Majors Majors are similar: economics and mathematics. Economics courses are the same: micro- and macroeconomics 1-2, econometrics. At HSE-NES finance courses are optional and at German university you need to pass 2 courses. You can’t skip it. Maths has same modules – Calculus and Statistic, but learning program is much easier. In comparison to German programs our program has stochastic processes which they study only at master’s math programs. Other selective math courses are identical. Minors German’s BAE has more elective courses. There are a lot of language courses. For example, they can learn French, Greek, Russian, Chinese and some other languages. Unique courses as Asian Studies, theology, meteorology, archeology. Philosophy and social sciences are identical. Specifics They have a 2-week length introduction to mathematics course. They learn only for 6 semesters, when we learn for 8 semesters.