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This way of teaching makes learners use language in tasks that reflect real life.
How is the systematic process of assessment organized?
What type of assessment does the following example refer to: student feedback collected by periodically
answering specific question about the instruction and their self-evaluation of performance and progress.
What is a course design?
What is the aim of course design?
What is the aim of skills-centered course design?
The pragmatic basis for the skill-centered approach derives from a distinction made by…
A learning centered approach based on ……
Direct connection between the analysis of target situation and one content of ESP course is…..
The skills-centered approach is founded on two fundamental principles:
In which type of courses ESP train individuals to perform on the job, using English to communicate?
…-This type of course would be useful for the training of lawyers, for instance, and administrative chiefs
aiming at reaching a proficiency level
Which course’s Language skills include: listening comprehension, fluency development, oral
intelligibility, reading, grammar, writing, and vocabulary development?
English for Occupational Purposes divided into…
Quickly developing … can be considered as part of a larger concept of English for Specific Purposes
What is different from standard English teaching in the fact that the one doing the teaching not only has to
be proficient in standard English, but they also must be knowledgeable in a technical field?
What is a "needs analysis" according to Nunan (1994)?
How many models of needs analysis are gaining much recognition by researchers?
What is a Target Situation Analysis (TSA)?
What does Target needs include?
What is the purpose of strategic competence?
What can multiple-choice questions be used for?
What is the name of the test consisting of factual questions requiring extremely short answers that can be
quickly and unambiguously scored by anyone with an answer key?
Offering economical ways of measuring overall ability in a language is common factor for what kind is
How many types of test exist?
What is the prominent feature of many ESP (English for Specific Purposes) courses, which make them
rather different from EGP (English for General Purposes) courses?
What is the comprehensive approach that ESP teacher should follow?
On what skill ESP concentrates?
According to Habermas, what should ESP teachers develop/work on?
What is the name of a common vocabulary test type, where the target vocabulary item is deleted from a
sentence and the test-takers must understand the context in which the word occurs in order to produce the
missing word?
What is the Embedded vocabulary based on?
Define the common reference level :“ Can understand and use familiar everyday expressions and very
basic phrases aimed at the satisfaction of needs of a concrete type. Can introduce him/herself and others
and can ask and answer questions about personal details such as where he/she lives, people he/she knows
and things he/she has. Can interact in a simple way provided the other person talks slowly and clearly and
is prepared to help.”
Names of trands of the enspire-U project
What is a procedure that involves measuring the value (or potential value) of a set of learning materials?
Which of the Evaluation has The usability factor , the generalize ability factor, the adaptability factor, the
flexibility factor?
Which of the following answers is NOT the factor of Materials adaptation?
What kind of tests are given by the institution where the learner is taking the course? They are often given
at the end of a course in the form of a final exam.
What is the primary goal of sheltered instruction is to help English language learners?
An EAP class includes a number of newly arrived English language learners who are at the advanced
beginning level of English language proficiency. The teacher is aware that the students come from a
culture in which classroom practices tend to be teacher- centered, and the students have limited
experience working with peers cooperatively in groups. The teacher is planning a cooperative group
activity and wants to promote these English language learners' ability to work cooperatively as members
of a group. Which of the following teacher strategies would likely be most effective for this purpose?
A diagnostic language test would be most appropriate to administer to English language learners for the
purpose of what?
An ESP teacher provides advanced-level English language learners with explicit instruction in the
accurate use of language forms, such as rules of complex English sentence structure. This practice is
likely to benefit these students' English language development primarily by improving their ability to:
Define the test type: “Can include Progress, Achievement and Proficiency tests, enabling teachers to
identify specific weaknesses/difficulties so that an appropriate remedial program can be planned. The
Tests are primarily designed to assess students' knowledge & skills in particular areas before a course of
study is begun. Reference back to class-work.Motivation.Remedial work.”
Find the factor of the External Evaluation.
Find the wrong broad category for evaluation proposed by Rudby.
The purpose of formative assessment?
Which of the following examples applies to a summative assessment?
Which of the following types does not apply to a diagnostic assessment?
Which of the following can be used both in summative and formative assessment?
At the beginning of a course we might give them a test to find out what they know and don't know. This
is called a ______________.
After we have finished teaching a part of a course we may want to find out how well learners have learnt
it. This is called _______________.
Which of the following does not apply both to summative and formative assessment?
…is a collection of students school work collected over a specific period of school year that shows
growth and development of students
Choose the correct answer for the example of working portfolio
What are writing practices which focus on the expressions of a student’s opinion, viewpoints, experiences
and creative imaginings?
What is a kind of conference, interaction between teacher and student but it is more specific?
In which assessment students are expected to present and defend their work to demonstrate mastery?
Which assessment works well in learner-centered classroom as activities with language that focus on
communication for meaningful purposes?
cds and dvds, audio tapes debates, constructed models articles contributed to the school or local paper,
oral, visual or virtual presentation to a group are provided by which assessment?
English for Academic Purposes (EAP) is applied for common core elements. How is it also know?
Which ESP style basically consists of writing academic texts, taking notes and observations, listening to
formal academic discourses and making presentations?
What does PSA (Present Situation Analysis) explore?
What might be a "needs analysis" according to Bloor (1984)?
What does CNP mean?
The operation of CNP begins with the processing of its "inputs". What does it mean?
What is a Test suite?
What extension should all test specification files have?
What does a "command" in a test specification file mean?
How is the area of English language teaching, which focuses on preparing learners for chosen
communicative environment, determined?
What is the purpose of an ESP course?
Who was the first to use the term “underlying competence”?
What is the link between context of situation and language knowledge?
How is the term “strategic competence” defined?
In language learning, what does ESP refer to?
For what three reasons you should conduct a needs assessment prior to development of an ESP course?
To assess which skill are used the three major approaches: Holistic, Primary trait, and Analytical?
Which of the following forms do not belong to assessment of paragraph development?
Give the definition to the “Receptive Vocabulary Knowledge”
What are content words?
What kind of tasks include “Selective Response” in assessing grammar?
How many components has the communicative competence ?
Define the common reference level:“Can understand with ease virtually everything heard or read. Can
summarize information from different spoken and written sources, reconstructing argumentsand accounts
inacoherent presentation. Canexpress him/herself spontaneously,very fluentlyand precisely,
differentiating finer shades of meaning evenin more complexsituations.”
What two methods are used to evaluate speaking skills?
Students should write an abstract of research work within how many words?
Find the right definition of the assessment “Grant application”
What type of assignment is the viva voce?
Listening performance is strongly influenced by
What are the types of multiple choice questions?
What does a reliable test mean?
With criterion-referenced tests, each person’s performance is compared…?
Criterion-referenced testing was a major focus of psychometric research in which year?
Norm-referenced refers to standardized tests that …?
What is the name of the tests that measure performance against a fixed set of standards or criteria?
Define the test type: “Usually more formal, designed to show mastery of a particular syllabus (e.g. Endof-year tests, school-leaving exams, public tests) though similar (re-syllabus) to progress tests.Rarely
constructed by classroom teacher for a particular class.Designed primarily to measure individual progress
rather than as a means of motivating or reinforcing language.”
Define the test type: “measure students' achievements in relation to a specific task which they are later
required to perform (e.g. Follow a university course in the English medium; do a particular job).
Reference forward to particular application of language acquired: future performance rather than past
achievement. They rarely take into account the syllabus that students have followed. Definition of
operational needs.Practical situations.Authentic strategies for coping. Common standard e.g. Drivingtest
regardless of previous learning. Application of common standard whether the syllabus is known or
Use the exchange below between an ESP teacher and an English language learner to answer the question
that follows.
Teacher: Your group was hands down the fastest to solve
The problem!
Student: But our hands were not down; they were up!
Which of the following best explains the student's response?
This reveals the needs of students for whom the course was designed…?
Using a Model to Organize Materials….?
The level at which assumptions, theories or beliefs about the nature of language and nature of language
learning are specified is ………?
These objectives are “the goals of designing the materials specific to a course in English, as indicated by
the needs analysis, and expressed in terms of what the learners expect.”
There are factors that contribute to the unreliability of a test such as… Find false answer.
To make a valid test, you must be clear about what you are testing:
Which testing type answers the question “does the test actually measure what it is intended to measure?”
Which tests compare a person’s knowledge or skills against a predetermined standard, learning goal,
performance level, or other criterion.
Norm-referenced measures compare a person’s … ?
Driving tests are criterion-referenced tests, because…?
How the calculating norm-referenced scores is called?
Norm-referenced scores are generally reported as a…?
… is centred on the language appropriate to these activities in terms of grammar, lexis, register, study
skills, discourse and genre.
To determine a young child’s readiness for preschool or kindergarten. These tests may be designed to
measure oral-language ability, visual-motor skills, and cognitive and social development. Which type of
test is this example?
What kind of mistake could teacher do while assessing students` knowledge?
The aim is examining the organization of the as stated explicitly by the author/ publisher by looking at the
description, or the claims made on the cover of the teacher’s/ students’ book and the introduction also
table of contents that should enable the evaluator to assess.
What is the Communicative language teaching (CLT)?
The level at which an approach (theory) is put into practice and is an overall plan for the orderly
presentation of language material, no part of which contradicts, and all of which is based upon, the
selected approach.
Choose the right definition of Alternative Assessment
What is included in the Performance assessment?
What is authentic assessment?
…is a process of selecting the material, adapting or changing, rejecting and supplementing to suit a
particular group of students.
How many major steps can be divided the process of the Evaluation?
What does not apply to the characteristics of formative assessment?
How summative assessment can be used by a teacher?
…is when we observe learners to see how well they are doing something and then give them comments
on their performance.
The ways instructors gather data about their teaching and their students’ learning. The data provide a
picture of a range of activities using different forms of assessment such as: pre-tests, observations, and
Name the year of cooperation of the British Council with the Ministry of Higher and Secondary
Specialised Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan Scientific-Practical Innovation Centre, when they
have launched the EnSPIRe-U
Define the common reference level :“ Can understand sentences and frequently used expressions related
to areas of most immediate relevance(e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, local
geography, employment). Can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct
exchange of information on familiar and routine matters.Can describe in simple terms aspects of his/her
background, immediate environment and matters in areas of immediate need.”
How many higher educational institutions have been invited to take part in the pilot project?
Ultimately the EnSPIRe-U project aims to raise the level of English Language proficiency and strengthen
English language teaching and assessment in Uzbekistan
Define the common reference level: “Can understand the main points of clear standard input on familiar
matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc. Can deal with most situations likely to arise
whilst travelling in an area where the language is spoken. Can produce simple connected text on topics
which are familiar or of personal interest. Can describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes &
ambitions and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans”
According to the English for Specific Purposes Integrated Reform in Uzbekistan assessment should be
based on the teaching materials and aligned to the…
Define the common reference level: “Can understand the main ideas of complex text on both concrete and
abstract topics, including technical discussions inhis/her field of specialisation. Can interact with a degree
of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction withnativespeakers quite possible without strain
for either party. Can produceclear, detailed text onawiderange of subjectsandexplainaviewpointonatopical
issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.”
Regarding the mentioned points, the social role of ESP learners is of primary prominence since it makes
ESP programs similar to …
The information collected in the target situation includes...
Test specifications could be on three different levels:
If a group of test cases need the same initialization, a so-called _________________?
What is Test method?
Why use the Test methods?
Studying for a ________ exam requires a _________ of preparation distinctly different from an essay
What is the best way to improve your chances to pass exam?
List commonly used testing methods in which software is promoted in a specific order?
A multiple-choice test usually has dozens of questions or _______. For each question, the test- taker is
supposed to select the "best" choice among a set of four or five options.
Are multiple choice tests effective?
What is testing in English language teaching?
What are the principles of language testing?
A given course of ESP will focus on one occupation or profession, such as Technical English, Scientific
English, English for medical professionals, English for waiters, English for tourism and etc.
Materials in … can be teacher-generated or learner generated.
The courses are based on an analysis of their specific communicative needs in their work. For example, a
waiter dealing with foreign clients might need to: - describe the content of dishes on the menu and the
way they are cooked
What are the disadvantages of the multiple-choice test?
Define the test type: “Most classroom tests take this form. Assess progress students make in mastering
material taught in the classroom. Often given to motivate students. They also enable students to assess the
degree of success of teaching and learning and to identify areas of weakness & difficulty. The tests can
also be diagnostic to some degree.”
Define the test type: “Sort new students into teaching groups so that they are approx. the same level as
others when they start. Present standing. General ability rather than specific points of learning. Variety of
tests necessary. Reference forward to future learning. Results of the Tests are needed quickly.
Administrative load.”
Define the test type: “measure students probable performance. Reference forward but can be
distinguished from proficiency tests. Aptitude tests assess proficiency in language for language use (e.g.
will S experience difficulty in identifying sounds or the grammatical structure of a new language?) while
Proficiency tests measure adequacy of control in L2 for studying other things through the medium of that
Tests are those that have clear right or wrong answers. Multiple-choice tests fall into this group. Students
have to select a pre-determined correct answer from three or four possibilities.
Tests require the marker or examiner to make a subjective judgment regarding the marks deserved.
Examples are essay questions and oral interviews. For such tests, it is especially important that both
examiner and student are aware of the grading criteria in order to increase their validity.
Tests are those given by an outside body. Examples are the TOEFL, TOEIC, IELTS, SAT, ACT, LSAT,
GRE and GMAT. The exams themselves are the basis for admission to university, job recruitment, or
A fourth-grade English language learner who recently arrived in the Philippines to study has been placed
in a general education class. The student studied English in his home country and has strong literacy skills
in English. He demonstrates comprehension of reading assignments and performs well on written
assignments but never speaks up in class or in conversations with peers. He appears to be engaged in class
discussions, but has difficulty responding when called on to contribute to the discussion. Based on
theories about the stages of second- language acquisition, the teacher could
An ESP teacher shows English language learners clips from television programs in which the characters
are engaged in various conflicts involving everyday situations. In small groups, the students discuss the
situations and how the conflicts depicted could have been prevented or resolved. This activity would be
most effective in promoting students' ability to:
An ESP teacher is working on public speaking skills with intermediate- and advanced-level English
language learners. The teacher wants to promote the students' ability to assess their own strengths and
weaknesses in regard to formal communication. Which of the following speaking tasks would be most
effective for this purpose?
Studying for a ________ exam requires a _________ of preparation distinctly different from an essay
List commonly used testing methods in which software is promoted in a specific order?
A multiple-choice test usually has dozens of questions or _______. For each question, the test- taker is
supposed to select the "best" choice among a set of four or five options.
Define technique in testing grammar: …items require the students to write a sentence equivalent in
meaning to one that is given. It is helpful to give part of the …in order to restrict the students to
grammatical structure being tested.
What kind of activities do we use to develop communicative skill?
The topics of journals are determined by….
What kind of oral task is useful for discussing wide range of topics with students?
... is an adaptation procedure which involves supplementation of extra linguistic items and activities to
make up for the inadequacy/ insufficiency of materials.
Which of the following answers is the situation of deletion/omission?
This procedure is employed to make materials less complicated or easier to understand.
What is the Authentic materials?
Find the factor that can affect the adaptation process.
How do you concept the term summative assessment?
Define the common reference level :“Can understand a wide range of demanding, longer texts,and
recognize implicit meaning. Can express him/ herself fluently and spontaneously without much obvious
searching for expressions. Can use language flexibly and effectively for social, academic and professional
purposes. Can produce clear, well-structured, detailed text on complex subjects, showing controlled use
of organisationalpatterns,connect or sand cohesive devices.”