Загрузил yana.efremenko1

Nature of Ukraine

Zoos in Ukraine (Form 2)
1. Ukrainian children like to go to the zoo.
2. They can see many big and small animals at the zoo.
3. They can see a rhino, a zebra, a hippo, an elephant and a lion.
4. Monkeys are funny, they can climb trees.
5. The bear is strong , it has brown hair.
6. The tiger is red and black, it can run and jump.
7. Ukrainian children like animals.
True or False?
1. Ukrainian children do not like to go to the zoo.
2. They can see many animals at the zoo.
3. They can see a rhino.
4. They cannot see an elephant.
5. Monkeys are funny.
6. Monkeys cannot climb trees
7. The tiger can run and jump.
8. The tiger is red and black.
9. The bear has green hair.
10.Ukrainian children like animals.
1. F
2. T
3. T
Fruits and Vegetables in Ukraine (Form 3)
1. Ukrainian people like gardening very much.
2. They work in the fields and in the gardens.
3. Ukrainians usually plant vegetables in spring.
4. They grow different vegetables: potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes,
beets, carrots, peas, cabbages.
5. Ukrainian people like eating fruits and berries too.
6. They grow apples, pears, cherries, plums.
7. Gardening is a very popular hobby in Ukraine.
8. Ukrainians like working in the fields and in the gardens.
True or False?
1. Ukrainian people like gardening very much.
2. They never work in the fields.
3. Ukrainians usually plant vegetables in autumn.
4. They grow vegetables and fruits.
5. They grow different vegetables: potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers.
6. Ukrainian people do not like eating fruits.
7. They usually grow apples, pears, cherries, plums.
8. Ukrainian people like eating berries too.
9. Gardening is not a popular hobby in Ukraine.
10.Ukrainians like working in the fields and in the gardens.
1. T
2. F
3. F
Summer Holidays in Ukraine (Form 4)
1. June, July and August are summer months.
2. The sun shines brightly.
3. It is warm, sometimes hot.
4. Schoolchildren have their summer holidays.
5. They play football and badminton, ride a bike, swim in the seas and rivers.
6. It is a good time to fish, to pick mushrooms and to meet new friends.
7. Some children like visiting summer camp.
8. Children usually have a good rest.
9. Summer holidays are great fun.
True or False?
1. June, July and August are spring months.
2. The sun does not shine brightly.
3. It is hot every day.
4. Schoolchildren have their summer holidays.
5. They can play football, ride a bike or swim in the sea.
6. It is not a good time to fish or to pick mushrooms.
7. Some children like visiting summer camp.
8. They can meet new friends in summer camp.
9. Children usually have a bad rest in summer.
10.Summer holidays are great fun.
1. F
2. F
3. F
Pets in Ukrainian Families (Form 5)
1. More than half of Ukrainian families have pets.
2. Cats and dogs are the most popular pets.
3. One out of three Ukrainian families has a cat or a dog.
4. Pet birds are also very popular, but they are far behind cats and dogs.
5. Many people keep small animals like hamsters or rabbits as pets.
6. Fish and tortoises are also popular.
7. The pets depend on people for food, attention and medical care.
8. All the pets, big and small, need care and love.
9. They can be good friends, cure some illnesses and guard the houses.
10. Pets are part of Ukrainian families.
1. True or False?
1. Ukrainian families have no pets.
2. The most popular pets are cats and dogs.
3. One out of five Ukrainian families has a cat or a dog.
4. Pet birds are not so popular as pet cats.
5. Some people keep hamsters and rabbits as pets.
6. Tortoises are not popular at all.
7. The pets depend on people for medical care.
8. The pets do not need care and love, only food.
9. They can cure some illnesses and guard the houses.
10. Pets are good friends, they are part of Ukrainian families.
1. F
2. T
3. F
2. Answer the questions:
1. What animals are the most popular pets in Ukrainian families?
2. Have Ukrainians any small pets at home?
3. What can pets do?
Seasons and Weather in Ukraine (Form 6)
1. There are four seasons in a year: spring, summer, autumn and winter.
2. When spring comes nature awakens from its long winter sleep.
3. The days become longer and the nights become shorter.
4. The air is fresh, the sky is blue and cloudless.
5. In summer Ukrainian children don’t go to school, they have their holidays.
6. The weather is fine in summer, but it can be very hot, especially in July.
7. There is a lot of fruit and vegetables at this season.
8. Autumn begins in September.
9. The leaves turn yellow, red and brown and fall to the ground.
10. It often rains but the rains are cold and not pleasant.
11.It is the hardest time for country people in Ukraine.
12.The coldest season in the year is winter.
13.Everything is covered with snow.
14. Winter is a good time for sports, like skating or skiing.
15. Every season in Ukraine is beautiful in its own way.
1.True or False?
1. Nature awakens from its long winter sleep when spring comes.
2. The air is dark, the sky is grey in spring.
3. In summer Ukrainian children don’t go to school.
4. The weather can be very hot in July.
5. There is little fruit and vegetables in summer.
6. Autumn begins in October.
7. The leaves turn yellow, red and brown and fall to the ground.
8. It never rains in autumn.
9. The coldest season in the year is winter.
10. Winter is a good time for sports, like swimming and yachting.
1. T
2. F
3. T
2. Answer the questions:
1. When does the nature awaken from winter sleep?
2. When is the sky cloudless?
3. What color are the leaves in autumn?
4. The coldest season in the year is winter, isn’t it?
5. Why is autumn the hardest time for country people in Ukraine?
Ukrainian Climate (Form 7)
1. Ukraine is one the largest countries in Europe.
2. It stretches from the mountains in the West to the steppes in the East, and
from the marshes in the North to the sea in the South.
3. Ukraine has picturesque scenery and a temperate continental climate.
4. It has cold winters with snow and warm summers.
5. The temperature is between +25°C and –8°C.
6. But the climate has recently changed.
7. The world is becoming hotter.
8. Winters have become warmer.
9. There is little snow in January and February.
10. It is so because of the “greenhouse” effect.
11.It works like this: sunlight gives us heat.
12. Some of the heat warms the atmosphere, and some of the heat goes back
into space.
13.Nowadays the air is getting warmer because the heat cannot go back into
14. That’s why winter and summer temperatures in some places are higher.
1.True or False?
1. Ukraine is one the smallest countries in Europe.
2. Ukraine has a temperate continental climate.
3. It has cold winters with snow and warm summers.
4. The temperature is between +30°C and –10°C.
5. The world is becoming hotter nowadays.
6. Winters have become colder.
7. There is no snow in February.
8. The reason is the “greenhouse” effect.
9. Nowadays the air is getting colder because the heat goes back into space.
10.Winter and summer temperatures in some places are higher.
1. F
2. T
3. T
2. Fill in the gaps:
1. The temperature is between …°C and …°C.
2 The world is becoming… .
3. There is little … in January and February.
4. … and … temperatures in some places are higher.
3. Explain the meaning of the word-combination “greenhouse effect”.
Animals and Plants in Ukraine (Form 8)
1. Ukraine has mostly coniferous and deciduous trees such as pine, oak, fir,
beech and birch.
2. The wealth of the forest includes not only timber, but also berries,
mushrooms and medical herbs.
3. The animal world in Ukraine is different.
4. It has hundreds of species of animals and birds.
5. They are: wolf, fox, badger, deer, elk, hamster, field mouse and so on.
6. The birds are: sparrow, titmouse, grouse, owl.
7. Some fur animals, such as mink, silver-black fox, musk-rat, brought into
Ukraine, have acclimatized well.
8. In the rivers and lakes there are perch, bream, pike and carp.
9. The Forest-Steppe zone contains the oak, black poplar, willow and pine.
10.The animals include squirrels, foxes, hares and roes.
11.The rivers and lakes are home to ducks, geese, storks and cranes.
12.It also should be said that the animal life of the Carpathians is unique.
13.Here you can find deer, brown bears, wild cats and pigs.
14.Bird life includes golden eagles and black woodpeckers.
15.The plants of this region are also different and beautiful.
16.It is well worth visiting, especially in spring.
1.True or False?
1. Ukraine has mostly coniferous and deciduous trees.
2. The wealth of the forest includes only timber.
3. The animal world in Ukraine has millions of species.
4. Some fur animals, such as mink, silver-black fox, musk-rat, brought into
Ukraine, have acclimatized well.
5. There are no pikes and carps in the rivers and lakes.
6. The Forest-Steppe zone contains the oak, black poplar, willow and pine.
7. The rivers and lakes are home to ducks, geese, storks and cranes.
8. The animal life and plants of the Carpathians are different.
9. Bird life includes golden eagles and black woodpeckers.
10. Ukraine is well worth visiting, especially in winter.
1. T
2. F
3. F
5.F 6.T
2. Answer the questions:
1. What does the wealth of the forest include?
2. Do you know any fur animals?
3. Why does the Forest-Steppe zone contain such trees as willow and pine?
4. How can you explain why the animal life of the Carpathians is unique?
5. Does bird life of the Carpathians include golden eagles or ostriches?
3. Imagine that you are a geographer who has just visited Ukraine.
Retell the text.
Ukrainian National Preserves: Khortysia Island (Form 9)
1. Khortysia Island is the largest island on the Dnieper River, situated south of
the Dnieper Hydroelectric Station and now a part of the city of Zaporizhzhia.
2. It is 12 km long and 2.5 km wide, and covers an area of over 3000 ha.
3. The island played an important role in the Cossack wars with the Tatars.
4. In the 1550s Prince Dmytro Vyshnevetskyi built a Cossack fortress 10 km
north on Mala Khortysia Island.
5. Between 1596 and 1648 a Cossacks Garrison was stationed on Khortysia.
6. Hetmans T.Fedorovych and I.Sulyma launched their anti-Polish rebellions
from their.
7. In 1648 Hetman B.Khmelnytskyi routed its Polish Garrison.
8. Later the island was used as a military base.
9. The island was part of the territory held by the Zaporizhian Sich until its
destruction in 1775.
10.During the Rushian-Turkish War of 1735-1739 a fortress and a port were
built there, their remains have been preserved to this day.
11.The Khortysia Island has many species of birds and insects.
12.The rich collection of plants on the Khortysia Island needs a lot of care which
can make its existence possible.
13.There are some trees, such as oaks and elms, over hundreds years old there.
14.The Khortysia Island now is a major tourism attraction and a historicalcultural preserve.
1.True or False?
1. Khortysia Island is the largest island on the Dnieper River.
2. It is 12 km long and 2.5 km wide, and covers an area of over 13000 ha.
3. The island played an important role in the Cossack wars with the Germans.
4. In 1648 Hetman B.Khmelnytskyi used the island as a military base.
5. The island was part of the territory held by the Zaporizhian Sich until its
destruction in 1820.
6. During the Rushian-Turkish War a fortress and a port were built there, their
remains have been preserved to this day.
7. The Khortysia Island has many species of birds and insects.
8. The rich collection of plants on the Khortysia Island needs a lot of care which
can make its existence possible.
9. There are some trees, such as oaks and elms, over thousand years old there.
10.The Khortysia Island now is a major tourism attraction and a historicalcultural preserve.
1. T
2. F
3. F
5.F 6.T
2. Make up 6 questions (different types) to the text.
3. Retell the last part of the text describing the nature of the Khortysia
4. Choose the right answer:
1. Khortysia Island is the largest island on the …River.
a) Dnieper
b) Donets
c) Dniester
2. The island played an important role in the Cossack wars with the … .
a) Tatars
b) Poles
c) Bulgarians
3. In … Hetman B.Khmelnytskyi routed its Polish Garrison.
a) 1596
b) 1775
c) 1648
4. The island was part of the territory held by the Zaporizhian Sich until… .
a) Rushian-Turkish War
b) Its destruction in 1775
c) 1550
5. The rich collection of plants on the Khortysia Island needs… .
a) a lot of money
b) a lot of care
c) a lot of trees
Farm Working in Ukraine (Form 10)
1. Spring is the time to prepare the earth for planting.
2. First the farmer fertilizes his fields with manure or a chemical fertilizer.
3. Then he ploughs the earth, turning it over and mixing in the fertilizer to
provide a rich soil to crops.
4. Later, when the days are a little longer and the sun has warmed the earth, it is
time to plant the seeds.
5. If the farmer keeps animals, spring is the time when the animals are giving
birth, and both mothers and young ones have to be watched and cared for.
6. In summer the farmer waters the young plants and watches carefully for signs
of plant illness and the attacks of illness.
7. Many farmers spray their fields with chemicals to keep away harmful insects.
8. Autumn is the busiest time of the year.
9. It is time to gather in the vegetable crops and to reap wheat and corn.
10.Soon the days start getting shorter and shorter.
11. So the farmers have to work quickly.
12.Often it’s necessary to call in extra workers.
13. The crops are sold in the markets or stored in the barns ready to feed the
animals through the winter months.
14.The farmer chops wood, preparing to keep his house warm.
15.And when winter finally comes, it is a time for planning, for deciding where
and what to plant next year.
1.True or False?
1. The time to prepare the earth for planting is summer.
2. First the farmer fertilizes his fields with a chemical fertilizer.
3. If the farmer keeps animals, spring is the time when both mothers and young
ones have to be watched and cared for.
4. In summer the farmer does not need to water the young plants and watch for
signs of plant illness and the attacks of illness.
5. Many farmers spray their fields with chemicals to keep away harmful insects.
6. Summer is time to gather in the vegetable crops and to reap wheat and corn.
7. The farmers have to work quickly so it’s necessary to call in extra workers.
8. The crops are not sold in the markets during winter months.
9. The farmer chops wood, preparing to keep his house warm.
10.Winter is a time for deciding where and what to plant next year.
1. F
2. T
3. T
5.T 6.F
2. Explain the meaning of the word-combination “chemical fertilizer”.
3. Imagine that you are a farmer who is giving an interview.
Retell the text.
4. Answer the questions:
1. What season is the best time to prepare the earth for planting?
2. What does the farmer do in spring?
3. When should he plant the seeds?
4. Why should the farmer watch carefully the young plants in summer?
5. Autumn is the busiest time of the year, isn’t it?
6. Why do the farmers have to work quickly in autumn?
7. Is it necessary to call in extra workers?
8. Where are the crops sold in winter?
9. What does the farmer do to keep his house warm?
10. Is it winter or autumn the time for planning and deciding where and what to
plant next year?
Protection of Environment in Ukraine (Form 11)
1. Protection of the environment in Ukraine is paid much attention to.
2. The worsening of the ecological situation has been closely linked to the
Chernobyl explosion.
3. On April 26, 1986, a fire burnt out of control and released radioactive
4. The disaster killed 31 persons immediately and caused the hospitalization of
about 500 others.
5. It has caused widespread illnesses and made the land in the area unusable.
6. A radioactive cloud spread from the plant over most of Europe.
7. Radiation even spread so far as to appear in Asia and in North America.
8. Another issue of concern in Ukraine is the question of where to put nuclear
9. This waste is largely the spent fuel of reactors.
10. It is radioactive, and some of its components remain so forever.
11.The waste is held at temporary sites until a solution of the problem can be
12.At present the most promising solution of the problem of waste storage is
13.Another environmental problem is air pollution.
14.One of its results is acid rains.
15. It is caused by smoke from factories and transport.
16.Nowadays the emission of smoke is strictly controlled by special
governmental agencies.
17.The activity of various environmental organizations in Ukraine helps to
improve the situation.
18.Among the leading environmental organizations in Ukraine are the
Greenpeace and the Green Party.
19. They are very popular with the youth in Ukraine.
1. True or False?
1. Protection of the environment in Ukraine is not paid much attention to.
2. On April 26, 1985, a fire burnt out of control and released radioactive
3. The disaster, which killed 31 persons immediately and caused the
hospitalization of about 500 others, caused widespread illnesses and made
the land in the area unusable.
4. A radioactive cloud spread from the plant over most of Europe, some parts
of Asia and in North America.
5. At present the most promising solution of the problem of waste storage is
6. Air pollution is not a serious environmental problem.
7. Acid rains are caused by smoke from factories and transport.
8. Nowadays the emission of smoke is not controlled by Government.
9. There are no environmental organizations in Ukraine.
10. Environmental organizations are very popular with the youth.
1. F
2. F
3. T
2. Make up 8 questions (different types) to the text.
Give the answers.
3. Translate the part of the text describing the Chernobyl explosion.
4. Fill in the gaps:
a) The worsening of the ecological situation has been closely linked to
the … ..
b) On April 26, … , a fire burnt out of control and released radioactive
c) The disaster killed 31 persons immediately and caused the … of
about 500 others.
d) A … spread from the plant over most of Europe.
e) Radiation even spread so far as to appear in Asia and in …America.
f) Another issue of concern in Ukraine is the question of where to put …
g) The waste is held at … until a solution of the problem can be found.
h) At present the most promising solution of the problem of waste
storage is … .
i) Another environmental problem is … pollution.
j) … is caused by smoke from factories and transport.
k) Nowadays the emission of smoke is strictly controlled by … .
l) Among the leading environmental organizations in Ukraine are … and
the Green Party.
m) They are very popular with … in Ukraine.
5.Imagine that you are a member of the Green Party who is writing an article
about environmental problems in Ukraine. Retell the text.