llпfiFд]tlЕ iltг[шЕI$ ф lI ъ ш s] ilшш IlNIlNlUd sIлI[fUl IflUds :slшNIJ Jш sIINUdиlшt сог{тЕNтS --:е Liqог _-:: -Зейс. --: =*iH --__:Г ч( PRODUCED ВY ТНЕ GAMES WORKSHOP DESIGN STUDIO rccordirrg ol otheTtise,1,,ilЪotlt tlre рriоr peTnrission oftbe рuЫisЬеrs, Ganres Цlorkshop Ltd, Цlillorv Road, Lепtоп, NOttinghaln, NG7 2WS, United Kingdom rllrш,gшеs-wоrkshор.соm *;,.,, 'f] :q ]_.:.. ,:| с.4 ..':1 ,.;tt \ g*** '.Ч 0(]{l ,uoцerrdsur .rо1 Яuтlоо1 э-те pue.(ru:e _rnoi о1 uorllppe ]хэrr эч] Яuruuеld а:в псliдr -lо 'utБэq о] эJэчл\Jо эfпsfl1l э]? рuЕ uоцJэIIо] мэu е Etttl:els;o Яurlurql э:е rroi_Jr [I]эрl sI LIoI]]эs slчJ ,эIqЕIIеIе эlЕ ]Еч] sэlll]elulшI sэ,r.lод ээеd5 зо trопэJIJs € slrЕ]эр ]ooq эчl Jo l:ed pug эq.1 ,sJо]]эIIоJ sэ,цоlц ээеd5 1р оl арtпЯ эIqеlrIЕлuI uE sI uоI])эs srql 'duedruoi1 ]ЕэJс ul\o .tпоi 1urcd о] sапЫuLI]э1 pup ý-dц эч] эsll lo 'u,{rочs sэfJоJ эчlJо эuо э]ЕэJfэ-I рuе.(1tэехэ sэрпl8 эql I\o[loJ о] эsосlqэ тrо,{:аqlэц\\ ,э}II о] slIоI]fэIIоэ Surzr:ure аsэq] Бuт-rq о1 рэsп s_rпоlоэ рuв sэrrЫuqээ1 эч] sIIр]эр эрrпБ qэвg ,sэрпrЯ Бuпutеd эЕвrs-,Ч-эSцs qlшr рэlэвd sI uоцtrэs ]хэu эчJ эJJо_J ч]Еэ о] l uЕ,\эlэj .(qdе:Яоutlэr рu€ s)шэч]s:поlсlэ эпЬruп эrI] sIIЕ]эр oslB 1t 'sаtuеdшоз ]еэJс э1I] Jo punorНlэeq эч] uo uoI]eluJo.}uI Ilr_}эslr чlI]ц рэ[[lJ ,:эrdеqз эq];о sэruеdruоэ ]вэlс ЬqSlш эql до эuо Iпо:д э)Jо] t ]uэsэ_rdэ: о] рэIqшэssЕ эuо чэЕэ 'sэlп]Еlulш sэлIом э)ЕdS Jo suоцэсIIо] 1)uцslр JnoJ qSпо:ql поi эртпЯ uоll)эs ]slg эчJ , пL\,!. ,rrcld э:rdsuт <l] рээ]rrв:еrrЯ uoI]EIп.IoJuI ч:lL\\ ,sэлlом ээвd5;о Jrпл: рэпIJ ч]Еэ 'suоI]Jэs ээlч1 o]ul ]JIds st ]I ue 8urlrrtвd puB 8urlээllоэ о1 эрrп3 ч]dэр-tII u€ sI чоос1 sIчI uYм lo лхY,IYэ V sI 1I 1li ! ,suоIsЕээо ss]I]ul-tof uo шпr_rэdш1 эч] рэII]s SЕч JnoIEл эsочл\ sэuтJвtr\I ээеd5 эsэql sr 11 ,рэuоrlsэпЬuп sr ýtuештrц рut _rэldвqз '(uеdruоз lвэ_r9 '1эеd о1 ,filB,(o1 JIэч] :l1rоuоч Jo sэроэ lэшls (q punoq э]Е sIJIIэJJо s]оuJЕл{ эчJ ,IIэ)iЕlsIш э.те suuпвq:ес1 эldruls sB sэ,tlод ээтd5 эч] эIеt очм эsоч] ]nfl ,эlЕ шэчl Jо .\uрIu рlIв 'Jlп]Еu tII f,I]\-L\E]e шIээS .\Plu Su()I]IPPJ] эsJчI ,J)IIр S]эLIII"q эr1] о] sэtuеdшоэ ]Еэ]э puв l1lotulв .Еut:элоэ ldl:эs эluп: Jo ч]Еэ dn sэlеru 1ur1l JI{] salnlJrrлs 1эеd эцl rrro-rз ':эldвrlз slluэJ]о 1Jptu sэqсlr11 ээеd5 эq] rrr э:эrlлr,irэлэ LIээs эq uЕ] эцд ,iвp ]uэr-эfd эч] (_)] os ор о] эпIII]uо] рuЕ 'ЕluuэпIlп JoJ sэ,tlод аэr:d5 Jчl joJ s.Ioll.Ieil рэрrлrt_rd элЕч suuэJJо sэqll] эчJ ,эuIJЕI,,{ ээвd5 в sB эJц _IoJ рэцэlеш dрээ;:эd 's:ot::t,lt ,,iprer1 aJE ]LIэLuIIо_IIлIIэ (1реэр sIч] элrl.тпs оч,!\ эsочJ ,рuэ uo sчluоlu roз sdrrlsБrrcl1 э,rцrruud uI э,\L\_Iпs ol s]uЕllсl"чIIl эчl 8uIJJoJ ':еэi qэеа puel Jч} rulЕlJэl J)p.Jlns slr Sut:э,tсlэ ь-uЕэtrо Jч] lечi э_+![ о] 1eJIшrIul os эuо'э.lU puE э]lJо 1эuеld е sI ]I ,slluэс poollul]ru оl лл.э-r.Б sslr; uеurэ-[ .}о plloд\ Ii]Еэр luэIоIл эII] 1Io ,uоrldээur s]I ээuls ruпr:эdшr1 эr1l рэlээlоrd эч] 'sslrtJ ueшlaT чэll]шI:d эrI] о] рэrлli puB _roз srтот]е-пзdэ.rd sтq ut:о.rэdurg эql ,(с1 эql;о srтоtЕэ1 Бuтрrпrо; эчl Jo эllо э,rrzr1 sэ,rlод ээеd5 Jрzsпlэ ]ЕэJ, эч] рэ,}ЕэJэ э-lэ-ц\ ,sаuт:вlц ээt:d5 sэлlом ээеd5 эqа SSnE dо Sý[oS THJ- ,Яrтцваddв os,{trrrB sащод аэвd5 е Яuрэаllоэ sэ{еш 1ечt &цвпрl.црu1 рuе IпsтоJач JIaIp ,ssnu uешаf 'чf,JЕш.Jd JIаrл до sýulqэеэ1 atp MoIIoJ о1 8rтшазаrd (salJ€lsv хароэ aqr,(q шор p1вl salвpueur l)Fls ац MoI[oJ 1оu ор laq1 - salrBlsy snldapy эц 1s5чоruе эпЬпm але slJuad Jo sJoIJJBM ачJ ,sаоJач Jo роочJачlоJq эчl F.вlар s1еtluв r1эчI ,sароlэl-л,lqSпоg-рJвч рuЕ spaap snoJolel ч1I,!r рапg s1 rаldеqз sа.,r.lод аэеd5 эql зо lrolsц аqд в до s11o1dxa *rt( Й*р }9т ", 09l, zTI BgI "" z7.I zzl ", iII }II 0tl " 80I }0I "", (X)l "", в6 """ , аб Z6, 98,"", """" оа ",," 08 , """" а/ 89 """, й9 Z9"", t{оIIэпооuIt{I тнЕ FIпЕIIшшл.Еп$ ' {{'Г '*lý_ f lIl.Ж}*щ; tл,тr r z S\rЕг{ BLooDHoWL тнЕ ,|<((|Чtr{)lt- -: ] l ]: ]] Sl,сп Вlооdhоv1 is Wolf Lогd of the GTeat Compan,v, krrorvrr as the Fiгеhол,lеrs. Unlike manv tlf lris сопlраtгiоts, Sven still fecls of Evelr fог а Blood Clarv. Svcn lvas wild апd гeckless. Allnost immeciiately аf'tеr beirrg ir. ducted, lre геquсstеd tlre lrопоuг оГ seп,ing as а Srviftc:larv, arrd 1re ъ,orrld happiiv have done so 1Ьr the геst of his da,vs. Amclngst }ris pack lчеге the rnost lreaclstгong rr.атriоrs to hаче ъ,оrп thе gгеч of the Space Wolr,es. Through his martial pro\\iess atrd сопfidепt personality, it did not takc long ЬеfЬrе his Ьrоthегs loclked to Svcn Гог leadeгship. \Vhcn his \[olf Lогd, Fiпп Gclгesson, draIted hiпr into his \Vоll'С],uагd, fe,tт rгeтc surprised. \\'hat did stlгргisе Sven's 1lе$, packrnates цas the siglrt o1'his body. Тhе tales ofhis dceds rчеге irrked deep into lris skin as а реrпlапепt rесоrd. Iп апч otlrer inclir.idrral, this rvould have beerr seen as аггоgапt in the ехtгеmе, but fЬг Sven, it scemed tcl епlrапсе lris energetic personaliп. T}re lrablt rr,as quickh, taken up Ьу thе Blood Clalv and Skyclaw packs he \{as sent to fight alongside, then Ьу his Wolf Guагd Ьгоthегs. As his saga grсrг. it sргеаd Itom lris sk:in onto lris агrпоrrг and rr.eapons. fъп Yеаrs lаtег, Fiпп Gогеssоп met his end battling tl.e Тrаitог N{агiпсs оf thе Death Grrагd, Sчеп Bloodlrolvl at his side. А bloatecl Daemon оf Nrrrgle rr,as tcl Ье his undo:ing, Fiпп tоге the beast apalt rvith his Ьаге hatrds, but it ltas thгorrg}r \{агр-tаiпtсd pestilence that thс beast got its rечепgс. Fог days, the \VоIfLогd struggled ъ,ith the disease that rvгacked lris body, Ьеfоrс finall1, succutnblng to the I'atal culse, Агоrrпс1 (].oTesson's death рчrе, the wоlг Guагd elected sverl as lris successor. \\1rile \{оlГL,оrds tcnd tcl lead frоm the fгtlпt, Sven BloodhorTl takes tJris to ехtrеmеs. Tlre Spacc Woh,es оf Sven's GTeat Соmрап1, clfterr lrеаr his гarrcorrs lauglrteг as he srvings lris \\reap(]nsJ iпsрiгiпg lris follolteгs rrith his Ыачсry. Upon their геturrr to Fепris, it is thе Space \\'olvcs' tuгIr t() laugh as S\,erl rеgаlеs thеп lvith the tales ог his rtctories. Sllen's Grerlt Соrп|lапу mайi.пg,is а stlilised rtotiJ rфlчsепtzпg lhe uast ъоlсапо hrtouln as tlte Fire Breather The ttibe,s liTitlg uithitt sighr oJ Lhb iп,dо]пitаЬlе lапdmаrk are shaPed Lп its Jickle паtutе. I40пп l]enris rl,ralLls clo,se to its suп, the Sчеп wields the gIеаt Гrost ахе, Fгostclaw. Tlre ц,еароп is tbe height оf а пrаlr, lэut Sverr сагriеs it rvith опе hand - tcstamerrt to both his strerrgth and tlre uппаtrrrаl balance gifted to it b,v its сrеаtоr,. Alongside Fгostclalv, Sven rvields his chaitrsrvoгd, Firеfапg. The flame motifs аdогпiпg its casir.g аге а bright contast to thе пrеtа1 tlre teeth аrе fогgеd fiom. _ a thejovous аЬапdоп о{ close-quarteTs fighting as keenly as hc ciid rThen lre lvas а Blood Clail. А fоrmiсlаЬlе clpporrent, Sl,cn is fairl} ,voung in сопrрагisсlп to the others rtho sit:rrorrnd the Gгапсl Annulrrs. Though he mау lack in уеагs compaTed to most of the clther 1огсls, Sven's saga is legend across all FenTis, раrtlу drrc to his hегоiс deeds апd рагtlч drte t,o lhe fасI that the\, аге inked orltcl his face. поllпtаiп sPals forth fiery detastation; as the uorkl ,t'reezes отеr iп чiпtа; Llle geysels s,urrочпсliпg tht тоlсrпю ,releast: urtst jets oJ steam., Ьkпzkеtiпg the, rеýоп iп Itl tutuit,p tt scalding mist that Ьurпs the shiп. It t,J lhi, ttltgrl rliапl, чilhiп ligltt F_ Laaa |-'-: trthes а hardy folk :, -]]- .. : ,-&1 ý,а : /.l _-1il s*ъ " , ,|ruфр ррфI]]Dq wцl рцtL{s ац? ,{о цqD]l1лорuх to Duо S2 11ац1 sD 'aБDu,ll D uаsоцэ ,аDц s5u0!{ Бuо7 sхцц 21о1 sачом sр121цs,2uо]S 2цL ,uоlsDаuт lпф tlаш,sаqщ s,uoБal ац1 8ul,]эаюlф 'uоцsпq 1оаБ п ачII slls.tац|Dаtg ал! 2ц] рuпо]D аБuоl uпluпоtu ац,7 7tл 1uа 1о ф ыlzlэ п-цs а р s1l lb 1р рuD оuDцоп ра.Б ацl tо а3плш ац1 sаlпГuоэ 1I ,pDd -L2ршоцý лацl lо Sааuр ulo11oq ац| ,u,Lф уD!пdп аВрап ploq 'аIфluls r) ,(uпфлпоз palg рч] у йБар аца S.llloltpoo|Fl uaaq uхц1l01 uоlл,lпоэ D .LDaq s,luoýaлll ацJ Бuzц-lпlл чэDd. ,роБ uо {q uпo.tlp slпафs аtlц sp)|tolu рuD s8uцl?пр 's,цэо.L ацtцs БutulцБц lo чоцu{s , аэ ча"ша фrful 2 пх| э D s,mDIэаuо]S 2цl dпБ u,l]slp ,mоlэ щаlоф оп1 аsаца tlоm п to црm uLDJuпоul ацl {о {laБnult 1D1!] pal s|]ululo|tt, r 1о uоtlэп.цsар цl.Lоt фпы 'JlцlDыg алl ацltо ппtu раБ о] IIЕ ,IOJ цlоl ip,: ац1 i,t:: :, - ruzi'"'i i| Ll| _ '?,ll'lJU|l' L? ry]? l] _: i,ll, чцlоf 1чltцоz ,utnl uazolf tlltп sla1loп {,qlпаu ацl lo sluDрqDцul ач] 8uцрd ,111,оор цluаg 112ц1 о1 Бuцаut ut lo slsDlq uхD]uпоlд раБ пlQ ац,l u2аа рuаs uDэ {а!!1 \Dц] Б,uоцS oS SpLl?ol _ оuD)|оо.lац]DаJg a.lщ ац1 Бut7luпоl..Lпs s6lупп ацl ц3поlц1 1поц 1оц1 sрulп Бutrlпd ацl sаsцоцuВ Еutцlпul цэоф ,slapol sJmочрооlg III]s JJ]LпrH iэ:а gо 1uе: эql ol ssэ:Sо:d ор оцлr эsоql.;о iuel,n s1]npri\Ipul Бuолsреэr1 рut dц,uurr jl:вirrэп.твd lч .рlЕ,rrэl, Е s" рэIIэSэJ,(1ptrsn uсltlээlаs lЕllslllIп uп - s-trеlэ.i15 Jo члшI]цIмS эqt urоГо1 эsооqэ цшt iэц] 'рЕэ]ý^uI ,p:t:TrНrrв.t эчt э,\ЕаI о} эsrrзэr drtudrrrоэ ]ЕэJrl s,IMoIIpoOla uэ,l5 rtt duвru'sJэ]rтrrн iэ.r9 ol рэlоruо,rd эq 11rrt,{rrzdшоэ ]еJ-lэ ]equlo] :raq] sJэqшэш эчJ -lэ]lочs эSэчI ,SЕ]Iэш-I]Iпш ч]ш\ рэш]Е uэ]Jо 1sош JlP -\Jчl at11 {Йuо 'lац7оаlg аl:ц1 at1у рuпол) а3п"L tlаф SluЬo]S ,цоq lululцЕt| цБшs п st 8utцL,пul цэоф,slа8ut лquLrо]S ацr, 2ц] sаuлqшо, Бutцl,пtu ry,оф l,tаца ,{uофtао2 ]DlJэ s|uaas uz цэоф {al1у о alo smDpluolq ацJ ,01чпн ,2эхлоu пdфs о1 ац1 ацц 7эаtlоцs st Бutц.lолu ,[tшаuа ац1 чо a8ol пuul цэпф ltat1.7, лац] цsDуuп о1 {pltqo lпцl юt uоlуэlпфы autosloat п 8uzпlоэ фпацо цэпф пщ2 poo]g D ап uщl]lq 2цL ,lэqlпэulэf sвlizs:rэri] o]tII uэ,\ом sрээр ]Iэч] э,\вч ор очr\\ Jsоч] ]lrq 'шэч] Jo S{SE pJoI JIэI{] ]Ечм чь^IIdшоJfЕ о1 эdоq ut] slэI,{\очэJIJ ,sээ:о; ituэuэ эч1 ar1] lsЯuоrпr: ]sэБrrолs эql,tluб Jo эlIIэ эч] Sur(о_rlsэр :suolssllu Jo sпо:э8rrвр ]sош эчl s]sп.цuэ uэлS ]Еч1 :lJ ,plpnr.JIo,\\ )II} о} II{)цts\JIJ .iq рэ:поuоr1 sалIэsruэrр рug (eur lt<lruо] рuеLI-о]-рuвч rrr 11tls 1sэlеэ:3 эr1l sloule'r,l эsэч] о] sl ;(Bldsтp оq,rt,irrвdruоз ]еэ_l11 s.lr\\очрооlfl uэ,\SJо ,lэч]ЕэJfl э:rд j]ц8rur эq] до suоцdп:э эlр ot uJ{ц sэ^Iом ээеd5 эqt ч)Iчм 'llе раltэr1-:эdпs до s]sвIq эlч suоdr:эм рэ3rпzr 1эеd в-uеg Suo,1 е s,iоldэр I,\\очрооIfl uэлS uэч,{\ ]ELI1 uoseJl sIч] .to; sT 11 ,эЯrlr:эч 1l:cllJ] ]Iэчl dq рээuэtrgrrr 11rls эrе 1эвd Suвg Бuо1 эqlзсl эlо_r 1:сlddпs-э_tu эчr tgllц ор оч,\\ sIвпрIлIрuI мэJ эsоq1 ,3rrвд Бuо1 е эruоээq о1 qSrroua Бuо1 э,tц о] ь^lэIt{.очэ.IIJ эч] _}о Jэlulrн ,{э:9 z :r4 эJеJ sI ]I lчJпs sV ,sэlJе]sy sпldэру эч1 se sJэпI{.Jо рээlq е ]uэl]gJэ os ]s8uotue uэ,tэ 'ilпrошоlS 5urrчБц s:аlrtrrЬ-эstllэ.Jо t[stu ач1 {aas оч,,!r эsочJ Sul{p uэ,л.о_rd -raLIlouE ttt iэuэtэg;э э,rеq оq,u 1эвd MEI:) poolfl Е э]эц!\ ,SэпlЕr uэлS ]ELIl Uот]l]uIшIJэ]ар slчl sl ]I ,lпоuоч srql зo ,(ql.To,tl sэ,\Iэsшэч] элоld о] uоцIqulЕ Jo J]uвpullclе II" о] sрЕэl LIэU() uоц)э[Js -тtэq] ]в эрт_тсI -rтэr1] prre 's.rorr_Tв1,1,{1g эq} rrrcl['ol рэl)эIэs эq оl uЕIsIJIIэl Е l(ц suоцIрЕl] p{IE sэlш рqп] -IпоuоII ]sэ]ЕэJS эql sr l1 ,tuэчl rI]Jrц ,sI.ILIJJ :тэq] .{.l-твэ пцs sэ,\Iом ээеd5 эцl зо ýJ]ЕI]luI Jч] Ju.\прJ{ ]о SuOS эtJ] Jo ]lЕJч з-rrпrlЕg эчl эq оl шэч] SJэрlsuоJ uJлS }nq 'rrеU е sB sэruеdтrrоз ]рэj, lэtllо.(q uээs эq,!eru Бrtr]rTrrr1 -ýо13 :тэqа ,эf-IоJ sэ,\I()м ээtzс{5 :эq]о;(rrе uT эsочl se Яur-rвр se э:е,(urzdruоз зеэJс s,I,\{очрооI[J uэ,\S uI s,\{ЕIэ poolfl эtIJ 1sr_r .SэрЕlq lIэч] 1sэ1 urc8t ээuо 1qЯrru iэqt rBqr os 'tuачl эЯ:еqэ ol ,irrrэuэ :tэq] эSе:rrоэuэ iluado о1 ,(rrcdruor s.uэлS uI slэвd:э]uп11 :оg uоIпuIоэ sI ]I ,]Ec[Itlo-] рuЕч-о]-рuЕчJо л{€Jр ач1 IээJ ,э)LIЕJэqllхJ рцiоГqlrм requlo] Jo sIEIJ] эq] 3rrrэез 'S[.IuaJ Jo UэIпSэqIл эч1 о] эJп]Еu uI lsэsоlJ эч] эJЕ SJэIпоJq -эI]]Ес1 s.Iл\очрооIfl uэ,{S ,s)ц)еi-эI]}?q -ro 5rrцrl5g ur dэq1 эq 's)fuenu uмо dэ:з s]I uоцеsтuв8:о 'эl,fis sЕч (uzdruоз ]Еэ]) ч)zт SЕТТЛАОНТЕIД -, . ,]' THJ ,,.tlii .';, ТНЕ BLOODGUARD Тhе Bloodgrrard battle alclngside Sчеп Bl<lodlrclrvl, whеге the fighting is at its m()st Ьгutаl. Ttrese hancl-pickecl }teToes aгe TORVII.{D MORIL\I Sverr's МrоШ Grrагd. Loyal arrd fегосiоrrs, eaclr 1ras fоrgес1 his гeputatiolr in tlre сгrrсiЫе of rval a lrurrcllecl times ovel, figlrting the enenries of tl.e Сhарtеr, Escherving thc healv suits сlf Топ.iпd NIогkаi is thе youngest mеmЬег of' tlre Bloodguard. Тегmitlаtог 21гmоtlг that typily the bodygrraгds clf оthег \{olf Lords, thе BloodguaTd ате irrstead equippecl witlr poweTfrrl jump packs. B1ood Сlаъ,расk аftег sla,ving PTomoted direct11, fгоm lris the OTk WагЬоss Gгоkksmаk. his паlпе is lrtllt, leserrd irr the }ralls clf Sverr's GTeat Cornparry. His single rvedge-shaped pack marking ls as direct as his tсmрегаmепt, епdеаriпg him c\ell nlol,e to his Ц oll Lord, KREGGA LONIGTOOTH Опе оf the пtо r,ernaining \\rоШ Grrard Iiom Gогеssоп's otl,tt pack, Kregga is Sчеп's nost LгusLt,d аdrisог. \\hilc Srqп is riЫant alld l,eckles*. ltegea is с:аlпr arrc1 insiglrtfLr1. His pack mагkiпg is bascd on thc Ting of morrntains srrггоrrrrdiпg thе Fiге Вгеаthет - ап apt s,ymbol Iilг this stalrvaгt bcldvguard. lrr battle, Кrеggа wil1 ivait paticntlv fог the оррогtlrпе mоmепt to strike r.l,ith his polr.er {ist. ISTUЬJ FIRESTORM тhе otlrel member of Goгessorr's \,\'olf Guагd still fiehtir.g alongside Sven, Istlrn is а kindrccl spirit. Тhс fiTst of Lhc prcl to beqirr inscribing his saga orr lris aTtnouT, Istun rvill alrtavs Ье at his WolГLoTd's side, rоаriпg his battle-lust as hе sъ.ings his роwег ахе around in l.iolent аrсs о1' destrrrction. His pack rnarkirrg is а sфised aerial rieп u-Г tlre Firе Rreather аь it belches fсlгth its fury. UU}{TIR WOLFSKULL ОLАF BLACKSTONE Nominal lеаdсr clI'thc Bloodguard, Olaf's saga is secclnd rlпlу to Sven's iп length. His arrnouT arrd skin ате almost completelr, соr,егеd in tales of victories lvorr iп the sеrчiсе оf his \\rolf Lоrс1. Агmсd lvith а раiг of ъ,оlf clalts, hс is а dcr,astatins {lpponcrlt. The inflrrerrce of the carris Helix is ob\tous in olaf : his lrаiг is ý.' long and gre,v, arrd his el,es аге the same t,ellolv as those of the wolves оf Fепгis. It is арргорriаtе then that his pack mаrkiпg is \\rhen ргопlоtеd to the \\rolf Guагd, thе solcmn Urrntiг \\'оIГьkrrII rotted lo ргоtесt hit \\iolf LoTd rvith his life. Uuntiг's stогпr bhield has,ince,tood courrtless times benteen sven Bloodhowl and his enemies. His pack marking is renriniscent clf t hе tnotlntain rlrield ргоtесr.iпg the Fепrisiап triье frоm rvhich hе hails. '*: ii" 6ý +jL 8 "rie " ЧtrIЧ.\\ rll(:,l , аlпD q to эръD ]1ol о1 п{о ,рппlоf fu t эц1 ццm 8ttцmоц lацлоlq aploq stц Jlаstчtц ,lutцэuпц alotaq Jaat slц оl tlэstлtц рэБ3оцl uэБlо1 Бu3пцэ 'чtп3п ээuо цэпф фutп[ мц pal{ ац so раttuu? ,ulоф 3utцБпп7'uаfuоа ращоцs ,;2чIо ачr ю алu 11tц ,tаtц !sa1 цsпл ц пБп11 uааff БuzuэlsцБ ul sэрпlq 'uaБJ,o.1. щоБ ац1 эц1 ,mа?,п ,uaftlo,1, snrll auo 1Dц:] поN, rпQ ldams pals lo цsоf 3uzха1['mпlэ aatssotu to s1? ,ра3lчцэцlg эпzssош эц1 алфq аlэsпtu sso,tl п to аsфtuц8 1sфшrl ацl lц3пп ан JIчэDццD mэu stц1 ло{БutцuDаs ач 'по! 'рuцsu,l ,uо |,1аlлtф Бutlэоау рацэп,|) ,цэаu s,uaБloa sprDпo] apls dчу tлol{ tоцs оlоlэ 1оlаш Б,Lпфс|аus у ,uэss;,1 sц_tg u1 u)п,l ,sutцпоаlБfо ачt olul sl,D?д ssэлф ац1 !о pasuas рчпоl la1lo рч,поl paltJ ац so рuDч st,ц ul раларрпцs plsltl l1oq stg ,lэао sрul]sul slч sD rпIq ц uпБаq uus,lп s,uaБlq1, ,ll,uфо 1Qаtпs, амп Яuпээlо.rсi Jo ]LIэ]SIl1i: SIH,SaIrUJI: u]], poo]s ] SIЧ ]fЭllr i: _ll]Liгt flo \\ r,.i_ цоо] ,^mаlэЬ6, оOц alp рчD 'utп8о шац] рuпоlо раssаф sц.tg l'o qotu ац,7, ,,sааuц lпсl,{ plnmlot 8uцlа.tlпq у эцl.цs о] раrарю cl1 ф аutоэ Qalпq а11, ,{шаuа ац1 о]ul 1пБло11 pms ,'цп7 о J'o ап по( (цlюп 1usоп фlацоl 1оца, ,iruпl ас|оц J - uоtlQшэsut 1sl{ {uL БuluБпшz ачt s,оп 1, ]I ýl] lэi;]- IEI]JE Р;::sIH,U[l:_]: UI ptl1lI:,_:]- ач prslD,l utцsuаэlБ stц o]ux рапоlа uэ \S s,Jllull-],f: ац1 цБпоlц1 Бu,lfu7 п.о( aly, uэБл7'lэофарrlq уч эsфлоэ 3u1l1п{ эцl uаБлсл,luzппау 'рпац s.цI() ацl рапOша1 рuI) ачоцs s?ц раупмJ ац so п3л11 раmоllэq ,;эlщ о {о (ц!юm ,ul)l1DпlDs stц to эхпоs ац1 ]по р)цuDаs zLэБл1 Ldрltлоцs 1э)!Dll!пlu s.цrо ац| ul,оl|Бutцпr|s poo1q 'tащ lo 1uo.Ll u.l ylurLoБ эц| о1 11al mrllэ .ацuls Бuцрц ац| -tot uоцопфэлd ,1ool ачJ рrцэlаJls!по sLч uо uпор Бutфtлоls а.tфq pa.Laaus цлб аца ,sааuч s,чло ацl sрlопоl Бчtцэtц vц ааоц |tаБuч sпоауцБl.t 'що 1ool yg ацl lo аэаl3uuэа1 эц1 цlzп рцI{ ,аэuпф,р u2 рлоlllsLLlDцэ slч pasтDJ ац 'a)uDr] ?l||Dq stц аэlаzф аlпlzпttо аsuэs БtLzшlаllmппо uо Бuцааr1 ,uшj lb аэлоs, Вutslпф о sDnr шID 1цБш slH ,ullц ршпоtD llD atp 8uцlпоlэ аlаlэонаt ,Бut{,у[ uпц luаs цо[ 1uцоtа у to sцuпцэ 'рDоr ац] oуul рачsDrэ эн ,s,uофоап szц luott 7ххцq 3uz7паБuоэ ацl рацэц{ ац so рэuutБ uatsz.tuэg 8tq эц1 ,аэuпц s,mпlэ{цg ац1 раэlалф .шfuоц lb аэlоп Бutul,ooq эц1 s,sоlэп Бuzцэrlц pцstr| 11oq szц ut, аuаuа lац7сlll,о ,;uаБп1 'at,11 ol цэl,tпtl Бulцошs ац! 'рrрuоэ to лJ рацхоаs Su ацl ,)э]аш ]slli-r,_ S,p_Io] rI] LI]"t]S] БuluuБаg, ,,,, ,::- Бrtтс]-1:,. Jo ац1 8ullлms ]_ýiц ],.; ,-_i] ull]ýI III]!'a i: аца ,poo1q lo ппчs 2цJ ац sr) рlэхlоu {1рпц поlэ{цg ц!2m IuNч 8u,uаmоцs 'рароlфха uаБlоа {о 7uo.1l u1 ц,lg ац1 I\Eo_1 ]'о] ]LlJili, i1luэцr:d l:-: UJ 'Р_lt]:L; ' IOqrLL\S ] ] Яutр.,l1 Эql Sttt_t -ll;l 1эвd .:g sl tБ<!э.ry sI ý* uэ\( f]s(ltI i L\\ci :, i ;1о_11 irlrr::,. .p_1. 1 rurr1 j I i,,l:-: iiIi ai -r.C, 1эесl ,irrBdrrr,, N1iXj VФýЖ{1 l эtll uI |l-; ']Brui}a Бrrrre1,,:: ýl1{ l:l ,р:гг_ii. ]sэЕurt,r, : I\ryн( ,в::эа srudэру эqlзо sЯrrrtlБsrrп эq] эlrdsэр ':эldвrlз эqr dq рэ,лrэsа:d рur: suоI]вlJuэЯ эqr qSno:rlr ,.rэldеriз u,lrop рэрuЕч эЯtпSuв1 эIЕч)-тЕ uЕ 'sшuаJJо 1dr:эs эrur-L: эq1 ut рэ.цЕэ sl еБеs rlэвх sэл.lод ээвd5 эql rTr ээ:о; ЯuцqБц эпЫuп е ruэцl 3rrrlzrп 'чsэU ]Iэч] ssоJэЕ рэо]]е] pue JlroIпJE lIэч] ssol]€ рэ,r-tЕэ sI slэIмочэ]Iс эч1 uIJIoM аэеd5 rlэеэзо BSes эqа a* ;i tbr,{, Iчt !-l Ll ъlf -? пt=,'-r' *, *Ь',. -t Plr l\' '" э*; Ъ#' t; pt ; .:;] -]r ,sG - qЁ 1) t]} ж ffi a'i-..'f.. тнЕ FIREHO\VLER,S COLLE(]TION 'ГIlс Пгst oI tlur collectiolls гсргеsеrrts а 1i:iгсе chosctl 1lrlrn tlre (i.геаt Ccllrrpirllr olSrT,rl Blooc'llrorr,1. kltcltrrl ;rs tIlс Iiгe}rtlller^s, \\ilreleas tll;tlll, (lгi::rt Ciirrrpalties hale а t-агiсп- rl{'trciclps :rt thеiг cal], ITtlrn sc:tsclttecl (}rev Hrrtltel-s tcl Ilсl:rп, Ltlrtc F:rrrgs. Slc,ll Rlooclhrlrr.l still гc,rrlerrrbel,s his clays:Ls :r lre:rdlstTclrtg Blocrcl Сlач:rtlrl sttt,t,clttttcis inlscll'tгitlr tlrose \\,ho clisplav thc sattle rec:illess Sl,etl selects clllll,thc: rttr,llest - :lnc1 il]()st Гсгtlс:iсitls - lr:rrlcl-trllrlltrcl sTlcci:rlists. lriakitrg tlre Fiгсhоlr,lс:гs е clirerrrLlorr,ellitlg сlаrг of :r ftrгr:е. Тlrеге is litllc IlcccI lilг sulтleLr rlг clc:liclcl iIl Sl-err Вlоtlсihtlчl's e\es. as tIlc Fiге}itlrтlеr,s' ethos is bascct lгtltttlсl rltte sirrцllе gil:rJ: to closе rгitlr tlre ellc]1ll\,;rs qttir:kJr as 1itlssiЫe :tllcil delir er а singlc. сагth-slrаttегilrg Ь]о\\, 1T irrclil,ic'l Lr:r]itr о{ tll е ncrr{l, inclrr ctecl. NIarlv Sp:rcc \\Icllves cclllec:toTs :rre illsрiгсс[ lэr, thе tvilc]l allcl llаг1l:rriс rlatrLlc оГ thc Scltts clf Rrtss. Sr err's slga-lllrtlgtт rr rrгitlt: epittlrrrise this siclc ci['tlre Space \\il]r,es, F'оr irlclir-iclrrals rгlrci ,I crljo1, lсlгgirrg ur sag:r in tht-- сгrtсiЬlс сlГ с:ltlsе ccltTtb:tt. а basccl oll Sr,crl Blcitldlroц,l's C,re:rt Companl,is :rrr collcctirln ide:rl clroice. ()rl thc talllc:tcip, tlri: crl]lcctitlll lt:trds itself trl tllosc: rrllo t п],,r t]le l)гlltаl. rrrrfbгgir-ing tt,;LtllI,e rlf'tiLc _\ssar.tlt plrase, Tiris агrrrr is lrig,lrlr tLrllikeh,to rгiп а {iгеligLlt. lttlcl its tllriлЬсlгs:il,е ll()t srttticjcnt ttl slttтive а рl,оtг2tсlссi rгаг сiГ attriticlrr. Its nlc,tllock]lclcris silll111c but ellЪctive. arlc[ thc: sight t11 srl rrr:rrr1, lriq-hll mtlbilc ()ll the l)att]eficld is ctlc]uslr to })()\\:ег-:t],IllоtlгL-с1 rгаггitlгs illtirnicllite elerl tile lllOSi Stal\\,:lгt of clppcllreлts, I]EEDS \\IORTHY оF,\ SAGA I rl Sllacc \,\'сllГ_s sag:r is bis lcg:rcr,.'I'hc tale of'liis cieecls, i1 giсlгiсllrs clltlttglt. l,iil }ire thгоrrgh tIlc: gerrt,ratitlrrs, i\Ja]ll Sp:rcc \\Ыrr:s }r:rrtcl clorvrl tilt--iг sag:rs Ы,гесоturdrlg tllсiг clt:c:cls tcl t}re rclrtrtget, gerlel,atiollS; оtlrсгs c:lrisel LlLеiг r,iсtогiсs ctttttl t}re IOttglr Stolre ..\ jl t" .ф'1, * ф "&щ,& ]: l:. a- r,.: . || a:,';.,a!..ь 10 ",! , II ] :a.}ý _ '": ,rrЕtsэр э-rr]э1.1_;э ptl1] i]locl 1] _loJ 5-J]l]LLl rlэlil-ir'эсltrls эt_r];rrrtсlэЯ alclutLs r St t[]ЕJ рrп] эlIо]s l1I l)acli_lfýlIt эa1 о] ]l11]эttl J.rэл\ ýt-ttlэl J() sJLit1,I J1{I,plIt]t{эJ.II srt5tsэ1l эsаr1l Яrrtlrrtr:d 1о ltl5rrllrlt эr1l ltз ()(l ,j;]]f,r],tlltlJ I1]rчjI_\IPtI] Ll_\!O S]LI _ti)qtLI.)trr pr:rLbs J_I() 1llcl Jч 1()rl Ll:lui] J_\tJЗ [ll-\ s;]llO]f I.\ 5-1L[ ]1lotlP Eutlrclu1 ýt] '_llOls-])l]cl s._IOI_I_11]]1 эrI].tэрtsllо-] lsllttt no.( ,J.t1l]t]tlltItI .]1 IIý11,Iq fiLLr1lllcl э.tсllэg ,B.SBs str1 эqI.I]sIII о] rIJIIi.ц ttoclll sB rtrtэ IuElq r: ýl !.lэI.\оrIэ.lIjI _.rll ,rrtrrtu_Ttlclc{o JIl] III _I()u_It]_\\ IIft]э.Ji l rтгI\ IJlIr] Tlll lrll_Tl- эttllrlttt s_l J{Ч SLIJ,\UE s l! lD\\,| lrlotл)Oolll s,,ll1 !0ц PoOlf] sJtlo]sJ_Ild JL|.L Е Е Е ,-ж- :-.i tl l Jq u._I JpIH :- оl\^ ) Ll,I intollpoO Ifl lr\очр0()lg IIJ-\S ,b-)I_tOl5 t: s}li.]5^эj(l slll1'_l()1.).)Il().) s;l-r1l1,11 ;1.1t:clq ]ь-Uсl Sl ч Ol]]1ro l l] \J \| tl\ -lqt _itlд \ll LtUlчl l1,1 JLl \],'tLlsI1_1JLl 1о slэв ,lэ1l:э.rii IIэ.\э о] {Io rrэ.rq ,Ttlcls э,lJII] IIJ]]Il.\\:^рэf,р \r{pltt JЧf 'IIЭЧ:- [)Э_IJ.\()f ЭIIl1_1 l] sI _Irl()[I_1I] slrl PLIP ':-1)Э-)}) SIrl.J() sJIP] tllln\ ui)is '\ltI J() tI)tILLIJ-\J 1:'OLr{lc PJjJ-rOJ st]Ч }lJsШllLL I.\\ОЧРООIfl tl)_\S ,1tlJLLlOul .'itltlr:lt.rtэ_rэ Бttt_trtp sэt.lltlэt.l _tLэr1l uttвlзtl_tсI о,] LlIJI[:l |iltt.rrol1B 'st,!r:s .It;ll1l 1о s-]{I11,I эII] IT]L\\.I1loIiLIi] ,IIэlIl ;l.\l]_IБ-tlJ }]Ul] :-JII]()cl _lI.)rll ()()]}l]l s_I:)I_!\()tl.)_II.{ JLl] _lO ý_I.)qul]uI i)чI ,rlЕrrilrrэ lotl st sIчi tIJ_\) 'l.\\otl})o.J[tl tIJ-\q_+c),iLtBclLuo1 lв)_l1 -rч1 o1uI рэ],]1lр1II а!оII] .IoJ ,.i.lalsBtrclttT s:-a.I],Io1 _IIJII] ýI]IIllo.I]lls ]t]Lll : ,. .)lIr :l. .tэittti s1lO1.1.]li JIl(l iЯrllrl1l : \LLl.], itlttL:, ]]Lii, JLl{) -] lI,]: _\\l]1_1 i _, , L-I ,',+'a ,1rj!]{:]i :]i]].. *i,+i..!;:i,ai; ., {, 'rd :fu SчЕ]ý BLooDHoWL Converted fiom the Space Маriпе Lord Ехесutiопег, this miniature гергеsепts thе leader of the Fiгеhоrr,lетs. Sl,en Bloodhor,r,1. Опе of the fiTst thirrgs оп tlre model to catch tlre r.ielTer's еуе is the епоIlпоus ахе, Frostclalt,. DоuЫе-еdgеd and the size of а 1irll,v grоъ,п пrап, Sven rvields this rr,eapon in опе hand. ln his оthег, he holds the chainsword, Fiгеfапg, cmblazoned rTith the sq.lised flames of the FiTe Вrеаthеr. Сочегiпg the grеу of Sven's аIпlоur аIе rrrtlic mагkiпgs that tell his peTsonal saga. NortheTe can these Ье seen mоIе сlеагl,ч tharr оп the top of his orr. ate jump-pack, lvhich detail пчо of his а r,arieФ of greatest feats irr battle. Hinting at his fiery temperament, S\,en lras blazing oratrge hаir, streaked lvitlr tlre ъ,h:itе of age. Тhе оrапgс contгasts stгongll,rr.ith the Ыrrе stгeak of his facial tattoo, rThich irr tuгп senes to g:ive the \\iolf Lord ап intimidatillg арреаrапсе. lC :gIl , ,,:а_ Ё*ý - ,sJэргd S,I]ýrotlpoolfl ,\ci Uол\ fiolf t]\]€эlБ Е Jo Jпоuоч пt'ool]B] IEIJEJ эпIq е чlш\ рэ]lIIЕd uээq SЕч Sл\ЕI]]IшS рэрЕэч-эJЕq эч1.+о ч)еЕ 'Ulrf, О] ЭlЭЧrЦОu SErI iruэuэ эql ]eql Бut:rrsuэ '.(е:; эч] o]uI Яuшэрuпq] э:о,Jэq uопешIjоJ iшэuэ uе puno.rt dээ.trs 11rlr sэ]Iq эч] э[о_I lэl:}еI slч] uI ,ээlоI Sulluеg Surrlrr1 pJ?LI Е ь^Е :cl 'э:ц ,,(ru:ruэ ]suteЗe uоrl:rэ]tl:d вllхэ шэч1 lal;o sэ{Iq pэJnoIUJE llэч] э]эIIм 'sdoo:1 11nesse sIч lo; uээJfь^ Е sE lэч]Iэ sJэрIl sIч siоldэр пэ,\S ,э{lсl эrrr:еlц аэr:d5 t dole эl]lеq оlur Яutpт.r qэеэ 'sl\l?lfцIl\S Jo pBrrlls в а:в S]эрIЕ slIrtotп]oo1g '1эвd druпГ в rllr.ll рэddrпЬJ sI sJэI.\\оча,ItJ эч] Jo -Iэqшэш ,fiэ,rэ lоц SEToIE S:Iл/\он(Iоо,Ifl ,ssэмо,rd-эр]вq :rэr1l uэrо:d элвq cll Яuо1 рэ,uэs элвч рээLI рJЕпD JIо]ц IIЕ ]oU )€ч1 lэрUttuэl Е ч]()о]5uо,I т3Нэlу рэБв эчl Jо JIBI{ ]э,\[ts эч1 о] ]х)u ]no spuЕ:ls rc]JotrN pul,\_loJ lo 1oulclol рэ:,tlэц эtр 'рrrпо_rЯэ:о1 эql u1 ,эq tqЯrLл ll ,)JtlP_ll i ati1 IP1)P,} о1 ]: ] .i 1]: rll; : S]-ýt_l] r.l Ч]L\! : : , Ll)\( ] : l,),\Jlрч\\,,lo.1 ltotlt,iolts,,1r cll цlо1 1qЕr: эч] Jлвч ,iэql 'эхв ]sо:; ptle lJutml?Ll .lарuпчl 'lsg :элrоd 'sMEI).}Io,\r 'urtоduэu lвчuIо ) J\(,I )J() u)|Jc\ b-IrI.]O SIЧ Lltl11 эрIj\ Е Lpшr рэшlв эJЕ p:r:t.Hpoo1g эq1 ,lJclшJtu tlэвэ _;о ilцеuоs.rэd эч] s]gэq ]Еч] iчd€JЯоuоэr q]Tlr dn эruоэ ol ýrur.l:oddo эrр поi Яrrrprlo_rd '1rrled iоГе urэql эlзru slclqruds lеnplltpul ,(1rl3rr1 эsаq1 ,llurl:eru 1эtd эrrЬтuп rпrо uJJcl sЕч эjп]еIrтIu-I S:ll ч]L\\ рэlul€ d чJЕJ 'pJB1l, JIOMJo penbs е qlrM 1еэrdft ц"^r ,-lэJ}о о] ser1 ,{ruэuэ эч] s]€эlч] 1sэlеэ.lБ эч] ч]ш\ 1Еэр о] рэчJ]Еdь^эр 'э]]оJ эч] JO ]эrхшеч эч] )]е slolj_let{ эIпоs-Iвq эsэql'slэеd-druпГ чlrfi рэddпrЬq 'Р_ШПС JIОМ РЭ]5^1u1 sIЧ Э]Е IМОЧРООlВ uэ,\S эрI)^БuоIЕ,tе:з эqr otur 3uт3lтqз оЕYпrооотfl THJ (].,,__ JO r:i . : JLl ]!j- ] Sltl lli: _i. a-It' .11'I :: J() ýэr:I. : 'jarl],.] Spl,)i ] ЭЧ] ] ]]-_:: Sllolll,i о] : : ]: lэ l].,: s]uэsа lгi.: pfo-I эlli:: l ý:,ffЁli.1:::1,,Ч...,,1: ==т "тнЕ STORN,IBRINGERS тhе fiгst oftlre tп,о skvclalt packs iп this collectiorr, the StоrrпЬгiпgегs' pack rnarking is a.jagged lightning bolt. The Fiге Вгеаthег is corrstantly assailed Ьу Гrrгious thuпdеrstогlпS! and апt, rl,ho haye lr.itnessed tlre lэгutаl сhаrgс оГ tlre Storrnbrirrgers knolv that thcse Space \{oh,es have clrosen thеiг device ll.e1l. Using tlreir.jrrmp packs to laurrc:h llletnseIrcs intrl tht, Iагgе.t conccntгatiorrs of errerny troops, the StотпiЬгiпgегs lal,dorTn а Ьаггаgе of bolter shells and brrTrring ргопrеtlrium, belbre car-r.ing up апу sun,iving 1'oes with thеiг геwtпg clrairrswoTds. Fог tоuglrег enemies, tlre pack sроrts 2t miglrty pclrter, fist - а ч,еароп mоrе than capable of tearing holes in battle tanks. аrе led to rvar Ьч.|оггi Iceblacle, lvho, like Sven, is as reckless arrd hrrngry fоr battle as he was when he fiTstjoirred the Сlrарtег. Painted rvit}r the black апсl ,vellclr,v раrk mагkiпg оГ а lVolf Guагd, hе has Ьееп modellcd lTielding а miglrtr, ахе, guiding his clraTges to rчhеге they сап сJг|l Ihс most гепu\\ п. Тhr:1. r Ef ,а } l с, _ _-i! , ,а 9I, ,;ъ ,. *в:е' ,rт,цo .тIэч] sE EuDIJEtu I]Ed s,р.теqslэод slzэq lэqшэшI LI]Еэ рuЕ 'uоцsэпЬ ]поч]р\ ]эрЕэI Wed JIэч] мопо.} sэLIо]SэJIJ эчJ ,sэр1?IqUlрчэ,S,цEIJULцS эч} +о ч]ээ] Яuш:rq,tl эчr ,iq llвdt u-lo] ttoos эjЕ э1{] uIо4 эIqшпls orllr s:эЯuэssеd эБtlээrtr эlеurrl:о_lrrп drry ,urr8вlэul s,pznbs эr1] ptle - slt:tds pllм lIэч] 3utцsеэlut,t э:о;аq s,lrпэuэ эчl spler\\o] sэlвutlэвd ,эsоdrпd JIом рэlzzr,rБ эrlа s]_Todsue:1 srri sэртrr5 р_Iеп11 эl8uls е cll рэdеr1.- puв рэLIоч эjпlЕu pIL\\ .IIэч] рЕч э,\еч sэuо]SэJId эчl 'р_IЕl[S{эон _rzБbr; iq I]эт ,IIosIun uI ]Jол\ ý-эuо]sэJIJ эчl 'slJчlо )ч] )лоqе.]Iэslulч э,rrl:d о1 Sullээs qэвэ 'qэео_rddе :IэII] uI эIli-IIElrmIpuI рuе ssэl{ээ] a,te s:эБuuqru:о]S эчl э[lчм ,эlqrssоd sB si)"d druпГJlэч] -,(p_lltls ь-е )l:}lecl эq] rrкlГtl] рuЕ 'БuпrlЯц s:эl_rепЬ 11l1s ,(эql 's,лtеlэ,{15 эь-п -эsо[] Jo llвэ эч1 l)эJ lIB чlLц чу,uotlJJtloJ чrLlt urtчu;э,(>15 1эBd рuоtrэs ач] э_I" ý^эLIо]sэllJ эч,т. 1cl STNIOISTEIД THJ .ir F * j.W -l BLOODHOWIjS WRATH Тhе Attack Blke. Bloodhoull',s Wrath, plavs ап essenLia1 palt in Svcll Вlооdhои,l's battlefielcl Strategy. ;\1thorrgh fегtlсiоus irr assarrlt, tlre fогсе is lacking iTr arrti-al,mouT capability to comb;rt the l-rearilr,armouTed tanks clГtlre Гоi:. So it is that Sчеп setlds B/oorllu ozul's |Vratlt to соulltег such tlrгeats, leavil:rg the Wolf Lord and the геst clf tlre Fiгеlrоlr,lегs to the joys оf thc mеlее. a , iý r a Ё l: r l Тhе Attack Bike is Tidclerr Ь), fivо fealsone individuals:Jossi Blclodfhng and Неlmgагd Iceclaw. Whilc IIeIlTrgaгd skilfrrlly guicles the vehicle thTclugh the treachcгorrs conditions of thc u,aTzcrne, it is.Jossi whо fiгсs the bike's porverful пrulti-melta. Jossi arrd Неlmgагd have Ьгоught so n-rally епеml,1ча1, machincs Iorv that tlreir skin is соr,еrеd iп tattoos; inclccd, it nrigl-rt Ье saicl that thеiг skin is поw mrlге Ыuе thап f]csh-hrred. Тhс pack maTkirrg these trl,o rчаrтiогs Ьеаг is thаt of three Ыаdеs swccping forrvard, s,vnrbolisirrg tlre piercirrg winds t}rat they emrrlate as thеу take the {ight to tlreir target. ч -_5 -j , ,SJOIJJzi{.',pэsIlL\I), эlоtх '_IJчlо ,i.q эJuaplfulof эJэIu Se рэsslruslр эq plno,ц ]Еч1 ý^]uэлJ O]UI Зulrrеэur 1еэ:3 реэ_r э:е '.тэldеr13 .rlаq] эrlд ,(ем s,ur:zri pue 'ý^not]цSlJdrrs ut iuеru э>1II dlrlБTr1 ,1эБ,rz] _rtэrр iэql lг.:_ 'p-tB.rri, : .lЕЭq ý.l( 1]:;: 'sJэIлrочэ_IIд Jo ]по l]EJ] эчl SuL\ош 'рuеq s,lo1rd эql rrr ч]lL\ц о] рJшээS lJEtlS IoJ]UoJ эIl] Jo 'олIЕs Еtrrшсrэut uB рJ]fэLJэр sэlвld:поrплz эr1l LIJчл\ эшt] е ol luэLul]]sэl sr 1drrэs зо эuц чf,"э ,sа,хI .IIэч] рэлеs элЕч о1 urqllrt 1t:tds )ulч)еrrt Jчl uIJJp,(эql :эrоuэц,rr rro:l stl iq pJIlBlu ,slэuuпБ :о s1o1rd -IIэчl ч]Еэ 'рЕэ]i-ul Jo lоu ор цЕJ) эч] '.(uЕdruоэ sI seЕes эq] Jl?эq ]еэlс S,IмочрооIfl uI SэI)Iчэл at{] II€ ч]L\r \r ^,Iou SI uцi i:: :soc_,::T _ SэuItIJl]tii i] p_reБrrr i.- р slэltq ач] i:: SuoI]IpIl( ] . aq] sэlэtlл: .- р:еБrrrl.эц,эtllOs_IP ] ] ,рrrоdsэr uэ,tэ uеэ druэrrэ эчt э]оJэq lrolq Suцlq эql _rэrцэр ,}sэuJвэ LlI UЕ]J )ч] uацо sultiэq эрlеq эч] эlоJэq s]еаJч] рэJпоtrl.IЕ о1 ur dоолrs IlIi\ ilлrтэq;(uе ч]L\r гrэр о1 suэлЕн sIч ч:]]еdsэр о1 uэ,l5 8uшrоllе 'sЕ]Iэlu-цIпш ч]ш\ рэIп-IЕ э:rч s-tэрээd5 puET ч]с)fl ,s1lot.to]flr\ э3:аrrrэ SJэIмочэJIJ эч] ]еч] Яut:rrsua UI а)-IоJ эч] JC) iue s€ p]L\ sE эJЕ tIoI]JaIIo] sIч] Jo lэ]sо-t },red эql эlэldшtlэ lBql s:эрээd5 puE,I Jo :red эq1 SNтлVЕ S]MoHGoo,IB # ,]ý ,",& эчl оl i_l-a] , fIo,\\ ]i], чlDц| s.],1| + эt{] J(] оl : ,цчrq,._,ll.: ЭII],1I]l;,ii,: рIэU)р11].] : u€ s.(Plci ,- Hll @" ',о" ý 4 ш tшý & ,&. :ýа:. ||!{€|;3, HARALD DEATIIWOLF _ f& Harald Deathwolf is the appointed Huntsman оf the Great Wolf. It is а ritle that has еаrпеd him honour and enry in equal mеаsuге fгоm his fеllоъ, Wolf Lords, and the favour Logan Grimпаr shows him rапНеs at the pride of the DeathrvolГs contemporaries. Ноwечеr, this animosiql is kept in check Ьу Наrаld's uпdепiаЫе skill as а slayer of the Сhарtег's enemies. Нагаld is а lопеr. Silent апd solitary Ьу nature, the Wolf Lогd is only found at the Grеat Annulus when surnmclned Ьу the Gгеаt Wolf himse]f. Не гагеlу frаtегпizеs rvith the оthет Wolf Lords, and this aloofness is sometimes йewed with suspicion. Ноwеr,еr, Harald's absence usually goes unnoticed as hе so гаrеl1, spcaks when called to council. Harald was bTought into tlris wоrld as Harald Bloodborn of the Tide Hounds tribe. As hе grew to mапhооd, his prowess as а killeT Ьесаmе apparent. Мапу champions frоm other tIibes challenged the young Harald, though each and every one of them failed in the attempt, their blood staining the ice-packed gTound. It did not take long fоr the SkуWагriогs to гесоgпizе his talents and recruit him to thеiг пumьег. As Наrаld гоsс through thе rапks of the Space Wolves, it was not only his martial skill йat was plain fот all to see; hе also demonstrated an unusual affinity йth the Fепrisiап Wolf packs Blood, Rokyr сошld smell it оп the uind. Тhе hilling had Ьеguп. Crouched iп а firing Position, hе uaited,, Patient as the uоIf. ТЬ опе uithout the acute sепsеs of а SPace WolJ the night air uould halle seemed silепц to Rokyr the slight mесhапiсаI uhiпing of his оuп Роuп аrmошr as he adjusted his Position uаs аhпоst dеаfепiпg. that often follorv thе Сhарtеr into battle. It was whilst ser.r.ing Нuпtег in LеiГ Sпоъfапg's Grеаt Соmрапу that Наrаld was сhоsеп for the Thundenvolf Cavalry, His initiation as а Grеl. demanded that he tame one of those mighty сrеаtuгеs something Harald accomplished in the corrrse of а single night. Не геturпеd not \{ith the broken beast his Wolf Lord expected to see, but rаthеr with а tгusted соmрапiоп. Yеаrs later, whеп Snoъfang 1Ъ1l in batde, the WоlГ Grrагd elected Наrаld to take his рlасе. In that moment, Harald сhоsе 'DеаthwоlГ as his title: а mythical beast of Fenrisan legend that protects thе dead, ancl опlу чепtuгеs frоm its 1aiT to exact Ievcnge on those rr.ho have commited gгiечоus acts against the people of that icy planet. Harald has led his Grеаt Соmрапу to matry glorious r.ictoTics. His соогdiпаtеd attacks аIе rепriпisсепt of а pack ofrvolves stalking theiг рrеy. Like the alpha wolf, Harald knows йе stгengths of еасh indir.,idual irr his compan,v, and hоw best to employ them. \,\rith everyycar that passes, the bond betи,een his pack-bTothers becomes stгопgеr, and thev hunt as а single, resolrrte рrеdаtоr. Harald lц,,ields а fгоst Lхе апd сатriеs а stогm shield сагчеd lvith intricate ruпеs. Fighting atop his Thunderr,r,olf, Icetooth, hе is rightly Геаrеd Ьу thе enemies оf the Great Wolf. beat of dlill-honed bolttr fire coutd signal опlу опе tltiпg: ДdеРtшs Дstаrtеs. The)r епеmiеs, the traitors, had Iопg ago giueп uР ап) sense of disciPline, The sound was aPProaching euer closer to Rофr's Position. Не, could feel the tension rising iп his Pack-mates, There uas по поisе, по аЬтuРt сhапgе of Posture оr |эosition - оп1.1 the slightest tuitch of а gtп barrel or the smallest mоае]пепt of а heltneted head. The Ьrоkеп uall that he сrоuсhеd behind uаs саmеrJ tllith ап elaborate dePiction of the ЕmРеrоr. The Дllfаthа, The апсi,епt stone uas It uаs епоugh lor Rohyr. Не had fought alongsicle these uarriors Jbr decades, апd kппt their еuец mоаеmепt hhе his шlп. сrumЬliпg, wоrп ф the slоu Passage of time апd tlze ЬrutаliЦ of uаr. It ulas ЬаrеЩ rч;оgпisаЬlе поu, Rофr could i,dепtф i't опlу through А grеаl mеmоrу - mеmоry of а uibrant Ьluе .standard he had ,sееп uhilst Jighting alongside the (Лtrаmайпеs, Those days had Ьееп jllerl zuith the uild аЬапdоп of hb lф as а Blood Cklu. Не felt а smile creeP опtо his face at the recollzction: the joy of battle апd the feasts that inaitably |olloued. The smile faded. Не uаs по lопуr that uhе,lР; his Расk urе по lопgеr Blood ClazLls. Nоч RоЪlr's rоlz uаs diffcTent. Не was the silent hшпtец uhо lDaited uhile others drnl frst bloocl. hozLll echoed through the trees. The Rokyr соuldп't helP but Blllod Claus had charged. Jangs iп reslloпse, fee,ling the chiPPed ztlcisors sliding against his IiPs. Не could taste lhe sселt of s|ilt blood thпugh his helmet's resPirator. Ьа,rе hi,s frst,|lash tlas lihe а glаппg suп to his lцPer-smsititle Ees, his rlisPlay mаgпфiпg the Рiпфriсk of light. Frоm the gLoomy uооdlапd саmе the silhouettes of the traitor mrliпеs. Тhq The helmet',s глссulаr uеrе _|alling back Jrоm the SPace Wolues' attack, retreating touards lhe Rokyr tightenerl hts hold оп hb Ьоltguп,, feeling the uоrп shaPe of the фР mеshiпg Perfectly uith his аrпlошrеd gauntlet. The tinle uas соmiпg. The r:ourtyard Ьqопd the uall uas еmРЦ - опЦ Ьrоkеп statttes апd rоф cratas decorated it поu. Вqопd it, the tast uоос],lапd uаs а dark hole that sualhuled the light. Елеп the safety of the rul,пеd city. It tooh опlу mоmепts for the corruPted SРrлсе Майпеs to clear the forcst апd Ьеýп cro,ssing the courtyard, Rоhlr Photoknses of his helmet could !эiсh out по delail i,п that darhness. fitz to his assault, Дs the f,rst SPace, Wolf emerged frоm the trees at the far side of the соurЩаrd, Rohyr hоulеd. Не uas .joined Ьу hb brothers Д sшd,d,еп rоаr brohe the silence. Rokyr recoy,ised the sound as а bolL wеаtлоп of sоmе sort. It uаs closely folloued, Ьу othus, The slaccatto m,оаеd his Ьоltguп to.follom his target, There uаs по sоuпd, по signal. knall it ttlas ti,lne. Sq,ueezing the trigger he Ьеgап fliпg оп sffanded епеmу. Дlопgsirlе him, the rest of hb Pach adde,d their Rokyr jшst the Jirst, lhеп from all sides of the courtyard. The trall huпt u(ls mlеr. Nоu it 1l)as tiпLe to hill. tLtas sРruпg; lhe ,srБpDq аS?ц1 u,оdп Бuшп7оа{ ц7оq |упчs puD smDp S,]SDIq 2ц? lo SаaOuп раSц&S 'sЙ?sap ulsоц, JuDlSuоэ uо S1 2ц1 щоц3по-tц1 21пацlЛоп ацJ ,,los to ap.tt,1, 'IтрDllэ IDpqIo ац1 'sацод sооц9 suog SauLLDtrN аэDфg ,SaБpDq ац] uо 'аlлх? Jaao {l,па аsац1 lt1,o11oq цID|S Бutрuпls аtuпu s,plo7 Sщ ?цJ to мпорэ ра ,uпS ац1 ? 0 ul tlод |JIDID н ýii ЭЧ] :l|,: , s'ПЦ10,1ч \::, ац| ]D S,r-i] rlаЦ] !] 1DйlS 0ll ,| ,: ,tiцо11 :. аэпф\,р,,],) ац1 \,p.lD]!,-,: {rц,t,, аЦl ]ч|)i] szz7,1;i, роор 11fi; раффц., ,l,: ,7lаБlчц., : ,ъэr,. юt чrrl,i ,: ,рlDч |: ll tsаlцiу1-, sD07 a-{]|tJ , q-r(,4oy л: , l, iiu t, sпуf l;li s8uпt'sпоГ р аэпфg 2чl ,а2ч.ц 2ц1 s1 ,rpl , IJ] !]. ч]ш ] aq tо uDluslчпн юt Бulц.lDlu 1jo tпl 'sпп[ s,tjorrl . ':о]врэ rri SJэLl]о]q-]] ,шэr1l v 1 ] :l Jo stll,iirt; EutllBls s.l , sIH'SэI.T(-)]_rL, :11 3u2sцоцu{с рuD рпф .tа7l1ttоцs ]цБрl slt1 SSI.LJD pauozDlqlu? sl 8utц,плч. цэпф s,уцп.Lоц ,ssтuчл)р ац1 чпS u! щБ!] Quо ац! Jч] ]Sutгi:] ]ЭЕхэ !,] i: pLIJ:: эSоtI] pI| i: , р_Iгl s,o црm 'рlа,{ uоstul.Lэ 211цm ац? о ,uо рD2ц qЛоп чэцq D :дqLuоl JJD гLпоуlL l_pqtu_( с/аар uааg ,11эпt цо1 tlод ацl to аlп|оu {,ш|tlos dц] SlmS цrNцOt 2ц1 D S2 1I ,SSauч,[Dр ,]DuJ?Ja о]u1 СuпS ац] р!юm 2ц1 БuБчщф rпоаэр пL01 хDчLоIN 2а2цаq чDа|q о1 фп tо uо\Sпа раsцQs о sЬlфsрр prDp uD ls qЛо mцр SI aLI ,smD,р ,Lo tlоп ацl to рпф aulos БuttfluБж ?uzцlпtл о pallБ a.Lo {uафuлс,з LDaI, S,plDlDH оtu,l S2lDlJlul ,sэтuLтLLa s,пlфпцз ацl lsolN to роlцl ацl ]по s,ш2] оцп ац1 рuDs,п,оч,r, ац1 !Su,шБD S.l,Dm ац1 Luasa]d|.I пuuDq Sхц] uо рэаllфslр аsоцI,sачоmцlDао uоп SашоJэlп luаэаl ач1 (q ю uБхDdшDэ JuаJrпJ Бuryuафар uБш(JlаD, PuD Jпоuоц s,fuпфш.оз 1D2lэ 2ц1 рэ{пlфslр ацl ly ыD ,LauuDq ацl tо ,lsD,l]uo) 1по аuо рuD 'цllut Qоцэuцаut эч1 Бulлпэq l|oлs \uаulцэпd D 'lаuuDq ац1 uо pa]ulsaldat аш хuццца uпо аuшS 8uuоэ"l zDчlоIN ýDaq IDэхц|hл ац1 :!оцш{s s,{uофtuоз patg ачl рэlэасIrэ ']чЫu эI!:]:: : - i]: u()Ц?I]Iu:: ]Br1] .Ьuruэ. ., SuDxs,l"ru?i ацl uацm аluц ац1 :аtuцllод 2ц1 sаsцоцч{s ц ,пDf Вuzuаапу ацltо цDцц sz 1u2Iцп2 lпSоц) \Ло mч,tD а (| plDrD н { - PACKIVIARKIГ{GS -*<<tlf&#}: fuIorhai's Нuпtеrs are the Joremost The Blood Claus oJ'the Deathhozols Grq Нчпtеr Pach iп the Dealhuolues - а high accolrlcle iп rl Clectl |эасh haue high exPectations Placed ч|lоп !hеп. The DeathzLlof assiyed of slLch urlriors. 'I'his squarl is ýаеп lhe hопоur oJ саrrуiпg the for Соlп.|эап1 that inclucles high пumЬеrs uоf stапdаrd, апd it has п,ечеt.fаll,еп, uhilst uпd,еr their uatch. Theil Pach mаrkiпg цпlЬоlisеs the jatus of а Fепrisiап \\rolf. each i,ndiuid,tutl to the tlack hitпselJ, апr1 the squatL's Роtепtiаl is сlеа,l, еаеп, their ,|leers to see. l'heir Par:k mай|пg indicates their сhоsеп status, |he ,styLised siпgle чоf's сlаu m,arlling thеm оut as tJюsеп Ьу their |I|olf Lord. Lоhlаr\ Slalkers аrc оп.е oJ the lпапу |\'olf Scout Packs iп serait:e trl Harak], Deathztlolf. Harald fekls а grеаLеr il пчm.Ьеr oJ \\blf Stюuts thа,п Lhe oLher Grеаl ComPrtnies, as the solitctry апd .|:ree ехi,stе,псе of the \i,blJ to the t Scotlt sPeaks ulikl пrlturе ofthe WolJ'Lord. ||'ulJ S, outч fllul а kel rпlе iп tnatt1 of the Deathztlolf's strаtефеs, апrl their ability to trar:h the епеm\ uпsееп феп Proues iпч aluable. Сопчеr,sеlу, the sight oJ а lightly аrпlоч,rеd lrl,rget is lhe |lефсt bait to huе ап ttпsusPectiпg Joe iпtо ап a,пbttsh. i l l] :l The Nightwolues lшае ап ttпttsual Pack mаrkiпg iп Harald Deathzuo('s Grеаt СоmРсtп1. Their deuice h,rls по оuеrt conпotatiotts to the Deathuo[, апd iпstеаrlJеаlurеs а .siпgle zoedge oJ bklch оп а red;fteld. The desigп, mrц zoell sigпф their Jrпlоurесl trlt:tic oJ фРlуiпg siпgtllац оuruhеlmiпg force to deli.aer the hilliп,g sltohe. 'l-heir rekпtle.ss bolter Jire frequently desl;ols rl соrп,оzd епеmу zoho haue Ьееп hо,чпtlеd to exhaustion Ьl lhe rest oJ the атп1. The Soul (}uat,rJians ea,ch bear the ,marking сhоsеп for lhеm uРоп their iпitirttiоп to the Pack, marked iп the colours of tlrc \\rolf Guаrсl, }'G ý# а!1 ul p);l.t: j,ot LlаSоцJ i ацl lq цLli,, \ltDц OL!п Q]uалЬа.Ll' 'ацо_Lls ,: I ., ; Бuшllаt1,1l.,, )'lpDJ P].{li|,1: uБtsail ,,, г aБpaot ali; l ,, '{1опtрпа17 О'u SDL! . ]Jl |': s,tlопtl]пес7 tDnSll Llll : |.: ,цSпqцl, . uD ,).ll1i , _ Pa,l11,, i, ,OLt-l 1 '{1asla,zttr_l uааSttп рtпl , . l,i s .l {uпш ut з; '7эlo7 , ,. J1,,,yi SчDаds, ll1a,\ . |)l{D {JD]l|], пцlо ац] |lil|, laylalE i, ,. _ p,]D,lDH а1 ,1 |,, . (,uпuL ацj 1 S.Ji(|'|1 ПDр iq rхац1 ц.,, , U,?SO'L|),(1,1|,, JlrцJ : lDd]) \! i. 'tjаsuttц li,:. pэЙitsso 11, |)arDld s i,-. Slпolt|t]1]1q I ТНЕ DEATHWOLVES COLLECTION Тhе Deathwolves collection rерrеsепЬ the wаrriоrs оf Наrаld Deathwolf s Grеаt Соmрапу. Кпоwп within the Сhарtег as Gгimпаr's Huntsmen, the Deathwolves аrе sent across the galarry to tгасk down the enemies of Йе Grеаt WоlГ and dеstгоу йеm. Тhеу ате patient ргеdаtоrs who stalk their ртеу relentlessly. Iп Наrаld Deaйwolf, the аrmу has а lеаdег регfесtlу suited to thеir appointed task. His keen af{initywith thе wоlчеs оfFепгis combined with his паtuгаl skill as а huпtег allows him to track his ргеу frоm miles away. Harald cooгdinates his fогсеs to strike wheTe апd when the епеmу is weakest, driving tlrem into his сhоsеп attack site Ьеfоrе launching the perfect ambush. Like а tгuе wоlf pack, the Deathwolves will often use stealth and cunning очеr Ыutе Гогсе in thеiг approach to the hunt. ' , :. Тhе Deathwolves аге an eclectic force, mаНпg thе best use of the troops available to them. Тhгоugh instinct and nrthless training, йеу аrе аЬlе to соuпtеr апу епеmу. Оп the tabletop, this is reflected Ьу the collection's bToad variety oГinfantry, supported Ьу fast and hard-hitting units of Fепгisiап Wolves and Thunder-wolf Cavalry. Frоm battle-hungry Blood Claws to grizzled Long Fangs and чеtетап Wolf Scouts, the Deathwolves hаче ап апswеr for every challenge they face. Fоr thе painter, а Deathwolves collection pгor,tdes great чагiеtу. Miniatures frоm а11 across the Space Wolves range аrе а grеаt fit fог this fоrсе, so whiсhечег unit draws your еуе next is а perfectly viable сопtепdег fоr the next addition to уоur аrmу. ТНЕ WOLVES ОF FENRIS Наrаld rides to wаI atop his Thunder-wolf, Icetooth, and is usually accompanied Ьу howling packs of Fenrisian Wolves. It is his closeness with these beasts Lhat gives Наrаld ап almost spiritual hold over his Ьаttlе-Ьгоthеrs; опе that is reflected in mапу оf his Gгеаt Company's customs. -.].:,-_::: Z :сar|,--t'a-j:ý- sSuzзээ1 эчJ Е] sJэ{рtS s,:BbloT Щ| mOраuпа 3iомшuоr5 |Бl {]Еd.}Iом uЕISIJuэd sэ.л.lомlq8rц эчJ Е] Б sJэluпн s,теlrоtrц sIIBlpJBnO 1nоS ачJ Е JIомчl"э( pieleц .Е s{моччl"эо эч.т. ,SIIЕIэр puE SэJп]хэl l 1uэJэJJIр Jo эSuеJ в рuв 'sJпоlоэ Яur]sе:]uоэ :оз &rum:oddo ue эри.о:d пlэd зlом эruв8:о эt1] 'sэ]еld :noIIIJz Jo sэлlп] ч]ооuls эql lsЯuоuгу ,эЯuэцвrlэ эпЬтuп в Jэпэроlu рuе :эlutеd aql э,tr8 sэлIо,цч]"э( эq],{uеdrпоээе 1вч1 sэлIом uEIsIJuэdJo slэеd эqд ,о] э]uIэJ uеэ,(utdruоэ sTq зо duеru rп pnlT:rds tsо.л SIч sI ]I ,s ,lд sT sIФJo sээlэпрul ,{цtпsп эч] чfIчм эJп]ЕэJf Е sI рЕэр эqlзо uerp:Bn8 ]ualrs эцlдо 1оqш,& эч] se ']uэрI]эЕ ou sв,ll эI]пJо э]Iочf S.pIEJEH ,drlde:Яouoэr рut ,dlп:е :по r s,duеdruоз ]еэJс ач1 uI раlпlЕэJ oslв sr'lЯоlоqldlп uuIsIJuэJ luэI]u" Jo JIо,цчIвэ(I эч1 'rc]Jol/1d ,,цЕIэ эч1 Jo JIом эч] Jo поэI uацо пIм ${эЕd ,sIJuэJ Jo sэлIом эч1 ч]Lц dIчsuDI puв slpleJeg s]JэUэJ sэлIомчltэq эqrgо lrрlе]эч ачJ Е эч1 l€IdýIp SI о ]хэu s lеэrЯ э 1вэrБ в а:е ,&эr:в-ц. 1r:rds эшоsэuо1 ,SjOIJJE.ц ]uэFl]пJ] SэIUI]эIпоs sIч шо:3 ]sош эt1l 1э3 о] моч sмou{ эч рuЕ'рэ]f,эUэJJIэstuIч sээs эч sJэрIs]по эsэч] uI ,,(uеdrпоэ sJIомч]еэq ppJEH ul punoJ э:в sэлlод ээеdS эшо)аq о] uэsочJ эJЕ очм sэqш] u€IsIJuаJ эчl Jо s]эuоI эql зо duеrп 'luэртээв dq ro uSrsap ,{q .rэqlэq11 sэлIомч]еэо о] sмеIэ ро Sэлlо,\\ LEI 'l:1ue;ut 1 RALD DEATHWOLF Тhе ЬrеайtаКпg Harald DeathwoEminiature is thе head of this impressive collection. His мо most prominent features аrе his frost ахе and his scaled cloak. The fгost ахе, Glacius, is painted as if it was carved frоm ice, its cold blue соlоuгs standing out acloss thе tabletop. The Mantle of the Ice Тrоll King draped очег Harald's shoulders is fashioned from the hide of the епоrmоus beast which thrеаtепеd his ancestral village, and рrоtесв the Deathwolffrom the even the hottest offlames. It is painted in Ьluе-gгееп tones that аrе evocative of the fou1 сrеаtuге fгоm which it was flayed. Astгide his Тhuпdеrwоlf, Icetooth, Нагаld Deathwolf is ап intimidating sight - even mоrе so when he is surгоuпdеd Ьу his loyal Ьоdуguагd, the Soul Guагdiапs. Each miniature in this unit is captured mid-сhагgе, as though he isjust about to descend uроп ап unsuspecting епеmу. TheiT pack markings and Grеаt Company colouTs stand out against Йе traditiona-l light grеу аппоur of the Space Wolves, and the otherrvise individualistic designs are painted in а uniform black and yeilow, giving йе pack а cohesive look despite the distinct sagas of iB mеmЬеrs. Тhе mеmЬеrs of Harald's Wolf Guard йeld potent close combat weapons which they use to great effect, сагчiпg йеir ргеу apart at йе hunt's climax. Тhеir monstrous mounts also lend thеir savagejaws to the onslaught, leaving little of their enemies but bloody carcasses and tоrп shreds of unidentifiable viscera. ýцrоd r.€lцa-I iтgdь E-gE?ic ]tе :г]q: Fеа_r а= :rг=tz: i :i.t_* i ;cl: =,:,- ,Slо]ЕрэJd SпоIэоJэJ эsэчl о1 dэJd UэпеJ sеч aoJ lieMun ull dutш puв 'uмo JIэч] uо lтun leqluoJ эsоIэ эдц]эJJэ {1эruэ;lхэ ue ']элэмоч 'э:е dэqд ,рurqэq ЯuшоlIоJ }luп ]Inesse эlцэ эч] loJ uээJfs элr]ээ]о-rd е sэрr,rоrd 1ruп srrp 'эг]lЕq uI ,sulsпоf рэIfsпш .(1rtвэr1 rrэql uеq] эlr3е эlош puв Jэ]sЕJ IIIээs ruэqt Яuцеru 'sэлlо,{шэрuпчJ:эЯ:е1 эrр uвtp sэлIо_\\ uеIsIJuэд эчl JoJ pasn uээq а,{"ч sэuо1 rэlqSц,(рuzэgtuSr5 ,slэроtu эч] о1 ]ooI fIlsIIвэJ '1zJn]Eu в элй о] lэ:Я purз uMo:q Яur(lвл ut рэluтеd uэаq эл€ч sэ^Iом uЕIsIJuэд эчI Jo sэр€чs ,uоц)эпо) sэлIомчlЕэ( эq] roз эээrdэ:luээ 1ээз:эd е эlвru эртs dq эрIs s]Iun ом1 эч] puz 'spJ"luoJ ,sэлIо-t\ рапэрош osIE эJе sэJlr]вэl] Suт-iэ.tвls эsэчJ sr /lrр,rез дIоNэрuпчI эql 3urрuполп5 8urЯ,теtlэ uzIsIJuэдJо j)ed z ,ЕJэ]ýL\ f- ]nq SаluIэuJ j JIэч] рLlэl о цеdв ia:d lтэ }Eqluof эSоI] lU 'SJЭquIЭul !-lI эrр Erтrrй ,. )цsцBnpr\IpU dэ"r8 lqБц 1вэ.lа рuu ý рuэ)sэр о] ] ]IUn Slч1 ul эпur MORKAI,S HUI.{TERS & тнЕ NIGHTWOLVES Two packs of Gгеу Нuпtеrs fоrm the соrе of this collection. Both squads sееm very similaг at first glance, but they have subtle diггеrепсеs which dеfiпе their background and batde{ield rоlе. Morkai's llunteгs have а pack mагkiпg based on the fangedjaws of а wolf. This simple design gives the uпiт а menacing 1ook. The squad is equipped йth the wolf standard, and armed fог c]ose to mid-range {ighting. This makes them perfectly suited to holding key objectives in the centre оf the battle, while inspiring the Deathwolves around them to grеаtеr deeds. The NighMolves аrе а much mоте aggressive unit, their bold, diгесt pack mагkiпg indicating а mоrе violent rоlе in the fогсе. ATmed йth both а plasma gun and а meltagun, they can take on ечеп heavily аrmоurеd [oes. In close combat this unit lцill Ьгiпg its роwеr fist to tlеаr, bringing their chosen ргеу down fасе to face. ,SSэU{Jер ач] o1ul sэIuIэuэ Бurаэg рuпоq о]:о dB"i] е o}ul s]Iun s,luэuоddо uE lrzq ol рэsп эq оце uеэ dэrlд ,sdoo:1 зlод1 ээеd5 srq :оз э:g druэuэ 1surBЯe uээJ)s элI])эJJэ uе эръ.о:d slэqulпu passвIx Jlомqlеэ(I pIзlEHJo sэtЯэlв.tls 1эеllе эqi ur deld о] ]rеd,{э>I в э,{Еч sэлIом эsэчI _тrэrр se ,чooI ]вJэ] эJо{п uоц)эIIоf эч1 3ulm3'Jпоuшв ,sэлIом " аэzd5 эql до dltru.rодтuп эql dn slеэrq lrun эqt ,Яur,roru-lsT-д ;о sdэ:Б pue sLцoJq эрd эqд рuz элtssэ-rЯЯв э:оru:еаddе af]oJ эIочл\ эч1 sэ{еtu uoI1)эIIoJ эч] ul ]uэшэIэ этlпеu{р sIчI ,uц дlоrtr1 ээвd5 -rrэrр эртsБuор Яurрuпоq slэвd ом] ч]щ'lUэlэJJIр oU sI эuо SIчI ,SэлIом uЕIsuuэд snoIfL\Jo ýIэвd,{q рэIuвdшо])Е s.,(BMp э:е salIпJE sJIомч]Еао pIEJeH ХЭЧd ДТОЛД NVISIENTД ,шэIл uodn efaД'aZeB slproT JIом JIэч} JT SE SрJ€мuо шэч1 БuБJп'SIмочцZэQ эч1 о1 ээuвэgluЯrs pnlr-rtds :ерэцлzd sеч э}]апочFs реэч sJloм s1I ,llun эч1 Jo 1;Bd se 1r Яuйтu8rs'slэuеd эртs slt uо эч1 Jo SuцJЕuI arp srееq пDIэаurQI чмочч]вао >1эвd ,эSеurzэ 1soru эч1 эsпЕ] u"э 1эrр э:эtlм о1 .{1э.lзs рuв.(рдт-л,r.s 'рэJэлцэр эrz s:э8uэssвd slt 1еq1 эJпsuэ IIпч ]uэцтsэ: pue фrэоlэrr ,uodsutJ] I)эш{вэJq ý]I Jo роч]эш рэ,r:эдэ:d .sмчэрооIg эч] sI JэLIJ€э ]InESSu JIо.цшlоlS 3uцоо1-1вrтuq аqд,3uTrq8g эчlJо ]JЕэч эtр о1 SIмочч]вэ0 эч7 slа^I|эр mчэаuп\I мVтэтNпt{ ,IIMoJq Jo SэрЕчs Sur,Oел otr sаБuzrо puu sрэJ IцоJJ'SJnoIof lIеч аslэлIр э,{вч {аql uоsвэr sIч] lод ,хцэн sIu€э эч1 dq JI"ч JIэч] uloJJ рэчf,ээI Jnolof эч1 рzч элзч SIмочч]Еэс эtр Jo SJэqIпаш эч1 Jo эuоII ,s:oi:-ttM slr '1а,( sy зо rnoSlt эч] мочS о1 SJnoIo) ]uEJqL\ uT рэluтzd uэаq sвч 1тuп ачJ ,SJэquIпu Jo ]чЕIэм Jээчs lo lчБпвIsuо JIэчl Jo ssэusпоIfоlэJ эч1 чБпоJч] Jэчlэчм 'l€qluоf эsоlэ ur,(rпэuэ ,(uB 1solulB uMop EuT;q uеэ /эq] :эfJоJ эч1 uI penbs sпоlэIппu эl" SI,цочцеэо эчI ]Sош эчl ,Iпэчl э.tвq.(эql J"J oS ,]I рэрээ)хэ uodn }nd suо4еlээdхэ 1еэ;S pzq szr1 pвnbs sIц'лэsuIIч JIо-цч]вэq рlв:u ц,(q ра>lэId-рuен ,рIэgарlеq эq1 uо,{эuэtоd lIэtр sэцэq 'sn]els рэрооIquп JIэtр рu" 'slлrоччl"ас alp Jo aJnl"u 1IIзlэ(рхэ эq.т, STMOHHJYEtr THJ I OKYAR,S STALKERS А pack of Wolf Scouts is 1ess а closely bonded unit and mоrе а 1oose colIection of indiйduals. Тhе solitary personalities of th ese Tecllrsive indir.iduajs makes them ldeal scouв, but рооr расk-Ьrоthеrs. One srrch pack, Lokyar's Stalkers, hаче drilled арагt to such ап extent that the squad hаs sрlit in пtо. the мо factions separated Ьу thеir battlefield methodologies. Тhе fiгst pack рrеfеr to infiltrate the епеmу carnp, sowing destruction right at the hcart. Еасh mеmьеr сlf the scluad is eqrripped with close Tange iteaponry. With stealth and surрrisе their gгeatest ally, they accomplish thеiг goal rvith gгenades and pistols. Once their missiorr is complete. thеу melt awal ЬеlЬге any rерrisаl сап Ье r.isited upon them. ТНЕ ICEFANGS Тhе Icefangs give the Deathwolves an аrrау of devastating, long-range firероwеr. Еасh mеmЬеr is equippeci ivith the finest heagl wеаропs the Space Wolves агmоury сап provide, With thеiт veteran battlefi eld knowledge, the Long Fangs eГficiently select and destroy their taгgets, pinning епеmу irrfantry down оп опе side of the battlefield. Ьеfоrе destroying ап агmоurеd tank оп the other. Тhе Лexibility gifted the squad Ьу its чаriоus wеаропry allows these seasoned indil.iduals to take on а11 mallrtcr rlf rоlеs in the foTce. Thejr battle-lcader has Ьееп paintcd with fully grey hair. This shоцs his age. and aIso hints at how fаr the canis Heiix has taken очег his body. Аrmеd а роwеr fist, hе рrойdеs йth much-needed protection should the епеmу get too close. On his right shоudег pad he Ьеаrs ап hопоur marking, rаthеr thап the pack's еmЬlеm. The fanged skull symbolises some valiant deed performed in serTice of thc Сhарtег, maTking him out as а hеrо оfFепгis, 1 ! *t*,ý:;.., .Фi*!l ., |: F^Ч гс| :: ъdt Qап< " ,sэрuоlq puЕ sIэ€Iq'Suмo]q эрd papeJ ч]lл\ рээвldа: 's,цЕIэ pooIfl эtI] Jo sэSuе:о puв sрэl ]uEJqL{ эч1 эlЕ эuо9 ,dэrБдо s]ulч ч]Iм рэluтеd эlЕ Sэuо] uDis JIэчJ ,s_l1.lоlоэ ра]пш ч]Iм рэ]urcd uээq э.л.вt1 SIч1 UI S]no]S эч] IIV uооээпоf ,эuII] JэIJq z :од dluo дт'urcSв эlоqм Бutruоэаq sэлlеч олц эq1 'э,tцээ!qо .lеlпэц:вd е эJпfэs ol эuо o]ul ru:од ot цэвd 'uolse]]o чlоq JэрJо пLц рI€J€н ug ,uэlоrq /1эJI]uэ ]ou sI sэ]вlп -цэвd rэru:оЕ:тэч1 чlIirr puoq lIэч} sB '8uq:еrrт 1эed эшzs эqr dBldsTp rроq,{эqr рэJпl)в4 э,мq spBnbs эч] ч8пощtV ,э"rg Bruseld pue JэlIоq Jo per1 эsтээ.rd е uмор dвl dэql 'sэrlэво.rddв 1t se ээ:от s.luэuоddо uе 8ur,fi"rtg ,fllэz} 1uаlэJJIр е :азэrd sJэiI"]S s,_rеýоl зо деq lэчlо эчI iTHE Iпш]flWшtUЕs EGIL IRОГ{ WOLF w Egil Irоп Wolf rtas Ьоrп Egil SilyeThand to the Stoneface tribe оf Fепris. His path to \VоlfLогd was as unique as his peTsonality. Egil Sllчегhапd K,as а gifted smith amongst the nomadic tribes of Fепris. Fashion:ing the finest swords апd аrmоur, his skills ъ,еrе highl,v sought after асrоss all of Asaheim. Like mапу metalrtorkels Ьеfоге him, EgiI mаdе the.jorrrnev to meet the Gods оf Iгоп, А savant оf the mechanical, his mind could see the wоrkiпgs of а mасhiпе long Ьеfоге hе had cracked open its casing. Egil rvoulcl hаче nrade а firre Iгоrr Pгiest, but his rrnrvillingness to Гоllоц, time-honorrred ploceduгes led to 1rim take а diffcrent path. Urrsuited to the prescTibed 1earn:ings оf the Adeptrrs Mecharricus, Egil ъ,аs trаrrsfсггеd to Ossric Thгee-fists' Grеаt Company. His triЬа1 ferocit1,, coupled with his lоче fоr machirres mаrkеd him as а uniquc initiate. Ь the decades passed, mоте and mоте of the соmрап!- саmе to owe theiг lives to a,tvcaptltr от vehiclc that had Ьееп improved bl,the hands of Egil. Оп Ossric's death, these lifedcbts led to Egil's ascension to Wolf Lord. ТНЕ IRO}J GUARD The Irоп Guаrd аrе Egil's 1оуа1 Woll Grrard pack. TheiT рrimаry duty is to ассоmрапу the Irоп Wolf iп battle. They deferrd thеiг WоlГ Lord fiom hагm, while smiting his enernles ъ,ith their fеrосiоus assaults, Ulielding the finest wеаропц,, often improved and tailored to theil оъ,п needs, the Irоп Guаrd аге а rvall of ceramite, advancing to l,ictory. Дthoug-h Egil has but а single pack оf Wolf Guard ргоtесtiпg him, hе ofterr splits thеm into smaller combat squads duriпg times of wаг. This way, thev сап Ье deployed quickly and effectivcly in Razoгback transpolts, Like the геst оf the ITonrvolves, еасh squad r,rill act as а cog in the machine of Egil's strike fоrсе. Each of thе Iron GrraTd have learned valuable sесгеts fгоm thеir loTd of the machines they ц/ieid. In honouT of this аrсапе knorvledge, the pack mепrЬеrs соmmопlу сhапgе the traditional b]ack colouring of their pack mагkiпgs, герlасiпg it with а steel that gleams in the 1ight оf rvar. ffi Воrgеп 'Fire.-qe' л*, л, ыЬ Сопrап Wu|hide & моlп stоrmьrош ж ы & dвffi Ola[ Ironhide ы Bjotll Bloodj,st ; ; 'lC*]ь *'*ъ' ,pol1 oS эц цlDd ац1 о1 роu D ЧlDаlL - SплuDц)|r{ sп7фа7lу ац1 to рlа{ цэоlq рuD ра1 ач1 tlоц ац] slэzфар pltlpuцs s1Бg uо .{1од Fт ч :| i1: п ,uofI u€IsIluэс аulоs чlIм 1oqur,ls leql эsrlr:uоs:аd оl .л.uтш sреэ1 'lэIэ,$.оч '"^э,rlод ээвd5 \ ]1lr_!' ач] Jo alnltU JI]SlIEnpL\IpUI эчJ ,srrJIuЕч)эtr{ sпrdэру ач] Jo э)L\эр г эч] JЕэq о1 рэlээdхэ sI ]sэIJd uоJI uЕ Яurl:вш 1:rtзd :rэql зrl ээrzld u1 ,рэuSrssе uээq элеq dэql шочr\l о] plo,IJlor,ly\ \ эч].+о Jo ',{uеdurоэ sJIoM l"эJс эч] зо 1oqrrLls эч] JЕэq Jэч]Iэ SlSэlJа UolI эч1 ',{]пр элц]r] uo эIIILц,}IомuоJI luеdшоэ ]еэl, эч1 uI эшоч 1r3l зo 1enlr-rrds JIal{] puu srsэт-тд uo:1 ;(urчlд -эJц эsэч1'ч]ЕэL] i SJSTIEd |,IOEI рЕч ]€ч] эlэlча i : эч]Jо эJоru l]II:] sE rПIЧ РЭ)IjЕru srц ,,(uedrrt,l so s8uоl8uq szц 8uuоq 'раlzшs рdрч,поq spuatJ ац1 lшdчц ,lэ55ш1 лц7 рэzэлtЬs эц LaБt1!ot11 рпls п3ц]о111 :э,цод аэчфс al11 splomo7 8ultооц ,yцatl to шоа13 п |о лlцtсlч,D 'ачlDэ ]ч3пD ){, s,lйцlоl21 sпm 'ц3поt1] 'uol]uallD эц1 1п111 ппs 7t ,1п2чl so рulчэq sпор,Dцs ач] uI llацJ ,а3лцэ ,lsDaq ацl u.o slz рэцпц Кllоuц[ лlБll1оl11 'ачulч;7 uошэоq pl! роц illп! 2н ,sрltоtп Бutszol 'раJп.uuпш stt1 u.o 'ыofaq 91a,l] ýл!хDt] dцl lltцs)чD1t лач1 sD чlцуlп palsolr1 sоm ,'uоlп smaas эчlDq рuпюл s.lo1,1пl1 ацl s?ц_|_. 'sпэruеqээ1,1 : ] 1 sг.li. umор Бtltцsо.t lо sшuаlэs аlопr|slр ,a1,1[ аuБuп uошапq уорэфzq 7чпtБ о sп L)i)ц)у)m пБ?ilоlн ,{шаuа D аlо!'аrl а.lп,lэtф Ftt,lplпs ац! uпор '1!JtD1l ацl цБпuцl ipot1 slц рэцsпd lоБцlоlц 'tлооlБ ацl рачsпшq trцБцчп, Бutzolq ацl so Бtllэu,l,tо1 ,шlц pчпоrD .IlD ац1 БuNsuDdр JlD паIэ 'р]о! а!] цlпо.п раффlцm slpD]uat s|]sDdq I1Zm s,sа.Lцоl Jb 1sa. ацl 1цБu ацl о,1 l]п| апцL ацl to s,uulauuot раББш ац1 o1ui 'ttоtlэоtчlоs ццm Вчцtшg lluофоаrп лаtll БulцsD;lu.п 'uostulL ut Бчlnоzл а.ипl ээuеэЯrrэ_1 tIoJJ р?1?, ralulr11 rтo-Tl,lb sцlпч 0m] ач]',цJaI slц oJ ulloo ,ullil ul цоц пБцlоl11 'аlлоq ацl7uzuчоэх xat1 11)ц01 рчDsпоlр s,ryaaq dцl uro,L| {iDпD pal1oo1 п3lро1.11 р)Jпошл ,эsr|пllоэ sа(чоll,u.оll 'цtп,р 'u,ю[g ptos ач ,'аu0 :aч]OLl,D aq plaпlJip рчDsпоч! п ан эБпцэ 2,pl1! аlчuэ о1 uoЫaq эlпlэпlls lttllп= )чl lпо ачD?д 7sп[ р7поэ э11 о 'sБutpltnq ]uD]slp ац]t0 duо ,uотslп slц пшр аjоэsрчг,; эцl ut фцs,V ,utolq uэррп\ о ,(q udцuq fprl Lt/l?ls с.lп3цlо.t11 эц] 1о чtпор Бчtэtt,п19 s,luБцlol11Бutlotttut, uоr|оап ullzo ,sаэuфр s,lшаuа л1l о7tп рацБпоlф роц ]уnDssD раlпочuD )ч; чочuпэs,о1 lo sээuп1 8uшпэs оm1 tq 7tojl .Puo\aq SчIпr )ц| dааms о7,uофоап stц ,цаu uаjфоц plfLoll m)uц dl]]Dq szц! u,dds рDц ,рuо{эq а8чulпэ ач1 оluт saplr! раslпэ эц1 ssoлD p)|DLLo]vp slлэцs пцоq sa рац.пt|s 1Iпц ц1 I)uD 1sDaq )ц sрI)по1 рillD al{ sol to cutodg ,sаqод аэоQg ацl sp;nno1 ,f)asy рарп.ц ]sDOq-uO,ula,D(J ацl sD раwl,Dm lп3цlоlg [о 1so7q ,8urylmq ,l,I)a,o ,аll{3utцэрt1 'ра3lrlцэ 7t sulnl ацl lЬ щ11 ,рчпOs ]чl раDпDцs ,ч] шо.tt'аtлоэ ]I tо ахпоs эц1 пt uоп.юц ац! ац1 r)ц)-раý pauuпs 2н ,uоtрsоф БuшlJ'slt о| r|п. uodoall s,l,ц БuБчшq 'pasua1 пБtpol11 ,sutnl 1фпs,уlutп )ц] ssOJJD раоцэа -поl Бчцр.lпlрочq V ,р{ эаоц ппэ5, Jащоц-цrDd slц'uюГg to аэzоаtlпL8 ацl лuпэ ,'lэрuэllпs ппаu п 'арtsщо чllDз ац] o]uo ч.lпор раффоlр yt sп рэ8uпlэ juшl 11х., Вutlаррпцs D о] эш,DJ цчо1 ац1 so l1аstulц раэоtq п8цо.t11 ,l1оц 'рqшu at1 'tt,офоап sц1 ач1 u,lоlа-t Бupф11 ,цБп.оц] 'рuDu|luоэ ац1 ц palot{slri ю{ фоаl sоm а11 L.ou Бuпlфар ip,oat1o ацl о1 pappD l|пц s|цllD] dч] o1ul Бuuаlлutоl1 sрuпu to р) q,шшр1,Duozsшэо )цI,sачБuа s, цэп qlozDa ач1 lo аuuр Бutlqtaпl ац1 J2п0 а)хоп s|ппшр ац] lDa1l tlaloq рlпоэ п3цlоlg ,цrDqluds|р lnq'a(y, 8 !*.i * jiia: _sя_ шIч ol рJI ia:: sIч ]1lcL ,]if. uэdо рэlэr ээs pltrof r: I]::i,_ ЭЧ] ]ЭЭru о] ,,; iutrrт э>,i1 Sпl{s stч ,.ll,,, ] sЭqI-I] )Iрtsrui. ,:: 'Ьlрuоs:эd .:;; Jo ЭqIJ] Э]Р.JJu(r]\ ц аlоjы4, .i{,а \rEHIсLE lиARKINGS PACKN4ARKINGS {+V+ж: г l The аrmоuгеd vehicles of tlrc Space Woh,es Ьеаг muсh оf the sаmе Titualised iсопоgгарhч :rs the rчаггiоrs themselves. Transpolts shаге thе pack marking оГ thеir passengeIs, li.hilc battle tanks alrd srrppoгt tchit Icr оПеrt Ьеаг the pack slmbols of their сгсllrnеll. HO}JOUR MARKS velricle от its сгеrч lrayc реrfогmеd ехtrаоrdiпаry feats of Ьrачеry ог sасгi{iсе, it rvill Ьс maTked by:rn horrorrr badgc. These badges take mапч fогпrs. In sclпre. ancient Fenrisiarr тuпеs tell of а grеаt victory lvon, lп оthегs, а stvlised heTaldic slTnbol is rrsed ttl honour Ьоth vehicle and сrеч,. !\Ъеге а l,, -]_ LO}JG FANCS Тhе Long Fапgs in Egil Iron Wolf s Grеаt Соmрапу tencl to shаrе lris affinity Гсlr machines to Some extent, and packs of these venerable rчагтiоrs оftеп take to the ficld mclunted irr Razorbacks. Th.e Fio,stcl.a,lll.s The Irоп Shield mаrhiпg instead of their Egi1 r,alues thcse packs hiehlv, flexible firероrtег and abiIill lo ( oordinal( theil as theiI attacks ъ.ith the rest оf the аrmоuгеd assault makes therrl iпчаluаЬlе. These Long Fang packs keep to the honorrred traditiorr of displaving thеiг pack mагkiпg in black and white, Мапу of Lhe Lопg Fапgs' Pack leaders bear ап hопоur 1'he Sпоzчfапgs The Icйdos Pach sуmЬоL This опе, Ьеlопgtпg to Olf Вrопdgrеп oJ lhe SпоuJапgs, de|icts а skull-апd-Ьопеs motif. It was gifted to him d,uе to his part iп the Jelling of а massiae Lord of Shulls oJ the traitorous Сrimsоп Slaughter. J ть 4 ?uшtцs роац s,tlom laalts ац1 '7аuоф apls ф1 ацl uо рачlDlл ,sрl,оп.8 ту и ь :,t SпоюlхD-l] }чi aoбSl]ul 1пф stц юm ц г,i ,{tl,i а цэlr|ар uаБрчо.tб 'аuц ,пац1 !, JПОuОL| |lIJ ,SБuD]; ,рюп3 о1 pau8tsso uааq sDц 1l ропЬs ац1 ,to арlц2п )ц] Dцlld ,Ч ,sБutцl,оtп llлоuоч ааlц1 sal,npat цэаqlоzD1 ац1 'QpuLJ раtаL,оlпф 1эо эхоl2ц D ?uцuаsаlфаl цэоg шо4{ ,цэоф.ощ,ц1 рпац ац] lo аuо Glg sаqоmцэцg alфta,ts п аsп ту s1 !од uо1,1 ,цэцqtо рlаl[t 1ýg to цoцtl,{s ац1 !о 1uоl,t ацl uо раluzаф st ?ulц-tоul цэпф ,sацопчэDlg ацI 2ч1 ol раu8жsп u?аq sDц'ssпцзо JеэdS'чэDqюzDg sхцJ аэuоБцlа fuпфллоз щаlо t ]Lацц 1uаsы,j.а.t otr 21]2почrs Qlопsп sц)lцаа аuорч ацlч 'mа.Lэ .Lo s.о8uаssоф,tzац1 sэпlо2tr aэad5 fiамцреgррlл11 lfrOlpOOig ila4S ч *, ,sэшпl u€lSlJUэd JэUЕ рэIдS sJэqrrtпU Uоп€)Ul]Uарl ,[1од1 ио,r1 p]Epue]S 1t31 ,рЕэч]lпq л.аq р€э]sul эLuоs 'spJo,I JIод ,lueru gо sloqru(s эч] uloq э.\Еч sэuIчJ€ш эIq€lэuэ,\ эsачl зо ,(uеш цЯпоqrry ,ЕIuuэlIIrп loJ э)Lлlэs uI uээq элЕч sэIfIчэл sэ,л.lод ээвd5 эqlзо duеlц рJе.\шt,: эqt uo uoцrsod 1uаurruо-тd в uI pJoT Jlor\i\ lIэч] Jo IoquLLi эч1 J€aq ,{цвпsп,tuеdruоэ }еэJс е о1 рэuБтssе sэIэIr{J 1! пш{ SтINYdиIоэ JYTt{c шHI SЕТIIИIПN NIОIIЧЭIJIJNТОI ТНЕ IRO}JWOLVES COLLECTION The third collection in this book is ап intimidating wall of adamantium; ап аrmоuгеd fist that strikes fеаr into hеагts оf the enemy. It is possibly the most impressive collection оп the tаlэlеtор, as it includes по fеwеr than six Space Маriпе tanks. This is rrot unusua1 in а strike fогсе frоm the Ironwolves - the GTeat Соmрапу of Egil Iгоп Wolf. s path to Wo]f Lord was long and difficult. Rather than being chosen to join the Space Wolves Ьу а Wolf Pгiest, Egil made йе ardous jоuгпеу to the smithies of the Gods of Irоп. Не passed the Test of the Irоп Gauntlet, апd seemed destined for йе геd planet of Маrs. However, he was instead drafted directly into the Gгеаt Соmрапу of Ossric Three-fists. Egil ITon Wоlf Egil's affiniФ with thе machines of wаг геmаiпеd. His uncanny abiliq, to rераir а crippled Rhino, от get one last сhаrgе out of а damaged lascannon led to his Ьrоthег Space Wolves naming him thе 'Irоп WоIГ. ЦЪеп he assumed the mantle of Wolf Lord, he adopted the mопikеr as his official title. о The Gгеаt Соmрапу Egil leads has been moulded aTound his aptitude fоr everything mechanical. Their аrmоurеd assaulB have Ьесоmе legendary асгоss йе Fang, as еасh Space Wolf in the stгikе foTce гidеs to wаr inside а gгеаt aTmollred Ьеhеmой. The оthеr Wolf Lords grоw mоrе confident whеп they know that Egil and his Iгопwоlчеs йl1 Ье fighting alongside them, lending thеir hear,y fiгеролчеr апd mobile defence to the assault The аrmоury of this Gгеаt Соmрапу is as Tenowned as their Wolf Lоrd. Due to the almost obsessive саrе the соmрапу йkes in maintaining its weapons, thе пumЬег of pгized rеliсs available to them Гаr exceeds any оthеr Grеаt Соmрапу, save perhaps that оf the Grеаt Wolf, Logan Grimnar himself, lчЕ с il-i :г::: :Ё fiIт:: . _lft-ГЩ:,-t IБD с_ :._: ]Ei._: : ] tnЁ ]-::; Ier, J ]ле l--::. :rllr::,t-- :=:ь1 Ь:rrr:л тr ;r = :: Ё-=:f -:, )r] ]г,j =е -a ar: э:i:= IDэi.S uorl 'drqsun9Яueдrrr:ols ý{uol1 'JэрIЕЕ pUe.I 9оцlоlуtо цlпlд 'JоlеfIрuIд аэuпаБuаr1 t1,o,11 'Jоl"рэJd ]4uпн шо1I , : 'tоl€рэlа Щl ш tr Е Е хOчIоIN to rDads ')iэеqJоZЕЕ SSпа !о Е ппdS 'IэЕqJоz€х sмЕIэ]sоlдэчJ sэлIомчэ€Iа |Tl Е эчr Е рr"пýтIоrlэqr зlоддuо.rllýg Е ffi ,Sпачs lэ]Iоq рuв эlU sEI Jo pJezzцq в ul рэ]еIIчIuuе эq 1IIM sэлlом ээеd5 эqt;о SэIIпаUэ эч1 аs€э Jэч]Iэ uI - ]UелэIэJII SI sdlчsuп{) БuzJrп:оr5 ,iq ulo4 paJU Jo ýIue] эрlвq l]чЗIш 'sЗuед Зuо1 до slэzd sI шоор 1€ч1 ]эчlэtlлiуsэIшIэuа :lэql ,(о:lsэр SэDIS эч1 1urus lq рэJэлцэр о1 :эмоdэ:ц;о dB-r:e SuшэSSе]s z qtTM рэddrпЬэ аrt sэпlомuоr1 ,эIJIчэл рэJпоrrtJЕ uв dq рэтuzdruо)]" эq plnoqs 1эzd.&элэ 'uоцээпоэ SIч] чlщ sy ,slue1 зо derlB эЗпq в 1urBd рuе 1ээllоэ эчJ о] SэлоI оqм rsr,(qqoq .{uе lrпs пI-ц JIом uo:1 1131 зо SэIIIIJ€ ,эulчэвш рэlзz:э dlэug е ut q:еd э]Е)Ilэр эч] эч1 ч]lм uоsruп 1ээлэd ur s1:oM penbs чJЕт ,s]u€] э>1ц эчf ТNIНЭЧШ THJ NI SСОЭ iЕч1 SdЕчJэd э.\"S эIq€II"лв Strчэf PaZ , sa14 /uеdruоэ э JIэч] s€ par.L\ 'slэцо s,:эldвqз ац эрIsuI JE,ll. ol sdoo-r1 рэlsп:1;о sрЕпЬs э]IIэ 'IIешs рuэs о1 s:эдэ:d очм TIoM uoJI 1rЯg до эфs 3uцq3ц эч1 s]Ins sIч] ]nq 'uodn пЕ) о1 sэлIом э)ЕdS Jo 1ood :аllешs чэпш е ч]Iм sэлIомuоJI эч] цэI sЕч stqa ,(uеdшоз l€эJс sIч o]ul рэlJпрuI эq ч]Iшs очм slrп:эа: l1uo reqr s:эдэ:d 1Ё1 IBJnl]?u в Jo SIII{S эч1 мочs ф EHI ]Iп€SS€ Jf, 3urрuэ1 'ruэчl эр luч] MoDI .{эч] uэ ,чlоruэчэq рэ]l1с ui JIом ээвd5 т1: S]]n"ssв SIч рэlпо puno]e ра :,.:=.:i€,ý:: Е BLACKWOLVES The Blackwolves аrе а pack of Grеу Нuпtеrs in thе Ironwolves. Еасh mеmЬег of this pack wаs inducted frоm the same tribe, and their shared heritage is displayed iп their similar hаiг соlоuгiпg. Ноwечег. it is thеir history since they Ьесаmе Space Marines йаt has fоrgеd bonds of unshakeable loyalty between the pack mеmЬеrs. Тhе Blackwolves' pack marНng is а black wolfs head betweelr а wоlf s jaws. This device symbolises the tTibal wars that еасh mеmьег had to очеrсоmе Ьеfоrе theyjoined the ranks of the Space Wolves. Тhе squad is агmеd with boltguns and chainswords, rеаdу to defend the grоuпd йе strike fогсе has сарtuгеd, and the pack deploys with its RаzогЬасk. SPea r oJ Ruls. This tank allows the pack to redeploy гарidlу. sесuгiпg The objectives identified Ьу thеir Wolf Lогd. ;ýj.:.]i!ra!] a_i::i1 :],, ,чtrЕJ,ц s]I trno э]эIп SuоuU€эSеI S1I эIIчл\ UIцIM SJOIIJEц эч] Jo sэлц эч1 Suцэаlоrd цпq slr 'fiпоru-те sэлlолд ээzd5 эql uI эI]Iчэл рэJэ\эJ е S1,|DцrоtrN lo паф ,])IUuoJ 3urрlодuп эq1 or ,{11эrпЬ 1JЕэl о] Iпэч] Яurмоце'].Todsue"Ttr IэЕqJоzвЕ z рэuЯlssе uээq suq 1эвd srqa ,luо$эрlЕq эJIlUэ эч] ssоJfе s]ass€ эlqепIвл lsоtп sIч реэ:ds о1 1rЯx Яurмоцв 'рэрээu а:t ,{arp а:аqм dрэвхэ ssэмо:d Яuцq3ц:rэqr 8utрuэl;о аlqеdеэ эJ€ s]Iun JэIIз{пS эsэчJ ,spenbs ]еqruоэ (sпоLuоuо]пЕ 'IIвшs IвJэлэs ur рэdоldэр uаUо alz p_ren9 зlод s,lr8g оtsYгIсNоdI EHJ WRATH ОF MORKAI One of the most powerful weapons in the Ironwolves аrmоury is mounted uроп Wrath of Morkai. This Vindicator tank can level even the most heavily built of Гоrtrеssеs йth iB dеmоlishег саппоп. Wrath ol Morka)is реrhарr at its best when deployed in urban епйrопmепts. Equipped wiй а massive siege shield, the tank сап сlеаr а wаr-tогп street ог both епеmiеs апd гuььlе in minutes. This a]lows the геst оf the соmрапу to advance safely in its wake. Wrath of Morhai has епогmоus hаzагd lines painted оп its siege shield. This bold design fоrеwагпs апу who see it that йеir doom is upon йеm. ?-Е -:,.1Фt i-:>- j ] ] Е'а:г: .:-_ лt: L-.: _ пЕ5_с:-: ]a ЕГ.: Gs_ а::_ ццf ]J= - ,ýIue1 ,SэIэlчэл рэlпошJр,\tlP _-,: luПЧ SuОuuеЭSеI ЭЧ] ЭFЧlr 'Sdl:"]: S,,{IпэUэ эчl uo JЕэq о] EmSEId рuЕ Jэч]uпЕI JIэч] ЯuIJq п!ц,(эчI uoтl-_-aj аF!.: ,]пошLI? :,_-] (шэuэ rltoq ц trrr Бu:*- -: Jo эIqвdв] аl€ s,цelflso:1 i_-_ ,&ruB_;ul su'rэ]lвd Sur:g эlqrхэg JIэчl J_:t, ,tuэqt (о.rtsэр ol J;i_=,_ эsтээ-rd в Бur:g а:одэq ',{ulau: l Jo s]uэIuалош эlqтssоd эql Бuг_-'эsеа чlLм эр]еq eJo as]llo] :] sTql 'ээuэl.lэdха ::: ,ruпшэdrul эчl Jо sэltuэu; : _ _-_ рвэl uеэ 1эеd __-_ tl]тд,ц ._:] пЕ lsule8в ilЕ,лчпq в sE рuulý :о.; 'э:вdrлоэ рuо(эq чпо,lэЬt-- . зlод ээвd5 EJo ou st эJ]I эчJ ,]ЕэJ,_]:: Suвд 3uo1 е эq о] э,\Lu:.i ] - ,рэlэ]F::-: tхJч1 Jo JUo lou pUE ,\v,;- _ Jo SJоJJоч рuеsпочl е ра]|: _f penbs srql;o ]эqIпэIп чJеf ,р_-, ;1од (uBLu uеqt.rэБuо1 sеБр: - iuеdrпоз ]ЕэJс эч] Jo i] ] :: рэJэлэJ эsэчJ,s:juЕJ ЯL pеnbs uвlэ]эл е эJЕ s,4{€I]lso_ij : ] _ _ , SмVтэJSоЕJ f н_ JIачlJо SIlпч эч] uо 3urlulBd sloqrrr{s 1эвd :вlтшrs dq drqsur1 stt1] эsruЯоээ: dэqд ,рuоq-lэud рз:эмоd в paIIJJOJ элвч SэI]Iчэл эsэч1 Jo s.{\эJJ ]U€l эч1 'sэрЕ)эр JoJ JэrраЯо] рэмэs Зuи.ец ,SэолIЕS S.{u3] slqr.(q цвq Suт:эррпrls е о1 ]чSпоJq эq ue) ]InEssE prue:{a Е ]о S{uJ?.цS рэSSЕIu эч1 uала 'suolssltu 1эuuоSJаd-цuе loJ рэuSrsэq ,э]цJо IIuч ssэIэsЕэ] Е lэлIIэр о] эlqв'_lоlерэ-lд u:эuвd .Jо]]пдsэсL е sl аэuоаБшаrу шоl1 ,э3в::еq эlЯurs в ч]Lц sэI]Iчэд l,rеэq-:эdпs;о sцпq эql ээ:эrd эlqе '1ээdsо:d ýuцtlsв,л,эр о1 Е sI suouu€)s€I 1пдамоd:поз Jo luэuIBIIIJe drпэuэ uо эlе1 s,}I ,JnO{IIJE о1 рэddтпЬэ 'лuЕ] uJэ]l"d ,JоlЕIIчIuuY, uB sIпluпн uoll ,чuЕl JоlЕрэ-Id ом1 эlв a)]oJ ач] о] lэмоdэJU Яurrulэqм_rэ.lо JIэч] ЯuIрuэI .(q tlnBsse ач1 , Бuвloddns ТЭNIYТСNТЛ NOEI т I{TJNI}H NOEI ,sl€lэшпU раSц]ds uI JэqIUпU UоI]вfUцUэрI ue sl slэuеd dol ач1 SsoJ)B рэлJрtrдI ,ппч s1I SSOJ)",tI]uauTIuoJd Suт-тпlвэз;lолц uоJI эч] Jo uo]I эчl lpl,l'r рэlulвd ы.лафg uоц ,(ruэuэ эql ;о sэulч)"{п :ем 1sэlвэ-tý эч] ]по ]uпч пIм лафg uol1 'аод luB Surdо:lsэр ,lоlэпJlsэр 1sо4Iэч зо эlqеdвз эч1 :рuэsJе ,sэ,tlоrlц ээzd5 эql ut uоdвэм 1rlтэмоd 1sоtп эql qlrM рэddтпЬэ sr drqsun8 БuBз:rrrTol5 эч1 '1Inessв рuпо:3 рэlпоIuJ€ эчt оl l]IJouэdns .lте 3urppy,duzdrrтоз lеа:9 sJIoM uоJI 1тБg ]stiuoure .{рээлэd slg эlэlrlэл,(1реэр до sIчJ ,чЕ lS]SэI]d uоJI эч] эlэеuurd эlр stлафg uol1 хчЕdS NOEI ,эрlеq oluT р:епЯ JПОUОЧ SIЧ PUE PJOTJIOM ЭЧ1 s(э,luоэ 1эроru эээтdэ.цuээ &qБrru srqд 1s4Гао4 ':арвsп_тз JэрIl]Е puE.I рэstlеuоs_rэd uMo sIч uT JЕ,ц о1 ýэрIJ JIом uо:1 1rii1 ,ploI JIэч] Jo Jпоuоч uI sJпоIоэ JIпвlэш ul рэlutвd uээq пр а.tеq.(эqз qSпоqlр '3ul>1:еш 1эвd рuоs:эd uмo sIч s:zэq p:enliuo:I эLр Jo Jэqrпэш qэвх ,l_ruоduэм эЯuе: эsоlэ Jo JэUuвuI п€ чlш чlээ] эч] о1 рэIпJЕ эJЕ suеJэ]эл эsэчJ ,prBn8uo:1 srq зо 1эвd е эrе :ем о1 1r3x uoJI ач1 $gэq Suiluеdтuоээу ,JаlэвJечэ SJIOM 'Iэроtu JэреэI SE э^l1эuцSIр lnq ра1€]SJэрuп uе SэIЕIп ач'эJп]ЕIuItu аuIJеIпч)аJ эur_твtrц ээвd5 эql Iпо'l3 рачэлuоэ ,sмеlэ liuтulqЯr1 эlrstпЬхэ зо :rеd е Surрlэrм uоI])эпо) srql ur рэlэrdэр , sT JIом uоJI 1i31 р"rоlзlодд эr11 dтом NIouI TIcr ,' |. ::: : ] i ЕнАttfiрlшNs шt tЕNпls a.n r:,fiT,i:rl*ý -?ryЗr":.'1:aЭ,--.,+:'jf_|.<:,:';:" LoGл[ GRIMI\AR f& Logan Grimпаr has battled the enemies оf Mankind for centrrries, Acloss corrntless rv<lrlds, against а mvrlad of foes, tlre Great Wolf has protected the Imperirrm ъ.ith соuгаsе and horrour, Не is tlre tчатгiогking оf the Space \\'olves Chapter, а living lеsепd, а tгrrе lоrd oflvar. :iaz{i: :a,: -- Logan lvas inducted into the гапks оf tlre Space Wolr,es at ап еаrlч age. The yorrng tгiЬеsmап had alTeady r.1.on the leadership of the Irоп B]ootl tr ibe. alld hi\ рго\\е\5 tvas kntltTlr асгсlss the seas of Fеliгis. DrrTirrg а bloody ambrrsh, I-ogarr battled the Sezr Dcvil tгiЬе пеаr]у sinsle-lranded. Besting thеir torvering lеаdеr irr combat, the voung \t,аlriог stood triumphant, соr,егеd irr tlre blood of his enemics arrd his kin. High abclve the killing groutrd, а \{olf Priest watclred о\,еr thе battle, Тhгоuglr ttre mists that u,hipped arorrnd tlre jur,errile лr,аггitrr а сlагk shadolt fell - а shadolv in the fortn оf а giant po1,-er-armortTed Iigure, l,ith а florving mапе оГ hair. Тhе \{оlГ Ргiсst knei.l. it to Ье the image of thеiг Ргimаrсh. Cornmanding his bodvgrraгcl dorTtr the steep slopes of the hill on which tlrev stood, hе sрiгitеd Logan Gгiпrrrzrr arta,v to joilr the гапks of the Space \4lo1ves. А ч,аrтiоr rramed ulгik merrtorcd Logan throuelrout his asccnsiott. The 1,orrng aspilant's ski1l arrd cunnitrg mаrkеd him :rs а ftrtllre leader, and his сlrагisrпа епdеагсd him е\,еп to the пrost griпr-fасеd clf Long Fапgs. With Lllrik guiding lris а. tiol iч, arrd ttre spiгit оГLсmап Rrrss pulsine tlrгоugh his l,eins, Logari Gгimпаr's rise fiom initiate to battle-brother was swi1t. and it lvas опlч а пrattel, of tinre ЬеfЬrе hе joined the Wolf Lords. As а lсаdсг, Gгimпаг rl,as be,vorrd соmраrе. Felt Space Marine Captairrs cclmmaTlded tlrеiг mеп rl,,ith such skill. Fеlчеr still corrld match his ability lvith а blade, fог he proved not only to Ье а bold and brilliant general but also а lсаrsоmе rчаггiоr. These tгaits meant that it rvas rrcl suгргisе rvhen hс was clccted as Grеаt \\icllf. Fгоrп that timc, he has led the Space Woh,es thrоugh а golderr age of glоп,, drrгing lthiclr their r.ictcrTies and conquests have, at the very least, been thе eqrral ofan,v оthеr Сhарtег. Logan's pack rпагkiпg rvas chosen fЬг him Ьу Ulгik. It i.s а selies of':rncient Fспгisiап ruпеs around а lvo]f skull, the mcaning of rThich is known опlч to the old \{оlГРriсst. Amonsst the Space As СrеаI I\blJ, Lоgап bears iсоп of the I\'оU That Stalks Betzoeen ,\ta,rs - tlze the апсiепl Ё} s\mbol, of Lеmап, Russ hi,mse[,f. His Great СоmРапl also bear lltil пчrk. allhough оп огrпсiпп thq mау also Ьеаr Logan's оuп symbol, the Nighl Ruппеr, \Volr,cs it is nrmorrгed to Ье а blessing or Rrrss, maTking Logarr as Like all ,suits of Тёrmiпаtоr аппоuц Lоgап Сrimпаr's bears his clrosen hеir. cl Logan goes to rr,ar equipped r,r.ith а stonn bolter and the Ахе Мсlгkаi. The ахе pulses rvith iпlrеr роъ,ег, and wherr rTielded Ьу the Old \\kllf it is thc bane of the Imрегirrm's enemies. { Сruх Тёrmiпаtus оп the kft чhочld.т. ll i.t чпчуuаl as i! iy ourlaid ulith а relief of а wolf skull апd сrоssьопеs set aboue а, Precious gеmstопе, as Ьфts the (l,rmочr oJ the Great И|olf. Ф *&, }r, а, А l t 1 "lusхuац pul) {пaolq lo s]п пшаБ пм о] ssп}! tt olaa7 lo sluDрuпsа,р ацl Бull.ldsu? 'рlафllуs o,t1,o 7uпфшшt7оm ац7 :l1од 1oa1,9 ацl lo 1oqul{s ац7 sl 1Iпц s,auupDш, ацltо apts ацJ ssoлl) sa цод аэо фg р2 uozD,lqш,il,]п]ttrDчэ ац! о1 р1пDs SulJDцэ p|l,D Sэца-L pru,Lo,pD Sx чuD|-?IuDq ра]эм"{ ,.SIJuэd Jo эJ|l, ц]lm ачJ SD шmоuч '.ашаарач 12рх,Dа рuD1 чIахэuD чD uI "LDlп о] арш s,].o1DuIlд,LaI p,tonБ{,poq lllaй:'sso у1.1о,п7 1 11од lo Slч рuD uоSlOцrоtrN uDпlSп ý,luNа/-{о i/}1a, ,5du пJ ч Dl\ll u,)! чl PdпJUJ'-(la,t,o.1q !о цапоl,ф о sl Бutцltltu uаsоцэ s,цэаф slH ,тI!щq ul плuоd {ппац рuп уs{utпtlэ о 's1llц uофrlап Sхч рюаD oJ s,.tnaq p1,ong .шоаq tlод ац1 пц]!пltо 8uýDшD|) ,SрuDц р?]DIцпlд, lo аэоlф ul 'sls{ эшолq .fb ац1 S!,ц )шцэ.l,D оmJ sl по[uо.l1 lrossua{I ,фtlл.оу1,\,оss]ч?в, ,,рафоэsа ац aloJ' ац1 lo,opullлa,l ]uDJsuо) D s,x r)uD 'sаltltп-цэоф uqlпt stц slпоuоц Бulц-IDul sаuоqssоlэ puD ,ъDраJI лlол 77пцs f7оп чэDIq slH ацu]S lsq ац1 |о юпtаlпs шmоuц Quo lYO./,.\]i\Д?P М lI lI Н l ОU ф П О Sx JпоlulD SxH ,чSацd uo"LI 2ц! lo J,S]!хэоу эчfuV ,аБор-tац уoqbL1 пt1 Лом ]DJ.l:) ' ,щ slфq sD ']ll,J:, D aaoqD ]aS SauOL|\\ l1оm о {о tatp.t l, Sl 11 SD IDПSllЦ|l : ф1 ац] uо sltp-,l,, SIDaq S.lDuut 1,1I) J"o]Duпa.QJ L,, :- 1,, '1,аUUПа Ji!!', uпо s,uа3о1 .ttl.r,; uоlsDло uо tРпс, , -юaq os1o itLuri,, ,_[1аstulц s.r??.}7 zl Ju)lruD rцl j:] - SцлDIS |DцJ_ |i ац] S-LD^q ttuБо,1 ,- Бulпotls аuш-р,]атчs JuаlэuD uD sаlолофюэut Бutцlоtп цэоф st17 ,фоц ац1 {о sоzоГ 2ц] о]ul tuац1 Бulп,zlр шфq 'hпэtlа .jц] цJDq llloll ol рdl|пJlчd'уDmlпq ,Sпцрlq S|ч Sl рDqцлол 'ррlцS ulloLs ра|s,плша-аuпt 1о;й о Бutрlаlд tпrNq.Ii,loШ qчgх,Iод ,SDaS 2,ц1 {,q stц uDlsшuал pIxOL р?uлDIэ аэuls Бu,о1 'рчDl|ulоч |о utolttnoul Бl1,1ц1.out 1,)dцс rцl slstpqul{s ,аruцоха раssпэоl цэоф sl11 to ацацs ]uцохо цэDа цllm sахluаuа sхц dп ац] SD |DпSпuп аюш, uап2 S1 uпJSu,па ,s1поэg Ешаrш 'rэuа!Б ul t1оm sщ sтцsDls !од ац1 шu{ раlолаоlф uааq ааrlц рl.опg 11од s,u,oБo1{o па,1 пш,+оt stц ,sllual uо ацl1 о] роч D :пO|э S,lD?q D црm рачlDlа аlфlэstр о so а3ор.lац яц 8ull1оээl '1tatlo ацl lrl slоцл{s {uпtп salnlaat ,aylls s,7эlo,7 tп()лurD s,эо[,lу tlод slц шгl"{ пl рuпоt aq Кlыо,l !рп puD 1оuоslаф s.uoБo1 sl эо[,tу ,uоzфш,оцэ s{пDлJ ан ,IDпpnlplll ulпрJD] 'шаls о st цtLБп11 I)Ntuolllд хгаDчн l,G ъw bre ЁG ъ€ \ý,- lэlц3{ Qpoalэ D pu,D uDDlрD] apo,ptuuot п шхц арOlл ааDц ]пq 's1,oэs ul рапOоJ 1а,хц ф1 апац ,арlф lоtп {о sашпluаэ .mоg рlащs SJnolл"LD Slц uо s,rDaq ац ч]Lчп ппчS ,stl,uag l1опl о st ?utц,tолп цэоф sz11 lo suujшо,цз ацl уsiuоlлD 12рDiц -]оulDm 5ашf'ац1 л 1s{,пББll61 uфо.7_ ,LS]лЧiIэ,JV([ Nfuftlo! :,т .uЯвs sJоIлЕлl asal[l Jo аuо l:э,rэ рш 1euosrad rIэIр Jo а^llвэтрu1 5rцlrеrп цэеd эgrэаds Е sJвaq ,lхврЯ аql ssoIJe sauoz Je'tl Jo SраJрImч uI Sa \lъE:; JIом 1EaJD аIп Jo рrвпЯlроq в Яurшо)аq spJвn^.ol qrвd qэвх ,papoolq адЕч uIоч.цJо 1е .psodslp яl lе sBr1 лаldвr13 sа,rlодl аэвd5 atl1 sJoIJJenд lsaug alp аJз PJEn9 JIом S.Еш9 =-а ,:: sI JIаSшцI а$ ф} (пtчпэSс Nш trHJ, *,*+ *ýеg;ж*- 1,} HEROES ОF LЕGЕГ{D {*Чtr+t- ] ULRIK ТНЕ SLAYER Ulгik the Slачег is High Wolf Ргiеrt ol rhe Space W,,]rcs. Не is both thеiг spiгitrral leader and Тhе longest lil.ing Space \Vоlf, Ьаггiпg those iпtегrесl inside а Dreadnought, hе ha, balrled tlte епеmiсr,,Г the Imрегium fоr clclse to а n,illennium. LIlгik ц,аs the fiIst Space \\rolf to tuгп dotln the honour оf becoming а Wolf Lord. \&Ъеп selccted Ьу his а fЪаrsоmе rчаrгiоr. ьаttlе-ьrоthегs to tаke the mantle аliеr his hсгоiсs in йе First \Vаr fог ATmageddon, hе сhоsе instead the гоlе of\&.cllf Pdest. The Wolf PTiests' duties include those of both Сhарlаiп and Аройесаry. They аrе геsропsiЬlе foT thе spiritr.ral l,1.ellbeing of thеir сhагgеs, as rvell as the phl,sical. It is also thеiг task to reclaim the gene-seed frоm Гаllеп Space Wolves and ргоtесt the continued existence tlf tlre ChapteT. The Wоlf Priest Ыоthеrhооd аге traditionally clad a1l in black, and their sinister hеlms геsеmЬlе wolf skulls. Each соmmопlу wielcls а clozius аrсапum and Ьеаrs rvolf amulets that protect lrim frоm счеп the nrost gTier,ous of Ьlоц,s 1iоm thc епеmу. Wolf Priests Ьеаr tlre sr.rTbol оГ the \{olf Lord to lvhclse соmрап,ч tlre1, have Ьсеп assigned. Orr thеir opposite shoulder рас1 they display ап icon оf the priesthood. This rrsuallv consists of arvhitc wоlгs skull motif оп а fielcl огьlасk. Most WcllfPTiests still mаrk thеir аrmоur rtith thеir pack еmЬlеm, though tlre colorrrs changc to и,hite оп black: Ulгik's is а st\,lised ц.оlГs clarr,. .P--1,1s 1ломrsz Jепs is Logan's сhоsеп Irоп Priest, resPonsible for the Great Wolf's chariot, Stormrjder, апrJ the Рhаlапх oJ'Land Raiders uhich his Wof Guard ride to,tlar iп. His marhing is а uolf\ head оп the cog of lhe ДdеРlus Мрrhчпirtt.s, оr,ш turп dоuп а Place iп Lhe Wolf Guаrd. Olaf ShlsLalher uаs опе such i,пdiчirluаl. The ageing Wof Sсоul Ье at home amongsl the feast halls апd, the trаiпiпg cells, so * s*!*,, ,;,ф2r. Serues the Great Wolf i. Njal апd ,\ ? i ,' ,| . ...,;:\ . ]::1 .|..l , "'a:\ ' each l,end,s his Psychic mastery of the еlеlпепLs to the assault. А Rчпе Pйesl dbPlays а ruпiс Pack symbol iп the blach апd уеllюu of the Wolf Guаrd. Urslraл "ýкr,sт,rr-кдл Дmопgst Logan Grimпаr's G.reat СоmРапу, there are feu uhо uould uill ппеr /-.. Nlлъ Sтопvс,чL,uп the Ruпе Priests sefae as the Сhфtеr's di,ui,ners апd mystics. Theirs is Lhe zlay of the wуrrl, rl,nrl \','r . iп his очп uау. Моl,кдrsсl,пr Under the guid,ance of LЦrih the Slцеr, (Лstчап has isеп high iп the rапk.s of the Wolf Pйesls, апd поu Lhe SerUeS of Fenris. - r? _,:-* alongside СhаrпРiопs His IИmiпаtоr аrmоur dbPlays his оuп Pach marking of bared uolf fangs iп blach апd white чРоп his lef! greaue, Il ff! ,ý , ._т 'ССд 2'йЁ :а_ rаI)uпцlsлцзuпms,;";;:"#rУ;;:;:,:;,:;i:,:;';#I рuп {uоБп uz Бutlпоц 'ааuц Вututоtла.l slц о1 раddоlр щDй ,раlD]пlп ,цJ :tпоlлrD sщ фпоlцl Еutцsоlus 'Ба1 s,plo1 sоDцэ ач] оluх рацsDrэ 'Бuрulц8ц ul рац]Dаtп 7аlulапц у "Lпоu!".tD ,!!l1DssD patzua{ ац1 -арu,п БuпtпоБ ,ýr)t яц !о sluюГ ац1 'уlчпоБ s?ц pooцs uD]чпд ач sD aБol ut pa-loo"t 1эа3ро1 sоп 1,1 щq 'uофаm szц аф о1 раu] pro-I sо7)цэ аца ,аlп7эпl{lо 1uюф ацl рчпоlп 3ut{1[ sц-Lо{s 'аluпп.оэ JuапuD ацl чl liasу!, раБрап putэ ррlцs s,uD|s|lц| ,аБлцэ slч р2цDч 1эофлаl Бuцlоf у рачэDл apDlq uDlpxsqo uу ьпоlа.LD sхч |)ацэц saland ац] so {poq slц Еuuапоу 'paпolpq ац .1п,о{ tttolt s1lпчs а,Lolл o,It 2пl2эаI цl0l tllsDlц 1поl, ,ррlчуаuпt slц Бutslol'р p7q ц3по.tц1 раБлц, чD]чпл ,uаай {ац,7, 'арJю ац1 оluх ]slпq аша7llо 1поБ p,йzs юll, 'ра.пllп som р,Lоп у ,аuо sD ч)пцs oN ,{lлпЬ ,пац1 раlэ.ltэ цэпф ац.7, ,,12JsDu1, {,ut,юt {ц dо,u ,11пцS S.uDýlпд рuпоJD Pa]Dlaq,Laa2J, аlоlu аuо aq пl,m поf, ,аuоу ц lDцsаq D рDц аuшDtrN аэпс|g "lашlо{'ац] tлo.1t ра3пша 'аlц \Saq uDэ по[ цulцL l1ol, JDц] алоа |чLzаuо ?upI ,8utэuопуlп 'pa1.1tlus ац ,7оlttэц 'аlлоJ sDц 2шl] rпоl, ,slюфs ацl lsduоtuо sр11112ц slluD]s,V ,ul,пtцрtuоlс| Бчl,,. ,1лац! л{ ч)lr)lu оu а.Oп sароБаuаl аца ut {шаuа пцюttD р2sпор рчslDDS v аэпl slц uо 7оац БitL. цаt ац 7ар1 s]uаlпои 1аlulаDц s,uпуslпltо ]ч3пп ацt .l1: ,ша!1 uофп uап ]S.Lnq рuцач раr-,ро(цq у цэос| s:,tLols. р]пп slouл)ll ра]D]пlu )ч] 1.1, '.lэБtпр ,пац1 аэоt о1 u,m1 2ц] ]22ш о1 7эluпlol apol1s ац '(ll-а1l1оq яц 3urta11,1 р,, ]D цsD| 2ц1 о] putul S|ц р211"m] uDýIп,\'uаlрБlоJ aill я11 ,uпs ?uппlq D ýulDED pools IIшIJDIN аэпdg а]хчп рuD цJlr| lo 8utцlоul J,nomJD -loJtI suоtфtлоцз ацl рuD 'S]SdI-|d ш ц3п1 u.s, ац1 ццL7 ] .Lг,l1tu,t1 sа]рпоцрs 2цJ ,рqlд,ф 1uцоп '8uц,ltots.{о рlлопt п l цt ut 'БuоБlлlо11 ацl lo lrfiл-ч,оdарl раl!пDп ацJ sDn! ,1! , оч sпп ш,tц lo щф ,u,! поч 21lпs 2щ Lпq 'рацLtцq 2н ,р,, stц цiпо"tц\ 7lаоцэа'раuЙоlлt-J)оц'р ala цuаtпа"ь t1o ц,s., ,1лlч щ Бuцац sаэо| лuоutао7l 'пuцаl s,plr,, , рыафs9цц ,раБuоцэ р1l0r! , . l1o,y1 ацl uоr|п pau,mq аБоuп ац э{u.юц у ,hu,,mоГ ац] пlulдDц прuпщ S!,ц {о црuDч Бu?фuоlр ,sa{a szt1 ']ц3?1 пцlаБо] цра] s!,ц S]l рацэDа] аl,m1 аlфлаts ач1 !о sаuо1 Sv ц ul рlрпоJцs 'lulol раlацlлп юltlаslлtц p1 ,1,. ац1 8utфsо-t\ . рullл sц1 ,ропр ац1 u2 t1o_y1,,l loqlц\\ аuц] Y ' lo {-аlsчut ýашd atp ,Бuоs-а1:_: uоБаq LIDýIпд'sa{a stц Бl-ils, о lо 12utоэ rDr ац1 у) S01O|)i to аэюа ац] раlдlчJ .'lullу \l рэsrфs е , sr ..1r:, 'шэlqruJ ] _ 1SоиI ,аэuа!Б uluэ!оs ац1 БuхчDаlq '{11оuоtsпээо рацsшq ut?., раl)ооэ цDц? sащld 2|11uD,lаэ ацl уDцц эsоlэ os 'lutц lpБaq pll : sаlош-цэпф st11 ,аэоl рроm ач lц?пDFuо ац1 юt puttu s:, 3uупфшф (,1р,пlхs 'рDlцD IDхц рuD 'р1,,(il 1 ,sэцs{,ut pttll SD аП-OS S]\nL ;, раuафо uDýрд'o1ll-La-"-, slц paulo[ sa7эo-tutol , ,uO\о ssDq ац] sD 121лlDэ 21uuэ2q 11.D2suuа!J уuаDuD uD ]uDчэ ,DqшDч, ацl 8uхрч 'рц"пus uпýрл ,sаtцфuуllпцs цlлm рlullрD sDп pьo,I sоDц1 ,tuацr ацl lo uцац ра]sал ацJ ýuшБп Qruпфр Butllttnls а,mБ{ ,Еu,l{р ацl аuоI D рrцlDlu аg рапоtш sa,{a s,uD]s!пд рuоhq ,эца-ац 8ulutotual рц ацl tо аБоэц"l ац1 рачsшэ uDýIпл 'hullдDц slц to 8uzmsцэпq рtапоф о цltц ], ,iэ1]1(i ,illzrlsr, , эý()r1 \" , JаРIПОЧS Э]1!] ач1 Jоt.Лаsшхц paI?zцs uD]s|l,_"_ ,ituэrtэ:rtl 1ээlоrd 1Br1l ,iluоrurrrсlэ u ,uоuuЕ) isо.1_11эq Нutlеlsвrэр эч] о] uollllp] ЬqЯrru эqr ruо:; :suоdеэм элl])пдsар lsoru s :эldвr11 _ 'I]BIcl ul IlE р; , ЭuО Ч]L\\ pa]]g Jq ШВ] Ш-Iе lЭЧlО i^IH 'uol]]nl]suoЭ [IlL:: Jo MBI] ]loJ\ lеэ]Ь в -,rlвlээп:1 элIssЕru )ч] splJL1,. эq1 ]ээlо:сI pri-: о] {sE} jI;)ii ,sэllor\\ э)еdS эч].+о sэIulэuа эql ]surcЯв .. ;Еurluэlэ:uп s,u-lоГgзо 1oclrrr,(s в sI ]I ,sIJLIэl ] Бutэсlцэ,r 1, puв urruicl,:l , рэF]s € Бurpleq ,rrвlз poolfl Е sE rr:o{g зо эНrlutt arlr altlBq rз slэrdэр lэч]о эч1 l:эldвqз эq] о] ээлuэs stq bit:l эчl sl эuо :sэtjешt ]эrrцsц; r:,,: '+loд lвэlэ эrlt зо 1oquris ,ruпr:эdru1 эч]Jо salJnolu.ii sэltld.rпоrш,rв 1rlo{ эчJ jlэ]еэulur ]sош ,]sэI.Id ]Еэl, ,SP.Io-I ЭЧ1 ]€Ч] ,LI! i, ]PJ ,1. ]SJIJ Jrl] рll. l] r],.i] rr\\o]] : оl В ] i эt{] э),{|srr1 .ic1 JIо.ц ачl ]Slц эr{] sl SЭJrrsuЭ [l! i JIом Slч ptlв.Jlo-\\ JIо_\\ : Jsочэ эч = эl]u€lп эч1 Jo эu() sl srrБtrldоэ_п:s . рэ]Е,IоJJр slsea.,J эч] ]е sJ[B] ul шэql оl lr Бrttlu :lэrр 1эЯ:rrj _tэ.rэu _raldt:; '1sed Jo SJOIllu,\r f. , эsl )l] Jo sэIlLIJL]j Jo suoI]]p эrlt БutptrrЯ ':эrdr:i; Jo J ).loJ IР]оШ JIIl sP \l,)P ]l l,,lq '1qЯrroLtpr:l ,Jо-IJэJJo э(1 аql olur,tarrlг эре{п ч)lЕuIIJd эч] u)чrt ptllt{.] ] aq ot 1эеd ltql;о JэqIпэuI \1,.i : se,{l рul?'plenc JIом lSSllE rir :: ] ,]r:]. Jo Jаqшэш Е sB ]qБтrоз эн (1пд rurr1 Sutleur '{sэ:эц stl r, ,p Jo эiпц эчl ээurs sэЕе эqt цв цЯ:. : pJIlleq чеч u:olg,,пяr:цо rqБпошрвэ:q Е apIstII pJr;_ . эsоq] :1- Бrrш_tt,_l isэБuо1 эr11 . рuЕ ]эре)I Ifr ,sэ-\lо.\\: эн ;1од rlЕтц ЕЕлY,IS oToN[YH-,Ilfj THJ NiEoIE :,,,' riЪ;i;E:!;z &:g;r;;ii *;.; CHAMPIONS оF FE]ýRIS COLLECTIOI\T Wаrhаmmеr 40,000 hobbyist thеrе сап Ье lеw tales mоrе inspiring than that of Logan Gтimпаr and his Space Wolves, OuT fiпа1 collection featuTes this charismatic iпdiйduаl and а Fот а selection оf lris most tгustеd battle-bгothers. Logan Grimпаr is of the Iirm Ьеliег that the courage of а few hегоеs сап саrry the battle, if they аrе deployed in the Tight epitomises that belief, рlасе at the right time. This col1ection Fоrgесl frоm а 1Ъrч squads of elite Wolf Guаrd TeTminators, the fbTce represents the very best that the Space Wolves Сhарtет has to оfТеr. Competition to Sel-ve in Logan GTimrrar's Wolf Guаrd is ехtгеmе. The рriсlе of sen,ing in the Grеаt Wоlf s реrsопаl bodygrraгd inspiTes these wаrriотs to eYer grеаtеr acts ofbravery, This collection contains three packs of Wolf Guard, Each of these walгioIs is а hardened чеtеrап оf hundreds of wаrzопеs, only in this collection could these elite squads make up the соге fightirrg fоrсе. Each Wolf GuaTd could Ье а lеаdеr in anothel атmу, but hеrе they mustvie with the greatest hеrоеs ofthe Chapter fоr recognition and glory. Supporting the WolГGuaTd аrе several impressive сепtrерiесе miniatuгes, the first оf rvhich is the Grеаt Wolf himself, Logan Gгimпаr leacls this аrmу to wаr atop stormrider, his оrпаtе wаr сhагiоt. А геliс ofthe space wolves chapter, it has Ьееп handed down frоm the time of theiT Ртimаrсh, Leman Russ, It is also а fabulous focal point fоr the collection and а suitable mount fоr the Grеаt Wolf who leads them. Only опе wаrтiоr still walks rvho I'ought at Russ' side and can rеса1l the days when the Ргimагсh fought alongside his sons, Вjогп the Fеll-Напсlеd is the longest sentng wатгiоr of tЪе Space Wolves, nolv а mighty Dгeadnought, Вjоrп is а liйпg legend, inspiring those аrоuпd him Ьу his mеrе ргеsепсе on ". 1 -*lr а t99J 2а4 ir: ,sIIuэсJо suоIdruЕчэ эsэч] JoJ эIuоэ]по,{1uо эr-_ эq ullэ l:оlэтл ,]Еqшоэ эч] Jo UЕэч ,{rэ,t эqt olul sJoleuIIIIJa 8uц:вus .;о 1эеd z ЯuT8.ro8slp 'рIэgэрl€q эч] ssоJfЕ sэrlэur rрч] ]sU рэlпоI[Jв uе sI 1I ,000l0t JаIпш€чIемJо эruвЯ в ur st _: se dцвпsш. элrssэ:dtпr sE sI JэрiЕн pue.I эч] 'sluФ эur:еl,п ээеi< эч1 пзJо lsэцчSrrrr эчI ,эflоJ sпоr8цsэ:d srq].{uеdшоээв ,_: эIq"llпs )iuе] dluo эqr s1 'sцuаg lo rJU. 'JэрIЕЕ puB1 эql 'lцег; 9шuал,[о ы2!! JЭIПЭЭРЭU JЭРIВЕ PUеT s5uелэ]ulм эчJ EI Е SJэцоlqрIэIчS S.4{ЕIэрIол s.lSUJaЗSe( UoSIDiJoиI рэрuвнllэс uвýslп Е Е эч1 IIJоГя lвuшuсuz8о1 ý s,эпЯuо]лпм ,dоlэlqц эч] uо чf,ulld еJ]хэ эtuоs n IIэм sE 'эurэчэs lnolo] sэлIом ээеdg эrssеlэ эq] о1 ]urod:э]rTnr: эJqIпоS Е sppЕ ач uоцf,эIlо) SIч] uI ,sэuЕSJэлре.]о uвмlвls ]Sa: эч1 uэлэ o]uI JеэJ sэ{lJls U€л]SII} 'IпошJ€ I)EIq puE rпIэч пг:)-i slч чlIм ,эJпЯU 8ul]Ерiшцul puв ч]Ер € sI ]sэIJа JIом эlл ,Lг,j punoJв sJolJle,lr рэJпоIпJв lэ,тS эqr чlLц ЯuцsЕ]]uоэ ,uоll]эI : ] Slч] uI lno Spuвls 1вч1 эlп]?Iuпп Jэfроuв sI uosrc]-Io],{ UЕцi ,ээuэsэrd ]еэ"r3 seq u:оГg 'LuIч punoJе ,(rluв_:_эч] элоqЕ Яur:aMol puе IIЕlэр эlЕuJо uI рэJэ.л.оэ ,рlаUэрlвq ]-_-_ uо э]uэ Яulrц, эч1 Jo ,SUos SlL u"f pLIe JoJ ]uпоlп Е OSIE SI ]I рэрuеч uэ J€,ц э]u uB3o1 д аээrdа:]u эч] Jo JачlоtIЕ э:оэ эq] dn i1Чi;;ffi.l*+*l:ý ULSTVAN MORKAISON & DAGGERFI ST,S VOIDC LAWS Ulstvan Morkaison is а Wolf Priest of the Space Wolves, his distinctive tllack атmоur both inspiring and humbling to йе sons оf Fепгis. Each mеmЬет of the Champions of Fепгis was chosen and inducted into the Chapter Ьу а mеmЬеr of this most rечетеd priesthood, and severa1 of those fighting in this force wеrе chosen Ьу Uistvan himself. The hопоur ofjoining the Space Woives is not given lightly, and the chosen few will spend the Iest of thеiг lives attempting to рrоче Йat the choice was а good one. The presence of а Wolf Priest in а fогсе is seen as а good оmеп fоr the wаrriоrs of Fепгis, fог to еаrп йе rеsресt of one оf these чеtеrап wаrriоrs is ап hопоuг beyond соmраrе. The Voidclaws have all been modelled as though thеу аrе midcombat, their wolf claws cleaving thrоugh the air towards thеiг enemies. This gives the pack an aggressive, dynamic look suited to its rоlе on the tаЫеtор. With the Woif Priest Morkaison leading them, and his Oath of Wаr inspiring them to tеаr араrt theil targets Йth ftrry and йgоrir, the Voidclaws аrе а Ьrutа1 assault unit, аlэlе to unleash а whiTlwind of lightning-wTeathed death upon thеir fоеs. f*ц _Е r -т-Ь пп: ::i:e_ т:;цт !:-: . ff- :е*:-; rs 1;s::.: r-г,- -j,: : -]г -:1 ] i |,: }. Ulstvan Morkaison has Ьееп modelled using the Space Маriпе TerminatoT Chaplain miniature. This model has been turпеd into а Wolf Priest Ьу adding sраrе рагts frоm the Space Wolves rапgе. А wolf skull in place of the model's original hеаd gives the miniature а suitably intimidating and Fепrisiап арреаrапсе. oI пR.Е ,:: .- _ - _-]- _ - j .: ] . r;J: :-- ]tr::, -.: .; i. ,]uE] рэJэлэJ sIч] uЕчl uoddns Jэl]эq оu алеч рInо],(эtр рuЕ 'slJuaдJo SJoIJJEM ]Sэug эr{] эl€ чlоrцачэq Iе]эLu эLр aplsul JoJ 'оЗJеэ эIqЕпIел S]I Sl)э]оld OSIE ,JэрIвн puB,I эIЯUIS 1?Jo э)uэSэld эч] ппч эIq€U8аJdIпI JЕэu sll о1 SчUеч} uoм uээq элвч 000'0t jэшIпзчJЕмJо sаulЕЯ dueru ',(о:lsэр or rlпэgдrр dlэruэllхэ рu€ :эмоdэ:g эIq€рItпJоJ LрIM ,эод 8uфu:эl ilqвrns е slsztuэglo alug'dotalqч эql uб рэlэед эцsеld эrр ruorд sl:ed a:Bds qlTM рэslроtu uээq osp sЕч;---_ sTq; ,slэuвd эрls эч] uo pno:d spuels ssnц uЕIпэ,I_}о luti*--_ лом эч} pue'sztшaglo rJ?dl ssoJ)" рэluшd эJt sэлIо_\\ д].1:< эq1.;о sSuц:еru ploq эчJ ,sпцs Jo JэqIппu Е JJo мочs о] :- :". s,'ttoIIB JapI"E puз,I эч] 'sIIЕlэр э]Еtru]ul рuв s€аJ€ 1tg эЁг _:. uоIlвulqlпоf ч]!ц - э8uэllеrlэ ЯuRтэхэ uв sI tu€1 эql 8urз.;-. ,qted slr sэssоJэ" 1Еч1 Surql{ue Surqsпrэ Iiпq lээчs s]I 'рlэgэг_:z: эч] sа]ЕuIIпор ]Ечl ssэJчоJ эIIqош Е sT 11 ,эЯuе: Iэре]lэ Jч_ r sluz1 э.ttssэ:dшI lsoul эц Jo аuо sI эJпlеIuпп JэрIЕЕ puE-I r-j - рrрэ1 sll чsЕэIuп 1I цrм э8uв.r ulч]lл\ sI Iuе] эчr uJrr dlug ,p:Bl.troз sa)zl ]I sE ч]r;эр 1uэIоL{ ]Ids о1 ,(реа: suouulp€sse раIuц-urмl sвq szlzag/o aJU, 'suouue) ur.rolsaulвTi !:: о1 uonlppe uI ,sэпIIэuэ s,-rэldеqз эq} uodn uоr]эLt]sэр .\l}_= Jo puelq u.цо S1I чsвэIuп ue] ]ugl эрlвq slчl 'sцuэд эЬае: lerp suопdпrэ )тu€)Iол эýпq эql lэт? рэuIЕN ,aplеq оlщ ,оЯrzэ ,rиlo "Tno,{ sB uопээIIоэ эql Бuqrеrп 'slu4:nod эsrpuos.rad ,,{rпэuэ эч] spJBMol uodBaM srr1 о1 no,( моlе эsэц алI] sрвlэq Sur]ulоd 'qэlBq do1 s.]uв] эч] Jo 1no Suruzэ1 sI оqм uвuIl't.JJэ ээвd5 эц 8urрпlэur 'J]JoJ эч1 Jo 1ýэJ эч1 эчЕш о] рэsп Б,}ч SэLIJвэ trI uIочм ýJoLIJEM эч] Jo эsоч] uеql :эSuоl:вз е3ь: Sвч uоц)эIIоJ slчl Jo ]Jеач эчr ]Е JэрlЕЕ рuЕт элISSЕ1п эqа SIENTд.{o EEIJ рэqlеэlлЁu рlшq в э цвdz:zэ] ol uоslзчIс рэlIпS IooI э JIэчl SpJ".\lo -ршr эrz Ьq а j: ::,]!ý:!:=:::: a:i,ri Б{оL\ st_rr-l ]тс z.:--< - -]Ё - :r- :a' ],м l , --- -,--a LOCAN GRIN,{ NAR At the head of йis impressive fоrсе stands none оthеr than йе Grеаt WоlГ, Logan Gгimпаr. Kding atop his skу-сhаriоt, Stumridu, the High King of FenTis makes а pedect centrepiece fог this collection. А painteT's dTeam, the miniature is сочеrеd in fiпе details begging to Ье picked out. Frоm the shields rерrеsепtiпg Gтimпаr's long and illustrious past, to the intricate аrmоur plates protecting him, this is а tr-uly heroic miniature. Logan йelds йе Аче Morkai, the head of which was fashioned to resemble the Min-headed wolf оf the under-world, Тhе wеароп is сhагgеd йth the роwег оf thе WaTp, and hence has been painted with а gloйng rеd light. Kding atop Stolmrider, Logan GrimnaT is а trr_rly devastating force on the tabletop, his оwп аlrеаdу formidable combat prowess augmented Ьу his сhагiоt and the Thunderwolves, Туrпаk and Fепrir, pulling it to rvar. , s1I ч]шr рuе lвu/a'sa.l ssaмoJd 1eqm ээJоJ ЯuI]4sе{эр sЕq э)uэч рuЕ эчJ,рIIо_! рэuоIчsЕJ ýetl JэIхвIJ,{,мэч шr-llщ, шэч1 Зuцв:эrпэшt = 'sэрЕIq рэJэмоd qт qчм:эрштr* эоJ эч] SuuЕэ1'л\u[)эr.:а чsеаIuп шз] uJolfl 'dsB_ti : uIчlIм Sl{ruэuэ эч1 uэ[\\,эfэ SэпISодSuоIп-оIq pIuEдI _!: Sэuоq эч1 рuе ýiugl Jo sг:-J эч1 JЭllечS u"э эч'uошЕ, lýодIэч в qtrM рэddгл= uэr{л,\,sэоJJо рвudш е ц:п рар or эIqв 'JоцJЕм aIqIýJ: в sr u:о|g'dоrэlqвr JэчlоJq SIч эц -! .sэпlо 11 этеrii lsБuош" ]по р=Еi оJэч 1uэIfuе gо qszlds Эч1 SЭ{ЕIII lncт-J] sIчJ ,sэuо1 ploq ц r:}: рэI]ld uээq э.{еч pue'Бrrгл:s l1rвlпэц"rеd эJЕ sJэIIэ] a*_tr ,sJnolo] рuв sэпЫuqээl mочъdоldrпэ о1 Jэluled ац g]i.- lJло r_тrоГ9 '11nq stч ра(Ь s]lэd JIом рuе 'sпЯеqdоэтеs *z o]ul РЭЛlВ) sIBJnIШ Эug q:iq '1Ч3поuреэJ( рэlзэrэ (iэlеэl.= uB sr э:пlеlulш s.шоfu aqa, эrrdse srтuэд до sJоIJJел\ ачl TzIF пеJо Ioqm,(s Е fi эч 'чfrЕшlд rтэq1 эртsSuор lчSпоJ очr т 1sэrа11 sn:o11 эIр Jo о.r}q ,sэ,rlодд ээвd5 цв о1 uоцеrrdг u" sI рэрu"н{Iа{ эIр EJofr 1ч3поuр"эJо ]uэIэuв лц отGNчн-,IтдI эHJ Nuоlп ULFTONGUE,S SHIELDBROTHERS The Shieldbrothers play а чаsф different rоlе to the Voidclaws. \ДЪеrе the Voidciaws сhаrgе headlong into йе епеmу lines, the Shieldbгothers ате а Ьulwаrk that the епеmу forces will Ьrеаk upon. Саrфпg rrrne-caryed storm shields and encased in Теrmiпаtоr аrmоur, Wulftongue and his kin hаче faced thе most fuгious offoes and emeTged unscathed. Опсе the foe's charge is spent, the Shieldhothers wi11 dеstrоу them йth blows frоm йеir thuпdег hаmmеrs. In this wау do these Wolf Guard protect the grоuпd claimed Ьу the Test of thе Champions of Fепris. Volkbad Wulftongue leads this pack to wаг when Arjac Rockfist is not pIesent in the force. Тhе Wulftongue is а stali,vart dеfепсе against the enemies оf the Grеаt Wolf and so hе and his pack аrе equipped to hold the line whеrечеr thе fighting is most Ьrutаl. Plugging gaps in Ьгоkеп fortilications, оr protecting оthеr units frоm the епеmу's elite, this wal1 of adamantium and ceramite йll stand strong. The ShieldbrotheTs have fulfilled this task on countless battlefields, against numberless foes, and each mеmЬеr has еаrпеd а saga worthy of the great halls оf the Fапs. тhе shiеldыойеrs have been modelled to reflect thеiг stalwart nature, their stocky fоrms Tadiating indomitable stгепgЙ. Тhеу аrе а liЙпg fortless that would cause ечеп the most determined atИcker to pause Ьеfоrе launching an attack. Like the otheI parts of Logan's WоlГ Guагd, Volkbad and thе ShiеldЬгойегs еасh Ьеаr thеiг fогmег pack mагkiпg. These individualistic symbols give the unit an eclectic look, as befits а squad composed оГ heToes. The uniфing colour palette оf their аrmоur and Grеаt Соmрапу badge keeps the unit looking like they belong together, and with the collection. \,t- =F ,r ::: ]-тr щл: i il аlт --tъ',- Jпl:::-]: :с-aa:. ill i:a--з-ё щrге:: ]i j: 5ч:3_- q, .* Ё.rgl *3a )2ъ|',irела:duеэ " Z -т sэо:эq эsэqldluо эJэчмрuеlsэlеэr8 stрээu ,p_to1 эql э:эqм рэdоldэр 'lпеэr эlr-цs 1вuоsrэd s.uеЯо1 э:е,{эqа :rэqr dq ruэqr о1 рэрuеч uorsslrп fuе чlрl. рэр о1 1r Sul,*оце 'suоdеэмдО l]эr:ел в qrш рэddtпЬэ SI lIUn эч} SIч1 Jo эsпЕfэв ,эruоflпо рэJISэр эч1 эJп)эs о1 uоцэ" эIе1 рu€ uоц"пlIS lвqulоэ {uе о1 lэBa: о1 ,fiцтqв :rэqt JoJ sl€npl{Ipui эsэчl Jо чэl]э uэsоч) sвч JEu{пIJ9 ue3o1 ,sэlоr рlэgэр]еqJо Jэqrппu в lglnJ Uu) s8uz;:э]utдд аq1 '.(rnorrr_ru sлом ]€эrxl ач1 uI Ioo1 эIqlхаu ]solu эчJ ,8tlrpuв]s 1дэ1 8urql,(uB цеdt: :еэ] slsg lэ T ci е runrop ,{в1 s-rэllсс_ Ie]l1lq JIэч] эJоJэq 'aJU Jo 1rzq 8urqsrund ,sэлIом ээеd5 эqt зо SэIIпэ,jtr tпIо]S рuе uоuuз) lInBssE JIэчJ эч] uл\ор SuT.rq о1 sluэ14 апЬruп srr1 Бul,(оldэр чJ€э 'эрlзq E_j,: эSJпоf эч1 р"э] о] эIqЕ эJв sJоIJJЕл\ рэlzzr:S эsэтд 'ээuэшэсLr; ,trrcБz puB эIпц SnoIJolfL\ рэНJэrпэ р:: 1Sел JIэч] Jo эSпв)эfl ,&ерБ эqr SsоJэ€ SJоJIоч SSэFuпоJ рээез элеrl{эqа,sэрtз]а!::: :эqlа8оз }чЯпоJ элЕч srэq}о-rq-lэеd эSэч1 'pJenc Jlo_\\ JL, -_ -: , uЕJэlэл V ,uоцfэпоf slql дo чеd рuU ач1 эrе stiuелэtu:1,, -: S0NVдETII.{I.\\ fH-. эlц Яuцос IIэч1 Jo э]iа €ýlgэqft, эsэr11 , эч1 pUE рэuIlп]эlэ daqa,tlýt ]JeMIglS llJ