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Новозеландский акцент

The New Zealand
• The short vowel i, (as in the word "kit") is close to [ə] or [ɘ]. Its sound
somewhat resembles the short u sound in other forms of English, and
clearly contrasts with the sound [i] that can be heard in Australia;
therefore, New Zealanders claim that Australians pronounce the phrase
"fish and chips" as "feesh and cheeps", and Australians claim that New
Zealanders pronounce "fish and chips" as "fush and chups".
• The vowel sounds /ɪə/ (as in the word "near") and /eə/ (as in the word
"square") merge more and more; here rhymes with there; and bear and
beer, rarely and really are homophones (that is, they sound the same).
• There is a binding and intrusive R in the NZA, with the exception of those who
speak the so-called "southern burr dialect" (English Southland burr),
characterized by a back-lingual pronunciation [r]. It is a semi-Erotic dialect
influenced by Scottish English; it is mainly spoken in Southland and in some
areas of Otago. Native speakers of New Zealand English who do not implement
the binding and intrusive /r/ in their speech, not preceding a vowel, however,
sometimes pronounce it in several words, such as Ireland and the name of the
letter R.
The sound /l/ is often subjected to ringing (vocalization) at the end of a syllable.
The distinction between /w/, as in the word "witch" and /wh/, as in the word
"which", disappears.
The consonant /t/ in the position between the vowels can ring out
It was too spicy actually. I hope that's what you mean.
[ɪt wɒz tuː ˈspaɪsi ˈækʧʊəli. aɪ həʊp ðæts wɒt juː miːn.]
You talked something naked. I understood that word.
[juː tɔːkd ˈsʌmθɪŋ ˈneked. aɪ ˌʌndəˈstʊd dæt wqd.]
What are you trying to say?
[wɒ ɑː juː ˈtraɪɪŋ tjuː seɪ.]
No, that’s right.
[nə, dæts raɪt]