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1. Effective Teams

English for IT
#1 Effective Teams
#1 Effective Teams
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#1 Effective Teams
Warm up
No one can whistle a symphony. It
takes a whole orchestra to play it.
#1 Effective Teams
Cooperate – to act or work together for a particular purpose, or to be helpful by doing
what someone asks you to do
Call it a day – to stop something. This words come from an expression used in the
1800s for when a worker left before their shift was over — “Call it a half-day.” “Call it a
day” eventually came into usage to mean ending work
Deal with someone – to talk to someone or meet someone, especially as part of your
In every society, people cooperate with each other
Your consumers fix your beta product and call it a day
They don't want to deal with someone else
#1 Effective Teams
Deal with something – to take action in order to achieve something or in order to
solve a problem
Get on – to have a good relationship, to manage or deal with a situation, especially
Get the ball rolling – means to start something. This words comes from Croquet,
where the ball moving indicates the start of the game. Starting a project is an
important moment, so you want to be clear when this happens
How do you deal with something like the environment?
Let's just get on the phones and use them to be positive, empower,
and protect each other
Let's get the ball rolling on this project
#1 Effective Teams
Innovate – to introduce changes and new ideas
Leadership – the position or fact of being a leader
Relationship – the way in which two or more co-workers behave towards each other
We want to build organizations that can innovate time
At a time like that, you really need good leadership skills
And some of you may have a healthy relationship with deadlines
#1 Effective Teams
Restore – to return something to an earlier good condition or position
To get down to business – to start getting serious about something
To think outside the box – to think unconventionally, creatively and explore new nonconformist ideas
The United Nations says that we will have to restore nature
Once you've created your account, it's time to get down to business
I really think we need to think outside the box for this campaign
#1 Effective Teams
See eye-to-eye – to agree something. A similar expression, “be on the same page,”
comes from choirs — you want your singers to refer to the same sheet of music
Support – to agree with and give encouragement to someone or something because
you want him, her, or it to succeed
Trust – to believe that someone is good and honest and will not harm you, or that
something is safe and reliable
You don't see eye-to-eye anymore
All they need is some help and assistance, just a little support
You're saying that you can trust yourself to handle life's challenges
#1 Effective Teams
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Ways of comparisons
Degrees of comparison
as ... as
too / enough
He is a busier worker
than you.
He is the busiest
manager of all.
Her schedule isn't as
busy as mine.
This deal is more
profitable than that one.
This deal is the most
profitable of all.
Your offer isn't as
profitable as his.
Our offer is as
profitable as theirs.
His business is too
His business isn't
profitable enough.
Your office was bigger
than mine.
Your office was the
biggest of all.
Our warehouse wasn't
Your office was too
My office wasn't
big enough.
as big as yours.
Our warehouse is
as big as theirs.
You are too busy.
Your schedule isn't
busy enough.
#1 Effective Teams
Get to know
Your processor is faster than mine
This version is more difficult to use than the old version
That screen resolution is much worse than before!
The new monitor was the biggest in the room
His computer is the least expensive
I really like this website. It's the best I've seen
#1 Effective Teams
Count the number of used comparisons:
In today’s digital world, not only are we more connected personally, we also often have to work
together with others from different locations and even different organizations to achieve a
common goal.
Teamwork makes the job easier. Someone else is there to help you, catch you and support you.
Your team members will see things you didn’t and ways to approach a problem you might not
have considered. You achieve so much more than you could by yourself.
Teamwork makes the task more fun. You’re not alone. But then you have teams from different
countries working on a project their country’s culture has a major impact on how they see
things, how they think and how they communicate.
Every team member has to clearly understand what the team needs to accomplish, why it
needs to accomplish that and embrace this direction. Every team needs its “why” to deliver all
the benefits of teamwork. This is the best way for outstanding team results.
#1 Effective Teams
Count the number of used comparisons:
In today’s digital world, not only are we more connected personally, we also often have to work
together with others from different locations and even different organizations to achieve a
common goal.
Teamwork makes the job easier. Someone else is there to help you, catch you and support you.
Your team members will see things you didn’t and ways to approach a problem you might not
have considered. You achieve so much more than you could by yourself.
Teamwork makes the task more fun. You’re not alone. But then you have teams from different
countries working on a project their country’s culture has a major impact on how they see
things, how they think and how they communicate.
Every team member has to clearly understand what the team needs to accomplish, why it
needs to accomplish that and embrace this direction. Every team needs its “why” to deliver all
the benefits of teamwork. This is the best way for outstanding team results.
#1 Effective Teams
Matching Game: match words with definitions
Get on
To believe that someone is good and honest and will
not harm you, or that something is safe and reliable
To agree something. A similar expression: “be on the
same page”
Means to start something
To give encouragement to someone or something
because you want him, her, or it to succee
Get the ball rolling
To have a good relationship, to manage or deal with
a situation, especially successfully
See eye-to-eye
to introduce changes and new ideas
#1 Effective Teams
Matching Game: match words with definitions
Get on
To have a good relationship, to manage or deal with
a situation, especially successfully
To believe that someone is good and honest and will
not harm you, or that something is safe and reliable
to introduce changes and new ideas
To give encouragement to someone or something
because you want him, her, or it to succee
Get the ball rolling
Means to start something
See eye-to-eye
To agree something. A similar expression: “be on the
same page”
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#1 Effective Teams
Useful links
Набір слів Effective Teams
Практика Effective Teams
Стаття 11 Best Team Building Books to Read in 2022
Стаття 8 Steps To Building a Successful Team
Відео TED's How to turn a group of strangers into a team
Відео TED's Build a tower, build a team
Thank you for your attention!
to be continued…