М. А. Гацкевич ENGLISH GRAMMAR FOR PUPILS ГРАММАТИКА АНГЛИЙСКОГО ЯЗЫКА ДЛЯ ШКОЛЬНИКОВ Сборник упражнений Книга II ÓÄÊ 373.167.1:820 ÁÁÊ 81.2 Àíãë-922 à 12 Ãàöêåâè÷ Ì. À. à 12 Ãðàììàòèêà àíãëèéñêîãî ÿçûêà äëÿ øêîëüíèêîâ: Ó÷åáíîå ïîñîáèå äëÿ äåòåé. Êíèãà II. — ÑÏá.: ÊÀÐÎ, 2012. — 256 ñ. ISBN 978-5-9925-0153-7 Ïðåäëàãàåìûé ñáîðíèê óïðàæíåíèé ÿâëÿåòñÿ ïðàêòè÷åñêèì ïîñîáèåì äëÿ èçó÷åíèÿ è çàêðåïëåíèÿ îñíîâ ãðàììàòèêè àíãëèéñêîãî ÿçûêà. Áîëüøîé îáúåì çàäàíèé ïîçâîëèò ÷åòêî óñâîèòü ëåêñè÷åñêèé è ãðàììàòè÷åñêèé ìàòåðèàë. Ïîñîáèå ðàññ÷èòàíî íà øêîëüíèêîâ ìëàäøèõ è ñðåäíèõ êëàññîâ îáùåîáðàçîâàòåëüíûõ è ñïåöèàëüíûõ øêîë. ÓÄÊ 373.167.1:820 ÁÁÊ 81.2 Àíãë-922 ISBN 978-5-9925-0153-7 © ÊÀÐÎ, 2000 Âñå ïðàâà çàùèùåíû Äîðîãèå ìàëü÷èêè è äåâî÷êè! Âîò è îïÿòü ìû ñ âàìè âñòðåòèëèñü íà ñòðàíèöàõ íàøåé êíèãè.  ïðîøëîé êíèãå âû óçíàëè î ãëàãîëàõ “to be”, “to have”, î ãðàììàòè÷åñêèõ âðåìåíàõ Present Simple (Present Indefinite) Tense, Present Progressive (Present Continuous) Tense è î êîíñòðóêöèè “there is (are)”. ß íàäåþñü, ÷òî âû âûïîëíèëè âñå óïðàæíåíèÿ, è ýòî íå âûçâàëî ó âàñ áîëüøèõ òðóäíîñòåé. Âîò òàê øàã çà øàãîì ìû ñ âàìè áóäåì ïóòåøåñòâîâàòü ïî ñòðàíå çíàíèé ïîä íàçâàíèåì «Àíãëèéñêàÿ ãðàììàòèêà». Íå âñåãäà íàøå ïóòåøåñòâèå áóäåò ëåãêèì. Êàê ó âñåõ ïóòåøåñòâåííèêîâ, íà íàøåì ïóòè áóäóò âñòðå÷àòüñÿ òðóäíîñòè, íî ìû îáÿçàòåëüíî èõ ïðåîäîëååì. Ïåðâûé øàã âû óæå ñäåëàëè, à òåïåðü íàì ïðåäñòîèò ñäåëàòü âòîðîé, áîëåå ñëîæíûé øàã.  ýòîé êíèãå âû ïîçíàêîìèòåñü ñ íîâûìè ãðàììàòè÷åñêèìè âðåìåíàìè. Êàê ÿ óæå ãîâîðèëà, ýòà êíèãà — ïðîäîëæåíèå ïðåäûäóùåãî ñáîðíèêà. Åñëè âû õîðîøî ïîðàáîòàëè ñ ïðåäûäóùèì ñáîðíèêîì, òî ó âàñ íå âûçîâóò çàòðóäíåíèé óïðàæíåíèÿ èç ýòîé êíèãè. À ìîè ñîâåòû âàì îñòàþòñÿ ïðåæíèìè: äåëàéòå îáÿçàòåëüíî âñå óïðàæíåíèÿ, ðàáîòàéòå åæåäíåâíî è ïðî÷èòûâàéòå íàïèñàííîå âñëóõ. ß óáåæäåíà, ÷òî âû òðóäîëþáèâûå è óìíûå ó÷åíèêè. ß âåðþ â âàø óñïåõ. Àâòîð CONTENTS The Past Indefinite (Simple) Tense ............................... 5 The Verb “to Be” in the Past Indefinite Tense ............. 77 Construction “There Is (Are)” in the Past Indefinite Tense..................................... 92 The Future Indefinite Tense...................................... 102 The Verb “to Be” in the Future Indefinite Tense ....... 158 The Present Perfect Tense The Verb “to Be” in the Present Perfect Tense ......... 172 List of Irregular Verbs............................................... 238 Vocabulary .............................................................. 242 THE PAST INDEFINITE (Simple) TENSE Affirmative I He She It You We They Negative worked/went I He She It You We They did not work/go Interrogative Did I he she it you we they work/go? did not = didn’t 6 ENGLISH GRAMMAR FOR PUPILS Special questions What, Where, With whom, Why, What time. Where did I he she it you we they work/go? Who, Which of you, Which of them. Who worked/went? Ïðàâèëüíûå ãëàãîëû îáðàçóþò ïðîøåäøåå âðåìÿ ïóòåì ïðèáàâëåíèÿ îêîí÷àíèÿ –ed èëè –d, êîòîðîå ÷èòàåòñÿ êàê [t] ïîñëå ãëóõèõ ñîãëàñíûõ [d] ïîñëå çâîíêèõ ñîãëàñíûõ è ãëàñíûõ [Id] ïîñëå áóêâ t, d. dressed helped danced opened played answered counted wanted collected THE PAST INDEFINITE (SIMPLE) TENSE 7 Îñîáåííîñòè ïðàâîïèñàíèÿ ïðàâèëüíûõ ãëàãîëîâ: – óäâàèâàåòñÿ êîíå÷íàÿ ñîãëàñíàÿ â îäíîñëîæíûõ è äâóõñëîæíûõ ãëàãîëàõ ñ êðàòêîé ãëàñíîé; skip – skipped stop – stopped hop – hopped – â ãëàãîëàõ, îêàí÷èâàþùèõñÿ íà “y” ñ ïðåäøåñòâóþùåé ãëàñíîé, “y” ìåíÿåòñÿ íà “i” è äîáàâëÿåòñÿ îêîí÷àíèå “ed”. try – tried cry – cried But: play – played. yesterday ['jLstAdI] â÷åðà last week (month, year, summer, Sunday) íà ïðîøëîé íåäåëå (ìåñÿöå, ãîäó, ëåòîì, âîñêðåñåíüå) the day before yesterday ïîçàâ÷åðà five minutes ago ïÿòü ìèíóò íàçàä an hour ago ÷àñ íàçàä the other day íà äíÿõ 8 ENGLISH GRAMMAR FOR PUPILS 1 Write the verbs in three columns. [t] [d] [Id] washed, cleaned, dressed, helped, played, watched, listened, painted, looked, jumped, skated, skied, skipped, sledged, lived, loved, liked, thanked, wanted. 2. Open the brackets. Put the verbs into the Past Indefinite. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. The pupils (to run) a race at the stadium last week. Their family (to go) to the seaside a month ago. Margaret (to do) the shopping yesterday evening. They (to listen) to music at the concert hall yesterday. My father (to smoke) a cigarette a minute ago. Fred and Helen (to stay) at a hotel last June. Bat (to water) the flowers an hour ago. We (to travel) by sea last summer. Sally (to try) on a white dress at the shop yesterday. 3. Open the brackets. Put the verbs into the Past Indefinite. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. You (to go) to the theatre last week. Al (to buy) black shoes three days ago. I (to give) a call to Sam five minutes ago. Alice (to knit) a warm sweater last month. He (to get) off the train a minute ago. THE PAST INDEFINITE (SIMPLE) TENSE 9 6. They (to watch) squirrels in the park last Sunday. 7. We (to arrive) in Moscow yesterday evening. 8. The children (to learn) new nice poems by heart last week. 9. Carol (to catch) the plane yesterday morning. 4. Open the brackets. Put the verbs into the Past Indefinite. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Colin (to celebrate) his birthday last Monday. Her younger sister (to collect) stamps last year. Jake (to travel) by car two months ago. We (to go) to the circus last Saturday. Willy (to answer) my questions a minute ago. My mother (to cook) cabbage soup for dinner yesterday. 7. Polly (to make) coffee in the kitchen five minutes ago. 8. I (to copy) out a text yesterday evening. 9. Paul (to draw) a beautiful picture last week. 5. Open the brackets. Put the verbs into the Past Indefinite. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. My brother (to join) the army last autumn. Dave (to act) on the stage yesterday evening. I (to wear) a new suit at the party yesterday. Billy (to drink) a cup of coffee an hour ago. We (to discuss) this problem last Tuesday. The secretary (to type) a letter 20 minutes ago. 10 ENGLISH GRAMMAR FOR PUPILS 7. Tib (to translate) a very difficult text from French into English two days ago. 8. They (to visit) their friends last Friday. 9. Bob (to find) his documents yesterday evening. 6. Open the brackets. Put the verbs into the Past Indefinite. 1. The child (to tell) lies a minute ago. 2. Tony (to look) through all magazines yesterday evening. 3. I (to send) a telegram to my Granny last Wednesday. 4. Rose (to drink) her medicine half an hour ago. 5. We (to go) boating last summer. 6. George (to draw) a funny animal yesterday. 7. His elder sister (to lock) the door with a key yesterday evening. 8. Liz (to make) lunch for her family five minutes ago. 9. They (do dance) in the disco club last Friday. 7. Open the brackets. Put the verbs into the Past Indefinite. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. We (to go) to the concert two days ago. I (to help) my friend with Maths last week. Sandy (to keep) to a diet last month. They (to laugh) at Sue yesterday evening. David (to leave) for New York two months ago. Liz and Jack (to get) married last year. THE PAST INDEFINITE (SIMPLE) TENSE 11 7. Their family (to move) in a new flat last Sunday. 8. The children (to play) snowballs last winter. 9. Nan (to meet) her friend at the bus-stop yesterday. 8. Open the brackets. Put the verbs into the Past Indefinite. 1. We (to listen) to our Granny’s stories yesterday evening. 2. They (to go) home by car last Monday. 3. Nick (to work) on a farm three years ago. 4. The teacher (to give) a pupil a good mark yesterday. 5. I (to meet) my elder brother at the tram-stop an hour ago. 6. Jack (to sit) on a bench under a tree a minute ago. 7. My parents (to pick up) berries in the garden two days ago. 8. Jane (to wash) fruit for lunch ten minutes ago. 9. Willy and Alf (to travel) by car last summer. 9. Open the brackets. Put the verbs into the Past Indefinite. 1. His father (to buy) a new car last month. 2. I (to give) my mother a present for her birthday last Tuesday. 3. We (to get) to the village by train last month. 4. The pupils (to go) to the Winter Palace last week. 5. Molly (to sweep) the floor half an hour ago. 12 ENGLISH GRAMMAR FOR PUPILS 6. My friends (to stay in) after classes the day before yesterday. 7. He (to drive) Liz to work yesterday morning. 8. Rita (to wash) clothes last Thursday. 9. They (to decorate) their children’s room last week. 10. Open the brackets. Put the verbs into the Past Indefinite. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. We (to sleep) with the window open last night. I (to leave) home for work twenty minutes ago. Betty (to ring up) her friends yesterday evening. She (to cook) fish soup for dinner yesterday. Dick (to look for) his keys yesterday morning. Jane (to tell) funny stories last Friday. Sue (to learn) a difficult text by heart yesterday. My mother (to translate) an article from English into Russian the day before yesterday. 9. They (to have) two cups of coffee five minutes ago. 11. Open the brackets. Put the verbs into the Past Indefinite. 1. I (to help) my grandparents about the house last week. 2. My brother (not to skate) at the stadium last Wednesday. 3. His uncle (to come) home at one o’clock yesterday. 4. We (to have) supper at the cafe´ yesterday evening. 5. They (to drink) coffee for lunch yesterday. THE PAST INDEFINITE (SIMPLE) TENSE 13 6. I (to do) my homework the day before yesterday. 7. Mr. Brown (to go) to the stadium last week. 8. Henry (not to ski) last month. 12. Open the brackets. Put the verbs into the Past Indefinite. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. My niece (not to have) supper yesterday. Her husband (to take) a shower yesterday morning. Their grandson (not to do) his homework yesterday. My cousin (not to wash up) the day before yesterday. His sister (to go) for a walk last Thursday. Jack and Mary (to play) hide-and-seek yesterday evening. 7. I (not to watch) TV yesterday. 8. Monica (to go) to the swimming pool yesterday afternoon. 13. Open the brackets. Put the verbs into the Past Indefinite. 1. Charlie (to put on) a new suit yesterday. 2. Our mother (not to have) breakfast yesterday morning. 3. She (to eat) an apple for lunch yesterday. 4. I (to go) to the sportsground the day before yesterday. 5. My little nephew (to play) with his cars yesterday evening. 14 ENGLISH GRAMMAR FOR PUPILS 6. Her mother (to go) shopping yesterday afternoon. 7. I (to do) my morning exercises yesterday. 8. We (to have) supper with our friends yesterday evening. 14. Open the brackets. Put the verbs into the Past Indefinite. 1. Her granddaughter (to go) to bed at ten o’clock yesterday. 2. I (to go) to Moscow last week. 3. We (not to walk) last Sunday. 4. My brother (to get up) at nine o’clock the day before yesterday. 5. Our aunt and uncle (to come) home at eleven o’clock last Monday. 6. The children (to go) to school at a quarter to nine yesterday. 7. His niece (not to have) lunch yesterday morning. 8. I (to eat) soup for dinner yesterday. 15. Open the brackets. Put the verbs into the Past Indefinite. 1. 2. 3. 4. We (to swim) in the swimming pool last autumn. My nephew (not to help) his mother last Monday. His uncle (not to ski) last winter. I (not to eat) porridge for supper the day before yesterday. THE PAST INDEFINITE (SIMPLE) TENSE 15 5. My grandparents (to write) a letter to their friends yesterday. 6. The child (not to wash) his face yesterday morning. 7. His daughter (to run) at the stadium last week. 8. Mr. Brown (to have) dinner at a restaurant yesterday. 16. Open the brackets. Put the verbs into the Past Indefinite. 1. Molly (to drink) milk for lunch yesterday. 2. Den (to wake up) at ten o’clock the day before yesterday. 3. My sister (to do) her homework yesterday afternoon. 4. Their aunt (not to read) books yesterday evening. 5. Bill (not to wash) his face yesterday evening. 6. Her friend (to write) a letter to her grandmother yesterday. 7. You (not to play) chess last week. 8. Our relatives (to go) to Novgorod last month. 17. Open the brackets. Put the verbs into the Past Indefinite. 1. Our uncle (not get up) at eight o’clock yesterday. 2. Their little sister (to make) the bed yesterday morning. 3. My niece and nephew (to wash up) yesterday afternoon. 4. I (not to do) my homework the day before yesterday. 16 ENGLISH GRAMMAR FOR PUPILS 5. My parents (to come) home at eight o’clock yesterday. 6. Meggy (to clean) her teeth yesterday morning. 7. Her cousin (to go) to school last Saturday. 8. His little brother (to wake up) at ten o’clock yesterday. 18. Open the brackets. Put the verbs into the Past Indefinite. 1. Her little niece (not to go) to bed at nine o’clock yesterday. 2. Our grandmother (to watch) TV yesterday morning. 3. My parents (to go) shopping the day before yesterday. 4. My grandfather (to help) his wife about the house yesterday. 5. We (to have) soup for dinner yesterday. 6. My brother (to write) a letter to his friend yesterday. 7. They (to go) to the country last summer. 8. Our friends (not to go) to London last month. 19. Open the brackets. Put the verbs into the Past Indefinite. 1. I (to clean) my teeth yesterday morning. 2. My cousin (not to do) his morning exercises yesterday. 3. His father (to go) to Africa last year. THE PAST INDEFINITE (SIMPLE) TENSE 17 4. Our parents (not to watch) TV last week. 5. Mike (to drink) juice for lunch the day before yesterday. 6. Her grandson (not to have) breakfast yesterday morning. 7. They (not to go) to school at three o’clock yesterday. 8. We (not to eat) porridge for supper the day before yesterday. 20. Open the brackets. Put the verbs into the Past Indefinite. 1. My grandparents (to wake up) at six o’clock yesterday morning. 2. She (to take) a shower yesterday evening. 3. My friend (not to eat) cakes for supper last week. 4. They (to go) to the theatre last Sunday. 5. The boys (to swim) in the swimming pool the day before yesterday. 6. We (not to have) dinner yesterday afternoon. 7. My mother (to read) a book the other day. 8. Her grandmother (to watch) TV yesterday evening. 21. Open the brackets. Put the verbs into the Past Indefinite. 1. His brother (not to go) to school last Saturday. 2. The women (to have) dinner at the office yesterday evening. 18 ENGLISH GRAMMAR FOR PUPILS 3. I (not to come) home at twelve o’clock last week. 4. We (to eat) sour cream for breakfast yesterday. 5. My niece and nephew (to go) to the cinema last Monday. 6. Her parents (not to go) shopping yesterday afternoon. 7. I (to play) tennis the day before yesterday. 8. Clem (not to take) a shower yesterday morning. 22. Open the brackets. Put the verbs into the Past Indefinite. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Her son (to skate) yesterday evening. Children (not to help) their mother about the house. My uncle (to skate) yesterday evening. His aunt (to drink) coffee for breakfast yesterday. My little sister (to skip) yesterday. His parent (not to ski) last month. The girls (to run) at the school sportsground last week. My cousin (not to do) his homework yesterday morning. 9. I (to swim) last year. 23. Open the brackets. Put the verbs into the Past Indefinite. 1. Dave (to write) a letter to his grandmother last week. 2. Robert (to have) coffee for breakfast the day before yesterday. Книги издательства «КАРО» можно приобрести: Оптовая торговля: в СанктПетербурге: ул. Бронницкая, 44. тел./факс: (812) 575$94$39, 320$84$79 е$mail: karo@peterstar.ru в Москве: ул. Стахановская, д. 24. тел./факс: (499) 171$53$22, 174$09$64 Почтовый адрес: 109125, Москва, 2$ой Грайвороновский проезд, д. 32А, е$mail: moscow@karo.net.ru. 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Авдеева Издательство «КАРО», ЛР № 065644 195027, Санкт$Петербург, Свердловская наб., д. 60, (812) 570$54$97 WWW.KARO.SPB.RU Гигиенический сертификат №П.004020.03.07 от 22.03.2007 Подписано в печать 15.11.2011. Формат 70 х 90 1/16 . Бумага офсетная. Печать офсетная. Усл. печ. л. 18,7. Тираж 4000 экз. Заказ № Отпечатано по технологии CtP в ОАО «Первая Образцовая типография», обособленное подразделение «Печатный двор». 197110, Санкт$Петербург, Чкаловский пр., 15.