Загрузил Анастасия Трапезникова

Future Tenses

“Future Tenses”
Future Tenses
Future Simple
Future Perfect
Tomorrow, the day
after tomorrow, next
week…, tonight,
soon, in a week…
This time tomorrow
/ next week/ next
month, at 6 o’clock,
from…to/till, at that
Before, by, by then, by
the time
till/until ( только в
by then, by the time, for 2
will V (.)
will be +Ving (.)
will have+V3 (.)
will have been +Ving (.)
will not V (-)
will not be +Ving(-)
will not have +V3(-)
will have not been +Ving
Will have … been +Ving
V (?)
Will be+Ving (?)
Will have…+V3 (?)
Future Perfect
Процесс уже в течение
некоторого периода
Future Simple
Future Simple
Future Simple
Утвердительная форма
Отрицательная форма
Вопросительная форма
Future Simple
will V (.)
will not V (-)
Will V (?)
Exercise 1. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в форме Future Simple .
I think we_________ two return tickets. (to buy)
Kate ___________ ten tomorrow. (to be)
My aunt ___________ to Canada next summer. (to go)
I _____________ you in the evening. (to phone)
I'm sure our 3-day tour __________ more than 5000 roubles. (to cost)
Exercise 2. Сделайте предложения помощи, используя Future Simple.
1 It's hot in here.
2 These boxes are heavy.
3 The windows are dirty.
4 I haven't got any money.
Future Continuous
Future Continuous
Future Continuous
Future Continuous
Future Continuous
will be +Ving (.)
will not be +Ving(-)
Will be+Ving (?)
Exercise 1. Вставьте Future Continuous.
2. This time next Monday, I _______ in a huge office in New York.
3. This time on Tuesday, Mary ___________ on a beach in Italy.
4. Don’t make noise after midnight – I ________ soundly, I hope. (sleep)
5. Jackeline _______ to Kenya tomorrow at this time. (fly)
6. Students _______ copies while he _________the report. (make/ finish)
7. I_______ in my study library at 6pm tomorrow. (work).
8. This time next year we ________ the Pacific Ocean. (cross)
9. I _________ the dinner table while my mother__________ the meat.
(lay / prepare)
10. You’ll recognize Molly! She _________ a pink hat. (wear)
Future Perfect
Future Perfect
Future Perfect
Future Perfect
will have+V3 (.)
will not have +V3(-)
Will have…+V3 (?)
1. Exercise 1. Вставьте глагол во времени Future Perfect.
2. I ________ a Londoner for five and a half years by next
September. (be)
3. By Tuesday Jill ________ these novels by O’Henry. (finish)
4. Next year is Fred and Kate’s 10th wedding anniversary. They
_________ happily married for ten years. (be)
5. Molly thinks the film _________ by the time she gets to Fred’s.
(to start)
6. They _________ the plans by then. (to finish)
7. Before his holiday Tom _______ all his money. (to spend)
8. The train _________ by the time the couple get to the station. (to
9. I __________ dinner by then. (cook)
10. I _______my chemistry homework before Jillian comes home.
Future Perfect Continuous
Future Perfect Continuous
Future Perfect Continuous
Future Perfect Continuous
will have been +Ving (.)
will have not been +Ving (-)
Will have … been +Ving (?)
Exercise 1. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в the Future
Perfect Continuous Tense.
1. By the 25th of December she … (to work) on this project for six
2. By Saturday, Fred … (to paint) this picture for two weeks.
3. We …(to study) marketing for a year by the end of the academic year.
4. By tomorrow morning Laura … (to sleep) for twelve hours.
5. … they … (to work) together for ten years by the end of May? —
Yes, they ….
6. … Nick … (to train) for four hours by 6 o’clock? — No, he ….
7. By 5 o’clock Jessica … (to sit) at the dentist’s for three hours.
8. By 12 o’clock the children … (to swim) for two hours.
9. By the end of the day the workers …(to paint) this house for nine
10. By 6 o’clock in the evening we … (to wait) for his message for five