Then she remembered that in the newspaper it was
stated that a woman had been killed by that man in a train...
At that moment the man finished peeling the apple and put his knife on the seat beside him.
Soon the train began to slow down and stopped. The man stood up. Mrs. Blake didn't doubt
that he was the killer, for outside on the platform two policemen were waiting for him.
When he got off the train both policemen greeted him.
"Good morning, Inspector", one of them said. "The Chief Constable is waiting for you at the
police station, sir. We have a car outside".
Mrs. Blake took the newspaper from his seat. She saw two pictures on the front page — one
of a small man with thin lips and the other of a big, heavy man with dark hair. Under the first picture
there were the words "Jack, the killer", under the other "Inspector Thornton of Scotland Yard, in
charge of the case".
Mrs. Blake smiled and thought that she should read newspapers more carefully.
to be frightened — быть испуганной
to doubt — сомневаться
in charge of the case — ведущий следствие
The name of George Bernard Shaw, the famous English playwright, is very popular both in
Great Britain and in many other countries. His plays are often staged in various countries. The
Soviet theatergoers know B.Shaw very well. His plays are always a great success.
B.Shaw is also famous for his gift of wit. There are many stories about B.Shaw in which his
gift of wit is demonstrated.
B.Shaw was also brave and honest. He was never afraid to tell the truth.
Here is a story illustrating it:
Once B.Shaw was invited to a party. When he arrived he saw many famous people among
the guests. There were many scientists, composers, writers and public figures.
The guests were treated to a very delicious dinner. They talked a lot. Some of them tried to
make speeches. The only person who kept silent was B.Shaw. He listened to all those present but he
didn't say a word.
Everybody knew that B.Shaw was very good at making short and witty speeches. Therefore
he was asked to say something.
He agreed to make a speech and stood up. The guests stopped talking and looked at the
famous playwright. He said that among all those present he knew at least twenty well-known men
who were corrupt. He added that he could prove it.
Many of the guests expressed their protest and left the party. B.Shaw sent a letter to each of
the twenty men. All the letters were alike:
"Everything has come out. Get away quickly". They received the letters and followed
B.Shaw's advice.
gift — талант
wit — остроумие
to be good at smth... — уметь делать что-либо хорошо
playwright — драматург at least — по меньшей мере to prove — доказать
A very young girl who was fond of playing the piano found out that among the guests who
were invited to dinner would be a young critic whose name was Bernard Shaw. She had never met
him before. At that time B.Shaw was not a famous writer yet. She learnt that he liked music and she
decided to please him. It took her a lot of time to choose something very beautiful which the young
critic might like. At last she made up her mind. She believed he would like it.
Almost all the guests arrived and the young girl was playing the piano when a young man
entered the sitting-room. He greeted the host and 'the hostess and then he was introduced to all the
guests as Bernard Show.
The girl looked at him with admiration. She continued to play the piano. B.Shaw did not pay
attention to the young girl and started talking with one of the guests. The young girl felt
embarrassed. She wanted to attract B.Shaw's attention. She didn't know how to do it. She turned
round to him and said loudly: "Excuse me, I've heard that you are fond of music".
"I am", answered B.Shaw, "but never mind! Go on playing!"
to find out — выяснить
witty — остроумный
to attract smb's attention — привлечь ч.-л. внимание
to make up one's mind — решиться
admiration — восхищение
to feel embarrassed — чувствовать себя смущенным
Mark Twain was very fond of travelling. He did a lot of travelling and never got tired of it.
Once he was travelling in France by train. He was going to visit a small town near Paris.
The previous day was very hard, Mark Twain was very tired and sleepy. He was afraid he
would miss that town and asked the guard to wake him up before they got to the town.
Soon he fell asleep. When he woke up, the train was in Paris. Mark Twain looked at his
watch. It was half past nine. He got very angry. He could not understand why the guard had not woken him up in time.
He went out of the compartment, came up to the guard and asked him why he had not woken
him up. The latter looked at Mark Twain for a moment and then told him that he had done his best
to keep his promise. When the train was approaching the town Mark Twain was going to visit, the
guard woke up an American who did not want to get off the train in that small town. The guard was
sure that the American was the very passenger who had asked him to wake him up. So he put him
off the train instead of Mark Twain. He finished the story with a sentence: "You may be very angry
with me, but not so angry as the American whom I put off the train instead of you".
the very passenger — тот самый пассажир
Joseph Haydn, the famous Austrian composer, was born in 1732. He began to compose
music at an early age. His music was based on folk songs. Slavic melodies played an important part
in the works.
When Haydn was quite young, his friend and he decided to play a" serenade under the
window of a well-known clown, whose name was Bernardone Curtz. Haydn composed the music
and when everything was ready, they all went to the house where the famous clown lived. They
began to play the melody. Curtz liked it so much that he asked who had composed such a nice
melody. He was told that the name of the composer was Haydn. Curtz invited the young man to his
house, gave him some verses and suggested Haydn should compose an opera.
Joseph Haydn was very much afraid as he had never composed an opera before. Yet he
wanted to try.
He worked very hard. Everything went well till he came to the place where there was a storm
at sea. The trouble was he had never seen a sea. Curtz could not help him as he had never seen a sea
Haydn began to try various kinds of melody but without success. At last he lost his temper,
crashed his hands upon the piano and cried out: "Dash the storm!"
Curtz heard it, jumped out of his chair and cried out: "That's it! Go on like that!"
Many years had passed before Haydn's name became famous all over the world.
He composed music to many operas but he could never forget the storm in his fist opera. He
always laughed when he thought of it.
folk — народный
clown — клоун
verses — стихи
to lose one's temper — выходить из себя
dash the storm! — к черту бурю!
that's it — именно так!
The name of the famous French writer Balzac is very
popular in many countries. His novels have been translated into
many languages and are read all over the world.
Balzac is famous not only as a talented writer. He is also
known as a great humorist. His humor is described in many
stories. Here is one of them.
It happened at night, when Balzac was lying in bed awake.
He couldn't sleep as it was quite light in the room thanks to
the moonlight.
Suddenly Balzac heard some noise and soon he saw a man
enter his room. He moved very carefully trying not to make
anу noise. Balzac realized that the stranger was a thief. He
understood that the thief was looking for money. He was
risking his life in order to find money at night.
Balzac began to laugh very loudly, but the thief did not get frightened and he was brave
enough to ask the famous writer why the latter was laughing.
Balzac told the thief that he was very sorry for him. The famous writer had no money and
very often could not find a penny in his desk. The thief was very much surprised. He thought that a
great writer must have a lot of money. He was disappointed and left the room at once.
thief — вор
moonlight — лунный свет
risk one's life — рисковать своей жизнью
to be disappointed — быть разочарованным
Тексты на контроль понимания
New York
New York has always been the gateway to the USA. New York is a financial center of the
country where “money making” is the main law of life. New York is the symbol of capitalism and
its Wall Street has become a nickname for big monopolies all over the world.
One of the largest cities in the world New York extends for 36 miles from north to south and
is situated at the month of the Hudson River. In the 18th century New York grew into the largest
city of the USA. Now New York is a great sea port, the leading textile and the financial center of the
country. Manhattan Island with the Wall Street district is the heart of America’s business and culture
and the city of sky-scrapers. The highest of them is the 102- storey Empire State Building. In
Manhattan at Broadway and 116 Street is Campus of Columbia University, and near it are houses of
Harlem. There is not one Harlem but three: Spanish, Italian and the Black Harlem. The Black
Harlem is the most overcrowded and its shabby houses contrast with rich houses on Sugar Hill to
the North, where most prosperous people live.
It is a big modern city, with a heavy traffic. Subway provides the cheapest and fastest way to
1. Утверждение “Broadway has become a nickname for big monopolies all over the world.”
согласно тексту является
в тексте нет информации
2. Утверждение “The main law of life in New York is making money.” согласно тексту
в тексте нет информации
3. In New York the Metro is called:
4. Утверждение “In Manhattan at Wall Street and 116 Street is Campus of Columbia
University.” согласно тексту является
в тексте нет информации
5. Утверждение “There are three Harlems in New York.” согласно тексту является
в тексте нет информации
6. Утверждение “The Spanish Harlem is the most overcrowded.”
в тексте нет информации
согласно тексту
7. Утверждение “The US Congress seats in the Capitol.” согласно тексту является
в тексте нет информации
8. Утверждение “The Library of Congress is located in the Capitol.” согласно тексту
в тексте нет информации
9. Утверждение “ Home of the US President is the Capitol.” согласно тексту является
в тексте нет информации
10. Утверждение “ In Washington no building should be higher then the White House.”
согласно тексту является
в тексте нет информации
The United Kingdom. Geographical Position and Political System.
The official name of Great Britain is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern
Ireland. The capital of the country is London. The United Kingdom is situated northwest of France
on more than five hundred islands including one-sixth of the island of Ireland. The largest of these
islands is called Great Britain. We should note that the name Great Britain does not refer to the
whole country but only to England, Scotland, and Wales. Great Britain is the largest island in
Europe and eighth largest in the world. It is almost twice the size of Iceland or Cuba. The UK has
land boundaries only with one country, Ireland. Its closest continental neighbors are France and
Although the UK is as close to the North Pole as eastern part of Siberia, its climate is much
milder. The British climate is notorious for sudden changes, yet temperatures rarely fall below -10C
or go higher than +32C.
The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy traditionally ruled by a monarch. The
current monarch, her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, succeeded to the throne in 1952 and is Head of
State, though this is a rather symbolic role. British Parliament is the oldest in the world and is
composed of two chambers: the House of Lords and the House of Commons. The House of Lords
consists of approximately 500 life peers (that is those who may sit in the Parliament all their lives),
92 hereditary peers (that is those whose children will have the right to sit in the Parliament) and 26
clergy representing church.
Apart from its parliamentary functions, the House of Lords is the highest court in the state.
The House of Commons, unlike the House of Lords, is formed by regular elections in which citizens
elect 659 members of parliament (or MPs) representing different political parties. The largest parties
are the Labour Party and the Conservative Party.
1. Найдите верный вариант в соответствии с содержанием текста
The whole island Ireland belongs to the UK
more than a half of the island Ireland belongs to the UK
less than a half of the island Ireland belongs to the UK
2. Найдите верный вариант в соответствии с содержанием текста
There are no islands in Europe larger than Great Britain
There are two islands in Europe larger than Great Britain
There is only one island in Europe larger than Great Britain
3. Найдите верный вариант в соответствии с содержанием текста
The UK borders on many countries on land
The UK borders on two countries on land
The UK borders on one country on land
4. Найдите верный вариант в соответствии с содержанием текста
The UK is closer to the North Pole than the eastern part of Siberia.
The UK is further from the North Pole than the eastern part of Siberia.
The UK and the eastern part of Siberia are equally distant from the North Pole.
5. Найдите верный вариант в соответствии с содержанием текста
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, has been Head of State for …
more than 50 years.
less than 50 years.
50 years.
6. Найдите верный вариант в соответствии с содержанием текста
A person can be the member of the parliament all his life if he is the member of
The House of Commons
The House of Lords
Clergy representing church
Rostov-on-Don bears the name of an outstanding person – the metropolitan Dmitry
Rostovsky. The monument to Dmitry Rostovsky stands in front of the cathedral in the market
square. But it happened so that Dmitry Rostovsky had never been to our city. He had died fifty years
before his name was given to a new fortress on the river Don and the status of a saint had been
imposed upon him only four years before this event.
The biography of Dmitry Rostovsky is a bright example of great innovations introduced by
Peter I. He was born in the family of a Cossack Savva Tuptalo in December 1651 and his initial
name was Daniil. As a boy he was smart, curious and passionately wanted to study. He got
education in Kiev, then he became a monk and took a name Dmitry. He knew several foreign
languages, traveled much and possessed a rare talent to communicate with people. He became
metropolitan of Rostov the Great and Yaroslavl.
Being metropolitan, he stayed an unpretentious person who took care of education, health
protection and hated bribery and ambitions. When he died in 1709 he left no gold or money but
several unfinished papers which were put into the coffin according to his will.
There are following words in one of his books: “there are three main Christian virtues: faith,
hope and love. It is impossible to find salvation without them. Which of them is the most important?
– LOVE. Love to God, to one`s neighbour, etc. this virtue is immortal and eternal. It will stay for
1. Найдите верный вариант в соответствии с содержанием текста:
Dmitry Rostovsky lived and worked in Rostov –on-Don.
Dmitry Rostovsky didn`t live in Rostov –on-Don.
Dmitry Rostovsky visited Rostov –on-Don many times.
2. Найдите верный вариант в соответствии с содержанием текста:
The status of a saint had been imposed upon Dmitry Rostovsky four years before his
The status of a saint had been imposed upon Dmitry Rostovsky four years before the
fortress got his name.
The status of a saint had been imposed upon Dmitry Rostovsky four years before the
monument was built.
3. Найдите верный вариант в соответствии с содержанием текста:
Parents called their son Dmitry.
Parents called their son Dimitry.
Parents called their son Daniil.
4. Найдите верный вариант в соответствии с содержанием текста:
Dmitry Rostovsky was born 350 years ago.
Dmitry Rostovsky was born more than 350 years ago.
Dmitry Rostovsky was born less than 350 years ago.
5. Найдите верный вариант в соответствии с содержанием текста:
Dmitry Rostovsky was a modest person.
Dmitry Rostovsky was an ambitious person.
Dmitry Rostovsky was an irresponsible person.
6. Найдите верный вариант в соответствии с содержанием текста:
According to the will of Dmitry Rostovsky some gold was put into his coffin.
According to the will of Dmitry Rostovsky some money was put into his coffin.
According to the will of Dmitry Rostovsky some papers were put into his coffin.
7. Найдите верный вариант в соответствии с содержанием текста:
It is impossible to be rescued without faith, hope and love.
It is impossible to be educated without faith, hope and love.
It is impossible to be famous without faith, hope and love.
7. The Tower of London
1. The Tower on the north bank of the Thames is one of the most ancient buildings of
London. It was founded in the 11th century by William the Conqueror. But each monarch left some
kind of personal mark on it. For many centuries the Tower has been a fortress, a palace, a prison and
royal treasury. It is now a museum of arms and armour, one of the strongest fortresses and, as in
Britain, it has the Crown Jewels.
2. The grey stones of the Tower could tell terrible stories of violence and injustice. Many
sad and cruel events took place within the walls of the Tower. It was here that Thomas More, the
great humanist, was falsely accused and executed. When Queen Elizabeth was a princess, she was
sent to the Tower by Mary Tudor (‘Bloody Mary’) and kept prisoner for some time.
The ravens whose forefathers used to find food in the Tower still live here as part of its
history. There is a legend that if the ravens disappear the Tower will fall. That is why the birds are
carefully guarded.
3. The White Tower was built by William the Conqueror to protect and control the City of
London. It is the oldest and the most important building, surrounded by other towers, which all have
different names. The Tower is guarded by the Yeomen Warders, popularly called ‘Beefeaters’.
There are two letters, E.R., on the front of their tunics. They stand for the Queen's name Elizabeth
Regina. The uniform is as it used to be in Tudor times. Their everyday uniform is black and red, but
on state occasions they wear a ceremonial dress: fine red state uniforms with the golden and black
stripes and the wide lace collar, which were in fashion in the 16th century.
4. Every night at 10 p.m. at the Tower of London the Ceremony of the Keys or locking up of
the Tower for the nigh takes place. It goes back to the Middle Ages. Five minutes before the hour
the Headwarder comes out with a bunch of keys and an old lantern. He goes to the guardhouse and
cries: ‘Escort for the keys’. Then he closes the three gates and goes to the sentry, who calls: ‘Halt,
who comes there?’ Headwarder replies: ‘The Keys’. ‘Whose Keys?’ demands the sentry. ‘Queen
Elizabeth's Keys’, comes the answer. ‘Advance Queen Elizabeth's Keys. All's well’. The keys are
finally carried to the Queen's House where they are safe for the night. After the ceremony everyone
who approaches the gate must give the password or turn away.
1. Утверждение “It is now a museum of arms and armour one of the strongest fortresses.”
согласно тексту является
в тексте нет информации
2. Утверждение:“The birds are not carefully guarded.” согласно тексту является:
в тексте нет информации
3. Утверждение “Beefeaters usually wear black and red uniforms, but on state occasions
they wear fine red state uniforms with the golden and black stripes and the wide lace
collar”согласно тексту является:
в тексте нет информации
4. Утверждение “Every night at 10 a.m. at the Tower of London the Ceremony of the Keys
or locking up of the Tower for the nigh takes place.”
согласно тексту является:
в тексте нет информации
5. Aбзац текста ( 1, 2, 3, 4) содержит следующую информацию:
“For many centuries the Tower has been a fortress, a palace, a prison and royal treasury.”
6. Aбзац текста ( 1, 2, 3, 4) содержит следующую информацию:
“There is a legend that if the ravens disappear the Tower will fall.”
7. Ответ на вопрос:
“Why are the ravens carefully guarded?” согласно тексту является:
The birds are carefully guarded because their forefathers used to find food in the
The birds are carefully guarded because they are a part of history.
The birds are carefully guarded because there is a legend that if the ravens disappear
the Tower will fall.
The birds are carefully guarded because everybody likes them.
8. Основную идею текста выражает утверждение:
The Tower on the north bank of the Thames is one of the most ancient buildings of
The Tower of London is a fortress and royal treasury.
The Tower of London is one of the most impotent parts of English history.
The Tower of London is the oldest and the most important building, surrounded by
other towers.
8. Texas is the southern state of the US and Colorado in the central northwest.
1. Texas is the largest and most southern state on the Mexican border with a coastline on the
Gulf of Mexico. The chief rivers are the Rio Grande and the Colorado. Much of the central part of
the State is flat prairie land.
2. Cattle raising and poultry are major activities. Texas is also an important agricultural state.
Agricultural products include cotton, corn, vegetables, grains and cereals. Minerals include
petroleum and cement. The State’s
leading manufactures are chemicals, oil and gas, wood products and leather.
3. Austin is the capital of Texas, but Houston, Dallas and San Antonio are much larger. The
Capitol at Austin, built in 1888 of red granite, covers three acres and is 311 feet to the top of its
dome: it is the largest of the States’ Capitols. There are more than 600 airports in Texas, including
about 60 major US Air Force bases.
Texas has more than 130 higher educational institutions, the most famous being the
University of Texas at Austin.
4. Texas has become independent in 1836, and entered the Union in 1846. Texas is the only
State that was an independent republic recognized by the United States before annexation.
5. Colorado is the State in the Rocky Mountains. Being the highest State in the country, it
contains some of the highest peaks as well. All in all, there are 52 peaks over 14,000 feet in
elevation. Numerous rivers rise in the mountains, the chief being the Colorado and the Arkansas.
6. Coal, gold, silver, copper, lead and petroleum are mined. Agriculture is becoming
important, sugar-beet, wheat, maize and oats are chief crops.
There are several National Parks. Denver is the capital and largest city; others are Pueblo and
Colorado Springs. Colorado became a State in 1876.
1. Утверждение “In Texas we can see more than 600 airports.”
согласно тексту является:
в тексте нет информации
2. Утверждение “Houston is much less than Austin.”
согласно тексту является:
в тексте нет информации
3. Утверждение “Colorado is situated at a coastline on the Gulf of Mexico.”
согласно тексту является:
в тексте нет информации
4. Утверждение “Colorado has several National Parks.”
согласно тексту является:
в тексте нет информации
5. Ответ на вопрос:
“What is Colorado rich in?” является:
silver and gold
6. Абзац текста (1, 2, 3, 4) содержит следующую информацию:
“Texas is an important state in agriculture.”
7. Основная идея текста выражена в утверждении:
The USA has 50 states.
The specific system of education in these states.
The important factors of some states.
The political system of the USA.
Вставьте слова в текст
Эталон ответа: 1-a; 2-b;
a) custom-house; b) bank; c) center; d) border; e) town; f) fortress;
g) population; h) continent; i) bridge
Rostov-on-Don is a large industrial and cultural (1) in the south of Russia, with the (2) more
than 1 million people.
Rostov-on Don is situated on the right (3) of the river Don, on the (4) line between Europe
and Asia. So you can move from one (5) to the other simply crossing the (6) over the Don.
The city was founded on the 15-th of December 1749 when a (7) on the Temernik river was
set up. But only years later, after the death of Tsar Peter I, under the rule of Katherine II a (8) was
built here. It`s main purpose was to support the customs effectively operating in this trade and
transport active region, to defend the Southern borders of Russia against the numerous enemies. The
fortress was named after Dmitry Rostovsky, the Archibishop of Rostov the Great. The (9) grew later
on, round the walls of the fortress and it was called “Rostov, which lies on the river Don”. Being the
largest fortress in the South of Russia the town has always played a significant role in its policy and
7. Choose the right answer:
1. How do you do?
Nothing to boast of.
How do you do
c) I`m fine, thanks. And you?
2. My ____ sister is 25.
3. He ____he is a student.
4. I absolutely ________ with what you say.
d) like
5. She is clever____ to do this work herself.
6. My watch had stopped so I didn`t know the right ____________.
7. Does Mike sometimes ____________ to your place?
8. We spent the evening _________ to records.
9. Children in large families learn how to get _________with other people.
b) away
c) across
d) through
10. Please would you_____ me where the railway station is?
11. The children threw snowballs at _________on their way to school.
each other
their own
12. It happened ________we were asleep last Friday night.
13. A person who lives nearby is your ____________.
14. Clara _________her children herself. She doesn`t need a babysitter.
looks for
looks through
looks after
looks at
15. After twenty years of service he _________.
16. I was __________ in Rostov-on-Don.
17. He is_______. His wife’s name is Sara.
18. The conductor takes your ____.
19. He works five days a week. Saturday and Sunday are his days___.
20. Where did you get your __________education.
21. They were lucky ____________the lectures of the outstanding scientists.
a) to come
b) to attend
c) to go
d) to listen
22. How many mistakes have you ____________ in the test?
a) done
b) made
c) built
d) inserted
23. At the end of each term we have to ___________the examinations successfully.
a) pass
b) fail
c) take
d) give
24. He takes_________ scientific work of the university.
a) place at
b) part in
c) part of
d) part with
25. He ________ from our university five years ago.
26. Do the students go to the university ___________?
free of change
free of charge
free of duty
free of debt
27. In order to become a freshman of the University you must pass the________exams.
28. A second year student is _________.
a freshman
a graduate
an undergraduate
a postgraduate
29. Your mark is excellent. Where is your __________.
text book
record book
exercise book
registration book
30. Carl _________his car keys. He can’t find them anywhere.
Is looking for
Is looking through
Is looking after
Is looking at
Тексты с заданиями
Read the text:
How not to behave badly abroad
Travelling to all corners of the world gets easier and easier. We live in a global village, but
how well do we know and understand each other? Here is a simple test. Imagine you have arranged
a meeting at four o'clock. What time should you expect your foreign business colleagues to arrive?
If they're German, they'll be bang on time. If they're American, they'll probably be 15 minutes early.
If they're British, they'll be 15 minutes late, and you should allow up to an hour for the Italians.
When the European Community began to increase in size, several guidebooks appeared
giving advice on international etiquette. At first many people thought this was a joke, especially the
British, who seemed to assume that the widespread understanding of their language meant a
corresponding understanding of English customs. Very soon they had to change their ideas, as they
realized that they had a lot to learn about how to behave with their foreign business friends.
For example:
The British are happy to have a business lunch and discuss business matters with a drink
during the meal; the Japanese prefer not to work while eating. Lunch is a time to relax and get to
know one another, and they rarely drink at lunchtime.
The Germans like to talk business before dinner; the French like to eat first and talk
afterwards. They have to be well fed and watered before they discuss anything.
Taking off your jacket and rolling up your sleeves is a sign of getting down to work in
Britain and Holland, but in Germany people regard it as taking it easy.
American executives sometimes signal their feelings of ease and importance in their offices
by putting their feet on the desk whilst on the telephone. In Japan, people would be shocked.
Showing the soles of your feet is the height of bad manners. It is a social insult only exceeded by
blowing your nose in public.
The Japanese have perhaps the strictest rules of social and so business behavior. Seniority is
very important, and a younger man should never be sent to complete a business deal with an
older Japanese man. The Japanese business card almost needs a rulebook of its own. You must
exchange business cards immediately on meeting because it is essential to establish everyone's
status and position.
When it is handed to a person in a superior position, it must be given and received with both
hands, and you must take time to read it carefully, and not just put it in your pocket! Also the bow is
a very important part of greeting someone. You should not expect the Japanese to shake hands.
Bowing the head is a mark of respect and the first bow of the day should be lower than when you
meet thereafter.
The Americans sometimes find it difficult to accept the more formal Japanese manners. They
prefer to be casual and more informal, as ' illustrated by the universal 'Have a nice day! American
waiters have a one-word imperative 'Enjoy’ The British, of course, are cool and reserved. The great
topic of conversation between strangers in Britain is the weather—unemotional and impersonal. In
the main topic between strangers is the search to find a geographical link. 'Oh, really?
You live in Ohio? I had an uncle who once worked there.'
'When in Rome, do as the Romans do.'
Here are some final tips for travellers.
In France you shouldn't sit down in a cafe until you've shaken hands with everyone you
In Afghanistan you should spend at least five minutes saying hello.
In Pakistan you mustn't wink. It is offensive.
In the Middle East you must never use the left hand for greeting, eating, drinking, or
smoking. Also, you should take care not to admire anything in your hosts' home. They will feel that
they have to give it to you.
In Russia you must match your hosts drink for drink or they will think you are unfriendly.
In Thailand you should clasp your hands together and lower your head and your eyes when
you greet someone.
In America you should eat your hamburger with both hands and as quickly as possible. You
shouldn't try to have a conversation until it is eaten.
II. Read the article again and answer the questions. Discuss the questions in pairs.
Which nationalities are the most and least punctual?
Why did the British think that everyone understood their customs?
Which nationalities do not like to eat and do business at the same time?
They (the French) have to be well fed and watered.' What or who do you normally
have to feed and water?
An American friend of yours is going to work in Japan. Give some advice about how
he/she should and shouldn't behave.
Imagine you are at a party in (a) England (b) America. How could you begin a
conversation with a stranger? Continue the conversations with your partner.
Which nationalities have rules of behavior about hands? What are the rules?
Why is it not a good idea to ...
... say that you absolutely love your Egyptian friend's vase.
... go to Russia if you don't drink alcohol.
... say 'Hi! See you later!' when you're introduced to someone in Afghanistan.
... discuss politics with your American friend in a McDonald's.
IV. Discussion
Do you agree with the saying 'When in Rome, do as the Romans do'? Do you have a
similar saying in your language?
What are the 'rules' about greeting people in your country? When do you shake
hands? When do you kiss? What about when you say goodbye?
Think of one or two examples of bad manners. For example, in Britain it is
considered impolite to ask people how much they earn.
What advice would you give somebody coming to live and work in your country?
I. Read the text:
In search of good English food
By Verona and Jason Winner
How come it is so difficult to find English food in England? In Greece you eat Greek food, in
France French food, in Italy Italian food, but in England, in any High Street in the land, it is easier to
find Indian and Chinese restaurants than English ones. In London you can eat Thai, Portuguese,
Turkish, Lebanese, Japanese, Russian, Polish, Swiss, Swedish, Spanish, and Italian—but where are
the English restaurants?
It is not only in restaurants that foreign dishes are replacing traditional British food. In every
supermarket, sales of pasta, pizza and poppadoms are booming. Why has this happened? What is
wrong with the cooks of Britain that they prefer cooking pasta to potatoes? Why do the British
choose to eat lasagna instead of shepherd's pie? Why do they now like cooking in wine and olive
oil? But perhaps it is a good thing. After all, this is the end of the 20th century and we can get
ingredients from all over the world in just a few hours. Anyway, wasn't English food always
disgusting and tasteless ? Wasn't it always boiled to death and swimming in fat? The answer to
these questions is a resounding 'No', but to understand this, we have to go back to before World War
The British have in fact always imported food from abroad. From the time of the Roman
invasion foreign trade was a major influence on British cooking. English kitchens, like the English
language, absorbed ingredients from all over the world—chickens, rabbits, apples, and tea. All of
these and more were successfully incorporated into British dishes. Another important influence on
British cooking was of course the weather. The good old British rain gives us rich soil and green
grass, and means that we are able to produce some of the finest varieties of meat, fruit and
vegetables, which don't need fancy sauces or complicated recipes to disguise their taste.
However, World War II changed everything. Wartime women had to forget 600 years
of British cooking, learn to do without foreign imports, and ration their use of home-grown food.
The Ministry of Food published cheap, boring recipes. The joke of the war was a dish called
Woolton Pie (named after the Minister for Food!). This consisted of a mixture of boiled vegetables
covered in white sauce with mashed potato on the top. Britain never managed to recover from the
wartime attitude to food. We were left with a loss of confidence in our cooking skills and after years
of Ministry recipes we began to believe that British food was boring, and we searched the world for
sophisticated, new dishes which gave hope of a better future. The British people became tourists at
their own dining tables and in the restaurants of their land! This is a tragedy! Surely food is as much
a part of our culture as our landscape, our language, and our literature. Nowadays, cooking British
food is like speaking a dead language. It is almost as bizarre as having a conversation in AngloSaxon English!
However, there is still one small ray of hope. British pubs are often the best places to eat well
and cheaply in Britain, and they also increasingly try to serve tasty British food. Can we recommend
to you our two favourite places to eat in Britain? The Shepherd's Inn in Mulberry, Cambria, and the
Dolphin Inn in Kingston, Devon. Their steak and mushroom pie, Lancashire hotpot, and bread and
butter pudding
are three of the gastronomic wonders of the world!
II. Read the article more carefully. Choose the best answer: a, b or с
1.The writers believe that British cooking ...
a has always been very bad.
b was good until World War II.
с is good because it is so international
They say that the British ...
a eat only traditional British food in their homes,
b don't like cooking with foreign ingredients,
с buy lots of foreign ingredients.
They say that the British weather ...
a enables the British to produce good quality food.
b often ruins fruit and vegetables.
с is not such an important influence on British food as foreign trade.
They say that World War II had a great influence on British cooking because ...
a traditional British cooking was rediscovered and some good cheap recipes were produced.
b people had limitless supplies of home-grown food.
с people started to believe that British food was boring, so after the war they wanted to cook
more interesting and international dishes.
They say that ...
a British tourists try lots of new dishes when they are abroad.
b nowadays it is very unusual for British people to cook British food,
с literature and language are more culturally important than food.
The writers' final conclusion about British cooking is that ...
a there is no hope.
b you will only be able to get British food in expensive restaurants,
с you will be able to get more good traditional British dishes, especially in pubs.
III. Discussion
Do you agree that food is as much a part of a country's culture as its landscape,
language, and literature?
Which are your favourite places to eat in your country? Why?
IV. Language work
Work in pairs. Study the text and find the following.
One example of like used as a verb and two examples of like used as a preposition.
Two examples of the pattern, adjective + infinitive.
It's impossible to learn English.
Examples of verbs that are followed by an -ing form.
I love learning English.
Examples of verbs that are followed by an infinitive with to.
I want to learn Italian.
a How many different forms of transport can you use to get around town?
b Which forms of transport are best and worst for the environment?
c Give examples of any problems you have getting around your home town
The first underground railway system in the world was in London. It opened in 1863 and ran
4 miles (6.5 kilometers) from the west of London to the City in the east. The first lines were built
close to the surface and used steam trains. They then built deeper tunnels and the electric
underground railway opened in 1890. This system was called the Tube, still the most popular name
for the London Underground. Some of the tube stations are so deep that they were used as air-raid
shelters during the Second World War when hundreds of families would spend the night in the
One million people commute into central London every day. Sixty per cent of these people
use the Tube, mainly because the London Underground system extends far into the suburbs: the
Northern Line, running from north to south, covers 18 miles (28 kilometers); the Piccadilly Line,
running from east to west is 47 miles (76 kilometers) long London taxis drive round the centre of the
city looking for custom. Taxis are often called cabs, from the French word cabriolet, which is a
nineteenth-century word for a coach drawn by a horse-Traditional taxi-drivers, or cabbies, are proud
of their knowledge of London. They have to know every street in the 113 square miles of central
London and spend up to four years learning the best routes. To get their license, they have to pass a
series of tests, known as The Knowledge, until they are absolutely accurate in their answers.
Because of this long training period, cabbies are often angry that people can drive minicabs without
a license. Minicabs look like normal cars, do not have meters and cannot pick up people in the
street: people have to phone for one.
Most London buses are red. In one year, London's buses travel 163 million miles. That is all
the way to the Sun and % of the way back! Buses in London are not as popular as the Tube because
they get stuck in traffic. London traffic now moves at an average of 6 miles per hour, the same speed
as when there were horse-drawn coaches
Alternative forms of transport
Can you think of any other forms of public transport in towns, apart from buses and
underground trains?
One of the most popular forms of urban transport in Britain used to be the tram. They were
first used in London in 1861, but they were all replaced by buses after 1945. Trams, however, are
making a comeback. South Yorkshire has a 19-mile (30-kilometre) Supertram network which
opened 1994. Manchester, too, uses trams as part of its Metrolink system, while many other cities
are considering alternatives to buses. The first section of the Manchester Metrolink opened in 1992.
It has reduced car trips by an estimated 1 million a year.
Manchester's trams carry up to 250 people each. They are clean and quiet. They do not get
stuck in traffic. There are no steps so they are easy to use if you are disabled, have a pram or are
carrying lots of shopping.
The most environmentally friendly vehicle is a bicycle, but cycling in Britain can be
dangerous as there are not many bicycle lanes in British cities. Many drivers do not realize that there
are cyclists on the roads: cyclists, like pedestrians, are almost as likely to be killed or injured as
motorists. This is why an increasing number of cyclists wear helmets and fluorescent clothing.
II. Answer the questions:
How many different forms of transport can you use to get around town?
Which forms of transport are best and worst for the environment?
Is cycling encouraged in your home town? In what ways?
Can you think of any other forms of public transport in towns, apart from buses and
underground trains?
III. List all the forms of transport in your home town. Give each transport system a number
between 1 (very bad) and 10 (excellent) in each of the following areas: noise, cost, convenience,
frequency, safety, exhaust fumes. Discuss your results in groups.
IV. Give examples of any problems you have getting around your home town
Тексты и задания страноведческой тематики
1. Прочитайте текст, переведите и подготовьте устную тему:
Russia. Geographical Position and Political System.
If we have a look at the world map, we will notice immediately that Russia is the largest
country on our planet. It’s total area is 17,075,200 sq km. Just to better realize how large our country
is it is enough to say that it occupies almost one-seventh of the Earth’s surface and it is
approximately 1.8 times the size of the USA. Moscow is the capital of Russia and is the most
important city in the country due to its central role in the economic, political, scientific and cultural
life of the country. Russia is situated in two continents and the Urals make a natural divide of the
country: the territory west of the Urals is included into eastern part of Europe and the territory east
of the Urals is included into northern Asia. Russia’s climatic conditions range from sub arctic in the
north to subtropical in the south with temperate and continental in the middle of the country. The
country is washed by 13 seas and 3 oceans. Drinking water supply is made up by more than two
million rivers and lots of beautiful lakes. The Volga is one of the largest rivers worldwide, whereas
Lake Baikal actually is the deepest lake in the world and is considered by many scientists a natural
wonder due to its fascinating flora and fauna. The lowest point in Russia is in the Caspian Sea (-28
m below the sea level), and the highest point is Mount Elbrus (5,630 m above the sea level). Our
country is one of the richest in natural resources, which include large deposits of oil, natural gas,
coal, and many other minerals. According to the latest population census conducted in 2004, there
are 143,782,338 people in Russia. Russia’s border line length is more than 20,000 km and it borders
on the following countries: Azerbaijan, Belarus, China, Estonia, Finland, Georgia, Kazakhstan,
North Korea, Latvia, Lithuania (Kaliningrad Oblast), Mongolia, Norway, Poland (Kaliningrad
Oblast), and Ukraine. Besides, Russia has a sea-boundary with the American state of Alaska in the
Far East. Administratively, our country is composed of the following divisions: 49 oblasts, 21
republics, 10 autonomous okrugs, 6 krays, 2 federal cities, and 1 autonomous oblast. Russia is a
federation. According to that type of government, power is formally divided by the constitution
between the central or federal authority and all its constituent regions, that is oblasts, okrugs, krays.
The executive branch of the Russian Federation is composed of the president, and the government
headed by the prime minister. Since 7 May 2008, Dmitry Anatolievich Medvedev has been the
chief of state. There is also a so-called Presidential Administration, which supports the president
with advice, makes drafts of presidential decrees. Presidents in Russia are elected by popular vote
every four years
The Russian Legislative branch, also known as Federal Assembly, is composed of two
parliamentary chambers: the Federation Council and the State Duma. The Federation Council has
178 seats. Its members are appointed by each of the 89 federal administrative units and serve four50
year terms. As for the State Duma, there are 450 seats there. Its members are elected by direct,
popular vote and serve four-year terms as well as the Federation Council members. The following
parties are currently represented in the State Duma: United Russia, Communist Party, LDPR,
Motherland, People’s Party, and other. The Judicial Branch of the Russian Federation is composed
of the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court and other lower level courts. It is important to note
that judges for all types of courts are recommended by the president and later appointed by the
Federation Council.
2. Дайте ответ на вопросы:
1. What is the total area of Russia?
2. What city is the capital of Russia?
3. What continent is Russia situated in?
4. What makes a natural divide of the country?
5. How do Russia’s climatic conditions range?
6. How many seas and oceans wash Russia?
7. What is the deepest lake in the world?
8. What is the lowest and the highest point in Russia?
9. What natural resources is Russia rich in?
10. What countries does Russia border on?
11. How is our country administratively divided?
12. Who is the president of Russia?
13. How is the Russian Legislative branch composed?
14. How many seats are there in the Federation Council (the State Duma)?
15.Which parties are currently represented in the State Duma?
16. How is the Judicial Branch of the Russian Federation composed?
3. Вставьте-артикль, где необходимо.
... Russia is such ... large country that when it is night in one part of ... country, it is day in
another part, when it is winter in one part of ... country, it is already summer in another. Imagine it is
... be¬ginning of ... May now. It is spring in ... St. Petersburg. ... weather is fine. It is still cool at...
night, but it is quite warm in ... afternoon. It some¬times rains, but ... rain is warm, too. ... ground is
covered with ... soft green grass, and ... trees are covered with ... green leaves. But while it is spring
in St. Petersburg, it is still winter in ... north of our country at ... beginning of ... May. Here it is cold
and sometimes frosty, ... rivers and ... seas are cov¬ered with ... ice. ... ice does not melt in some
places even in summer. ... ground is covered with ... deep snow. In ... south of our country ...
weather is quite different. It is already summer in ... Caucasus and in ... Crimea. It is much warmer
than in St. Petersburg. It is sometimes even hot. ... sky is usually cloudless and it seldom rains here.
People wear ... summer clothes.
4. Переведите на английский язык:
Россия расположена в восточной части Европы и северной части Азии.
Атлантическим и Тихим океанами.
Россия граничит с Монголией, Китаем, Финляндией и другими странами.
Россия располагает большим количеством месторожде¬ний полезных
Полезные ископаемые России включают нефть, газ, уголь, железо, золото и др.
Форма правления в России, одной из ведущих мировых держав, —
президентская респуб¬лика.
Волга, крупнейшая река России, впадает в Каспийское море.
Среди крупнейших горных цепей России – Урал, отделяющий Европу от Азии.
Россия – страна с высокоразвитой промышленностью и сельским хозяйством.
Поставьте глагол в нужную форму:
State System of Russia
Russia (to be) a parliamentary republic. Head of State in this country (to be) the President.
The government (to consist) of three branches: legislative, executive and judicial. The President (to
control) each of them.
The legislative power (to exercise) by the Federal Assembly. It (to consist) of two chambers:
the Council of Federation and the State Duma. Each chamber (to head) by the Speaker. A bill may
(to introduce) in any chamber. A bill (to become) a law if it (to approve) by both chambers and (to
sign) by the President. The President may (to veto) the bill. He can (to make) international treaties.
The President may also (to appoint) ministers; the Federal Assembly (to approve) them. The
members of the Federal Assembly (to elect) by the people for four years.
The executive power (to belong) to the Government, or the Cabinet of Ministers. The
government (to head) by the Prime Minister.
The judicial power (to belong) to the system of courts. It (to consist) of the Constitutional
Court, the Supreme Court and other courts.
The national symbol of Russia (to be) a white-blue-and-red banner. The coat-of-arms of the
Russian Federation (to be) the double-headed eagle.
1. Прочитайте текст, переведите и подготовьте устную тему:
The United Kingdom. Geographical Position and Political System.
The official name of Great Britain is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern
Ireland. Sometimes, a short name for this country is used, which is the UK. The capital of the
country is London. The United Kingdom is situated northwest of France on more than five hundred
islands including one-sixth of the island of Ireland. The largest of these islands is called Great
Britain. We should note that the name Great Britain does not refer to the whole country but only to
England, Scotland, and Wales. Great Britain is the largest island in Europe and eighth largest in the
world. It is almost twice the size of Iceland or Cuba. The total area of the UK is over 244,000 sq km.
The UK is 500 km wide and approximately 1,000 km long. However, due to the deeply indented
coast line, no point is farther than 125 km from the tidal waters. The UK has land boundaries only
with one country, Ireland. Its closest continental neighbours are France and Belgium.
Since the United Kingdom is an island country, it is surrounded by water: by the Atlantic
Ocean and the Irish Sea in the north-west and west, and by the North Sea in the east.
The Great Britain is separated from the European mainland by the English Channel.
In the north-west, it is separated from the island of Ireland by the North Channel.
The geographical position of the country was favourable for sea trade, which partly accounts
for the country’s economic success story. Although the UK is as close to the North Pole as eastern
part of Siberia, its climate is much milder. The British climate is notorious for sudden changes, yet
temperatures rarely fall below -10C or go higher than +32C. The lowest point in the UK is The
Fens, which is 4 metres below the sea level.
The highest point in the country is mount Ben Nevis, which is 1,343 m high. The country
boasts relatively large deposits of natural resources such as coal, oil, natural gas, iron ore, limestone,
salt, and others. The UK used to consume much coal in the past which lead to the SMOG in the
fifties of the last century and persuaded the government of the country to opt for more environmentfriendly sources of energy. According to the last estimates in 2004, there are 60,270,000 people in
the UK most of whom are English (80%). People of Scottish origin make up almost 10% of the
population, Irish 2.5%, and Welsh almost 2%.
The United Kingdom is a parliamentary democracy, which actually means that the legislature
or the parliament selects the government composed of a prime minister along with the cabinet
ministers according to party strength as expressed in elections.
That is if a political party has won most votes in the parliamentary elections, it is going to
form the government of the country also called the cabinet. At the same time, the United Kingdom
is a constitutional monarchy traditionally ruled by a monarch. The current monarch, her Majesty
Queen Elizabeth II, succeeded to the throne in 1952 and is Head of State, though this is a rather
symbolic role. British Parliament is the oldest in the world and is composed of two chambers: the
House of Lords and the House of Commons. The House of Lords consists of approximately 500 life
peers (that is those who may sit in the Parliament all their lives), 92 hereditary peers (that is those
whose children will have the right to sit in the Parliament) and 26 clergy representing church.
Apart from its parliamentary functions, the House of Lords is the highest court in the state.
The House of Commons, unlike the House of Lords, is formed by regular elections in which citizens
elect 659 members of parliament (or MPs) representing different political parties. The largest parties
are the Labour Party and the Conservative Party.
2. Дайте ответ на вопросы:
What is the official name of Great Britain?
What is the capital of the country?
What is the total area of the UK?
What islands is the United Kingdom situated on?
What is the country's population?
What is the United Kingdom made up of?
What is the United Kingdom washed by?
How can you characterize the surface of the British Isles?
What is the climate of Great Britain
What are Britain's chief industries7
What is Britain's political system?
3. Переведите на английский язык:
Соединенное Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии расположено
на Британских островах, состоя¬щих из двух больших и тысяч малых островов.
Население Великобритании в основном городское и составляет более 57
миллионов человек.
Соединенное Королевство состоит из четырех частей; в Великобританию
входят Англия, Шотландия и Уэльс.
Британские острова омываются Атлантическим океаном, Ирландским морем,
Северным морем и проливами Ла-Манш и Па-де-Кале.
Британские острова состоят из гористой части и низин.
Реки в Великобритании не очень длинные.
На климат Великобритании оказывает влияние Гольфстрим
Великобритания производит и экспортирует станки, элек¬тронику, текстиль,
Великобритания— конституционная монархия.
4. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо:
…United Kingdom of…Great Britain and …Northern Ireland is situated on … British Isles.
… British Isles consist of… two large islands, …Great Britain and …Ireland, and about five
thousands small …islands. Their total area is over 244 000 square kilometres.
… United Kingdom is one of … world's smaller …countries. Its population is over 57
million. About 80 percent of … population is urban.
… United Kingdom is made up of four countries: …England, …Wales,… Scotland and…
Northern Ireland. Their capitals are …London,… Cardiff, …Edinburgh and…Belfast respectively.
…Great Britain consists of …England, …Scotland and …Wales and does not include …Northern
Ireland. But in everyday speech "…Great Britain" is used in … meaning of … "United Kingdom of
…Great Britain and… Northern Ireland". The capital of … UK is …London.
… British Isles are separated from …Continent by …North Sea, … English Channel and …
Strait of Dover… western coast of …Great Britain is washed by …Atlantic Ocean and … Irish Sea.
… surface of … British Isles varies very much. …north of …Scotland is mountainous and is
called …Highlands. … south, which has beautiful valleys and plains, is called …Lowlands. … north
and …west of …England are mountainous, but … eastern, central and south-eastern parts of
England are … vast plain. Mountains are not very high. …Ben Nevis in …Scotland is … highest
mountain (1,343 m). There are … lot of rivers in …Great Britain, but they are not very long. …
Severn is … longest river, while … Thames is … deepest and … most important one. The
mountains, …Atlantic Ocean and … warm waters of … Gulf Stream influence …climate of
…British Isles.
…UK is …constitutional monarchy with …parliament and…Queen as …Head of State.
... British Isles
... British Isles lie off ... north-west coast of conttinental Europe. They are made up of ...
Great Britain (... England, ... Scotland and ... Wales) and ... Ireland (… Northern Ireland and ...
independent Irish Republic) and some 5,500 smaller islands. ... whole territory of ... British Isles is
244,000 square kilometres.
We will not find ... high mountains or ... large plains in Britain. Everything occupies
... little place. … nature, it seems, has carefully adapted ... things- …mountains, ... plains, ...
rivers, ... lakes—to ... size of ... island itself. ... mountain 12,000 feet high would be ...
wonder there. So would be ... plain 400 miles long, ... river as wide and deep as ... Mississippi.
Most of ... plains lie to ... east; ... west is hilly or mountainous. ... mountains even in ...
highest part of England are only ... little over 3,000 feet high. ... high¬est mountain in ... British Isles
is ... Ben Nevis in ... Scotland, 4,406 feet high. ... longest river is ... Severn, about 2000 miles long.
... highest waterfall is 370 feet high.
Too often ... visitor who has only ... few days to spend sees only ... Lowland England, and so
he cannot see ... contrasts between ... wild fiords of ... Scotland, ... rocks of ... North Wales, ...
smiling orchardland of ... Kent, and ... open moorland of ... Sutherland. These contrasts are often not
far from ... big cities.
... climate of ... British Isles is influenced by ... At¬lantic Ocean.
... winters are not so cold as they can be on ... contin¬ent, but .... summers are not so warm as
they usually are on ... other side of ... Channel. In ... other words, ... Great Britain has ... mild
climate, but because of ... length of ... British Isles ... temperatures differ from ... district to ...
... North is certainly colder than ... South, but in ... winter ... coldest districts are …eastern
ones. ... climate here is more, like that in ... Central Europe. On ... whole ... weather changes very
often and there are ... few sunny days. Britain has ... rain in every month of ... year. ... rainiest
months in Britain are ... November, ... January and ... February. Usually there is ... little snow in ...
5. Перескажите тексты упр.4 а, в
1. Прочитайте текст, переведите и подготовьте устную тему:
English Speaking Countries
Today, more than 300 million people use the English language as their native language.
Although English is the official or one of the official languages in over 45 countries, the most
important English speaking countries are the United Kingdom, the United States of America,
Canada, Australia, Irish Republic, and New Zealand. I am going to give a brief description of all
these countries.
The full name of the United Kingdom is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern
Ireland. The capital of the UK is London. Other important cities are Liverpool, Manchester,
Glasgow, Birmingham, and Cardiff. Great Britain is actually the biggest island in Europe containing
England, Wales and Scotland.
Population of the UK is about 60 million people. Almost 80% of the population which is 45
million people lives in England, in Scotland over 5 million, in Wales over 3 million, and in Northern
Ireland about 2 million people. Ethnically, the country consists of English, Scots, Welsh, and Irish,
although there are large immigrant communities representing India, Turkey and other countries.
Great Britain is administratively divided into 55 counties with certain amount of autonomy in local
matters reserved by law. The UK is a parliamentary monarchy, although the monarch plays a rather
symbolic role. The British Parliament is one of the oldest in the world and consists of two houses:
the House of Commons and the House of Lords.
The United Kingdom is a highly developed country with many scientific and cultural centres.
This country gave us a world language, almost all modern ball games and many other kinds of sport.
It created a culture which influenced the evolution of the world civilization.
The biggest English speaking country is the USA. It occupies almost half of the continent of
Northern America and borders on Canada in the north and Mexico in the south. Having the total
area of over nine million sq km it is one of the largest countries in the world. The population is
about 250 million people, most of whom live in towns and cities. The administrative and political of
the country is its capital Washington D.C., named after the first US President George Washington.
Here are many federal institutions are situated such as Capitol, the main building of US Congress,
and the White House, which is the official residence of the US President. At the same time, the main
economic and financial of the USA is New York, lovingly called “Big Apple”. Second largest city
in the USA is Los Angeles, an industrial and educational centre. The Wall Street in New York is the
symbol of financial power of the USA.
The biggest and most important stock exchange is situated on that street as well as head
offices of hundreds of companies of world level. Other important US cities are: San Francisco,
Chicago, and Boston. The USA consists of fifty states. Each state has its own constitution, a
parliament and a government headed by a governor. The most powerful political parties of the USA
are the Democratic and the Republican parties, which alternatively win the general elections for the
president’s office.
It is interesting that neither the constitution nor any other federal law of the USA contain
anything about English as the official language of the country! The importance of the USA in
today’s world politics, technology, and pop-culture cannot be overestimated and is evident.
Canada is situated north of the USA. Canada is second largest country in the world after
Russia. Its climate and nature is very much like in our own country. Canada has two official
languages with equal status: French and English. It is divided into 10 provinces and 2 northern
territories. The population is about 25 million people. Most developed territories are those adjacent
to the US border. Ottawa is the capital of the country. In the past, the city was called Bytown but
then given its present name in 1854. The country’s largest city and major port is Montreal.
Australia is the only country in the world taking up the territory of a whole continent, which
has the same name. This country is unique in many ways. It has no land borders with any countries.
Its flora and fauna has exotic plants and animals you can meet only there, such as kangaroos and
humming-bird. Most Australians are of British or Irish origin because it used to be the British
colony and the local population used to be mercilessly killed by the colonists. Canberra, the capital
of the country, was founded in 1913 as a planned capital. Australia is the largest wool producer in
the world. According to some estimates, there are more sheep living in Australia than people!
Australia’s only close neighboring country is New Zealand, which is situated on two islands: the
North and the South Island. The capital of the country is Wellington. New Zealand has a population
of nearly 3.5 million people, most of whom speak English and are of European origin. Officially, the
country is headed by the British monarch, who is represented by the governor-general.
Ireland’s official name is the Irish Republic. It is separated from Britain by North Channel.
Its population is almost 4 million people. The official languages are English and Gaelic. The capital
of the country is Dublin. It was the birthplace for many famous people such as James Joyce or
Jonathan Swift. It is also the most important commercial and financial centre of Ireland. For eight
hundred years up until 1922 Dublin had been under the English rule. Country’s favourable
geographic position on the way of the warm ocean current called Gulf Stream makes it a nice
country to visit. It is a wonderful country with striking coastlines and unspoilt landscapes.
2. Дайте ответ на вопросы:
1. How many people use English as their native language?
2. In what countries is English the official language?
3. How is the UK represented Ethnically?
4. What is the administrative division of the UK?
5. How is the UK governed?
6. What is the biggest English speaking country?
7. Where is the USA situated?
8. What countries does the USA border on?
9. What is the capital of the USA?
10. How do Americans call New York?
11. How many states does the USA consist of?
12. What are the most powerful political parties of the USA?
13. Where is Canada situated?
14. What languages are official in Canada?
15. How is Canada divided?
16. What is the capital of the country?
17. Is Australia a continent or a country?
18. What exotic plants and animals can you see in Australia?
19. What islands is New Zealand situated on?
20. What is the Capital of Australia (New Zealand)?
21. What is Ireland’s official name?
3.Поставьте глагол в нужную форму:
The United States of America
The Unites States of America (to situate) in the central part of the North American continent.
Its western coast (to wash) by the Pacific Ocean and its eastern coast — by the Atlantic Ocean.
The total area of the USA (to be) over nine million square kilometres.
The population of the USA (to be) about 250 million people; most of the population (to live)
in towns and cities.
The USA is a very large country, so it (to have) several different climatic regions. The
coldest regions (to be) in the north and north-east. The south (to have) a subtropical climate.
The United States is a land of rivers and lakes. The northern state of Minnesota is a land of
10,000 lakes. The longest rivers! in the USA are the Mississippi, the Missouri and the Rio Grande.
The highest mountains are the Rocky Mountains, the Cordillera and the Sierra Nevada.
The United States is rich in natural and mineral resources. It (to produce) copper, oil, iron ore
and coal. It is a highly-developed industrial and agricultural country.
There are many big cities in the USA, such as New York, Chicago, Los Angeles,
Philadelphia and others. The national! capital is Washington, D.C. Its population (to be) about 3.4
million. Washington (to build) in the late eighteenth century as the centre of government. It (to
name) after George Washington.
The USA(to become) the world leading country at the beginning of the twentieth century.
4. Задайте 5 вопросов к тексту (зад. 3)
5. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо:
Northern Ireland is…very beautiful …place. It is… land-of …mountains, rivers and lakes. It
has … rugged… coastline and one is nevermore than half … hour away from … coast by …car.
… history of… Ireland is … tragic one. For centuries … English had tried to gain …control
of… Ireland. Until … 16-th century, England controlled only… small area of …Ireland around…
Dublin. …English rulers, including …King Henry VIII, …Queen Elizabeth I and …Gliver
Cromwell gradually conquered … whole of …Ireland. … last area to resist …English was …
province of …Ulster, in … north of… Ireland, but in … end …Irish were defeated.
In 1910 Home Rule was offered to… Ireland. As … reaction …Irish patriots formed
…military organizations of … Irish Volunteers. … Labour Party in …Ireland set up … Irish Citizen
Army. In 1916 the Volunteers and the Irish Citizen Army organized afi uprising which although…
failure, laid … foundation for another stage of …fight for freedom. In 1921, … independent Irish
state was established, that is … Republic of …Ireland.
… people of… Ireland have always been known for their… stories and …myths. They say
that giants used to live on … Antrim coast, north of …Belfast. One… giant, …Finn McCool, …
commander of … king of Ireland's …army, fell in… love with …woman giant in …Scotland. He
wanted her to come to …Ulster so he started to build … bridge, … Giant's …Causeway, so that she
could walk across … sea.
How New York Became America's Largest City
In ... 18th century ... New York was smaller than ... Philadelphia and ... Boston. Today it is ...
largest city in America. How can ... change in its size and impor¬tance be explained?
To answer this question we must consider ... certain facts about ... geography, ... history, and
...,economics. Together these three will explain ... huge growth of ... America's most famous city.
... map of ... Northeast shows that four of … most heavily populated areas in this region are
around ... seaports. At these points ... materials from across ... sea enter ... United States, and ...
products of ... land are sent there for ... export across ... sea.
... economists know that ... places where ... trans¬portation lines meet are ... good places for
making ... raw materials into ... finished goods. That is why ... seaports often have ... cities nearby.
But ... cities like New York needed more than their geographical location in order to become ... great
industrial centers. Their development did not happen simply by ... chance.
About 1815, when many Americans from ... east coast had already moved toward ... west, ...
trade routes from ... ports to ... central regions of ... country began to be ... serious problem. ... slow
wagons of that time, drawn by ... horses or ... oxen, were too expensive for moving ... heavy freight
very far. ... Americans had long admired ... Europe's canals. In ... New York State ... canal seemed ...
best solution to ... transportation problem. From ... eastern end of ... Lake Erie all ... way across ...
state to ... Hudson River there is ... long strip of ... low land. Here … Erie Canal was constructed.
Af¬ter several years of ... work it was completed in 1825. ... canal produced ... immediate effect.
... freight costs were to about one-tenth of what they had been... New York City, which had been
smaller than ... Philadelphia and ... Boston, quickly became ...leading city of ... coast. In ...
years that followed, ...transportation routes on ... Great Lakes were joined to ...routes on ...
Mississippi River. Then ... New York City became ... end point of ... great inland shipping system
that extended from ... Atlantic Ocean far up ... western branches of ... Mississippi.
... coming of ... railroads made ... canal shipping less important, but it tied ... New York
even more closely to ... central regions of ... country. It was easier for people in ... central states to
ship their goods to ...New York for ... export overseas.
... exports from ... New York were greater than ... imports. Consequently ... shipping
companies were eager to fill their ships with ... passengers on ... return trip from ... Europe. ...
passengers could come from ... Europe very cheaply as ... result.
Thus ... New York became ... greatest port for receiving ... people from ... European
countries. Many of these people remained in ... city. ... others stayed in ...New York for ... few
weeks, months, or years, and then moved to ... other parts of ... United States. For these numbers of
... new Americans New York had to provide homes, ... goods and ... services. Their labor helped ...
city become great.
Ответьте на вопросы:
What kind of land is Northern Ireland?
Why is the history of Northern Ireland tragic?
How did English rulers conquer Ireland?
What was offered to Ireland in 1910?
What happened in Ireland in 1916?
When was an independent Irish state set up?
Переведите на английский язык:
Сегодня английский язык является государственным в 45 странах.
Великобритания – самый крупный остров в Европе.
Британский парламент состоит из палаты Лордов и палаты общин.
США – самая крупная англо-говорящая страна.
Столица США названа в честь первого президента Д. Вашингтона.
Канада – вторая по величине страна в мире после России.
Флора и фауна Австралии уникальны.
Столица Австралии Канберра, была основана в 1913 году.
Веллингтон – столица Новой Зеландии.
Ирландия – привлекает туристов поразительными пейзажами.
8. Прочитайте текст. Ответьте на вопросы:
An English-speaking World
Language belongs to each of us. Everyone uses words. What is it about language that makes
people so curious? The answer is that there is almost nothing in our lives that is not touched by
language. We live in and by language. We all speak and we all listen: so we are all interested in the
origin of words, in how they appear and die.
The rise of English is a story of wonderful success. When Julius Caesar landed in Britain
nearly two thousand years ago, English did not exist. Five hundred years later, in the 5th century,
English was already spoken by the people who inhabited Great Britain but they were not many, and
their English was not the language we know today. Nearly a thousand years later, at the end of the
16th century, when William Shakespeare created his works, English was the native language of
about 6 million Englishmen. At that time English was not used anywhere else except Great Britain.
Nowadays, four hundred years later, 750 million people all over the world use English and half of
those speak it as a mother tongue. Of all the 2700 world languages English is one of the richest. For
example, compare English, German and French: English has a vocabulary of about 500 000 words,
German — 185 000, and French — fewer than 100 000. At the end of the 20th century English is
more widely spoken and written, than any other language has ever been. It has become the language
of the planet, the first truly global language. Three quarters of the world's mail and its telexes and
telegrammes are in English, More than half of the world's scientific periodicals and eighty per cent
of the information in the world's computers are also in English. English is the main language of
business. It is the language of sports: the official language of the Olympics.
The English language surrounds us like a sea, and like the waters of a deep sea it is full of
mysteries. English is and has always been constantly changing. Some words die, some change their
meanings and all the time new words appear in the language.
There are several ways to add new words to the language. One of them is by borrowing
words from other languages. At the end of the 20th century in English there are many words that
were borrowed from Latin, French, Spanish, Italian, Dutch and other languages When Columbus
came back from South America he brought home to Spain new plants potatoes, tomatoes and
tobacco. With the plants he brought their names. This is how these words appeared in Spanish and
later were borrowed from it by the English language.
The words that are borrowed tell us about the countries they have come from. For example,
many Italian words that are now part of English (opera, operetta, piano) have to do with music. This
is natural as Italian musicians have always been among the most famous in the world. Many of the
words that people borrow from other languages are names of food.
Read the text again for more detailed information and answer these questions.
1. Is there anything about the language that makes you curious? What is it? 2. Are you
interested in the origin of words? What words? 3. Who spoke English two thousand years ago when
Julius Caesar landed in Britain? 4. Was the 5th-century English like English today? 5. How many
people spoke English in Shakespeare's times? 6. How many people speak English nowadays? 7.
Which of the three languages has the most words — English, French or German? Which one has the
least words? 8. Do you think it's good to have an international, global language? Why? 9. Why can
English be called the language of business and the language of sports? 10. From what languages did
English borrow a lot of words?
How did the words "potato", "tomato" and "tobacco" find their way into English?
What words came into English from other languages? 13. What else about the history
English would you like to know?
9. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо:
a) Аustralia
Australia is…fifth and smallest continents, three-quarters …size of …Europe, …quarter
…size of ... Africa and ... sixth ... size of ... Asia or ... Amer¬icas. On ... other hand, it is by far ...
largest island in ... world, with ... coastline of 12,200 miles and ... over¬all area of almost three
million square miles, which makes it slightly smaller than ... United States and about twenty-four
times ... size of ... British Isles.
Geologically, Australia dates back at least 2,000 million years, and ... poet who described it
as "... land as old as ... time" was not far wrong. Some people be¬lieve that it was once ... part of ...
Antarctic continent. There is also ... theory that until ... few million years ago it was ... part of ...
great land which reached ... north to ... Asia and ... east as far as ... New Zealand. ... skel¬etal
remains indicate that at one time Australia was inhabited by ... giant land fauna, for example, ...
kangaroos and ... emus up to three times their present size and ...lizards up to twenty feet long. ...
country's vegetation in those days was very much as it is now.
In its present shape more than ... third of Australia lies within ... tropics. ... Cape York, its
northern tip, is in more or less ... same latitude as ... far south of ... India and ... central islands of ...
Philippines. ... southern tip of ... Tasmania has ... same latitude as ... Portland (... Maine), ... Black
Sea and ... Vladivostok, because of this there is much variety in ... physical char¬acter and ...
climate. It is ... rather flat country with ... not very high ranges near ... eastern coast. ... highest
peak, ... Mount Kosciusco, reaches only 7,316 feet, ... quarter of ... height of ... Mount Everest.
Much of ... country's interior is almost rainless, and as ... result most of ... people live on ...
east and ... south-east coasts. ... large cities such as ... Sydney and ... Melbourne are crowded with
... people but ... average number of ... inhabitants to ... square mile in Australia is only four.
Geography of the United States
.... United States of America is located on ... North American continent.... western third of .,.
country consists mainly of … high plateau broken by ... numerous mountain ranges... chief of which
are ... Rocky Mountains. To ... west of this region lie ... Great Plains. This is ... region of ... very flat
ground extending from ... Canadian border to ... Gulf of ... Mexico and eastward as far as ...
Appa¬lachian Mountains. ... Appalachians are ... range or ... low mountains and ... hills running
parallel to ... At¬lantic Coast and about one to two hundred miles in land. Along ... center of ...
Great Plains, flowing ... south from ... Canadian border to ... Gulf of ... Mexico is ... Mississippi
River. This river together with ... Missouri which joins it from ... west and ... Ohio which joins it
from ... east, forms ... central river system of ... United States. In ... north are ... five Great Lakes—
... Lake Superior, ... Lake Huron, ... Lake Michigan, ... Lake Erie and ... Lake Ontario which
empty into ... Atlan¬tic Ocean through ... St. Lawrence River. ... Colorado River in ... southwest
and ... Colombia in ... northwest are ... other principal rivers of ... country.
... climate of ... country is typical to ... other large continental areas in ... temperature zone. It
is very warm in ... summer and in all of it except ... south is cold in ... winter. ... west, and especially
... southwest, is very dry.
... capital of ... United States Washington, D. C. is not located in any state, but lies between
... states of ... Maryland and .... Virginia. ... principal cities of ... U.S. are ... New York, ...
Chicago, ... Philadelphia, ... Detroit, ... Los Angeles and ... Cleveland. ... popula¬tion of ... United
States is not evenly spread over ... country, but is concentrated largely in ... east.
... heart of ... American agriculture is ... "corn-belt", ... belt of ... very fertile land extending
from ...Ne¬braska eastwards as far as ... Pennsylvania. In this area ... principal crop is ... corn. West
of ... corn-belt is ... wheat-belt extending ... north and ... south from ... Te¬xas to ... North Dakota
and into … Canada.
... principal products of ... south are ... cotton and ... tobacco although ... corn is also grown
here. ... ag¬riculture of ... California, because of its favorable cli¬mate, is confined largely to ...
special crops, such as ... citrus crops and ... grapes.
...mineral deposits of ... U.S. are concentrated large¬ly among ... Appalachian Mountains.
There are, how¬ever, ... important oil-fields in ... Texas, ... Oklahoma and ... California, and
important iron mines in ... Minnesota. Because of ... overwhelming concentration of ... minerals in ...
northeastern part of ... U.S. ... manufacturing is also concentrated there.
10. Передайте основное содержание текстов а, в – упр.9.
1. Прочитайте текст, переведите и подготовьте устную тему:
The Capital of our Country — Moscow.
Moscow is the capital of Russia. It is the main economic, political, educational and cultural
centre of our country. In Moscow there are most important state institutions. The Parliament and the
Government of Russia are seated here as well as the President. Moscow is a modern megapolis.
With over 10 million people it is one of the most populated in the world. It is also one of the largest
with the surface of 880 sq km. It is a colourful and pulsating metropolis with innumerable places of
interest and never-ending charm. Moscow has a long history. It was founded over 800 years ago by
Grand Duke Yury Dolgoruki in 1147.
In the beginning it was a rather unimportant town, but year after year it grew into a
significant city when, finally, in the 16th century it became the capital of the country. For the period
from 1712 to 1917 the capital was moved to St Petersburg. Moscow is situated on the Moskva river,
which flows through the whole city. Moscow residents and tourists love to take a walk along the
wonderful embankments.
A boat trip on this river will open to you such city’s beauties as the Novodevichy monastery,
Gorky Park and the Kremlin.
The heart of the city, the Kremlin, is the city inside the city. It was built in the 12th century.
There are many churches and museums inside the Kremlin as well as various governmental
institutions. The Kremlin is a real masterpiece of architecture. On the territory of the Kremlin there
are the Tsar-cannon and the Tsar-bell which have never been actually used. Their size is truly
gigantic and they are the biggest in the world.
Also, one must visit the well-known Armoury Chamber, in which the Cap of Monomakh and
many other historical exhibits are displayed.
Close to the Kremlin is the famous Red Square where most important official public events
take place, such as military parades on May 9. In the Red Square, there is also St Basil’s Cathedral,
Lenin’s Mausoleum and GUM.
One of the sights worthy to be visited is the newly restored Temple of Christ the Saviour.
The temple was fully destroyed in the beginning of the Soviet rule after the October revolution. In
its place for about eighty years there was the biggest swimming pool in the city. There are many
museums and galleries in Moscow holding masterpieces of fine arts. The Tretyakov Gallery is
dedicated exclusively to Russian artists of various periods and styles such as Repin, Shishkin,
Ayvazovsky, Vrubel and others. In the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts one can see hundreds of
masterpieces by both Russian artists as well as foreign ones. In Moscow, there are many theatres of
world level. The most famous theatres are The Bolshoi, the Maly, and the Chekhov and the Gorky
MHATs (Moscow Artistic Academic Theatre). The Sovremennik theatre is known to stage only
plays written in the last several decades. The Lenkom theatre is famous for its rock-operas, a rather
exotic genre on Russian stage.
Moscow is also a scientific city. Moscow State University is the oldest and the most
important in Russia.
It was founded by famous Russian scientist Mikhail Lomonosov in 18th century.
Russian State Library, formerly called Lenin Library or “Leninka”, contains more than 8
million books and is the biggest book stock in the country. Moscow metro is a unique masterpiece
of its kind.There is no other city in the world where every metro station is a stunning work of art.
Being extremely efficient, Moscow metro is also most fitted for such a big city. Moscow is a
magnificent city. It has a great number of green parks, and wide streets. Sokolniki park, Gorki park,
and Izmailovski park are amazing in every time of the year and full of people. Tverskaya Street is
the central thoroughfare of the city on which the monument of the founder of the city, Yuri
Dolgoruky, is situated as well as the city hall. Also significant are the New and the Old Arbat, the
streets which the tourists are always eager to visit.
Moscow has been sung and admired by many artists and writers. It never fails to astonish
with its beauties. One can never have enough of Moscow. It takes just one visit to Moscow to fall in
love with the city.
2. Дайте ответы на вопросы:
1. What is the role of Moscow in Russia?
2. When was Moscow founded?
3. When did it become the capital?
4. What part does the present-day Moscow play in the life of Russia?
5. What is the surface of Moscow?
6. What is the heart of the city?
7. What is there on the territory of the Kremlin?
8. What is the main square of Moscow?
9. What sights are worth visiting in Moscow?
10. Are there any theatres of world level in Moscow?
3. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо:
Moscow`s Places of Interest
…Moscow is …capital of … Russian Federation. It attracts …tourists from all over …
…Moscow is known for its …beautiful old… cathedrals, and monasteries. Some of them
date from … 15th to …17th centuries. Before …revolution of 1917 …Moscow had 350 …churches,
but many of them were destroyed after … revolution.
…Moscow is also noted for its… art museums. … most popular of them are …Tretyakov
Gallery and … Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts. … Tretyakov Gallery houses … unique collection of
Russian painters. Almost all famous Russian painters are represented there.
… Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts contains … vast collection of antiquities and …wellknown collection of modern foreign painters including…Impressionists.
… oldest part of …Moscow is … Kremlin. This is … main tourist attraction in …Moscow.
… Kremlin stands at … heart of … city. … word "Kremlin" means "fortress", and … Moscow
Kremlin used to be … fortress. In 1156 … small settlement of … Moscow was surrounded by …
wooden wall, and became …Kremlin. … town and … Kremlin were burnt in 1237 and 1293 during
… Tatar invasion, but they were rebuilt. In 1367 …Prince Dmitry Donskoy built … white-stone
wall around …Kremlin. In … 15th century, by order of… grand duke Ivan III … Kremlin was
surrounded by …new red-brick wall.
…twenty towers of … Kremlin wall were constructed in …end of … 17th century. By that
time …Moscow had already wised to be … fortress. … towers were built for decoration and had no
…military significance. Five of … towers were gates. … Tainitskaya Tower had … secret passage
to … Moskva river. … Spasskaya Tower is … symbol of …Russia and …Moscow. It has … famous
clock; one can hear its chimes on … radio. … clock which we can see today was installed in …
middle of… 19th century.
… buildings inside … Kremlin wall were built between …15th and … 17th centuries. There
are …Bell Tower of Ivan … Great (16 c), and …famous group of churches. …Assumption
Cathedral is … largest one. It was built in 1479; …Russian tsars and emperors were crowned there.
In …Archangel Cathedral one can see tombs of Moscow princes and tsars. Among them are …
tombs of Ivan …Terrible, his… sons Ivan and … Tsar Fyodor. Annunciation Cathedral was built in
1484.It is noted for its frescoes by …Andrei Rublyov and his … pupils.
…Granovitaya Palata is another masterpiece inside … Kremlin wall. Moscow tsars held
magnificent receptions in honour of foreign …ambassadors there. …Tsar Cannon and …tsar Bell
attract …crowds of …tourists, too.
Outside …Kremlin Wall there is …famous Red Square. Tourists can look at … magnificent
Cathedral of Vasily …Blessed, …Lenin Mausoleum and … monument to K.Minin and D.
4. Перескажите текст (зад.3)
5. Переведите на английский язык:
1.Москва — административный, экономический, полити¬ческий центр России и один
из крупнейших городов страны.
2. Население Москвы — около 9 миллионов человек, общая площадь — 900 000 кв.
3.Москва была основана Юрием Долгоруким и впервые упоминалась в летописях в
1347 году.
4.Из пограничного поселка Москва превратилась в процве¬тающий город, столицу
5. Москва осталась центром России и стала основной целью Наполеона при нападении
на Россию.
6. Москва — крупный промышленный город, город науки и образования.
7. Старинные церкви, соборы и монастыри привлекают тысячи туристов со всего
Москва знаменита своими художественными музеями, в которых размещаются
уникальные коллекции произведений русских и зарубежных художников.
Кремль привлекает огромное количество туристов.
Когда небольшой поселок обнесли стеной, он стал кре¬постью.
Во время татарского нашествия Кремль несколько раз раз¬рушали, но быстро
Башни Кремля были построены для украшения, когда Москва перестала быть
Колокольня Ивана Великого и соборы были построены между 15 и 17 веками.
В соборах Кремля короновали и хоронили (bury) царей и императоров.
Великолепные соборы Кремля известны также своими фрес¬ками.
Тексты для аудирования и устного пересказа
My Family.
Family is extremely important in our life. In a way, our family is our life. A family is not just
a group of relatives living in one apartment of house. A family consists of the closest and dearest
people in the world, always ready to listen to you, always ready to share you joy and to provide help
in need.
Our family is not very large: my parents, my brother, my grandparents and I. sometimes my
uncle and aunt visit with their daughter and son, who are my cousins. Our family is very friendly.
Any time, we have a chance we try to do something together, go to the country, play some kind of
game for all or just sit at a table and tell each other funny stories.
I will start with my parents. My mother and father met at the university. They got married
one year after graduation. They have been wife and husband for 19 years already.
My mother's name is Elena Ivanova. She is forty-three years old, although she doesn’t look
her age because she likes sports and goes swimming to a local pool three times a week. She is an
interior designer. This is a very creative profession. Her job is to plan the decoration and furnishing
of the interior of a house, an office, a shop, or an apartment. As you can imagine, she took
professional care of our own apartment as well. Now, you can see immediately that every room, and
every corner is a result of her loving efforts. My mother is very tolerant to my mistakes and
sometimes mischievous behaviour.
My father’s name is Pavel Ivanov. He is forty-five years old. My father is journalist. He
works for a local newspaper which covers mainly economics and politics of our native city. His job
requires a lot of unexpected trips so he doesn’t have any particular working schedule. He may go out
early in the morning and come back well into the night. Especially in situations when he has to write
a story for next morning’s issue of the paper. Still, I think that my father’s job is very interesting
because you can meet lots of interesting people, you always have to find ways to organize your time
better to manage to do all the things you have to. My father has a wonderful sense of humour and he
is the best friend I can ever hope to have.
My brother’s name is Alexey and he is a sixth-form pupil at the same school I used to go to.
All my teachers say that Alexey is as clever as I was. I do believe he is so because I see how much is
reading and doing all the home assignment with great interest. However, that doesn’t mean that
Alexey is always staying at home getting ready for classes. He is also interested in photography.
Every day he tries to find some time to go out and take pictures of something interesting. His
favourite ones are views of some natural landscapes. He has made quite a lot of interesting photos
and hopes to organize an exhibition one day soon. I think his works will be welcomed by specialists
and advise him to get ready for a professional career in photography. He has no objections.
My granddaddy is sixty-seven. He is retired now, but before retirement, he was in the
military so his family had to move from one place to another rather often. My grandma is sixty-five.
She had always worked as a teacher before retirement. This made easy for her to find jobs at any
new place they would move to. My grandparents have been together for more than forty years and
they still love each other. They are very wise and always helpful. I know for sure that they will be
glad to help me whenever I need their assistance.
Ours is a very good family. When we come together for some family celebration it’s like you
are among your best friends. The English have a proverb: “No place like home”. That’s quite true,
but it’s the people who make a home comfortable and happy.
To find a friend one has to be ready to get in contact with other people. You have to try to
understand people when they are in need your help. Talking is very important between friends. If it
is a good friendship, both friends care to talk and listen to each other. It doesn’t necessarily mean
that your friend wants you to help him/her. Sometimes it enough just to be with a friend and be
heard. Friends try to treat each other’s feelings with sincere attention. A good friend will always see
when he or she is needed most and come immediately to help. That doesn’t mean that a good friend
must be able to read our thoughts. Neither can you read your friend’s thoughts.
Among my friends, we are all equals. Without equality it is impossible imagine how you can
be friends. If one person is playing the role of a boss and the other the role of a subordinate, how can
you call this a friendship?
To my mind, friendship is a reasonable combination of such important things as trust,
communication, understanding, and support. With your friend, you can be your natural self, without
trying to put on a mask. You may have successes and failures in life, but then you come to your
friend and you realize that this is a person who will accept you just you are.
At the same time, remember you will never create a lasting friendship if you do not try to be
a friend yourself. You can’t ask your friend to be attentive to your needs, helpful, and supportive
without having those qualities yourself.
You can’t remain friends if you see each other rarely. To stay real friends you have to
exchange regular telephone call and get together at least from time to time. It is hard to find a good
friend. It may take you half of life to find one. To lose a friend it is enough to ignore your friend for
a while and not to get in contact with them. If you are too busy for personal meetings, send your
friend an email, or send a postcard, even without any special occasion. You friend will appreciate
How do we become friends? Well, first of all you have to be acquainted. This happens either
at school, or at some party with lots of people. Then, somehow you may start say some things which
express your feelings about something more or less important. If a person responds to your openness
in some way or other, he or she may disclose his or her thoughts on the same subject and this may
be a good basis for your future friendship.
You must have some common with interests with your friend. Something you can do or
enjoy doing something together. For example, you both like to go to the movies, or play tabletennis, or play computer games, or you have the same hobbies you can share like collecting stamps
or postcards. This will be a common topic to talk about.
Some people say, to have one best friend in a lifetime is good, two friends is great luck, and
that it is almost impossible to have three and more friends. As for me, I can say that I have two best
friends. Their names are Slava, and Marina. I have known both of them since kindergarten. We went
to the same school. When I got into hospital, they both visited me and brought some fruit and sweets
to cheer me up. Marina is a tennis-player, so when she takes part in a competition Slava and I
always come to the stadium to root for her. As she says, our support helps her a lot. At school, Slava
did well on mathematics. Any time we needed additional explanation on some topic, he would agree
to come together and do some exercises. We all exchange interesting books, or compact disks. In the
summer we usually go to a summer camp together because we can’t imagine to spend so much time
apart. Today, we do realize that when we are adults it will be more difficult to stay in touch.
Anyway, I am sure we will find a way to maintain our friendship as long as possible, just like a
famous group “The Queen” sing in one of their greatest songs: “Friends will be friends, right to the
Seasons and Weather.
There are four seasons of the year: winter, spring, summer, and autumn. Each of the seasons
has its importance for nature and we should admit any weather as something to enjoy. I am going to
tell about all four seasons and give the description of the weather typical for each season.
Winter is the coldest season of the year and December, January, and February are the winter
months. In winter, the days become shorter and the nights become longer until winter solstice which
usually happens on December 22. After that, the days gradually get longer minute by minute. Days
maybe be very gloomy with snowstorms and even blizzards at times. It can be very cold and
unpleasant in winter with temperatures going below -20C. At the same time, winter is a wonderful
season too. Many poets have sung winter in their works, for example the beautiful poem by
Alexander Pushkin about frost and the Sun. The gently falling snow sparkles in the sun. It is also a
season of joy for fans of winter sports. Snowy slopes and frozen are ready for skiing and skating. I
like to go skiing in the yearly morning.
March, April and May are spring months. Snow melts down. The weather get warmer and
warmer and people put their winter clothes back into the wardrobes. This is the time for nature to
revive after the winter sleep. Migratory birds return to their native nests and start to sing in the trees
announcing the end of the “all-white” season. The green of fresh leaves and grass takes over. Buds
swell up and finally burst into brightly coloured flowers. Many a beautiful day in spring welcomes
the option of walking about the city and taking pictures. Sometimes it may rain in spring but usually
not for long and very soon the sky would clear up.
June, July and August are the summer months. This is the warmest season of the year. There
is hardly a summer when the termperatures do not go over 30C for a few weeks or even a whole
month. Days get longer and longer. The longest day of the year is June 22. The sun shines brightly.
Sometimes it may drizzle with the sun shining through the rain. For pupils and students this is a very
important because they have to take exams. It’s a pity we have to spend so much time learning and
cramming instead of going out for a walk. However, exams will come to the end and then we will be
able to go swimming and sunbathing, or else going hiking through a forest full of flowers of all
coulours and berries ready to be picked. Grown-ups try to take a holiday in summer. Together with
their families, they go to the seaside and enjoy their time. No doubt, summer is the most favourite
season for most of people.
Summer does not last for ever and finally autumn comes. In early September it may be rather
cold and windy, with showery rains everywhere leaving puddles which children merrily splashing
through them. But my mid-September the days will be warmer again. This is when Bab’ye Leto, or
Russian Indinan Summer returns summer back for a couple of weeks. Autumn is a season of yellow
and orange colours with leaves covering the ground as some magic carpet woven by nature itself.
Sometimes in the morning it is foggy. Very rarely the fog maybe very thick but then it would lift
and the sun will greet everybody with its last warm rays before winter. There is a lot of sleet with
gusts of strong wind. First frosts and snow may come as early as end of October. By the end of
autumn, winter takes over and nature goes on to another cycle.
Whatever the season or weather, enjoy them anyway! As a song goes: “Nature doesn’t have
a bad weather”.
Studying foreign languages.
Studying foreign languages is of great importance for everyone. The reasons for studying
foreign languages are numerous. They can be grouped into professional and personal reasons. First
of all, speaking a foreign language makes travelling an unforgettable experience because you will be
able to better understand the beauties of the country you are visiting. Others learn languages to
create more employment opportunities. Employers at most companies require applicants to speak at
least one language. One great person said once: “The more languages one speaks, the lives he will
live.” This is true, keeping in mind that knowing foreign languages broadens ones horizons, opens
up a wealth of new information and makes him or her more knowledgeable about other cultures.
Of all the languages, English is surely most popular. Although, Chinese is spoken by most
people, English has become truly a world language. More and more English words and expressions
come into our language. About 100 years ago, an artificial language was invented by a Polish
doctor, which is called Esperanto. It was intended to serve as language of international
communication. Yet, Esperanto lost the competition to English. English is spoken at international
political summits and at the United Nations Organization. Modern pop and rock music of all genres
is mostly in English. International scientific magazines are published in English. Business people
speak English when negotiating with foreign partners all around the world.
When you decide to learn a foreign language, you should keep in mind the following several
suggestions. To start with, studying a language is not just about understanding some grammar rules
and learning by heart some words. Of course, these are important activities as well. Yet, to have real
success, you have to use this information in constant practice by speaking, listening, reading and
writing a foreign language. Everybody can learn a foreign language if he invests enough effort.
In order to be effective when learning a foreign language you have to study on a daily basis.
It’s impossible to learn how to speak a foreign language at the day of the final examination or a job
interview with the employer. It is a good thing to pronounce everything you learn out loud. This
helps to improve the speaking skills and makes it easier to remember new words because you learn
them not only by reading but hearing the new information at the same time.
It is very important to go back and review what you have learned every now and again. The
better you know the previous language stuff, the easier it is going to be for you to learn new
You shouldn’t be afraid of making mistakes when learning foreign languages. It’s better use
the mistakes to your benefit by correcting them than not to try at all! You should use every
opportunity for speaking to a native-speaker. Try to make yourself familiar with different dialects
and accents of your target-language. This will make you more comfortable with understanding them
in future. If it’s difficult to find a native-speaker, watch foreign television or listen to foreign radio.
Sometimes I ask myself: How long will it take me to learn the language of my choice, that is
the English language? After I talked to several people who teach English or speak it at a very good
level, I came to the conclusion that it may take a life-time to learn a foreign language perfectly well
and I am absolutely ready to continue my study.
Finally, I would like to say that a person who learns a new language is never the same. When
people study a foreign language, their analyzing skills improve and their memory is enhanced. Their
creativity is gradually increased. Learning other country’s culture, they come to better understand
their own culture.
Literature in My Life. My Favourite Book.
Literature is of great importance for everybody. Literature is a rather complex thing. There
are many genres of literature. As a rule, one mentions prose, drama, and poetry. Prose maybe written
in the form of a novel, a short story, or an essay. A piece of poetry may take the form of an ode, a
sonnet, an epic.
Since the very early days of our lives, we either are read books or later read them ourselves.
Books have been there for thousands of years. They have accumulated all the wisdom of the human
race. When we are read fairy tales or poems for children, we learn simple truths about nature and
relationships among people. The more we are read in early childhood, the more we will know about
life and find our own place in life.
Then we start reading books ourselves. Books are the basis for the development of a
personality. By reading books, one gets to know different thoughts of different people. In a way, we
live a whole new life any time we read a new book.
I personally can’t imagine my life without books. At school, we have to read a lot of classical
literature. I think this is very important that we come to know with the treasures of our culture.
These treasures have been tested by time and have come to our times without losing their topicality.
At the same time, there are many books that are not included in the school programme, which are
also very interesting and useful.
Books may help one to forget his or her problems. With the help of books, we can travel in
time back to any age or in future worlds. We can fly into space, climb mountains, and go deep down
the oceans. Unlike television, when we mostly just sit and watch, books require active involvement
of imagination. I am sure one must read at least fifty pages every day. This will help keep your brain
fit at any age. Such a pity seems to become less exciting than before. At least that’s what parents
always tell me. I do agree with them.
At my home, there are many books. My parents, my sister and I have our own bookshelves,
where we keep our most loved books. Very often, we give each other a book as a present.
Knowing a foreign language, gives a possibility to read masterpieces of world literature in
the original. Even very talented translators may not be able to express the same meanings quite so
vividly and precisely as a certain foreign writer.
I have read several books in English. One of my most favourite ones is a novel called “To
Kill a Mockingbird” by an American writer Harper Lee. The novel is full autobiographical details.
The novel takes place in a small town Maycomb, which is very similar the writer’s own native town.
The novel’s main character, Atticus Finch, was a lawyer just like Lee’s father. The book deals with
many important questions. One of the most significant is whether people are generally good or evil.
This question is answered in describing the life of two children, Scout and Jem. The novel tells how
they assume that all people are good. They seem to believe that all people are good in their
childhood because have never seen evil. As people grow older they come across evil. They start to
realize that evil is part of life and one has to admit this fact. Atticus Finch is a very experienced man
who has met and understood evil and managed to lose his belief that people can be good. Atticus is
of the opinion that people cannot divided simply into good and bad ones. He thinks that most people
have both good and bad qualities. Atticus tries to teach that wisdom to Jem and Scout. I think this
book is very educative. It helps young people better understand the nature of relationships among
people. With time, I realize the fact that will have to read the book again because I will understand
some deeper thoughts better, which the author wanted to tell her readers. I advise you to read that
book as well.
Mass media.
What do we have in mind when we talk about mass media? Mass media include all the
people and organizations that provide information and news for the public. Such means of
communication are television, radio, magazines and newspapers. The most recently invented mass
medium is the Internet, which combines the benefits of the more traditional ones. The mass media
surround us all our lives. They influence the way we look at the world and very often are able to
change our positions and opinions.
The printed media, that is newspapers and magazines remain very popular nowadays. The
English word “newspaper” does reflect its content quite accurately. On the one hand, newspapers
and magazines do tell us about the latest developments in all areas of life, such as politics, culture,
and the like. On the other hand, they may have deep analysis of a situation, advice relating to healthissues, advertising and other types of information apart from purely news articles. There are
hundreds of newspaper and magazines specialized, so to say, in a specific area: in sports, gardening,
politics or child-raising.
Radio and TV are probably among the most important inventions ever made by man.
Listening to the radio does not require complete concentration. You can continue whatever you are
doing at the time and still be able to follow the broadcast programmes. Although radio is able to
educate and to inform, to my mind today radio plays primarily the role of entertainment. Every town
has a dozen of musical radio stations catering to different musical tastes, from classical music to pop
and rock music. As for television, it is probably the most popular from all mass media. There is
hardly a household without a TV-set. Television is always available as a source of education and
entertainment, although to my mind the entertainment-related programmes are too many. For
instance, lots of people find “soap operas” too boring and banal. A soap opera is a serialized drama,
which usually deals with domestic themes. It is characterized by sentimentality. The history behind
this genre is very interesting. Soap operas are called so because companies producing soap were
typical sponsors of the first television serials. TV talk-shows are very popular nowadays. Talkshows are programmes in which hosts invite guests who give their opinions on a chosen topic and
take part in the following discussion with the audience or with other guests. Different quiz-shows
are also generally liked by the viewers. In quizzes, players have to answer a number of questions
testing their general of specific knowledge and the best player gets some kind of reward, usually an
amount of money.
The Internet is an amazing combination of the three traditional mass media, that is the press,
the radio and the television. You can read on-line versions of papers and magazines in any language.
If you have special software you can even listen to the radio online. As for me, every morning I
listen to the BBC radio programmes over the Internet. For learners of English it is a very effective
way of getting familiar with different dialects and accents. Moreover, in the nearest future
everybody will be able to watch television broadcast in the Internet. Besides, the Internet is a very
democratic means of communication. If you think you have something interesting to tell to others,
or you want to share your expert knowledge online, you can easily create your own site and change
it regularly as needed just like a real newspaper or a magazine. You can send messages any place in
just several seconds and talk to other people in online chats or forums. The Internet is believed to
have become a world of its own, with specific rules of etiquette, and particular language.
There are people who think that with the invention of the Internet all other kinds of mass
media will disappear very soon. I absolutely disagree with that and believe that all of them will
continue to have their own dedicated users for many years.
Why do people travel? That’s a question which welcomes dozens ready answers. I have
always dreamt to be able to travel as much as I want and to see the world. There are so many
interesting places to go. Now I will try to explain why and how I would like to travel.
Of course, there are different kinds of travel. On the one hand, you can come to a travel
agent’s office and discuss all the details of the future tour. You can see the pictures of the hotel and
all places you are going to see. You buy the whole tour package including medical insurance and
tickets to and from the chosen place. When you come to the destination, you go sightseeing with a
guide and according with a plan. One the other hand, you can get some of your friends interested in
a back-pack march to the forest near your native home. There you could simply put up tent, make a
fire, bake some potatoes and enjoy the nature. I am not sure what kinds of travelling, the wholly
prepared or the improvised is better. Every person decides for himself or herself what to chose.
In any case, travelling should challenging and unpredictable. You never know what other
skill you will need or learn during your next trip. Even if you make a research of the places to visit
during your travel, you will surely meet something you would never see in travel-guides and touristleaflets. If you are going to spend in a country at least several days, you will surely learn some
words in the local language, no matter how difficult the language is. You meet local people, get in
contact with them in the markets, shops, hotels, and day by day start to understand them.
Travelling you meet people who are also travelling. You can exchange your travel
experiences with them; share your favourite pictures of the sights.
Also, when you travel to other countries you can get to know new foods typical for a country
of your stay.
According to your physical shape or depending on how much money you can afford to spend
on a trip you can arrange a hiking trip, a safari, a cultural tour, or an adventure cruise. You can
travel by train, by plane, by car, by ship, or on foot. And every way of transportation has its benefits.
For example, travelling by train will give you a chance to see many picturesque landscapes and
make friends with you wagon-companions. Yet, travelling by planes saves you much time if you
intend to spend more time at the place of final destination, though plane tickets are usually much
more expensive. If you travel by your own car, you can plan the route yourself, go where you want
and see the things you chose to see.
Very recently, there have appeared new types of travelling. First of all, very fashionable has
become the so called ecologic tourism, or ecotourism. Ecotourists do not go to cities for clubbing or
going to parties and enjoying it all. Instead, they go to a place in the country and spend a week or
two with farmers. They wake up early in the morning, go riding horses or walk along the green hills,
breathing fresh air and watching nature around them. This way, such people manage to find an
escape from their hectic routine life.
I would not say, I am a fan of ecotourism. At least for the time being, I would prefer
something more active and daring. For example, space tourism. You may well remember that not so
long ago there was the first space tour. An American man flew into space as the first space tourist in
human history. Of course, that doesn’t mean that he is going to be followed by millions of other
space tourists. In any way, this is a good beginning and I do hope some day to go into space as a
Russian festivals and traditions.
Russia has a lot of festivals and traditions. There are also lots of holidays, national and
professional. First, I am going to tell about the most popular festivals, and then I will tell you about
national holidays celebrated in our country.
Unlike the Western countries, where Christmas is the main winter holiday, in Russia the
New Year Eve is considered the most waited for and popular holiday. There are many particular
Russian traditions linked to that holiday. First of all, it is the Grandfather Frost or “Ded Moroz” who
is accompanied by the Snow Maiden or “Snegurochka”. The Grandfather Frost looks very much like
Santa Clause. The Grandfather Frost comes into every Russian family and brings gifts to all children
with the help of the Snow Maiden. For New Year, kids decorate New Year’s trees. Very often these
trees are decorated with homemade toys.
Russian Christmas is celebrated on the eve of the 7th of January, that is two weeks later than
in the Western countries. This difference is due to the Russian religious tradition which uses the old
Julian calendar. According to the tradition, the whole Russian family gathers to have a special
Christmas meal. When the first star appears, people greet each other with this phrase: “Christ is
born!” However, many of us are glad to celebrate Christmas two times, on the 25th of December
with the rest of the world and on the 7th January! Moreover, due to the difference in the currently
used calendar and the traditional calendar of the Orthodox Church, we can celebrate to holidays of
New Year! We even have a special name for the second New Year holiday which is very confusing
for foreigners —The Old New Year.
The main religious festival comes in spring and is called Easter. Christians believe that on
that day Jesus Christ was resurrected from the dead, which gave much reason for joy and hope for
all people. The Easter is preceded by lent which lasts for forty days, during which time people are
not allowed to eat meat, eggs and other kinds of food. To make this time easier there is a festival
called ‘maslennitsa’, or butter festival. At this time, we eat pancakes and get ready for lent. On the
Easter eve Russians cook special dishes, among which are Easter cakes. Also a very popular
tradition is to paint eggs in different colours with specific meaning for each colour. The red colour,
for instance, signifies Jesus’ blood on the cross. On Easter, people give each other a hug, kiss each
other, say “Christ has arisen!” and exchange red eggs. In many regions of Russia, painting of eggs
became a kind of art.
These are most important religious festival in Russia. There are also several national
holidays celebrated in Russia throughout the whole year. On 23th of February is the Soldier’s Day.
It has become a kind of Men’s Day and women give men small gifts. Soon after that holiday comes
a holiday for all women, March 8. There is an unofficial holiday very popular among all Russian. It
is the Day of Laugh of April 1. People tell jokes each other and sometimes play practical jokes on
somebody. On this day, all women receive flowers and presents. May 1, or the Labour Day, used to
be a grand holiday in the Soviet times with huge demonstrations in all cities. Victory Day on May 9
is dedicated to commemoration of all who fell in World War II. At 9pm a minute of silence is
announced after which in all major Russian cities there are fireworks in the memory of more than 20
million people who died in the war. One of the newest official holidays is Independence Day on
June 12. The beginning of the school year on September 1 is traditionally celebrated as the
Knowledge Day. Teachers are given flowers by their pupils. November 7 used to be the October
Revolution Day but it has been recently abolished. Finally, on December 12 we celebrate the
Constitution Day which was adopted in 1993. Since it is also a new holiday, no special traditions
have evolved linked to that day.
As you see, there are many festivals and holidays in Russia, traditional, religious and official
ones. Besides these, we also love to celebrate western holidays such as Halloween or St. Valentine’s
Holidays and Traditions in English Speaking Countries.
Each country has its own set of national holidays and traditions. When somebody is learning
a foreign language it is very important to know the holidays and traditions of the countries where
this language is spoken. This will give one a better understanding of the culture of these countries.
There are many English speaking countries. They are situated in different continents. This
makes cultures of English speaking countries very different from each other because the conditions
of life are so much dissimilar that it influenced the beliefs and folklore of these countries. Still, there
some holiday and traditions which are common for all English speaking countries. I am going to tell
you first about the most popular ones that are characteristic of these countries.
Christmas is celebrated on December 25. It is observed as the anniversary of the birth of
Jesus. Christmas trees are decorated in every city or town. People get ready for this day weeks ahead
buying presents for family members and close friends.
One of the most loved holidays is St Valentine’s Day on February 14. This holiday has
religious origin and dates back to third century. It was originally commemorating two martyrs both
named St Valentine. With time, it was associated with love. Lovers give each other a Valentine card
saying how much they love each other. Not long ago, this holiday was gladly welcomed in our
country as well.
Easter is probably the most important religious festival in all English speaking countries.
There is no specific date for this holiday but it usually occurs some time between March 22 and
April 25. Easter commemorates the Resurrection of Jesus. On Easter morning children start to look
for Easter eggs hidden somewhere by the Easter bunny. The Friday before Easter is called Good
Friday and commemorates the Crucifixion. On this day people eat traditional hot cross buns marked
with a cross.
On October 31, Halloween is celebrated. This is the eve of All Saints’ Day. Halloween is
traditionally associated with telling ghost stories and bonfires. In the past, people believed that all
witches, ghosts and other evil spirits wanted to take over the world on that day. To scare away the
spirits, people started to get dressed in costumes, put on spooky masks, light bonfires and put jack-olanterns in front of their homes. Today, in many schools pupils organize jack-o-lantern contests.
Jack-o-lantern is a hollow pumpkin with holes cut out to represent a human face.
There is an interesting holiday in the USA, which is called the Groundhog Day on February
2. Strangely enough, but people believe that if a groundhog wakes after its winter-long sleep and
sees its own shadow then the winter will continue for six more weeks.
For Ireland, the most important festival is St Patrick’s day on March 17. St Patrick was born
in fourth century and grew in Ireland, which was worshipping many gods. Being a dedicated
Christian, St Patrick put all his efforts to make Ireland a Christian country, establishing churches and
schools everywhere. There is a legend that St Patrick was able to work miracles. One of the most
popular miracle was when Patrick drove all the snakes out of Ireland. Since then, Patrick is
considered the Patron of Ireland.
Let’s now turn to traditions common for all English speaking countries. For example, getting
up from the wrong side of the bed in the morning is generally considered the reason why a person is
in a bad mood. By the wrong side people meant the left side of the bed, since the left was always
associated with something evil. Another widely known tradition is to blow out the candles on the
birthday cake. The number of candles usually indicates the age of the person whose birthday it is
and when the candles are blown out people believe that the secret wish of that person will come true
and the whole year ahead will be happy.
Russian Food & Cuisine.
Every country in the world has its own cuisine. We have certain associations when we speak
about French, Italian or Mexican cuisine. They all have something characteristic about themselves.
What associations do have when we speak about Russian food and Russian cuisine. One can state
that Russian food is what Russian people usually eat. However, considering how large a country
Russia is and how many cultures there are in Russia, it is difficult to say that Russians in Moscow
and in a small village have the same meals. Life in cities is quick-paced, city dwellers are always
rushing somewhere. That’s why the fast food is becoming more and more popular in cities. Yet,
traditional Russian food is much tastier and healthier that the fast food.
To understand our national cuisine, one should remember that Russia is a northern country in
the most part and that our winters are rather long and sometimes very cold. That means that the food
should be such as to give us enough energy. Among most popular components of Russian dishes
are: potato, eggs, butter, bread, and meat. Very popular are milk products like sour cream, and
curds; as well as fresh fruit and vegetables.
Russian cuisine enjoys quite a number of authentic national dishes for every part of a meal,
be it appetizers, soups, main courses, desserts, or beverages.
Appetizers are usually served before main courses. We often start our meals with various
salads. I would say that medley (vinegret) is probably loved by everybody in Russia. To cook
medley, we mix boiled potato, carrot, and beet as well as salted cucumbers chopped in more or less
equal cube-like pieces and add oil. For many festive occasions, we cook so called “seledka pod
shuboi”, or herring under coat. To make it, one has to boil potato, carrot, and beet; then grate all
these ingredients and place them on a plate covering the herring in layers and finally dress it with
mayonnaise. This salad is an extremely popular New Year dish. There is probably no family in
Russia not including this salad into its New Year or birthday menu.
Let’s now turn to the Russian soups, which are an essential part of afternoon meals. The
classical Russian soup is borsch, or red-beet soup made of beet, meat, potato, and mostly served
with sour cream, although some might prefer mayonnaise. Very characteristic of Russian cuisine is
okroshka, or cold soup made of cold kvass with different vegetables, chopped boiled eggs and
spices. Among other kinds of soup I would like to mention ukha, or fish-soup, mushroom soup,
chicken soup.
After soups come main courses as a rule. Main courses are eaten at afternoon and evening
meals. Usually they include meat and/or vegetables with garnishes. For the meat part, we can have
cutlets or chops, fried fish or sausages. For garnishes, we might have potato or kashas, of which
there are many kinds to choose from: buckwheat, rice and other. Very often pelmeny, or ravioli are
mentioned among Russia-originated dishes. Strictly speaking, it is not. Yet, these small squares of
pasta containing minced meat and spices are very popular in Russia. Although you can find dozens
of pelmeny brands in the shops, we prefer legendary home-made pelmeny. Sometimes, instead of
meat we use potato or curds and call this pelmeny-like dish vareniks.
After all these tasty things, it’s time for Russian desserts. Pancakes are always welcome as a
dessert and are usually served with jam, honey or sour cream. Pastries with berries, apples, and other
fruit are also part of Russian food tradition.
Among traditional Russian beverages, to my mind, mors, kissel and kvass are most typical.
Kissel is made of sweetened fruit puree and mors, which is a kind of berry drink, is made of
cranberries, black-currants, or other berries. Kvass is an original Russian beverage made of stale
bread and is probably most popular among traditional beverages.
English Traditional Meals.
Each country has its own traditional cuisine, which reflects its cultural and historic identity
and makes this country different from others.
As a rule, the first meal of the day comes in the morning somewhere between 7 and 9am. For
a typical breakfast in our days, many Englishmen have toast with butter or sometimes margarine and
berry or fruit jam and marmalade, which is made from oranges. Very popular are fruit salads or fruit
cocktails. For others, an ideal breakfast will include a bowl with appetizing cereal, such as
cornflakes or a mixture of grains, nuts, and dried fruit also called muesli. This cereals are mixed
with milk and often served to children, because it’s considered very nutritious and healthy. As for a
traditional English breakfast, it will consist of more wholesome substantial food, for example:
bacon, sausages, omelet or poached eggs, baked beans, fried tomatoes, or even mushrooms. Some
people love to eat a boiled egg with a strip of toast which is dipped into the yolk. Usual beverages
for breakfast are tea, coffee or some kind of juice, though the most commonly drank is orange juice.
Between 11am and noon, some people have a morning tea-break. This is a light snack
including a biscuit with tea or coffee and is generally known as ‘elevenses’.
Between 12:30 and 2:00 in the afternoon comes the time for a lunch. Some may have a small
sandwich, others prefer soup and bread. There is also a traditional farmer’s lunch consisting of
traditional Cheddar cheese, some pickles and salad with some kind of meat pies. It is common in
England not to cook the lunch at homes but go to a pub with one’s friends. However, at Sunday
lunch time the whole family may come together for a Sunday meal traditionally including roast beef
with potatoes, various vegetables like green beans, peas, parsnip, and with gravy. Meat dishes,
especially roast beefs, are traditionally served with Yorkshire pudding.
In the late afternoon, usually between 3pm and 5pm, tea-time comes. This is a rather small
meal when people may drink a cup of tea with biscuits, cakes, or even sandwiches.
In the very early evening, at about 6 o’clock, the English usually have high tea. This is also a
very light meal including After that, usually between 7pm and 9pm, the evening meal is eaten. There
is a kind of confusion about the name for this meal. It is sometimes called either supper dinner. At
the same time, dinner may also refer to lunch. At supper, or dinner if you prefer this name, people
usually have the main dish and the dessert, or ‘afters’. The main dish traditionally includes some
kind of meat and vegetables, with potatoes never forgotten. The dessert may be served in the form of
a pudding.
The most traditional English dishes are very greasy but they are not normally eaten every
day. Most English have traditional dishes very rarely and most often on a special occasion.
Although, the English are believed to be very conservative and sticking to their traditional way of
life, they love to go out to a pub or a restaurant ant try dishes from other countries. Most cities in
England have Indian or Italian restaurants quite affordable for most visitors. Italian pizzas and
pastas, Turkish kebabs, or Japanese sushi are also very popular in England. In all these places you
can have so called take away food. Takeaway is a meal which you buy at a restaurant and eat at
home. There are special restaurants selling exclusively takeaway food, so you can meet a Chinese or
an Indian Takeaway. There are lots of fast food restaurants, most typical of which is a fish and chips
shop. Yet, I would not advise to eat fast food too often because it is less healthy, though sometimes
it can save you time.
Famous Russians.
If one were to name famous Russians, he or she could go on for ever and ever. Indeed,
Russia is a country which has contributed in great part to world civilization. Among Russian
scientists, writers, and artists, there are so many important names that it is very difficult to choose. I
am going to tell about but a few people whom I respect for all they did for our country.
Alexander Pushkin is sure to be the first name to spring up in our memory when we think
about Russian poetry. Pushkin played an exceptional role not only in the development of the
Russian literature but also in the development of the Russian language itself. He was able to make
Russian literature an integral part of the European literature. Pushkin’s works accompany us since
the very beginning of our lives. As children we are read his wonderful fairy tales; later in life we
come to love his lyrical poetry. In his brief but very fruitful lifetime, Pushkin managed to write so
many genius pieces of poetry that everybody can find something to their taste. Besides poetry,
Pushking wrote critical articles, historical works which are also an essential element of his literary
legacy. His works have been translated into more than one hundred languages. This, one the one
hand, can help people in other countries become familiar with Pushkin. Still, to get the real flavour
of Pushkin’s specific and unrepeatable style, one had better read his works in the original.
Mikhail Lomonosov is the first Russian scientist who became known to the whole world. His
eagerness to get an education and hunger for knowledge drove him out of his native village,
Kholmogory, when, at the age of 19, he travelled to Moscow on foot. After his studies in Moscow,
he continued them in St-Petersburg and in Germany. Lomonosov became a universal scientist of
encyclopedic knowledge with great achievements in chemistry, astronomy, geology, mineralogy and
in other areas. Besides, he was the first to write the history of Russia in 1760. Also, Lomonosov was
the father of Russian system of higher education. It was he who founded a university in Moscow,
which was named after him in 1940.
Among Russian composers, Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky is no doubt one of the most renowned
to say the least. His musical genius places him in the list of most famous composers amongst such
names as Bach, Beethoven, Mozart… Sure enough, Tchaikovsky is most eminent and distinguished
Russian composer. There is hardly anybody who will not be touched by his operas and ballets.
During his lifetime, Tchaikovsky quickly became popular not only in Russia but also in the whole
world. He was heartily welcomed in many capitals and performed with constant and amazing
success. For an educated person to see such masterpieces as Nutcracker, Swan Lake, Eugene Onegin
are a must. Personally, I always do my best to reserve an evening for going to one of his brilliant
operas or ballets.
The next famous person I would like to tell is Yuri Gagarin. To my mind, Gagarin should be
considered the most important man of 20th century because he ushered the new era of space
exploration by man. On 12 April, 1961 Yuri Gagarin flew into the orbit of the Earth aboard the
spaceship called Vostok I. He was the first man in history to reach space. In his spaceship, Gagarin
orbited the planet once and safely landed approximately 90 minutes later. Having landed, he realized
that the spaceflight had made him a world sensation. Every newspaper around the globe placed his
pictures on the first pages, all radio and TV station broadcast his happy face beaming with kind
smiles. Of course, these 90 minutes had taken many years of hard work and preparation. Nobody
knew how a human body might react to being in space. Yet, Yuri Gagarin was a strong and
courageous person. He will always be remembered as the cosmonaut number one.
Famous people in English speaking countries.
English speaking countries have given lots of great people to the world civilization.
Scientists and entertainers, writers and actors, sportsmen and politicians… It’s very difficult to
choose a few. However, I am going to tell you about the ones, who are most famous as far as my
opinion goes.
No doubt, one of the best writers ever in human history without any question came from an
English speaking country. His name is William Shakespeare. He became a symbol of the English
literature. He was born in 1564 in Stratford-on-Avon in England. In the very early childhood he
watched with admiration how visiting groups of actors created whole worlds on stage. He decided to
become an actor himself. Although he did become an actor when he came to London at 21, but the
real fame came to him when he started to write plays and pieces of poetry. His 154 sonnets have
reached our times through all this time without losing their freshness and artistic value. His plays are
full of life itself, be it “Hamlet”, or “Othello” “Romeo and Juliet” or any other. His works have been
translated into many languages. People all over the world enjoy Shakespeare’s works. As for me, I
like his sonnets and try to read them in the original, though sometimes they are difficult to
understand after the first reading and takes a second and even a third reading to enjoy a sonnet
Australia has given many famous entertainers. The most well-known Australian actors are
Mel Gibson and Nicole Kidman. I would like to tell something about Nicole Kidman because she is
my favourite actress. From her childhood Nicole was interested in entertainment. She began ballet
lessons when she was three years old, mime class when she was eight, and acting classes when she
was ten. Already at 14 she had her first great success with a role in an Australian TV film. When
Kidman was 17, the whole Australia voted for her as the best actress of the year. Such talent
immediately in great demand in Hollywood, were she debuted in 1990 with Tom Cruise. Since then,
she has always been a movie star of world class. One of the best movies of hers is, of course, the
musical “Muolin Rouge.”
When we are discussing famous people in English speaking countries, one of the top
positions must be given to the most famous ever rock group “The Beatles.” The Beatles shaped not
only music and the way it is now, but also entire generations. They became a model for how to
behave, to dress, to think, even how to live. The members of the group, John Lennon, Paul
McCartney, George Harrison, and Ringo Star met when they were still very young, no more than 17
years old. The first success came to the band when they started to work with a manager Brian
Epstein. They recorded their first single in 1962. These were the songs still popular today: “Love me
do” and “Please Please Me.” From that time onwards, Beatlemania took over the whole world,
which continued right till 1970, when the group members decided to break up. Unfortunately,
Lennon’s life tragically ended in December, 1980, when a fan murdered him; and George Harrison
died in 2001 after he suffered from throat cancer. Anyway, “The Beatles” have remained popular
with people of any age no matter where they and whether they speak English or not.
Everybody knows Yury Gagarin, the first man who flew into space. The next step of space
exploration would be to land on the Moon. An American astronaut, Neil Armstrong, was the
commander of Apollo 11 spacecraft, which flew to the Moon. On July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong set
foot on the lunar surface for the first time in human history. On the moment when Armstrong left the
spacecraft after the landing, he said the phrase, which became one of the most famous worldwide.
He said: “That’s one small step for a man, but one giant leap for mankind.”
British Princess Diana without any question is a person to be remembered. She was born on
July 1 1961. Her full name was Lady Diana Frances Spencer, and she was a daughter of the Earl of
Spencer. But Diana was famous not as a member of the Royal family. Rather, she is remembered as
an energetic charity activist. She was in touch with over 100 British and international organizations
giving support to different groups of people. Most of her efforts were spent on fighting the
landmines all over the world, and especially in Africa were huge expanses were killing thousands of
innocent children every year. Thanks to her, lots of people were saved and relieved in time of
trouble. Diana died dramatically in a car accident in France but is still in our hearts.
1. Ознакомиться с содержанием профессионально ориентированного текста на
иностранном языке (разрешается пользоваться словарем).
2. Изложить основное содержание прочитанного текста (разрешается обращаться к
3. Принять участие в беседе с преподавателем по ситуациям в рамках изученной
Вопросы для итогового контроля по дисциплине «Английский язык»
для студентов 1 курса
Правила фонетики. Произношение. Транскрипция. Интонация.
Местоимения ( личные, указательные, притяжательные, возвратные)
Числительные ( количественные и порядковые)
Артикли( неопределенный и определенный)
Визитная карточка. Оформление.
Представьтесь по-английски. Расскажите о себе и своей семье.
Расскажите о своем рабочем дне.
Расскажите о своем выходном дне.
Образование множественного числа существительных.
Спряжение глагола «to be».
Порядок слов в английском предложении. Типы вопросов.
Времена года и погода. Название месяцев, дней недели.
Степени сравнения прилагательных.
Модальные глаголы.
Страны изучаемого языка.
Конструкция «There is, there are». Описание комнаты, квартиры.
Предлоги. Роль предлогов в английском языке.
Хобби, как студенты проводят свободное время.
Даты, отрезки времени, дроби.
Притяжательный падеж существительных.
Высказывание по теме « Путешествие».
Лист согласования
Дополнения и изменения к комплекту КОС
Дополнения и изменения к комплекту КОС на __________ учебный год по дисциплине
В комплект КОС внесены следующие изменения:
Дополнения и изменения в комплекте КОС обсуждены на заседании предметно-цикловой
«_____» ____________ 20_____г. (протокол № _______ ).
Председатель ПЦК ________________ /___________________/
Дополнения и изменения к комплекту КОС на __________ учебный год по дисциплине
В комплект КОС внесены следующие изменения:
Дополнения и изменения в комплекте КОС обсуждены на заседании предметно-цикловой
«_____» ____________ 20_____г. (протокол № _______ ).
Председатель ПЦК ________________ /___________________/