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Controlwork 8 класс 2 четв

Упражнение 1. Insert the verbs in the Past Perfect tense. (Вставьте
глаголы в Past Perfect.)
1. I ... (to have) breakfast before I went to school.
2. He went to meet his friends after he ... (to do) his homework.
3. By 8 o’clock the rain ... (to stop).
4. Alice was late because she ... (to miss) the bus.
5. She went to the post-office after she ... (to write) the letter.
6. He ... (to work) at the factory before he entered the college.
7. He got a bad mark for his test because he ... (to make) a lot of mistakes in it.
8. I went to bed after I ... (to finish) reading the book.
9. The child ... (to fall) asleep before the parents came home.
10.They ... (to marry) before they bought this house.
Упражнение 2. Insert the verbs in the Past Simple or Past Perfect tense.
11.I (to be) at the club yesterday
12.He (not to do) all the work before she came
13.She (to get) the job a week ago?
14.They (to go) to the park a few hours ago
15.When we came to the bus stop, the bus (to leave) already
16.We (to finish) the project by 9 o'clock yesterday?
17.I (to be) in New York before I visited London
18.He (not to paint) the picture before she came
19.She (cook) dinner by 10 o'clock yesterday?
20.They (to buy) a new car a year ago
21.We (not to sell) our computer yesterday
22.He (to read) the book before mother came?
Упражнение 2. Translate into English.
1. Герой фильма
2. Певцы хора
3. Предлагать место
4. Представлять себя
5. Смешная комедия
6. Присоединяться к странам
7. Обдумывать новую идею
8. Любимое развлечение
9. Организовывать вечеринку
10.Возможный визит
1 had had, 2 had done, 3 had stopped, 4 had missed, 5 had written, 6 had worked,
7 had made, 8 had finished, 9 had fallen, 10 had married
1. I was at the club yesterday. Я был в клубе вчера
2. He had not done all the work before she came. Он не сделал всю работу до того,
как она пришла
3. Did she get the job a week ago? Она получила новую работу неделю назад?
4. They went to the park a few hours ago. Они ушли в парк несколько часов назад
5. When we came to the bus stop, the bus had already left. Когда мы подошли к
автобусной остановке, автобус уже ушел
6. Had we finished the project by 9 o'clock yesterday? Мы закончили проект к 9
7. I had been in New York before I visited London. Я был в Нью-Йорке до того,
как я посетил Лондон
8. He had not painted the picture before she came. Он не нарисовал картину до
того, как она пришла
9. Had she cooked dinner by 10 o'clock yesterday? Она приготовила обед к 10
10.They bought a new car a year ago. Они купили новую машину год назад
11.We did not sell our computer yesterday. Мы не продали наш компьютер вчера
12.Had he read the book before mother came? Он прочитал книгу до того, как
мама пришла?