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SCRIPT - Canterville ghost

Звук№1:песня гидов
На сцене-3 гида-заходят из зала(все в очках)
We will show you round the place.
We know all there is to know,
Places, names and special dates.
And we know much more,
Come with us, see Canterville,
The history of hundred years.
Let us show you every room
And we'll- sell you- sou-ve-nirs.
Look left, look right,
This is very interesting,
Look left, look right,
It’s very old,
Look left, look right,
This is very interesting
Look left, look right,
It’s very old,
It´s made of wood
It´s made of gold
It´s made of wood
It´s made of gold/2t
We’ll show you Can-ter-ville
This ancient house is very quaint
Is very quaint! oh, yes,
We´ll tell you most gruesome tales
Because we like it when you faint!2t
We do our jobs with greatest pride
We are the Canterville
The Canterville tour guides
Books,portraits,pictures are supplied
We are the Canterville Tour Guides
We will show you round the place.
We know all there is to know,
Places, names and special dates.
And we know much more,
Come with us, see Canterville,
The history of hundred years.
Let us show you every room
And we'll- sell you- sou-ve-nirs.
TOUR GUIDE1 Good morning, everyone!
TOUR GUIDE2 Welcome to Canterville House. We are Cantreville Tour Guides.
TOUR GUIDE 3 My name is Carrie Potter and I am your guide for today. I’ll show you around this
wonderful house. If you have any questions, please raise your hand and my colleagues here will be
pleased to answer them.
(строго) Please turn off your mobile phones and put all food and drink
away.(покладисто) You are allowed to take photographs throughout the tour.(снимает
очки.кладёт их в карман)
TOUR GUIDE2 A quick geography class(испуганно оглядываясь) Canterville House is situated
seven miles north of Ascot, a small town in the county of Berkshire, thirty miles west of London.
Tour Guide 3.This is the Canterville Coat of Arms. Underneath is written: "When good speaks for ill,
peace will come to Canterville". The meaning of this is now lost and we call it "the Canterville Riddle".
Звук№2:Старый дом
TOUR GUIDE 3 Let's go inside(Открывается
занавес-на сцене 2 живых портрета)…
Слайд 2 портрет Саймона Кентервильского и леди Элеонор
Идёт к экрану с портретами и камину, показывает на портрет Саймона
Above the fireplace is a portrait of Sir Simon Canterville.
TOUR GUIDE 2: Sir Simon built the house in 1570 and he lived here with his wife, Lady
голосом,почти теряет сознание от страха)
Звук№3: Тревога
с нарастанием звука) It was not a happy marriage and five years later, in 1575
Sir Simon(Подходит к пятну.падает) Звук№4:гонг murdered his wife on this very spot
here. The red mark on the floor is said to be a blood stain.
Tour Guide 3 Nine years later Sir Simon disappeared mysteriously. His body was never found and for
three hundred years his ghost walked the rooms and corridors of Canterville House. Spooky, eh? Don't
worry, Canterville House is not haunted today.
Слайд 3-заброшенный замок
За спиной гидов спокойно проплывает привидение
Звук№5: шаги привидения
TOUR GUIDE 1: I've worked here for ten years and I've never seen anything strange at all.
Звук№6:Прикольная-вырезать с 028 до049
Гиды подозревают.что что-то не так и поворачиваются, но там никого
нет-привидение успело скрыться
Слайд 4 Лестницы замка
TOUR GUIDE 1: What? Is something the matter?
Very good. We'll continue the tour.
TOUR GUIDE 3The house has twenty-five rooms, seven staircases and half a mile of corridors. It's very
easy to get lost, so stay close.
Слайд 5 галереи замка
TOUR GUIDE 2: Here is the kitchen. Nothing has changed here for five centuries!(боязливо
оглядывается по сторонам и отходит в сторону)
Гид поворачивается к зрителям, объясняет им что-то
Звук№7: Поварята. (выбегают на цыпочках с подносами в руках)
CHEF Filippe: Stuffed swan coming up! CHEF Jaques!
CHEF Jaques: Lark pie to go! Lovely hog pancakes! CHEF Filippe!
Слайд 6 картинная галерея
TOUR GUIDE 3:We’re in the picture gallery. Here are some paintings of the descendants of Sir Simon
TOUR GUIDE 1 (неприязненно) This is Reckless Rupert Canterville. (идёт
медленно к
He lived two hundred years ago and was a liar, a cheat and a thief.
Reckless Rupert демонстративно вытаскивает из карманов гида очки
и кошелёк
TOUR GUIDE 3: He gambled away the Canterville fortune, and then stole thousands of pounds to replace
Звук№8: удивление
TOUR GUIDE 2 Next is gorgeous Gertrude Canterville. She was a famous actress upon the London
stage at the time of Queen Victoria.
Гертруда подмигивает и бросает кому-то из публики воздушный
TOUR GUIDE 1:Charming! I think I'd better take a closer look ...
Безуспешно ищет очки в карманах
TOUR GUIDE 1: That's funny ... I thought I had my ... has anyone seen my glasses?
Звук№9:Прикольная (вырезать с 050 до 1.03)
Живые портреты аплодируют Руперту
TOUR GUIDE 2: The ghost of Sir Simon haunted the place for many years, but that stopped when the
Canterville family sold the house.
Гиды выходят за занавес,занавес закрывается
TOUR GUIDE 3 It was bought by an American family called Otis in the year 1884. This is the Otis
Звук№10: Stronghold
ACT3. Из зала заходит семейство Отис-шляпки,зонтики, под музыку
оглядываются вокруг.
MR OTIS: Hiram B Otis! A diplomat, working for the American Embassy in London. And this is
MRS OTIS: Mrs.Lucretia Otis - Hiram's wife. Сharming woman. From New York.
This is my son ...
WASHINGTON: Washington Otis. Seventeen years of age. Gonna be a politician like Pa. I'm a very
good dancer - famous for it. This is my sister ...
VIRGINIA: Miss Virginia E Otis. I'm fifteen years old and I like horses.
MR OTIS: When we bought Canterville House everyone called us foolish ...
MRS OTIS: Even the man we bought the house from ... Lord Canterville ...
Слайд 7 внешний вид замка-днём
Звук№11: Stronghold-castle Лорд Кентервильский важно
входит,подходит к макету замка
Mr Otis: Good morning, Lord Canterville.
Canterville: Good morning, Mr Otis.
Mr Otis: How much do you want for your house, Lord Canterville?
A hundred thousand dollars?Пауза! Two hundred thousand dollars?
Canterville: But, Mr Otis, are you sure that you want to buy
Canterville Castle? There’s a ghost in the house.
Mr Otis: Thank you for telling me, Lord Canterville. But I don’t
believe it. Only the English believe in ghosts.
Canterville: Many members of my family have seen the ghost.
Mr Otis: Ha ha. (He laughs) I think you’re joking.
Canterville: My wife, Lady Canterville, can’t sleep at night because of the mysterious noises in the house.
Mr Otis: My Lord, I’ll take the house with the furniture and the
ghost. Ha ha. (He laughs)
Canterville: Well, if you don't mind about it, then that's all right.
But remember, I warned you!
Mr Otis: Thank you, Lord Canterville.
Лорд уходит за занавес
Звук№12:Шум дождя Мистер Отис и Вашингтон раскрывают
зонтики.Занавес закрыт.
Появляется Миссиз Амни
MRS OTIS: Great heavens! What is that?
MRS OTIS: Perhaps there is a ghost, after all!
MR OTIS: Calm yourself, my dear. That is Mrs.Umney, the housekeeper.
MRS UMNEY: Welcome to Canterville House. Do come in out of the rain.
MR OTIS: A splendid idea.
Слайд 8 покои замка
Звук№13: старый дом.Занавес открывается.На сцене
MRS UMNEY: Welcome to your new home. Come in, come in. I hope you will be happy here.
Mr Otis, how do you do? Good evening, Mrs. Otis. And you must be young Washington, I'm pleased to
meet you. Oh! But where is young Miss Virginia?
MRS UMNEY: Pleased to meet you. I shall serve tea, if you are ready.
Миссиз Отис замечает пятно на полу
MRS OTIS(брезгливо) Something has been spilt here, Mrs.Umney.
MRS UMNEY: (трагически.торжественно)Yes, madam, blood has been spilt.
MRS OTIS: How horrid! I can't have blood stains in my sitting room.Переходит на фальцет It must
be removed at once!
MRS UMNEY: Oh, but this is the blood of Lady Eleanor, from when she was murdered by her cruel
husband. It cannot be removed.
WASHINGTON: Nonsense, Mrs.Umney. Have you ever tried Champion Stain Remover? That cleans
even the most stubborn stains.
MRS UMNEY(растерянно) I can't say I have ...
WASHINGTON: Luckily I have some here in my pocket ...
Вашингтон направляет спрей на пятно
WASHINGTON: Now watch ... one, two, three!
Пятно исчезает
MrsUmney: It´s gone!
Звук№14: раскат грома
Миссиз Амни оседает на стул-падает в обморок
MRS OTIS:растерянно She's fainted. Hiram, what shall we do?
MR OTIS: холодно.по-деловому We'll call it time off, and take it out of her wages.
MRS UMNEY:грозит пвльцемВашингтону You should not have done that, Master Washington,
you will upset the Canterville Ghost!
MR OTIS: As we do not believe in ghosts, Mrs.Umney, we cannot worry about them.
Звук№15:Танец миссиз Амни
MRS UMNEY: Oh,oh-oh,oh! Oh,oh-oh,oh!
Now listen to me,
Solve the problem you face
I have seen things with my own eyes, sir,
I’m sure that would make your hair stand on end.
I’m sure that would make your hair stand on end.
Beware! Beware the Canterville Ghost!
Beware! Beware the Canterville Ghost!
Уходит гордая и не понятая семейством Отис, ворчит что-то Музыка
некоторое время играет.
Gather round, family.
MR OTIS: Children, there are no such things as ghosts. They are fairy tales for those who cannot control
their imaginations. We don't have imaginations - we're Americans! This fine old house is our new home
and there is nothing to be scared of. We've all had a long day, we should have an early night. There are
twenty-five rooms, you may choose whichever bedroom you like.
VIRGINIA: But Pa, what if there really is a ghost? Just suppose...
MRS OTIS:холодно What do you mean, Virginia?
VIRGINIA: Well, if there really is a ghost, and he's been wandering around this old house for the last three
hundred years, he must be very sad and lonely.
MRS OTIS: Good night, dear, sleep tight! Good night, Washington!
Вирджиния и Вашингтон уходят
MRS OTIS: I think I'll turn in too, Hiram.
MR OTIS: And I'll join you, Lucretia. This really is a beautiful house, very peaceful. We will have the most
restful night we've ever had.
Звуки№16 haract4
Привидения собираются на сцене…Замирают
Звуки№17:шаги Кент приведения
CANTERV.GHOST: So, he doesn't believe in ghosts, eh? Doesn't he know who we are? I mean …who
we were!
I was Sir Simon Canterville. I am the Canterville Ghost!
Ha, ha, ha
Закашливается.опирается на спинку стула
CHEF Filippe:угрожаетWe have frightened many people through the years
CHEF Jaques издевательски Would you like frog pancakes or snake sandwiches?
Gertrude of Canterville:таинственным
At the dead of night,
When the moon shines bright
And there's nothing to be heard
But hooting owls;
We materialise,
Before your very eyes
And then frighten you
With all our shrieks and howls!
голосом , по нарастающей
Reckless Rupert Rupert: I’m the masked mystery! I'm a little out of practice, I haven't scared anyone
for a long time. But to work! Hiram B Otis. How shall I frighten him? He's an American - I'll make it big and
Звук№20:дьявольский смех
CANTERV.GHOST: …I'm the most scary ghost, I'm mad, I'm bad, evil!
I'm the ghost, ha, ha, Of Canterville!
ALL: Woo! Woo! Boo! Boo!
Reckless Rupert Rupert: He's the phantom in your dream.
A ghoul,a ghost, a shadow, who will really make you scream!
ALL It's no boast, he's the Canterville ghost!
Звук№21:танец привидений -Саймон сидит на стуле и
наблюдает за танцем
Привидения шумят, звенят цепями, смеются
Слайд 9 Замок ночью
Входит MR OTIS в халате со свечой в руках идёт к Саймону.Привидения
окружают Саймона.Стоят за его спиной и лежат перед ним.
MR OTIS: What is happening, sir?достаёт часы Do you know the time? It's midnight. My dear wife
and I are trying to get to sleep. You are making a terrible noise, sir. I ask you not to sing. And if you must
drag those chains about,Трогает цепи please use this ...
MR OTIS: Oil! It will stop the clinking and clanking and squeaking
and squawking that is keeping me awake!
GHOSTS: Boo… Унылыми
MR OTIS: If you have nothing better to do, Ghost расстроен, топает ногами ,на лицеотчаяние
GHOSTS: Wooooo!
MR OTIS:Гертруде,которая
встаёт у него на пути
Good night, madam.
РупертуGood night, sir.
GHOSTS:Обиженно Boo!
MR OTIS: строго Isaid: Goodnight!
Звук№22haract1 (1)Привидения движутся изломанными
движениями,обиженные уходят на цыпочках
Слайд 10 Покои замка
Занавес открывается.за столом семейство Оттис за завтраком Миссиз Амни
наливает им чай
VIRGINIA: Did you see it, Pa? Did you really see it?
WASHINGTON: What did it look like?
MRS OTIS: I didn't see it but I heard it. It woke me up.
VIRGINIA: How romantic - we have our very own ghost
MR OTIS:строго Virginia, you're getting carried away.
Do remember, children, there are no such things as ghosts.
VIRGINIA: But Pa, you saw it with your own eyes!
MR OTIS: Yes, I saw something ... or someone.
MRS OTIS: If it wasn't a ghost, Hiram, who was it?
MR OTIS:встаёт
из-за стола Oh, some old gentleman we've bought with the house. The
gardener, perhaps, or the butler.
WASHINGTON:подходит к тому месту.где на полу-кровавое
ghost, Pa, how do you explain this? The stain has come back again.
MRS OTIS: Goodness!
пятно If it wasn't a real
WASHINGTON: Champion Stain Remover has never failed before. достаёт
пятновыводитель и направляет на пятно. One, two, three!
Звук№24: Гонг
Пятно исчезает
can't explain that. However, I know there will be a reasonable answer.
Звук№25: Песня мистера Отиса
I need proof, the absolute truth,
Findings of scientific investigation.
Bring me facts, figures and facts,
Spread sheets and mathematical equations.
Bring me notes from physics and math.
Bring me proof, the absolute truth
I need evidence, by that is meant:
Truth, whole truth and nothin´ but the truth
I donna want any fairytales!
None of that sort, only what really happened.
Not what someone once has thought,
Bring me evidence, bring me evidence! ….
I donna want any fairytales!
None of that sort, only what really happened.
Not what someone once has thought,
Bring me evidence, bring me evidence! …
I will search him high and low,
Iwill find his finger prints,
I won’t leave a stone unturned.
I will find all clues you need
We will search him high and low,
We will find his finger prints,
We won’t leave a stone unturned.
We will find all clues we need
MR OTIS: Very well, Washington, if you can bring me proof that the Canterville Ghost exists, then
I will believe it.
VIRGINIA: How are we going to prove it, Washington?
WASHINGTON: I'm going to catch him.
VIRGINIA: You're horrible! I won't have anything to do with it!
WASHINGTON: разводит
руками Girls!
Слайд 11галереи замка Звук№26Шаги кент прив
ACT 7Саймон выходит.шаркая ногами с фонарём.подсвечивает лицо
CANTERV.GHOST:Ha, ha, ha! (Закашливается)
So, Hiram B Otis still does not believe in ghosts. What's the matter with him, don't they have ghosts in
America? I shall put on my finest suit of armour and show him how we do things here in England.
Берёт в руки доспехи,начинает надевать
CANTERV.GHOST: Queen Elizabeth once saw me wearing this armour. She said I looked rather smart.
CANTERV.GHOST:I shall start by scaring Washington. I don't like him. He made Eleanor's blood stain
Then I shall visit Mr Otis and his mumbling wife. I shall appear as a green, icy-cold corpse and grin a
ghoulish grin. Ha, ha, ha
Then to Virginia ... no, I shall leave her alone. She's a sweet girl and believes in me.
Which room is Washington's, I wonder? Hmm, let me see ... I'll try this one ...
The Ghost надевает шлем,но
вес доспехов заставляет его пошатнуться
The Ghost встаёт
и с трудом переставляет ноги. Снова падает
CANTERV.GHOST: Whooaaa! закашливается
Mrs Otis появляется сонная в пеньюаре с микстурой и ложкой
MRS OTIS: You're not well. You have a terrible cough. Here, try some of this, it's cough medicine.
GHOST: Humph!
MRS OTIS: Just try a little. You'll be right as raining in no time.
Mrs Otis пытается напоить
MRS OTIS: You big baby!
The Ghost поддаёт
ногой доспехи в сердцах и взвывает от боли
Звук№26-1: сбрасывает доспехи
Бросает об пол пузырёк с лекарством
Mr Otis and Virginia вбегают у Отиса револьвер в руке
MR OTIS: Be careful, Lucretia, he could be dangerous!
Наставляет револьвер на привидение
VIRGINIA:Закрывает привидение собой Don't shoot him! He looks so sad.
Washington появляется со стороны зрителей
WASHINGTON: What's going on? I'm trying to get some sleep.
VIRGINIA and MRS OTIS: It's the Canterville Ghost!
The Ghost старается
избавиться от доспехов. Бежит, припадая на одну
ногу, через зрительный зал
MR OTIS: Grab him, quick!
Бежит за привидением
MR OTIS: After him!
Неожиданно появляется с противоположной стороны
Звук№27: удивление
MRS OTIS: He's over there! How did he get there?
Звук№28: погоня
MR OTIS: After him, Washington!
САЙМОН, хромая, бежит к сундуку. ПРЫГАЕТ В НЕГО И ЗАХЛОПЫВАЕТ
Звук№29: Гонг
WASHINGTON: Got him! He's here in the trunk.
Вирджиния пытается загородить собой сундук
WASHINGTON: What are we going to do, Pa?
MR OTIS: Come out, sir, the game is up!
If you don't come out, Mr Ghost, I shall come in there and drag you out! I warn you: I am armed, sir.
Семья ждёт.что привидение покажется из сундука
MR OTIS: Very well, have it your own way.I shall count to three and then I'm coming in. One, two ... two
and a half, two and three quarters ...
MRS OTIS: Hiram, the suspense is killing me.
MR OTIS: Three!
Вирджиния и Вашингтон приподнимают сундук и переставляют его в
Звук30: Удивление
MR OTIS: Good heavens! That's not possible!
MRS OTIS: What is it, Hiram?
MR OTIS: There's nothing in there. Nothing in there at all.
VIRGINIA: Now will you believe in the Canterville Ghost, father?
MR OTIS: Yes, Virginia, my dear, I shall have to.
Mr Otis подходит к портрету Саймона Кентерв
MR OTIS: Sir Simon, I apologise. Your ghost really does exist. You're free to wander Canterville House
as much as you like. Anytime you feel like it. I only ask one favour. Could you keep the noise down
between midnight and daybreak? Some of us have work in the mornings.
MRS OTIS: растерянноJust think, we have our very own ghost.
MR OTIS: That was good work, Washington.пожимает
WASHINGTON: Thank you, Pa.
Все уходят на сцене остаётся Вирджиния
руку Вашингтону
ACT8 Слайд 11Портреты Саймона и Элеонор
Звук№31: Старинная средневековая музыка
Звуки:шаги Кент. привидения
Идёт по сцене на носочках.Подходит к краю сцены,подносит палец к
The Canterville садится
на край сцены
GHOST: (вздыхает) Oh, dear.
VIRGINIA: I am sorry for the way my family has treated you.
GHOST: Ah! Miss Virginia ... it is you. Think nothing of it; it is well known that Americans have bad
manners ...
VIRGINIA: What! If you had behaved yourself and not made so much noise.
GHOST: Behaved myself? I am a ghost. I'm not supposed to behave myself. I am meant to rattle chains
and groan through keyholes and walk about at night.
VIRGINIA: That's not the only reason. Mrs.Umney told me you had been very wicked in your life and that
you had killed your wife.
GHOST: Poor Eleanor, yes. I did kill her, I admit it. But it was an accident.
I was polishing my blunderbuss and she was standing there. I didn't know it was loaded.
Звук№32: выстрел из мушкета
VIRGINIA: Oh dear! It must have broken your heart!
GHOST: Yes. It broke hers, too! No one would believe it was an accident. Especially her two brothers.
They starved me to death, you know. They bricked me up behind that fireplace and starved me to death.
VIRGINIA: Oh, Mr Ghost, I mean, Sir Simon, you must be very hungry. Would you like a sandwich?
GHOST: No, thank you. I never eat anything now. But it is very kind of you. You are much nicer
than the rest of your horrible, rude family.
VIRGINIA: Stop! You are the one who is horrible and rude.You have been frightening people for
centuries. If you can't be polite about my family, then I won't be your friend.
Virginia is ГОТОВА УЙТИ
GHOST: Please don't go! I am sorry. I am so lonely and unhappy.
You are the only friend I have. You are the only person who is kind to me. I need your help. I want to go
to sleep but I can't.
VIRGINIA: That's easy. All you have to do is go to bed and close your eyes..
GHOST: Ghosts cannot sleep. I have not slept for three hundred years. I am so tired.
VIRGINIA: Poor, poor Ghost. Is there nowhere you can rest?
Сбрасывает с себя парик,бороду, костюм привидения
Oh, yes.
Behind the Church, there is a little garden. The grass grows long and the nightingale sings. The moon
looks down and the weeping willow spreads its branches over the sleepers.
VIRGINIA: You ... you mean the graveyard?
GHOST: The graveyard, yes. To forget time, forgive life, to be at peace. You can help me. Only you. You
can help me, for you are full of love, and love is stronger than death.
VIRGINIA: What would I have to do?
GHOST: Have you read "the Canterville riddle"?
Virginia ПОДХОДИТ К Canterville riddle
VIRGINIA: "When good speaks for ill, peace will come to Canterville" I don't know what it
GHOST: It is you. You are good and kind and gentle. If you prayed for me, who is bad, ill and wicked, the
Angel of Death will have mercy on me and I shall rest in peace.
Звук№33:Song My Heart is a Ghost
Из-за занавеса появляется дух леди Элеонор,танцует с ним.
Died last night in my dreams
Walking the streets
Of some old ghost town
I tried to believe
You’ll show mercy towards me
But my feelings sold out
Saw all of the saints
Lock up the gates
I could not enter
Walked into the flames
Called out your name
But there was no answer
And now I know my heart is a ghost town
My heart is a ghost town
My heart is a ghost town
My heart is a ghost town
Died last night in my dreams
All boundaries
Had been disconnected
Time was thrown at the wind
And all of my friends
Had been disaffected
Now, I'm searching for trust
In a city of rust
A city of vampires
Tonight, my soul is dead
And everyone's spread
And love is a satire
And now I know my heart is a ghost town
My heart is a ghost town
My heart is a ghost town
My heart is a ghost town
There's no one left in the world
I'm gunslingin'
Don't give a damn if I go
Down, down, down
I got a voice in my head that keeps singing
Oh, my heart is a ghost town
My heart is a ghost town
Oh, my heart is a ghost town
My heart is a ghost town
My heart is a ghost town
VIRGINIA: I am not afraid. I will ask the Angel to have mercy on you.
GHOST: Oh! Miss Virginia!
GHOST: Ha! The night is upon us. We must go this way. Quick! Quick! Before it is too late.
Звуки: Старинная средневековая музыка
Слайд 12Церковь,кладбище
Mrs Otis enters.
Звук№34: haract2
На сцену под удары колокола выходят по очереди
MR OTIS: Virginia is not there, Lucretia!
MRS OTIS: We looked for her throughout the house.
Удар колокола
MR OTIS: Nobody has seen her!
Удар колокола
Mrs. Umney The grounds were searched.
Удар колокола
MR OTIS: She is nowhere to be found!
Удар колокола
MRS OTIS: The police were informed.
Удар колокола
WashingtonThe station master at the station was asked to keep watch.
Удар колокола
Lord CantervillMr Otis and Washington rode to all the villages nearby.
Удар колокола
Mrs. Umney The fishpond was dragged.
Звук№35: Церковь,часы
Virginia входит
через камин. В руках череп и коробочка с драгоценностями
Звуки: церковь колокола-останавливать на каждом ударе часов
MRS OTIS: Good heavens, child! Where have you been?
MR OTIS: We have looked for you everywhere.
Your mother has been so worried.
VIRGINIA:I have been with the Ghost. (Holding up the skull) This is all that is left of Sir Simon Canterville.
He was sorry that he had killed poor Eleanor, and I hope he is forgiven. He is dead now and laid to
rest.He gave me this box of beautiful jewels before he died.
MR OTIS: Lord Canterville, these jewels are family heirlooms. Please take them to London with you.
Virginia is too young for such rich gems.
LORD CANTERVILLE: My dear sir, your daughter has done a great favour to Sir Simon. He would
want her to keep them. We never knew about the jewels, so they are not heirlooms. They
belong to Virginia.
Пожимает руку Mr Otis и уходит. Следом семья
Слайд 13 Заставка последняя-свеча и руки
Появляются гиды
TOUR GUIDE 1: The Canterville Ghost was never seen again and Sir Simon sleeps peacefully in his grave just
beyond the church.
TOUR GUIDE 2 For the last hundred years Canterville House has been quiet in the dead of night. Mind you, you
would think an old house like this would be haunted by lots of ghosts - but it isn't so ...
Появляются все действующие лица
TOUR GUIDE 2: No. Not one.
TOUR GUIDE 1 I hope you've enjoyed the tour of Canterville House. Your bus is waiting for you in the car
park. Do visit the shop on the way out and come back to visit us again soon. We'd just like to say ...
Goodbye from Canterville!
Звук36: Заключит танец