Загрузил Adrian Cociu


Desktop License (License agreement)
Version BF-DT.1.05
You need this license to install the font on
your computer and use it to design layouts.
This license also allows you to use the font in
small-circulation printed matter (up to 1000
The subject of the license is specified in the third section. You can start
reading from it, and then go back to the beginning – so it will be easier for
you to choose the right license.
This license (this “License”) constitutes a formal agreement which you irrevocably and unconditionally enter into as you pay your Invoice or your Online Order. You are also deemed to
have obtained the License, agreeing to all of the terms and conditions of the License and the
Invoice or the Online Order, when you have started actually using the font, either as an artwork
or as software.
Whether you are an individual or a corporate entity, for the convenience of using this License,
you are referred to hereinafter as the “User” or the “Payer” if the User and the Payer are not
one and the same person.
This License has been issued by Sole Trader Gayane Bagdasaryan (the “Licensor”). The
Licensor represents and warrants that the Licensor has full power and authority to issue this
License and enter this License Agreement.
Font products are protectable under the laws of the Russian Federation both as artworks (in
respect of the Font) and as computer programs (in respect of the Font Software).
The font (the “Font”), copyrighted as an artwork, consists of individual glyphs (each, a “Glyph”)
used to compose various texts (each, a “Text”, and collectively, “text”).
The User is hereby granted a non-exclusive right and authorized to use only the font style
which is specified in the Invoice or in the Online Order (the “Font Style”). The User has no right
to use any other style of the Font. Each font style is a complete individual author work product.
The Font Style named in the Invoice or the Online Order is referred to as the “Font” in the
The font software (the “Font Software”, or “Font files”), copyrighted as a computer program,
includes the relevant Font Style and appropriate software instructions. A copy of the Font
Software is made available to the User in the OTF format unless otherwise specified in the
Invoice or in the Online Order.
The Font and the Font Software are collectively referred to hereinafter as the “Products” and
each individually, as the “Product”. The right granted by the Licensor to the User to use the
Font in any specific manner authorizes the User no use the Font Software, and vice versa.
The specific type of purchased license, the types of the Font, specific Font Style and Font
Software, together with other material terms and additional restrictions of the License are
identified and specified in the Invoice or in the Online Order.
The extent of the use of the Font and the version and build of the Font Software, authorized
non-exclusively on the basis of the Invoice or the Online Order, is set out in the License and
its specific revision, subject to the restrictions set out in the Invoice or in the Online Order. No
use of the Font or the Font Software other than expressly set out in the Invoice or in the Online Order is authorized to the User. Depending on the use and extent of use of the Products
by the User, the Licensor offers different types of licenses. The grant of this License implies no
authorization for the User to use the Products otherwise than authorized by any license of any
other type.
The use of the Products is authorized against payment of license fees.
1. Invoice and Acceptance of the Offer
1.1. If the License is obtained by way of payment of the Invoice, all terms and conditions of
the offer not expressly set out in the License shall be specified in such Invoice. The payment
of the license fee set out in the Invoice constitutes the acceptance of the offer in its entirety
and, respectively, the User’s agreement to terms and conditions of the License and the Invoice.
This license agreement shall be deemed entered into by and between the Licensor and the
User (and the License as granted to the User) upon the acceptance of the offer by the User (or,
respectively, payment of the Invoice by the User or by the Payer).
1.2. The Invoice must be paid within seven (7) days which constitutes the period of acceptance
of the offer unless otherwise provided in the Invoice. The Licensor may revoke the offer at any
time before or at its acceptance.
1.3. The User acknowledges and agrees that the User has read and understood the text of the
License enclosed with the Invoice prior to obtaining the License.
1.4. The Invoice is issued only in the name of the person it is intended for as the recipient of
the offer. No person other than specified in the Invoice except the User and/or the Payer may
pay the Invoice and so accept the offer.
If there is something unclear about the
license or you are in doubt about what type
of license you need, then drop us a line at
This license was issued by Bagdasaryan
Gayane Alexandrovna (hereinafter referred to
as Licensor).
Typeface is protected by law as a work of
graphics (Font) and as a computer program,
software (Font Software).
Font is a work of graphics (art), a drawing that
you see.
Font Software is an OTF or other font format
Neither the Font nor the Font Software is
sold. The right to use the Font and the right
to use the Font Software are sold. These are
different rights, you can buy them together
or separately. You can’t use the Font or Font
Software for free.
We have several types of licenses. Each
license authorizes something and prohibits
something. You need to choose the license
that suits you. You can only use the font as
described in the license you purchased. What
you bought is indicated in the invoice.
The person who paid for the license is the
Payer. The one who uses the font is the User.
You can be both a Payer and a User at the
same time.
You are purchasing a non-exclusive license.
This means that anyone else can also buy a
license and use this font.
Each typeface (for example, Gerbera) consists
of styles (for example, Regular). The license is
sold for certain styles. If you have purchased
a license for, for example, Gerbera Regular, you cannot use, for example, Gerbera
If you paid for the license and/or started
using the font, then you agree with
everything that is written here.
1. Purchase of a license through
payment of an invoice
We can issue you an invoice for payment using your bank details. Only you yourself can
pay the invoice and must do so within seven
days. If you have paid the invoice, it means
that you agree with what is written here and
in the invoice. You get the right to use the
font after payment.
2. Purchase by Online Order
2. ONLINE Purchase of a license
2.1. If the License is purchased online on the Licensor’s website or on the website of the
Licensor’s authorized representative (each, a “Distributor”), the terms and conditions of such
purchase are referred to as an “Online Order”, irrespective of the titles of executed electronic
documents and/or content of the web pages displayed in the course of the purchase. Payment
of the license fee by the User is deemed to constitute acceptance of the offer (and the User’s
acceptance and agreement to the terms and conditions of the Online Order). The Licensor and
the User are deemed to have entered into the License Agreement (and issued and, respectively, accepted the License) upon acceptance of the offer (i.e. payment of the Online Order).
You can buy a license on our website or on
the distributor’s website. If you paid for the
license through the site, it means that you
agree with what is written here. After paying
on our website, you will receive an automatic
email with the purchase details and download
links to font files and the license text. Distributors determine the algorithm for working
with clients themselves. You get the right to
use the font after payment.
2.2. The User hereby acknowledges and agrees that the User has read and understood the
License prior to obtain the License, and that the User has been supplied with a link to the text
of the License, as contained in the Online Order.
3. Permitted Uses of the Products
3.1. The User is hereby authorized to install, save in the memory of and run the Font Software
on the number of personal computers operated by the User as a legal entity or an individual,
expressly set out in the Invoice or in the Online order.
The license allows to install the font on a
certain number of computers and use it to
design layouts – for your own needs or for
your client. At the same time, your client must
have their own font license of the required
3.2. The User is hereby authorized to use the installed Font Software for the purpose of
exercise of the User’s right to use the Font as an artwork in the manner(s) authorized by this
3.3. The User is hereby authorized to use the installed Font Software for the purpose of performing any work commissioned by any other authorized user of the Products, such as designing product packaging commissioned by any other user holding a Goods & Print License.
3.4. The User is hereby authorized to use the installed Font Software to embed any image of
any Glyph in any electronic document in a scalable format, such as a .pdf document, but solely
for the purposes of the User’s own document flow or the User’s business document exchange
with it’s the User’s own client or customer only, with no right to publish any such document
widely or to make them otherwise available to the public, and only where such document is
intended for print and preview and cannot be edited, and the font file cannot be extracted
therefrom, such use as the publication of any .pdf document being subject to obtaining an EPublication License.
3.5. The User is not authorized to use the Font Software as computer software in any other
manner, including distribution thereof, making it available to the public, authorizing network
access thereto, reproducing it otherwise, using it in applications, etc.
3.6. The User is hereby authorized to use any Glyph as a graphic artwork for any of User’s following own purposes:
- to reproduce any Glyph in any informational text on paper for the purposes of the User’s own
internal document flow in less than 1000 identical copies of each such document;
- to reproduce any Glyph in any informational text in any print product, such as any nonperiodical non-serial publication, product packaging etc., not more than 1,000 copies with the
right of further distribution thereof the same, subject that the User commercializes itself such
product; any larger number of copies being subject to obtaining a Goods & Print License; and
- to reproduce any Glyph on the User’s any one own signboard, any one own office plate and/
or any one own showcase for the entire period of effect of this License; any larger number of
signboards being subject to obtaining a Logotype License, and any larger number of showcases or posters being subject to obtaining an Outdoor Advertising License.
Any larger number of Desktop Licenses acquired by the User does not extend the limits of the
use of the Font such as in print or in any text on any signboard, etc.)
The User may use any of the Glyphs as specified in this clause solely for the User’s own purposes and not on third party order.
3.7. For the purposes of this License, any informational text is any text reproduced solely for
informational purposes and not intended to identify any individual or corporate entity or any
product or a service of such individual or entity. Any use of the Font outside informational text
includes any use of the Font in any logotype, name of any product or service, descriptor, slogan, commercial designation, motto, any other identificatory designation or any other similar
use, any such use being subject to obtaining a Logotype License.
3.8. The User understands that the amount of the license fee payable by the User to the Licensor under this License is set in view of the restriction on the use of any Glyph as any identificatory designation, and that such use of any Glyph, including registration of an identificatory
designation, without prior obtaining the appropriate Logotype License shall constitute an
infringement of the Licensor’ exclusive right.
3.9. The User is not authorized to install the Font Software on any device other than a personal
computer, including installation and copying on any server.
Embed the font in documents for internal use
(for example, pdf) without the ability to edit
Use the font in print for your own needs
(up to 1000 copies) and distribute these
For a larger circulation, you do not need to
buy two or three Desktop licenses, for this
you need «Goods and printing» license.
Use the font on one of your own signs, plates,
or storefronts. For a larger number of signs,
you do not need to buy several Desktop
licenses, for this you need a «Logo» license,
and for a larger number of storefronts or
posters you need an «Outdoor Advertising»
The above means using your own products
for your own needs. If you are a designer and
make design layout for someone else, your
client also needs their own license of the
required type.
The font cannot be used in logos, product
names, slogans, or other identity. For this, you
need a «Logo» license.
The font can only be installed on a computer.
For example, you can’t install on the server.
To do this, you need a «Server» license.
You must protect the font files from illegal
copying and not allow network access to the
3.10. The User shall ensure protection of the installed Font Software and any backup copy
of the Font Software against unauthorized copying. No online access via a network must be
allowed, authorized, permitted or enabled to the Font Software or any reserve copy thereof
installed on any personal computer. Any inadequate protection of the Font Software by the
User constitutes the User’s risk and shall create the User’s liability for any resulting breach or
infringement of the Licensor’s rights.
4. Excluded Uses of the Products
4. WHAT IS NOT allowed BY THE license
It is expressly stated that the following uses of the Products are subject to obtaining other
dedicated types of licenses, and that the User is not authorized to the Products in the following ways without prior purchasing such other dedicated license:
You can’t use the font in ways that aren’t
described in the section above. For example:
- on websites
- in apps
- in logos and identity
- in social networks
- on packages with a circulation of more than
1000 copies
- in outdoor advertising more than one item
- in video
- in TV broadcasting
- in electronic publications
- in electronic advertising
- install the font on the server
- transfer the font to contractors
Specific licenses are required for the listed
4.1. Web License is a license to display any text content of any website in Font using the CSS
@font-face instruction;
4.2. App License is a license to use the Font and/or the Font Software as part of any mobile or
application or any computer program;
4.3. Logotype License is a license to use the Font as part of any logotype, descriptor, slogan or
any other identificatory designation of any person, product or service (with or without the right
to registration of the same as a trademark), and to modify any individual Font Glyphs where
4.4. Social Media License is a license to use the Font in any social media.
4.5. Goods & Print License is a license to use the Font in any text on products distributed
against payment or free and on packaging and advertising of such products and to use the
Font to reproduce any text in any books or any informational text in any other print product,
including any advertisement, but excluding any outdoor advertisement. This license must be
obtained if the number of copies exceeds 1,000.
4.6. Outdoor Advertising License is a license to reproduce any Glyph on any billboard, poster,
placard, hoarding, directional sign, banner and showcase.
4.7. Video License is a license to use the Font to display any title, caption, credit or other text
in any audiovisual product and to apply any Glyph the background, whether electronic or paper, of any audiovisual product, including any video recorded press conference.
You can not transfer the design layout to the
client, even if it is in outlines, if the client
does not have its own license.
You can’t transfer font files to other people,
either for free or for a fee.
Anything that is not explicitly allowed is
4.8. Broadcasting License is a license to use the Font and Font Software in any air, cable or
Internet broadcast.
4.9. E-Publication License is a license to publish or make available to the public any file with
any embedded subset of the Font Software, and to create and publish any e-book using the
Font or the Font Software.
4.10. Digital Advertising License is a license to use the Font and the Font Software outside the
Web Server hosting the Font Software in any e-mail marketing using any uploaded fonts, in
scalable html5 advertising banners.
4.11. Server License is a license to use the Font and Font Software on any server other than
the Web Server, in any local or private intranet even if such intranet functions on the basis of
any public net, and in any application with restricted access.
4.12. Service License is a license to issue any temporary limited sublicense to any third party
contracted to perform any work for the User, requiring installation of the Font Software on the
such third party contractor’s personal computer.
5. Clarification of the Terms and Conditions of the License
5.1. If any provision of the License appears unclear as to any specific use of the Products, the
User may enquire the Licensor as to the use of the Products in a specific situation. The Licensor’s clarification will be binding on the User in the relevant context in relation to the current
version or revision of the License. Any further version or revision of the License may require a
new clarification by the Licensor for any newly issued License.
Send your question to
hello@brownfox.org and wait for our response
before you start using the font.
5.2. In case of any doubt as to authorization of any use of the Product, the User shall enquire
the Licensor as to such use before such use. In such case, the User may not begin using the
Product until the Licensor’s consent is granted.
6. Term and Territory of the License
6. Term and territory
6.1. This License is deemed to have been concluded as a the license agreement as of the time
of payment of the license fee under the Invoice or the Online Order. The use the Font and/or
the Font Software in the specified extent is authorized to the User as of the time of full payment of the license. The license fee is deemed to have been paid upon crediting the funds to
the Licensor’s account. If the payment transaction is cancelled for any reason, no use the Font
and/or the Font Software shall be deemed authorized.
You get the right to use the font immediately
after payment and almost indefinitely on the
territory of the whole world. If the payment
failed for a technical reason, you can’t use
the font.
6.2. Using the Font and the Font Software in the extent set out in the License is authorized
for the entire term of effect of the Licensor’s exclusive right the Font and the Font Software,
unless otherwise provided by the License, the Invoice or the Online Order. The authorization to
use the Font and the Font Software shall terminate in the cases specified in the License.
6.3. This License is valid worldwide unless otherwise provided in the License, the Invoice or the
Online Order.
7. License Fee
7.1. The User can only use the Product for a fee. The amount of the Licensor’s license fee is
specified in the Invoice or the Online Order.
You can’t use the font for free. Payment must
be made in full and on time.
7.2. If the License is acquired, and using the Product is authorized, on the basis of the Invoice,
the license fee shall be paid within seven days unless any other the period specified in the
7.3. If the License is acquired, and using the Product is authorized, on the basis of the Online
Order, the license fee must be paid simultaneously with the execution of the Online Order to
the extent that such online payment is technically possible under the current license terms,
but in any event not later than the day of execution of the Online Order.
7.4. The license fee many not be paid for only some of the Products specified in the Offer or
the Online Order or only for a portion of the authorized uses of the Products.
8. Delivery of a Copy of the Products to the User
8.1. The Font Software shall be delivered to the User at the User’s e-mail address upon issuance of the Invoice within seven days of the date of full payment of the license fee.
8.2. The User shall be provided a link to download the Font Software and a link to the text of
the relevant version of the License upon execution and payment of the Online Order.
If you purchased the license through payment
of the invoice, we will send you the font files
by email within seven days after payment. (We
usually do this on the day of payment or the
next day).
8.3. The Font as an artwork is included in the Font Software; no copy of the Font as an artwork
shall therefore be delivered to the User. The Licensor’s obligation to deliver a copy of the Font
as an artwork and as a computer program shall be deemed duly performed and discharged
upon delivery of the Font Software to the User by the Licensor by e-mail or providing the Users with a link to download the Font Software.
If you purchased a license on our site, you will
receive a link to download font files and a link
to the license text.
9. User and Payer
9. The user and the Payer
9.1. The use the Products, authorized to the User may paid for by a third party (the “Payer”).
The Payer acquires no authorization to use the Products even if the User does not exercise
such authorization. All restrictive terms and conditions of the License applicable to the User
apply to the Payer within the meaning of such conditions and as applicable to the acquisition
of the authorization in favor of a third party.
You can buy a license for another person
(individual or legal entity), but you will not be
able to use the font yourself on this basis. In
this case, you are the Payer, and the person
for whom you buy the license is the User.
9.2. The Payer, acquiring the authorization to use the Products by the User, shall procure that
the User has read, understood and consented to the terms and conditions of this License. The
User is not authorized to use the Products until the User has given the Licensor such consent.
You must share the license terms with the
User with and obtain their consent to these
terms. Otherwise, he has no right to use the
9.3. The Payer shall specify the User when executing the Online Order or the Invoice, and provide the User’s all requisite details. If the User is a legal entity, the Payer shall specify: the full
exact name; registered address; taxpayer identification number, e-mail address. If the User is
an individual, the Payer shall specify the full name including the surname, first name and middle name (where appropriate), registered residence address; taxpayer identification number, email address; and, as the case may be, registration of the User as a sole trade. The Payer shall
also provide the same details of the Payer.
9.4. If either the Online Order or the Invoice form does not contain any of the identification
and contact details as set out above, or any or all of such details are untrue or invalid, the User
shall not be deemed to have been authorized to use the Products.
9.5. Where any field in the Online Order form is insufficient for filling in the execution of such
Online Order (including any purchase through a Distributor), the Payer shall indicate the User
as PayerName for UserName”, e.g. “John Doe (personal details) for ACME LLC (details)”.
9.6. The Font Software (or the link to download the same) shall be sent to the User or the Payer
at the contact e-mail address appearing in the Invoice. If the Payer provides the Payer’s e-mail
address to receive the Font Software, the Payer shall forward the e-mail to the User and delete
any existing copy of the Font Software, including from the Payer’s mail server, after obtaining
the User’s consent to the terms and conditions of the License.
9.7. The Payer hereby guarantees to the Licensor the User’s full compliance with the terms and
conditions of this License, and accepts full responsibility and liability to the Licensor for any of
the User’s infringements of the Licensor’s exclusive right and for any use of either Product by
any the User in any manner or extent not authorized by this License. The Payer and the User
shall be jointly and severally liable to the Licensor for any such infringement. This obligation
of the Payer shall remain in full force and effect throughout the entire period of effect of this
License and three years thereafter.
When purchasing a license, you must provide
the necessary information about yourself and
the User: Name, Address, VAT-ID, e-mail.
If you have not specified all or have specified
incorrect data, the User cannot use the font.
If there are not enough fields on our website
or on the distributor’s website to enter
information, use the fields that are available,
such as: «Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich (data of the
person) FOR LLC Camomile» (data of the
The font or download link will be sent to
the e-mail address that you specify. If you
specified your own e-mail address, you need
to forward our email to the User and delete
the font.
You are responsible for the fairness of
the User. If the User violates the terms of
the license, both the User and you will be
10. Author and Copyright Holder Attribution
10.1. The Licensor hereby authorizes the User to use the Font and the Font Software without
indicating the names of the authors and copyright holders thereof where such attribution is
difficult or technically impossible.
10.2. In any other cases and where the output data or copyright holders of other objects are
specified, the credit shall be given to the copyright holder of the Font and/or the Font Software. The copyright holder shall be referred to as specified in the Invoice or the Online Order.
In the absence of such information, the indication is made as follows: «Font name © Brownfoxtype.ru», for example: «Font Gerbera © Brownfox-type.ru». If the Font and/or the Font Software is used in a foreign language, credit to the copyright holder of the Font and/or the Font
Software shall be given to the copyright holder in such language.
10. Indication of the author and
copyright holder
If it is technically impossible or difficult to
specify our copyrights, we allow you not to
do so. For example, when using a font in a
logo. If it is technically possible to specify the
authors, you should do it. For example, in the
output of a book or movie credits. Specify our
copyrights as it is written in the invoice or as
follows: «font name © Brownfox-type.ru», for
example: «Font Gerbera © Brownfox-type.ru».
We have the right to use your works as
examples of font in use.
10.3. The User hereby authorizes the Licensor to use any work created by the User using of the
Font or the Font Software as an example use of the Font in use in the extent justified by such
purpose, in the Licensor’s own portfolio, at any exhibition, performance etc. Such authorization shall be deemed to have been given from the moment the User has created any relevant
11. Warranties
11. Guarantees
11.1. The Licensor represents and warrants that the Licensor has full power and authority to
issue this License and conclude this License Agreement.
The Licensor (Bagdasaryan Gayane
Alexandrovna) has all the rights to grant you a
license for the font.
11.2. The Font and the Font Software are provided “as is” without any express or implied
obligation on the part of the Licensor, including commercial warranties and guarantees of
suitability for any particular use. In no event shall the Licensor be liable for any loss or damage
caused by the use or inability to use the Font and Font Software, or for the provision or failure
to provide any support services related to the use of the Font and Font Software.
11.3. The Licensor’s liability in all cases is limited to actual damage, provided that the amount
of such damage does not exceed one thousand (1,000) rubles.
12. Acquisition of the License through Third Parties
12.1. This License may be acquired from, and the license agreement entered into by way of
acquisition of the authorization to use the Font and/or the Font Software from any authorized third party (each, a “Distributor”). The user agrees that any Distributor cannot authorize
the User use the Font and/or the Font Software in any extent greater than authorized by the
copyright holder to such Distributor. The User understands the risk of any late update of any
of the terms and conditions of the License by any Distributor on such Distributor’s website.
For the avoidance of any such risk, User must ascertain the current status of the License prior
to acquiring the License, on the Licensor’s website at the URL https://brownfox.org/licence/.
The User agrees that any terms and conditions of the License on the Distributor’s website notwithstanding, only the terms and conditions of the License posted on the Licensor’s website as
of the time of acquisition of the License to use the Products are effective and valid.
If our font does not work for you or does not
work as you expected, the Licensor is not
responsible for this and is not obliged to help
you. (Usually we do respond to reports of
technical problems, but the problem is always
on the user’s side. So before you write to us,
try to solve the issue yourself).
In the worst case, the Licensor will pay you no
more than 1000 rubles for the damage.
12. Purchase of a License through
You can purchase a license for our fonts from
distributors, but the terms of the license will
be the same as with us. The distributor can’t
sell you a license on advantageous terms.
If the distributor did not update the license
in time, then the license terms that were
published on our website at that time apply to
your purchase.
13. Applicable Law and Dispute Resolution
13.1. The governing law applicable to this License as the License Agreement and to commerce
in and legal protection of any relevant copies of the Font and any Glyph and the Font Software
is the law of the Russian Federation.
13.2. Font Products are protectable as artwork and as software under the laws of the Russian
Federation. Any use of either the Font Software or the Font as Glyphs and as graphic artwork
by any person must therefore be duly authorized by the Licensor. Each of the Glyphs is an
object of copyright protection.
13.3. The User consents to the above extent of protection of any font works even if the User’s
jurisdiction protects the Font Software only. The User understands that any use of the Font
design not authorized by the Licensor, by any third party registered in any such jurisdiction
may result in claims brought against any such third party, including claims in respect of export
of relevant copies, commerce in products, or accessibility of such images via the Internet
regardless of the location of the hosting server.
13.4. The place of issuance of this License and conclusion of the license agreement by way of
acceptance of the offer shall be deemed to be in Moscow, Russian Federation.
13.5. The place of issuance of this License and conclusion of the license agreement by way of
acceptance of the offer shall be deemed to be in Moscow, Russian Federation even where any
use of the Font and/or the Font Software was authorized through a Distributor.
13.6. The competent courts at the location of the Licensor’s legal representative referred to
below shall have jurisdiction in any matter related to this License and the license agreement.
Any dispute related to the execution, existence or termination of the License and the license
agreement or arising therefrom or related to the use of the Products by the User or the Payer
outside the License shall be referred for resolution to the Moscow City Arbitrazh Court, Moscow Simonovsky District Court or Justice of the Peace Court No. 247 in the Danilovsky District
13. governing law
and settlement of disputes
The license is granted in Russia (Moscow) in
accordance with the legislation of the Russian
Federation. Even if you bought a license from
a distributor, it is considered that you bought
it in Moscow and are subject to Russian laws.
A font work is protected by the law of the
Russian Federation as a work of graphics
(Font) and as a computer program, software
(Font Software). Therefore, both the designer
and the designer’s client must have a license.
Even if in your country the font is protected
by law only as a computer program, you
should still consider the font in accordance
with Russian law.
The law protects the entire font, and every
glyph of the font in its entirety.
All legal disputes are resolved in Moscow.
Anything that is not explicitly allowed is
The license allows only what is written in it.
If other type foundries have similar licenses
that allow something different, this is not
Moscow, depending on whether such dispute is subject to the jurisdiction of the arbitrazh
court, district court, or justice of the peace court.
taken into account. If you need more rights
than the license says, it costs extra money.
13.7. This License shall be interpreted to the effect that any use of either of the Products not
expressly authorized by the License is expressly prohibited.
13.8. This License shall be interpreted to the effect that the Licensor is authorized to determine at the Licensor’s sole discretion the extent of any use of any Product authorized by
each type of license. Any other extent of any use authorized by any other license of the same
name as may be issued by any other copyright holder, shall not affect the interpretation of this
License. The User understands that any larger extent of any authorized use of either Product
may be authorized to the User only for a larger license fee. The license fee, set in the Invoice or
the Online Order, covers only the extent of the use of the Products authorized by this License.
13.9. The User hereby represents that the User uses the Products as part of the User’s professional or business activities not related to the User’s personal or household needs or purposes.
14. General Conditions
14. General Terms and Conditions
14.1. The User may not transfer the Font Software to any third party unless expressly provided
otherwise by the relevant type of License, or transfer the Font Software together with hardware or other software.
You can not transfer font files to anyone,
including transferring the fonts with
computers or programs.
14.2. The User is not authorized to register any industrial design with any Glyph reproduced
thereon, or have the same registered, in the User’s or any other person’s name.
You cannot register the appearance of an
industrial product with the font reproduced
on it.
14.3. The User is not authorized to assign or otherwise transfer any use the Font or the Font
Software authorized by the Licensor to the User to any third party either separately or together with this License or the license agreement. Such transaction shall be considered null
and void. The User is not authorized to issue any sublicense unless expressly provided by this
14.4. The User understands that if the User uses the Font and/or the Font Software without
prior contractual authorization, such non-contractual use will infringe on the Licensor’s exclusive rights thereto. Subsequent acquisition of any relevant license by the User shall not release
the User from any liability for any such earlier committed infringement. The parties may enter
into a separate agreement to settle any issue of any earlier unauthorized use of the Font and/
or the Font Software.
14.5. The User is not authorized to redesign the Font Software, alter or modify the character
composition, or reverse-engineer or otherwise interfere with the Font Software file.
14.6. The user is not authorized to create any derivative font product (a font or font software)
based on the Font or the Font Software. The User is not authorized to redesign any individual
Glyph unless otherwise expressly provided by the License.
You can not transfer the license to anyone,
as well as issue sub-licenses (except for the
«Service» license).
If you bought the license after you started
using the font, you violated the copyright.
This violation can be settled separately.
You cannot change or convert a font file.
You can not alter the work paths of the glyphs
(except for the «Logo» license).
You can’t include the font in another work (for
example in the CD «Best Cyrillic Fonts»).
The license is updated periodically. The terms
and conditions of the version published on
the site at the time of purchase apply to you.
14.7. The User is not authorized to use the Font or the Font Software in composite works.
14.8. The terms and conditions of the version and revision of this License as posted on the
copyright holder’s website as of the time of acquisition of this License are binding on the User.
14.9. If there is any discrepancy between the texts of this License in the Russian language
and its translation into any other language, the Russian language version of the License shall
14.10. If the User proposes to use either Product in any manner not authorized by this License,
the User must enter into a separate license agreement with the Licensor and purchase an additional custom license. Any use of either Product in any manner not expressly authorized by this
License or in an extent exceeding the limits authorized by this License constitutes an infringement of the Licensor’s exclusive right to such Product.
14.11. The User is not authorized to use the Font or the Font Software in any complex objects
unless expressly authorized by this License.
14.12. The User must ensure protection of the Font Software and any existing backup copy of
the Font Software against unauthorized copying or network access not expressly authorized
by this License.
14.13. The User is not authorized to create any product where the form of one or more Glyphs
determines the form of such product in whole or in part, such as any object in the form of any
Glyph character or any element of any Glyph.
14.14. The User is not authorized to use either Product under this License, even if commerce
in such products is legally permitted in any relevant jurisdiction, in respect of such goods,
services and advertising as pornographic products, recreational substances, tobacco products
and weapons.
14.15. Each and every reproduction of any Glyph constitutes a new copy of the Font created as
an artwork. Any reproducer of distributor of any copy of the Product must therefore have the
License in the Russian language has a greater
force than in other languages.
If you use a font in a way that is not described
in the license, you are violating copyright.
To avoid this, you need to sign an individual
contract with us.
You can not use the font in complex objects
(for example, in a movie) (except for licenses
that explicitly allow this).
You must store the font file so that it cannot
be illegally copied or accessed illegally.
You can not create products that repeat the
shape of the font glyphs (for example, an
object in the shape of a letter).
You can not use the font in pornography, in
advertising and packaging of drugs, tobacco
products, weapons.
The font can only be used by the user
specified in the invoice.
Only one person (individual or legal entity)
can be a user. You can’t buy a single license
for multiple entities.
Before purchasing a license, you need to
review the type specimen and make sure that
the font meets your needs.
Licensor’s appropriate authorization for each and every such reproduction or distribution, unless otherwise expressly provided by the License, except where such reproduction or distribution does not exhaust the copyright holder’s rights in respect of any lawfully commercialized
copy of the Product.
14.16. The use of the Font and the Font Software is authorized only to the User named in the
Invoice or in the Online Order.
14.17. The User may only be a single individual or a single legal entity. No multiple persons are
permitted on the part of the User. The use of either Product may is not authorized to several
persons at the same time, including by pooling contributions to the license fee by any such
14.18. The User confirms by agreeing to the License, that the User has been acquainted in advance with the composition of the Glyphs, other properties of the Font and the Font Software,
and the suitability thereof for the purposes of the licensed use.
14.19. This License is deemed to be issued and the license agreement entered into in the
version as posted at https://brownfox.org/licence at the time acceptance or payment of the
Invoice or the Online Order. If the Licensor amends the License, the original version of the
License shall continue to apply to the relations between the parties, except where the Licensor
may make corrective or clarificatory amendment to this License and notify the User thereof by
e-mail. In the absence of any objection given by the User to the Licensor within ten days of the
date of such notice shall constitute the User’s consent to and acceptance of such new version
of this License. Any corrective of clarificatory amendment to this License shall come into full
force and effect upon notice given to the User.
15. Valid Notices Binding
15. legitimate notifications
15.1. Any notice given by the Licensor by e-mail to the User at the User’s e-mail address appearing in the Invoice or the Online Order shall be deemed to be valid and legally binding. Any
such notice shall be deemed given to the User on the day of sending such notice by e-mail
regardless of the actual date of receipt.
What we write to you by e-mail is legally
binding. Documents can be signed by
15.2. Any document signed by the Licensor with any facsimile signature of the Licensor shall
be deemed signed by hand.
16. Personal Data
16. personal data
16.1. The User and the Payer hereby agree and accept the terms and conditions of the License
and hereby give the Licensor their respective consents to processing their personal data by
the Licensor. The Licensor processes personal data for the purposes of execution and performance of this license agreement, keeping records of licenses issued and payments received,
verifying the use of the Licensor’s intellectual property and extent of such use, processing applications and enquiries, and promotion of the Licensor’s intellectual property through direct
contacts using telecommunication.
For our work, we need your personal data:
information that you provide yourself when
purchasing; information about your computer;
bank details. You give us your consent to the
collection and processing of this data for the
entire term of the license plus five years.
16.2. The User and the Payer hereby consent to processing the following personal data: surnames, names, middle names, e-mail addresses, contact telephone numbers; genders; dates of
birth; addresses; any data appearing in the Online Order or the Invoice, such as domain names
of the websites, pages in any social media etc., user data, such as the location; pages visited
on the Licensor’s website; IP addresses; SIDs; MAC addresses, OS types, versions and builds,
browser types, version and builds, types devices used and their screen resolution, etc.; data of
any incoming payments; and bank account details.
We use cookies on our website. You can
opt out of them by changing your browser
16.3. Processing of personal data following will include collection, recording, systematization,
accumulation, storage, update, refinement, modification, extraction, use, blocking, deletion and
destruction. The User’s personal data will be processed for the entire period of effect of this
License and five subsequent years.
16.4. The User and the Payer hereby consent to use any cookies and similar technologies while
visiting the Licensor’s website, but may decline to accept the same by changing the settings of
the web browser.
16.5. The User and the Payer hereby consent to receive from time to time any messages from
the Licensor by e-mail, such as announcements of creation of any new font style and releases
of any new font or fonts update, instructions on specific use of any font, announcements of
any forthcoming promotional action or event of the Licensor or any of its partners, and other
similar messages. The User may decline to receive such messages by notice given to the Licensor by e-mail.
17. Termination of the License and License Agreement; No Refund
17. termination of the license
17.1. This License, once purchased and duly issued, may not be returned and the license
agreement may not be renounced, whereas the Font Software may not be returned before the
expiration of the term of effect of this License. No refund of any money paid as a license fee
will be made by the Licensor.
If you bought a license, you can’t change your
mind and refuse. We do not refund the money.
This can only be done through the courts.
If you have violated the terms of the license,
17.2. This License and the license agreement may be terminated only by judicial procedure
in the competent court having appropriate jurisdiction, referred to in this License, in cases
expressly provided for by the law, except where the User fails to comply with the terms and
conditions of this License or uses either Product otherwise than authorized by this License,
in which case the Licensor may terminate this License and the license agreement out of court
by notice of termination sent by the Licensor at the User’s e-mail address one day before the
date on which such of termination of the License and the license agreement becomes effective. No license fee shall be refunded in such case, and the User shall be obliged to delete all of
the User’s copies of the Font Software and the Font within two days of the date of receipt of
such notice of termination.
we may notify you and cancel it. You will be
required to remove all fonts and stop using
them. The money in this case is also not
If a technical error occurred during the
payment of the license through the site and
the payment failed or was partially completed,
it means that you did not buy the license and
do not have the right to install and use the
17.3. Each of the following actions is deemed to constitute a gross violation of the License: any
use of any font of the Licensor other that authorized by this License; any transfer of the Font
Style or the Font Software to any third party expressly authorized by this License; installation
of the Font Software on more computers than authorized by this License; or uploading the
Font Software on a network and making it available to the public unless expressly authorized
by this License.
17.4. If the Licensor refunds any paid license fee for to technical reasons or under any rules of
the relevant banking or payment system, this License shall not be deemed granted to the User,
the offer not accepted, and any use of either Product by the User unauthorized. In case of any
such refund the User shall immediately delete the Font Software. In case of any such refund,
the Licensor’s costs and expenses of the receipt, processing and refund of such payment shall
be deducted from the amount received by the Licensor.
18. Copyright of the License Protected
18. protection of the license text
18.1. The text of this License is literary work which required of the author investment of creative effort and is protected by copyright. No other licensor may use the text of this License
without the author’s permission.
Other type designers are not allowed to use
this text, either in full or in part.
Legal Representative of the Licensor
The Licensor is represented in any matters related to protection of the Licensor’s intellectual
property by the Licensor’s counsel, Vasily Rozhdestvin Law Offices, 8 Podolskoe Shosse, Bldg.
5, Office 321, Moscow, 115093, Russia; telephone: +7 (495) 181-0508; e-mail: v@rozdestvin.ru;
website: https://rozdestvin.ru.
Gayane Bagdasaryan
Utrechter Str. 28
13347 Berlin, Germany
VAT DE308799934