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The implant
Completed the presentation
Khametov Vladislav, student
of group 171
Implants are a biocompatible titanium structure designed to fix artificial
teeth made of ceramic or silicone rubber, which will replace lost teeth.
New artificial teeth should perform
three functions:
1) Aesthetic function. Crowns or fixed
bridges replace the missing tooth and
improve the aesthetics of the smile.
2) Occlusive function. New teeth
promote food chewing, which improves
digestion and reduces excessive stress
on adjacent teeth.
3) Biological function. Implants prevent
adjacent teeth from moving and tilting
towards the missing tooth.
The implant consists of three parts:
Root part: this is the device of the implant itself, which is inserted into the bone.
Abutment: This is the part that connects the implant body to the crown.
Crown: This is the visible part of the implant that provides its functionality and aesthetics.
Types of implants:
Cone - shaped models are the most popular, as they correspond to the anatomical
characteristics, lamellar, sub-periosteal and combined.
Diseases around the implant that occur as a result of food
residues put dental implants at risk, so it is extremely
important to maintain proper hygiene with the following
devices: a regular or electric toothbrush, dental floss and
The period of osseointegration of implants lasts three
months. However, if it is necessary to perform a
regenerative procedure (horizontal or vertical), this
period can be extended to nine months.
After the implant is installed, inflammation may appear, and in some cases, a
hematoma. After this stage, the stitches are removed, and the risk of infection is
reduced. Complications in the later stages after osseointegration occur due to
displacement or fracture of the implant and infections.
Prevention is the key to keeping healthy implants in your mouth.
The cost of the implant and the implantation
procedure itself in Russia is quite high, on average
it is 25 thousand rubles.
Thank you for your attention