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Journal of Pedagogical Inventions and Practices
ISSN NO: 2770-2367
Date of Publication: 21-01-2023
The importance of pedagogical technology in team
building and interactive activities
Ganieva Nodira Salimovna
Teacher, Technical College of Public Health named after Abu Ali Ibn Sina, Kattakurgan
Irgashev Abdulaziz Raimberdievich
Teacher, Technical College of Public Health named after Abu Ali Ibn Sina, Kattakurgan
The specialist performs a goal-oriented labor movement in the process of performing any
work. For example, the structure of the production process in the construction industry includes a
variety of works: earthworks (excavation and relocation of soil and stones, excavation and
processing of soil, etc.), reinforced concrete works (installation of reinforced concrete structures
etc.), stonework, wall installation, etc.
The whole process of repairing or constructing complex structures or parts of them
performed in the area of a construction site is called a construction process. For example, a
bricklayer must make eye-catching movements to lay a brick on an outer pole, find the brick,
extend his hand, pick up the brick, move it to the place of laying, and turn it.
Key words: worker, education, social relations, creative activities, team building.
These actions of the worker constitute the labor movement. Or, a labor movement is a completed
purposeful behavior of a worker-specialist that involves dexterity actions.
The work of specialists is characterized by universality, permanence, diligence, repetition,
etc., which are reflected in many actions, such as "take", "lift", "put", "straighten", "pull", "tie",
The set of technologically connected labor actions in the performance of certain elements
of the labor process is called the labor method. Different work methods can be used by an expert to
complete one and the other similar construction process. For example, laying bricks on an outer
column can be pressed or glued together.
Socio-economic reforms in the country are based on the best practices of developed
countries and the organization of science and modern information and communication
technologies in the market of labor and educational services that meet the established
requirements, are spiritually mature, have professional skills. the task of training competitive
personnel is defined.
Such works serve to educate young people in the spirit of devotion to their homeland, and
to formulate ethical responsibilities. In the process of implementing the requirements of the Law
on Education and the National Program for Personnel Training, training of highly qualified
teachers is the main concern.
Therefore, the formation of highly educated, independent thinkers, creators with a high
level of professional competence, the ability to meet the requirements of vocational training, and a
new approach to their personality is a prerequisite for modern social development.
Expanding the scope of social relations calls for the growing generation to be well-versed
in the process of dealing with the complexities of the relationship. They should not be isolated at
that time from the environment in which they were accustomed.
This can have a negative impact on the mentality and continuity of young people and,
ultimately, on education. And we need to teach young people how to educate, educate, guide them
and, of course, work in groups.
Today, teamwork and creative work with students bring a great success. Creating a team
system: The word “community” comes from the Latin word “collective,” meaning a congregation, a
Peer Reviewed International Journal
Volume 16
Journal of Pedagogical Inventions and Practices
ISSN NO: 2770-2367
Date of Publication: 21-01-2023
community, a union, a group, and a number of members. a group formed on the basis of a
common goal of social importance.
Teaching young children to work collectively from a young age is beneficial for a child.
From a young age, children adapt to the social environment by organizing work and study
activities with their peers. Not everyone is isolated from the social environment. An example of
this is Maugli in the work which was written by R. Kiplin. Although a human being is not able to
adapt to people's lives because of the lack of skills and abilities to participate in the process of
social relations.
Spending most of your time with animals. Community mobility and social environment
not only provide a child with a sense of well-being but also an opportunity for self-realization. The
constant presence of a child in the community contributes to his or her social activity. The child's
speech and thinking grows.
It even reaches a level where it can compete with other peers in the field of knowledge. This shows
that the child is growing, because there is always development in the competition, no matter what
field they are in. Even in education. Oriental thinkers pay special attention to the role and role of
the team in maintaining personal maturity.
In particular, Abu Ali Ibn Sina praised the role of the social environment in the formation
of the individual. The external environment and people say that not only does a person understand
the essence of processes and processes but also that it influences the formation of good and bad
qualities in his behavior.
That is why it is important to take into account the microfluidic nature of the child. needs.
Only then we will be able to protect our children from bad influences. Our great
grandfather Abu Nasr Farabi said, "People need a relationship with others, to feel their support
and protect."
Abu Rayhon Beruni said that mutual aid, cooperation, and sympathy in the formation of a
person determine their role and place in the social environment. Mutually respecting, close-knit
community, working together for a pedagogically-motivated team and its members, caring for one
another, caring for the benefit of the community, and organizing practical action in this way. and
developing a sense of responsibility for the team.
The team's activity reflects the purpose of its mission. The team and its formation is the
goal of teaching activities. Therefore, the role of the organizer in the team is important. To create a
credible, collaborative team, it is important for the students to organize the social activities of each
student, as well as monitor their participation and behavior.
The role of the student should be taken into account when forming a team activist. It is
advisable that the community chooses the children themselves, of course, with the participation
and leadership of the instructor.
The pupil starts learning in the community during the school year, working in harmony,
which means that he or she learns the basic principles of the community. ,, The word 'community'
comes from the Latin, which means collective, community, unity.
The concept of community is, first of all, the principle of teamwork, working for the
people, bringing personal interests to the common good, and helping each other with impartiality
and solidarity. Community should be seen as an essential feature of the individual. The sense of
community has an impact on the development of the individual on the one hand.
On the other hand, it creates a dialectical relationship in the upbringing of the individual.
As a basic principle of community morality, writes Ashurmat Akhmedov, the relation of individual
to one another, to the individual and to the community. reflects society's attitude towards the
individual [2].
The community also has its own moral value, that is, the individual must understand his
or her commitment to the individual community, consciously serve the interests of the community,
be based on mutual support and cooperation, be self-assured and trust the community. They said
that. Traditions also play an important role in the formation of a student community.
Team traditions are the same tradition that is supported by team members, and their
content reflects the nature of the relationship and the creative mind of the team.
Peer Reviewed International Journal
Volume 16
Journal of Pedagogical Inventions and Practices
ISSN NO: 2770-2367
Date of Publication: 21-01-2023
1. Tradition of daily activities;
2.Holidays and traditions.
Daily activities include student learning and work activities, such as camping and hashing.
Holiday traditions include activities related to the celebration of various socially significant events
such as the Independence Day, the Navruz Holiday, the Alphabet holiday and more.
Traditional holidays are different in educational institutions. The power of a student's
ability to understand traditions and his or her attitude to them is greater. Student attitudes play an
important role in the development of traditions.
When teaching and organizing activities by a team of teachers or teachers with a focus on
working with the student community to teach them how to keep their traditions going, this can be
accomplished pedagogically. the importance of community support and cooperation among its
We must keep up with education and training. The first President IAKarimov in his book
"High Spirituality - Invincible Power" wrote that "We must not forget that the foundation of our
future is educated, in other words, how our children learn today. To do this, every parent and
teacher must first see the person in the image of each child.To reach our children through these
simple requirements is to bring our children into a full-fledged, intelligent, independent mind".
Thus, the role of the class leader is important in team building and in directing student learning.
To sum up, the class leader should use methods that will have a positive impact on
children in their work. The class leader should be fair to the team. I think this will build confidence
in the upbringing of children.
Because if a teacher does not see the injustice in the classroom and does not handle it
fairly, the student loses credibility. Pedagogical scientist V.A. Suhomlinsky in the book "I donate to
the children" has no right to say something about the educational effect of those children unless
they are joking. Every child has his or her own heart. We must be able to reach the heart of every
child, to guide them in the right education.
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Peer Reviewed International Journal
Volume 16