Московский педагогический государственный университет Кафедра английского языка гуманитарных факультетов

Московский педагогический государственный университет
Кафедра английского языка гуманитарных факультетов
Факультет: филологический
Дисциплина: Иностранный язык (английский)
Направления: 032700.68 «Филология»: программы: «Мировая литература рубежа 2021вв.», «Зарубежная литература в контексте культуры», «Поэтика русской литературы»,
«Русский язык в социокультурном аспекте»;
050100.68 "Педагогическое образование»: программы: «Методика обучения русскому
языку в полиэтнической и поликультурной среде», «Современные стратегии
литературного образования», «Риторика и речеведение»;
031300.68 «Журналистика»: программа: «Политическая журналистика»;
050400.68 «Психолого-педагогическое образование»: программа: «Психология развития
Квалификация: магистр
Форма обучения: очная
Курс: 1-2
Виды и формы контроля.
Основными видами контроля уровня образовательных достижений студентов
- входное тестирование;
- текущая аттестация;
- рубежный контроль по дисциплинарному модулю;
- промежуточная аттестация по дисциплине.
Формы текущей аттестации:
 опрос (сплошной или выборочный, письменный или устный и др.);
 проверка выполнения индивидуальных домашних заданий;
 тестирование;
 написание эссе, реферата;
 подготовка проектных заданий (презентация, сообщение, доклад);
 участие в подготовке и проведении драматизации, деловых игр, дискуссии.
Формы рубежного контроля:
 тестирование;
 собеседование/зачет;
 контрольная работа;
 самостоятельная (индивидуальная творческая) работа.
Система оценки письменных заданий (письмо, эссе, доклад, резюме, реферат)
Степень реализации
коммуникативных задач
Использование языковых средств
Полная реализация
коммуникативных задач
Связный текст, адекватное применение
лексико-грамматических средств, их
широкий диапазон. Языковые ошибки
несущественны. Корректное
применение формул письменной речи.
Реализованы практически все
коммуникативные задачи, но
реализация их предельно упрощена.
Коммуникативные задачи в целом
реализованы, поскольку понятен
общий смысл текста.
Отмечаются, частично успешные,
попытки реализации
коммуникативных задач, но
понимание текста затруднено
многочисленными грубыми
Несоответствие содержания
поставленным задачам
Достаточно связный, естественный
текст, восприятие которого может быть
затруднено некорректным применением
(или отсутствием) связующих
элементов. Применяются сложные
синтаксические конструкции, но их
виды не отличаются разнообразием.
В текстах есть грубые грамматические
или лексические ошибки, искажающие
смысл предложений, но их количество
не велико (не более 3). Структурный и
лексический диапазоны заметно
ограничены, связность текста нарушена,
есть некоторые нарушения, связанные с
нормами оформления письменной речи.
Недостаточно корректный контроль
структурой предложений, большое
количество грубых лексикограмматических ошибок. Восприятие
текста затруднено.
Текст трудно воспринимается из-за
частых лексико-грамматических
ошибок, упрощенной конструкции
предложений, не соблюдения правил
пунктуации, ведущей к
несогласованности текста.
Текст практически «не читаем», набор
отдельных фраз и предложений с
большим количеством ошибок.
Возможно снятие 1 балла за:
орфографические ошибки в словах активного вокабуляра, или в простых словах
небрежное оформление рукописи.
Система оценки выполнения устного задания
Степень реализации коммуникативных задач и использования
языковых средств
Отличное владение приемами взаимодействия с применением различных
стилистических средств, большой лексический запас, практическое
отсутствие затрудняющих коммуникацию ошибок, естественное
произношение, адекватное творческое решение коммуникативных задач.
Четкое и уверенное решение поставленных коммуникативных задач,
отсутствие затрудняющих коммуникацию ошибок, но при этом вокабуляр,
достаточно разнообразный и адекватно используемый, ограничен рамками
программных требований. В интонации и произношении слишком явно
проявляется влияние родного языка.
Достаточно уверенная, естественная речь, вокабуляр ограничен, но
применяется адекватно, грамматические ошибки достаточно редки, и, в
целом, не затрудняют коммуникацию. Коммуникативные задачи решаются,
но учащийся старается не выходить за рамки конкретно сформулированной
Коммуникативные задачи решаются, но чувствуется не достаточно широкий
лексико-грамматический репертуар, которым владеет учащийся. Речь не
всегда оправдано паузирована. Наличие фонетических, лексических и
грамматических ошибок отвлекает от решения коммуникативных задач, хотя
те, в целом, решаются
Ошибки и ограниченный лексико-грамматический репертуар затрудняют
коммуникацию; коммуникативная задача практически не решается.
Абсолютно неприемлемое представление материала, из-за количества
ошибок и/или недостаточного объема текста.
Входное тестирование
Основной уровень предполагает владение иностранным языком на базе
общеобразовательной школы.
Продвинутый уровень предполагает владение иностранным языком на базе
специализированной школы или другого учебного заведения с углубленным изучением
иностранного языка.
Образец входного тестирования (Placement test)
1. Read the text and supply the correct form of the verbs
Talking telephones
Ten years ago, people (to have) one telephone in the house and one in the office. Today,
people (to have) telephones everywhere: in the house, in the car, in the garage. You even (to see)
people walking round the streets with cordless telephones. One man, when recently (to ask) what
his telephone number (to be), (to answer): “Which number do you (to want)? My home number,
my work number, my weekend number or my car number?”
Another new thing (to be) the answer phone. Nobody (to like) answer phones. For callers
there (to be) the problem of how to speak to it. It is very difficult to have a conversation with a
machine. Owners of answer phones have problems too. What sort of message do they
(to record)?
Some (to be) too short, so the caller (not to have ) time to think, for example” “This is
a machine. Speak now.” Others (to be) too long. A New Yorker (to put) a message on his
machine which (to say): “This is Tom’s answer phone. Please (to leave) your name, number,
address, height, weight, qualifications, identity card number and mother’s first name. “Speak
now!” Not surprisingly, people soon (to stop) phoning Tom.
10 баллов
2. Choose the right variant
1) 1 (...) usually have lunch at home.
A doesn't
B don't
2) Не is always (...) mistakes.
A do
B making
3) How many apples (...) уоu got?
A have
B do
4) They don't often (...) my sister in Canada.
A calling
B rings
5) At five о' clock she usually (...) her tea.
A has
B has drunk
6) When (...) your homework?
A do you do
B are уоu doing
7) There (...) по need crying over spilt milk.
A there is
B there are
8) Annе broke (...) arm skiing.
A my
B mine
9) I have (...) bееn late for classes.
A ever
B never
10) I’ve (...) peeled the potatoes.
A ever
B as
C haven't
D isn't
C make
D done
C are
D does
C communicate
D phone
C is having
D have
C you are doing
D do уоu does
C there will be
D there isn't
C its
D her
C yet
D as
C yet
D already
10 баллов
3. Ореn the brackets, using the correct form of the verb
1) The weather (to be) terribleе today.
2) Peter (to play) in the sports team this season.
3) Уоu always (to make) mistakes in your tests.
4) It (to grow) dark, so we (to decide) to return.
5) Peter (to use) to swim every day when he was young.
6) I'm not sure we (to meet) before.
7) Не used (to be able) to speak Spanish.
8) Look at that tree. It (to fall down).
9) There (to be) five chairs, а table and а TV-set in this room.
10) Не is (to repair) his bicycle .
10 баллов
Схема оценивания теста
30-20 баллов: продвинутый уровень
20 баллов и ниже: основной уровень
Образец промежуточного тестирования
Направление «Педагогическое образование»
1. Use the words from the box to complete the sentences.
avoid available impractical first your instructor’s enthusiasm
key miss
For students who 1… the first day of class, make 2… а videotape or audiotape to 3… repeating
the material as new students join your class. If taping is 4…, ask students who enroll after the 5…
day tо obtain notes from someone who attended that session. Introduce yourself to 6… class.
Convey your 7… for the field and the subject. For many students, the 8… enthusiasm about the
course material is а 9… motivator for learning.
2. Match these terms with their definitions.
1. convince
a) significant
2. influence
b) whole
3. meaningful
c) fulfill
4. entire
d) personality
5. accomplish
e) persuade
6. versus
f) affect
7. devote
g) period of time
8. span
h) settle
9. identity
i) against
10. negotiate
j) dedicate
3. Arrange A and B in pairs of synonyms:
A: explore, continue, accomplish, affect, believe, stress, adapt, acquire.
B: influence, investigate, get, fulfill, adjust, think, emphasize, go on.
4. Choose the best explanation for each of these words:
1. experience
2. confidence
a) knowledge
a) assertion
b) age
b) assurance
c) guidance
c) justification
3. creativity
4. accident
a) thinking
a) chance
b) talent
b) case
с) gift
5. legitimate
c) incident
6. respond
a) legal
a) say
b) justified
b) tell
c) true
c) answer
10 баллов
5. Listen to the text “Teaching Techniques for a New Teacher” and answer the questions:
1. With what feelings do most young teachers go into their first class?
2. What happens when things are not going well?
3. What is the key to a good start?
6. Listen to the text “Developmental discussion” and answer the questions:
1. In what classes are discussion techniques more effective?
2. Is discussion appropriate for presenting new information?
3. When are we more likely to remember information?
4. Why does discussion often seem ineffective and disorganized?
5. What are the typical stages of the discussion?
6. What does developmental discussion imply?
10 баллов
Reading and speaking
7. Read the text “Starting а Discussion” and answer the questions:
1. How can a teacher start a discussion?
2. What questions can the teacher pose?
3. What is brainstorming useful for?
4. What other devices can be used in the discussion?
8. Read the text “The teacher’s role” and discuss the problems:
1. What sort of assistance are children to receive from teachers?
2. How much freedom can be given to children?
3. What is quality education?
10 баллов
9. Choose the right word. Only оnе answer is correct.
1) Are the boys ... about the last football match?
А discussing В saying
С telling
D talking
2) I won't help уоu ... уоu tell me the truth.
А except
В after
С unless
D because
3) The wedding will ...next Sunday at noon.
А happen
В take place
С occur
D carry оn
4) If уоu have any personal problems уоu may turn ... the Student Counselor .
А оn
В into
С off
D to
5) I haven't the slightest idea of what I... to do in this situation.
А could
В ought.
С would
D should
6) They let their children ... different pets at home.
А to keep
В keeping
С keep
D keeps
7) Yоu don't have to support your children ... ?
А don't уоu
В do уоu
С have уоu
D haven't уоu
8) Where is ... manager? - Не is out.
А а
В аn
СD the
9) We all... mistakes when we are young.
А do
В make
С did
D made
10) I haven't been home ... yesterday morning.
А for
В since
С after
D before
11) Could уоu possibly help me to ... my bag?
А look after
В look at
С look
D look around
12) Не works much ... this year than last year.
А best
В good
С bad
D better
13) Не counted the money and put ... aside.
А it
В them
С they
D there
14) During his voyage he also visited ... Вluе Mountain.
В an
СD the
15).... was not а single cloud in the sky.
А it
В there
С they
D these
16) I didn't like the film , and ...
А she didn't neither В she didn't too С either didn't she
D neither did she
17) She speaks ... English.
А perfect
В perfectly С well
D fluently
18) This is ... useful advice.
А such
В such а
D so а
19) I have two rooms. Оnе is а bedroom, and ... is а sitting-room.
А other
В the other
С another
20) Не ... his hat to welcome us.
А rose
В has risen
С raised
21) Ореn your books, please, and read ... text seven.
А the
С an
22) Her dress is ... than mine.
А more cheap В much cheap
С more cheaper
23) Не arrived ... Moscow а fortnight ago.
А at
В in
С to
24) Exams are never enjoyable,...?
А are there
В are they
С aren't they
25) You сan get there ... crossing that bridge.
А bу
В from
С with
D others
D is rising
DD much cheaper .
D for
D are there not
10. Translate into English.
1) Какая прекрасная сегодня погода! Солнечно, и на улицах много веселых
2) У меня сейчас очень мало времени, но если ты подождешь меня полчаса, то мы сумеем
3) Мальчик плохо чувствует себя сегодня. Если он не поправится завтра, то мне придется
вызвать врача.
4) Мы очень благодарны вам за сведения, которые вы мне приносите. Они нам очень
помогают в нашей работе.
5) Он был уверен, что встречал ее раньше, но не мог вспомнить где и когда .
6) Я закончила школу неделю назад и теперь собираюсь поступить в
7) Она так счастлива! Ей только что предложили интересную работу.
8) Вы были дома вчера вечером? - Да, мы с братом играли в шахматы, он такой хороший
9) Моя дочь только что ходила за покупками, сейчас у нас на столе много
вкусных вещей: бананы, мороженое и торт.
10) Когда мы вошли в зал, лекция только что началась, профессор рассказывал, о поездке
в США.
10 баллов
Схема оценивания теста
40-37 баллов: отлично
37-30 баллов: хорошо
30-20 баллов: удовлетворительно
19 баллов и ниже: неудовлетворительно
Образец зачетного тестирования
Направление «Журналистика»
Vocabulary and reading
1. Read the text about newspapers in the UK and answer the questions.
Journalists write the stories, but the editor controls the contents of the newspaper. He/She
decides which stories should go on the front page. Editors also write the headlines for the main
stories. The Sunday papers have more sections than the daily papers, for example, they have a
sports section with reports of different sporting events, a financial section with articles about
money and a review section. This often has interviews with celebrities like film stars and singers.
Newspapers are cheap in the UK and they make lots of money by including advertisements.
Online news is one of the fastest growing areas of the media.
1) What is the duty of an editor?
2) What sections do Sunday newspapers have?
3) How do newspapers in the UK make lots of money?
2. Read the text about sensationalism and speak on the topics:
1) What yellow journalism techniques were used in that period?
2) What is the synonym of “sensational reporting”?
The phrase “yellow journalism” is used to speak about journalism that exploits, distorts, or
exaggerates the news to create sensations and attract readers. It originates from the use of yellow
ink in printing "Yellow Kid", a cartoon strip in a newspaper noted for sensationalism.
Techniques of the period that became permanent features of U.S. journalism including banner
headlines, colored comics, and illustrations.
The color wasn't new. Yellow has been a primary color in our language for thousands of
years. But this yellow was in a new place, in comic strips on the front page of some of New
York's Sunday newspapers. And the newspapers were fighting the fiercest circulation war in
American history by clamoring for real war against Spain. In disgust, rival editors called it
yellow journalism.
In 1898 the circulation war of World vs. Journal reached its climax as both papers used
huge headlines for the war with Spain: "The Whole Country Thrills With the War Fever";
"Declaration of War!"; and "Manila Ours!".
In his New York Evening Post Godkin added: "A better place in which to prepare a young
man for eternal damnation than a yellow-journal office does not exist".
James Gordon Bennett, who founded the New York Morning Herald in 1835, was the first
American publisher to introduce sensationalism in news stories. In 1895 William Randolph
Hearst, publisher of the San Francisco Examiner, purchased the New York Morning Journal and
began a subscription war with Joseph Pulitzer's newspaper, the New York World. Pulitzer
responded in 1896 by creating a color supplement for which staff cartoonist, Richard Outcault,
produced a comic strip known as the "Yellow Kid", named after the main character who wore a
yellow nightshirt. The great popularity of this comic strip led Hearst to drop the price of his
paper, to begin his own color supplement, and to hire Outcault away from the World. The role of
Outcault's Yellow Kid character in these events lent the name "yellow journalism" to the
circulation wars between the two papers and to the sensationalistic journalistic practices that this
competition spawned.
The "Yellow Kid" and those two yellow journals are gone, but sensational reporting has
been criticized as yellow journalism ever since.
20 баллов
3. Complete the sentences with for or since:
1. I’ve had this job ____ 2012.
2. She’s known him ___ 20 years.
3. We’ve wanted children ___ ages.
4. I’ve liked travelling ___ I went on my first school trip.
4. Write about modern buildings using present or past passive. Use by where necessary.
1. The Empire State Building in New York /use/ in King Kong film.
2. 30 St Mary Axe in London /call/ “The Gherkin”/ Londoners.
3. Sydney Opera House /build/ to look like a ship.
4. The Pompidou Centre in Paris /name/ after a French president.
10 баллов
5. Listen to the text about “Google Earth” and answer the questions:
1) What is Google Earth?
2) Why has Google Earth come in to criticism?
5. Listen to the text about Pulitzer prizes and speak on the topics:
1) Why do the prizes bear the name of Pulitzer?
2) What did J. Pulitzer demand from the winners?
10 баллов
Схема оценивания теста
40-20 баллов: зачтено
19 баллов и ниже: не зачтено
Образец экзаменационного билета
Московский педагогический государственный университет
2 курс магистратура
Экзаменационный билет № ___
1. Translate text A.
2. Render text B.
3. Enlarge on the topic.
Образцы экзаменационных материалов
Направление «Филология»
American novel (From Romanticism to realism)
By the mid-19th century, the pre-eminence of literature from the British Isles began to be
challenged by writers from the former American colonies. This included one of the creators of
the new genre of the short story, and inventor of the detective story Edgar Allan Poe (1809–49).
A major influence on American writers at this time was Romanticism. The Romantic movement
gave rise to New England Transcendentalism, which portrayed a less restrictive relationship
between God and Universe. The publication of Ralph Waldo Emerson's 1836 essay Nature is
usually considered the watershed moment at which transcendentalism became a major cultural
movement. The new philosophy presented the individual with a more personal relationship with
God. Transcendentalism and Romanticism appealed to Americans in a similar fashion, for both
privileged feeling over reason, individual freedom of expression over the restraints of tradition
and custom. It often involved a rapturous response to nature. It encouraged the rejection of harsh,
rigid Calvinism, and promised a new blossoming of American culture.
In 1837, the young Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804–1864) collected some of his stories as TwiceTold Tales, a volume rich in symbolism and occult incidents. Hawthorne went on to write fulllength "romances", quasi-allegorical novels that explore such themes as guilt, pride, and
emotional repression in his native New England. The romantic American novel developed fully
with Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter (1850), a stark drama of a woman cast out of her
community for committing adultery. Hawthorne's fiction had a profound impact on his friend
Herman Melville (1819–1891). Melville first made a name for himself by turning material from
his seafaring days into exotic and sensational sea narrative novels. Inspired by Hawthorne's focus
on allegories and dark psychology, Melville went on to write romances replete with
philosophical speculation. In Moby-Dick (1851), an adventurous whaling voyage becomes the
vehicle for examining such themes as obsession, the nature of evil, and human struggle against
the elements. In another important work, the short novel Billy Budd, Melville dramatizes the
conflicting claims of duty and compassion on board a ship in time of war. His books sold poorly,
and he had been long forgotten by the time of his death, but Melville was rediscovered in the
early decades of the 20th century. Later Transcendentalist writers are Henry David
Thoreau Walden, (1854) and poets Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson. By the 1880s, however,
psychological and social realism were competing with Romanticism in the novel.
American realist fiction has its beginnings in the 1870s with the works of Twain, Howell and
Mark Twain (the pen name used by Samuel Langhorne Clemens, 1835–1910) was the first major
American writer to be born away from the East Coast – in the border state of Missouri. His
regional masterpieces were the memoir Life on the Mississippi and the novels Adventures of Tom
Sawyer (1876) and Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1884). Twain's style – influenced by
journalism, wedded to the vernacular, direct and unadorned but also highly evocative and
irreverently humorous – changed the way Americans write their language. His characters speak
like real people and sound distinctively American, using local dialects, newly invented words,
and regional accents.
Образцы экзаменационных материалов
Направление «Педагогическое образование»
Will Teachers Support Tap?
In spite of the advantages of a Teacher Advisor Program, many teachers are reluctant to
support such a program, because they are either skeptical about its utility or wary of the extra
preparation that such a program would involve. Robert D. Myrick estimates, for example, that in
most schools 20% of the teachers would involve support such a program while 20% would be
strongly opposed. It is therefore important to move the middle 60% toward supporting TAP and
development guidance.
If most teachers are to support a Teacher Advisor Program, they must clearly understand and
embrace the essential concepts of developmental guidance and interpersonal skills; so that they
can effectively facilitate class discussions that help students think about personal problems and
explore alternative courses of action.
Second, if a TAP is to be anything more than a formality, the time commitment needs to be
adequate. Group meetings of once a week or less are not likely to allow valuable helping
relationships between teachers and their advisees to develop, or nor do they give teachers the
opportunity to establish continuity or consistency. TAP works best when it is scheduled every
school day, or at least two or three times a week; otherwise, teachers tend to view TAP as an
added encumbrance, peripheral to their major duties.
Besides an adequate allotment of time, TAP also must have a developmental guidance
curriculum with clearly articulated objectives, and with supporting materials and activities that
can stimulate student participation. If teachers have an organized guidance handbook, which they
are more likely to “buy into” the guidance program as a whole.
Finally, teachers need to be assured of full support and cooperation from both the
administration and the counseling staff, so that they won’t feel as if the burden of student
guidance has been unfairly shifted to their shoulders. For this reason, TAP should be monitored
and evaluated by students , teachers, counselors, and administrators every year to ensure that the
program is meeting its goals.
What are the Advantages and Limitations of Teachers as Advisors?
Teacher Advisor Programs compensate for the high counselor-student ratios that make it
impossible for school counselors to know all students personally. But beyond this compensatory
role, TAP strengthens teacher-student relationships and creates a supportive learning
environment in which teachers and counselors can work together to respond to students’
academic and personal needs.
The major disadvantage of Teacher Advisor Programs is that not all teachers are able or
willing to work effectively with students in an advisory role. Such programs are therefore often
viewed as a passing fad or an infringement on academic time.
To be successful, a Teacher Advisory Program must therefore have a clearly defined
purpose, reflected in a well-conceived curriculum, and it must enlist the full support of
administrators, teachers, and counselors alike.