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История Великобритании

The History of Great Britain
The Ice Age
3000 BC – the first inhabitants of the island came
from the Iberian Peninsula
After 2000 BC – people from the east of Europe
entered the country
After 800 BC the Celts
arrived from
55 BC - Julius Caesar, the Roman ruler
entered the country, but the Celts
fought well and he had to leave
the country
54 BC - Julius Caesar invaded the
country with the larger army,
defeated the Celts and made them pay a regular
tribute to Rome
43 AD - the country was conquered by the
Romans, they built many towns and roads
The beginning of the 5th
century (410 AD) –
the Roman occupation
finished, they left
the country
The end of the 5th century - the greater part of
the country was occupied by Germanic tribes:
the Jutes, the Angles,
the Saxons
664 AD – the adoption of Christianity
in England took place
1066 - William the Conqueror , the Duke
of Normandy , came to England from France.
The battle between the Normans and
Anglo-Saxons took place at Hastings.
William became King of England.
The epoch of the Norman Conquest began .
England became a bi-lingual country
The 16th century – Henry VIII of
England quarreled with Rome
and declared himself head of
the Anglican church (Protestant
Church). The Irish people were
divided into two religious groups:
Catholics and Protestants.
Irish Catholics didn’t want to
become Anglican. After a long
struggle the southern part of
Ireland became a Free state
1603 – the son of Mary Queen of Scots James
Stuart became James I of England
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