Загрузил Yuri Ovsepyan

Grammar 05. Past tenses

English Grammar
5. Past tenses
Past Simple
● Complete past actions with a fixed time phrase:
The Titanic sank in 1912
I drove back from London last night
● Past actions which happened one immediately after the other:
She stood up, went up to her and grabbed her wrists
● Happened regularly in the past:
Matthew spent most weekends at tennis tournaments
She burst into tears every time she heard his name
Study - studied, but play - played
Stop - stopped, refer - referred
Past Continuous
● Events in the past that had a longer duration than another
I was cutting up vegetables in the kitchen
when I heard it on the six o’clock news
● Two or more simultaneous past actions of a certain duration:
I was reading while my brother was listening to me
● Background description to events in a strong description:
As he was walking through the woods, the birds were
singing and the sun was shining brightly
General /
Past Simple
Past Continuous
yesterday, the day before
yesterday, last week
(month, year, etc), a week
(a month, a year, etc.) ago,
the other day, in 1990,
once, when
at 5 o’clock yesterday, from
5 till 6 yesterday, the whole
evening (morning)
yesterday, at this time
yesterday, when mother
came home, while, still
S + V2
I/He/She/It + was + Ving
We/You/They + were + Ving
S + didn’t + V
I/He/She/It + wasn’t + Ving
We/You/They + weren’t + Ving
(WH) + Did + S + V …?
(WH) + Was/Were + S + Ving …?
Used to vs Would
● Used to (+ inf) expresses past habits or states:
Stacey used to live in Brighton
Did you use to suck your thumb when you were a baby?
● Would (+inf) expresses past repeated actions and routines
Every day, I would wake up early and take a shower
● Get/Be used to doing = be/get accustomed to
When I met Alan I was used to living alone
and I didn’t want any flat mates
I’m getting used (I am being used) to driving this car
I have got used (have been used) to having lunch at work
Present Perfect (have/has V3)
● Actions started in the past but are still true or continuing:
We’ve lived here for eight years
● Happened in the past but have an effect in the present:
They’ve cancelled tonight’s concert
so we’ll have to do something else
● Signal words:
ever, never, just, already, yet, recently, lately, before,
always, so far, today, this week (month, year, etc),
since, for, how long, etc.
Past Perfect (had + V3)
● a past action which occurred before another action or before
a stated past time:
She had typed all letters by 10 o’clock
● Complete past actions which had visible results in the past:
She was crying because she had lost her job
● The past equivalent of Present Perfect
He is tired. He has painted the room
He was tired. He had painted the room
● Signal words:
for, since, already, after, just, never, yet, before, by, by the time, etc.
Present Perfect Continuous (have/has been Ving)
● Actions started in the past and continuing up to the present:
I’ve been studying for the Maths test for three hours
● Past actions of certain duration having visible results or effects
in the present:
She has been lying in the sun and now she has sunburn
● Expressing anger, irritation, annoyance, explanation or criticism
He has been playing that horrible music all day long
● Signal words:
ever, never, just, already, yet, recently, lately, before,
always, so far, today, this week (month, year, etc),
since, for, how long, etc.
Past Perfect Continuous (had been + Ving)
● a past action which occurred before another action or before
a stated past time:
He had been working in Brussels for 3 years
before he moved to London
● Past actions of certain duration which had visible results in the
Her feet were swollen as she had been walking all day
● The past equivalent of Present Perfect Continuous
I’m tired. I’ve been gardening all afternoon
I was tired. I had been gardening all afternoon
● Signal words: for, since