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Статья 1

SPE 120628
Performance Analysis of ESP Systems in High-GLR Wells: From Lab
Experiments to Practical Field Applications
V.A. Elichev, R.A. Khabibullin, V.A. Krasnov, and K.V. Litvinenko, SPE, Rosneft, and M.G. Prado, SPE,
University of Tulsa
Copyright 2009, Society of Petroleum Engineers
This paper was prepared for presentation at the 2009 SPE Production and Operations Symposium held in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA, 4–8 April 2009.
This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE program committee following review of information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper have not been
reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to correction by the author(s). The material does not necessarily reflect any position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its
officers, or members. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is prohibited. Permission to
reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300 words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous acknowledgment of SPE copyright.
This paper presents the results of field evaluation by Rosneft of correlations developed by the Tulsa University Artificial Lift
Projects (TUALP) to predict the performance of the natural separation process and of Electrical Submersible Pumps (ESP)
operating under multiphase flow conditions as well as Russian State University of Oil and Gas (RSUOG) correlations for the
performance of rotary gas separators. The first two set of correlations were developed using data acquired with TUALP
experimental facilities but have not been tested against field data. The correlations developed by the Russian State University
were also accomplished using lab data and a field test validation was required. During the years of 2006 and 2007 Rosneft
conduct several field tests with the purpose of evaluating the performance of several gas handling technologies for ESP
installations. The valuable data from those tests enabled Rosneft to verify the accuracy and validity of TUALP and RSUOG
correlations for natural separation efficiency, rotary gas separator efficiency and for ESP multiphase performance under real
field operational conditions with real crude and natural gas. The TUALP-Marquez-Prado correlation was selected for natural
separation efficiency, the correlations for rotary gas separators developed by RSUOG were used and the TUALP-Duran
correlation was chosen for pump multiphase head degradation. An excellent match was obtained between the field test data
and the correlations predictions with exception of the following cases:
• Natural separation for installations with a horizontal ESP;
• Multiphase flow head degradation in installations using gas handling devices.
The paper presents a brief description of field data, a review of correlations for natural separation efficiency and pump head
degradation; and a comparison between the predicted and measured performance.
Electrical Submersible Pumping is a very important artificial lift method. The basic principle is the use of a down hole
centrifugal pump that pressurizes the production stream reducing bottom hole flowing pressure. When the pressure decreases
below the bubble point pressure, gas evolves out of solution from the liquid phase. If the amount of free gas present at the
pump intake that is dragged into the pump is too high, significant operational problems can occur. Correct design of pumping
system requires:
• Prediction of how much free gas is dragged by the liquid phase into the pump
• Prediction of the multiphase performance of the pump
Many of Rosneft oilfields have a high bubble point pressure (higher then 1000 psi). It is estimated that up to 15% of oil
production in the near future will be produce from those oilfields. ESPs are the most attractive artificial lift method for
Rosneft, with more than 8000 wells currently producing by this method. It is very important for Rosneft to be able to predict
correctly the performance of wells producing with ESPs under multiphase flow conditions.
Tulsa University Artificial Lift Projects (TUALP) has been conducting research in the area of natural separation and
multiphase performance of the ESPs for many years. TUALP experimental facilities have allowed researchers to investigate
the performance of artificial lift equipment in near field operational conditions. The results from those experiments result in
several models and correlations available to be used by the industry. Rosnef is currently one of the supporting members of
TUALP as well as it companion project, The Tulsa University Fluid Flow Projects (TUFFP). Rosneft has also worked in
collaboration with Russian State University of Oil and Gas (RSUOG) in developing correlations for the performance of rotary
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gas separators. This University also has an experimental facility that was used successfully to test many rotary gas separators
under close to real operational conditions.
In order to validate the correlations and models developed by TUALP and by RSUOG, several field tests were conducted
at Purneftegas in North-Western part of Siberia. Most of Purneftegas wells have high GOR, so sizing problem for multiphase
conditions is very important for those wells.
Correlations for natural separation
The natural separation process has been investigated by many researchers in Russia (Lyapkov) and the US (Alhanati,
Serrano, Harun, Marquez, etc.). Many correlations and mechanistic models have been developed to describe and quantify this
Alhanati developed a simple theoretical model to predict the natural separation efficiency of ESP systems incorporating a
rotary gas separator. The two main assumptions in the model are: a uniform void fraction from the motor section up to the gas
separator's gas outlet ports, and a no-slip condition between the gas and liquid phases within the control volume immediately
preceding the gas separator's intake ports. The model is strictly limited to the vertical configuration only.
Serrano conducted an experimental study of natural separation in an ESP system as a function of operating conditions and
well inclination angle. Using a water and air fluid system, Serrano gathered 81 data points covering a maximum void fraction
of 20 percent, liquid rate of about 2000 B/D, pressure of 150 psi, and inclination angles of 30 and 60 degree from horizontal.
This data enabled the extension of Alhanati’s model.
Harun et al. developed a simple model to predict the natural separation efficiency in vertical pumped wells. The model
was developed based on the combined phase momentum equations and a general slip closure relationship applied to a single
control volume in front of the pump intake ports. The model assumes no slip between the liquid and gas phases at the pump
intake ports and a uniform void fraction across the annulus. Empirical correlations were developed to calculate the drag
coefficient for all void fractions; however the model was limited to the vertical configuration only.
Marquez and Prado presented a model to predict natural separation efficiency, based on the drift-flux model approach. The
model considers the effect of the slip velocity in the radial direction, variable neglected in previous simplified models. The
empirical data allowed the authors to obtain a correlation for the slip effects in the radial direction. Good agreement of this
model with the experimental data showed the important effect that the slip velocity in the radial direction has in the prediction
of natural separation
Currently, commercial software allows using only Alhanati’s correlation developed in the early nineties with only lab
work validation. After a survey of the most recent theoretical work, the Marquez mechanistic model resulted as the best option
to be used, since it describes the physics of natural separation better than other models and correlations as can be seen in Fig.
Correlations for multiphase performance of ESP
Modeling the pump performance under two-phase flow conditions is a challenging and complex problem. The
homogeneous model commonly used in the petroleum industry is only applicable at very high liquid flow rates or very low gas
flow rates, when there is sufficient liquid drag on the small bubbles to ensure a homogeneous mixture inside the impeller.
When the drag force is not sufficient to overcome the pressure force exerted by the rotating liquid centrifugal field the gas
bubbles start to slip in relation to the liquid in the radial direction. This slippage effect increases the local gas void fraction
reducing the mixture density and causing a reduction in the head as compared to the predictions from the homogeneous mode.
If the slippage is too big than the bubbles start to coalesce forming bigger bubbles that tend to stay stagnant at the impeller
intake inducing an unstable behavior known as surging. Extensive work has been conducted both in the nuclear as well as in
the petroleum industry to obtain experimental data on the performance of ESPs. Mathematical models have not been
successful in predicting the phenomena due to the necessity of local closure models for turbulence, bubble size, bubble shape,
drag coefficient that requires measurement of local variables in a rotating impeller. Therefore most of the available predictive
methods are based on correlations developed based on laboratory experimental data. Sun and Prado developed a hybrid model
where a rigorous mathematical formulation was used to describe the two phase flow inside impellers and diffuser. The model
considers pump geometry effects but can only be closed and solved with an experimental correlation obtained at TUALP
facilities. TUALP - Duran presented a very interesting and simplified method based on an empirical correlation that was based
on experimental data obtained by TULAP. Duran correlation was selected to model multiphase pump performance in this
work due to the lack of pump impeller and diffuser geometric information to use Sun and Prado model.
Correlations for gas separator performance
Artificial separation was investigated by Alhanati and Harun of Tulsa University in the late 1990’s– early 2000’s. Three gas
separators were tested and a mechanistic model was proposed. Similar research was carried out by some leading Western
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pump manufactures. It has been elicited that artificial separation efficiency is affected by the following parameters:
• Two phase flow performance of the separator inducer – a component of a gas separator that creates additional
pressure inside the separator to remove extra gas into the annular space
• Separator GLR at the intake
• Separator load or liquid flow rate
• Separator rotational speed
The inducer performance depends on the construction type of the separator. The rest of the factors may be seen as external to
the separator. It is therefore expedient in bench tests to vary the fluid rate, the gas rate, and the rotor frequency to obtain
correlations between the separation efficiency and those parameters.
To perform the testing, the experimental facility at I.M. Gubkin Russian State University for Oil and Gas was used (see Fig.
4). The tests used the water-surfactant-air fine mixture made by the ejector. The separators were run parallel with a 12-stage
ESP 5-125. The facility was equipped with a frequency modulator capable of varying current frequency from 20 Hz to 90 Hz.
During the experiments, data for separation efficiency with different GOR values at the intake, fluid rates and motor rotation
frequency were obtained.
The testing resulted in determining the characteristics of 20 Russian- and American-made gas separators. After processing the
test results, a number of regularities were induced:
1. The separation efficiency in the main working zone is linearly dependent on the rate and tends to become non-linear
at minimum and maximum rate values
2. The dependence of separation efficiency on intake GOR is described by a convex function
3. For the frequency, the correlation is close to linear. Depending on separator configuration, the function can be either
ascending or descending
In analyzing the obtained data, it was found that efficiency in all the separators changes depending upon the fluid rate, mixture
GOR at the pump intake and the rotation frequency of the motor shaft by some correlations.
It was, however, observed that individual measurements can be grossly different from the immediate values. It was therefore
decided to carry out a mathematical processing of the bench test results to obtain an alteration function of separation efficiency
as dependent on intake GOR, fluid rate, and rotation frequency. The class of parametric functions was defined to that end,
which describes the behavior of efficiency, followed by solving an optimization problem of finding parameter sets for each
separator. The problem boiled down to finding a surface in a 4D space with the maximum deviation of the real values no
higher than 5%, with the minimum number of parameters. To solve this problem, a genetic algorithm was applied which
resulted in finding a 12-parameter function:
f( Q , β , F ) = θ 1 β 4 + θ 2 β 3 + θ 3 β 2 Q + θ 4 β 2 + θ 5 β Q + θ 6 β F + θ 7 Q 2 + θ 8 Q F + θ 9 β
+ θ10 Q + θ11 F + θ12
As a result, each separator can be characterized by only 12 parameters (Figure 3).
Field testing
Field measurements of separation efficiency were performed under Rosneft’s New Technologies System on oil fields operated
by Purneftegaz. A total of 78 complex measurements were made at 41 wells. There were wells with conventional ESP and
wells with specially designed ESP (gas handlers, axial-multiphase pumps).
The submersible equipment was tested, with all parameters of this equipment being registered. A movable multiphase flow
meter was used to determine the gas liquid ratio and phase flow rates at the surface. The readings of the multiphase flow rate
meter were checked in the process of testing against standard OOO “RN-Purneftegas” phase flow rate meters (mass
measuring units ASMA and AGZU “Sputnik”) (typical wiring diagram of measuring units is shown in fig.4).
Electronic pressure gages-thermometers installed at the flowing APMa were used to measure temperature and pressure at
the well head as well as the dynamic level of the liquid in the annulus. The equipment supplied with the submersible telemetric
instruments (pressure and temperature transducers at the pump intake, for some pumps pressure and temperature transducers at
the pump outlet) was used to control well parameters. It permits to evaluate the stability of ESP operation in time, pressure
increment developed by ESP, as well as to specify the calculations of pressure distribution in the tubing using hydrodynamic
two phase flow pressure drop correlations.
Separation measurements
The total efficiency of gas separation for a well can be calculated through individual measurements of gas rate through the
tubing and through the annular space. The efficiency will amount to
SPE 120628
ηtotal _ sep =
+ QcaСУsin g
where Qtubing is the rate of gas flowing out of the separator and through the ESP, reduced to standard conditions (m3 per day).
This rate can be calculated using the tubing gas rate measured at the well head, considering that in the pumping conditions
(given the pressure and temperature equal to those at the pump intake) part of the gas measured on the surface was dissolved in
oil as a free phase. Qca sin g is the rate of the gas travelling through the annulus, reduced to standard conditions (m3 per day).
Given the total rate of the well, Qca sin g can be defined as Qtotal − Qtubing where Qca sin g is the total gas rate through the
tubing and the annulus measured on the surface and reduced to standard conditions. To measure the gas, fluid, and water cut
rates mobile multiphase flow meter was used. These measurements were confirmed by Purneftegaz’s standard measurement
tools – the Sputnik meter station and the mass meter unit ASMA-T.
The viability natural separation model was verified at wells equipped by ESPs with no separators. Different gas rates and
percentages were produced at the intake by changing pump frequency by means of a frequency modulator. Out of the models
analyzed, the Marquez mechanistic correlation appeared to be the best fit (Fig. 5).
Separation efficiency for wells having separators was calculated as follows:
• Natural separation was calculated using the Marquez model;
• Rotary gas separation was calculated using the separator correlation;
• The total efficiency can be determined as:
η total _ sep = η natural _ sep + η artificial _ sep (1 − η natural _ sep )
Figure 6 shows that in most cases the estimates of the separation efficiency have degree of precision applicable to practical
applications (20%). The individual points on the graph correspond to well measurements. A detailed analysis of outlier
deviations showed that some equipment or well problems had been present during the tests. As a conclusion, the correlation of
gas separation efficiency obtained from laboratory bench-test data, together with the mechanistic correlation to calculate
natural separation, can be used in practical applications for selecting and analyzing ESPs equipped with a rotary gas separator.
Pump multiphase performance measurements
Measured head was found using pressure intake sensor and pump discharge pressure. Some pumps had pressure discharge
sensor as well and in this case this information was used. For pumps without pressure discharge sensors a unified multiphase
flow correlation, developed by TUFFP, was used for estimating discharge pressure from the reading of the wellhead pressure
sensor. It was found on a previous study of natural flowing wells that TUFFP unified correlation has a very good performance
against real data for Purneftegas conditions.
Duran correlation was used for estimating pump head under two phase flow conditions. The comparison of the results of
testing of standard electric centrifugal pumps with his theoretical calculations shows a good matching. (Fig.7). The
calculations do not match the measurements for electric centrifugal pumps equipped with special devices, because Duran
correlation was developed for conventional pumps. Two tests indicates bad match between measured and calculated head for
conventional ESP. Analysis showed us, that those were old pumps, that could be deteriorated by wear due to long operational
The following has been concluded from the investigation results:
The academic work conducted by The University of Tulsa Artificial Lift Projects (TUALP) and Russian State University
of Oil and Gas (RSUOG) resulted in correlations and mechanistic models that are very useful in predicting the performance of
ESP in high GLR wells. This work showed that those correlations and models can be used to successfully analyze the
performance of wells operating under real conditions. As a consequence those models should also be used in de selection and
design of ESP installations. Those correlations and mechanistic models provide a more fundamental engineering tool for this
problem and have a much stronger basis than rules of thumb. In particular:
Marquez (TUALP) mechanistic correlation for down hole natural separation has a very good performance against field
Total separation efficiency derived from natural and artificial separations is a good approximation to solve practical
problems, for example while selecting and analyzing ESPs.
Duran (TUALP) correlation could be used for estimating conventional ESP multiphase performance
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RSUOG correlations for rotary gas separator performance can be used in real practical applications
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separation efficiency,%
Marquez correlation
Lyapkov correlation
Marquez mechanistic model
Fig. 1. Natural separation efficiency against watercut
Fig. 2. RSUOG bench test facility
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Fig 3. Correlation for gas separator efficiency
Pad 261
Well # 255
В коллектор
ACMA-T 03-400-300
Задвижка закрыта во время замера
Задвижка открыта во время замера
Направление потока жидкости
Штуцерная камера
Обратный клапан
Fig. 4. Typical connection diagram of measuring instruments to measure well operation
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Separation efficiency, deviation from actual data, %
Regim e 1
Regim e 2
Regim e 3
Regim e 4
Regim e 5
Regim e 6
Average deviation, %
Marquez mechanistic model
Marquez correlation
Lyapkov correlation
Fig. 5. Comparison of different natural separation models for various oil well regimes
Fig 6. Comparison of measured against calculated separation efficiency
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Fig 7. Comparison of measured against calculated dimensionless head