Конспект открытого урока по теме

Конспект открытого урока по теме «Обобщающий урок по теме “Hobbies”
Учитель: Гришечкина В.Р. МОУ гимназия №8
Тип урока: урок обобщения и систематизации.
Цели урока:
1. Учебная – повторение и обобщение лексики, связанной с темой “Hobbies”
2. Развивающая – совершенствование умений и навыков аудирования, письма,
чтения, устной монологической и устной диалогической речи, развитие
коммуникативных навыков при формальном и неформальном общении
3. воспитательная – развитие кругозора учащихся
Задачи урока:
1. проверка уровня усвоения новой лексики
2.совершенствование навыков аудирования, чтения, устной монологической,
диалогической речи
План урока
1. Мобилизующее начало. Сообщение темы урока.
2. Речевая разминка
3. Повторение грамматических тем «Части речи», «Исчисляемые и
неисчисляемые существительные». («Найди лишнее слово» Систематизация
лексики по заданным параметрам.)
4. Повторение лексики по теме “Hobbies”. Развитие орфографической зоркости
5. Самостоятельная работа по теме “Hobbies”
6. Прослушивание диалога и ответы на вопросы к нему
7. Монологическое высказывание по теме « Моя коллекция»
8. Устное чтение и перевод текста «Музей мадам Тюссо» и выполнение задания к
9. Актуализация пассивной лексики по теме «Театр»
10. Поисковое чтение текста «Призрак королевского театра»
11. Выборочная проверка домашнего задания. (Чтение наизусть стихотворения
“A Book”)
12. Дидактическая игра «Найди соответствие»
13. Монологическое высказывание учащегося по теме «Моя любимая книга»
14. Редактирование и презентация диалогов по теме «Кино»
15. Домашнее задание
16. Исполнение песни «Мистер Крокодил»
17. Итог урока
I. Мобилизующее начало. Сообщение плана урока
Good morning! Glad to see you! How are you today? (We are fine, thanks. And you?)
I’m fine too. Take your seats, please. Let’s begin our lesson today with a poem “The
Englishmen’s Hobbies”. Seryozha has prepared it for you. You are welcome.
(стихотворение « Englishmen’s Hobbies») Thank you very much, Sergey. It was
great! I give you a five for your reciting. So, what are we going to speak about today?
That is right; we are going to speak about hobbies. Look at the blackboard. Here is the
plan of our lesson. First of all we will revise grammar and words. Then you’ll write a
vocabulary test. Next we will speak about collecting different things: we’ll listen to the
dialogue, some of you will tell us about their collections and we will read a text about
the famous Madame Tussaud and her collection of wax figures. Further on we shall
discuss theatre. We’ll play and revise the parts of the theatre hall and learn something
new about theatre ghosts. After that we are going to speak about books and writers. I’ll
check your home task and you’ll work in groups, you will match the columns. Then
we’ll discuss films. You will make up short dialogues. At the end of the lesson we will
sing our favourite song “Mr. Crocodile” and if we have some time left we shall do the
crossword. Now look here. There is a saying about hobbies here but it is covered with
the sheets of paper. If you do the tasks well at the end of the lesson we will read this
saying. So, let us start!
II. Речевая разминка
-All right, class, let’s get down to work. Let’s speak about hobbies. Answer my
questions, please.
1) What is a hobby?
2) What hobbies do you know?
3) What can people collect?
4) What is your hobby?
5) Do you like to go to the cinemas and theatres?
6) Is reading your hobby?
III. Повторение грамматических тем «Части речи», «Исчисляемые и
неисчисляемые существительные»
Odd word out.
- Thank you for your answers. Now we’ll revise grammar. We’ll play “Odd word
out”. Look at these words. Say what parts of speech they are and find the odd word.
And don’t forget – you must explain your choice. (You are welcome. Come to the
blackboard. Who can help? What is the odd word? Underline it)
1. stamp, poster, badge, coin, collect
2. perform, read, flower, watch, listen.(“flower” is a noun and the other words are
verbs). Well done!
And now look at these words. Say if they are countable or uncountable and find the
odd word.
3. money, time, book, information, food ( “book” is countable and the other words are
4. musical, ticket, scenery, play, cartoon ( “scenery” is uncountable and the other words
are countable). Good job!
You’ve done everything right and I think I can open the first letter of the saying. It is
the word “Happy”.
IV. Повторение лексики по теме. Развитие орфографической зоркости
- Let us pass to the next point of our plan. We’ll play Scrambled words and revise the
words. Then you will write a test.
Scrambled words.
Look at the blackboard. Try to make up the words.
Dageb, matps, methaic, rootcan, fperomerr, sumcial
Who can write the word on the blackboard? Translate it. Is he/she correct? Brilliant!
V. Самостоятельная работа по теме “Hobbies”
I believe you know the words and now you will write a test. Take green sheets of
paper. You can see the test. Please, write down your names at the top. Choose the right
variant and circle the letter. You’ve got 1 minute. Your time is up.
Hand in. I’ll check your tests and we’ll discuss them at the next lesson. I hope you
don’t have many mistakes and we can open the second letter of our saying. It is the
word “is”.
VI. Прослушивание диалога и ответы на вопросы к нему
- Now when we have revised the words it’s time to speak about different kinds of
hobbies. One of them is collecting different things. Let’s listen to the conversation
between Joey and her friend about her collection. Maybe you will hear some new
words and phrases. Look at the blackboard and read the phrases after me. All together!
Now listen to the dialogue and get the main idea. Well, now take orange sheets of
paper and read the questions. Alyona, read the first question, please. Translate it. Oleg,
go on. Is everything clear? Listen to the tape again and get ready to answer the
questions. Who can answer the first question? That is right. Let’s pass to the next
question. What is your answer? - What good listeners you are! And I can open the third
word of our saying. It is the word “the”.
VII. Монологическое высказывание по теме «Моя коллекция»
- So, as you have heard Joey collects stamps and do you collect anything? Who can
tell us about his hobby? You are welcome. (a pupil tells about his hobby). Your story
was really interesting, but there was a mistake in your pronunciation, Alyona. Listen to
the correct pronunciation. Repeat. And your mark is…
VIII. Устное чтение и перевод текста «Музей мадам Тюссо» и выполнение
задания к нему
- Let’s pass to the next point of our plan. You know, some people begin to collect
something and then it becomes their way of life. We can say it about famous Madame
Tussaud. Let us read the text about her and her collection. Take the text “Madame
Tussaud’s Museum”. Now you will read and translate it aloud and then you’ll do the
task “True or False”. But first of all read the proper names after me: Madame Tussaud,
Margaret Thatcher, Paris. Who wants to read? Will you begin, Ann? Translate it,
please. Now let’s do the task. Say if the statements are true or false. Correct the wrong
statements. Thank you. It was nice work. Maybe your hobby will also help you in life.
I suppose we can open the fourth word of the phrase. It’s the word “man”.’
IX. Повторение пассивной лексики по теме «Театр»
- I think it’s time to speak about theatre. You like to go to the theatre, don’t you? But
do you know how we name the parts of the theatre hall? Let’s check it. For the next
task I must hang the poster on the blackboard. Help me, please. Have a look at this
poster. You see a theatre hall here, its parts are numbered from one to seven. Now you
will divide into two groups. I give each group seven cards with the names of the parts
of a theatre hall. Your task is: each group must stand in a line here in the right order
from 1 to 7. Please, get ready. Form the lines. Let’s check it.
That was super work! Take your seats now. Nikita, will you help me to take off the
poster? And where would you like to sit at the theatre? (I would like to sit in the box.)
I think we can open the fifth word of the saying. It is the word “whose”.
X. Поисковое чтение текста «Призрак королевского театра»
-I see you are real theatre-goers. But sometimes you can meet a ghost at the theatre. I
think you are not afraid of ghosts and now you will scan the text “Theatre Royal
Ghost”. Take the text. Before you start scanning the text, please, look at the task. You
must choose the right sentence. So, scan the text to find the information about these
things. You have four minutes. Your time is up. Let’s check it. Read the right variant.
Do you agree? Is he/she right? Are there any other versions? I can say you’ve coped
with the task and we open the next word of the saying. It is the word “hobby”.
I’m sure you agree that theatre is a wonderful hobby and now let’s turn to books and
XI.Выборочная проверка домашнего задания
-Reading is a hobby that is open to everybody. Do you like to read? (Yes, I do.)
Have you got many books at home? (Yes, I have many books at home.) Do you
sometimes go to the library? (Yes, I do.) What books do you like to read? (I like to read
detective stories.)
- Your home task was to learn the poem “A Book” by heart. Let us listen to the poem
once again and then you will recite it. (the tape). Who wants to recite the poem? (
Pupils recite the poem) You mispronounced the word”…”. Repeat after me. Your
intonation was wrong. Listen to me and try to say it in the same manner. You get a…
Now we can open the seventh word of the phrase. It is the word “is”
XII. Дидактическая игра «Найди соответствие»
- I know you read a lot and I think you know a lot of writers. Let’s work in groups.
Divide into four groups. I give each group the same task: to match the titles of the
books and their authors. You’ve got one minute.
- Let’s check. Who is the author of “Little Mermaid”? Who wrote “Three Musketeers”?
Now I am sure you all read good books and know their authors. I think we can open
the next word of the saying. It’s the word “his”.
XIII. Монологическое высказывание по теме «Моя любимая книга»
- What is your favourite book? Who wants to tell us about his favourite book? You are
welcome. (A pupil tells about his favourite book)
-Thank you, Olesya, your story was excellent but still you’ve made some mistakes.
How will you say “…” in English? I think now you all will read “The Lord Of The
Rings”. And I’m sure all of you have seen this film at the cinema. So, let us speak
about cinema.
XIV. Редактирование и презентация диалогов по теме «Кино»
-There is a very good cinema-house in our town. It’s the “Gorizont”. I think you often
go there to watch good films and of course you like to discuss films and speak about
- Let’s work in pairs. There are some dialogues on you desks, take them. The lines in
the dialogues are mixed up. Arrange them in a logical order and be ready to read the
dialogues in one minute. Your time is up. Read your dialogues. Thank you, it was
really nice. Now you can easily talk about films and cinema. And we can open the last
word of our saying. It is the word “occupation”. Read the saying, please. How do we
translate it into Russian? Let’s hope for somebody of you your hobby will become your
XV. Домашнее задание
And now open your mark books and write down your home task. Lesson 11 in your
books for home reading. Read and translate it. I give a five to… he has been very
active today.
XVI. Исполнение песни “Mr. Crocodile”
-I think the hobby of everyone here is singing. Let’s sing the song “Mr. Crocodile”.
So, let’s sum up what we have done today. We have learned some interesting facts
about Madame Tussaud and theatre ghosts in London, we’ve practiced reading, writing
speaking and listening. I am very proud of you today. Now I think we can speak
Russian. Итак, мы с вами изучили тему «Хобби». Подумайте и скажите, в каких
ситуациях вам могут пригодиться полученные знания? Хорошо. Но не думайте,
ребята, что наш разговор об увлечениях завершен. Мы обязательно продолжим
его в старших классах, но уже на более высоком уровне. Так что не теряйте
полученные знания. Well, now stand up, please. The lesson is over, you are free.
Good bye!
The Englishmen`s Hobbies
They dress in what they like;
They are interested in sport;
They partake in all activities
If they think they ought.
They all succeed in doing
Their work in five short days,
Which leaves them the two longest ones
To spend in different ways.
Then some indulge in gardening,
Or walking in the rain.
And some delight in cricket,
Or in riding in the plain.
In spite of what’s around him
The average Englishman
Does crosswords in the newspaper
In pencil – if he can.
Involved in any accident
The English take a pride
In being unemotional;
They like things in their stride.
In any circumstances –
Whatever they may be –
The English solve their problems
With an English cup of tea.
Речевая разминка
1. What is a hobby?
2. What hobbies do you know?
3. What can people collect?
4. What is your hobby?
5. What is the most popular hobby with teenagers?
6. Do you like to go to the theatres and cinemas?
7. Is reading your hobby?
Найди лишнее слово
1. stamp, poster, badge, coin, collect
2. perform, read, flower, watch, listen
3. money, time, book, information, food
4. musical, ticket, scenery, play, cartoon
Развитие орфографической зоркости (перепутанные буквы)
Dageb, matps, methaic, rootcan, fperomerr, sumcial
1. I put a _ on my letter, because I wanted to send it to my American friend.
A) badge
b) coin
c) stamp
d) ticket
2. My grandfather is a famous_ of English theatre tickets.
a) performer
b) theatre-goer
c) collector
d) cooker
3. _ is something people do in their free time.
a) homework
b) hobby
c) housework
d) exercises
4. You can see only animals on the stamps of her collection, so her collection is_ .
a) expensive
b) different
c) through
d) thematic
5. Everything looked as real as life: the characters, the nature, the animals! I thought it was a _ .
a) musical
b) documentary
c) soap opera
d) cartoon
6. We watched TV at home yesterday, but my little sister didn’t want to see the _ .
a) audience
b) stage
c) collection
d) detective
7. A writer _ characters in his books.
a) gives
b) writes
c) makes
d) creates
8. All novels and short stories are _ .
a) works of fiction
b) about the past
c) always very funny
d) very short
9. I love soap operas. I always watch them on TV. I think they are _ !
a) fantastic
b) boring
c) comfortable
d) weak
10. _ is a building that people who love performances visit when they have a free evening.
a) a swimming pool
b) a church
c) a library
d) a theatre
-What is your hobby, Joey?
- I have many hobbies, but my favourite is stamp collecting.
- Really? How old were you when you first started collecting stamps?
- I was five. My father gave me my first packet of stamps and a stamp album on my
- Now you are fourteen. So, you’ve been collecting stamps for nine years already.
- That’s right.
- How many have you collected altogether?
- I have more than 500 stamps. By the time I’m 18 years old I will have collected at
least 1000 stamps.
- Do you collect only American stamps or stamps from all over the world?
- I mainly collect American stamps, I have stamps from Japan, China, Russia and Great
Britain. I collect stamps with animals, birds, space, travel and people. I have a Russian
stamp with Yuri Gagarin in my collection.
- Which is the oldest stamp in your collection?
- Penny Black and Penny Blue. They are the first British stamps of 1840.
You’ve been collecting- ты коллекционируешь
I will have collected- я соберу
Postage- почтовый
Questions to the dialogue:
1. What is Joey’s favourite hobby?
2. How many stamps has she got?
3. What are the themes of her collection?
4. What countries are the stamps from?
5. What Russian stamp has she got?
My Hobby.
My hobby is collecting coins and bank-notes. As for the coins, I have collected them
for two years. There are many old and new coins in my collection. I have some foreign
coins. My relatives always bring them to me when they travel. I have got coins from
different countries: Spain, China, Kazakhstan, the Ukraine and Byelorussia. My
parents collect Soviet jubilee rubles. Their collection is not very large- they have got
only ten coins, but I like them a lot. You can see the portraits of Ivan Fyodorov, Dmitry
Mendeleyev, Alexander Pushkin on them. Some of the coins are devoted to great
events in Russian history, for example, the battle of Borodino and Moscow Olympic
I have some bank-notes from foreign countries-China, Spain, the Ukraine. There are
some Soviet bank-notes in my collection. But the most valuable ones are those of the
Tzar Russia. They date back to 1910 and 1916. My uncle found them some years ago
in an old house in Moscow. These bank-notes have the portraits of Peter the Great and
Katherine the Second on them and they are very beautiful.
I am proud of my collection and I hope you like it. Collecting coins and banknotes is
really interesting and useful as it helps me to learn more about the history of our
country and other countries.
Madame Tussaud’s Museum.
New Words:
a victim – жертва
to settle – обосноваться
an exhibition - выставка
Madame Tussaud was a wax modeller who made death masks of victims of the French
Revolution. She founded the museum in Paris in 1770. It came to England in 1802 and
settled in London in 1835. Since that time it has become one of the main London’s
attractions. The exhibition is famous all over the world. It has wax figures of famous
people like Margaret Thatcher and Lenin, The Beatles, Prince Charles and Lady Di and
many others.
1. Madame Tussaud was a wax modeller.
2. She made death masks of the victims of the Russian Revolution.
3. She founded the museum in Rome.
4. The museum settled in London in 1835.
5. The exhibition is very famous.
Части театрального зала
The stalls, a box, the stalls, the stage, the gallery, a balcony, the dress circle
Theatre Royal Ghost.
English people believe in ghosts. They think that the British capital - London – is full of ghosts.
Some ghosts are very famous and a lot of people have already met them.
Many people have seen a ghost at the Royal Theatre. This ghost always wears the same clothes. He
wears a grey coat, a hat and tall boots. In fact, he wears the clothes of an Englishman of about 1750.
And he usually does the same things. He comes out through the wall in a seat in the balcony. Then he
stands up, walks slowly across the theatre and goes into the wall again. He has his usual time between
10 in the morning and 6 in the evening. Usually the actors and actresses see him when they are
rehearsing (репетируют) a new play, or when they are doing an afternoon performance.
At one afternoon performance in 1950, the British actor Morgan Davies saw the ghost. “I was
acting in ‘Carousel’ on a Saturday afternoon. In one part of the play I was on the stage for twenty-five
minutes. I looked up into the theatre, and saw an empty box. When I looked up again, there was a
man in a grey coat in the box. He was standing up. But I could see through him! Then he went
through the wall.”
Another time, when actors were rehearsing a new play, there were more than a hundred people on
the stage. The ghost did his usual walk, from seat in the upper circle into the wall, and seventy of the
actors saw him.
And there is the theatre cat! The cat goes to all parts of the theatre – but it will not go into the upper
The Theatre Royal ghost does not try to talk to people, and he doesn’t hear people who talk to him.
But actors think that he is friendly.
“We like to see the ghost at our theatre”, one actor said. “If we meet him before the first night of a
new play, people are going to like the play. A lot of people will come to see it. But nobody sees him
before an unsuccessful play.”
Choose the right sentence
1. a) People meet ghosts in many places, but they have never met them in theatres.
b) English people believe that many ghosts live in London.
c) The ghost at the Royal Theatre wears different clothes.
d) The ghost wears the same clothes but does the different things.
2. a) The ghost wears the clothes of an Englishwoman of about 1750.
b) The ghost always comes out through the theatre curtain.
c) The ghost never walks across the theatre.
d) The ghost comes out only in the afternoon.
3. a) Actors and actresses usually see the ghost at the evening performance.
b) The ghost often comes out through the wall when the actors are rehearsing.
c) The ghost looks like a young lady.
d) Morgan Davies saw the ghost on the stage.
4. a) Morgan Davies saw the ghost in the stalls.
b) Morgan Davies could see through the ghost.
c) The ghost watched Morgan Davies in the empty box for ten minutes.
d) Morgan Davies has never seen the ghost.
5. a) One day a thousand of actors could see the ghost and they had a talk.
b) Every day the ghost does his usual walk.
c) The theatre cat goes to all parts of the theatre.
d) The theatre cat is afraid of the ghost.
6. a) The ghost sometimes tries to talk to people but everybody is afraid of him.
b) The ghost is not friendly to the actors.
c) Actors like to see the ghost before a new play.
d) A lot of people come to see the ghost at the Royal Theatre at midnight.
Стихотворение “A Book”
A book, I think, is very like
A little golden door,
That takes me into places
Where I’ve never been before.
It leads me into fairyland
Or countries strange and far.
And, best of all, the golden door
Always stands ajar.
Дидактическая игра «Найди соответствие»
Little Mermaid
Three Musketeers
Oliver Twist
Gulliver’s Travels
The Time Machine
Alice’s Adventures In Wonderland Scott
My Favourite Book
I think that books are our good friends and I am very fond of reading. My favourite
book is “ The Lord Of The Rings “ by John Ronald Reuel Tolkien. This book is the
best example of the fantasy genre. It appeared in 1954 and has been very popular since
that time. “The Lord Of The Rings” is written in the style of legends and chronicles. In
his book Tolkien created a wonderful world of fantastic creatures – elves, dwarves,
trolls, hobbits and orcs and of speaking and thinking animals and plants.
“The Lord Of The Rings” tells us a story about a dangerous journey of hobbit Frodo
and his friends to Fatal Mountain to burn there the Ring of Absolute Power made by
the evil magician Sauron. On his way to Fatal Mountain Frodo meets many good and
wicked characters. Some of them help the hobbit, others try to stop and even kill the
hobbit. At the end of the tale brave hobbit reaches his aim and evil is defeated again.
In the book we see how the main hero Frodo changes. At the beginning of the story he
is rather shy and fearful but at the end it is a strong and wise hobbit.
This book teaches us many good things: how to face our problems, how to help each
other and live in peace with nature. “The Lord Of The Rings” is full of magic and it
makes reading very captivating.
Some years ago a film was shot on this book in Hollywood. There are many good
actors in this film and it has become a sensation. I am sure you all saw it. But if you
haven’t read the book yet, I say “Do read it. It is worth reading.”
1.-Have you seen the film “The Lord Of The Rings”?
- Yes, I have. And you?
- No, I haven’t. I’ve been very busy this week. How did you like the film?
- I enjoyed it greatly.
- Who plays the part of Frodo?
- A very good actor. His acting is wonderful.
2.- Can you go to the cinema tonight? I’ve bought two tickets for the eight o’clock show at the
- What’s on?
- “The Night Watch” on the novel by Lukyanenko.
- I hear the film is very good.
- Yes. My friend has seen it this week and he liked it very much.
- Then let’s watch it.
3. –What is on at our cinema?
- “Harry Potter”. Have you seen the film?
- Not yet. Is it a feature film?
- Yes, it is.
-Who stars in the film?
- Many good actors.
- Let’s go and see the film.
- With pleasure.
4. – Would you like to go to the cinema tonight?
- Yes, with great pleasure.
- There is a horror movie at the “Odeon” and a Disney cartoon at the “Classic”
- I don’t like cartoons.
-OK. Horror movie then. Shall I buy tickets for the seven o’clock show?
- Do it, please.
5. – Have you got any tickets for the seven o’clock show?
- Yes, a few seats. How many do you want?
- Four and I would like them in row fifteen, in the centre section.
- Sorry, I’ve sold row fifteen, but I can offer you four good seats in row ten!
- OK. I’ll take them.
6. - What do you think of the film?
- Terrible! It’s uninteresting. I was so bored that I wanted to leave the cinema.
- Well, I shouldn’t say so. The story is true to life and it has a happy end.
- I don’t care for such films. But, after all, tastes differ, you know.
7. – Do you remember the name of the script writer who wrote the story for the film?
- Of course not. I can never remember the names of script writers, operators, directors and so on.
- But you do remember the names of film stars, don’t you?
- Oh, certainly, I do. And who doesn’t?
Tapescript “Mr. Crocodile”
Never smile at a crocodile.
No, you can’t get friendly with a crocodile.
Don’t be taken in by his welcome grin.
He’s imagining how well you’d fit within his skin.
Never smile at a crocodile.
Never tip your hat and stop to talk awhile,
Never run!
Walk away.
Say goodnight, not good day!
Clear the isle.
Never smile at Mr. Crocodile.
Never smile at a crocodile.
No, you can’t get friendly with a crocodile.
Don’t be taken in by his welcome grin.
He’s imagining how well you’d fit within his skin.
Never smile at a crocodile.
Never tip your hat and stop to talk awhile.
Don’t be rude!
Never mock!
Throw a kiss, not a rock!
Clear the isle and never smile at Mr. Crocodile.