MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE KYRGYZ REPUBLIC BISHKEK ROYAL METROPOLITAN UNIVERSITY 2020 Образовательное учреждение “Роэль Метрополитен Университет” Факультет «Лечебное дело» Кафедра «Гистологии, Цитологии и Эмбриологии» «СОГЛАСОВАНО» Председатель УМС ОУ “РМУ” ______________________ Ф.И.О. «__»____________20__г. «УТВЕРЖДАЮ» Заведующий кафедрой ___________________ Ф.И.О. «__»____________20__г. Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Гистология, Цитология, Эмбриология» основной образовательной программы по направлению подготовки (специальности) Специальность: 560001 «Лечебное дело» Разработчик: преподаватель Исаев Айбек Сагындыкович 1. EXPLANATORY NOTE The discipline “Histology, Cytology, Embryology” is the basic discipline of the morphological cycle of disciplines of the curriculum for the specialty 560001"General Medicine" 1.1. THE GOALS AND OBJECTIVES OF LEARNING 1. Provide the knowledge, technical skills and experience necessary for residents to competently practice histological review. This includes developing knowledge of basic cellular processes and skills needed to interpret histological data, furtherly necessarily for Pathological examination. 2. Promote effective communication and sharing of expertise with peers and colleagues. 3. Promote the development of investigative skills to better understand normal processes as they apply to normal histological examination. 4. Promote the acquisition of knowledge and provide experience in laboratory direction and management and encourage residents to assume a leadership role in the education of other physicians and allied health professionals. 1.2. PLACE OF THE DISCIPLINE IN THE STRUCTURE OF THE BEP (Basic Educational Program) and HPE (High Professional Education) Prerequisites: Biology, anatomy, organic chemistry Obtained knowledge: Cell biology, basic knowledge of embryology development, tissues differentiation by microscope equipment, human physiology of every human organ on the cellular level To know: How cell development and functioning occurs and define tissue by microscopic review. 1.3. REQUIREMENTS TO RESULTS OF MASTERING THE DISCIPLINE As a result of studying of discipline students should: know: How cell development and functioning occurs and define tissue by microscopic review. to be able to: Use microscope and identify sample with the description of features master skills of: Histological sample preparation with observation. The aim of studying this discipline is to form of students’ general scientific competencies (SC), cultural competencies (CC), professional competencies (PC), instrumental competencies (IC): SC-2 - able to analyze worldview, socially and personally significant problems, basic philosophical categories of self-improvement; SC-5 capable of logical and reasoned analysis, public speech, discussion and debate, to implement educational activities, to cooperate and resolve conflicts; to tolerance; SC-7 - able to use methods of management; to organize the work of the team, to find and make responsible management decisions in the framework of their professional competence; IC-3- is able to use methods of management; to organize the work; to find and make responsible management decisions in the conditions of various opinions in their professional capacity; IC-4 - a willingness to work with information from a variety of sources. CC-2- able and willing to reveal the scientific essence of the problems arising in the course of professional activity of a doctor; CC-3 - able to analyze health information, drawing on the principles of evidential medicine; PC-5- able to work with medical-technical equipment used in work with patients to own the computer equipment to obtain information from various sources, to work with information in global computer networks, to apply the capabilities of modern information technologies for solving professional tasks; PC-6 - able to apply modern information on health indicators at the level of health facilities; PC-27- is ready to explore scientific and medical information, domestic and foreign experience on the subject of the research; 2. Распределение часов дисциплины по семестрам Семестр 1 Итого: 2 Недель 19 Вид занятий УП РПД УП РПД УП РПД Лекции 36 36 18 18 54 54 Практические 54 54 54 54 108 108 В том числе инт. 4 4 5 5 9 9 Итого аудиторных 90 90 72 72 162 162 Контактная 90 90 72 72 162 162 Самост. работа 16 16 16 16 32 32 18 18 18 18 108 108 210 210 18 Часы на контроль Итого: 108 108 37 Код занятия 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.11 Наименование разделов и тем /вид Семестр / Часов занятия/ Курс Раздел 1. Цитология и эмбриология Вводная. История развития гистологии. микроскопическая техника /Лек/ Вводная. История развития гистологии. микроскопическая техника /Пр/ Цитология. Клетки и неклеточные живые структуры. Органоиды включения клетки. /Лек/ Цитология. Клетки и неклеточные структуры. Органоиды включения клетки /Пр/ Ядро клетки. Хромосомы. деление клетки (митоз, амитоз, мейоз). Половые клетки. /Пр/ Ядро клетки. Хромосомы. деление клетки (митоз, амитоз, мейоз). Половые клетки. /Лек/ Строение клеточной оболочки. Мембранные органоиды клетки. Структура компонентов ядра. Митоз, эндомитоз /Ср/ Оплодотворение. Дробление и образование бластулы. Типы гаструляций. /Лек/ Оплодотворение. Дробление и образование бластулы. Типы гаструляций. /Пр/ Дифференцировка мезодермы и образование осевых органов, отделение зародыша от внезародышевых органов. /Лек/ Дифференцировка мезодермы и образование осевых органов, отделение зародыша от внезародышевых органов. /Пр/ 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 3 2 3 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 3 Примечание 1.12 1.13 Этапы эмбриологенеза. Особенности эмб.развития человека. Внезародышевые органы. плацента /Ср/ КТОР 1 /Пр/ 2 4 2 3 Раздел 2. Общая гистология 2.1 Эпителиальная ткань /Лек/ 2 2 2.2 Эпителиальная ткань. Экзокриновые железы (простые и сложные), типы секреции. /Пр/ Дифференцировка тканей /Ср/ 2 3 2 4 2.4 Экзокриновые железы (простые и сложные), типы секреции. /Лек/ 2 1 2.5 Кровь и лимфа /Лек/ 2 2 2.6 Кровь и лимфа /Пр/ 2 3 2.7 Кроветворение /Лек/ 2 2 2.8 Кроветворение /Пр/ 2 3 2.9 2 2 2 3 2.11 Соединительная ткань. Собсбвенносоединительная ткань (рыхлая, плотная). Соединительная ткань со спец.свойствами. /Лек/ Соединительная ткань. Собсвенносоединительная ткань (рыхлая, плотная). Соединительная ткань со спец.свойствами. /Пр/ Хрящевая ткань и костная ткань /Лек/ 2 1 2.12 Хрящевая ткань /Пр/ 2 3 2.14 Костная ткань /Пр/ 2 3 2.15 Мышечная ткань /Лек/ 2 2 2.16 Мышечная ткань /Пр/ 2 3 2.17 Нервная ткань (развитие, состав) /Лек/ 2 2 2.18 Нервная ткань /Пр/ 2 3 2.3 2.10 2.19 Нервная ткань (нервные окончания) /Лек/ 2 2 2.20 КТОР 2 /Пр/ 2 3 3.1 Раздел 3. Частная гистология. Нейроэндокринная система Нервная система /Лек/ 2 2 3.2 Нервная система /Пр/ 2 3 3.3 Морфофункциональная зрелость нейронов ЦНС /Ср/ 2 5,7 3.4 Первично-чувствующие орган чувств и вторично-чувствующие органы чувств /Лек/ Первично-чувствующие орган чувств /Пр/ 2 2 2 3 3.7 Вторично-чувствующие органы чувств /Пр/ 2 3 3.8 Сердечно-сосудистая система /Лек/ 2 2 3.9 /КрТО/ 2 0,3 3.10 /Зачёт/ 2 0 3.11 Сердечно-сосудистая система /Пр/ 2 3 3.12 Эндокринная система /Лек/ 2 3 3.13 Эндокринная система /Пр/ 2 3 3.14 Органы кроветворения и иммунной защиты /Лек/ 2 2 3.15 Органы кроветворения и иммунной защиты /Пр/ 2 3 3.16 Диагностическое занятие /Пр/ 2 3 3 2 3.5 4.1 Раздел 4. Частная гистология. Пищеварительная система Ротовая полость(язык, слюнные железы, зубы) /Лек/ 4.2 Язык, слюнные железы /Пр/ 3 3 4.3 Развитие и строение зуба /Пр/ 3 3 4.4 Строение пищеварительной трубки /Лек/ 3 3 4.5 Строение пищеварительной трубки /Пр/ 3 3 4.6 3 3 4.7 Эндокринная система, местный эндокринный аппарат органов пищеварительной системы /Ср/ Печень и поджелудочная железа /Лек/ 3 2 4.8 Печень и поджелудочная железа /Пр/ 3 3 4.9 3 3 4.10 Физиологическая регенерация печени. Эндокринный аппарат поджелудочной железы /Ср/ КТОР 3 /Пр/ 3 3 5.1 Раздел 5. Частная гистология. Мочеполовая система Дыхательная система /Лек/ 3 2 5.2 Дыхательная система /Пр/ 3 3 5.3 Кожа и ее производные /Лек/ 3 2 5.4 Кожа и ее производные /Пр/ 3 3 5.5 Выделительная система /Лек/ 3 2 5.6 Выделительная система /Пр/ 3 3 5.7 Функциональная зрелость нефрона. Теория мочеобразования /Ср/ 3 3 5.8 Мужская половая система /Пр/ 3 3 5.9 Мужская половая система /Лек/ 3 2 5.10 Особенности развития половой системы по женскому и мужскому типу /Ср/ 3 3 5.11 Женская половая система(Яичник, менструально-овариальный цикл) /Лек/ 3 2 5.12 Женская половая система (яичник, МОЦ) /Пр/ 3 3 5.13 Женская половая система (яйцеводы, матка) /Пр/ 3 3 5.14 Женская половая система (яйцеводы, матка) /Лек/ 3 2 5.15 Эндо-и экзогенные факторы, влияющие на половое развитие /Ср/ 3 3 5.16 КТОР 4 /Пр/ 3 3 5.17 Эмбриогенез человека, плацента /Лек/ 3 3 5.18 Эмбриогенез человека /Пр/ 3 3 5.19 Критические периоды эмбрионального развития человека /Ср/ 3 3 5.20 Плацента /Пр/ 3 3 5.21 /КрЭк/ 3 0,5 5.22 /Экзамен/ 3 8,5 1. DIDACTIC MATERIALS FOR CURRENT, MIDTERM AND FINAL CONTROLS 1. LIST OF QUESTIONS TO THE 1ST MODULE 1. What type of tissue lines the bladder? a. Simple squamous epithelium b. Transitional epithelium c. Simple columnar epithelium d. Stratified squamous epithelium 2. What type of tissue lines most ducts? a. Simple squamous epithelium b. Simple cuboidal epithelium c. Simple columnar epithelium d. Stratified squamous epithelium 3. What type of epithelium is associated with goblet cells? a. Simple squamous epithelium b. Simple cuboidal epithelium c. Simple columnar epithelium d. Pseudostratified epithelium 4. What type of epithelial cells are as tall as they are wide? a. Simple b. Stratified c. Squamous d. Cuboidal 5. What do you call the simple squamous epithelium that lines the blood vessels? a. Epithelioid tissue b. Mesothelium c. Endothelium d. Transitional 6. What cell type makes up the mucosa of the gallbladder? a. Simple squamous epithelium b. Simple cuboidal epithelium c. Simple columnar epithelium d. Stratified squamous epithelium 7. Which of the following is lined by a serosa? a. Genitourinary tract b. Peritoneal cavity c. Respiratory tract d. Alimentary canal 8. What type of gland secretes its product through a duct or tube? a. Endocrine gland b. Multicellular gland c. Exocrine gland d. All of the above 9. What is a gland called if the secretory portion is flask shaped? a. Simple gland b. Compound gland c. Tubular d. Alveolar 10. What forms the brush border? a. Microvilli b. Stereocilia c. Cilia d. Both a and b 11. What type of epithelium forms the epidermis? a. Simple squamous epithelium b. Simple columnar epithelium c. Stratified squamous epithelium d. Pseudostratified epithelium 12. What type of tissue lines most of the gastrointestinal tract? a. Simple columnar epithelium b. Stratified squamous epithelium c. Simple squamous epithelium d. Simple cuboidal epithelium 13. What type of tissue forms the alveoli in the lung? a. Simple columnar epithelium b. Simple cuboidal epithelium c. Simple squamous epithelium d. Stratified squamous epithelium 14. What type of epithelium is composed of flat cells? a. Simple b. Stratified c. Squamous d. Cuboidal 15. What do you call the simple squamous epithelium that lines the abdominal cavity? a. Epithelioid tissue b. Mesothelium c. Endothelium d. Transitional 16. What type of epithelium is composed of cells which all touch the basement membrane and is only one cell layer thick? a. Stratified squamous epithelium b. Transitional epithelium c. Stratified cuboidal epithelium d. Pseudostratified epithelium 17. Which of the following is NOT lined by a mucosa? a. Genitourinary tract b. Pericardial cavity c. Respiratory tract d. All of the above are lined by a mucosa 18. What is a gland called if it has an branched duct? a. Simple gland b. Compound gland c. Tubular d. Alveolar 19. What are finger like projections on the surface of some cells called? a. Microvilli b. Stereocilia c. Cilia d. Keratinization 20. What cell surface modification is made of microtubules? a. Microvilli b. Stereocilia c. Cilia d. Keratinization 21. Which of the following is NOT primarily composed of connective tissue? a. Blood b. Bone c. Tendon d. Myometrium 22. Which of the following is NOT a fiber found in connective tissue? a. Collagen fiber b. Elastic fiber c. Reticular fiber d. Purkinje fiber 23. Which connective tissue cell type contains properties of smooth muscle cells? a. Fibroblast b. Myofibroblast c. Histiocyte d. Plasma cell 24. Which cell is a connective tissue macrophage? a. Kupffer cells b. Histiocyte c. Dust cell d. Langerhans cell 25. Which of the following can be classified as "specialized connective tissue"? a. Mesenchyme b. Mucous connective tissue c. Blood d. Loose connective tissue 26. Which of the following can be classified as "embryonic connective tissue"? a. Cartilage b. Mucous connective tissue d. Adipose tissue d. Bone 27. What type of tissue makes up the dermis of the skin? a. Mucous connective tissue b. Dense regular connective tissue c. Loose irregular connective tissue d. Dense irregular connective tissue 28. What type of adipose tissue tends to increase as humans age? a. Multilocular adipose tissue b. White adipose tissue c. Unilocular adipose tissue d. Both b and c 29. Which of the following would be best suited to differentiate collagen fibers from other fibers? a. Wright's stain b. Hematoxylin and eosin stain. c. Silver impregnation d. Masson's trichrome stain 30. What type of epithelium forms the epidermis? a. Simple squamous epithelium b. Simple cuboidal epithelium c. Simple columnar epithelium d. Stratified squamous epithelium 31. What type of tissue lines most of the gastrointestinal tract? a. Simple squamous epithelium b. Transitional epithelium c. Simple columnar epithelium d. Stratified squamous epithelium 32. What type of tissue forms the alveoli in the lung? a. Simple squamous epithelium b. Simple cuboidal epithelium c. Pseudostratified epithelium d. Stratified squamous epithelium 33. What type of epithelium is composed of flat cells? a. Simple b. Stratified c. Squamous d. Cuboidal 34. What do you call the simple squamous epithelium that lines the abdominal cavity? a. Epithelioid tissue b. Mesothelium c. Endothelium d. Transitional 35. What type of epithelium is composed of cells which all touch the basement membrane and is only one cell layer thick? a. Stratified squamous epithelium b. Pseudostratified epithelium c. Stratified cuboidal epithelium d. None of the above 36. Which of the following is NOT lined by a mucosa? a. Genitourinary tract b. Pericardial cavity c. Respiratory tract d. Alimentary canal 37. What is a gland called if it has an branched duct? a. Simple gland b. Compound gland c. Tubular d. Alveolar 38. What are finger like projections on the surface of some cells called? a. Microvilli b. Stereocilia c. Cilia d. Keratinization 39. What cell surface modification is made of microtubules? a. Microvilli b. Stereocilia c. Cilia d. Keratinization e. Both a and b 40. Which of the following is NOT primarily composed of connective tissue? a. Blood b. Bone c. Myometrium d. Intervertebral disc 41. Which of the following is NOT a fiber found in connective tissue? a. Collagen fiber b. Elastic fiber c. Reticular fiber d. Purkinje fiber 42. Which connective tissue cell type contains properties of smooth muscle cells? a. Fibroblast b. Myofibroblast c. Histiocyte d. Plasma cell 43. Which cell is a connective tissue macrophage? a. Kupffer cells b. Histiocyte c. Dust cell d. Langerhans cell 44. Which of the following can be classified as "specialized connective tissue"? a. Mesenchyme b. Mucous connective tissue c. Dense connective tissue d. Blood 45. Which of the following can be classified as "embryonic connective tissue"? a. Cartilage b. Mucous connective tissue d. Adipose tissue d. Bone 46. What type of tissue makes up the dermis of the skin? a. Mucous connective tissue b. Mesenchyme c. Loose irregular connective tissue d. Dense irregular connective tissue 47. What type of adipose tissue tends to increase as humans age? a. Brown adipose tissue b. White adipose tissue c. Unilocular adipose tissue d. Both b and c 48. Which of the following would be best suited to differentiate collagen fibers from other fibers? a. Masson's trichrome stain b. Hematoxylin and eosin stain c. Sudan stain d. Silver impregnation 49. Which of the following is NOT primarily composed of connective tissue? a. Bone marrow b. Articular cartilage c. Heart d. Mesenchyme 50. Which one of these cells is not a cell type routinely found in loose connective tissue? a. Fibroblast b. Microglia c. Histiocyte d. Plasma cell 51. Which connective tissue cell is a tissue macrophage? a. Fibroblast b. Myofibroblast c. Histiocyte d. Plasma cell 52. Which of the following can be classified as "specialized connective tissue"? a. Cartilage b. Loose connective tissue c. Mesenchyme d. Dense connective tissue 53. Which of the following can be classified as "connective tissue proper"? a. Adipose tissue b. Dense irregular connective tissue c. Bone d. Blood 54. What type of tissue is Wharton's jelly? a. Mucous connective tissue b. Mesenchyme c. Loose irregular connective tissue d. Dense irregular connective tissue 55. What type of tissue is a tendon composed of? a. Mucous connective tissue b. Dense regular connective tissue c. Loose irregular connective tissue d. Dense irregular connective tissue 56. What does connective tissue develop from? a. Mesothelium b. Mesenchyme c. Mesangial cells d. Mesentery 57. What color do elastic fibers stain with Verhoeff Elastic stain? a. Red/Orange b. Pink/red c. Purple/Red d. Blue/black 58. Which of the following is a component of the ground substance? a. Hyaluronic acid b. Proteoglycans c. Glycosaminoglycans d. All of the above 59. Which of the following is NOT primarily composed of connective tissue? a. Spinal cord b. Pubic symphysis c. Ligament d. Areolar tissue 60. Which connective tissue cell type produces the ground substance in connective tissue? a. Fibroblast b. Myofibroblast c. Histiocyte d. Plasma cell 2. LIST OF QUESTIONS TO THE 2ND MODULE 1. EXAM QUESTIONS: I SEMESTER 1. Epithelial tissue. Functions. Special features. Location of epithelium in different body organs. 2. Epithelial cell. Polarity of the epithelial cell. Structure, features and function of basal and lateral domains. Basement membrane 3. Epithelial cell. Polarity of the epithelial cell. Apical domain. Apical domain modification 4. Classification of epithelial tissue. Simple squamous epithelia. Simple cuboidal epithelium. Structure, location of appearance. 5. Classification of epithelia. Simple columnar epithelia. Pseudostratified epithelium. Structure, location of appearance. 6. Classification of epithelial tissue. Transitional epithelia. Stratified Squamous epithelia. Structure, location of appearance. 7. Glandular epithelium. Exocrine and endocrine glands. Define differences, show examples of endocrine and exocrine gland. Composition and function of its secretion. 8. Classification of exocrine glands. Simple tubular, Simple coiled tubular, branched tubular glands. Their structure, location of appearance. 9. Classification of exocrine glands. Simple acinar, branched acinar glands. Their structure, location of appearance. 10. Classification of exocrine glands. Comopound tubular, compound acinar, compound tubuloacinar glands. Their structure, location of appearance. 11. Merocrine mechanism of secretion. Explain mechanism. Show location 12. Apocrine mechanism of secretion. Explain mechanism. Show location 13. Holocrine mechanism of secretion. Explain mechanism. Show location 14. Plasma of blood. Plasma proteins. Define difference between plasma and serum 15. Plasma of blood. Organic and inorganic components. Composition. Function. 16. Erythrocyte’s function, structure and recycling 17. Granulocytes. Neutrophils. Morphology. Functions. Composition of granules 18. Granulocytes. Basophils. Morphology. Functions. Composition of granules 19. Granulocytes. Eosinophils. Morphology. Functions. Composition of granules 20. Agranulocytes. Monocytes. Morphology. Functions. Development 21. Agranulocytes. Lymphocytes. Morphology. Functions. Development 22. Three phases of blood formation. Yolk sac phase. 23. Three phases of blood formation. Fetal and bone marrow phase 24. Monophyletic theory of hemopoiesis. Name main branches of hemopoiesis 25. Lymphoid branch of hemopoiesis. Maturation of lymphocytes. 26. Myeloid branch of hemopoiesis. CFU-GM. Granulocyte maturation 27. Myeloid branch of hemopoiesis. MEP. Erythropoiesis. Developmental stages from proerythroblast until erythrocyte 28. Myeloid branch of hemopoiesis. MEP. Thrombopoiesis 29. Regulation of hemopoiesis. 30. Connective tissue proper. Composition. Classification. 31. Connective tissue proper. Fibers of connective tissue. Elastic and reticular fibers. 32. Connective tissue proper. Fibers of connective tissue. Collagen fibers. 33. Cells of connective tissue. Residence cells. Morphology, function and location of fibroblast 34. Cells of connective tissue. Residence cells. Classification, morphology, function and location of adipocytes. 35. Cells of connective tissue. Migratory cells. Classification, morphology and function of mast cell. Function of eosinophils in connective tissue 36. Cells of connective tissue. Migratory cells. Classification, morphology and function of macrophage and lymphocytes. Cellular immunity 37. Cells of connective tissue. Migratory cells. Classification, morphology, function and development of plasma cell. Humoral immunity 38. Cartilages. Composition of cartilages. Classification. 39. Hyaline cartilage. Structure, special features, appearance. 40. Hyaline cartilage. Articular surface, epiphyseal plate, correlated diseases 41. Elastic cartilage. Structure, special features, appearance, location 42. Fibrous cartilage. Structure, special features, appearance, location 43. Structures of cartilage. Perichondrium. Lacunae. Isogenous group. 44. Chondrogenesis. Types of cartilage growth. 45. Bone. Woven and lamellar bone structure. Structure of osteon 46. Cells of bone. Explain function of every cell of the bone 47. Bone’s extracellular matrix. Structure, formation. 48. Haversian system of bone. Compact and spongy bone 49. Bone growth in epiphyseal plate. Show and explain zones. Explain functions. 50. Types of ossification. Intramembranous and endochondral ossification 51. Structure of striated muscles. Define filaments, fibrils, fibers, fascicles. Name their coverings. 52. Structure of striated muscle fibrils. Explain process of muscle contraction according to changes in muscle fiber. 53. Explain neuromuscular junction. Structure and role of triads in muscle excitement 54. Cardiac muscle structure. Define differences between cardiac and skeletal muscles. 55. Cardiac muscle structure. Intercalated disc. Define differences between cardiac and smooth muscles. 56. Smooth muscle structure. Location. Regulation of the smooth muscle contraction. 57. Nervous tissue. Structure of neuron. Classification of neurons. 58. Synapse. Classification of synapses. Explain the synaptic signal transmission. 59. Classification of neuroglial cells. Explain location and function of every glial cell you know. 60. Connective tissue investments of nervous tissue. Connective tissue in CNS, connective tissue in PNS. 2. EXAM QUESTIONS: II SEMESTER 1. Adrenal gland. Sources of development. Structure, histophysiology of cortex and medulla. 2. Alimentary canal. General plan of construction of the wall. 3. Large salivary glands. Classification, development. Parotid gland, the structure, functions. 4. Large salivary glands. General characteristics. Submandibular and sublingual salivary glands. 5. Teeth. General plan of structure. Dentin. Development, structure, and function. 6. Digestive canal. General plan of structure of the wall. Pharynx and esophagus. Its structureand function 7. Stomach. General morphofunctional characteristic. Sources of development. The features ofthe structure of the different parts. Innervation and vascularization. Regeneration. The agechanges. 8. Glands of the stomach. Their morphological and functional characteristics in different partsof the organ. 9. The small intestine. Development. General morphofunctional characteristic. Histophysiologyof crypt-villus system. 10. Colon. General morphofunctional characteristic. Source of development. Structure,regeneration, age-related changes. 11. Alimentary canal. General plan of structure of the wall. Morphofunctional characteristics ofthe endocrine apparatus. 12. Appendix. General morphofunctional characteristic. 13. Liver. General morphofunctional characteristic. The structure of hepatocytes, perisinusoidaladipocytes and wall of the sinusoids. 14. Liver. General morphofunctional characteristic. Sources of development. The structure of theclassical liver lobule. The concept of the hepatic acini and portal lobules. Regeneration. 15. Pancreas. Development. General plan of structure. Histophysiology, regeneration, agerelatedchanges. 16. Pancreas. Development. General plan of structure. The exocrine part of its structure andfunction. 17. Skin. Structure and sources of development. Features of the structure of thin skin. 18. Skin. Source of development. Structure and function. Physiological regeneration of epidermis. 19. Structural features of the thick skin.The derivatives of the skin (hair, nails, glands). Structure and function of hair. Changing ofhair. 20. The respiratory system. Morphofunctional characteristics. Respiratory and non-respiratoryfunction of airways. Structure and function of the lining of the nasal cavity. 21. The respiratory system. Morphofunctional characteristics. Airways. Sources of development.Structure and function of trachea and bronchi. 22. Lungs. Morphofunctional characteristic. Sources of development. Structure of respiratoryportion. Blood-air barrier. Features of blood supply. Age-related changes. 23. Structure and histophysiology of lung acinus. 24. Urinary system. Its morpho-functional characteristics. Kidney. Sources and main stages ofdevelopment. Structure and features of the blood supply. 25. Kidney. The structure and functional significance of cortical and subcortical nephrons. 26. Kidney. General plan of structure. Endocrine apparatus of kidney. The structure and function. 27. Urinary tract. Development. The structure and functional significance. Mucosal epithelium(urothelium). 28. Testis. Structure. Fetal and Postnatal histogenesis. Spermatogenesis and its regulation. 29. Seminiferous way and supporting glands of the male reproductive system. Epididymis. 30. Seminal vesicles. Prostate. The structure, function. Age changes. 31. Ovary. Fetal and Postnatal histogenesis. Oogenesis and its regulation. 32. Ovary. Fetal and Postnatal histogenesis. General plan of structure. Endocrine function ofovary. Age-related changes. 33. Cardio-vascular system. Morphofunctional characteristics. Classification of vessels. 34. Dependence of the structure of the vascular wall on hemodynamic conditions. 35. Artery. Classification of types and their morphofunctional characteristics. Artery of muscular type. 36. Artery. Classification of types and their morphofunctional characteristics. Artery of elastic and muscular-elastic types. Age-related changes. 37. Blood capillaries. Structure. The main types of capillaries. The notion of histo-hematic barriers. 38. Vein. Classification. Development, structure, and function. Dependence of the structure on hemodynamic conditions. 39. Lymphatic vessels. Morphofunctional characteristics. Sources of development. 40. Heart. General plan of structure of the wall. Myocardium. Morphofunctional characteristic of contractile and conductive cardiomyocytes. 41. Heart. Sources of development. Histogenesis. General plan of the strucrure of the wall. Endocardium. 42. Red and yellow bone marrow. Structure and function. Features of postembryonic hematopoiesis in the red bone marrow. The interaction of stromal and gemopoeti-chemical elements. 43. Organs of hematopoiesis and immune defense. Thymus. The structural and functional significance. Features of postembryonic Hematopoiesis in thymus. T-and B-zones. 44. Organs of hematopoiesis and immune defense. Spleen. Structure and functional value. 45. The endocrine system. Classification of the endocrine glands. The concept of the target cells and receptors for hormones. The endocrine system.Classification of the endocrine glands. Characteristics of single 46. Uterus. Development. Structure and function. Cyclic changes, hormonal regulation. Agerelatedchanges. 47. The Organs of the female reproductive system. Fallopian tubes and vagina. Changesthroughout the ovarian-menstrual cycle, their hormonal regulation. 48. Mammary gland. Development, structure, and function. Hormonal regulation of mammarygland. 49. Nervous system. General morphofunctional characteristic. Classification. Sources ofdevelopment. 50. Spinal cord. Morphofunctional characteristics. Development. The structure of gray and whitematter. Neural structure. Ascending and descending pathways of the spinal cord. 51. Sensory ganglia. The structure, functions and relationships. 52. Autonomic (vegetative) nervous system. The structure of the extra-and intramural ganglions. 53. Classification of neurocytes by A.S.Dogiel. 54. Peripheral nerve. Structure and functional characteristics. Cyto-and myeloarhitectonics of 55. neocortex. Age-related changes. 56. Eye. Embryonic development. General plan of structure. Morphofunctional characteristics ofthe cornea and lens. 57. Eye. The structure of the retina. Histophysiological characteristic ofphotoreceptor cells. 58. Eye. Embryonic development. The retina of the visual, ciliary and iris parts.Histophysiological characteristic of photoreceptor cells. 59. The organ of hearing. Source of development. The structure of the outer, middle and inner ear. 60. Organ of equilibrium and vibration. Sources of development. Structure and histophysiology. 10. EVALUATION CRITERIA Current control and final control (exam). The knowledge of the student, his rating is evaluated on a 100 scores scale. The rating of current and boundary control is 40 scores (20 scores for the 1st module and 20 scores for module the 2nd), the remaining 60 scores is obtained at the final control. The ongoing monitoring involves systematic monitoring of student work in each class during the period of the semester: - attendance in class by the student; - student’s activities in the classroom; - preparation for the classes; - mastering of studied theoretical material, etc. Midterm control of student’s progress is carried out twice a semester according to the approved schedule of the modules. Midterm control is carried out by an Independent inspection of AsMI. Midterm control summarizes current control; midterm control is carried out of the remaining 10 scores in a written test on the topics of the discipline of the current module. Interpreting of 20 scores into mark during current\midterm controls Scale (of 20 scores) 0-5 5-10 10-15 15-20 Mark «2» (failed) «3» (satisfactory) «4» (good) «5» (excellent) Final control is carried out by exam cards, which, as a rule, should consist of three questions (tasks). Each question is worth 20 scores. It is recommended to use following evaluation criteria of students’ knowledge on the exam (pass-fail test): Evaluation criteria of students’ knowledge on the exam (pass-fail test) out of 60 scores Oral questioning Evaluation criteria one question (20 scores) Quantity of scores 1. The existence of a plan for response 0–4 2. Implementation of the plan during the response 0–4 3. Completeness of response 0–4 4. Culture of speech, using professional 0–4 terminology, confidence 0–4 5. Making examples The preparation time for is 15-20 minutes. The response time is 10 minutes. Student who gained on current control and midterm control, as the result of two modules: less than 30 scores – fails and is not permitted to final control; 30 scores and more – shall pass final control; The final module-rating estimation on discipline is exposed by the results of two control modules and final control: the first module, which is given 20 scores out of a 100 score-scale assessment of students’ knowledge; the second module, which is given 20 scores out of a 100 score-scale assessment of students’ knowledge; the final control, which is given 60 scores out of 100 score-scale assessment of students’ knowledge. Integral evaluation Current / midterm control 1 module Final control 2 module current midterm current midterm 10 scores 10 scores 10 scores 10 scores 60 scores Integrated assessment out of 100 points Interval interpreting of a 100-score rating evaluation into an academic mark Rating score (100 scores) pass-fail from 85 to 100 from 70 to 84 from 55 to 69 passed from 0 to 54 failed Academic mark «5» (excellent) «4» (good) «3» (satisfactory) «2» (failed) 11. REFERENCES 11.1. List of main references: Digital Histology. An Review Text. Alice S. Pakurar, Ph.D. Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology Virginia Commonwealth University Richmond, Virginia John W. Bigbee, Ph.D. Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology Virginia Commonwealth University. Richmond, Virginia. Histology A Text and Atlas With Correlated Cell and Molecular Biology. Michael H. Ross, PhD (deceased) Professor and Chairman Emeritus Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology University of Florida College of Medicine Gainesville, Florida Wojciech Pawlina, MD, FAAA Professor of Anatomy and Medical Education Fellow of the American Association of Anatomists Chair, Department of Anatomy Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Director of Procedural Skills Laboratory Mayo Clinic College of Medicine Rochester, Minnesota 11.2. List of additional references: Textbook of HUMAN HISTOLOGY (With Colour Atlas & Practical Guide) SIXTH EDITION INDERBIR SINGH. 11.3. List of recommended references: 11.4. Internet resources: - for recent research study, - for recent embryology data