Загрузил Kateryna Shapochka

WoS #1

Volume 9 - Issue 29 / May 2020
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.34069/AI/2020.29.05.13
Formation of inclusive values as development of democratic values
Формування інклюзивних цінностей як розвиток демократичних цінностей
Received: March 8, 2020
Accepted: April 12, 2020
Written by:
Tetiana Stepanova54
Kateryna Shapochka55
Raiisa Vdovychenko56
Yuliia Babaian57
Nataliia Ivanets58
The article highlights the issues of professional
training of future educators using innovative
pedagogical approaches, as well as the formation
of inclusive competency as part of professional
competency. The authors present the views of
scholars on such terms as “inclusive education”,
“inclusive culture”, “inclusive values”, and
“value-based orientations” and demonstrate the
importance for teaching staff of basic knowledge
and methods of working with children with
special educational needs. The article highlights
the effectiveness of inclusive education in the
training and retraining of teachers, where the
formation of inclusive values is one of the
objectives. The creation of an inclusive culture in
higher education institutions ensures the
existence of a safe democratic society that shares
the ideas of cooperation and the value of each
person in common achievements. This kind of
university culture creates shared inclusive values
and principles that are common for all faculty
and students.
У статті висвітлюються питання професійної
використанням інноваційних педагогічних
підходів, а також формування інклюзивної
компетентності як частини професійної
погляди науковців на такі терміни, як
"інклюзивна освіта", "інклюзивна культура",
"інклюзивні цінності" та "орієнтовані на
важливість для викладачів базових знань та
методів роботи з дітьми з особливі освітні
потреби. У статті висвітлено ефективність
перепідготовці вчителів, де формування
інклюзивних цінностей є однією із цілей.
Створення інклюзивної культури у вищих
навчальних закладах забезпечує існування
безпечного демократичного суспільства, яке
поділяє ідеї співпраці та цінність кожної
людини у спільних досягненнях. Цей вид
університетської культури створює спільні
інклюзивні цінності та принципи, спільні для
всіх викладачів та студентів.
inclusion, inclusive
educators, teacher training, vocational training.
Ключові слова: інклюзія, інклюзивні цінності,
вихователі, підготовка вчителів, професійне
Mykolaiv V.O. Sukhomlynskyi National University, Ukraine.
Mykolaiv V.O. Sukhomlynskyi National University, Ukraine.
Mykolaiv V.O. Sukhomlynskyi National University, Ukraine.
Mykolaiv V.O. Sukhomlynskyi National University, Ukraine.
Mykolaiv V.O. Sukhomlynskyi National University, Ukraine.
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ISSN 2322 - 6307
Stepanova, T., Shapochka, K., Vdovychenko, R., Babaian, Y., Ivanets, N. / Volume 9 - Issue 29: 107-115 / May, 2020
The priority of Ukranian educational policy is the
humanization of education, i. e. the integration of
children with impaired mental or physical
development in the educational space, as well as
the socialization of people with special needs.
The Ukrainian strategy for the development of
education is aimed at improving the quality and
competitiveness, applying innovative approaches
to learning, following the recommendations of
the European Parliament and the Council of the
European Union (EU), and ensuring equal
opportunities for education and further
integration into the society of every person
(Kolupaeva, 2009).
The Mykolaiv National University named after
V.A. Sukhomlinsky is the main university in the
south of Ukraine, which trains teachers and
tutors. The structure of the Mykolaiv region
includes 19 districts. Each has its administrative
center. The city has 5 regional and 4 district
cities, 20 urban-type settlements, and 919
villages. The population of the Mykolaiv region
is almost 1.31 million people (2.6 per person of
the total population of Ukraine). Most of the
population lives in urban areas. The Mykolaiv
region has a culturally diverse population. The
region is home to more than 100 nationalities and
ethnic groups. Most of them are Ukrainians
(75 ???) and Russians (20 ???), but Moldovan,
Bulgarian, and Greek communities are also
represented. Therefore, future teachers should be
prepared to work with children with special
educational needs (SEN), including various
groups of minorities, children with learning
difficulties, children from conflict zones/child
soldiers, children from poor backgrounds,
refugee children or displaced children, and
Currently, the problem of people with special
needs is becoming increasingly serious in
Ukraine. The government launched the New
Ukrainian School project in September 2018.
There are various programs to prepare teachers
for work in the New Ukrainian School. However,
changes must begin from the first level: first
comes the training of future educators and then
the changes in pre-school, primary, and
secondary school education. The reason why we
propose such an order is that the task of the
teacher is to help less successful people become
full members of society. The teacher should
support more than one way of transferring
knowledge, combine various assessment
methods, and overcome barriers.
The introduction of inclusion in preschool,
school, and high school practice involves
multidimensional, complex changes. For many
educators, this process is complicated and
requires a lot of time to study and apply the
gained theoretical knowledge in practice. The
New Ukrainian School is associated with the
awareness of new opportunities for children and
teachers and the ability to meet the educational
needs of all students.
The teacher of the New Ukrainian inclusive
preschool/school must constantly develop,
deepen knowledge of the laws of the
development of children, master modern
technologies for training and education, as well
as promote the socialization and integration of
children with SEN.
The Law of Ukraine “On Education” adopted by
the Verkhovna Rada and signed by the President
defines the conditions for providing education to
people with SEN (Articles 19, 20). The teacher’s
activities are sufficiently regulated by the
curriculum, programs, and student achievement
requirements. However, the implementation of
these objectives is possible only if additional
specialized knowledge is obtained that will
ensure the implementation of special and
developing program goals, depending on the
characteristics of the educational and cognitive
activities of students with SEN (speech
perception and pronunciation, spatial orientation
and mobility, communication skills, etc.).
The issue of the professional competency of
teachers is extremely relevant. Almost all
educational institutions have children with SEN.
Thus, for educators, it is extremely important to
have basic knowledge and master the methods of
working with children with SEN.
A well-balanced personnel policy with
continuous training of teachers, considering the
specifics of the educational and cognitive
activities of children with special needs of a
certain category and the creation of conditions
for their education in preschool and school
institutions, will contribute to the introduction of
innovative technologies in the educational and
rehabilitation process and will increase indicators
in education, parenting, and socialization of
children with special needs.
ISSN 2322 - 6307
Volume 9 - Issue 29 / May 2020
The development of modern society requires a
broader definition of the term “inclusive
education”. In global educational practice, this
concept is considered multidimensional.
However, in Ukrainian public opinion, SEN and
individual opportunities are often associated with
one category of students, i. e. children with
mental and/or physical disabilities or health
problems, while there are other categories of
students, such as gifted students or students with
a different cultural or linguistic background, who
also have SEN. This means that inclusive
education should concern the educational
community, consisting of people of different
nationalities, religions, cultures, social statuses,
mental or physical abilities, interests, and so on.
It also means that any educational institution can
be heterogeneous in its organizational structure.
In this regard, in society, especially in various
educational institutions, it becomes necessary to
create an inclusive culture based on the
understanding of inclusive education as an
opportunity for different people to receive highquality education at different levels depending on
their gender, nationality, language, physical,
mental, social, or other characteristics. Schools
should be adapted for people who have different
educational needs and opportunities but study
The importance of inclusive culture is shown in
the “Inclusion Index” by T. Booth and
M. Ainscow (2011), where the authors present
inclusion indicators in the form of a triangle and
place the aspect of “creating inclusive cultures”
along the base of the triangle. This means that the
development of shared inclusive values and
collaborative relationships can lead to changes in
other dimensions, namely “developing inclusive
policies and developing inclusive practices”
(Booth & Ainscow, 2011).
Thus, an inclusive culture created at universities
influences educational policies and practices, as
well as public opinion, and serves as a catalyst
for positive changes in the direction of
recognition of diversity. This becomes “an
approach that aims to transform education
systems and learning environments to account
for and respond to the diversity of all students”
(Mazurek & Winzer, 2015).
According to N. Pless and T. Maak (2004),
inclusive culture is “an organizational
environment that allows people with different
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backgrounds, attitudes and thinking to work
effectively together and use their highest
potential to achieve organizational goals based
on sound principles” (Pless & Maak, 2004).
Creating an inclusive culture in higher education
allows developing a safe democratic community
that shares the ideas of cooperation and the value
of each person in common achievements. This
kind of university culture creates shared
inclusive values and principles that are common
for all faculty and students. In this inclusive
culture, values and principles influence decisions
regarding university policies and everyday
educational practices. The development and
improvement of universities are becoming an
ongoing process.
Effective inclusive education is possible only
with the training and retraining of teaching staff,
where one of the tasks is the formation of
inclusive values. Inclusion is not possible
without the introduction of inclusive values. The
study of universal values, problems of human
spirituality, and factors of its development has
become an essential need for education since
these values are a kind of connection between the
past and present of Ukrainian and global
pedagogical science (Stepanova, 2009). Values
guide action. Developing a clear understanding
of the connection that exists between values and
actions is a practical step in the formation of
value categories. For the development of
inclusive education, all values must be respected.
We support the idea that inclusive values are the
main guiding lines and steps to action that help
overcome exclusion and increase everyone's
participation. The key values are equality, rights,
participation, community, respect for diversity,
sustainable development, non-violence, trust,
compassion, honesty, courage, joy, love, hope,
and beauty. Inclusion is the incorporation of
inclusive values into daily activities (Booth &
Ainscow, 2011).
Factors that influence the formation of readiness
to work in an inclusive educational environment:
Inclusive education
Inclusive educational environment
Concept of the New Ukrainian school
Innovative approaches to the education
of children with SEN
ISSN 2322 - 6307
Pedagogical conditions for the formation of
readiness of future specialists to work in an
inclusive educational environment:
Recognition of the values of inclusive
education as criteria for professional
activities (equality, rights, participation,
sustainable development, non-violence,
trust, compassion, honesty, courage, joy,
love, hope, and beauty).
The relationship of educational material
from different disciplines
professional-pedagogical cycle.
The inclusion of students in effective
professional cooperation (pedagogical
Improving the professional competency of
(cognitivemotivational, reflective, communicative,
multicultural skills, etc.).
The structural and functional model for
optimizing the training of future specialists for
work in an inclusive educational environment
that can implement inclusive values in practice
has been developed in stages. The first stage
(theoretical and methodological) is aimed at
analyzing the scientific literature on the problem,
as well as study and analysis of the current state
of training of future professionals for work in an
inclusive educational environment. We defined
the essence of the following concepts: “inclusive
educational environment”, “inclusive values”,
“children with SEN”, and especially “upbringing
and training of children with SEN”.
The theoretical and methodological basis of the
study was made up of general philosophical,
psychological, and pedagogical conceptual
approaches that reveal the specifics of the
development of a child with SEN and the system
of determinants that determine mental and
L. Bozhovich, B. Bratus, D. Elkonin,
G. Kostyuk, I. Langmeyer, A. Leontiev,
S. Maksimenko, Z. Mateychek, V. Molyako,
A. Prichozhan, M. Ratter, V. Slobodchikov,
conceptual foundations of inclusive education
(V. Zasenko, A. Kolupaeva, O. Taranchenko,
T. Lorman, D. Lupart,
G. Deppeler),
concepts of personality-oriented education based
on ideas about the priority of personalityoriented development (I. Beh, E. Bondarevskaya,
I. Zvereva, V. Kremen, S. Kulnevich,
A. Maslow, L. Myshchik, K. Rogers,
O. Savchenko, V. Serikov, I. Yakimanskaya),
provisions on the social background of teaching
children with SEN (L. Vygotsky, I. Eremenko,
V. Zasenko, T. Sak, V. Kobylchenko,
A. Kolupaeva, S. Kulbida,
M. Malofeev,
M. Yarmachenko), the concept of the pedagogy
of freedom and support (Yu. Azarov,
Sh. Amonashvili, O. Bezpalko, K. Wentzel,
O. Gazman, S. Durylin, A. Kapskaya,
O. Molchan, A. Bauer, M. Montessori, A. Nill),
international experience in the professional
training of teaching staff for work in an inclusive
institution (J. Deppeler, M. Ainscow, P. Clow,
S. Cole, T. Lorman, N. Waldron, M. Mudge,
D. Charlton), psychological and pedagogical
theory of special educational orientation,
upbringing, and development of children with
special needs (O. Globa, T. Basilova,
E. Danilavichyute, V. Zasenko, M. Zemtsova,
A. Kolupaev, S. Kulbida, N. Makarchuk,
I. Omelchenko, N. Pakhomova, T. Sak, V. Sinov,
E. Sobotovich, O. Taranchenko, R. Triger,
S. Trikoz, A. Shevtsov, M. Sheremet, R. Koegel,
K. Quill), the theory of L. Vygotsky on the
structure of the defect, the role of the team and
communication in the cultural development of
the individual and its modern interpretation
(V. Bondar, L. Vavina, T. Vlasova,
T. Degtyarenko, I. Eremenko, V. Zasenko,
D. Isaev, V Kobylchenko, I. Kolesnik,
V. Lubovsky, M. Pevzner, V. Sineva,
G. Sukhareva, V. Tarasun, A. Khokhlina), as
well as international acts and legislative and
regulatory documents, including the provisions
of modern scientific concepts in the field of
education of children with SEN.
As the analysis of the studied regulations
showed, the idea of defining the concept of
inclusive education is aimed at ensuring access to
education for all children and providing equal
opportunities in education. In particular, in the
Concept for the Development of Inclusive
Education, we found the definition of inclusive
education as a comprehensive process of
ensuring equal access to high-quality education
for children with SEN by organizing their
training in general education institutions based
on the use of personality-oriented teaching
characteristics of educational cognitive activity
of such children.
The Law of Ukraine “On Education” stipulates
that an inclusive educational environment is a
combination of conditions, methods, and means
of their implementation for general education,
ISSN 2322 - 6307
Volume 9 - Issue 29 / May 2020
upbringing, and development of education
applicants, considering their needs and
In modern pedagogical science, an axiological
approach has been introduced to the study of the
content, theories, and concepts of leading
pedagogical ideas in different historical periods
in the field of Ukrainian and foreign education in
terms of their compliance with the needs of the
individual and society. The human being is
considered the highest value of society. In this
regard, axiology is the basis of a new,
humanistically oriented philosophy of education,
the purpose of which is a qualitative update of the
educational process at all levels (Stepanova,
The analysis of international documents indicates
the existence of several approaches to the
definition of such concepts as “inclusiveness”
and “inclusive education”. As a fundamental
principle, inclusive education should determine
the content of any educational policy and
practice, based on the recognition that education
is a fundamental human right and the basis for a
more just and equal society. We agree with the
scientific views of Ukrainian (A. Kolupaeva,
L. Koval, N. Kompanets, O. Taranchenko,
T. Sak, T. Skripnik, O. Fedorenko) and foreign
(M. Belshaw, T. Booth, F. Jones, P. Farrell,
T. Lorman, J. Lupart) scholars who consider
inclusive education as a process aimed at meeting
the diverse needs of all children, youth, and
adults by expanding their participation in
learning, cultural events, and social life, as well
as by reducing the exclusion of certain groups
from education.
We are attracted by the idea that inclusion is the
incorporation of inclusive values into everyday
activities (Booth & Ainscow, 2011). Thus, by
inclusive values, we understand the main
guidelines and actions, helping to overcome
exclusion and expand the participation of
everyone. The key values are equality, rights,
participation, community, respect for diversity,
sustainable development, non-violence, trust,
compassion, honesty, courage, joy, love, hope,
and beauty.
No matter how effective the inclusion models
are, without a qualified teacher who can work in
new conditions, the introduction of such
innovations is impossible.
It is worthwhile to study the opinion of scholars
that the key factors for the progressive
implementation of the inclusive education model
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include relevant professional training sessions
for professionals who will work with children
with SEN in an inclusive educational
environment. Cognitive, systemic, competencybased, and integrative approaches are laid down
in the conceptual framework of specialist
training in modern science. The main part of the
studied research indicates that the main condition
for the integration of education and the creation
of an inclusive educational environment is the
formation of key professional competencies of
teachers to work with a diverse student
population in a general education institution
(Vdovichenko, 2017; Shapochka, 2016;
Shapochka, 2018).
In the second stage, which we called
professionally oriented, we used various types of
activities to achieve the goal of our study. The
National Doctrine of the Development of
Education in Ukraine in the 21st Century says
that a personality-oriented approach to the
organization of the educational process in higher
education institutions involves a transition from
traditional to innovative means of professional
development of a person, from the priority of
highly specialized tasks to the holistic
development of the personality of the future
teacher, and from subordinate relations in the
interaction, joint creativity, and cooperation.
The process of professional training should be
based on a holistic approach that allows one to
consider all didactic tools as ensuring the
professional development of the personality of
the future educator. The issue of increasing the
effectiveness of personality-oriented learning in
higher pedagogical institutions is considered in
the context of solving the problem of the
formation of professional competency.
An inclusive educational environment is a
fundamental condition for the formation and
development of future teachers and tutors. This is
a complex education system based on subject-tosubject relationships between all participants in
the educational process. When organizing the
educational process, it is important to take into
account the features of teaching children with
special needs, goals, and opportunities when the
training of the future teacher or tutor takes place
directly in real or simulated activities.
Inclusive development, namely the professional
competency of future specialists to work in an
inclusive educational environment, occurs when
adults and children are guided by inclusive
ISSN 2322 - 6307
values in their actions and combine related
initiatives (Booth & Ainscow, 2011).
competencies and the willingness of future
specialists to work in an inclusive educational
environment, as well as the implementation of
inclusive values in practice, are based on the
basic principles of inclusion, in particular: a
person’s value does not depend on their abilities
and achievements; everyone has the right to
communicate and be heard; adaptation of the
system to the needs of the child and not vice
versa; genuine education can only be carried out
in the context of real interactions; all people need
support and friendship with peers; meeting the
individual educational needs of each child;
overcoming potential barriers to learning, etc.
due to the conscious activity and professional
interest of students.
The pedagogical condition for ensuring the
interconnection of educational disciplines of the
professional-pedagogical cycle reflects an
integrated approach to the university educational
process, the implementation of which allows us
to distinguish both main elements: the content of
the educational process and the relationship
between subjects.
The purpose of the professionally-oriented stage
is to regulate students' previous experience and
determine the possibility of its application in
solving a specific problem. To accomplish this
task, one can use various forms and methods
during practical exercises and extracurricular
activities, namely questionnaires, ratings,
creative assignments, observation, testing,
discussions, and credit technologies.
The formation of inclusive values is a condition
that not only helps to create a favorable
environment in the team but also provides the
basis for the formation of a tolerant society
capable of perceiving every person and
excluding any manifestations of discrimination.
Today, when more and more workshops on
inclusive education are held throughout Ukraine,
the issue of the formation of inclusive values is
becoming especially important. In our study, we
examined this condition, since it determines the
style of behavior in the formation of subjectsubject relations in the team and beyond.
According to G. Stengwick, professional
competency is directly related to the value
system, which is an indicator of what is
important, significant, and correct in the
educational process.
We support the opinion of many scholars that the
worldview of teachers should change while the
philosophy and principles of inclusion should
become an integral part of professional thinking.
It is necessary to clearly understand the
relationship between values and actions, then the
value system will become an effective guide for
building an inclusive environment as part of a
democratic society. This approach helps
participants in the educational process to analyze
their actions and those of others. Values should
be reflected in various elements of the content of
curricula and plans, in the forms and methods of
training and education, as well as in the process
of interaction.
The next stage (the value-effective stage) is
aimed at increasing the pedagogical activity of
future professionals in an inclusive educational
At the value-effective stage, there is an
intentional formation of the willingness of future
professionals to work in an inclusive educational
environment capable of introducing inclusive
values into practice. This involves the
organization of subject-to-subject interaction
between participants in the pedagogical process
(between the teacher and a college student,
between two college students, between the
college students and a child), during which one
can witness the formation of theoretical and
practical knowledge and other skills in college
students who will be teachers. This stage requires
the use of such forms and methods as
observation, conversation, interactive lecture,
thematic evenings, disputes, project activities,
various types of teamwork, teacher training, and
credit technology.
The essence of this stage of work was the
implementation of such a system of organization
of the educational process, which can stimulate
the development of each component of
professional competency of future teachers and
tutors, in particular inclusive competency. An
inclusive approach to the training of students
involved a combination of their educational,
extracurricular activities.
In the process of vocational training, the students
mastered the components of professional
competency, in particular inclusive competency
as part of the professional skills, namely: the
ability to interact with other participants in the
educational process in the field of preschool,
ISSN 2322 - 6307
Volume 9 - Issue 29 / May 2020
primary, and higher education using modern
information technologies; the ability to develop
and apply modern pedagogical technologies and
the ability to use various pedagogical innovations
(discussion, presentation, project, situation
modeling, individual and group work,
independent work, creative tasks, training, etc.);
the ability to adhere to the pedagogy of
partnership, which involves communication,
interaction, and cooperation between teachers,
students, and parents; knowledge and recognition
of educational and social values of sustainable
development, equality, and justice, as well as the
rights of all participants in the educational
process; the ability to adhere to the principles of
democracy and social justice through honest,
transparent, and comprehensive practice; value
and respect the diversity of their country and the
world; showing their openness, honesty,
tolerance, and wisdom. Moreover, they
understood the need for a critical analysis of their
views and beliefs about personal and
professional development with their subsequent
transformation into an educational process that is
constantly improving.
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