Загрузил Елена Максименко

Англ 11.03

Тема: Россия. Политическое устройство. Национальные символы.
Ex. 3
A) 1. the State Duma
B) 4. the President
C) 5. the Federal Assembly
D) 3. a bill
E) 6. the ruble
F) 9. coat of arms
G) 8. the Prime Minister
H) 2. United Russia
I) 10. the national anthem
J) 7. the Federation Council.
Ex. 4
1. Russia
2. Moscow
3. Siberia
4. Volga
5. Moscow
6. Ruble
7. Saint
8. Petersburg
9. Kremlin
10. Matryoshka
11. Trans-Siberian
12. Ural
Cообщение о символах России.
Symbols of Russia are deeply rooted in the country's rich history and cultural
heritage. One of the most prominent symbols is the double-headed eagle, which
has been a symbol of the Russian state for centuries, representing the dual
nature of Russia as both European and Asian. Another important symbol is the
Kremlin, the fortified complex in the heart of Moscow that symbolizes political
power and historical significance.
The iconic onion domes of Russian Orthodox churches are also symbolic of the
country's religious traditions and architectural heritage. Matryoshka dolls, with
their nested design, are a popular symbol of Russian craftsmanship and artistry.
The birch tree, with its delicate white trunk and graceful branches, is often seen
as a symbol of Russian nature and beauty.
Russian literature and music also play a significant role in shaping the country's
symbols, with works by authors like Tolstoy and Dostoevsky and composers like
Tchaikovsky and Rachmaninoff embodying the depth and complexity of Russian
Overall, the symbols of Russia reflect the country's vast and diverse identity,
encompassing aspects of history, culture, religion, nature, and art. They serve as
powerful reminders of Russia's past and present, capturing the essence of this
vast and enigmatic country.