Persona: Nick ● Quickly and easily select and order the meal for pickup ACTION Find the restaurant Browse menu Place the order A. Search a restaurant nearby A. Browse menu B. Choose the meal A. Place the order B. Confirm the order C. Choose the pickup option A. Provide a payment information B. Find the restaurant address C. Find the order status A. Go to the restaurant B. Pickup the meal Exited to find a restaurant with fast service and delicious cuisine Confused by the large number of restaurants Glad to find many options on the menu and imagine dishes based on their pictures Exited to place the order quickly Pleased to see the approximate time of order readiness and current order status Exited to have delicious food Offer the menu in an app with photos and descriptions of Create the simple way to confirm order and choose delivery TASK LIST FEELING ADJECTIVE IMPROVEMENT OPPORTUNITIES Pay for order Impressed how quickly order is prepared To show current status and readiness time Puckup Exited about fast and friendly service Persona: Diana ● Have dinner with the family and have a good time ACTION Find the restaurant TASK LIST FEELING ADJECTIVE IMPROVEMENT OPPORTUNITIES Place the order Pay for order Have reservation Browse menu A. Search a restaurant by rating and location A. Call the restaurant and book a table A. Browse menu B. Choose the meal A. Place the order A. Pay for order Confused by the large number of restaurants Concerned about saving a table reservation Impressed with the choice of dishes on the menu and their description Exited to place the order quickly Pleasantly surprised by the fast service - the calculation and payment Or Frustrated by the long waiting for the waiter and the bill Exited to find a restaurant with good service and delicious cuisine Exited to book a table with a good location Send confirmation about table reservation with the link to the app Exited to have delicious food Offer the way to choose a dish using an app with photos and descriptions of dishes Impressed how quickly order is prepared Or Dissapointed how long order is prepared Offer the way to order from tables by using the app Offer the way to ask waiter or bill from tables by using the app