Загрузил Наталья Кормильцева


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The first task
1. What is the aim of higher education in our country? The main reason why it still exists is to
provide high-qualified specialists.Honestly Not all of the students attend our alma mater to get
2. Is it accessible to all? True assertion, in our country education is very cheap and available if
compare to others
3. Do the students study all free of charge? Partly true some members of our university study
on commercial basis, the others free of charge
4. What can be said about the academic year?The academic year usually lasts 9 months and is
divided into two terms. At the end of each semester students take exams
5. What are the stages of education?After four years they will get a Bachelor's degree. Then the
students may go on with their studies and in a year or two of further study and research get a
Master's degree.
6. . What university do you study at? , I study at the Russian State Vocational Pedagogic
University.It consist of high-level professional and masters of their responsibilities
7. When was it founded? It was founded in 1979.
8. What was it called at first?At first it was called the Sverdlovsk Engineer Pedagogic Institute.
9. When was it given the Russian status? Not long ago it was given the Russian status.
10.What is the structure of our university? The structure of our university includes different
departments (full time and correspondence)
11. What faculty do you study at? I am study at the chair of psychology. I am a part-time student
13. Do you enjoy studying at this university? Of course not I wish spend my time with my cute
The second task
1.Сейчас есть институт, где все учатся на коммерческой основе.There is a university where
all students study on a commercial basis now
2. Многие студенты не получают стипендию, так как они учатся плохо.Many students don’t
get grants due their results of studying are awful
3. В конце каждого семестра мы сдаем экзамены. At the end of each semesters we take exams
4. На первом и втором курсах они получают подробные сведения из области
фундаментальных наук. The first and second-year students obtain thorough information in the
fundamental sciences.
5. Наша еда должна быть обогащена минералами.-Our food must be enriched with minerals
6. Эта дорога должна быть расширена-This road should be broadened
7. На старших курсах они получают углубленные знания по предметам- At the last years
students get more advanced knowledge
8. После окончания института можно продолжить исследования.You may go on with your
studies after university
9. Мой друг - студент заочного отделения.My friend is a part-time student
Yesterday I met my best friend. We decided to go to the cinema. 2. They stole money from
the bank last month. 3. If I was nervous, I would make a lot of mistakes. 4. When does Nick
come back? – I don't know. 5. Today he finished the book that he had begun writing a year ago.
6. Look at the sky. The Sun is shining so brightly, There are no clouds 7. He didn't like the film
we saw yesterday. It was boring. 8. While she is helping her mother with the house, he is
sleeping. 9. Where is Tom? – I don't know . He has just left. May he is playing football in the
yard now. 10. The lecture has just begun, but the teacher hasn’t come yet . 11. She was sleeping
when I came yesterday. 12. Her daughter went to school in the morning. 13. Have You already
read this book? – Yes, but I don't like it. 14. The cat broke a new mother’s vase a week ago. 15.
Before you leave home, don't forget to switch off the light. 16. What are you doing now? – I
writing a composition. 17.It takes him 30 minutes to get to school. 18. The girl was so glad, that
she found her lost book.