ffi ffi *, -".*; €-z t* --, -t= ffi w % ffi :3 *:', 7, ffi ffi #r rlr ffi David Riley Rod Fricker Pearson Education Limlted, Edinburgh Gate, Harlow Essex, CM20 2JE, Engiand and Associated Companies throughout the world rn.vwr,'.longman. com O Pearson Education Limited 2007 ALI ri,ghts v'eserued. No Ttart oJ thi,s pttbLication may be reproduced, stored 'in a retri,eual systern, or t'ra'nsrni,tted i'n a'n,y Jortn or by any mearls) e Le ct r onic, me c hart i c ctL, p hoto c op ;q irL g, re c o rd'irtg o r o t he'rw i s e u i,thout tLLe pri,o'r u,tritte'n Ttenni,ssiorL of the copyri,gLtt hoLders. The right of Davld Riley, Rod Fricker and Dominika Szmerdt to be identified as the authors of this work have been asserted bv them in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988. First published2007 Thlrd impression 2008 Set in 10.5/11.5pt ITC Century Printed in Maia5rsia, WP ISBN 978-0-5828-55472 (Pack) ISBN 978-0-5828-53829 rWB) rsBN 978-0-5828-55441 (CD) Designed by Mick Harris Illustrated by: Yane Christiansen; Matthew Dickin; Tony Richardson; David Semple and Kath \Valker Acknowledgements The publishers w-ould like to thank Charlotte Rolfe for her invaluable comrnents on the manuscript. 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Picture research by Am ThomsorL Every effort has been made to trace the copyright holders and we apologlse in aclvance for anv unintentional omissions. We would be pleased to insert the appropriate acknou'ledgement in any subsequent edition of this publication. # ffi = David Riley Rod Fricker GONTENTS o Exam strategies 1 Unit 2 Unit t) Making contact A day in the life 1 Units 1-2 Self-Assessment Test 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6 7 UnitB 18 20 A job for life? 26 2 Units 3-4 oo oa Home sweet home 34 Eat to live 40 Self-Assessment Test Unit T2 Same or different? Self-Assessment Test Unit o 3 Units 5-6 46 Now and then 48 Makeadifference 54 Self-Assessment Test 4 Units 7-B 60 Unit 9 Following fashion 62 Unit 10 stuff dot com 6B Self-Assessment Test 5 Units 9-10 11 Time for a break! Unit 12 Healthy body ... Unit Self-Assessment Test 6 Units L7-12 13 It's a small world Unit 14 Who cares? Unit Self-Assessment Test 7 Units I3-I4 74 76 82 88 90 96 702 Self-Assessment Tests Answer Key r04 Self-Assessment Tests Tapescripts 105 I'unctions Bank r07 EXAM STRATEGIES The Szccess Workbook, provides practice u'rth esercise types found in exams including PET, KET, FCE and Trinity. These exercises are graded to elementary level to help students famrliarrse themselves with the exercise t5,pes. Page numbers u-here these exercises appear are next to each task trpe. Mosl exams consist of a listening comprehension, a reading comprehension, grammar exercises/Use of English and (a) r.lriting task(s). The Success Workbook inciudes exercises that wi11help you to prepare for all these. Follow these to help you do particular task t1pes. Listening comprehension General guidelinss Always . . . read the inslrucl ions carefully before list-enLng to a recorcling for the first trne. Tly to predict what kind of information you mioht harr look aL Lhe questions and mark your answers when listening for the l'irst time. read Lhrough all the queslions again before the second listening, in parlicular, the questions you didn't answer during the first irslerunp. Don't . . . panic if you don't understand every'1hing. You don't have to understand the whole text to be able to lind the correct answers lo a question. Tfy to gel the main idea of a text and work out the meaning of words you don't know lrom the contexl. spend Loo much time Lhinking aboul queslions you are nol able to answer - you can come back to those during your second Isterung. leave any questions unanswered. If you are not surc - guess. You have a fifty percent it right! In class, ask your teacher for the correct answers. Il they differ chance of getting a lot from yours, listen to the recording once more to analyse the reason for your mistake. Thue/False exercises (page22, exercise 2) . Remember that you will hear the questions/ sentences in the order you hear them. o When deciding whether a sentence is true or false, take into account what you actualiy hear and not what you know or think. o A sentence/question at the very end may refer to a speaker's intention or the generai context. In oeneral it is imnnrtant to refer to the whole LL r ur, DLr recordmg. Multiple-choice exercises (page 37, exercise 1) Remember that you will hear the questions/ sentences in the order you hear them. . While listening for the first time, make notes of suggested answers. Then compare them to the choices you have been given and choose the most similar. . Be careful with answers that sound exactly the same as the information in the recording. They are often incorrect. Pay special attention to s)monyrns and anton5.ans. . Sometimes the information needed to answer a question is not drrectly given, you may have to work il out on the basis of what you have heard. If you are not sure which answer is correct, try to choose it by eliminating the incorrect answers. . Matching exercises (page 51, exercise 1) o If you have to find out who a person is or where a recording lakes place, concentrate on typical . . phrases which relate to the person or place. Sometimes one characteristrc phrase will help you choose the right answer. If an exercise is about matching a passage/text/ headline to a summarising sentence or a title, try to summarise the main idea yourself and choose one of the given answers on that basis. If an exercise is about deciding on the t),pe of text, pay special attention to expressions that are characteristic to a particular tlpe of a text. Sentence or information ordering (page 93, exercise 3) o If you have to put events in chronological order, listen out for time expressions (and then, nert, JCnaIIy, in the end ...). . If you have to put events in the order they dlJpfdl . jn6 in ha lictaa lll ttllr llJtrlrrrrb, .nnnontrrtA \vrr\ \ rrrrur\ vrl ^n underslanding a sequence of evenls. Understanding a logical connection betu'een them is not necessary to do this task. Use your general knowledge - it might help 1'ou predict a logical sequence of events. B Multiple choiee exercises Reading comprehension (page 9, exercise 3) . General guidelines Always o t€atl the inslruclions before doing Lhe lask. The lask will affect the way you read tha . . . iavl Lry 1o work out what kind of text it is - it may give you some ideas of what to expect. read key informarion firsL. A title helps to decide on a general idea of a text and the first senlence o[ each paragraph often summarises the whole paragraph. underline parts of the text relevanL Lo the questions (single words, phrases, sentences, paragraphs) Don't . try to understand every single word of a text. You don't have to know all Lhe words o . Matching exercises (page 42, exercise 3) r . . Lo answer the questions. You may be able to guess the meanirg of new words uslng different techniques {guessing from the context, guessing a word based on its grarnmatical form, simiiarifi,' of the word in your own language). leave any questions unanswered, if you are nol sure - guess! Always check if you have answered all of the questions. spend loo much time on one specific exercise - your time in the exam is limited. Thue/False exereises (page 15, exercise 2) . Skim the text first to get a general idea of where the information is. . Different sentences nell require different reading strategies. For example, you may need to focus on just one phrase or you may need to interpret the meaning of a whole text. . If you don't find informati.on confirming that a particular sentence is true, mark it as false. 4 Identify the parts of the text that your questions refer to. o Focus on the detail of a paragraph or sentence. An incorrect answer may only differ from the correct one in lhe tense that is used, slightly different information or information that only partly corresponds with the text. r Eliminate incorrect answers and then mark your final answer. While matching headlines to a text, pay attention to the main idea of a text. Always read all the titles first and then match them to the relevant parts of the text. While matching questions to a text, try to find lhe risht nl:ce in the text where there is an answer lo a parlicular queslion. Remember that this kind of exercise may include (an) extra sentence(s), so you will have to ehminate unnecessary items. Gap-fill exercises (page 70, exercise 2) . Skim the text first to get its general meaning, r ionorinB the sans Then read the sentences or words which are needed to frll the gaps. When you select your answers, pa)- attention to what is in the text both before and after the gap. Sentence or information ordering (page 92, exercise 3) . While doing this kind of exercise, try to flnd sentences or paragraphs which have to be placed aL lhe beginnhg. Look ou1 lor expressions typically used when rntroducing a topic or a character. . Focus on linking words (then,fCnally,nert ...). These words will give you a clue to the order. o You may not need to study a whole paragraph. Focus on sentences/words that will help you link . sentences/paragraphs. Make sure the last paragraph,/sentence summarises the whole text or provides a logical conclusion. Writing Speaking You may be required to write a short, practical piece of writing such as a note, an email, an invitation, an advertisement and/or a longer, practical piece of rnriting, for example a formal or inJormal letter, a story or a discursive text. The The Success Workbook will also prepare you for oral exams. The techniques below will help you to pass your exam successfully. Success Workbook will help you prepare for these tlpes of writing tasks. Remember that the exam techniques that you learn even at elementary level will help you pass exams successfully in the future. the question in mind when answering. Do not panic if you cannot remember a word. Use a word that has a similar meaning or give a definition or description of the word. . If you do not understand what an examiner has said, ask him/her to repeat him/herself. You can also repeat the information you have been given and, in this way, you can make sure that you have understood it correctly. . If you are not ready with your answers and need time to think, use conversational fillers or hesitation devices (uell, let me th,ink, erm, ... ) r Avoid using the same words and structures show that you have a varied vocabulary and can use a range of grammar structures. o If you are taking the exam with another person, make sure you listen as well as speak - don't dominate the conversation. o Try to stick to the aim of the task. Always keep . I o Making contact GRAMMAR to be atfirmative and negative Possessive adjectives am ('m) on holiday. am not ('m not) at home. are ('re) ltalian. are not (aren't) American. Subject pron0uns I is not (isn't) in Madrid. y0u she WK,m& &tuw &,wWaK We say She's 21. noI Sh+has4. y0u they Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb fo be: affirmative (+) or negative (-). Circle the correct words. -,/--------\. ,, 1 Tom ie from Paris. (+) good friends. 2 We 2 He l11zs is _ (-) . 1 John is 3 Hc I /lmUlfather's besl friend. from New York. lHis 5 Anna my best friend. (+) 6I_adoctor.(-) 7 Steve 27. (+) 8 Jenny at school today. (-) is a doctor. Her wife is a teacher. 5 She I Her I Hi,s is Spanish. 6 Slze I Her I Hi,s parents are from the north of Spain. 7 They I They're I Thei.r house is rn Burgos. B They I They're I Thetr are teachers, too. Write the sentences. Complete the text with possessive adjectives. _ an English student. (+) 4 Kevin and Ali on holiday. (+) 3I 4 He I Hi,s I i not in Spain / F rance We arer'L h 7pa'.r. We'rc i., France. 1 We 2 Bevonc6 Knowles / not British / American 'This is a photo olr,ny friend, Jenny. She's parents are from England, but r_ Russian. This isri house in Brighton It's very brg! She's wrth '_ boyfriend. ' name's DaIe. 3 David Beckham / not from Manchester London / This is me with n_ on holiday. This is t_ This is my brother and Penelope Cruz and Antonio Banderas / not English i Spanish 5 Ptzza / not from France / Italv 6 I / not a teacher / student 6 Paris. "_ mum and dad. We're house in Spain. 8_ girlfrlend in dad's an English teacher. Now you show me t'_ photos.' GRAMMAR to be questions W&wwffi &Mw &wWaY . . -l;;' Are you I theY ls tiailan / No, he/she/it isn't. I nel tshe, lit Yes, he/she/it is lllf- Saying just yes or no can be impolite. Say, eg Yes, I am. or No, I'm not. We say Yes,lam.not)hslm. questions What's your name? Yes, we/you/they are. No, we/you/they aren't. Where are you from? How old are your parents? Whots your teacher? . Wrihe Yes/No questions. Match the answers with the questions, 1 You're married. Are you married? 2 He's Russian. 1 Is Brad Pltt English? 2 is Jim Carrey from the USA? 3 Is Penelope Crtz Spanish? 4 Is New York the capital of the USA? 5 Are Beijing and Shanghai in China? 6 Is Nicole Kidman from F rance? 7 Is Michael Schumacher German? 3 She's on holiday. 4 They're in Rome. B Is Ottawa 5 He's a teacher a No, the capital of Canada? it isn't. It's Washington DC. b@rea+= 6 You're 21. Write the l4#r- questions for these answers. 1 Where are you from? I'm from Madrid. c No, she isn't. She's Australian. d No, he isn't. He's from Canada. e Yes, he is. f Yes, she is. g Yes, they are. h Yes, rt is. Write answers that are true for you. My name's Alicia. I'm 17 Mv nhone number is 91 329 778 My best frrend's Paloma. She's from Barcelona 1 Are you from Moscow? 2 Is your name Ben? 3 Are you single? 4 Are you on holiday? 5 Are you 16? E tr tr T I T T T GRAMMAR LISTENING AND SPEAKING t Possessive s Name: Sinqular nouns: add 's It's John's book. ''Wffik Listen to the conversation and write the phone numbers. Home: Work: Mobile: Sally's husband9 a doctor. fregular plural nouns; add Nick Oreen ' if" This is my parents' house. Wi{ffi Listen to the telephone conversation and circle what the people say. lrregular plural nouns: Receptionist \Vor1d Music. l Good monzi'ng Good aJternoon. Anne Hello. Is Simon Parke there? The children's schoo! is in Germany. The women's names are )lga and Petra. The menT T-shirts are lrom the USA, Receptionist W%wa& *fuw &;:wwpT . My brother's friends = one brother My brothers' friend = more than one brother . We say John and Sally's daughter not@. '4. Look at the family tree. Complete the sentences, .fririli*: N!.iz.r.E.heth ) HoLcL cttt, I Hantg on 0. lni.nute, please. Simon Hello. Anne He\lo /Hi Simon. a Thrs zs Artne. I Annc: Lrcre. I lt's Artne. Hr Anne. Hor'v are you? ; Very uel,L, I I'itze, I Not bct,d,, thank you. And you? Simon Anne 'j Simon I'm OK. Anne Simon, w-here's Joirn this u,eek? He's in Tokyo. Oh, of course. Thanks. See 5.s11 Simon Anne 6 {72*rl*s Anne Bye. Goodbye. Take care. .A.*.** Philip ts Elizabeth'e husband. Elizabeth is _ wife. 3 Charles is _ brother 4 Arne is sister. 1 W,ffi put the conversation 2 0 Bye. Take care. b Good morning. World Music. c Hang on a minute. It's 07789 233 066. d Hello Marlene. This is Tom. Hon- are 1-ou? e Hello. This is Marlene Katz. Is Patty Vincennes there? f Hi Tom. I'm fine, thank you. And you? g No problem. What's her mobile nunrber? ,<-\ . e(9 0rol ner. 2 John's wife's French. 3 Annie's John's wife. 4 Annie's dad's a doctor. 5 Sophie's Arnie's mum. JOnn s rer 6 John's mum's Helen. 7 Helen's husband's N'hke. B Mlchel's Annie's brother. h Thanks very much. Bye, Tom. i Match the pictures with the sentences. 1 This is a picture of m-v sister's sons. 2 This is a picture of my sisters' sons. in the correct order. Then listen and check. Circle the possessive s. I Simon sootr, I Late'r; I totnori'ou.,, then. See you. I Bge. I B't1e Bge. I tr T well, thanks. But Patty isn't here today. She's in London. V-ery T tr T T T T T I T READING first parl of the article, How many questions can you answer? .?.W.*:#Pe Read the "W,tiff&, Read the second parl of the article. Check your answers to Exercise 1, ta:r'i',.%t:.ttitj.tt 4.ittztt4t4:taa:1al ;.,?a?7{.aia4riaa:i i/?,i\,1?!rf;fi|e,it,iiiiira\.:tq,rtri!,a,.,.4tir;1,:r2a,;a Read the article again and circle the correct answers. 1 Cnn is Romeo's 4 Sage is Sistlne's a sister'. b brother. c father. 2 Fifi Trixiebell is Bob's a daughter. b son. fl sister. b brother. c son. 5 Quinrr is Patricia's C mother. a mother. b daughter. c son. 3 Chris is Apple's a brother. b son. c father. I W$E$::.ililST VOGABULARY & fifl1micote Complete the crossword with family words. 1It lfalv K A D N C D L T] R E N Itntn w|\/s,l t^-^-^^^ J'IUCTIIU)U : r^h JVU language school lt tUv local l man tpl {Ien) malfle0 :frAhlh IIIUTUI m0lneflmum = : ni mo neonew NCK IO I 10 . ntece on holidav q-n my lerurrgftt parents .:.. person (Bi preople) : phone number ACROSS > 1 Your daughter's children are your (13) your ... (7) your ... (6) is B Your father's brother's daughter I Your father's grandchildren are your ... (B) 10 Your father's mother is your (1 1) 3 Your grandparent's children are DOWN V (11) 1 Your mother's father is your (6) 2 Your brother's son is your . . 4 Your sister's daughter is your . (5) 5 Your mother's brother is your (5) 6 Your father's son is your ... (7) 7 Your mother's daughter is your 11 Your father's sister is .. (6) your ... (4) Match the opposites. lgirlfriend tr 2married n 3mum 4wife 5daughLer asingle bson cboyfriend ddad ehusband I I I Find the plurals in the Word list. 1 man men 2 woman 4 person & Circle the 'odd one out'. 1 doctor / teacher l@l student 2 at home / at university I at school / qt hrlf nqqf qiw yt4vv vlt 3 on the right / on holiday / on the left / in the middle 4 women / men / children / family 5 in a photo / in London / in a classroom / in a caf6 t0 Read and complete the Student Visa form. WRITING 3- Hi. I'm Lisa Rossi. i'm from Rome' I'm Add capital letters and apostrophes to the email, 19 futeoty funepty*lt j..,10 *& V --1 + ?.olorLp A- itl To: annie.benson@ys.com k: tr Subiect: Hi! n.e. tt:: !l hi annie, t ,fl: ,i: t: J]: how are you? im in prague with jane and her family. their ,, Student Visa ,2, t: tl 1 Surname: Roegi z 4 Married its near ihe university. janes dads english but her mums czech. shes a teacher and hes a 7, doctor. theyre great but her brotners slupid. ----:-- 5 Country - fl Flrst name: 3 Age: house is beautiful I Single t: I '4:. t this is a photo of jane and me. were on charles brldge. iit, 6 Address: D*i,7), riur.u im the beautiful onel a01B56 jane sends her love, ::.i1i.\:?.a,aaaaiatt:.;rt !r:,a7it?i-;.,;.).trat i\.:.ri :.1\!r1i::.ti:.1;rt;:.1;:.1t ri,..,.):..:.1:t :a Write the nationalities. 1 Austraiia 2 China 3 England 4 France 5 Hungary see you soon, AuaLralian nuria XXX 6 Japan 7 Poland B Russia 9 the tlSA Compf ete the texts with /n, at or on. 'This is a great photo. It's me r,vith rny sisters. We're lir the garden :_ home. I'm'r_ the middle, Kate's 1_ the left and Nicola's 5_ the right. Our brother John isn't 6_ lhe photo. He's t_ university s_ Edinburgh. Hello. Is that Jane? Hi Jane. It's me. I'm !'_ Amsterdam. Yes. Amsterdam. I'm 10_ "_ a caf6. Yes. A caf6. I'm hoJida.v. Tt's great hele. Where are you? You're t'- schooi? Ha ha. Sorryl 11 A day in the life GRAMMAR Present Simple affirmative and negative l/YouAtVe/They Affirmative Negative live in Prague do not (don't) live in Prague does not (doesn't) live in Prague He/She/lt We use the Present Simple for: o Facts about your life, eg / work in an office. o Routines, eg I get up at six kirty every day, . Generalisations, eg Australians like barbecues, The spelling rules tor he, she, it ars. For most verbs, add an s. For verbs ending in -0, -ss, -sh, -ch, add es For verbs ending in a consonant + y, change r . r r ,There is one irregular verb', have becomes fias. Complete the sentences with phrases from the box. Write sentences about Barney. *oit ii"irt-r c"i horn" rriue ainn"i iike American TV live in read a book start work watch TV work in 1 John lives le Iivee in Land,on. 2 John works on a farm. foffice) \,, 3 John gels up at four in the morning. (seven) '?t 4 John has a big breakfasl. (small) t:'' or8 I really n-. in Scotland. (London) Sarney doeen'Llive in Scof,land. Rmme f'm but I 1live ir urtouvrr t rL' English !rrrrLru. hospital. I NLwyork. Iz_a I t and thirty nine at ; _ nat about seven in the evening' i:' late - about eight. I I5 6 at home. A-fter dinner I i. r\r-, nomo'c lvl,y lldlttsJ ? yto land add es. t: {: 2!' ui,, 5 John works ten hours a day. (eight) ,;/,;4:l4.iit ;i;:qqe3r*,4#l4litta.t..*rawirq,ti?tvtrfrrivs4,ii6:4lqa7:rye'l'1u'u,,$'d!4'r:z:::a,""'**" "i:i 6 John goes to bed at nine o'clock. (midnight) Write sentences about Emma. 1 the livee in New York. hospital nine thirty. 2 3 5 seven in lhe evening. late. 6 dinner. 7 after dinler. American TV. 4 8 Complete the sentences. Use verbs from Exercise 1. - 1 My dad worke in an office. TV all the time. 2 My brother 3 My sister 4 My best friend fruit for breakfast hip-hop music. a lot of magazines. 5 My mum in a big, 6 My English teacher avnpn qirro t2 - h nt t qp GRAMMAR t: WC: Do yOu ihorr .' ,"J Yes, l/we/you/they do. No, l/we/you/they don't. . , ,., llKS muslc/ ne Does sne Complete the short answers. & Complete the questions with verbs from the box. 1 Do you play sport at the weekend? Yes, I /o . 2 Does he get up early on Sundays? No, 3 Do they work in an office? No, 4 Does she often go to parties? Yes, -. . 5 Do you and Kara chat on the Internet? Yes, -. A B A B A B A B Write the questions for these answers. 1 What-t.ime doee ehe qet u?? She gets up at seven o'clock. 2 Does-.she have a biq breakfaet? No, she doesn't. She has a small breakfast. A B A B 3 No, she doesn't. She doesn't like tea. She has coffee for breakfast. She lives near the university. She goes to school by bus. A B Thank you. 1Do you live near here? Yes, I do. I live in that house there. Oh, realJy. It's very nice. Thank you. And what about your job? Where I work at the university. I'm a teacher. A university teacher. What subject Music. Very interesting. Right. sports? No, not really. oK. 5 No ... no, I don't A 6 B No, A 7 B A She does her homework between seven and eight in the evening. Can I ask you a few questions? Yes, of course. I. goes out, sees her friends and watches films. She goes to the beach for her holidays to a grrn? to work? . er ... I drive. to be fit? Well, yes ... I do. Everybody wants to be fit So, you want to be fit, but you don't play sports, you don't go to a g}.-rn and you drive to work. Now, I work for Sportiva Health Centres ... At the weekend, she does lots of things. She 4 Oh. I see. GRAMMAR Adverbs of frequency l$1lfr,usuallyn neuer . . often, sometimes, not often, With alwaysand usually, we need to add extra rnformation: t always go to the cinema on Saturdays. I usually eat eggs for breahtast, We put the adverb of frequency before the verb in the Present Simple: loften get up early. I don't often eat in restaurants. but after the verb with to be: I'm often late for school. I'm not often in bed before 10p,n. Complete the sentences with adverbs of frequency, 1 Jack eats in reslaurants three times a week. He often eats in restaurants. 2 My parents eat in restaurants tr,vo or lhree llmes a year. They --eat in restaurants. 3 Mark and Anna go to Spain for their holidays every year. They _ go to Spain for lheir holidays. 4 Jenny doesn't like beer. She drinks urne. drinks beer. She 5 We don't often go out on Monday evenings. stay at home on Monday We Sponsor Betty today. You can make a real impact on her life. For more information, send the coupon below or click an: http: | | www. a ctio n ai d. a rg. u k eveni ng5. 6 On Saturdays I play tennis or I go to the mall - home. or I stay play tennis on Saturdays. I 1!'ep&:at.., .. ,"&dg,ei9jti.Jialiri|1qa] "!L;.":.., ."trr,11t,r,r:,,:*,,*,,,t#4!a - Put the phrases in the correct order t0 make sentences. 1 always / my brother / on Saturdays / plays football - brother alwaye ?la\re football on AaI'arda:ta [e[ore 7p.m. / m.v parents / never i M-v I watch television 3 at the weekend / go to the cinema / I / usually 4 go for a walk / on Sundays / sometimes / we 5 don't / go to the theatre I I I often 6 lale / I am / on Monday mornings / for class / often 7 are I Peter and I / not / best friends / alwavs t4 READING ',, questions, 'Wf,f.& Before reading, answer these Then read the advertisement and check your answers. 1 \Vhere is Zambia? 2 Is it a poor courrtr-v- or a lich country? SPEAKING 4" Read the conversation and complete the table. Then choose a night out for Belen, Lindy and Aleksy. Belen I love eating out in restaurants - Indian food is my favourite. I like Chinese too. I like going to the cinema. I also like opera, but I don't really like jazz. I think it's boring. What about you, Lindy? Lindy I like eating out, but I don't like Indian food. It's too spicy. But I like Chinese. I like going to the cinema. I love music - jazz is OK, but my favourite is opera. What about you, Alesky? Aleksy I like eating out. I enjoy Indian food, but I don't like Chinese. I love going to the cinema - I go every week. I like music, but I like hip-hop and rock. I don't L1ke jazz and I hate opera. I think it's awful. Lindy Belen Aleksy Indian food Chinese food ctnema 0pera )azz Night out: Match the questions with the answers. 1 Do you like coffee? 2 Do you like playing computer games? 3 Do you like Spanish food? 4 Do you like footbail? tr tr tr l a Yes, I do. I love paella. b No, don't. I hate sports. c No, don't, but I like tea d Yes, do. Super Mario is my favourite. Answer the questions in two ways. Write Ieg I do or No, I don'tand add extra information. Read the advertisement again. Tick true and cross false. 1 Betty is twelve years old. 2 She lives rn the south of Zambia. 3 She speaks English and Bemba. 4 She likes football. 5 She goes to school rn Lusaka. 6 She usually starts work at six in the morning. 7 She never works in the afternoon. I She sees her father at the weekends. 9 Her father lives rn Lusaka. 10 He ls a factory worker. 11 He is rich. 12 He sends money to Betty's mother every month. E tr T T T tr T l rT n I 1 Do you like football? Yes. I do. I love football. or No.I d,on't,, I haLe iL. bur, I like baekelball, 2 Do you like playing compuler games? OI 3 Do you like esling 6u1" or 4 Do you like music? OI 15 UOCABULARY *" Complete the sentences with verbs from the Word list. Some verbs are in the third person singular. 1 I live in Oxford, but I wprK in London. c- 2 Sometimes I dinner at home and in a restaurant. sometimes I e3 Joss Stone is a musician: she wmusic and she s- At the weekends I gfriends and we w- with oin the park. at nine o'clock and 5 The class sat ten thirty. to be it's OK, but I w6 I t- 4 SUIE. Complete the text with verbs from the Word list. Every morning, I l wake u? at seven thirty. After and' five minutes, I'.I5 a shower. Then I a the eight thirty a cup of coffee. I uat work at nine bus and I'Match the verbs with the phrases. slrupping orlt **6' :-,:,, ,ffi,- @ :ffi*' *rH*, @ @ @ ffir', iiffir to the cinema to a party FrcrEe for a walk for a swrn ,. a $nfi ,:a:,qolfoo r a'sandltiCh ::,::':.:::':' ffi late' on holiday : Complete the sentences with words from the box. WRITING nieir.rasr oil"; 1it" riri"; "**+y lunch read surruner watch winter 1 My dad's a farmer. He gets up € Match the messages from greetings cards with the pictures. earl>r sometimes before five o'clock in the morning. I'm a musician. I go to bed - sometimes at five o'clock in the morning. 2 I'm always hungry in the morning. I have a big_,butlnevereat . In the evening, I often have ln a restaurant. 3 New York is very cold in the and very hot in the 4 When it's cold I stay at home and Sometimes oti "' "'=":,--: .," ,"i -"""":,-:,:-:--.''--*-; t$.1"-*= TVor_abook. I_ to the radio. Find the days in the Word list. 1 25 December 2 31 December 1 Happy birthday Compf - and many happy returns. 2 Congratulations on your wedding. 3 Congratulations on your new baby boy. 4 Congratuiations on passing your driving test. Well donel 5 Good luck in your exam. ete with ln, at or on. 1 aN at six o'clock 10.30p.m. lhe morning _ afternoon _the the evening _ 6_ night 7 _Monday 8_ Saturday I_ the weekend 10 _ 21 December 11 _ Christmas Day 12 _your birthday 13 _ August 3 4 5 T I T Write a greetings card. 1 Choose a person to it to. Dear Mr Warner, send Dear Grandma, Dear Euct, 2 Choose a message from Exercise 1 above or Student's Book page 21. December 14 15 = rT _ 2006 Find the opposites in the Word list. 1 early late 2 early bird 3 come n_ g_ 4 winter S 5 always 6 indoor n_ o_ 7 start f 3 Choose a sign off. ALL the best, 4 Sign ]-out-name. Wi,th Loue, Best u;ishes, Yours, t7 UOGABULARY AND GRAMMAR & Complele the text. Use the correct forms of the words in capital letters. (5 points) My name's Silvio. I'm from Rome. l'mlllalian . My mother's from Madrid. She's'_ I'm a student in London. My teacher's name is Stephanie. She isn't'_ . She's from Budapest. She's o_ The other students in my class are from I'rance, Italy, Spain and there are 5 ITALY SPAIN ENGLAND HUNGARY (4 points) What's her name ? Her name is Paula. 2 Where ? 3 What time 2 4 What ? Their teacher's name is Dan. 5 Where At weekends they go to a club. 2 a^+^ ,,^ ^t n| \f'ClOCk. rD-,,r4urd SELD UI, 4L brackets. EG\?T members. always 2 We your ?arenf'e 3 Your sister's daughler is your 4 Your brother's son is your 5 Your uncle's wife is your 6 Your mother's second husband is your (4 points) 1 Jo doeen't walk (not walk) (6 points) 1 Your mother and father are 2 Your uncle's son is your 3 He _ 4 My -sister to school. She (catch) a bus. (not work) at university. We (work) at school. (not be) American. He (live) in Boston but he (not come) from Boston (study) a lot. She get) (not home before 9p.m. . tii Cicle (3 points) the correct words 0r phrases, ---;-1,, ,,, ,'; I bt-others house is very big. 1 Myfblot/zersl 2 My fri,end's I Jriettds like pla1.ing computer games. 7 Your father's mother is your - Complete the text. Put one word in each gap. (B Points) My name's Paula. 1 r am a student at a language school in London. I live with a girl from Italy. always name is Gina. We'get 7 o'clock and up ^late for schooi! I odressed but Gina loves sleeping and she gets up very late. Our teacher rs an English a name is Dan. He'man. 6tgood the afternoon, very teacher. Saturdays we we often go for a walk. 'go to a club and relax. t8 l Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in Complete the sentences with the names of family Complete the questions. Gina is from ltaly. JAPAN and students. It's greatl % 3 My yLarent's I parents' names are Bob and Caro1. 4 They ctre a,Lusays I a|u,aus are happy at Christmas. 5I often go I go oJten for a walk with my friends. 6 We are students. Thei,r I Our names are Mark and Paul. 7 My brother is married. He's ll1zs wife's name is Belinda. r 1 Amy hates TISTENING SKITLS '& W Listen to Martin talking a getting up early to go on holiday. b getting ready for holidays. c waiting to go on holiday. to his friend Jose about his family. Tick true and cross false. (7 points) now. 2 Martin comes from Bonn. I I 3 They get up at 6 o'clock in the morning. n 4 School in England and Germany starts at8. I 5 They don't always have breakfast at home. ! 6 They always go for a walk at the weekend. ! 7 They sometimes go to the cinema. I 1 Martin is in Germany READING SKITLS '&. Read the text and circle the correct answers: a. b or c. (6 points) 2 Before they go on holiday, Amy and her friends o have an eariy night. b sleep at the same place. c wake up at the same time. 3 They start at a 5a.m. b Ba.m. c 5p.m. 4 She enjoys a seeing people in the street. b seeing lots of cars. c seeing nothing in the street. 5 At B o'clock they a flnlsh their drive. b always go for a walk. c take a short break. 6 What does Amy NOT do on holiday? a have barbecues b go swimming c get up early -- s week in our series 'tur fav)urites' GOMMUNICATION "a. Putthe phone conversation in the correct -'\y Rogers talks ::JUt her favourite dav. 0rder. r. s my favourite day? | love going on holiday. I love ^g ready, making food and putting clothes in bags. a:/s go on holiday with Claire, Terry and Steve, my -:s Trom :-rs from scnool. Iney stay at my nouse school. They house on tne the ntgnt night :--'3 we go on holiday. We talk and watch a video and :- s go to bed late. I never sleep and I always wake '-ends up in the morning, I hate waiting to go. Terry " ,, : Steve always dnnk coffee and sometimes have ' -:--ast hefore \A/e oo I nr rt the haos in the r:ar and .',/e go. I never eat or drink before we go. We =,,s leave at 5 o'clock. lt's very early in the morning cve driving in the quiet streets, Allthe lights are off ' -- ^e people are asleep. At B o'clock, we usually stop : 'est. On sunny days, we go for a walk and, when '.:ather is bad, we sit in the car and eat and drink. -= afternoon, the roads are full of cars. I hate sitting in :.)'not moving. We usually get to our holiday house ,, : : clock in the afternoon. lt's a small house near the :,".:- | love it. I love swimming in the sea and having -;:Jes on the beach. llove eating a lot and I .,:. The only thing I don't like is coming home againl .. ujrr- .. ' ':, r'r a Is Jenny there? b Fine thanks. And you? c Goodbye Mrs Green. Hi, Jenny. d Yes, hold on a minute. Jenny, it's Wil1. Goodbye, Wiil. e Hello, Will. How are you? f Very well, thank you, WilI. g Hello, Mrs Green. It's Wili here. h Good afternoon. Chester 5754767. (7 points) T T T T rII n /50 : . ' ": getting 19 Same or different? GRAMMAR have goUhas got i Affirmative j Negative l,{ou/We/They ! have got ('ve got) a phone. r have not got (haven't got) a phone Ho/Qhp/lt nhnno r hec nni (i'os nnt\ a uou a :: prOru. ,-. nnt /hnnn't nn+\ n nhr hcc ras nnt nOL got (nasn t gOL,) a pr0ne, We use have gotlo talk about Possessions'.I've got a new car. My mol:ile phone's got a camera People in your life: l've got two brothers and one sister. Physical characteristics: l've got l:lue eyes, lllnesses: I've got a headache. . . . . Yes/No questions Have , has l/we/you/they : got a phone? ne/sne Shod answers Yes, l/weiyou/they have R€€s€ €R* €s:sp€ No, l/we/you/they haven t lBnotF+e-gall&. I' m h u n g ry not lvege+hanger. We say: I'm = Yes, he/she/it has No, he/she/it hasn't What have they got? Look at the table and write sentences. MP3 player / x Joe Lizzie Andy / / mobile phone digital camera / x Sony iPod / Nikon / Samsung 1 .Ioe'e aor a d,iaiLa care(a and a moble ohone He haen't qoL an M73 player . 2 Lizzie 3 Ancly He player? No. he haen'f'. 2 Has Lizzie got a mobile phone? Yeq. ale haa. lt'e a Samoure. 3 Has Joe got a mobile phone? 4 Has Lizzie got an MP3 player? 5 Has Andy got a mobile phone? 20 1..---'+ Yes, he has. It's a Nokia. Tick when have gotis correct in the sentences. Cross when have is correct. garden. Look at the table in Exercise 1. Answer the questions. 1 Has Joe got an MP3 I\T^ -l.^Lr 1L@Dr L L. 1\ V) Dl 1 I always have got coffee for breakfast. 2 Have you got a drctionary'? 3 At weekends, we have got lunch in the She :: Yes, he has. It's an iPod. Nokia x Canon Look at the table in Exercise 1 again and write questions for the answers. 4 My mobile phone has got a video camera and an MP3 player. 5 i haven't got my mobile phone with me - it's at home. 6 I haven't got lunch at home. 7 I have gol a shower every morning. B I have gol my trainers in my bag. E I n T tr T T tr i.3 SPEAKING -S Gomplete the description of Penelope wilh has got or ls. B Peneiope l ie Australian. She - ')r s--n-!- rm A "- Matt's exactly like Tim. They're like identicai twins. No, they aren't. @oliDr they ut". both are taII and2 th,ey Lt,uue both, got I they both haus 96;7 broum eyes ... Yes. The11 00. B A lon* hair. She '_ broum eyes. She 5_ about 30 years old. She B A very good-looking. = Circle the correct alternatives in the conversation. Circle the correct alternatives. 1 My favourite musician is Beyonce. @t tik" Beyonce. b I'm like Beyonce. c I look like Beyonc6. 2 My dad and I are both shy. a I like my dad. b I'm like my dad. .i Yes, but... Li.ke I Tlrcg l,i,ke botl't rock music and I they p\cty botlz I th.e71 both p\ay the guitar. 't Theg both but ... Andt' tlzey both cLre I th,ey are both, good at tennis and6 th,ey are botlz I th,ey both cLre Yes, lively and confident. but Matt's 15 and Tim's 32 ... and B Yes, A Yes, Trm's Chinese. but, apart from that ... What are they good at? Write sentences with the phrases from the box. c I look like my dad. 3 My mum and I are both tall with fair, curly hair and brou'n eyes. a T l:1-^ I llKe mv mum. a b I'm like my mum. c I look like my mum. 4 Rashid is very easy-going, and his brother, Ali, is the same. a Ali likes Rashid. b Ali is like Rashid. c Ali looks like Rashid. 5 My big sister thinks Robbie Williams is orpaf a She likes Robbie Williams. b She is like Robbie Williams. c She looks like Robbie Williams. driving football playing lhe guitar l11Hq bog\l f::lt 1 Venus Williams. )he'e aood attennie, 2 David Beckham 3 Michael Schumacher 4 JK Rowling 5 Eric Clapton 6 Look at this photo of my friend, Jim a He likes David Beckham. b He is like David Beckham. c He looks like David Beckham. What are you good at? What are you Write three sentences, nlt good al? 1 2 3 2l GRAMMAR LISTENING e Articles Wffi Listen and match the names Bruce e mma Ptiittip Katy with the photos. Indefinite arlicle: a/an . . . We use aor an wrth.singular nouns: a newspaper, a mabile phone. We use a before consonant sounds: a newspaper, a big apaftment, a university. We use an before vowel sounds: an engineer, an old woman, an MPS player. Indefinite article or definite article: a/an or the We use a or an when we mention somethlng for the first time I've got a new nobile phone with a camera in it We use lfie when we mention it again: The phone is very good. but the camera isn't. Write a, an or - 1 a 2_ 3_ 4_ 5_ 6_ 7_ B_ I_ 10 _ 11 _ 12 _ 13 _ 14 _ 15 _ 16 _ camera Add a, an (no word). dictionary diclionaries address teacher English teacher trnglish teachers engineer Japanese engineer aunts and uncles cousin office restaurant Ilalian restaurant -.'. 1 Katy's 5 Phiiip's 17. 6 He's very fit. 7 trmma is 16. B She's short. T T n T putthe descriptions in the correct order. Then listen and check, Description aan / ;;;"",,, apartment in Moscow. (House is Nhe enormous but /anartment is small 2 I've got mobile phone and camera in my bag. Phone is new but camera is old. 3 We've got guitar and piano in our house. Guitar is very good but piano isn't. 4 Maria's got two cars and motorbike. Cars are 22 16. ta1l. I ! tr I 'ffi or thelo the texts. German and motorbike is Japanese. short. 3 Bruce is 4 He's enormous house ^ 25. 2 She's quite people pot/hottse 1. .-r Mv cousin's *"--.*". in Snain and o -,,"^ Listen again. Tick true and cross false. I a chess and classical muslc. b curly hair and broll'n c eyes. He's shy and d me. He's got short, e My brother looks like f serious. He likes Description 2 a easy-going. She likes b eyes and dark, c it. d My mum's got green e tennis and she's very good at f waly harr. She's confident and Description 3 a blond, straight hair and b blue eyes. c lively and we both like d me - we're both very e My sister is like f the same things. She's got T T tr tr n tr tr T T tr T T T T I l tr T Read the article again and match the sentences with the dogs. Write A for Alette, M for Marcus or S for READING i: Squidgie. Before you read, match the pictures with the words. 1 This dog lvears perfume. 2 This dog rvears sunscreen. 3 This clog lvears sunglasses. 4 This dog eats from a Gucci bowl. 5 This dog has got a Luis Vuitton bag 6 This dog has got a lot of clothes. "'i 1 Alette lives in Oslo. '::,t W65iffir Read T T 3 sunglasses 4 sunscreen ii ! I the article, What is the main idea? a People love dogs. b People spend a lot of money on dogs c Dogs are like children. T l I I I I n Tick true and cross false. 2 3 4 5 6 1 a bowl 2 perfume E T Eloise loves Alette. N{ike Offbach lives in Australia. Marcus loves the sun. Heidi is Squidgie's o\ /ner. Heidi buys things for Squidgie every month. T T T n T I Complete the sentences with numbers. 1 In America, people spetrd $ year on their pets. percent of American dogs get 2_ presents at Christmas. 3 The writer gives _ differences het weerr dops and children. Marcus lives in Sydney, Australia. Sydney is hot and sunny, but that's na nrnhlam A/larrt tc tU^ gutvt t fnr lu I,Jt 19t tvtQt ]Y \,t^^rvvYqt a vuo, r -'slte iives in the cenlre of -aris, France. She eats from a ^, ,^.i hnt^/l .She s nnt : /_gi5 titrnn hao .9hc ruFnrs Chien perfume. Yes. Alette is a =6 1 Doggles sunglasses and sunscreen. His owner is Mike Offbach. Mike says, 'Marcus has problems in the cr rn fhaco nrnr"lr r^fq Dra nraat ann q1 lnntoooao ' hp lnnl"q vt nraat ll14 rv rvvr\o /u ou/ /v/doovJ, vaL t]int L/ r .=ry lucky dog. Her owner lr --nr'co / amharl <errc 'l ,JVe my -cn anrl I tttnnl har ln ha -appy.' /ou can love yaur dog in cold countries too. Squidgie lives in Oslo, Norway with his :wner, Heidi Reidarson. Squidgie has got an enormous wardrobe of clothes, including ,-cafs, sr4/eafers. shods. shoes and hats. Heidi says. 'SqurdEe rs a pet. but he's my '4end too, I buy hlm new things every week. I've got the money, so why not?' 2S VOCABULARY ITUORD LIST F lilli;:,., Complete with words from the Word list. lShe'sa:tall, :thin, ffi-common ffifl" 2 She's got 3 She's : short dark, got blue, tr\/pc rold, wavy, w0man. hair. ff*:. ilffi'#T ffiil'. Hff#:" 4 She's r confident, : attractive, ffii ,[t*l*,,, 3il\, tootnarr play the piano/the guitar * Label the picture. :€ Where do the extra adjectives go in the sentences? ffi 'iifq*: 'fr$''- 1 Anna's lil|;,,* 2 John's a fat man. (tall) lonq, . got(dark hair. (long) 3 Pete's a short man. (bald) 4 Andrea's alazy woman. (old) 5 Jacquie's a young ilg-:*:* 24 girl. (confident) 6 Minnie's got beautiful eyes. (green) Write the verbs. Then check your answers in the Word list. 1 ?lay _ _ _good _ 2 3 4 5 WRITING € football a lot in comrnon to a rock concert 1 She's clever and attractive. 2 He's clever _lazy. 3 I play tennis a lot _ 4 I want to speak good English marks the piano devices: camera 2 two jobs: 3 two things to read: 4 two pets: * I like it. I _ practise a 1ot. 5 I enjoy iistening to music I don't play any musical instruments. 6 I love Indian food I really like Thai food too. 7 He has problems with Maths _ he takes extra classes after school. B I often go to nightclubs _ I love Find the nouns in the Word list. 1 Lhree elec[ronic CO plaver Complete the sentences with an4 so, but and because. Label the pictures. dancing. = Put the email in the correct order. funepry Qeepryarr 3frorcrc, € € X + + . gFslsds *- Tc s!*y.r*dnreys.asE g**e* lev€f 1 F Hi Andy, l've got a new girlfriendl baq Complete the sentences with adjectives from the Word list. 1 He's got an old Cadillac - 1t's enormous 2 It's lunch time I'm h_ . 3 $5,000 for a bike - that's e_ 4 We've got an exam loday - I'm a bit . n_. a blue eyes. She loves tennis so b really good at tennis, but c he's not very clever. I play d Her name's Lana. She's tall and e I don't play with Lana because t with Lana's friend, Jo. She's nice but g now I play every evening - but h l'm not very good at tennjs. She i very attractive. She's got long hair and j she's rrcnr shv sn rnrc r-lgp'f talk mUCh. k plays with the tennis teacher. He's T T ftr tr T T tr tr T I ET is a good film, but it's a bit s 6 My brother plays the electric guitar. He isn't very good, bul he's very l_ 5 . Complete the sentences with rn or on. Annie's the garden. are the table. 3 Edie's the house. 4 Jack's the beach. 5 My phone's _ my bag. 6 Jo and Rita are America. 7 Joe's lhe lefl irr the photo. B Sylvia's birthday is _ 17 April. 1 2 Your keys 25 A job for tife? GRAMMAR have to/don't have to have to get up early. don't have to get up early has to get up early doesn't have to get up early. It's necessary: Jin's a pilat. He has to wear a uniform. lt isn't necessary'. Lorraine's a vet. She daesn't have to wear a unifarm. lffi- questions llllhat do I have to wear? Yes, l/we/you/they do. No, I/we/you/they don't. When do you have to start work? Where does he have to go? Yes, he/she/it does. What have to get up early? do they have to do? No, he/she/it doesn't. Complete the conversation with Tom's questions. Use words from the box. Write sentences with have to or don't have to. 1 teachers / pilots - wear a uniform Teachere don'L have Lo wear a uniform. Tilote have lo wear a uniform, 2 vets / doctors - egllv nl€frt gland up uniform Tom Hi Lena. Lena Oh, hi. be good with animals Tom shop assistants / dentists qualifications - w"e* You look sad. What's the matter? Lena It's my job. I hate it. Tom 'Why? rDo you have to work aN weekende ? Lena No, I work from Monday to friday. have special Tom ? 2 Lena Al night? No, I don't 4 musicians / farmers 5 fire-fighters equipment - get up early / shop assistants - use special Tom :l Lena Yes, Tom I do. I start work at seven o'clock, but that's OK. I like getting up early. 42 Lena No, I don't. I sit dor,r,n at work. Tom 5 Lena Yes, Tom Lena Tom ffi but it's OK. I like the uniform. So what's the problem? It's boring. oh. Write sentences about Lena. 1 weekends ehe doesn'L have 2 nioht 3 early 4 stand up 5 uniform 26 2 Io work al weekend,e, READING F^ Look at the pictures. Which person: t has to travel a lot? 2 has to work at night? 3 has to be good at swimming? ! tr I rrde operator ":i' "" " *, WW* lifpnrr:rd Read the article. Write the jobs from Exercise 1 in the spaces. Read the article again. Tick true and cross false. 1 Lifeguards have to be good with people. tr 2 Ride operators have to be good with people. 3 Tour gurdes have to rbu don't have to spend all summer in an office. lere are some other possibilities for summer jobs. tr Spend all day ot the beach? Oh no! to be at least sixteen years old. Of course you have to be a 5,rod swimmer, but you also have to have special qualifications in rescue =chniques and first aid. Ask about training at your local swimming poot. ' : u have ' : ur job is to save people's lives. So you have to be ready to act quickly ,: anv time. You have to worl< at weekends. a Mork in an omusement park? sa you get o greot ton. Itl fun and you're outside all do14 ':u have to be at least sixteen years old. You have to have a responsible =:itude and you have to be good with people. I Engtish. tr 4 Lifeguards have to speak good English. I speak good 5 Ride operators have to be at least 18. 6 Tour guides have to be at least 7 Ride operators have to have special 18. qualificalions. B Lifeguards have to have special quahfications. 9 Tour guides have to work seven days a week. 10 Ride operators have to work seven days a week. I tr T tr tr T Translate these phrases. 1 a great tan 'ru -,t ', have to start and stop the ride, explain the rutes, help people in and and mal<e sure they're safe. And you have to work at night and at eekends. 2 a responsible altilude a 1et poid to go on holiday? Great, but itb o tough job. 3 a toughjob 'ru have to be at least eighteen years old. You have to speal< good :'rglish. You have to be good with people. You have to be responsible independent. 'rd 'cu have to deaI with trave[, hotels and probtems. You have to worl< ::l day, seven days a week. 27 GRAMMAR Object pronouns canlcan't for ahili$ Affirmative _ltry:l. Yqt -9Ji91: l/You/He/She/lt/We/They can swi m. Negative | She .like:her. :likes:me. l,iYou/He/She/lWVe/They can't swi m. Questions and short answers Can l/you/he/she/iVweithey swi m? F. Subject : Object :!:T:!9:!11=g:19"!r_ | yOU he she it WC Yes, l/you/he/she/iVweithey can. y0u No liyoulhe/sheiiVwe/they can fhov t Look at the table and write the names on the picture. :: :me : , You htm r her ;it US : VoU : them Look at the table in Exercise 1 again. Write sentences about what they can and can't do. 1 Anna can ?la:r Lhe ?iano and Lhe saxo?hone' buL ehe can'l pla:t lhe baea QuiLar or Lhe d'rums' 2 trtLa 3 Marc 4 Paolo Write the questions and short answers. 1 Anna / bass guitar Can Anna pla,,t Lhe baea quiNar? No, ahe can'L. 2 trtta / drums 3 Marc / piano 4 Paolo / saxophone ,-ffiiltMMER PR.GRAMME: GR.UP 1 Write answers that are true for you. 1 Can you speak English? Yea. I can. 2 Can you speak another forergn language? 3 Can you play a musical instrument'? 4 Can you ride a motorbike? 5 Can you cook? 28 .:: Complete the texts with subject and object pronouns from the boxes, Use some more than once. SPEAKING S Ask for permission. Use can/could and please. 1 I want to use your mobile phone. Could I uae your mobile phone. pleaee? 2 I u'ant to use the bathroom. 3 I want to leave class early. 4 I r,rrnt to borrow a pen. 5 We r,vant T me he lo leave our bags in the hotel. 6 We rvant to sit here him My friend Joe is good al English and 1 I 'm not, so 2 he helps with my '_ English homework. But'_'s not good at Maths, so 5_ help n_ r,vith his Maths homework. Match the requests with the answers. 1 Could I open a nendow, please? 2 Could I take this chair, please? 3 Can I borrow your dictionary, please? 4 Can I give you my homer,vork tomorrow, please? 5 Could I speak to Jim, please/ a I'm afraid not. It's Saturday tomorrow. b I'm afraid not. It isn't free. c I'm afraid not. We have air conditioning. d I'm afraid not. He isn't free. e I'm afraid not. I haven't got it with me. It's at home. tr T T T r Write the conversations. *9 l: thev !!rem My aunt and uncle have a house at the beach and |we stay with t_ for two lveeks every summer. When my aunt and uncle come to the city, "ahvays stay mth in our apartment. A B Could I borrow your oen. pleaee? Yes. of couree. lere r.tou are, he him she her Cindy is Paul's girlfriend. 11He loves t'and 1'iloves 1'1but his parents don't like 't_ because , iqn'f rrorrr oa arr-atnin d 2g WORD LI$T abitities acrobat ad (adverVadverlisement) aOlecrve aOvern all over the world application form artist assistant at the moment auIn0r babysitter be afraid (of sthg) be good with animals/ children/money/ people/your hands book (v) bookshop boring boss brilliant Ldl carpenter circus clear clown c0mpany cook current employment dangerous daie of birth definition dentist dictionary drama student drive driving licence earn (a salary; easy education employ evening school excellent exciting farmer female film extra fire-fighter first aid foreign language full name full-time gardener hairdresser have special qualifications/ special equipment important interesting 30 VOCABULARY '*. Find these jobs in the Word list. They're in inierview J00 cenrre alphabetical order. KIOS This person: lifeguard I00K aner lots of 1 looks after children b ab_v e I LL a L 2 is good male with his,4rer hands manager 3 works in a circus maritalstatus 4 prepares food meaning meet (peopte) natural examples near necessary 5 uses specral equipment, works uath your leelh 6 wears a uniform, has a dangerous job n0un nr rraa 7 works in the garden occupation organise 0wn part of speech part-time pay rent performer pil0r police officer postman preposition pronunciation B rvorks u,rth ; our hair 9 rvorks at the beach 10 is a boss 11 wears a uniform, w-orks in a hospital 12 wears a uniform, flies aeroplanes 13 brings your 14 works letters in a shop 15 drives a car quick 16 is a doctor for animaLs quickly 17 works in a restauranl remember require ride a horse save m0ney 1B cleans windows ::1^ JI tup ^^^,^-^^dJDrJr.dr Name the parts of speech. Then check your answers in the Word list. rL simple slowly cnnrtc ipenhor stress swrm swimmrng pool sym00l taLent scout tatented taxi driver traditional training travel unemployed verb vet waiter wear special clothes/ a uniform window cleaner work experience work long hours/inside/ outside/at weekends/ at night 1 dictionary, interview, educalion 2 earn, swim, remember 3 interesting, brilliant, simple 4 qurckly, slowly, at the moment 5 in, on, at Are these words nouns, adjectives or verbs? Circle the 'odd one out' and give a reason. 1 boring i fequlp]nem/ excellent lLian'L an adiecNive, lf,'e a noun, / quick 2 drive / organise / travel / rvorld 3 acrobat / afraid / companv / first aid 4 boss / male / special / unemployed 5 author / bookshop / employ / example noun Match the words to make eight phrases. Then check your answers in the Word list. WRITING k appiicition eurrenI date driving foreign full marital work currenl, 1 emplo5.anent 2 experience 3 form 4 language 5 licence _ 8 name of birth status 6 7 Read the description and complete the application form for Tom Doffman. Tom: Dofftrtan is. from.,O_ xfcrd, He's a university student but he wants to work as a lifeguard in the surruner. He's lwenly years old * his birthday is on 23 October. He isnlt married. He's an excellent swimmer. He's got a gold,medal for lifesaving and rescue techniques and also a firsi aid certifiCate. He warrts to wofle ftom 1 June to 30 August. Match the adjectives with the definitions. rriliii"i a;s;i;; LIFELINE BEACH "".iH"s important necessary""iv +a+€n+€d traditional 1 Lalenred adj havitng a natural ability to do something well: o ... m usicia n 2_ ad7 something that makes you feel happy, not calm; ... neus ad7 something you need or must 3_ good have: food i,s ... for good health 4_ a,d7 something that has been done in the same way for a long time: a ... fami,L?J Chri,stmas 5_ ad7 something that has a big effect or influence: It i,s ... to exercise often. adj very good or clever: a ... i,dea adj llkely to harm you: drugs aTe... adj not difficult: SUlllP . B_ homework & Find three verbs connected to money in the Word list. 1 SECURIry APPLICATION FORM Job: .!-l€eqe*{d...,........ Dates: from ........ .. / ...................ro........ / First name(s): Surname: :' Sex:[v [r Ana. Vw' "" "" "' Date of birlh: Nationality: Marital status: I married I single Occupation: 2 3 Swimming skills: - Compfete the sentences with af, for, in, with or (no preposition). Sometimes more than one answer is possible. work af, work work 4Iwork 5 I work 6 I work TIwork 8 I work 9Iwork_hard. 10 I work I 2I 3I 1 the weekend. night. my hands. ahospital. my uncle. long hours. arestaurant. f Oasic ! intermediate I advanced Qualifications: fly I N IY f N Lifesavins: FirstAid: Others: Signature: Date: animals. the government. g1 € UOGABUI.ARY AND GRAMMAR € linking words and Match the words with the correct definitions. #;il; bD phy"; pili" (3 points) iiui""i. magazine .,'--."... dictionary mebi+e+hefte 1 You use it to talk to people. 2 You can read il mobile ohone in your free time. 3 You wear Lhem to play Lennis. - 4 You listen lo music on it. 5 You check new words in it. F Circle the correct 1 Tom is very every day. I want to be 1a postman. They have 2 get up early and wear a uniform but they don't have to work in t_ office. They go to the post office to get the letters and they take to people's houses. My uncle is a postman He hasn't got special qualifications 5 he doesn't have to be good uhis hands. He starts work very early 7 he finishes at lunch time. He's got o_ bike and he rides n_ every day. tn_ bike is old but it's very fast and my uncle is very good 1t_ riding itl adjectives. (4 points) . He works ten hours - balcl a Lazy b nice c lively _ 3 Jane is very . She knows thal she is good at school and she knows that she is - . school today. It's Sunday. 3 I'm very good at music but I dance. 4 It's not fair. My parents say I come home before 11 o'clock on Saturday. 5 My girlfriend's very altraclive. She blond hair and blue eyes. 6 I've got a cat but I a dog. €C Complete the questions and short answers. good-looking. d lazy b quiet c confident a hard-working b serious c lively B Yes. I Put the adjectives in brackets in the 4A (3 points) friend,lv. short. old ll*: g"t ("rrly, l"ng. brown) . (farmers,4rave to) work outside? 3A 1 He's a (short, friendly, old) man. can 2A 5 I'm like my mum. We are never netyous. We're both a shy b corLfident c easy-gorng correct order. B Yes, _ (your father/can) cook? B No, (they/have got) a car? B No, 5A (your school/have got) a caf6? hair. (slim, middle-aged, tall, pretty) woman. 4 She's got (big, green, beautiful) eyes. B2 (.10 points) 1 A Canvou (you/can) dance? 4 Terry doesn't like playing. He likes reading the newspaper. He's very t (5 points) 1 I'm a teacher. I d,on't have Io wear a uniform. 2 She's lucky. She go to 2 My brother doesn'L do any work. He's just 2 Sh"'. (5 points) can. iL. a shy @ hard-working c prepositions. Complete the gaps with the correct forms of have got, have to or 6 Women of[en keep money iri it. 7 Men ollen keep money in Complete the text with one word in each gap. The words are afticles, object pronouns, B Yes, _ 6A (your sister,&rave to) work at weekends? BNo,-. trffiwtrAf,s LISTENING SKILTS fr, W Listen to the job interview Circle the correct answers: a, b or c. wdffiK# (6 points) 1 The boy a wants a job as a shop assist anl. b works as Sanla Claus in a shop. C wants a job as Santa Ciaus in a shop. 2 What can the boy do well? d work on a computer b work with children c look after his children 3 The boy is a short and fat. b tall and fat. c tall and thin. I I am a 17-year-old Poltsh boy. My name is Stefan. am 1 m 82 tall and I've got blond hair and blue eyes. I think I am qu[te good-Iooking. fm not very serious or hard-working. I am outgoing and friendly. I like playing the guitar. I'm in a band with my friends. haven't got a brother or sister. My father is a musician and my mother is a nurse. I am at school - I don't like studying but I have to go to school for two more years. I don't want to go to university. I want to live in Britain and play guitar. I want a girl pen pal in Scotland or lreland. I 4 In this job you have to a work nine hours a day. b work every day. c work for a month. 5 What happens on 3 December? a The boy starts his holidays. b The boy slarls aL university. is Natasha. I'm from near Moscow in Russia. am short (1 m 52). I've got dark hair and brown eyes. I've got one sister, Dana. and she is 24 years o[d. I am interested in sports and travefting. My favourite ptace is St Petersburg. I love swimming and I always go to the sea in the summer. I Like school. I want to be a teacher. i'm quiet and shy but I tike writing to peopte. I want a girt pen pal in ltaly or Spain. My name c The boy starts work. I 6 The interviewer thinks the boy a looks like Santa Claus. b is good at speaking like Santa Claus. c is not good at speaking like Santa Claus. READING SKILLS l; Read the text on pen pals and match the three people with the questions. 1 Who does not want (B points) to study after they finish school? 2 Who can get letters from a boy? 3 Who doesn't teil us about their parents? 4 Who sometimes helps their parents at work? 5 Who is not tall? 6 Who can speak two foreign languages? 7 Who wants to have the same job as their father? 8 Who doesn't talk about their personality? COMMUNIGATION T T &- Complete the dialogues with the words from box. I the T T T rgTr TY$ A rCould I open the window, please? B Sorry, I'm'_ not. It's very cold problem .ouri" nrriiJ r.,.i* tLne in here. I T (6 points) A Can I use your dictionary, please? B Yes, of " A you are. Could you help me with my homework, please? B Yes, that's A B No, 5_ . No 6 Could I use your pen, please? I'mt_ . It doesn't r.vork. Tolal l5s 3B Home sweet home GRAMMAR There islThere are + a/an/some/any "& Look at the picture and complete the sentences, Look at the picture again. Write the questions and shoft answers. 1 armchairs? Are Lhere any armchaira? Yee. lhere are. 2 sofa? le Nhere a eofa? No.lhere ien'N, 3 bed? 4 D\DS? 5 chairs? 6 wardrobe? '# Circle the correct alternatives, In my bedroom there 1@/ are abed and there are : a ng I somc shelves, bul there isn't I aren't a wardrobe. There's aa I an, armchair in the corner and next to it there " 's I are some drawers for my clothes. There 3 6 Lwo a 6 armchairs. sofa. table. plants. DVD player. DVDs. 7 TV. B tplcnhnnc 1 There are 2 There ien'L 3 4 5 I 10 ! 34 shelves. books. istz't I an"en't 7 ctny I some plants in my room, btrf, I there's I th,ere arre some flowers outside my windou'. Read paragraph 1 again and mark the position of the READING furniture on the plan of the room. '3^ W#{ffi The text is part of a story. Read. Then choose a cover for the book, JM ,4, Read paragraph 2 and show the position of the room on the map. CnePrsn 3 a The room is about three metres bythree,metres.'rn I he door ls There's one door and one window' the door' faces ,fr. *tali. tf a wall' The window the door of left ifr#t ,-,^Ule and a chair on the on the ;t;;" enter. There are some bookshelves themJhere's in A'h;;;;h.r. u,",,'anY books bJ lo"g tt." #a11 on the right' There T[ere's an old' are some drawers next to the bed' T.til;il;;6et in the middle of the room' It's a ;:ili. room. normal " on is on the fourth floor of a building il;t;; to the next M;;; B""levard and Parker Street' of the Boulevard .t* ;;fi;i. Th."'" u good view shops' people' It's are cars' ;J;';:;i"Jt*T}tt* a normal street. It's on the There's orle more thing in the room' sight' telescopic table.It's a Dragunov rifi'e with a '2 Read paragraph 3. What is on the table? Tick the correct answer. rifle camera a a Dragunov ba c a dictaphone tape tr I recorder I Read the text again. Tick true and cross false. Match the sentences with the paragraphs, t'aragrapn Paragraph Paragraph r Ll 2 l) J L_l a gives extra informalion b describes the room c gives the location of the room 1 There's a bed rn the room. 2 There are some books in lhe loonr. 3 The door isn't next to ,1," .1i116lci\\-. 4 The room is on the third floor 5 The room is rn a building L.elu-, i the hospital. 6 There's nothing on the tirlrr. 35 Complete the conversations with a/an, the or - (no article). GRAMMAR 1 Articfes afan, the,no article A Excuse me. Is there ra nost office Definite article: ffie B near here? We use the definite article with things or groups which are 'unique' - there's only one. Look at the sky it's beautiful, The President of the USA lives in the White House. - The teachers at my sehaol are aK, f ndef inite arlicle: a/a n We use an indefinite article when there are many possibilities: rt's not important which one. Have you got a mohile phone? Can I have a cup of coffee, please? I want to buy a new computer. We use an indefinite article with There is ... There's a cat in the garden. lhere's an ltalian restaurant near the school. ls there a bank near here? No article English people dilnk like tea. cotfee. qrrnormcrL-af AOK B5 A A B A B A B A 6 pizzerra. pen? Jim, have you got u_ Here you are. pencil. This is '_ Oh. Hang on a minute. Here you are. Thanks ... Hey! This is my pen. Oh, is it? Sorry. I don't usually like B No, I don't. A But B Complete the sentences with the correct alternative, 1 The sun is 150 million kilometres away. @rrre b A glass of water, please? 2 Could I have alhe ba Australians love barbecues. 3_ a The b - (no article) 4 There's swimming pool in the aa b other students in my class are nice. _ aThe bjazz. 6 I don'l lik1 _ athe b manager ol lhe shop. 7 She's aa bthe cheetahs can run at 112 kilometres B_ 5 per hour. b "_ t"_ modern art. paintings in this art gallery are fantastic. Mm. Who's "_ A Er ... it's my son. B oh. A They've got B Again? Yes. That's t*_ Where do they gel A B A B college. 36 post office is behind supermarket. It's next to t_ Thank you. 2 Gats are nice. aThe 2 I Do you? To make general statements, we use no afticle, I there is. Go straight on. At end of '_ road, there's Yes, 3 A B artist? r3_ new car. third new car this year. money to r'_ pay for rt? I don't know. Maybe he's 16_ criminal. That's ridiculous. He can't be tt_ criminai. He works at 18 tovm halL ]e_ fish? No, I don't. I hate'u_ Do you like What's for dinner? Er ... just a minute. fish. Yuk. LISTENING AND SPEAKING W ffi '% W Listen to the directions and mark the places on the map. Write /, 2 and 3. Listen and choose the correct alternatives. A: the newsagent's 1 To get to the newsagent's, _ @turn right. b turn left. c go straight on. 2 11's on a the right. b the left. c the corner. 3It's_achemist's. a behind b next to c opposite B: the swimming pool 4 To get to the swrmming pool, take the turning on the rrght a first b second c third 5 _ at the lights. a Turn right b Ttrrn left c Go straight on 6 It's _ a opposite b next a music shop. lo c behind C: the train station 7 To get to the train station, a take the first right. b take the third right. c go straight on. 8 Walk 3 Gallo's Pizzeria ?& What is AG on the map? Listen to Part C again, & You are in Gallo's Pizzeria. Your friend asks for directions to the post office. Write what you say, How do I get to the supermarkel from here? lL'a eaev, Go ouL otr c past 9 lt's about _ the pub and the supermarket a between b behind 1 the post office 2 the supermarket _ lhe oizzeria and .,. walk. a five minutes' b ten minutes' c fifteen minutes' W Listen to the directions and compare them to your answer. 37 WORD IIST VOGABULARY '& WriIe the names of the rooms 1-5. Then list the contents of each room. fifi:.,,, ffiili,$tu" ill$Tl,.* l3H',Xn"t' old{ashioned tu [iiJil iil*i,' tfus ffii;,. Iiiil'fffl$reneves) 3ilfl'' ff'm-. "o :i1: :i3:?i'i*) ii:tr llfilf'-''- :li3:H,' :lx?,, supermarket mi ilffi,,, [',f,il,*,,n o.* iffiil*,, take the (first) turning l|illn., toilet traffic lights train station trees turn lefVright under understand upstairs view village wardrobe warm washing machine weddinc #i[T,;' s8 window wood % Find these places in the Word list. They're in alphabetical order. 1 a place to look at paintings 2 aplace to catch a bus 3 a place to buy aspirin 4 a place to buy CDs 5 a place to buy a newspaper 6 a place to eat italian food 7 a place to buy a stamp 8 a place to have a drirrk 9 a place to buy food 10 a place to catch a train arL eallery ,Q,r+," ., Complete the sentences with words from the Word list. WRITING 1 You want to be p erfecL , but it's tm?oaeible 2 I want to w_. i_ 500 people to my 3 My brother lives in a v_ if 4? "q,n ' \- !.,.. "r,t€ 2,)2hL vQIr' r- (4 ) ^J _ -h/,. lht-t '''ah t-, , ' ''ffi^/ +, -'ur,,/. rLl in the c_. of the 4 There's a beautiful v from here. s_ German, but his 5 He speaks f_ French is a_ 6 I like m_ art, but my husband doesn't - he's o_ in here could I open 7 It's very w_ the w? B T[rrn left at the t_ - it's about a . m_ :te Replace the repetitions with 4 they, them or there. It 1 There's a party on Saturday. The-party's al from here. Jan's house. Complete the texts with prepositions of place from the boxes. 2 Jan's house is easy to find. Jan's house is next rs to the school. 3 What about Lana, Lee and Carly? Can rve invite Lana, Lee and Carly? 4 Lee and Carly can't come. Lee and Carly have V cran to work on Saturday. 5 The party starts at seven thirty. See you at the parly. Complete the sentences with and, s0, but and because. 1 There's a parly on Saturday and it's aI Jan's house. 2 Jan's house is next to the school it's easy to find. t ^^ 4r a^-l-. --,1 LEE LU V4r I.y 3 Lana can come Martha !:l*9 !s!*egl 1"1{9r! 9{ t+exffi can't. 4 They can't come work on Saturday. 5 The party slarts at seven Alberto ts l nexf, Lo Martha and 2 Mark and Karen Isabel. Isabel is 3 Martha. Karen is a they have to lhirty it finishes al midnight. i3 I can'l find my keys. They aren't ' the t:hle thev aren't 6 the drawers bed. Where and they aren't'-the oro thorr? irro"" rr"rlila i; There's a piclure of my uncle ' my living room. the fireplace eyou can see lhe Pyramids He's in Egypt and 1o him. Put the lines in the correct order, T tr a there. My best friend is Luc. b them at the weekend. c so the weather's hot. I like it because - d so I see him every day. His sisl ct is Domrnique e lt's in the south of France f I live in Marseilles. g He lives in my street i -t --, h there's lots to do and I'r-e g,.'1 . r- -i and she goes to m5- sclto,-,1. I . I :: .:- := beach with 39 Eat to live GRAMMAR Countable and uncountable nouns . Nouns canbe countable (C)or uncountable(l). 3 1 We can use indefinite articles (a/an) wilhcountable nouns: a sausage, a tomato, an'egg 3 Singular and plural forms *ff ;'L-ff :li;'Jfl liilH?,:'ii: ;31 1?,,',1T.' Articles We can't Lse'indefinite articles with uncountable nouns: a-wateL a+read 2 lfumbers We can use numbers with countable nouns: lne sausage, lwl tlmatles, three eggs ... eggs, We can't use nurnbers with uncountable nouns: ofle-waler, M€+reah I haven't got any water. The word'money' is uncountable. Dollars, euros, pounds, etc are countable: one dollar, two euros, three pounds . .. &. Write 1 G for countable and U for uncountable. Then write the plurals, where possible. sausage tr 7 potato I 8 apple I I butter I 9auoaae6 2water J lomalo 4ess 5 U I bread tr 6banana 40 L_J tr & sffi ru I 10 sugar 11 biscuit 12 milk f w n '** 'l 2 3 Look at the fridge and write sentences. Use the correct form of There is. cake cake cakes _ _ ffi 4 5 6 & _potato potatoes _ polato _ ffi.- %trw # (carton of milk) There'e a carLon & ffi#e 7 'le-e a'e''t arv aeelet', _chocolates I_ 9 'fu 2 (apples) 3 (lettuce) chocolate chocolale 4 (tomatoes) Circle the correct alternatives, 5 (butter) hol outside. Have you got , ,/'---------'\ a I some lV!,na)cold drinks in the fridge? 1 It's really 6 (bottle of u'ater) 2 There aren't a / some / any tomaloes, but there's a. I som,e I an,y let,tuce. 7 (polatoes) 3 Can I have a I sotne I an,y cheese sandwich and a I sorne I any bottle of water, please? 4 We can't make a I some I ang pizza because we haven't goI a I some / any tomatoes. 5 There are a I some I an71 bisctlts, but there isn't a I some I any chocolate. 6 Can I have a I some I a,ny vegetables and some., / some I any chips with my steak? B (meat) a3 Write questions and answers about the fridge, 1 le IAere any mllk? Yee, Lhere ie. 2 Are Lhere any apples? No, Lhere aren'L. lettuce? 7 Are you hungry? I've gol a / sorne / a'n;q bread and there's a I some I an,y bott\e of juice rn the fridge. haven't got a / som,e I o;ny r:ake for Jerry's birthday party. Have you got a,l some I any eggs? B Oh, no! \\re tomatoes? butter? bottle of water? potatoes? neat? 4l Read the text again, Match the sentences with the restaurants. READING .h Look at the names of the four restaurants from the text, Match the restaurants with the types of food they serve, 1 The Beach House 2 Govinda 3 LAuberge 4 Burger Heaven ,* Wffi T tr tr n 1 This restaurant is by the sea. louee 2 This restaurant is part of a hotel. TAe Seach a Indian food b fast food c fish and seafood d French food 3 This restaurant is next to a cinema. Read the restaurant reviews. Check your answers to Exercise 1. 4 This restaurant snecialises in seafood. 5 This restaurant doesn't serve any meat. Out & About: Restaurants 6 This reslaurant is good The Beach House UAuberge Lansford Dy ke, Lunsford, CLM2 6TF Bourne End, CLM7 sKD @ 0565 gsr 9490 lauberge@bourneend 8 os6s B7s Tgrg beachhousera fastmail. net E The name tells you exactly where to find The Beach House: it's by the sea. And the owner, Mark Roberts. knows exactly what he wants. 'My idea is very simple. I want The Beach House to have fantastic food and a great atmosphere. We specialise in fish and seafood and we're right next to the sea. so everything is fresh and excellent quality I love seafood so this is my dream restaurant.' The Beach House also serves vegetarian and meat dishes for those who are not seafood lovers. for a quick meal. @ B L'Auberge is in the country outside Lansford, in the beautiful village of Bourne End. The owner is Pierre Songe of The PIay House Brasserie in London. L'Auberge specialises in traditionai French cuisine. It is in a beautiful twelve-room country house hotel and it has its own Pierre says, 'I want L'Auberge to be a place for special cccasions. So everything has to be perfect. We even make our own bread.' Burger Heaven 7 Bute Street, Lansfora, CLML6HT Paredise Sq uare. Lansford. CLML BW burgerheavenra bignet.com E Govinda is a new Indian restaurant in the centre of town. The owner is Rajit Chowdah. 'There are a lot of Indian restaurants in Britain,' says Rajit, 'but Govinda is different.It is a vegetarian restaurant and it has traditional vegetarian dishes from all over India. We've got curries, of course - but we've got a lot of other dishes too.' @ 0565 748 5733 E Burger Heaven is in the town centre next to the ABC cinema. The owner is Frankie Delaroux. from New York. Frankie has a clear vision for the restaurant. 'We keep it simple. We have burgers. salad and fries. It's fast. it's good and the price is right. That's it.' February 15-22 42 This restaurant serves vegetarian and meat dishes. 9 Some of the clishes in this rpsl rrl':nl :rp verv hot. 10 This restaurant ts good for rveddings. vegetable garden. Govinda 8E os6s T4B gBJ4 govinda@bigret.com 7 This restaurant grows its olm vegetables. Restaurant Review !,, Which restaurant has got this dining room? GRAMMAR SPEAKING % Who says it? Write S for the shop assistant or C for the customer. how much?/how many? How much . ..? and How many about quantity ...? many.., ?with plural countable nouns: How many students are there in this ctass? We use How We use How much ... ?with uncountable nouns: How much water have we got? not + much/many ln negative sentences. we can use We use not+ manywith nol+ much/many. countable nouns: in this class. There aren't many students We use not + much with uncountable nouns: We haven't got much water. We also use lVof many and Not much as short answers to the question How many . ..? and How much ., ,? a lot (of) We use a lot of wilh both countable and uncountabfe nouns rn affirmative sentences to talk about large quantities: I dilnk a lot of coffee; about ten cups a day, We can also use not + a lot of wilh both countable and uncountable nouns: There aren't a lot of female enqineers, We use a /otwithout of when you Oon't say the noun: There s a lot./There are a lot. Complete the questions wilh How much or How many. 1 low you got? D\Ds have you got? money do you spend on man-v CDs have 2 3 l71 pj 1 Can I help you? 2 Can I have a sandwich, please? 3 How much is that? are questions T T tr T 4 Anything else? 5 That's 53.50 altogether. '* Put the conversation in the correct order. Shop assistant a That's 54.75 altogether. b Thank you. That's 25p change, your sandwrch and your water. c Still or sparkling? d Just a minute ... yes, we've got chicken. e Is it to eat here or take away? f I'm afraid there isn'l any ham lpft. g Good morning. Can I help you? h Certainly. Anything else? Customer i Yes. A bottle of mineral water, please. j Yes, can I have a ham salad k To take please? away. sandwich. I Bye. Thank you. m Sparkling. How much is n Oh. Have you got any o Here you p Great. Well, I'd like a chicken salad sandwich. ! I fl T tr tr r I I A I tr that? I chicken? tr are. I please. I clothes? 4 5 brothers have you got? coffee do you drink? Make these sentences negative. Use nof + much or not + many. 1 I've got a 1ot of CDs. I haven't eol manyCDe, 2 i've sot a lot of DVDs. 3 I spend a lot of money on clothes 4 I've got a lot of brothers. 5 I drink a lot of coffee. 4B g|$.ftP,.Ll$T VOCABULARY 'g alleroic (to) onn[6 I han hnrn uduprpnJ hqve dreams.: banana neatmv inyitatigfir,:i r::r LJill ,,ntscutt 2 dairy 1 cereals ,i i^m biscuit i^- b kilo hnil Complete the diagram with words from the Word list. IdUUV buIber c ' ...i.. ,00x,' nratal vr vqu ur van ..r:i '.. . I . ir rfl6il :.:ri .. , l'l l"l; .., . ri..:,, :.:,,lr"r'l , :.. i :.: :i,..r. : 'il i . t...tr'.t t't., , r: .. : , .: li biino' ftl ri.:,.i,.r ' 3 fruit rfior ,::.r:.,...r miss a chance I b ^^t^-i^^IGb \,dTUI ucrt rur 4 vegetables a I IlUctl ly I t dJudl ,'pnre ut I tctcttE ....,.......1'..i OPnlOR i r''r"' ..a r./r tuti lutt/u nralar rudP ut dt nhoocohr rrnor ^..{i^^,,, ur ur+ rdr y uurpD Packet." ,r chocoholic pafi,y 0ame ,i, mn^6 UUI IUU chocolate' :il choose nnftaa piece of paper LUtd naal,af 6 drinks h_ UUUN.EL possible comforlable l S nffcln common cookbook pouncs rootoer-shop :, radiio,phofte.in,i country,*anein$l {2rtr unJpD deliciotrsr:: ..: , fe!Fo{l, ,,l,".l S&[0-fl....' ]ri. : do.exercise e+nrharinh 00+lars ii. '$&USE00':r.'' .. 5 meat and fish . , 'i:'ii 7 fast food i c c ",'r:r:' specrialoccq ion buuilu tuilt AM or rrne ovnprt ?asl T000 .;,::., .'," fl0llllr ..:: , r. ctroeepal . :1. rrr .:, . ,'rr:i' fortune cookie frirlnp frlod i evYqr cwpotc LdAUdWdV tesfA ruiure nr racf Complete the sentences with words from the Word list. 1 OUII}UI TI INn: in a litre of 2 There are 340 c luuil,>r. LI It isn't healthy to eat a lot of fyiec[ food. rnm2tn :goodlbad lor you greengrocer's : IflI vanatahlo m_. 3 That's your o_ , but you're not an e 4 There are some eggs in the f we can make an o_ 5 This bread i, t"rribl"; itb d- h_. 6 I'm a_ S M 1o cheese; ur,d it gives me :::.::::. t; .,::, : :.: 4 ! r i ! l '.:.:::.: fI .i' :I VOGABUTARY AND GRAMMAR fl- Complete the sentences with one word in each gap. You can see the first letter of each word. 1 Where's the milk? It's in the 2 There are three s my room. 3 We've got an a_ (9 points) fidle_. imth books in . Please wash them. 5 My desk at work has gol a smali d in it. I keep my wallet there. of water and a 6 Please buy two b_ p_ of crrsps. and some c 7 I'd like a ham s_ urith milk nle:qo (3 points) l@iilthe floor? 2 There is some food lrz / atthe microwave. It's hot now. 3 There is a window aboue I under the cooker. 4 There is a chair between I nert lo lhe bed. 5 There is a spider betu,teen I u,nder the sofa. 6 We've got a garden i,nfront of lbehi,nd the house. My parents want it to look nice because people can see it from lhe road. 7 There is a clock behind I between the window and the door. 1 What is that itz # Circle the correct answers: a. b 0r c. (6 points) I hate living ln a house rntth lhree other students. 1_ just one bathroom but that's not the only problem. I buy 2- food every Monday but there isn't'- in the fridge at the i,rreekend. They eat it a1l. I've got'- bread in my room but i can't keep milk there. 5- food on the (i- cupboards. floor in my room because there 7money and I can't buy food I haven't got for four people every week. But they just don't understand it. I think I need to find a new place. 1 a There 2alots 3aany 4aany are is c Is there bmuch calotof bmany csome bmany csome @ There 5 a There aren't much b There's a 1ot of c There aren't many 6 a aren't many b isn't any c is a lot of bmany csome Tamuch 46 correct forms of there is, there are, how much and hlw many. Complete the answers. (B points) 1 a sofa in your livrng room? A lo there a sofa in vour livina room? BYes, lhere ia 2 money/you spend on books? A to sit on in the study but there isn't a t_ to put things on. 4 There are dirty cups in the s_ Circle the correct prepositions. 7,, Wrile questions using the words below and the Blspend .S50amonth. 3 biscuits/you eat/every week? A_ B Not 4 a washing machine in your kitchen? A B No, 5 piants in your bathroom? A B Yes, Find mistakes with articles and correct them. Three of these sentences d0 NOT contain mistakes. (4 potnts) 1 Do you like the dogs'/ you like d,oqa? 2 Have you got a sugar? Oo 3 The pizzas in this restaurant are lovely! 4 \\ho's a boy over therel 5 My sister has got lhe neu'purse. 6 Computers are real1y usefui for homework. 7 \\here's my book? It's in a living room. 8 This is the reslaurant we often qo to. 9 There's a butter in the fridge but there isn't any milk. tI * TISTENING SKILLS % Wffiffi A, man is asking about holiday houses. Listen to his conversation with a woman from the holiday homes company. Tick true and cross false. COMMUNICATION & Complete the gaps with the words from the I corner n 3 The company has more than one cottage. 4 You can see the harbour from the T tr T T T kitchen. 5 The living room is very big. 6 There is a washing machine in the kitchen. 7 The rent is 5200 a week all year. (6 ooints) past cross ge+ turning tum (7 points) 1 The man wants to buy a cottage. 2 The Post Office is in Hill Road. box. straight Right, children. Today is the school picnic and we have to walk to the park. Do you know how to r qeL to the park? We start at the school. We go out of the school and 2_ left into Market Street. We walk'_ on for 2 km. We go t_ the cinema and then take the first 5_ on the right. There's a bank on the o_ . The park is opposite the bank. We t_ the road here at the traffic lights and we stop at the gate to the park. Is lhat clear? READING SKILLS % Read the adveft for a town in England. Match the headings (a-i) to the paragraphs (1-7). There are two extra headings. a Where f to eat b Coming by car c Where to stay d Making friends e c'm ng' g Total /50 (7 points) Shopping g Tov,n history h Having fun rn Bognor A nice place to go i cntt W ftwuul-mqilW,l:tH Voi H]l#Idii#ft $."#isnnx.'.x3:irB?d'\?3nL?o . ^r ffi?fi**--:T?"1vi'"$"::if :iffiJ."- +han fol\ow tJfr \:l[:x*'83?3fi':::l"J':l -. \ .^+^r ic cledf\ dl ?, Hffi*il*if;'ffffis*i'**[i[""j?fr:'?i' z ', HI":LTBs*:d'u*#M::T:HI; ,j":ffi ""H'"":,ffi !' ffi fiHin"ro:g:i.t':lg[:tff"?'"fi ?S:X"''ff rH;:-" , nann.^,r rraditionalfish rheresre\otsot^e!"*::?'J:Pi3;|?':f."Rl'ffi and tn'9: l"*' ISTfiRJ':H;;;tbwn H**ffi"*1;;'":"-*rrsiii#tEr:: tu*itY houses' 47i l I Now and then GRAMMAR Past Simple= was/were Itlfi- questions Where were you last week? Who were yor with? Why were you in London? l/He/She/lt You/WeiThey Yes/No questions Shoft answers :l Was he: Yes, l/he/she/it was she No, l/he/she/it wasn't It . :r i****-"' : Were at school yesterday? You ,Wo : they , can/can't for ability Affirmative l,{ou/He/She/lVWe/They cou ld swi m Negative Yes you/we/they were. No you/we/they weren't. : l,{ou/HeiSheilt/We/They cou ld not lcou ldn't) SWIM Questions and shorl answers Cou ld l/you/he/she/iVwe/they swi m? Yes, l/you/heishe/iVwe/they could No l/you/he/she/iVwe/they couldn t Complete the sentences with the correct form of was or were. Look at the T-shid and answer the 1 My big brother waa at home this morning. (+) 2 My parents weren'L on holiday last lveek. (-) at the cinema last 3 Piotrek and I questions. night. (+) 4 You 5 My friend 6 It - at home yesterday. (-) in \\,-ales last w-eek. (+) very hot last summer. (-) Marcia is a model, Lookatherdiary fOf laSt ffi ti.,.,: ic ,.ee lcati,tr.,.L. ,u Week, - questions :?i: Write When was the concert in Rome? It waa on 1 February. 2 Were they in Warsaw on 23 JanuarY? with Whefe, and When Lcrr{crr Why. !,, fftL:,.Ll.t lhe concert in Madrid? " 6 Was the Lisbon concert on 4 February? 48 ti: fl ' - ,lr,*rrrr; vJ +-. scc .ldci{b, _ __ r,,da,r z+ '' "'ra ,. ff. ea fr:: li:, li::. L "?e'4"*ti4t7':;; 1't':tr"*1.at. :tu,s,t.t :"A., ;: r.*f;tj 1 Where wae ahe on Monday? In Paris. 2 Why wae ehe in ?aria? To see Jean-Paul. On T[esday. 3 4 When was the concert in Berlin? FL ; --r"^*_n.r'',fi, ?,: 3,it 5 Were they rn Moscor,l'on 31 January? ;*n,* " ' ' Nr..1,rL. l.n"i;t,t tc act:. i;t:t\'t.+-r-LtJ. ,: No,Lhey weren"I. 3 Was the Budapest concert on 29 January? 4 When was tc s.. ii 5 6 see Donatella. On ThursdaY. In TokYo & Complete the conversation with can, can't, could or Complete the texts with the Past Simple of the verbs. Be careful! There is one extra verb for each text. couldn't. Marc I was a brilliant child, you know. Monika Marc Really? Oh, yes. I l could speak Chinese when I was six. Oh no. you 2_ . oh yes, I t. Monika But Marc Monika you A actions come look ep€n see tell The door r o?ened and Boris ,_ He'_ around the room and James. speak Chinese now. B situations No, I t_ . It's very strange. And I 6_ play the piano when I was six, too. Monika '_you play the piano now? 8_ Marc No, I . It's very strange. Monika n_ you play chess when you were six? Marc Yes, yes, I to_ . I was very ffi; i;;" iir." ir,i"r. Marc When I was 17 I Monika ... very strange. it u_ C routines play chess now. ... Yes, work punk music. We in Birmingham and my dad a bank. I tmy parents were boring. Now I live in Coventry and I work in a bank. u_ '-in good. Monika But you tt_ Marc No, I t,_.It's in. dot b"" meet move talk walk write When I was in year eight, Hannah Barker was my best friend. We e outside her house at 8.30 every day and 10_ to school together. We tt_ about pop music and television and people at school. In year nine, her family ,t_to Scotland. We t'_ to each other for a few months, but then we stopped. is. & Write the Past Simple forms of the three extra verbs from Exercise 5. watched yesterday. Complete the present and past form of the verbs with a, e, i, 0 of It. present l buy 2g_v _ 3g_ 4h_v_ 5l__v_ 6m_k_ 7r__d 8sp__k past bqught g_v_ w_nt h_d l_ft m_d _ r__d sp_k_ Circle the correct alternatives. 1 I go to the cinema@ierill last week. 2 I played in a band two years Last I ago. 3 I run in the park euery / Last Satwday. 4 We went swimming on / - yesterdal.. 5 We always have pizza on / - Fridays. 6 We met yesterday monzing I night. 7 I worked in a factory in / otz the 1990s. 49 Read this fact file about The Beatles. There are seven READING '4- mistakes in it, Find the mistakes and correct them, How many of these questions about The Beatles can you answer? 1 The Beatles were Liverpool. b New York. from ... The Beatles started when John Lennon met c London. a Taul McCarLney geerg€+affison. The original name of the group was d Hamburg. 2 The Beatles were John, Paul, George and ... a Bingo c Dingo b Ringo d Drongo the Quarry lVen. There were originally six members. They became The Beatles in 1961 . They made their 3 Their first record was ... a Pl,ease Please b Loue Me Do Me. c Tlt:zst and Slzou,t. first record, Love Me Do,in 1962. John Lennon and d She Lot:es You. George Harrison played guitar, Paul Mc0adney 4 George Harrison played ... a the bass guitar. c the guitar played bass guitar and Pete Best played drums. d the saxophone. b the drums. 5 The main song uriters in The Beatles were .. a Lennon and Harrison. b Harrison and Starr. c Harrison and McCartney. d Lennon and McCarlney. 6 The Beatles broke up in ... a 1960. b 1970. c 1980. d 1990. '* Wffi Read the website. Check your answers to Exercise 1. :..ffiq&&i.,.. f,r'..'r Stop Refr*sh Home ' *. ?:';!r ;irr'" htto://www. beatleshistorv.com/ In Liverpool in 1957, John Lennon had a group called the Ouany Men.0n 6 July of that year he met Paul McCadney and McCartney joined the group. In 1958 George Harrison joined. All three played guitar. The other members of the group were Stuaft Sutcliffe, on bass guitar, and Pete Best, on drums. cn risjiiri :/a .tN). 4' In 1960 they travelled to Hamburg and became The Beatles. Sutcliffe left the group in 1961. McCartney changed from lead guitar to bass guitar and The Beatles went back to Liverpool. In 1962 Ringo Starr replaced Best. John Lennon and Paul McCaftney starled writing songs. ln 1 962 The Beatles made their first record, Love Me Do, and appeared on television for the firsi time. They became popular in Britain, and then in the USA. G & .w. ./ 1-:.-..- ,.:,ry.:,; X t,. 0n 4 April I964, the top five records in the USA were all Beatles records. ln 1963 they released their first LP, Please Please Me. ln the next thirieen years they made eleven more, including Beatles for Sale(1964), Rubber Soul (1 965), Revolver (1966), Sgt Peppefs Lonely Heafts Club Band (1 967) and the White Album (1968). '1970. Their The Beatles broke up in last records were Abbey Road (1969) and Let lt Be (1 970). All four members had solo musical careers after The Beatles. John Lennon died in 1980. George Harrison died in 2001. The Beatles made eleven LPs, including Sgt Pepper's Lonely Heaft Club Group in 1967. They broke up in 1971 . Their last record was Let lt Be. LISTENING &. SPEAKING W &- Listen to the three conversations and match them to the three times, 1 when the speaker was young 2 last Tuesday 3 yesterday Cucle the most appropriate response. I I tr Conversation A Conversation B 1 Jenny What's the matter? Adam I failed my driving test. Jenny @Never mind. b That's brilliant. c Well done. Conversation C Piotrek 2 How was your day? Miranda Great! I passed my Maths test. Piotrek a I'm so sorry b Good for you. c Oh, dear. 3 Nicki How was your day? Paul Terrible! My girlfriend finished with me. Nicki d It doesn't matter. b How fantastic. C I'm so sorry. Listen again. Tick true and cross false. Conversation A 1 Rachel went to London yesterday. 2 She went on her ov,n. 3 Mark is her brother. 4 She had fun. T x tr tr Conversation B 5 Peter's family was rich when he was young. 6 There were six children. 7 His father was a gardener. 8 His mum was a nurse in a London hospital. Conversation C 9 Nick went to see Vixen last Tuesday 10 He went on his ornm. 11 He thought Vixen were really good. 12 Nick liked them. 4 Heather What's up? Lucas You know you lent me that book? Well, I'm afraid I lost it. Heather a It doesn't matter. b I'm so sorry. c Well done. T tr T tr I I tr T 5 Martha You look happy. Jamie Yes, I am. Arsenal won again. Maftha a Well done. b Don't wony. c That's fantastic. 6 Flavia How was your day? Alex It was good. I got a summer job. Flavia a Oh dear. b That's brilliant. c I'orget about it. 51 Urf0RIt HsT VOGABULARY ?- 'A'/'F' student lunchtime mao (ar) after that ^ ^^'h,t^^+ rdnu d il^^1,^ uuil il ilut tt Arqe0ra MAINS tncrl/or ua nrrocfinn Yuwutrwr I apologise Complete the crossword with irregular Past Simple verbs. ACROSS t miss the bus MUSEUM 6 take (4) lvlusrc at the time band Rinlnnv news theatre offer a place t^^^+\ ^^^^+ ^^r +h^ ur r.r ru \cdJr/ rJudJr Physical Educaiion (PE) 00rr0w ^l^,, prdy busv dpnerimpnt play tennis play the drums/ the piano/the guitar p00r prirnary school OITTICUII punk dn n dpnrop qurie explanation Ttnrnr\/ record player science sign your name h^.{ /^^^,{ udu/ vuuu r-^^,.r ruuu unemrslry CONCIUSiON npnrala rinaily ^^ L clt lnn+r',man+ I LUL| utr]ut srr0e rure Tnnlntil speak a foreign language foreign ianguage runny Gonnrenhv vuvYr uy'J entnpr starVgo tolleave school or university get a cerlificate/a good/ ha-l A^^"^^ ^.arJ^/n udu vr dutr/ 4 utrvr tru npt cnmo edrrinp uv, r ,v qv v vv( :ilg^s:l"-,^ ^^,,.^^1 TdAU d tUJUd LUUIJtr/ give goodlbad news take/passifail an exam nivo roccnnc giad teenager tell ,^+i^n ^^+,,r.y ^r^/.{, cuudLrur I pdl vr tennis balls 'vw h^!,^ rdvtr dt t drguil ^h I IIDTUI ^r^,,|ff^h+ rurrL V lessons TArrt the 1,940s, 1960s, 1980s lne laci ninhf late for school 16 meet (3) 17 get (3) DOWN ;" Find the school subjects in the Word list. 'l 2 ilvery IUJU lord Art seas, mounLains, weather. ... &*, a_* OarK ,-, lnen travel Trigonometry unhappy lco qq nnmntttor uuv wv,,,vu!ef -l t ! kings, clueens, wars, dates, computer, keyboard, mouse, war Lrleralure V 2 drink (5) 4 buy (6) 5 come (4) 7 go (4) 9 write (5) 11 tell (4) 13 eat (3) 14 leave (4) nlp in fact lnformation Technology {lT) introduction Ldr rvudguD make (4) 9 are (4) 10 think (7) 12 give (4) 15 read (4) tennis shoes iil t^^^,,^^^^ B rL first of all nrqnTlno > have / has (3) 3 see (3) . w0rry yesterday yesterday morning/ afternocn/evening A 1_,_- ' H#fl8iltiHuTTll IUCKV _ % 7_ B- fllre*irdl Hola, Hello, Bonjour, Bore da, Shakespeare, Dostoyevsky, Cervantes,... trz Complete the sentences with regular verbs from the Word list. 1 Couid you add your name at the bottom of the form, please? your calculalor? 2 Can I _ 3 A I'm very soruy B Don't - it's perfectly OK. 4 To win a fantastic holiday for two, these three srmple questions 5 The blue ones or the red ones? I can't &. WRITING 3" Label the paragraphs, 1 start gel (x I I n %Reply %ReplyAll 6)Forvam Complete the text with the Past Simple of the verbs from the box. . fail ;'.. do Conclusion Introciuction 3 Explanation 2 &S"W ri * Frottowup fr. HiJamal, :3) go leave pass l'm sorry about yesterday, I told Jim I couldn't come to your pany and I thought he told you. take First of all, I had to have lunch with my dad and his dopey gidfriend. He gave me 150, but rt was really boring. They talked about their new house the whole time. Then I had to go home to finish my Maths project. My twin brother and I are very different. He always I qoL good grades. When we our piano exams, he 95% and I with an o_ 'A. I l5o/o and6 At eighteen, he t_ to NYIJ* and u_ a degree rn Latin American History. I e_ school at sixteen and paint factory. He's a work in a 'u_ history teacher now, and I own a paint factory. I hnno \/nr r'ro nnt mar'l qt mo Qao rrnr r qL et tha Lr rv vvv f vv Vixen conceft? l've got their new CD - it's brilliant. BIG kiss, Lols *New Yo'rk Uniuersi,ty ffi Circle the correct alternatives. "& 1 Sorry I can't come 1o the parly, but I'm really ... a [vely Paragraph really ... - I was it's really .. st fCna\Ly udents in the city so - you were really busy. You had a Maths exam in the morning. AJter the exam, you had to have lunch with your uncle. You forgot . o funny b lively c lucky 4 I love Will Smith - he's really ... lucky b c i1l 5 I saw Vixen last night - they were really a difficult b loud c ill Aftcr lrrnch,'Jvuluu rrnrr hrc'l 1^ t)Va Jvur rrnrrr liltla rr,'r\ a funny 6 She got a new car for her birthday she's really ... a lucky Introduction Paragraph 2 Explanation: Ji,rst, then, a difficult b bad c ill 3 There are a lo1 of I Apologise: yesterday was your best friend's birthday and you didn't phone him/her. llJ busy c difficult 2 I was ln bed all day yesterday Write an email of apology to a friend. Follow the plan. brother to the beach. ... - b busy c mad Add prepositions where necessary. 1 See you - tomorrow. 2 I usuaily go to the beach the atternoon. yesterday? 3 Did she come to school 4 She was here _ the mornrng, but she went home early. yesterday morning. 5 I went to the hbrary the weekend. 6 I don't like working 7 Were you at home _ last night? night. I My dad sometimes has to work _ Paragraph 3 Conclusion Say Happy Birthday. There's a party at Cara's house tomorrow. Make a difference GRAMMAR Past Simple: regular and irregular verbs Affirmative Negative watched football on TV yesterday did not (didn't) watch football on TV yesterday went to the cinema on Tuesday. did not (didn't) go to the cinema on Tuesday. l/You/He/Sh e/ltA/Ve/Th ey Yes/No questions Short answers . watch football on : TV yesterday? Did ; l/you/he/she/iVwe/they r go to the cinema , lVfi- questions What did you do last night? Where did you go? l{lhich shoes did you wear? Who did you see? Why did you do that? How did you get home? When did you get home? on Tuesday? Yes, l/you/he/she/iVwe/they did. No, l/you/he/she/iVwe/they didn't. W&w& ffiww &wWpK We use the infinitive form of the verb (not the past form) in negative sentences and questions eg W shoes?noIW She didn't buy the shoes. not Did she buythe Write negative sentences. 1 Last week I got up at seven o'clock every day pwcont l\,,Tnnr'lrrr didn'l aeL up at eeven o'clock on Mond,ay. 2 I left the house at eight o'clock every day excepl T[lesday. I 3 I worked every day except Wednesday. 4 I came home by train every day except Thursday. Write the sentences and questions with verbs from the box, .o'n.iio* j+vent *" r*ii" 1 Alexander Graham Bell - lighi bulb / + ? I / + telephone / television ?te tTenLed Lhe Lele?hone. )e didn'I invenL the liqhL bulb. Did he invenL Lhe Lelevielon? 2 Jane Austen I + Pri,de and Prejudice / - Hamlet l? War and Peace + i had dinner with my parents every day except Friday. 6 I went to bed early every day except Saturday. 2 l + World Cup in 2002 I - Worid Cup in 1998 I ? World Braztl Cup in + 7 I watched TV every day except Sunday. 4 Molotov + 64 / + Russia / - I'rance I ? Italy 1994 Complete the questions with words from the box and did. how whai 1x 2; when 1x 2; vn:lg (: ?) vlg *lv 1 When did Apollo 11 land on the moon? In 1969. 2_ the Ollnnpic Games start? In Athens. Marie Curie discover? 3_ _ 5 _ Complete the Wh- questions. 1 WhaL did:rou do at the weekend? On Saturday I went to the cinema and on Sunda5' I PlaYed football. 2 breakfast? Oh, I just had coffee. I wasn't very hungry. 3 your English exam? I took it last year. I passed with a gr ade A+. lrqf nioht? 4 I didn't go an5''where. I stayed at home and Radium. 4 i9 watched TV. Juliet love? Romeo. 6 7 B John Fitzgerald Kennedy die? Lee Harvey Oswald shot him. Bob Celdof organise the Live Aid and Live B concerts? Because he wanted to raise money for Africa. Leonardo da Vinci come from? Flolence - no\\'in Italy. Napoleon altack Moscow? In 1812. here? I got here by bike. It's only 20 minutes from my house. Complete the conversation with the correct forms of the verbs in the box. ;;t G ti take (x Charles Babbage buiid 9 l:,1'n' was only 10 euros. in 1840? The rn'orld's first computer. Look at Exercise 3 and write shoft answers. 1 Did Juliel love Romeo? Yee, ahe ),id,. 2 Did Leonardo da Vinci come from Naples? No, he didn't, 3 Did Marie Curie discover gralety? 4 Did Charles Babbage build the first computer? 5 Did the OlSanpic Games start in Rome? o B A B A B A B A B A B 2) s" t" +l rl"'6 (iz) visit (x 2) - '; t_to Paris. Did you "_ a good trme? good A time? We '_ a fantastic time Did you ]_ the Louwe? Yes, we did. In fact, we 'j_ the on","" otul yo, |o, u"", i"ttouur, We Louwe twrce. Did you '_ up the Eiffel Tower? Yes, of course. We'up the Eiffel Tower on the first day. rn any good restaurants? Did you'tu_ in some fantastic Oh, yes. We restaurants. Did you "_ any photos? We' _ hundreds ofphotos. February 1 2, 1 809 April 14, 1865 READING 4. Look at the pictures, What do you know about - Abraham Lincoln? Circle the correct answers. 1 Who was Abraham Lrncoln? a He was a rnriter. b He was a US president. C He w-as an inventor. 2 Why is he famous? a He inrented the personal computer. b He wrote an important book about the Spanish Civil War. c He ended slavery in the USA. Early life Abraham Lincoln was born 0n February 12,.1809, in a 0ne-r00m log cabin in Kentucky. His family were poor. As a child he loved to read, but there were n0 books at home and he had to borrow them from neiqhbours. 3 How did he die? a Somebody shot him. b He died of o1d age. c He diecl rn a traffic accident. W& Work and famiU ReaA the biography and check your answers to Exercise 1. Read the biography again. Tick true and cross false. rich. ofbooks. 3 Abraham Lincoln was a lau,yer. 1 Abraham Lincoln's parents were 2 They had lots E I I 4 Abraham Lincoln and Mary Todd had four daughters. 5 Abraham Lincoln r,vas lhe first presrdent of the USA. 6 The south won the Amerrcan Civil \\ar. 7 John Wilkes Booth shot Abraham Lincoln. B Abraham Lincoln died in a theatre. Answer the questions. 1 When was Lincoln born? lBOg 2 When did he become a lau,yer? 3 When did he get marded? 4 When did he become nresident of the USA? f tr tr T f As a young man he had a lot of different jobs, He managed a shop, he managed a post office, he was a soldier , . . but in his spare time he studied law and in 1836 he became a lawyer. ln 1842 he married Mary Todd. They had four children: all boys, Lincoln was now a successful lawyer and the family bought a big house in Springfield, lllinois. Lincoln then went into politics. In November 1860, at the age .16th president of the USA. The Lincolns of 41, he became the went to llve in Washington. Slavery and the Givil War After Lincoln's election, there were problems. The states in the south of the USA had African slaves. Lincoln wanted 1o stop slavery In 1861 the southern states decided to leave the USA. The American Civil War stafied. 0n April 9, '1865, the Civil War ended. The nofth won and the south lost, The slaves were free. 5 When did the American Civil War besin? 6 When did the American Civil War end? 7 When did Lincoln die? Complete the time line of Abraham Lincoln's life. 1809 Lincoln wae born in KenLuckv. 1836 tB42 I T 56 1860 1861 1865 Assassination One week after the end of the Civil War, on April 14, 1865, Abraham and Mary Lincoln went t0 the theatre. John Wilkes Booth was there. He hated Lincoln for freeing the slaves, At 1 0.1 5 that night, in the theatre, Booth shot the president. Lincoln died the next day. GRAMMAR SPEAKING I Indefinite pronouns Complete the conversation at the police station with questions from the box. Ho; oid to; s;i ho;*i wh";; aiA you go? WhichPeter? What time did you leave the Blue Angel? When did you last see Peter Taylor? Who did you go with? @ uhl9g ryl y?*l-" \"gyi W&w& &kw A Take a seat. B Thank you. A I have a few questions about last night. B No problem. A OK. tWhar did vou do laeL niqht? B I went out. 2 A2 B I went to lhe Blue Argel. A Really? B I went with Peter. A4 ? Peter &;wwgaY When an indefinite pronoun is the subject of the sentence, we use a singular verb, eg Everybody is happy. We do not use a negative verb with nobody/nothing, eg Nobody is unhappy. &- 3 Complete the sentences with words from the boxes, B r*9f crazy.2 's gy9{r4l*9 lgTglt"ry llvtlllq l9!11ry Hello? Is that you, Jim? Good. There's we have to talk about. Before I you want to tell start, is there 6_ me? ... No? Well, we talked to Pete and he told us '_. I'm afraid there's u_ you can do about it now. About 2a.m. 6 I took a taxi. I'm sorry. I ask the questions. 7 A in bed at five in the morning. Yes. So it's a great time for a swim - there's t_ in the pool. Well, ask n_ else. At five in the morning I want to be asleep. B A B swim at 5a.m. tomorrow? You're 2 A 9r9tr!9dl 99r9b99r l9b9gr \ A Does anybody want to come for a B Collins or Peter Taylor? Peter Taylor. t? B % Peter? He went home at about midnieht. Is he OK? Your friend was on holiday last week. Read the answers and write the questions. Use the words and phrases from the box. how long what when rvhere where which animals 1 Where did you qo far your holiday? I went on holiday to Kenya with Jeff. 2 We stayed there for two weeks. We stayed in the Ngulia Safari Lodge in Tsavo ever;,.where somewhere an;,where nowhere A B A I couldn't find my keys e WelI, they have to be 10 But I looked 11 and they were 12 lo be seen. West National Park. , We saw elephants, lions and monkeys t Jeff thought the holiday was fantastic We got home on Sunday. JS DI VOGABUTARY WORD LIST home cinema hunqrv actress agency anybody idei' anything ilt area imagination Internet search engine invent inventor at the age of basic education bicycte birth date birthplace blue jeans lacKel calculating machine celebrity central heaiing change the world charlty events/ organisation/projectl light bulb I Complete each sentence with two words from the Word list. 1 My brother's gol a cool job: he cleeiqne sporls cars. the 2 The football's on - can we i television to see the 3 Marconi, the of radio, in 1937. i_ s_ t- d- man every d_ money to c_ month. antl ttolrr 5 I had an accident on my bI have to buy a new w_ 6 I wantecl to be a p- but I ciidn't \\anl lo l,e p_ married to microwave oven mobile phone Label the pictures with compound nouns from the Word list. check emails collect money compact disc computer game/program move nobody 1 liAhr concefs plastic bag poet po0r p0p,musrc shop/work cool decide design (v) join laptop computer make a difference make posters nothing preorcr pnze digital camera rarse money drnrng r00m 0rsc0very record (v) refugees donate DVD player empty relative everybody everWhino exciied factfile famine famous for fashion show fitm star fire flvinq machine genrus go on a charity walk go online good fun OUCSS duv Ia'ppen have a big influence on heat . & retire ilcn sc0re sell tickets separate sick somebody something cnnrtc avanle w starving telephone terrific treat turn 0n W unusual washing machine Well donel well-known wheel win Make four compound nouns with words from the box, .f'ruritv ^1.-^,.. -lltrvv """"i-.,^;^iutliion ^+-* -t,dr 0o? 5E 2'! bulb peace UIU dweloping countries 4I ffi mustc titm p"it Find adjective/noun compounds in the Word list to match these meanings, They're in alphabetical order. &. WRITING &. Look at the structure 1 something to wear bl,-e .ieane of the biography. Use the name 2 something to make your house warm of the person as the heading. something to take pictures wrth 4 somewhere to eat in a house Albert finstein 5 something to help you conununicate Use adverbs Ilke Later, i,n 6 somewhere to put your shopping the same year, a\so and at the sa,me t'ime to 7 something to clean your clothes nrdrniaA tha Verbs are all in the past. I6tv-tY33 Early Life Albed Einstein was born in Germany on i 4 March 1879. Later the family moved to ltaly, text. Switzerland ffi Find these words in the Word list. They're in In 1896 he started a teaching degree in Zurich, Switzerland. He finished it in 1901 . In the same year he also became a Swiss citizen. He worked at the Swiss Patents 0ffice. At the same time he wrote the SpecialTheory of Belativity. He finished it in 1905. alphabetical order. 1 the opposlte of wat" 2 the opposite of poor 3 a word which is similar to zll 4 a word which is simrlar to h,ungry 5 a word which is similar tofamous 6 the opposite of lose & 0ermany dirro pqnh nno a heading. Complete the text with words from the box. b,;i; jdil; Divide the text into logical paragraphs and l"iyusir FIIIIII-II : Dates can go at the beginning or end of a sentence. ,tttttt:J The USA .iltt,lll ,:t.rt.l ::: :. t,,l',tl;',,,t, q The word fo is missing from five places in this text. Correct the text. ta Angelina Jolie wentldifferent countries and talked refugees. She wrote a book about it and donated the money she made the UN Refusee Agency. Shakira also visited countries in the developing world help LINICEF in a project send children school. Use the information in the time line to complete the shorl biography of Albert Einstein in Exercise 1. 1914 - becomes a professor at the University of Berlin goes to live in Germany also becomes a German crtizen again at the same time, writes the GeneralTheory of Relativity (finishes it in 1916) 192'l 1933 1940 1955 - gets the Nobel Prize - becomes a professor at Princeton i.J",,,:'s:, goes to live in the USA becomes a US citizen dies in his sleep 59 SELF.ASSESSMENT TEST VOGABULARY AND GRAMMAR ua Wrile the correct school subject 4I ..it €3ruKwffi ?*ffi Write questions in the Past 1 \lrhy next to (5 points) I you I miss school / yesterday Why did -vot miea echool yeeterda-v? (5 points) each question. Simple, 2 How o1d / you / be / when / you l gel your first bike In which subject do you 1 do drar,ving and painting? Art 2 learn about the past? 3 Where I you I spend / your last holiday 3 use numbers? 4 you / can / use a computer / u'hen I you be / ten 4 read books and plays? 5 play sports? 6 sludy Chemistrl, Physics and Biology.' 5 What / your best friend !.L (5 points) Circle the correct words. 1 What I / do / last night 6 \Vhy I you I not come / to the parly / time do you have English iast weekend rl.egrees t@t*@t 2 I rvant to end I Leaue university and become a musician. 3 What's rnrong? I1:cLssed lJa'iLed my exams. 4 I want to get a university degree I certzficctte in Geography. 5 Do you ever do'nute / ro,ise money to charity? 6 I got a good grclcle I cotu'se for mv homework. 7 My dad has to take a certi,ftco,te I cou'rse for his work. B We gol I took an trnglish test yesterday. It was velJr easy. 9 Is the central hect,ttng I ouen on? It's very ,v Rewrite the sentences. Use the words in capital letters, Do not change the meaning of the original sentences. 1 They u-eren't rrch five years They were ?oor five yeare aQo. 2 I failed my ago. exam. POOR PASS 3 I u.as confident when I was youIlg. 4 There rvas nobod,v at the (5 points) party. SHY WASN'T cold in here. 10 I send tertrteu;s I messages to my friends every day. 11 Put your dirty jeans into the waslzzng I clothes machine. 5 I didn't want anything to eat I didn't know how to play the piano when I was five. Complete the text with the correct forms 0f the verbs from the 11r.f box. 1!;i; a91izj ;;" ry'; COULDN'T (6 points) so When I r wae at school my favourite subjecls iT and Languages. I loved IT bttt play any Music. I nI'_ T at singing. lwas bad insl rumenls and uto a school ln London. We{r lessons a lot during the rveek but we 'on Saturday or Sunday. 60 NOTHING Complete the sentences with the correct pronouns. '1 (4 points) l've got eomethinq in my bag to shor,v you. is here so I can start. 2 OK. _ at the door. Can 3 Jacky, there's you go to see who it is? I can do to 4 I'm sorry but there's help you. here. 5 I don't know _ t., a Eight hours later he b Now, over 1.5 billion LISTENING SKILLS fi. ffi Listen to six people talking about childhood memories. Match the speakers (1-6) to the memories (a-g).There is one extra memory. Who remembers a a special present? b a change in the home? the world. c When she made a boy doll, she gave it the d something that often happened? e a new family? f to stop playing. e They thought it was a great idea. f Today, at the University of Texas, we can still see one that he took in 1927. g She called the doll afler her daughter, I n I Barbara. tr T h This was very important for taxi drivers and r friendly help? g a sad parent? i READING SKILLS & same name. d He r,vanted to eat but he didn't want (6 points) T C a lesson? got a photo. people use them all over police officers. This kind of food became very popular but did he invent it? COMMUNIGATION Complete the texts with the sentences (a-i). There is one extra sentence. (B points) I Complete the conversations with the words and phrases from the (6 points) box. wh;i;;;h" *atierr iou ioor. rluppvi Well done! Don't worry. I'm so sorry. I:y y* rgs 9ql? Tt*ryf_ A B A The Earl of Sandwich loved playing cards. One day he felt hungry. t- He was a rich man and he asked his cook to make something he could eat with his hands. He told the cook to put some meat between two pieces of bread. 2_ No-one knows but he did give the food his narne, A sandwich. B I forgot to send a letter and my dad's angry A I A A i ce e n o re N i e p ce 1U the first person to take a He put a camera in ...?!j!"s!"fh. *,:o.?* in his house and pressed a -y?" s._=The my dog died. Oh dear.2 Yes, A B ,t_2s.7 n n tW\ar'o up? You look sad. lhe picture Yr:: ,i721r:.::,ry he didn,i t";; Greatl I got a summer job That's brilliant! i' A B I met a beautiful girl at the dlsco last night. How fantastic! Good for you! Yes, rouna a-w)ly. to make the photos it"y n_ :;,7$S ff," ia"" for mobile1946 came in PnonJt tirst or"!u"" some Pe,oPl" '' 1"t9"1-T^-- rrrvs"- 'ruO" *.:'#*:5rf;i"'**illffiI tire second the I tade tne rlr5r Arnericans and ,i I b:":t" iiittl''ilJile 6;;"1;t inthe leeos' phones verv ^l Ruth Halden made the first Barbie Doll in 1959. ?_The first time anyone saw the doll was at the American Toy Fair in New York. Ruth also had a son called Ken. She made the first Ken doll in 1*)1. 8_ 61 : F'ollowing fashion I I : ; GRAMMAR Present Gontinuous The Present Continuous shows that an action is in progress n0w, eg l|lf- am ('m) working. am not ('m not) working are ('re) working are not ('re not) working. is (s)working. is not ('s not) working questions What are you doing? Why are you doing that? Where are you going? Who are you talking to? Yes/No questions nmlt rWe Arp \inr I "- Shoft answers : : Yes, we/you/they are urnrkinn? No we/you/they aren't. , thov -""'------. ls ihe , she The spelling rules are: r For most verbs, add -ing: go --, gling, walk --+ walking . For verbs ending with silent -e, drop the -e and add -ing: . . takc -+ takinn come --+ caning For verbs ending consonant-vowel-consonant, double the last consonant and add -ing. put + puttinQ, get-+ getting When the final consonant is -y, do not double iL pay --+ paying, Sa!--+ 52ri,n rlt ?l Write the -rng forms of the verbs. 1 doinq do B study 10 11 12 13 14 3 have 4 play 5 read 6 sit 7 stay 'n take i,vatch rvork write r L. 'r B A (you i watch television?) (no / i / not). '_ o_ (yes / you). 62 I . | /4, utL>t ilt . I r'm writina t,, c\r:,r. lrovw 'l Loriu, f t'S aj;L evaor,Ll'lvtr.< 3|t,t V')e're Uttl- lLt L. r '..--I tJ\L i cV'iol-re-n- w.. a, c(eltL 2 i.. t ,,,, 1. irt th€- pori 11ivre'\ a, gruu and a s,[r.hrrd,- ".,ft,r \oe qat f r twr4 |-ur', | ii:t ut ;,Le :>orrc7.'fhe ,h. 6- wct'',1-a-rlu.\ Lwe scon-, Sirbh&rt (you / nol study) (you / r,vatch fpl erriqi nn ) \..i t q/ 1,.ctc-1. A Clara? B \Vhat, mum? A rWhaL are you doinT? (what / you do?) (I / studv) for B 't\,{-+l-^---rD t.y rvtd c^dl --, A I can hear voices. Lt .":iu lf"u i15; .;"If talk Complete the conversation. It havp v'-J nlav read sit swim rt'rilc 9 swim 2 enjoy Complete the postcard and the letter, Use the Present Continuous form of the verbs in the boxes, Ne ,r.e l\'us \.c.rtc rr,Lcrre Sl.'*. t,ff .j l1F *"*]\) ?- T,s| 'ffi* f-:li :l l';,,,"-,ffi':i'" '.:1^;:' :,,i';,,!,i,'-' I . ::::", i _. * w'M'#Ye46w:|4|ffi!4y""dff3tsar'&ffe:€tqi4 I READING Read the website again, Write J for Judy or E for Eileen, e ffi Read parl of a website about studying abroad and complete the table, Judy Eileen Where is she from? 1 4 What is she studying? 2 5 Where is she studying? 3 6 DayLon. Ohio 1 She thinks Italians are passionate. 2 Her classes are in English. 3 She visited a design studio. tr I 4 Her molher's lamily are lrom llaly. 5 She's studying in Italian. 6 She's studying Italian. 7 She's studying with people from all over the world. B She's taking extra classes in the evenilg. : !_J - Tick true and cross false. 1 Judy thinks Italians are unJriendlr-. Eileen likes Rome. Judy's classes start at 9.30 in the r.r,,,r:iLq. Eileen's classes are all in the afiel'r'.a,,_,1 Eileen thinks Rome is a smail ci:-.-. Judy is bored n'ith Life in Iral-;. 2 3 4 5 6 6) L . : 63 ffi GRAMMAR 1 lJsuaIly,wacdl I'm cycli,ng to school, but there's a problem with my bicycle so thts :-------\ ., ,r,= \\eeK 1 tAKc /ll m lCJKtt'lgltne traln. - Present Simple and Present Continuous 2 We stay / We're stctgi,ng in the Wolvercote Arms Hotel this week, but normally ue staA I u:e're staging tn LLre Randolph when we're in Oxford. We use the Present Simple to talk about permanent routines and situations , eg I work for a German bank, We use the Present Continuous to talk about: o Circle the correct alternatives. an action that is in progress at the moment of speaking, eg I'n doing my Maths homework. 3 HON/FWORK l\,4onday Tuesday t.c/(:h @ Wednesday Thursday H.Slcr/ il)L//.3cs I read I I'm readi ng all the time. At the moment I read I I'm readi,ng a book about China. Friday I don't studu I I'm not stttdying at weekend, the but my exams are next month 4 Normally I do my Maths homework every Tuesday. I study I I'm studyzng alot right now. 5 Today I haue I I'm haui,ng a big lunch, but normally I haue / I'm haui,ng a sandwich. so 6 My brother tuorks I is worki,ng in a bank. This month he's on holiday and he trauels he's trauelli,ng around the USA. ffi I Complete the conversations with the Present Continuous or the Present Simple. Conversation A I can't come out o . - I'm doing my Maths homework. an action that is in progress 'around' now, eg My brother is studying at university. (= He is somewhere in the middle of the course - the course is not finished,) a situation that is temporary, eg I'm studying in Rome at the moment, A B A B Hello? Hi Susie. Is Benny there? Yes, but the'e havinq (he / have) a shower. What about Jasmine? (she / watch) the TV. A2 :l (you / want) to talk to her? B Conversation B A Fiona, this is Luis. He's from Spain Time adverbs help to show the meaning: I eat in a restaurant every day. I'm eating at home today. (he / stay) with us this B Some verbs are not often used in the continuous, eg ,ke, love. hate. want. need, know, believe.This is because they do not usually describe actions. c B Which time adverbs do you use with the Present Simple 0r Present Continuous? Tick the boxes. 4 sometimes 5 at the moment 6 normally 7 this week B right now 9 all the time 10 never 64 Simple Continuous n T Y tr T I tr T tr tr T T T T T T T n l T month. Hello Luis. Hel1o. Pleased to meet you. (you So, what t / do) in Britarn? c 1 every day 2 today 3 usually Yes, please. 6 B Really. Where c At ELIC. oh.8 ELIC.9 B c ? (I i sludy) English. (you / study)? (r / know) somebody at (you / know) Kate Goodman? She's my teacher. Amazing. Tell her we met. And where (you / live) in Spain? 11 (I / work) for C In Madrrd. an Amencan company. (you / learn) English for 812 your job? (everybody / speak) C Yes.r3 English in the company. B SPEAKING &. Andrew is going to a meeting in 0xford. %, Look at the conversations in Exercise 1 again and note the information. He makes three telephone calls to ask for information. Complete the conversations with sentences from the box. MLL.1'NA CX{C?D - tneetwry >t&rts &L 'N Can you give me some information about trains to Oxford on Monday morning? Could you tell me the price? rD -r e+++eneay+ A 4'^t za (A1 N (u r r.,,,/^ Cxtc?.D le1ttgs.2 - a-YYwLS rw axlord-.3 - Lrcy-et eosts, .L_ Did you say quarter past ten? Do you have a double room on Monday night? How can I help? How much is a return ticket? Shall I give you the address of our website? That's correct. What time does the 6a.m. train arrive in ucwL tN cosL Vor C({CRD nt(nL 6 L Oxford? A B A B Hello. Lynn White speaking. Hi Lynn. It's Andrew. Hi Andrew. What can I do for you? rCould you Lell me the Nime of the meeLinT ffi Put the words in the correct order to make questions. on lthe meetins? I of I tell I Monday? 1 Could I me B Eleven o'clock. Eleven o'clock. Thank you. Don't mention it. See you on Monday. See you on Monday. Goodbye. 2 Did I half past eleven? C Network South West. B Hello. 3 There's one at 6a.m. and one at 10.30. A B A c 4 c It arrives at quarter past ten. c Snrrrr 5 Yes, that's right. B Good. c A return costs S75.00. OK. So the train's at 6a.m., it arrives at quarter past ten and it's S75. B c 7 OK right. Could I make a resetvation? D Wolvercote Arms Hotel. Can I help you? B Yes. B D B say I you about / Can / give / some information I me trains to London? / you I 4 arrive? / does / it / What time 6 B D I 2 B B the time / you 5 a return ticket? / How much / is 6 a single room / Do lhave I on I T[esday night? / you 8 One moment, please ... y€s, we do 7 Could I me ltell / the nrice? / vou 9 It's 5120, sir. Do you know the hotel? No, I don't. D Can / give / me I the address I of I you your website? I It has photos and directions. B D Thank you. It's www.wolvercotearmshotel 65 WORD IIST VOGABUTARY Labelthe pictures with words from the Word list. ambition answer the phcne appointment jacket DASIC Jeans 000ts brochure broken button cancel careiul lauqh carrier bag century cerlainly cnanqinq r00m check ink Japanese 1bcci", g ;}F l00K ai look out of (the window) market MIX 3_ oil paint part-time pattern photography pick up plan m 1..4 L--/ l#\ @ &\ .@il 5/LW-t\ t7t= tH_i ffi <I' W | Chinese clean close ciothes department nlnthoc rtocinn clothes stall clothing coat collect create creative crowded customers cut delayed deposit do a course 00 up draw dress emergency enr0l Portuguese put down put on receipt receptionist rlng (v) sales assistant shorts skrrt steal store successful sull sunglasses sweater take back take off technique tennis match ipnnic rannr rot theory INlET fabric fashion designer fashion industry floor fallow throw away gailery geVbe liored wrth get/be interested in glamorous Greek gym nat kg shirt ^,,^^i6^'"t/^^^ ttvut lli tu ut UJD lull-tlme 7_/e\ V F5/ ls-r\ 10 w 11 -w 13_@ 15 '12 il 14 ffi s,& ( trainers trcusers Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the box. try on t-sntn de pick pur (x 2) unusual use you imagination watch watercolours wear work hard r throw lry 1 I have to go on a diet trousers. ake 1x 2; - I can't lo up my 2 That skirt is arvful and it's very old - u'hy it ar,vay? don't you your coat on. 3 It's raining your coat off. 4 It's hot 5I_ my sunglasses down on the table for a moment and somebody stole them. 6 Are these your sunglasses? I'm sorry. T thor rsht I hev r,r'ere mine and I +1..^'rrlern ..^ rnrsraKe. up l^-uy -i^+-l-- 7 I hate this shirt and I can't it back to the shop because I lost the receipt. 8 This suit is great and it's just your colour. Why don'l you 66 _ it on? Find three places in the Word list to match these definitions. They're in alphabetical order. 1 This place is in a g}rrn or in the clothes denartment of a store. WRITING K" Write the messages in full. o 2 This nlace is in a street market. Nice to nez.L tt6ot* {y,dnL[ ko6e*L You can see paintings or photographs in looLs Mr6'vwobrle. this nlace. ryrettL. lqo| 34q ^A4. & Find four nationalities and three jobs in the Word List. lL wae nice to meet, you on Friday. The ?roiecN looke qreaL. M\r mobile number ie O9OB 345 234, Nationalities: SorrV/ C6rt'1 eome 1o lokr parq Jobs: Han c//. -Tane & Complete the sentences with the correct form of verbs from the Word List. 1 Don't look now, but I think someone is f{gwtnqvs. 2 The phone's a_iL? r_. Can somebody 3 I'm sorry but I have to c_ our appointment. e_ d_. 4 I want to learn to on an art course and 5 Why are you w that stupid hat? People are I Vixen concert next Tuesday Want to come? Laila at you. Circle the correct prepositions. 1 get lbe interested at I i,n / u:i,th something 2 get lbe bored at I i,n I wi,th something 3 look at I in I wi,th something Complete the sentences with the correct form of the phrases in Exercise 6. 1 Come and join us - we some old photos. I African music. I went to three concerts in one week. studying - Let's go to the 3I 2 When I went to Johannesburg last year, cinema! Sophie, Australia fantastic! Having a great time! Got John's email address? Azi 37 stuff dot com & GRAMMAR Write the comparative forms. 1 fast faeLer 2 slow We use comparative adjectives to cornpare one thing to another, eg nsrcr than the other one, but it's iiii"ii:iirtt, ii more expensive, One-syl lable adjectives We usually add -erto the a$ective: 1, I fast--+ faster With one-syllable adjectives ending with silent -e, add -n nice - + nicer With one-syllable adjectives that finish consonantvowel-consonant, double the final consonant . . ^ "+ 6 smail 7 bad B good 9 exciting 10 nice Complete the crossword puzzle with possessive pronouns. the 2I 4 she 61ggu, 2 Two- and firee-syllable . 5 ugly 3 they ^l ^..1.{ ^^ big 3 slim 4 attractive 5we adjectives We usually use mlre before the adjective: modern more modern, expensive --+ more expensive With two two-syllable adjectives ending consonant then -y, change the yto i and add -er paev pzclpr vuat --+ wu9tvt 6 you 4 o 3 lnegular adjectives: gaad, bad flilwatcn 4 . : *l*l*,., man .'.##f,$"-.,,*:.. : 1*.*:.,:4rni :- my computer / fast / your computer. M\t com?uter ie faster Lhan youre. 2your computer / slow / my computer - *1.,,' * * 3 my digital camera / slim / his digital camera 4 their TV / attractive / our TV 5 her MP3 player / ugly /your MP3 player .:$entqncn:, is fuster than the other one. 3'.p:tayAif.,,fgoks,,:mw,.fi .::f fi''tfrer,.,, This computer '.,:,Tlj'is.:,MP, possessive pronoun. 1 i th?.,otft*r'',*tii..b1',h;kh;r, is bad but the other one s worse ',,,7h{s,,;9;V8,;p.{A ;,iE.;!@,,, Write comparative sentences. Remember to use a nfhpr nnp Possessive pronouns / small / their mobile phones 6 our mobile phones Possessive adjective That's my house. That's your house. That's his house. That's her house. That's our house. That's their house. It's mine. 7 your computer printer lbad I her computer printer 8 her watch / good / my watch It's yours. It's his. It's hers. It's ours. It's theirs. 9 my 10 68 video game / exciting / her video game your ring tone / nice / my ring tone Write superlative questions about the camera phones. Then look at the afticle and answer the questions. GRAMMAR Popular camera phones Superlative adjectives Q5 40 grams 80 grams weight price (no contract) $2g5 $eS 400 hours 350 hours battery life Motex A3 camera quality : Sasm ilosan gffims $SO 1OO hours ,li 95 ,, i' * **** *** ZG &, .r:4fr"4q.&.Kd?.!trnqw:,1:..e"&ir9g,l2r,.li!{reqf.4a*opiq4..gztl/e@""'a!|t.4.{Ji4\:es4tf t hear,y Lucien Harry 1m 85 Harry is tatl. 1 -er I 1m O? Lucien is taller than Harry. Roger " ca Which ie Lhe heavieeL? 1m 9B Roger is the ? 2 light tallest. 3 expensive -est 4 cheap -- '- 5 lnno hoftorrr lifo aIL vcrLLaJ v avrl6 the lonqeet baLler:t life? \/otex 43. 6 short battery life Which hae qot TAe 4 2 I more modern ) the most mlre modern (than) > the most modern expensive --+ mlre expensive the most expensive 7 good camera (than)- B ? bad camera lrregular adjectives good bad better (than) '+ the best worse (than) '+ the worst ---+ u 'a .. rift"'t-'"'" {'.ti' The Noaan 26. We change the -er in the comparative to -esf and add the before the adjective: the fastest fast + faster (than1 nicer (than) --+ the nicest nice big , bigger (than)' the biggest easy easier (than)--+ the easiest 3 'a Complete the sentences with the superlative form of the adjectives in the box. biA d;;g";o". i**+ h";"y io"g "oitv short slow small Wrile the superlative forms. 1 fast 2 heary Lhe faateat tne cheetah is 1ru. +^. r04 3light 4long kir;;;l;;; r;if;fft"Ltand antmat; t can run ar rne reticulated python is , up 5 shorl 6 big il ;,lJ'#;,1u,1f ,n.* to-.!nln*;*.- 7 dangerous B small Worid; it Can grgw up 9 noisy 10 slow I l0 tonnes. snake animai in ths ,. .c metres /ong tol-and weigh up to Howler fionkeys are r rn the world; ;J;;'flHmem o ln;.:::tlr,l,,0,0,,,0 rn the wor/d; it carri"..Jii"' __ .,,_ rho ostrich 6 The ^^+.;^, is ," rrom rve land anrmals rrom;illJ^ff mala;;p;EsrGl_ animar bird in the world; i!:'i,H:[::Hm'*'" has an averagu ,pruO of IonO:..', May ffies have s they iive tor aboul br* oneloui O "Tb'*,ill;l,l "' lives of any inse c: ile stegosaurus had e the dinoiaurs: ^ ", : Drair tne an-rr **=-;- , --.--.--.-__- ora nrne metres /ong ryas smaller ihen was ,,^,," *i,'.'"' (, ru: tiran ,qr r un,,|.,,l,,jidS ..: --; -,,v, yuur tnUfnb 69 N LISTENING READING '3 ffi ut, Listen to parl of a radio programme. What is il about? Circle the correct answer. Read the article. Tick true and cross false. The article tells you about: 1 the world's biggest feet. 2 the world's fastest motorcycle ride. 3 the world's heaviest man. 4 the world's most expensive hotel. 5 the world's most expensive wine. 6 the world's most popular sports team. 7 the world's most successful clothes shop. B the world's most successful sports team. 9 the world's oldest hotel. 10 the world's tallest man. tr tr tr tr tr a mobile phones b computers W %. n T T I T T tr T I T Match the sentences with the gaps in the article. 0 About 50 million people support them. c b He rode at 268.8 kph c He weighed more than 635 kg d His shoes were European size 63. € It costs up to $64,000 a bottle. sports cars f It opened g in 712 AD. It was the best,selling book of the year. h There are now more than 4,000 in the wor1d. d 9 cameras WfJffi Listen and answer the questions. Write K for Kawa Mark ll, M for Maxim 601 and DB for DB Compact. fl E E E 1 Which is the most expensive? 2 Which is the cheapest? 3 Which is the fastest? 4 Which is the siowest? 5 Which has the best accelerationx? 6 Which has the worst acceleration? *acce\ero"tict.n i& Answer the questions. [] tl - 0 100 kplt, it'r, X seco,n,cls 1 What year did the Gui,nness Book oJ Records starl? 1955 1 ii { 2 How many versions are there'? 3 What did Matthew McGrorv weish? When did Chateau d'Yquem produce the world's most expensive wine? 5 When did Hoshi Ryokan open? Listen again and complete the table. Kawa Mark ll Maxim 601 DB Compact 6 Where is Bonneville Salt flats? pnce Where dld Don and Doris Fishel open their (r) first shop? rop spee0 How much weight did John Brower Minnoch (kph) lose? acceleration (0-1 00 kph / 9 What is the value of Manchester United? sec0n0s) ',& Listen again and complete the text. Thev ranpe in nrir-c from the DB Compact, 2 car in the group, lo I I . 1: il for l for nf fhp thrpp the Maxim 601. The Kawa is the Maxim but at the difference is small. 70 lr G ui n ness World Records SPEAKING 9" Look at the information about the TV and answer the questions, js a fascinating cotlection cf superlatives: the fastest, the stowest, the biggest, ihe smattest, the heaviest, the most dangerous ... GUINNESS WORLD REC0RDS It started in Great Britain as The Guinness Book of first edition came out in L955. r q There are now versions in 37 different [anguages in 100 different countries. Here are a few amazing facts Records. The from Guinness Wortd Records: o Matthew McGrory (usA, 1973-2005) had the biggest feet in the wortd. :_ . ".q11p,t11'1g:,1yg,q"q.7 He was aLso 2.29 m 1 How high is it? It'a 63 crn hiqh. tatl and weighed 2 How deep is it? 280 kg. o The most 3 wne rn the world is Chateau expensrve d'Yquem Holt much is it? 4 How u,'ide rs it? (1,787).3- . The wor[d's otdest hotel is the Hoshj Ryokan in Japan. 100 bedrooms. o- and it 5 What does now has r In 1995, Fred Rompetberg of the Netherlands broke the world speed record for motorcycles. Bonneville Sa[t Ftats in Utah in the USA. 5- Put the conversation in the correct order. Shop assistant . John Brower Minnoch (USA, 1941-83) was the c 6- when he entered hospital in 16 months * the He then lost 419 kg biggest weight loss ever. r \,'ergh? at The world's most successfut clothes shop is Gap. Don and Dorjs Fjsher opened the first Gap in 1969 in . San Francisco. The first shop was tiny. in 1978. it 6 What make is it? . ,vor[d's heaviest man. 7- j1qfi Ty.qy571na7l1il The most popular sports team in the wortd 'is . Thev are also Manchester United Footbal C[ub. B the world's richest footbaLL team with a vaLue of more than $L.5 biLl.ion. T tr tr T T tr a Eight o'clock. b Goodbye. Hello. Unilec. Can I heip you? d It rveighs 43 kg. e ll's normally S799 but we're selling il for 5499. f Just a moment. It's 104 cm by 17 cm by 63 cm. g We've got a special offer this week on Sasco 90 cm flat screen TV. h Yes, it is, but it's a very good model. a l T Customer i j Hello. I want to buy a flat screet-L T\-. I think I want to see it. What tirrie ,-lc' you close today? k Great. Thank you. See ),-ou Ltefi ,r,: eight. Goodbye. I Sasco's a good make. Hou r'a,'-. r i m That's a good price. Hou-i ,- ,- , n That's very big. \\'hat '-1, =: . '-'' . o That's r.er\- hean-. = = il I WORD tl$r l, , . 'l , VOGABULARY W Complete the compound nouns with words from the box. 1 2 meeeaqe board camera _ _ _ _ 6_ 7_ 8_ I_ 10 _ centre 3 4 5 ffi control game message offer player record tone Which of the words in Exercise 1 are connected with: 1 mobile phones Lext meaeaAe 2 the Internet 3TV $1ff?13T,lj*' 4 buying things download (v/n) easy to use :tr',tr, exBensive founder gadget sin$e (n) 5 music , SfiM 6 photographs ,.,sfleeiat.offer:,, st$f' ,r'. ',, Find the opposites of these adjectives in the Word list. taka off 'S], 1 cheap 2 difficult to use 3 inconvenient 4 inefficient 5 Jight 6 modern 7 polite 8 safe PUnPn6t\/P -_Y-+% 9 small 10 useless Complete the sentences with the correct form of words from the Word list. dfrom the Internet that had all the I needed. 2 I bought a new p_ to r_ the old one but I couldn't c_ it to my computer. 3 I saw an amazing programme on C_ 5 last night - I wanted to r_ it but I didn't have any blank v_ tapes. 4 A b_ fell off my old t_ p_ so I u_ to an MP3 player. 5 I'm a_ to new technology. Slim, 1 I d,ownloaded a wasto of time weigh (v) r s_ mv attention. gadgets always a_ :; Complete the questions with words from the Word list. WRITING ti" Look at the structure of this notice, lt has three sections. Attract people's attention. For SaIe, Watzted, Lost ... 1 Heading: wffi, m@ K,$@* 'I lcm ,gr&tx ffiffi; W w w.@ ffiW: W ELECTRIC GUITAR w@@ 5cm Stralocaster | . F.nd..oRed I o Five vears old I 1 How lonq is lt? 11 cm. 2 How _ 5 cm. 3 What does It uu r 51 is it? lo Excellent condition. f,375 Contact Julie on dlr rJ 09879 827 I 4 What's the 878 I I €1.20. _ 5 What It's a Trekker. is it? Complete the instructions with phrasal verbs from the Word list. You use one phrasal verb twice, . lTurn the computer on and 2 the disc the CD drive. a,,_ 5 6 7 7 the 'print'icon to l the document the disc of the computer and it _ the box. the computer Complete the sentences wilh about, of, to, with or (no preposition). - 1 Trying to get him to be tidy is a waste time. 2I'm f crazy computers. I'm learning n rrrito nrn drr m a 3 An advertisement for a disposable camera atlracted to organise information. fi, 3 Action: Sav lr.hat you \{ant people to do. Read the conversation and write Tom's notice. Ali Hi Tom, What are you doing? a notice. I'm selling my Tom I'm nriting Ati Tom Ati Tom Ati Tom Ati Tom Ati Tom MP3 player. I want an MP3 player. What make is it? Il's a Sasco 20. It's good. Horv big is it? Very small. It's about 10 cm long, and it's very light. What's the price? s90. S90? I'm not sure. OK. Well you can phone me if you want it. What's your number? 03497 921 872. my altention. 4 She texled before my exam. 5 My sister is 2 Details: Bulleted Iists make it easy me a good luck message obsessed a dlfferent film star every - week. 6 He showed us hor'v easy it was the pocket PC. _ use rffi VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR g. Complete the sentences with names of clothes. (6 points) You can see the first letter of each word. coal . Now you have to find some nice bto go with it. 2 You can't wear a shirt without a t at work? 3 A Do you have to wear a s 1 That's a nice B No, just a jacket and jeans are fine. 4 lt's very cold today. You can't go outside wrthout a warm s_. 5 The sun is very strong today. Take your with you. 6 You can't wear jeans. Put on some smarter t Complete the sentences. Use a verb and a preposition from the two boxes to make phrasal verbs in the correct form. ^.,+ 1a ke +il+++ nrinl lhrow i" ("?) i1,1 ei1 ;;"v 1 I do (6 points) plcK r,urned on the TV to watch lhe match this magazine I want to read il. an1'thing 3 You don't have to warm today. It's really hol so a T-shirt is enough 4 What are these socks doing on the floor? them _ , please. 5 I think I'm fatter than last year. I can't this skirt. the headphones and listen to me for a while, please. 7 Could you please check this homework for it and put it on the me? I table in the kitchen. ffi Complete the ad with the correct forms of the adjectives in - brackets. (6 points) MASON's CTOTHES WHERE SHOPPIN6 l5 l eaaier (easy) THAN ABCI Buy your clothes herel We have ':clothes in town. Our prices are 3- 74 (4 points) Young children often have arguments to try to show that they are better t_ their friends. 'My father's stronger than 2_ ' they say or 'I've got 3_ house'. One of the reasons for having school uniforms is to stop this problem with clothes. When students have to wear a uniform, they can't laugh at people who haven't got the a_ trainers or 5_ fashionable shirt. Everybody looks the same. I remember when we bought our children's uniforms. We didn't have time to try them n- in the shop. When we got home, my son was happy with his unjJorm but my daughter didn't like 7- at a1l. We had to t_ the skirt back and change it for e_ one. 1a of @ftran 2a ours b your 3abigger bbiggest 4anewest bnewer 5 a more b the most 6a in b up 7a hers b her b take Ba put 9a longer b longest cto c yours c the biggest c new c the more con c his C turn c the longest Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in the Present Simple or (B points) the Present Continuous. 1 At the moment, I'm tryine (try) to make a website. 3 Where (Becky/work) today? (your friends/go) on Saturday nights? 4I (not buy) CDs, I dov,nload all my music from the Internet. 5 Hi John, it's me, Mike. What (youldo) at the moment? 6 Steve can't go swimming with us. He aiways (play) tennis on Wednesdays 7 We can't go to this club. We (wear) jeans. (your sister/study) at (good) university on Fridays? (cheap) than 9 Muml Come herel John (not do) his homework. any other shops and our shop assistants are' lfriendly,l than anywhere else, Come and see (hot) fashions in Britain. (new) and u_ (good) Mason's Clothes - can you find a '/shop than this? Read the text and circle the correct answers: a, b or c. a ;n 1;7) 2 Please, don't &, 1 What does the website say? TISTENING SKILLS a The competition finishes in June. b You can win a prize. c You can win tickets to the cinema. 'g W Listen to the radio show about young people's clothes. Tick true and cross false. (9 points) 1 This week's show is about young a Because he loves the technology in it. b Because it's an old film. c Because of one of the actors. rT 3 What does the writer say about The Producers? T I a lt's about a man called Zero Mostel. b Its main heroes want to be rich. T c It's the worst play in the world. n 4 What does he say about Independence Dag? a It's a true story. b He likes everl'thing about it. c He agrees people can think that it is stupid. T READING SKITLS 5 Read the website and circle the correct answers:a, b or c. as his best film? I in the past. 4 Joel is wearing a school uniform. 5 Joel's got one suit. 6 Joel's clothes tell us something about him. 7 Joel thinks that clothes with character have to be expensive. B Joel agrees with Mr Jessup about one thing. 9 Mr Jessup agrees that some T-shirts and trainers are stylish. & \\'lry did the wryiter choose Casab\anca 2 T people in the past. 2 The listeners can give thelr opinions. 3 Suits were popular with young people (5 points) Brassed O;fJ o hasn't got a sad ending. b is sad all the timr. c is the saddest film he knows. GOMMUNICATION 6 F Best film \s Casablanca I know it's =or me, the best film ever is ,n uni technology is much better now but nobody lt's his best film - he is ;;;th;; ;rt[r't"v Bosarl helps Bgrsman ;i;;; il tor.nunti. wrren rreyou thinkInsrid (and she thinks) and her husband to escape, Brilliantl her with going " is that he F Funniest film wft-cf. is and it is very difficult to 3V "ot"Oies it is The Producers lt's a story think I tnl t,-lnniu.t play in f fou" uotri t*o men who are trying to find the worst Zero Mostel' is tf-t" *"ifO. lt's great and the main actor' start when he the part at is ,razrgl f thitil ih; funniest idea to great this have they and r""G 6"n" Wilder become rich. And all the rest is # Most exciting film t i<now rt's crazy, just well' wonn bui I love /ndependence Day' tts ly9 story is somettmes tnat itS a typicil summer film and the from the very uOt*riJ V"r.i also know how it will finish main actors the and O"g;"1"g, trt the special effects the alien and ui""tuntaiiic. I love it when Will Smith hits Some 'W;i;;".le to Earth' and many other scenes way it is' o"tpl" *V it's the most stupid film ln some ;y. but I love it anYWaY. F Saddest fitm one film that always f Oo-tit t"affy watch sad films but not the saddest film lt's Off Brassed is ruk", t"'cry group of musicians' Ori ii't tn" best sad film lt's about a got any money hasn't man One iney aff lose their iobs. and children wife his unJ'nu loses his home and then to kill himself' tries he and dying is fui" r-,it, iii. tather gri nu. got a happy ending and sometimes it's very 't funnier than most comedles' funny - Complete the questions. The lines show how many words you need to use. (6 points) Good morning Assistant How I can ! hel? ? C I'm looking for a computer. SA Well, we've got a lot of computers here. C Mmm. Can you give me 2 about laptops? SA Of course. They cost from 5400 to 51,500. c Could t_ what _ the differences are? SA We1l, some have a bigger memory and are faster. Some can play DVDs. c What do you i faster? The computer works more quickly. IL's SA important for playing games. We1l, I'm not sure. c give you our brochure? SA uyou It tells all about the different computers. c Thank you. Have you got a shop in Leeds? SA Yes. I can 6 the address if you like. Have you got a piece of paper? c Yes. SA 38 Station Road, Brighton. c sorry, t38 or 48? Customer Shop SA 38. c Right. Thanks very much. totat t:}s,, -ID Time for abreak! GRAMMAR going to We use be + going fo + verb to talk about future plans or intentions, eg Affirmative Negative am ('m) going to spend August in the USA am not ('m not) going to spend August in the USA. WeAou/They are ('re; going to spend August in the USA. are not ('re not) going to spend August in the USA He/She/ll is ('s) going to spend August in the USA. is not (isn't) going to spend August in the USA Yes/No questions Shoft answers Amll Yes I am ------'t^^^^^^^^"--- ---- --- : Are I we/you/they , going to spend August in the _,,,,,1__-__-**_**-) ls i he/she/it USA? Lrnp,9WaAa {at*ttiu CaLVPArcut AW I SParrt AW 1 dronoo Pn rrs LVre Lott'vr e' Mt''seud'tt f Vonae St Mn-rr's \4t"ure hre'e*o Atharts tha l f Lhe, btnt- Mosfy,o ba-rce'lona Latcr wrLP'ur sLa*btt AoroPo[s I1'm QoinQ r.o eLarL (start) my tour m (not / visit) Barcelona. I2 Madrid. A-fter Barcelona I 3 (travel) by train to Paris. I a (stay) in Paris for two days, then I (fly) to Venice. (not / stay) there for very I6 r^^x - urrrJ .r^,. 'rh^n ^-r,. o- u4J. rlrr rurrS I; to Alhens in my uncle's yacht. Afler Athcns T (finish) my tour in Istanbul. (sail_1 E 76 Yes, we/you/they are. No, we/you/they aren't : John is going to g0 0n a tour of Europe. Complete what he says with the correct form of going to. At,rr;y9 l'm going to learn to drive this summer. ffi Put the words in the correct order to make questions about John's tour. Then look at the plan in Exercise 1 and write the answers. 1 rs / Barcel ona? ldo / going I tn I to / What / he WhaN ie he aoina Lo do in SarceIona? I'e'e qoino, Lo eee Nhe Saqrada Famllia Cathedral. 2 is / arrive / going / in / Paris? / to / When i he "1 3 is / go / going / in / Venice? I Io lWhere / he 4 ls / Athens? / going / in / see / to / What / he 5 is / finish / going / tour? / to / Where / he / his Read the afticle again. Tick true and cross false. READING k Read the headings in the article and answer the questions, 1 Where is Josie studying? aL Suaeex UniveretLv 2 What is Tony studying? 3 Who is studying Politics and Economics? 4 Who is studylng rn Durham? 5 \\-here is Xruxiu W& sr udying? Read the article. Match the sentences to the people. 1 I n'ant to 2 3 4 5 teach. loward I want to see Asia. I'm golng to go to the USA. I love football. I'm going to be a professional musician. 1 Josie is going E to travel around Africa. 2 She has family in Australia. 3 Howard is going to look for a job. 4 He needs money to study. 5 Xiuxiu is going to go home. 6 She's going to live in Germany. 7 Tony's going to wolk in a shoe factory. B He's going to have a lot of responsibility. I Marina has got a job in the European Union. 10 She's going to travel around the USA. T T r I ! rT T l Answer the questions. 1 Hor,v long is Josie going to spend in Asia? eix monLhe 2 Horv long is Howard going to rvork in the factory? 3 How long is Xiuxiu going to spend in China? 4 How long is Tony going to spend in Ttrkey? 5 Horv long is Marina going to spend in the USA? Josie is studying Modern Languages at Sussex University -nis week Student Magazine talks to five ::udents who are graduating this year. ',/hat are they going to do next? -:ny is studying Gomputing and 3usiness at Kent University - going to go to Turkey with some =rds for two weeks in August. Then l'm : rg to stad work. l'm going to work for '. dad's company. The company makes -:rls clothes and eouioment. About -,.1 people work there. l'm going to be = T Services Manager. I love all sports clav football and basketball and I run. rhat's cool. But it's going to be a lot of responsibility. \'larina is studying Politics :nd Economics at the LSE -ondon School of Economics) *- going to go to Washington in July. going to work for the World Bank. -^at's going to be great, but it's just a :-"rporary contract. l'm going to be there 'six months. Then I m going to take a - rnth to travel around the USA. l'm ,:rng to come home to London in - :tober and look for a permanent job. I want to work for the :-,:opean Union, but it's hard to get a job. First, l'm going to take six months to travel around Asia. I want to see Vietnam and Thailand, Bali .,. Then l'm going to spend three months in Australia; l've got an uncle in Melbourne. Then l'm going to come home and look for a job and a place to live. I want to work in tourism. Howard is studying Anthropology at Durham University l'm not going to have a holiday. From July to September l m going to wor< in a shoe factory. lt's going to be hard but really need the money to continue my studies. l'm going to staft a Master's degree in Anthropology in September. One day I want to teach Anthropology in a university and do research. I Xiuxiu is studying Music and Performance at Guildhall University in London First of all, l'm going to go home for two months. My parents live in Nanjing in China and I really want to see them. Then I'm going to come back to London. l'm in a band with three other students from Guildhall. I play the piano. We're going to play at a jazz festival in Germany in October. Then we're going to look for more work t) try4?41/'.?.taq.a!ae3?:/!.9 t:ait4.7.a?:e?rai?,:.a.4Faral t:,...,,..... ."r.,,r,, a,".,t,",0,-n,nurr,l: 77 % GRAMMAR r.:.:.:r.:.:.r.. ..:... .:. r::....:.,,, Who says it? b€ss dentist doctor narents 1 You mustn't be late and you must work hard. .,:.:.....,: :..'.'.t . teacher '..r.,@f',t'..l.l.l,.:t'll " fi?usf is similar to have to(Unit 4). lt shows that it is necessary to do sorhething. boee 2 You must eat lots of fruit and you mustn't smoke. 3 You must do your homework and you mustn't talk in class. 4 You must tidy your room and you musln'l stay out late. mustn't and don't have to r mustn'l is the contractron of nust not. . mustn'tis not the same as don't have You must see me every six months and you mustn't forget to brush your teeth at least twice a day. to. musln'lshows that something is not permitted. You mufin't snrrlkc on the ptane. (= You can't orii'/j?)ro shows that it is not necessary. You don't have to wear a tie at work. (= You can wear a tie if you want to.) shsuld and shouldn't . . . We'use shautdtosay something is a good idea. You should buy a good guide book. We use shouldn'tto say it is a bad idea. You shoukln't believe everything people tell you. should is the same in all persons ll Yo u/ft e/S h e/VVell h ey s h o u t d ta ke re g u Ia r e xe rc i s e. Circle the correct alternatives. 1 Yot6nustnAl don't haue to smoke on the planE.- 2Youmustn't I don't haue to wear your seat belt all the time. 3Youmustn't I don't haue to stand up when the plane is taking olf or landing. 4 You mustn't I don't haue to eat the food on the plane. 5 Yot mustn't I don't haue to be rude to the flight attendants. Write sentences with mustn't or don't have to. 1 Today's Saturday: I / get up early don't have to qef, u? earl:r. 2 Today's my mum's birthday: I / forget to phone her I 3 I want it to be a surprise: you / tell anybody 4 There's plenty of time: we / run Change the imperatives to sentences with must or mustn't. 5 We're in the library: we / talk 1 Get a visal You muef, AeL a viaa. 6 I passed all my exams: I / retake any of them 2 Don't forget your passport! You can finish this work tomorrow: 3 Arrive at the airport before ten o'clock! 4 Don't be late! 5 Keep your bag with you at all times! 7E you / do it now 8 These documents are important: you / Iose them & Write advice. Use should and the ideas in the box. i'i r"i l."ip c"t u Su;"td"t j;b ledeo the film and go out go to bed earlier ioin a pr,,rn make a sandwrch put on a jumper +extjns€e.ad SPEAKING B. Put the conversation in the correct order. A a b I've got a week's hoJiday from work and I don't know where to go. You ehould NexL inef,ead. 2 I'm hungry. c Oh, I'm not sure about that. It's very expenslve. d Paris is a bit cold at this time of year. e That's a good idea. Yes, why not? Barcelona could be fun. How much is it? f Well, I iike going to art galleries and I 3 I'm cold. 4T never have any money 5 i can't I don't think so. I went to Italy in the sununer. 1 My mobile phone calls are very expensive. stay awake in class like eating in restaurants. 6 I don't understand these instructions. n tr tr r T B g If you like art, you could go to Venice. T tr There's a special offer. 7 I want to be healthier. h Look there's the price - air fare and hotel included. Right. Well, if you don't want to go to Italy, what about Paris? j Well. why don't you slay at home? k Well, if you don't want to go to Paris, why don't you go to Barcelona? I What sort of things do you like doing? I want to go to the party tonight but there's a great film on TV. i Ben is going to Australia on a backpacking holiday. Complete the advice with should or shouldn't and lhe verbs in the box. I m rI tr o1 13 Complete the conversations with words from the box. ;b;;i ;;;ia suggesl (x why (x 2) 1A Jo" I gooa 2) sure hink I io"" ir 'h""td whal (x 2) What ehould I buy my mum for her birthday? B What a pair of earrings? A Thal's a good 2 A I'm bored. What do you B go 1 You ehould keep your money and passport safe at all times by bus around Australia; it's cheaper than flying. 3 You between midday and fhree o'clock: lhe srrn is loo hot 4 You in the sea if there are red flags on the beach; that means danger. 5 You in youth hoslels; lheS' are good places to meet other backpackers. 6 You in July and August; it's winter in Australia. 2 You _ 2 you've got nothing to do, you could clean the house. AIdon't_so. 3A_ can we do tonight? B_ don't we go to the cinema? A Yes, _ not? 4 A There's no food in the house. What do you B we do for dinner? If you like Indian food, we _ that new restaurant for dinner. AThat'sa_idea. 5 A What about our holidays? go to do y-ou suggest? Why A I'm not B we go to New Zealand? aboul thal . li's a lorrg rrar 79 VOCABULARY WORD lost luqqaqe lgll'^*J$y" ntltH \rInlt IUXUTV mr* /n\ l 'g 1 : : ,F2iii$bOlt,:', four types of hoiiday: activity holida'rt : nearov Foun \vl Find these words in the Word list. 2 four places you can stay at on holiday: cam2ette :':,l','',',':''::,' 3 four means of transnort: car 4 six things you can wear: baseball cap earrinqo .qa|llPsit0l ,Ca$t[ti::,;.'':.: 5 four jobs: fliqht attendant 6 three activities: eailinq ffi ,'i,,:Be{!!ng$.,,:.tl;:,.'..:'i.r.t,:l:,.1ll;,..,::l:,l'l:l':': anru iflh r 9t!vv9! ,, : 0n]e*idrymelt;rlttdu '.. : , My'fl']rr'_ to Madrid was at six o'clock in the morning so I2p_ the night before. I four-thirty. When arrived at the ta-at I got there, the airport workers were on s*11, dir^r,;^i^; EAUUI JIUI j ^-^r^"^ EAL}IUI G I r,,r I V} fl'*h+ and my plane was udThere were 6c_ of people everywhere ns- Tlqnt aflen0ant r0r0eI get a oegree (v) slt gutk gra0 I didn't arrive in Madrid until three in the afternoon. , & v!svv :s.i Complete the text with the correct form of words from the Word list. hSq$ Label the pictures with nouns from the Word list. cuide (n) t t .$uigebqoli.,, H:l' ''', I Silou'o MVt llla rl IryVul : l::l: r. 'i11,.{}!!'i,r$ggg:r6'f inctn rntnr lrnlanrl ie,Slgll$ totn N) r':, '] "',,',:,,,",'' lUm0ef i Key rmg Klnmetre Kinq Arthur laft rvt! live 80 (adj) : ' : 1 biecuite Make compounds from the words in the box and complete the sentences. .'''....'.....' Dag €€as+ company entertainment WRITING '& Look at the structure industry lost love luggage sleeping s€uth stories tourist travel visa 1 Brighton is a city on the aouLh coaet of England. 2 My mother likes reading 0f this postcard. lt has five sections. Greeting: usuaily Dear ... . You can also use Hi, or Hello. 3 My sister works in the - 4 You need a 2 Present: Say where you are. Wc're in .. We're hauing ct great/ horri,ble ti,me. (It's) b e auti,fulk o ring. T lze u; e ather zs w arm"/coLd. she's a musician. Ne're rn bA-roelonL, Ne're hl-'ttw A lA-ntasLrc trvne barcetorvL is beat,Ltlu\ ani- Ll^e we-cLLVter to visit Australia. 5 My brother works as a tourist guide for a rS ^lllr,4r. YesLerd"ag we, vtstted, Lhe 9atya)* {a*,rtia atd the frca-s,0 Mt"seu.vw f n Lbe eue>tttvvy wo 6 I once went on a camping holiday and forgot my 7 I waited for my backpack for half an hour and then went to ute tvt a &afutLrorrwt CaLatan rosLat,rrurL, Aotnorrow vre'ro qntrvX- to q.o Lo grLc6os - tt's 0- neltrbo,y beAth Find the missing verbs in the Word list. 9ee q'or^ 'l ?ack hr"ry a guidebook / a swimsuit / jumper by train / by plane / by coach at a hotel / at a youth hostel / on a campsite soorr lr Artw a 2 3 _ _ 4_ aroom/aseat/aflight ffih a; you're going to do. Later today/Thi,s Complete the sentences with prepositions from the box. ;t b; i"' ; i" ;tii 4 Future: Say what afternoon, u-te'Te goi,ng to ... % to stay _ to stay _ B We're going to travel there two weeks. 1 September _ Loue. ' ^StY I I uonauy V.S.l f I,e Lq^vr - f).r1rsr1\h.r 66 t,.p il,e t"fitl rowr,. trarn. W, DetLr Murw, nou./Lots of Meena is on holiday in Paris. lt's Tuesday morning. Look at the documents and write her postcard. grandparents. 6 We're going 7 We're going 5 Sign off See you soon./Bye Jor Then sign your name. tj 1 I'm going to go on holiday. 2 I'm going to go _ my sister. 3 We're going to go _ Scotland. 4 We're not going to stay a hotel. 5 We're going to stay _ oul 3 Past: Say what you did. We uent to ... We ui,si,ted ... We sara ... We met ... I p ftesoay 'tc losirarc.ts oke a roa t [, ,,1, c,.. ,l ^ Il'r g,u-,. Srr,te Wednesday i,I]JSEE JOURilEE Healthy body GRAMMAR il/fi- questions Present Perfect We use the Present Perfect to talk about a past action and also the situation now, eg He's eleaned the house. {= the house is clean now.) He hasn't cleaned the house. (= the house is dirty now,) lAlVe/You/They Affirmative Negative have ('ve) cleaned have not (haven't) cleaned the house. the house. He/She/lt has ('s) cleaned the house. has not (hasn't) cleaned the house. How much work have you done? Why haven't you cleaned the house? Past Simple and Present Perfect lf we want to say when something happened, we use the Past Simple, tvisited China when I was 18. With the Present Pedect, we don't say when something happened. lt means 'in the past up to now'. t've visited China. Have you ever Yes, l/we/you/they have. No, l/we/you/they haven't Yes, he/she/it has ...? The adverb 'ever' means 'at any time' You can use it in questions. A B Have you ever visited China? Yes, I have. lvisited China when lwas 18. No, he/she/it hasn't Read the situations and write sentences. Use the Present Perfect and subject pronouns. 1 Jack's not working: he's at home watching TV (finish) l,e'a finiehed work. 2 I can't find my glasses. (lose) 3 It's not rarnlng now (stop) 4 Jim and Diane are here. (arrive) 5 You're late: the train left five minutes aqo. (miss) 6 Our shoes are dirty. (not / clean) * 1 visit A B / Japan? - wanderful, 2 eat lVietnamese food? - yes / last week / delicious A 3 meet a famous person? read A in an Italian restaurant I didn'tJini.sh I I hauen'tfznished my homework. 3 I'm exhausted. kilometres. Did ljou 1 gncrrl I I'ue suum five see I Haue Aou seen Jackie at the weekend? 5 Happy Birthday! I made I I'ue made you a cake! 6 I satn I I'ue seen the Rolling Stones six times. 7 I satu I I'ue seen Bruce Springsteen last year. 4 no I The Lord of the Ri,ngs? yes / when I 1T@l eo,tert" - A was 16 / borlng I'ue yes / last year / wonderful Have you ever vieiLed Ja?an? Yea. I have. I vieited Japan laet vear. lL wae Circle the correct alternatives. yesterday. 2I can't go out: 82 r,?, Write conversations with Have you ever ...? READING Read the article again and match the sentences to vn- 1 I carr't do thatl 2 I'm borecl: 3 I'm hungrs | 4 This is greall I'm going lo bo thinl 5 When was lhe last time I came here? paragraphs B to Read the article, Match the pictures to paragraphs B-F, 'Wffi F. E I Read the sentences in context in the adicle. Circle the correct meaning. ltv 1 cost a fortune (Paragraph e) = Fas Eiperrsrvell lvas cheap 2 il was over 181 = it rvas the begrnning / it was the end 3 in the open air (C) = inside / outside I 4 speeding (C) = going fast / going slowly 5 I lasted a week (D) = 1t was the final week / it w-as difficult but I continued for a r,veek 6 nor'vadays (D) = ln the past / in the present 7 by far the u'orst (E) = a little u'orse than the others / a 1ot worse than the others B I gave up (E) = I stopped doing it / T continued rloing it $ur?Bx?aer*X rme ffi- It'ssummerandlwanttogo ffi to the beach. But of course before I put on a bikini I need to lose a little weight. It's the same every year. I've tried everything. Diets, exercise, yoga, running ... I always think it's going to be fantastic when I start. cost ffi * tfre last gym II joined a fortune. But was happy to pay They had hundreds of beautiful, modern machines. They had a swimming pool they had a sauna. They had a cafe. For ffi the first month I went three times a week. Then I went once a week. Then I went once every three weeks. Then I stopped going. I continued paying for a year but really it was over after six months. bX fwo years ago I decided ffi running was the answer. I started in summer. How wonderful to be in the open air early in the morning, speeding silently through the sleeping streets. Well, nxes Lastyearltriedyogaclasses. The teacher was a fortyyear-old woman. She looked about eighteen. There were really, is there anything more boring than running? I don't think so. But I continued. In fact,Icontinueduntilwinter arrived. It was dark. It was cold. It rained. I stopped twenty of us ln her class and I was by far the worst. I can't put my leg behind my head. And I don't want to what if it gets stuck there? Most of all, I hated sitting on the floor. Why can't you doyogainachair?Or,better, on a sofa? I gave up after four lessons. ffi nut this summer is going to that's the theor5z But running. I've gone on hundreds of diets. The first time was when I was 21. No wine. No chocolate. No pasta. No cakes. No fun. I lasted a week. Then I ate the refrigerator. Nowadays I go on a diet about once a year. usually last longer than be different. I've started tennis lessons. I'm har,ing three lessons a week. I'm going to lose lots of u,eight. It's going to be fantastic. I just know it. I a ", |;,41L,f r.i|tttt,,1a4qa4,. . . .,. ....1. "'"' 8B "* GRAMMAR Look at the pictures and write sentences. Use the Present Perfect of the phrases in the box with,lusf. arrive get marded ha#e-a+€by lunch have an accident have Present Perfect with been and gone n.ass John's gone to Moscow. (= He's in l/oscow now. her dririno tp5[ He's not here,) John's been to Moscow. (= He's not in Moscow now. He was in ll4oscow at some time in the past.; Present Pedect with ftsf, yet and already We use just, alreadyand yef to add extra meaning to the Present PerJect. We use justand already in affirmative sentences. Use them between haveand the verb. A You look different, B I've just had a haircut. (Tusl means very recently, 1 fhev've iuet had a babv. a short time ago.) A Do your homework! B l've already done it. (already means faster or sooner than expected ) We use yef in negative sentences and questions Use it at the end of the sentence. A What are you doing? B l'm writing letters. I haven't finished yet, l've got two more to write. A Have you seen the new Spielberg film yet? B No. we haven't, But we're going to see it at the weekend. (yetmeans it's expected or it is going to happen.) Complete the conversations with been or gone. I speak to Julio? I'm afraid he's not here. He's aone ottt. 1 A Hel1o NIrs Sanchez. Can B 2 A You look tired. to the B Yes. I've g1nn. 3 A Where's Maure? B She's to the shop for some milk 4 A How's Kenny? B He's OK. He's to Tokyo. He got 5 A You look great. I've on holiday. 6 A Where have you _ B I've _ at my yoga class. Why? Thank you. ? A Pete came He's _ (o t home last night. B Penny is a journalist. lt's only 1Oa.m, but she's already done a lot of things. Write sentences with already and yet. to see you. He waited for ages. Do wrrttw the'CelekrrLur D.g t> r.r{ ,.ru / frltr.sh ,^ At\()titOAut/'\ a ?,UttL tl^c- ftLw:>ptqeyt A L\ te)\ ! .VA*e.-'> n", LD / ) 1 Wrle 1,., \"1.c,-t,v..LL.\uteu t (-nat bruL / now. 'l \he'e alreadv 2 3 4 5 6 84 finioheA wriLina rf,,"l'c.a**r,,ru Diete' article. 7he haen't ?honed, Tom yet, TISTENING SPEAKING E W;,f.e Listen to four radio programmes. Match the 7 In English exams, you often have to describe a photo. It is important to talk. lt is better to make some mistakes than to be silent and make no mistakes. people to the programmes, Complete the general description of the picture with words from the box. a ca n I .'in +t€ it's th irrk of picture see 1 lL'a a street. 21 the UK seven people. 3 Circle the correct alternatives in the detailed description of the picture. There are trvo cars 1 on the Le,Jt l@rl tru L"ttlLI) 2 Tlteg'ue lrud, I Th,ey're lzauittg an accidenl. The drivers '' Look / Loctk L'ike very angry. Prograrnme 1 Programme 2 !,J tr T Programme 3 Prnolrmme z1 Tlrere's a man on a brcycle a i,rt. llze m'idd\e I ott lhc la[t ol lhe road. t Hr-'s 1,,,,11 ilrg I He's Looked at a girl rn the street. I think T T 6 sLle's bt.tgi,'t't.g I sl'Le's bougltt a ne\\- clress. I S/'tr:'s sltcttt,ittg / She's sltotrtt it to hel friencl. Ther- both '' Le-tok I lor:k l[ke happ:. Listen again. Write a sentence about each person using the phrases in the table. '' Ort the left, I On, the i'igltt, there's a couple in a caf6. 1'r Tl'tet1're hctt,zttg I TLtey'te jttst h,cLd lunch. 11 Tlzey're uatclrlng I Tlrcy"re goztzg to'u,:otclt the man on the bicycle. Maybe 12 lze's had I he's goirtg to haue an accident too. 1 )avid French ... i'r Listen again. Which programme does each sentence come from? il yet. 2 I've read most of the book. 3 It hasn't been released yet. 4 It's been very interesting. 5 \Ve've already recorded erghl songs. 6 \tr/e've tried to explain comphcated tdeas in a simple rvay. 7 You've just come back from the USA. 8 You've just finished a ne\v mo\'rc. 1 I haven't finished L2l T I tr T T T n 85 VOGABULARY e l aqpbkp-2a3b_ make the most of 4b 5c 6c il3Ht l3$[3llo,, il#' . nasketnat beat inother p laye l llVmnic 13 s 14s 15r 16v Bg- neur&[cs Games ' lattonur ,tr1:,;..,.:,tt,.,r ge t'i....,,!.'.',.' Divide the nouns in the box into four categories. machine goake€p€r mat€h exercise ,8l1xil , ,,,,,,,,, ,.'t,t:.t', ffi"cu ques{ionrtatre '- " ;;;'- reduce stress, resehrch (n) , Calegory . th_ h_ 11i_ 10 12r 7d_ mineralwater: r/team Find 16 sporting activities in the Word tist. I: es plaver race teeth baeebatt bar Category 2: body right-handed rock ciimbing, out CaLegory day develop diving do well emotion exercise (n/v) exercise classlmachine expression 4: & ::,,'i''', Arsenal ,,rr,:r.r, and'- llil ^,^ sttmulate gq::l*"'nbipur goatkeeper fl''Jf,'llilfr' l . j... . ;,',,,,;;t;t:,,::; take vrtarnifl pills rqT teeth tidtivl .':.,.,,.'......'.'' & t]1ed,.,.,.,...., ..'.:,:iir:.ltlj . *I?'^^.^. unexpected j#lTI'" ,.: : .1ryq999*t uce versa ,,,,,.',,,,.,.,,,,,,,,,.,,,.,,.,,r,j.:litat win a match/medal/race woild ihiff-earthv/arive, ' : ,,.ig]i9.Y,g,,, record t i";i ti;; ;;dr;; ecored two goals, t- Juventus the match. 4b _ r-li, "al;";"d 1_ If you want to _healthy beiter, you should rry to e_ The doctor rold me ro supporters tublg,J*,!lis, l ffiffiJ,'l;;' Complete each sentence with one set of three verbs. Remember to use the correct form of the verbs. n""t *""* *i" lsll:y s:l lg- i.frliiltouch/ssht gHlJ,'- , inlo shape so and r_ your level ol Complete the sentences with prepositions from the box. Take rhis booklet. Ir's ,for peopte wilh sleeping problems - there's a lot of good advice I spend a lor oI money u- trying to get ,- my girlfriend. the g.rn three times a week: I'm 6_ shape. I a gym. stress. I go ES maLch : ii,ftffi*.- . Cal eqorv 3'. aoalkeeper Complete the crossword with words and phrases from the Word list. WRITING '& Look at the questionnaire. Choose a clear title reason for the nr rocfinnnqiro YuLuLrvrLrLquL. A Kkes * Mex€** Tell us what you think and help us improve our service. 1 How old are ! | ! I Write questions that are relevant. Put them in an order which is 2 easy for people thA drrmmrr cnr] qnollino 1 6 years old rc-z+years zs-ss old years old so years old + How often do you eat outi I I f to follow. Check under you? more than twice a'week once or twice a week once or twice a month | | less than onr:e a month 3 What did you think of the quality of the food? ! ! I I ACROSS excellent good or< poor > 4 For example, 100 kph (5) 6 You can win one at the Give options for people to choose Ol;.'inPic Games (4,5) 7 When the team scores, the supporters 8 Scientists do 11 13 16 18 T?y to it. (B) find (4,3) Surprising (10) Green stuff in the park (5) Get bigger (4) 19 100 cm (5) DOWN from. (5) V Write a questionnaire about one of the topics below, Include at leasl five questions, . Sunn)'.vale hotel - or a hotel you know r QuickJet airline - or an airline you know . Wigan Athletic football stadium - or a sports stadium you know 1 Can you break it? (5,6) 2 Opposite of left-handed (5-6) Heaithy drink (7,5) F or example, aerobics (8) Not open (6) Hot room in a gym (5) Start of a football match (4-3) The winner rs the team that scores the most (5) 15 Opposite of energetic (5) 17 Seeing, sense of .. (5) 3 5 9 10 12 14 87 SELF-ASSESSMENT TEST VOGABULARY AND GRAMMAR 1i Write the name of the correct sport next to each description. 6I !i Arruswru € € *€w Complete the sporls camp holiday ad with mnst, m[rstn't, don't have to, shoulcland shouldn't. (5 ooints) (5 points) 1 People do this in the mountains. It looks dangerous but if you are carefui, you don't fall. rock climbinT 2 This is a winter sport. Going dolm the mounlain is very exciting 3 Different sports belong to this category, lrke running, jumping and throwing. You muet organise the holiday before you arrlve. We never have free places. You _ do sports. lt's your cnotce. You _ smoke. The camp is a no-smoKlng area. 4 This is a good sport in the gym or on the _ eat well. lt's a good idea and you need a lot of energy for the afternoon sessions. You beach. It just needs a net and a ball. it on the lakes or at sea. You need a boat or a yacht for il. 6 There are two types of this sport. The game on ice is faster and very popular in the USA or Canada. In Engiand the game on grass is more poprilar 5 You do _ You be too serious. The camp is for fun and playing is more important than winning. _ pay for anything here, Food and activities are all in the price of You the holiday. |i; Complete Jo's holiday plans with one word in each gap to make correct rllil- r,lti-lr.s {cr ut.- r acLiviLy ti'\a\ta-a),\,- collocations. v,tl, {rre,,t|> (7 points) Lrt 1'L.lL1 ltt\^-l,LLr h,r t c,l-r:l r[t]tnc-r l"l'[ut. S,lriur-t Lh,e ooat,r:,l tt):-ets orr tle llttterr-tL .:j ' rD,r.Y spcrts t,lothe: tnr Ll'e "rtli," vt-t(,t- Circle the correct words. 1 Have 5,ou@z,elt (2 points) yet been to the Olympic [iames? 2 I only arrived here tll'o da5,s ago but I've o.LrecLdy l.jttsLbeen on three excursions. 3 A Are you going on holiday this sunrmer? B Well, I've'41et I just come back from my holida"v so my next holiday's in winter. 4 Are you still i11? Have you been to the doctor's euer I get? V,r\ti,O,tr' ,t*, ai, ii lttt.i, C,l'vJt,S, t,l-tw1tc.1lp, 5 I've played a lot of games of foolball but I've neuer I euer scored a goal. !;;:?t Complete ir" the sentences. Use the verbs in the correct forms in the Past Simple or the Look at Jo's holiday plans in Exercise 2 again and complete the sentences with the c0rrect forms of going fo and the verbs in (5 points) brackets, 1 Jo te qoinAto vieiL (visit) a local castle. 2 The campers (play) tennis. (they/go) on 3 A When hnlid:rr thiq rrp:r? B in July. 4Jo every day. 5A B No, she isn't. 6 Jo says: I smart clothes 88 Present 1 Pedect. I've been (go) to the USA three times (yoL/see) the nen film at the cinema? You should, it's great 3 That's a nice jacket. \\here (you,/buy) it? 4 Another win for Jerry. He 2 (beat) (do) gS.mnastics f qh o/flrrf '2 (take) any (6 points) er..ery-bod5'. 5 The match last night r,vas great. \!e (win) 66-38. 6 Oh no! We've got Maths today and I (not do) my homelrrork. 7I (not go) an1'where last sumnlel - il uas grerl. Wefcom"Jgff.edownia LISTENING SKILLS A Wffi Listen to two people talking about a football match and circle the correct answers: a, b or c. RULES FOR VTSITORS o Ali people coming passpoft. people lp Ff,u"{o*nia must have ,a 00n't have to have flom tfre European Union ory je1 a .uvio"Jiuu5":i,.i?::lflT nave ily., ^f g50O or" a cr ilre monev r;,. Th; ?:lt^?iid' You mu-st chanse r*"oo,i,,r!"R:?,Xfl?tHi' o. at t h e (6 points) 1 What is the score at half time? a Manchester 3 Liverpool b Liverpool3 Manchester 1 1 c Liverpool S Manchester 3 . 2 What does Jack say? a Manchester are having a difficult match. b Manchester should score more goals. c Liverpool are going to score more goals. ..you you must aisotave somewhere to sray. can book a ,oo.I_3, ;;;;il;d"er , nere at Freedown beautirui orice "r, are manv h"i;i;;;i'^ii''P"flt isrhere iliegal to stav at campsites "i:^?tf is a bus,"#?Ti";3'rlto 3 Jack thinks that the Liverpool manager a should change one player. b should change two players. c has changed two players. l_I1"_* crty centre. lt costs the rreedownia pence. You il;".;t" g ve yo"u ;ffi :,.1?r.t; Jl? i :: S iffi; ::'t ^? ;ix': #H.i:::1. il:. j?,. f '"" Jo *ni ui'"o n rv are must r,ave i 4 What does Jack think about Fletcher? a He hasn't had a good match. b He has scored. C He is playlng weil. ve/low and til;;ul u"l1ltl1luv unlrance. The price to ;."1:oi ";;il some ; ::::il:1T""J:::, _k have to^uat. green, ut the city ., 5 What does Jack say about Fletcher? .'-:ll::. Men mustn,t wear shods or vvurr rurr rnust g *o,unlu.i*""u, wear tu haf on ;;, 5'tr,."::g?:j: rnursoavlttei' 'v a He has never seen Fletcher play before. b He liked Fletcher before but doesn'l lixe him now. rhu;;;';;;-lolll- Nobodv can eat :::l?uianl; ; ;;## :".il.,;J Ji::lT. restaurants you outside' c He has never liked Fletcher. 6 What is true about Fletcher? a He's scored 50 goals for Liverpooi. b He's played 50 games for lreland. c He's played 50 games for Liverpool. . or can have u bi"r" special city centre picnic,roor". i;' iJr. ". ,, Have a nice time in Freedownial READING SKILLS Read the rules for the country of Freedownia. Tick true and cross GOMMUNIGATION false. 1 Everybody has to have a passport to enter f'reedoumia. 2 Everybody must have a visa to enter Freedov,nia. 3 You don't have to bring $500 in money. 4 You have to book a hotel room before you come to Freedor,mia. 5 You can pay for the bus with a 1 Freedov,nia pound note. 6 Tourists must take a black taxi. 7 Everybody has to wear a hat on Thursday afternoon. picnics in Freedor,r,nia. B You can eat (B points) ea Complete the dialogue with one word in each l-l T r I T T T T gap. (6 points) Beth Hi Tess. What are you doing? Tess Hi Beth. I'm buying some souvenirs for my family. But I don't know what to buyl What t ehould I buy for my mum? Beth '_ don't you buy her one of these boxes? They're beautiful. Tess That's a good 3_ . Now, what can I'_ Beth What 5_ Tess I'm not u_ for my dad? a shirt? about that. It's a bit colourful! Beth What does he like? Tess He likes food. Beth t_ he likes food, you coulci bu1. him some boxes of cakes from the market. Tess Greatl Come on, let's go. Tstal 150 89 It's a small world "Y- GRAMMAR Choose the right answers. Use arrica esiu tfe where necessary. iir;;ii; C";;'uiPuir. Republic Dolomites GermanY Greece Hyde Park Ireland Krlimanjaro Malaysia Mont Blanc Netherlands Czech Definite article with places Most place names do not take the definite adicle. o continents, eg America, Europe, Asia o islands, eg Majorca, lceland, Hawaii Pall Mall Philippines Lane Poland Pyrenees San F rancisco Sydney Zambezr Penny . countries, eg Poland, ltaly, Spain . mountains, eg Mont Blanc, Everest, Kilimanjaro . lakes, eg Loch Ness, Lake Como, Lake Superior . cities and states, eg Paris. Warsaw, Texas, Nebras4a r most squares, streets and parks, eg St Mark's 1 Which river flows though Cairo? The Nile 2 Which continent is Timbuktu in? Square, Time Square, Pilnces Street, Fifth Avenue, Regent's Park, Borgia Park 3 What is the tallest mountai.n in Africa? Use the definite article with the following: deserts, rivers, seas and oceans (but not lakes), eg the Nile, the Danube, the Sahara Desert, the Negev Deser-t, the Mediterranean, the Black Sea, the Pacific, the Atlantic groups of islands (archipelagos) or mountains (mountain ranges). eg the Balearics, the Bahamas, the Philippines, the Alps, the Himalayas other plural names, eg the Netherlands, the United 4 Which city is the Golden Gate Bridge in? 5 What is the name of the ocean between America and Europe? 6 Which country is Prague the capital of? 7 Which country joined the European Union . . . States names that describe constitutions, eg the United States of America, the United Kingdom, the Republic of lreland, the United Arab Enirates, the European union north/south/easVwest of ... eg the north of England, the south of France (buI northern England, southern France) % Britatn is fhe Severn. Paris is the caprtal of 2 Mount Everest is in 3 Corfu is an rsland in 4 - France. HrmalaYas - Mediterranean. Mississippl/Missouri is the longest rIVEI ]N USA. Holland are countrY. the same for two names Victoria is the 7- biggest lake in Africa. United B -LakeScotland is part of Kingdom. Netherlands and 6 - in 1981? 8 In which country do they speak Dutch? the name of the mountain range between France and Spain? 9 What is 10 Which country is Manila the capital of? 11 Which street is Buckingham Palace on? Add ffie where necessary. 1 The longest rlver in 90 Nile Pacific - is the name of the park in lhe centre of New York? 12 What & There are eight definite articles missing from this text. Add them. SPEAKING %, Katie, Clive and Joanie live in Sydney in Australia. Complete their conversation with questions from the box. My Uncle Harry is amazing. Huu" vo" rr"." io tir" use, iou"i"z wui"t it "oioi How long "u"i did you spend there? What about you, Kate? So what was your favourite place? What was paris like? He's lived in Kenya, the Australia and/Philippines. n He's driven across Sahara Desert. He's sailed boats !ll!1 Kate Clive r What'e your f avourit e ?lace in Lhe world? That's a good question. Let me think. yeah. It has to be Binalong Bay Joanie across Pacific Ocean and up Amazon River in whgl: l Clive It's back home in Tasmania. It's in the northeast of the island. Blue water, nobody on the beach, great weather. It's really peaceful. Just beautiful. Kate went to New York last year and I think that's the most exciting place I've ever been to. It's the kind of place where you can do anything you want at any time you want. Fantastic shopping, peopie ever5,where. It sounds awful. I loved it. He's swum across English Channel in both directions and across Lake Superior rn Clive Kate USA. We1l, I Joanie He's climbed hundreds of Kate 2 Three weeks. And I enjoyed every minute. 5 mountains, including Joanie Clive Anapurna II in Nepal and Joanie No, I haven't. But I went to Europe last year. Where did you go? Paris, Rome, London, Madrid ... ever5,'where. Kate Mount McKinley tn Alaska Joanie Mountain Range. ? It was OK, I liked it. It's famous for caf6s and art galleries, and you get all that. But it wasn't my favourite place. He's aimost sixty now. He Clive Joanie lives in London. He's got a Norway. We went to the north of Norway. It was so beautiful. Clive big apartment in Regent Joanie quietest place I've ever been. Completely unspoilt. And the landscapes are so dramatic. I loved it. Streel with a fantasLic view of Hyde Park. Next year he's It wasn't too bad: we went in the sumlner. It's the %, golng to take me to Red Sea and teach me Lo dive w ffi Match Kate, Clive and Joanie to their favourite places. READING & Look at the text, Do you see texts like this in newspapers, television adveftisements or on the backs of books? %W *& Read the text, What does'gaijin' mean? Read the text again and put the events in the correct order, a Ben and Yuko get married. b Ben and Yuko move to Toklro. c Ben is working in London. d Ben makes friends with Yuko's brother. e Ben meets Yuko. f Ben starts work at Yuko's father's restaurant. g Yuko's mother speaks to Ben. T tr tr tr T I T Match the sentences with the gaps in the afticle. a But it is also a love story. b Ben gets to know his new family. c Each one has a different opinion about Japan and about foreigners. d He goes to language classes. e He makes a 1ot of friends, both Japanese and olher gaiiitt. f On the second day he tells him again. g They fel1in 1ove. Answer the questions. 1 Where did Yuko and Ben get married? ln Enqland. 2 Could Ben speak Japanese when he got married? Does his Japanese teacher say it's easy to learn Japanese? 4 Where does he work in Tokyo? 5 Is Yuko's brother friendly at first? 6 Is the book happy, sad or frightening? 92 Gaijin by Ben Thomas ln 2003 Ben Thomas was an office worker in London. Then he met yuko. r_4L . Six months later they got married in tFe English countrysjde, A month later, following a honeymoon in Las Vegas, they moried to roKyo. This book is the story of hrs firsr year as a 'gailin', or foreigner. When Ben first arrives in Tokyo, he speaks no Japanese. His Japanese teacher, Mr lto, tells him, ,No foreigner can learn Japanese. lt ts too difficult., But at the same tjme, Mr lto does eveMhing pi.riOe t" help him, He knows nothing about Japanese culture, and has to learn how to live jn a new world. A world in which ,Maybe, can mean ,Not rn a million years,, ro!9 University, 3_ . Her father has a restaurant It"^':^.lyllo_i1 rn tne centre of rokyo. Most of the family work in the restaurant. yuko,s father is happy to give Ben a 1ob, but for some reastn he is not happy to let him do any work. And there is yuko,s ,otn"i. ior the fjrst sjx "Orotn",. i' weeks^she does not talk to him at all. But Vrf.o:f taiks all the r:", tnat ne ooes nJ rike foreisners i+ffi"::,::":1::"fr,^r^" l?i. There are also various aunts, uncles und .or.in.. i Ben approaches his new life wjth enthusjasm and energy. o_ , After six months he even makes friends witn Vuf.os trit"iu, Ben Thomas makes the reader feel the frustraiion and excitement of making a new life in anoiher country The book is funny and fascinating '-- . lt is the story of the love between e"n ;rJVrt" '--. 4_ GRAMMAR LISTENING e W Listen to a radio interview with Ben Thomas, the author of Gaijin, and circle the correct answers. Revision of Wh- questions when which who what 1 What is Gai,ji,n about? where whv a how now many trorir muctr to be: Wh What + am/is/are + subject ... is vour name? Present Simple: Wh- + do/does Where does she live? + subject + verb + verb .. Past Simple: Wh- + did Who did you see? + subject Present Continuous: WhWhat are you reading? + am/is/are Present pertect: Whl past participle . + have/has + + ,. . . subject + -ing ... subiect + . How many have you invited? going to'. Wh- + am/is/are + subject + going fo + When are you going to staft college? verb .. China @.tapan c Korea 2 How long did Ben Thomas spend in Japan? a eight years b ten years c twelve years 3 Where did he work? a in a restaurant b in a bank c in a school 4 Who were Keiko and Takeshi? a his bosses b his friends c his wife's parents 5 When did he come back to the UK? a a month ago Put the words in the correct order to make questions. Then choose the correct answers from the box. There is on extra answer. ti zoo+ zs e".u"r" or irr" ^o";i;i BrazlI Eh,rs Presley Kuala Lumpur Paris Thev have all walked on the moon i ."otrrt'iul'run,.l., i ,io t"ilii. , #nrt What is Lhe ca?iLal of France? 7arie. 2 are I countries / European Union? I How I tn I many/the/there Union? / see I common? / goL lhave / in / Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Pete Conrad / What 7 famous? i is / Loch Ness / Why B Gracelands? a writing another book b working in a restaurant c looking for a job a He feels unhappy. He can't communicate. b He feels uncomfortable. The UK is like a I join lPoland I the lEuropean can / city / Irom / Pe[ronas Towers? the / the top of / Which / you 6 Is he going to stay in the UK? a Yes, he is. b No he, he isn't. c Yes, probably. 7 What is he doing now? Ben talks about how he felt at different times in Japan. Listen again and put the following in the correct order. 3 from? / Where / is / Ronaldo did / When b two months ago c three months ago / of / oumer I the lwas / Who foreign country. c He's enjoying life. He's learning a lot. d He feels comfortable. Japan is his home. e He thinks Japan is fantastic. Everything is perfect. T T T r n Listen again and put the interviewer's questions in the correct order. a What's it about? b What was it like? c So were you happy again? d How long did you spend learning? e How long did you spend in Japan? t How do you feel now? g Have you been surprised by the success of Gcti,ji,n? h Did your feelings change.' i Did that last long? j Are you going to stal-? T l T T T r n I l L-..]i--r 93 WORD LI$T VOGABULARY of nofthwest northlnorth i & i 1 Mar 21*June 20 2 June 21-Sept 20 0cean [liH, l::u*^,^,-,, iffil'vt pale permanent 4 Dec 2l-Mar 20 : m I presrdent Prlme Mftntsler pfls0n public Complete the table. North place & ffi l queue {h) rain (n/v) ::-: ramv reaction to recording studio West . ,t*i,,, lli,l,*,r.*o 60flna 3 Sept 21-Dec20 ;l peaceTUr PUrruulclr Find the names of the seasons in the Word list. relioious reounilc East Y South : : n0ftnern n1fth : s0uthern river. IUdU llfficoun,ry sc€flerv 3i'*$':'D $SSS0fl'.' the east of the west of 5COlfan0 r:'r::r: ::r: :t.:, snow Complete the sentences with the plural form of words from the Word list. , siqn (n) snow {fllv) lfril,,,, ffiff the south of Atlantic are 2 The Danube and the Rhine are 1 The Pacific and the $|10\trSlr:r:i,,'.::, so (intensifier) source (of a riveO south space special occasion spring square {n} a! slorm ' " 3 Maiorca and Jamaica are 4 Route 66 and the Appian Way are 5 Paris and London are 6 Loch Lomond and Loch Ness are Scottish , 7 Eurone and Africa are slare : & Label the pictures with words from the Word list. stormv suffeifrom summer llh,,,, " ii,ffi: SUN . ,l ;,.;",;;;. ,,;'., ' '.,..i ;j i',. I iffi' ' ",", temperature i:J,'fi[,,.-,- 4_ unspoilt ffiil::: visrtol watt I0r Wales warT WESt western wet r.:::yy[gpf :r,;,: : 1':.;:r ",: wrnoy ffi,H:temperatures) ,$* winter ] oceano 5_ 6_ Complete the sentences with adjectives from the Word list. 1 It's raining. The weather is WRITING k rainy Look at the letter, 2 It's snowing. It's 3 There's fog. The wealher is 4 There are a lot of clouds. It's 5 The wind is strong. The weather rs 6 There's ice on the lake. It's 7 There's a big storm. The weather is B The sun is shining. It's _. Complete the texts with the correct form of words or phrases from the Word list. Trouble in paradise low nrce tr; c1t:L qpu,r \ettor Every year more than 100,000 tviaiLore go to Cornwall to enjoy'd_ landscapes. But os_ behind the 3u_ there are serious economic problems. Cornwall has one the highest rates of tu_ in the UK. f u rqAA u .1'14 sqr,; 4"vt r lp-vr\le - rL' s'tt ber-unt(t^t'c:,rtq' Perb;tyr'- T sl"otnl/." cone anlvisit gy;a nexL q-pJlr of q;t Rel- &ro. V\.t, kai untl- | lcvp- f t's aj t I'r" News 1:Give your news. rjLtrcf L,o Lrpe ,rV to Lilrnbu,r4^ rrL rt rr-ext wpL Lo '>e,e liteL. Madrid is in the centre 0f Spain, about 350 km from the Summers are hot: in July and August the 3d_ oc_ situatlon. f're d.al':, bcfi,l^L ne a car usually reaches 40 every day. Madrid is the highest over 2,000 metres and the air is person's f've sone aooL re^s. po,sserl- nv1 cLr*,trw te:,I cnd. twq #ror" Iike it hot 'l_ Openlng: Write about the other or more I\ne bcuL Lbw\ r\ tl'a,L, \cunrLc,r, t\\w ca* ) rLred- lA:L wp-ev- 9V,e itts in Europe at 5d ctcl, {or a ocaL - e - bu! f'wt stit a brt sctd- o-bouL rt union Jack Nlourq 9 Tf rrnrr have different nipeoq nf norrrq divide them into paragraphs Are q-,tn C,jtW tc be rr- the ,K lor Cl.rrst,na,\i'Nrke t-,,tt,i'. The Union Jack is the tf_ of the United 2s_ Krngdom. It is a of the union of four aW_ nations: England, rS_ and , Ireland. But Ireland left the Union in 1921 and only Northern Ireland is now a member. The uc_ of the United Kingdom is the pound sterling. Closing: Make a Love, final comment and ask the other person to L^cry u,'rite back. Sion nff.oo 7 Complete the sentences with prepositions from the box. ;u9;1 "g l"t (;!j li"_* !" *!h 1 Scientists are trying to find a cure for cancer. 2 Look at that man - he's staring _ us. 3 Loch Ness is famous ils monster. 4 It took a long trme to make friends _ my u,efe's brother. 5 Last year our lives changed: we moved the USA. 6 I'm very impatient - I don't like waiting an5,'thing. 7 When people move to a new country they sometimes suffer culture shock. B It's silly to get annoyed small things. Your name Loue, ALL ALL 'n the best, mg Loue ... Write Lucy's reply t0 Helen. Here are her notes, Use your imagination and add extra information. Cauwr*u* 0v\ \^Ly rrLvrs a,prutrsh nuclq bcLLey - d"rltrvy test,, caL - vrol rn rnLp-rvwedrAte cl&S!l \A-r-tvv< U UK t fl' I"tr L; {rtutd, | ,tf &t Chrr>tntas VL( 95 Who cares? GRAMMAR lflh- queslions willlwonT Where will you be? When will you be there? What will you do there? How will you do that? We use will,.tolalkabout the future, eg t1m)rraw tt wilt ratn. We use nllto make predictions and state facts, eg There willalways be wan. Tomorrow will be Wednesday. Language used with rryfll Ycu can use 'extra' language will not (won't) get married. | Yes/No questions witl l/you/he/she/ iVwe/they Shoft answers j Anne wiil pass her Maths think exam : Yes, l/you/he/she/ jvy'grtney w|t. get married? W&aw& &&xw No, l/you/he/she/ iVwe/they won't. ru* live studv be (x 2 ) go make drive 1 In the future, people will live for 200 years. 2 In ten years, many people small computers inside their bodies. 3 In 2020, most chrldren won't go to at home. school; they _ people years from now, 4 Ten - solar-powered cars. 5 One day, everybody in the world English. more 6 Soon, computers intelligent than the average person. 7 By 2025, most people in my country to work by private plane. the richest By 2030, China 8 country ln the world. 9 By 2035, computers important political decisions for us &::wwpaY We do not use foafter willi+eitt+eje+aqanieC. Underline the time expressions in Exercise 1, For example: ln the future. It's the year 2010. Answer the questions. Write complete sentences, speal{ 96 il,iltt I don't Complete the sentences with r,v// and verbs from the box. Then tick the sentences you agree with. t with m//to show how sure yOu are. ! n n tr T tr T tr tr 1 John is 15 years old now. How old wi1lhe be in ten years? I'e'll be 25, 2 Anne is 16 now How will she be in 2018? Matt and Lucy are 17 now. How old will they be in 14 years? Dean ls 21 now. How old will he be in 2030? 5 Katie was born today. How old will she be tn 2047? Complete the sentences wilh will or won't. F Put the words in the correct order t0 make questions. 1 Don't worry: the exam won'L be difficult. 2 Friday is a holiday: there be any lessons. 3 Who do you think _ win? Real Madrid or Dinamo Moscow? 4 Jack's gone home, but he be back tomorrow. 5 I have to go to Paris for a meeting tomorrow so I _ be in the office. 6I_ be ready in a minute - i just have to find my keys. you be at home on T\resday 7_ evening? 8 Don't have another coffee - you _ sleep. 9 She's never travelled aione before: do you think she be airight? Write two short answers for each question. Then tick the answer you agree with. 1 Will Yee. No. it rain tomorrow? iI will. tr it wor'i. I 2 Will your English teacher give you homework next weekend? T T 1 be / she / on / Tiresday? / Where / will Where will e'he be on Tueada,.t? 2 catch? / she / train / Which i will 3 arrive? 4 aL I l her / meet / station? I the I witl / Who 5 her? / How / they / recognise / I will 6 she / them? I LeII lWhat / will 7 contact I her? I How / will / you B documents? 3 Will your parents buy you a motorbike? T she lWhen / will / Ieave / she i the / Where / will Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets. 4 Wili you ever get married? 1 She won't pass the exam. (I don't think) I don'L Lhink ehe'll ?aae the exam. 2 Will John like this present? (Do you think) 5 Will we ever send a Derson to Mars? 3 He'll love it. (l'm sure) T T tr T Make sentences. Write an affirmative (+), a negative (-) and a question (?). 'l It / rain tomorrow + It will rain lomorrow. ? ll won'|, raln Lomorrow. Will iL rain f,omorrow? 2 Tomorrow / be Wednesday 4 He'll like it. (I don't think) 5 How wiil the story end? (How do you think) 6 What will she do? (lMhat do you think) 7 Everything witl be fine. (l'm sure) 8 Will they be OK? (Are you sure) + 3 I / be here tomorrow + 2 g7 READING :A W * Read the extracts again and complete the table. Read the extracts from four tourist guides and label the photos. City Country Places mentioned Best time to visit Kio d,e Janeiro Read the sentences. Which cities did these people go to for their holidays? 1 'I lr,,alked for hours and hours were so beautrful.' - the streets Cracow 2 'I li.'ent to bed at four in the morning and spent the next day sleeping on the beach.' 3 'We spent all day inside all of it.' it and we didn't see 'We travelled out of the city every day lo see io de Janeiro, Brazil's second city, is named after the river which flows through it. Situated dramatically between the rainforest and the sea, it has 45 miles of white sand beaches - including two of the world's most famous: loanema and Cooacabana Locals call it the 'cidade maravilhosa' or maryellous nlannn lharn io -l'^,^\/nitri a nitrr I rv ic ro q vvr ilur na',au I ICVCI JIUUpJ - Ll lcl U lJ dlvvdyD urLy. Rin vrry 117[1nl qomornrhoro tn nn Tho heSt time somclhino in r^ln anr^l il, ,v Lv vv i ltayltlyfa!i4a4{a:%79;%r{.s.&7i?tt4f;/naf ll\9?:. the country.' 5 'I can't believe it was so huge.' (or Kpapo,u,. /l.t'"o* \-/largest cirJ. js polands li,r,?1.0 6 'We went in the surruner and there ll'ere loo many tourlsts.' 7 'We went on a guided tour of the rainforest. whrch was fantastic.' 8 'There wasn't very much lo see in the city.' i; ;;; four.rh roi',,;:ur, "" j i j, i;a:3'JJ,';5,1gr::",,;;;;;.;,';,: ,:,i$:j;'J:rr*li*jtffft',ij;t ffi:;Jil':J;r;lilir",?;:::;?J rou.iiir,"",lJ,lJ,1,[T,:;i::,i'h;; ,..|.|i::'.4cr:..|:??;|*|.|.ei.!',\:.'t:1i.'|.,r.'|1,|;'.|.e..^..".--.a'4.f:"4qir.r';:1:':n.!i:i1u||t..,.. 98 ta t'l':; l: Xf ;',i,T":,T,?,""i :li ^')t.L lllt,::,,1:, ;;id;1flfi;i:.,il:31:l:, to'no' TJ eiiinq, the capital of China, is situated in the northwest of Dtt" Jountry. Ii is a fascinating mix of modern and traditional China. Make sure you visit The Forbidden City. Between 1.420 and 1911 it was the home of twenty-four Chinese emperors. It is now open to visitors. Wear comfortable shoes: the palace is 960 metres long and 750 metres wide and has 9,999 rooms. The nicest time to visit Beijing is in the autumn when the weather is beautiful. . to visit is in February to experience ,ts famoLS carnival, the biooest in the world. i [:i,. ;;" :i airobi is the capitaI of Kenya and the largest city in East Africa. Its name means 'cool water' in Maasai. It is situated in south-centraI Kenva, and js the centre of the country's transport systems. In Najrobi itse[f, there is only one essentjaI pLace to visit: the National Museum with its prehistoric cotlection. But the city is surrounded by beautifuL countryside. The best times of year to visit are from Juty to September or from to February - at other times there is heavy rain. January SPEAKING GRAMMAR Match the beginnings and endings of ffiese opinions. Adverls of manner 1 Personally, I think they should Adverbs of manner tell us iom You walk quickty. He smiled happily. She's dane her wark well. They usually go at the end of a phrase. 2 I don't think supermarkets should use 3 In my opinion, people are more hard, late > late auleLlv 3 early 4 comfortable 5 quick Conversation 1 smoke? e You should smoke at home in private. 6loud a I don't think supermarkets should use plastic bags. 9 easy b That's a good idea. 10 perfect Complete the sentences with the adverb form of the adjectives in the box. bad careful fast qood hard .+"* quick quiet 1 My English isn't very good: please, speak anwty 2 I'm only going to say this once so please listen _ 3 It's an emergency: come 4 Harry! This isn't a zoo'. try to eat your dinner . ! , please. 5 It's an interesting job, but- you'll have to work _ T T n T tr Conversation 2 7 careful B good %, L_l Put the conversations in the correct order. in lhe nffine in lhe cinamr nn the train ... c Personally, I think they should ban smoking in public places. d Yes, they are. And if I'm in a public place, why should I have to breathe your '&^ Write the adverbs of manner. 'l quiet 2bad L-l b important than animals. c in public places. a Do you really? I don't agree. Public places are for everybody. b What about us smokers? We can't smoke early ---; eatly, fast --+ fast, good --+ well, - - a plastic bags. . To make adverbg from most adjectives, add -ly. quick --+ quickly, natural - naturally . For adjectives ending in -y, change -yto -ily. easY --+ easilY, haPPY , haPPilY . Some common adverbs are inegular: hard ba. smoking . 6 Drnner was wonderful: you cook so 7 She's very athletic - she can run very B I'm taking piano lessons because I play very c Then the supermarket shouldn't give them bags - t hey should have Lo buy them. d Yes, I know what you mean. But people neefl 56nl",hing lo put their shopping in. Conversation 3 a i agree with you. But why do you say it? b I'm reading this story about people who want to save lhe cheetah. What about poor people in Africa? What about children? I think that's more important. c In my opinion, people are more lmportant than animals. d That's true, but I think we should do something for the cheetah and for the poor people. e Sorry, but I don't agree. We can worr-y about animals when life is OK for human beings. n T T I T tr tr T I WORD LIST VOGABULARY € koala 3::[1"il,) affect label (n) Iearning experience (v) 1 cheetah 2c 3c 4d 5d 6d 7e agree iii:, SltJ:],,. porlution local resident lose money (v) 3li3*,0,,,0n matn badly medicine Bk_ 91_ 1o m- m0nKey 33'll'X',,'.,,, breathe (v) move (v) naturally need (v) optimistic organisatjon can 0xygen cheetah clean energy climate change panda paper penguin petrol pig be related"to become {v) believe climb (v) complarn about (v) COW crocodile cut down (v) cycle (v) dance (n) deseft die out (v) 0rnosaur disagree disappear (v) dolphin dome donkey easilv edition (of a newspaper) etfect electricity elegantly elephant endangered animal environment environmental exist farm animal fast find out (v) generously get worse/better/bigger go up (v) greenhouse 11 p 12p 13p 14 15 :: hard town council traffic jam lXfl.,uun inurntion waste (v) climate 1 People are trying to design a car which runs on clean enerqy (v) well lii,{tiL,, whale wild animal world populatlon r00 chang endangered e+rergy population recycling world humid influence (v) Complete the sentences with collocations from animal bins rainforest recognise (v) recycle (v) recvclino bin retationirrip roar (v) rubbish save money/animals/ someone's life sheep site solution stay the same story-telling suddenly suitable survive (v) switch off take a shower/bath tell a story (v) theme park tiger r_ the box. produce (v) protect (v) quickly throw away s 16w planet plastic bag pollute (v) predict (v) prediction grow (plants) Find 16 animals in the Word list. 2 The panda is an 3 The people. . rs about 6 billion is causing temperatures to rise. 5 We put our old bottles, cans and paper in at the end of our street. Make phrasal verbs from the words in the box and complete the sentences. Remember to use the correct form of the verbs. fi"O go ofi ".,r ei* ,f""^ ql!!12) ry,rt9h lhlg* tll u*uv 1 Dinosaurs died ouN 65 million years ago. 2 The climate is changing: temperatures are A\/AT\/ \IA2T the computer _ when you linish work. 4 When I was a child, this w-as a beautiful place, all the but last year they 3 Remember to trees. about environmental problems on the Internet. 6 Don't bottles and cans - recycle lhem. 5 You can Complete the texts with the correct form of words or phrases from the Word list. A I don't drive to work now: I lcycle . It's a greal feeling lo go straight past all lhe cars in a\-j. It's good for the and I also a lot of 's_ 'emoney because I don't have to buy WRITING € Look at the letter. 2 The name, job and address. Tua Alaezow Gnoup Burnside Court y_. B LondonwS 5AA tr_ with 3o_ provide the , but we are 'pcutting them dov,n faster than they can ng_ . We are in danger of changing the earth into a 5d The trees in the lsabetla Ritchie Managing Director Skan Productions 14 Sue Lawley Gardens London W5 zNK C Many animals that now te_ will years. in the next 50 Because of 'd- r5 October zoo... man-made changes in the environment, they will not's_ . We need to act 5pto them. 'q- Dear Ms Ritchie, writing to complain about the television programme'Rainforest Rip Off', which was produced by your company. I am Write sentences with lt's got + comparative adjective. 1 In the past it was bad, but now it's terrible. It'a qoE woree. In the programme you made a number of incorrect statements about my organisation, The Amazon Group. For examole: 2 In the past it was bad, but now it's good. 3 Yesterday it was 35' C, but today it's 40' C. 5 First paragraph: Say why you are Last week it was -5o C, but this week it's -15" Dear Mr / Mrs i Ms + the person's name or'Dear Sir or Madam,'. 6 Last paragraph: Say what you uritino tho lpftpr C. I In 1950 the world population was 2.5 billion, but now it's more than 6.5 billion. would like to meet you at your London offices to discuss this. 7 Sign off: The simplest way is to uryite 'Yours'. Yours, Test your prepositions. Complete the sentences 1 I'lI meet you in James Street o'clock _ -Tohrt nine bedroom my _ abox_the Hello, Jlm? Hi. It's Miriam. I'm bed. the beach Jamaica! I'm holiday. How are you? the morning, I 5 i go to university work in my father's store _ the afternoon and I study night. time lalking 6 lt's a wasle her. She's only interested computers. 7 My father works the government an office. He's a social worker and he works children. going to stay my grandparents B I'm Scotland two weeks, Wa+errnan B Sign the letter. Director the ieft, my the middle and I'm the right. I keep my photographs I John B Waterman T[esday. 2 That's my brother sister's the one think should happen nexl. 9 Say who you are = Number the pafts of the reply to John Waterman's letter. BYours, A John B Waterman Director The Amazon Group Burnside Court London W5 5AA C lsabella Ritchie Managing Director I I D I am writing in reply to your E 25 October I 200... F Dear Mr Waterman, letter. tr I tr G Skan Productions 14 Sue Lawley Gardens London WG 7NK I H LsaneLLa R,tcl.,e I | | will be glad to meet you. My secretary, Eva Jackson, will contact you to arrange a time, ! 101 Kffi effi*94 Complete the text with will, won't, the, in, by or zero VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR & article. Read the weather forecast and circle the correct words. One of the most beautiful places in - Britain are a group oI islands called :_ Scilly Isles. They are near ''_ southwest of England in '_ Atlantic Ocean. There is a boat and a small plane that go there but there aren't many places to stay and there aren't many cars. Some peopie are worrled that they become spoilt in the future. Some (3 points) Good evenino Here is the weather forecast for northern Scotland tomorrow. lt will be very cold at night with some '6iodt snoaA. Tomorrow morning the roads will be 2'ice I icy and there will be a strong 3 witzd I uti.ndy from the north which will bring more a stzott; I snowy or t rai,n I rai,ny weather. In the afternoon, the 6 clouds I cloudg in'ill go and it will be 7 sun I sunn?,/ but still very cold. people think that o_ ten years'time, there will be a 1ot of hotels and holiday camps on the islands. People t_ want to go abroad, they will want to sta;'in England. Some people think that u_ 2050 they wiil i'_ be more crowded than Florida. Is there anlthing that couid stop this? Complete the sentences with the correct verbs. (4 points) 1 It's easy to eave paper. Just print on both sides. 2 Don't throw those bottles away. We can Match the question words to the correct questions and circle the correct question forms. them. 3 Our government isn't doing much the environment. 4 Go to school b; bicycle. Cars the air. 1A 2A Complete the text with the correct form of qri"f, 3A PEACE NATURE RELAX NOISE SPOIL _you ca rt speak? met I di,d yozr, meet at _ should we I we sl'touldbe 4A _ Aou were I were youlast night? At the cinema. 5A _ 6A _ 1jou uant I do you want Io when rrorr linish schooll B I want to be a doctor. B Seven. 7A _t,L;iLL you I you school? B . clo counties you haue I hot:e you been to? (5 points) gury. .b*d .. 1 He is a hopeless driver. He really drives bad,l,,t 2 Alan is very good at football. He plays it very _ . 3 Do you think that dog is 4 I can't understand my leacher. He talks very _ . 5 lt's not rea1ly difficult. You can do it 102 Engkhl- carefr rl with n:npt? vYrua! Puvv B To save the trees B dangerous 6 Madonna sings and dances lanluag.esFai-ioi)/ ttou B John. ever been to. Ueautifut gooO vlut the club? (4 points) ,.?* Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words in the box. Once you don't have to change the word, Whut Where U'hen many Who \\'l-ry e Frcnch and food. My favourite place is a small village in the Lake Districl. It's really l oeaceful becattse nol manv neonle on fhprp T lnrro ifq l beauty and'r_ atmosphere. o_ Il can get sometimes but place I've it's the most 5_ (6 points) fltur How 5 He'll eal thal piece of pizza. He never the words in capital letters. (B points) 1 In two years'time. u:i,LL finrsh 1 The National Trust is the biggest LISTENING SKILTS 'e ffi (1-7). 3 B-Beata C-Carole M-Maftin 1 2 3 4 Who has just read a newspaper article? Who Who Who then doesn't want to read the article? doesn't know what to think? thinks things will get worse and better again? Who 5 talks about the past? 6 Who isn't going to worry about the future? 7 Who has already done something lo help the environment? tr T T tr true and cross false. ff, rur NAToNAL TRusr The NationalTrust is an organisation which looks after buildings and countryside in most of the United Kingdom. li is Europe's biggest conservation charity and also tries to teach people how they can help the environment As an example, their farming programme tries to get people to buy food from local farmers, not suoermarkets. T I GOMMUNICATION Match the beginnings of sentences with the correct 'l In my opinion, f- endings. (7 points) I holidays. 7 On a National Trust working holiday you have to bring something to sleep in. '& READING SKILLS % Read the ad for the NationalTrust. Tick T T T Ali of the National Tiust buildings are open to the public. 4 The National TYust is more than 100 years old. 5 Members don't have to pay to visit National Trust buildings. 6 The National Trusl organises camping n n T I conservation charity h the u-orld. 2 The organisalion leaches people hon they can protect the enr.ironment. Listen to three people discussing the future. (7 points) Match the people to the questions (6 points) tlJ 2 Yes, you're 3 Personally, I don't think 4 What I like about it 5 I'm afraid 6 It's the 7 That's true but tr I n tr tr tr a London is the besl city in Europe. b it will make any difference. c I disagree. d most fascinating city I've ever been to. e it's also very polluted. f is the history and excitement. g absolutely right. Most of the buildings that the National Tiust owns are open to the public and we will protect them for ever. Nobody can destroy the NationalTrust buildings or build on its land. lt staded in '1895 and now has over three million members. The trust needs members to get more money to help save Britain's nature and history. Why be a member? Members get free entry to all National trust buildings and we will send you our magazine to tell you all about our latest projects. You can also go on a National Trust working holiday. On one of our holidays, you sleep in the building which you are helping to clean. We give you all your meals and our group leaders will organise evening activities. All you need to bring are some old clothes, strong boots and a sleeping bag. With your help, Britain can be a cleane6 more interesting and better protected place. Join us today. 103 SELF.ASSESSMENT TESTS ANSWER KEY TEST1 I UNITS 1-2 I 2Spanish 3English 4Hungarian 6 € 5Japanese Eglptian 2 2cousjn 3niece 4nephew 5aunt 7 6stepfather grandmother ;i 2Her 3are 4aI 5get 6His 7is 8In * 2 is Gira from 3 does Pauia get up 9On 5 4 is their teacher's name 5 do 1 catches 2 don't work, work {i come 4 studies, doesn't get 2 friends 3 parents' 4 are always 5 often go 6 Our 3 lhey go at weekends isn't, Iives, doesn't 7 His I 1X 2,/ 3/ 4X 5X 6X 7./ READING SKILLS t1c2b3a4c5cOc COMMUNICATION 32g3e4b5f6a7d8c I 2 6 purse 7 5 S 2Everybody 3somebody 4nothing 5anybody LISTENING SKILLS S. 3 trainers 4 CD 3 € player 5 dictionary pretty, tall, slim, middle-aged 4 beautiful, big, green € 2to 3an 4them 5and 6with Tbut 8a 9lt 10 The 'l 1 at .1 2 doesn't have to 3 can't 4 have to 5 has/'s eot 2 Do farmers have to; they do 3 Can your father; he can't 4 Have they got; they haven't 5 Has your school got; it has 6 Does your sister have to; she doesn't € 2 throw away 3 put on 4 Pick (them) up 6 Take off 7 printed (it) out -* 2 the best 3 cheaper 4 friendlier 6 (the) hottest 7 better €2c 3c 4a 5b 6c 7a 8b $ COMMUNICATION € 5Natasha Stefan 8 Heidi E 2afraid 3course 4Here 5fine 6problem Tsorry 4 Is there a washing machine in your kitchen?; there isn't 5 Are there any plants ln your bathroom?; there are 2 Have you got any sugar? 3 ,/ 4 Who's theithat boy 5 My sister has got a new ... 7 It's in the living room. 8,/ 9 There's some butter ... ... LISTENING SKIt[S :1X 2X 3,/ 4X 5X 6,/ 7X i1e2b3h4t5i6a7c COMMUNICATION I 2turn 3straight 4past 5turning I UNITS 7-B History 3 Maths 4 Literature 6corner 5 Physical Education 6 Science 2 2leave 3failed 4degree 5donate course 8 took t heating 10 6grade messages 11 washing 3 2nere 3didn'tlike 4couldn't 5went 6 learnt,4earned 7 didn't have 104 8 beat 2 are going 1o tell me 4 mean by 7 did you say play 3 are they going to go isn't going to do 5 Is she going to fly 6 am/'m not going to take 4 € 2 don't have to 3 6 don't have to mustn't 4 should 5 shouldn't S 2already 3just 4yet 5never * 2 Have you seen 3 did you buy 4 has/'s beaten 5 won 6 haven't done 7 didn't eo LISTENING SKILLS E1a2b3b4a5c 6c E 1/ 2X 3./ 4X 5x 6X 7X 8,/ READING SKILLS COMMUNICATION € 2Why 3idea 4get 5 about 6 sure 7 If Tsunny * 2recycle 3protect 4pollute 5wastes S 2natural 3relaxing 4noisy 5unspoilt € 2well 3dangerous 4quickly 5easily 6beautifully S 2the 3the 4the 5will 6in Twon't 8bv 9* 2 Who did you meet 3 Why should we you TEST4 7 3 you you I UNITS \3-14 € 2icy 3wind 4snowy 5ralny 6clouds 7 cross 2 6 give TESTT READING SKITLS I information I I UNITS II-1.2 R 2skiing 3athletlcs 4volleyball 5saiLhg 6hockey € 2travel 3book 4pack 5stay 6excursion 7go 5 drawer * in to *2c 3a 4c 5b 6a € 2 some 5 Shall TEST6 G 6 bottles, packet 7 sandwich, coffee 2 3 above 4 next 5 under 6 ln front of 7 between 7a 2 How much money do you spend on books?; a lot 3 How many biscuits do you eat every week?; many 6./ 9a 2 Is Becky working 3 do your friends go 4 don't buy 5 are you doing 6 plays 7 are wearing 8 Does your sister study 9 isn't doing 1x 2,/ 3,/ 4x 5x 6,/ 7x 8,/ 9x €1b2c3b4c5a COMMUNICATION 3 the newest R 6b TEST3IUNITSs-6 € 2 shelves 3 armchair, table 4 sink 5 5 do up READING SKILTS i lStefan 2Heidi 3Natasha 4Heidi 7 5sunglasses 6 trousers READING SKILLS Heidi 2 I'm so sorry. 3 What's the matter? 4 Don't worry. 5 How was your day? 6 Well done! 7 You look happy! LISTENING SKILLS LISTENING SKILLS 6 8c TEST5IUNITS9-10 E lboots 2tle 3suit 4sweater 6 haven't got *. 1c 2b 3c 4b 5a 1d 2i 3a 4t 5h 6b 79 COMMUNICATION wallet 22a 3c 4b 5b $ 2long, brorm, curly S I wanted nothing to eat. 6 I couldn't play the piano when I was five. READING SKITLS IUNITSS-4 magazine 4 Could you use a computer when you were ten? 5 What did your best friend do last nighL? 6 Why didn't you come to the party last weekend? 2 I didn't pass my exam. 3 I wasn't shy when I was young. 4 There wasn't anybody at the party. €1g2a3d4t5b6e LISTENING SKILLS TEST2 $ 2 How old were you when you got your first bike? 3 Where dld you spend your last holiday? 4 Where were 5 What do you want 7 When 6 How many countries have TISTENING SKITLS you c'tB 2c 38 4M 5M 68 7C € X 2,/ 3X 4,/ 5,/ 6X 7,/ E2g3b4t5cOd7e READING SKITLS 1 COMMUNICATION will you SELF.ASSESSMENT TESTS TAPESCRIPTS TEST1 I UNITS 1-2 J-Jose,M Martin Hello Martin, what's that? It's a letter from my family in Germany. J Where do you live in Germany? M We live in Bonn. My father is a doctor and my mother is a teacher. I also have a sister, Ewa. She's fifteen. J Is Germany very different from England? M Yes, sometimes. My family gets up very early, at 6 o'clock. School starts at 8 in Germany. In England people start school and work at 9. My father usually goes to work at 7 J Wow! That's earIy. Do you have breakfast at home? M Yes, we always have breakfast in the morning. J What do you do at the weekend? M We always get up about 9 o'clock and go shopping. Then we often go for a walk. Sometimes, we go to the cinema and we often chat on the Internet. Ard you? J M TEST2IUNITS3-4 M-man,B-boy M Good morning Mr ... er ... Davies. Please sit dovm. B Good morning. Thank you. M Now, you're interested in a job as Santa Claus at our shop in December. B Yes, that's right. Why do you think you can do this job? B Well, I know how to work on a computer but I'm not very good at it. M Yes, but Santa Claus doesn't have to be good with computers. Why do you think you are a good candidate fnr thc inh nf a Sente QlSLlg. B Oh yes, ... sorry. I'm very good with children. I've got two young brothers and I have to look after them. I know lots of stories and songs. I like children. And .. M Mmm. Very good. Now, you don't look like Santa Claus. You're very young and tall and slim. Santa Claus is old, short and fat. B I don't think it's a problem. I can find something to make me look old and fat. My mother is a teacher. She teaches young children and I am always Santa Claus at her school. M Well, alright. Now, in this job you have to work from 8 o'clock in the morning until 9 o'clock in the evening, seven days a week for three weeks. Can you do that? B Yes, of course. I'm a student. I don't have to go to university after Deeember 3. I've got my Christmas holldays. M Good, good. Now, one last thing. Can you say'Ho, ho, ho' M B like Santa Claus? Ho, ho, ho. M Very good. You're very good at that. Well, have you got any questions? B Yes. How much money do I get? You see ... TESTS IUNITS5-6 M-man,W-woman W Hello, Sea View Cottages. Can I help you? M Yes, I'm interested in renting a cottage for the sununer and I've got some questlons I'd like to ask. W Certainly, sir. What would you like to know? M Well. firs[ly. r,rhere exactly are the cotlagcs] W M And what are the cottages like inside? W They've got two bedrooms with beds, armchairs and a table. There's a small, cosy living room with very comfortable armchairs and a sofa, lots of bookshelves M W M W M W TEST4 place. 4 I remember when I fell off my bike. I hurt my teg and couldn't walk. I didn't know what to do. I remember a car stopped and a woman got out. She was very friendly and took me home. She gave me some chocolate in the car and a week later she telephoned my parents to ask how I was. She took the bike in the car as well. Speaker 5 I remember when my brother went to university. I was only ten, he was nineteen. We only had a small house and we always slept in the same bedroom. Now I had my owrr room. It was great. Well, I was a bit lonely at first but after a week or two I was happy. I moved my brother's things into a cupboard and put all my books and CDs on the shelves and my posters on the wall. Speaker 6 Well, it's a long time ago. When the war started, that's the Second World War, I was five. I lived near London and in 1940 I went to live with a family ln a village. Lots of children left London. Some weren't happy but the family I went to were lovely. They had a daughter my age and we were like sisters. We still are. I loved mv four vears there. I didn't want to go home. Speaker TEST5IUNITS9-10 P - presenter, C - Mr Clive Jessup, J - Joel P Good evening and welcome to our weekly Do you know Newlyn, sir? I do. M W WeI, from the harbour, you go past the post office and the supermarket to Hill Road. There's a newsagent's on the corner. Thrn left into Hill Road and Sea View Gardens is the second road on your right. All the cottages there belong to us and you can choose one. Is there a good view? Oh yes. You can see the harbour and the sea from the Iiving room and the bedrooms. The kltchen has a view of the garden. I UNITS 7-8 1 The thing I remember was my first day at school I wasn't sad at all. I wanted to go to school. I was very happy. I went with my mum. I wanted to run but she stopped me. At the gates, when I said goodbye, I could see her trying to hide her eyes. She didn't want me to see her cry Speaker 2 I alwavs remember one Christmas. I was ill and couldn't eat any dinner. I was very sad. I was 111 for about two weeks and my grandfather bought me a very expensive model aeroplane. I loved aeroplanes. It was great. It could fly. I had it for years. He was great, my grandfather. Speaker 3 I remember holidays in France. We went every year. We always did the same things. We stayed in the same town, we visited the same places, u'e bought our food from the same shop every year. But every year it was wonderful. I loved it and now I always take my children to the same Speaker M Yes, W and a TV There's one bathroom with a bath and a shower and a toilet of course. In the kitchen there are lots of cupboards, a fridge and a washing machine, oh and a cooker. Ard there's a garden, you say. Oh, yes, it's very beautiful. How much is the rent? It's 5200 a week in July and August and 5150 a week from September to June. OK, thank you very much for your help. You're welcome. C radio phone-in show The World Toclay. This evening we are asking: Do our young people look worse than in the past? Here in the studio we have Mr Clive Jessup, a clothes shop owner and Joel Fisher, a young actor and musician. You can ring us from 9 o'clock on 0146 21331. My first question is to Mr Jessup. What do you think of young people's fashions? Well, what I can see in my shop is that young people don't want to buy suits these days. In my shop, in the past, we had customers of all ages, with lots of young people among them, who wanted something nice to wear on a Saturday evening and they bought suits, shirts and ties. Now nobody wants them. Look at young Joel here, he's wearing the uniform of the young - blue jeans, an old T-shirt and a pair of trainers. 105 P J P J P C J Joel, what do you say to Mr Jessup? Do you sometimes wear a suil? No, not really. I wore one for my sister's wedding. It was my father's. He's got iots ol suits. I haven't got any. Mr Jessup doesn't understand that my clothes are lmportant to me. They tell you something. A suit says: 'I want to look like my parents.' My clothes say: 'I don't want to look like my parents.' You can say a lot with clothes. The T-shirt and trainers, for example, tell you what music I like. vorrr tra.iners also look a bit expensive. Do you spend a lot on clothes? Oh, no, not at all. You don't have to buy expensive clothes to say something. On the contrary, I buy most of my clothes in street markets and they are really cheap. But they have a lot of character and they really say something. Not like the clothes in big stores. I agree with Mr Jessup there - when you buy clothes in big stores they are all the same. If you want to say something with your clothes, you have to look somewhere else. Mr Jessup. What do you say about that? I still think that young people today have no style. And that you cannot say that a T-shlrt or trainers can be cfvlich A onnri cilifi is something that ... Yes. Oh come on ... Let's hear what our listeners have to say about that. Telephone now to tell us what you think or ask Joel or Mr Jessup a queslion. The number, once again, is ... P All right. TEST6 I UNITS 17-T2 P-presenter,J-Jack P Welcome back to the programme. So, at half time between Liverpool United and Manchester Tov'n, the score is 3 1 to Manchester. In a few minutes rve are golng to see the goals again but first, I $-ant to talk to Jack Sinclair, the England manager. An exciting game, Jack. J Yes, Manchester have played very rvell. They-'ve already scored three goals and T think the5 re going to score more in the second half. Liverpool have looked very tired. They have played three games this r'veek and you can see that this match is difficult for them P What can Liverpool do? J They must score in the first five minutes of the second half to have any chance in this match. The problem is thev haven't done much yet. P They've scored one goal. They could score more. J Mmm. I think they were lucky. The Manchester players are faster and better. I think the manager should change two players. The number 4, Smith, is too smail. They need a taller, stronger man at the back. Maybe Donald. The number 10, Fietcher, is having a very bad match. He can't run, he can't klck, he can't do anything. Why is he plaflng? Why hasn't the manager taken him off yet? P You don't like Fletcher! J No. But not just today. I've never liked him. I've never seen him play well. I think Liverpool should sell him. He might be OK at a smaller club. P He's played 50 games for Liverpool and he's scored 7 goals. He's only 21 and he's already played for Northern Ireland 17 times. J That's Northern Ireland. They haven't got many players to choose from. They're not a big country like England. P They beat England last year and fletcher scored, I think! Well, the teams are going to come out for the second half soon so let's look at the goals from the first half ... TESTT B I UNITS 13,14 Beata, C- Carole, B Hi Carole. I've.just M -Martin read an interesting article in the paper all about what people think will happen in the next C 106 50 years. Oh, I don't want to read that. I'11 be worried. M Why? Don't you think everything lvill get better? I do. C Really? All this pollutlon and global warming and you aren't worried about what will happen? M No, I think scientists will flnd a way to clean the pollution and recycle all the waste. What do you think, Beata? Well, I don't know really. Some of the people think that the world will get worse and some think it will get better. They've both got some good ideas. M Well, they can't both be right. In my opinion, things lvill get very bad in the next few years, there will be terrible storms and lots of peopie will die and then governments will have to do somethhg. It's obvious. Don't worry, B Carole! C But I think that by the time everyone realises that the problem is really bad, it will be too late. trverything will be destroyed and we won't be able to do anything. M The thing is, I mean, look at 50 years ago. Nobody could imagine mobile phones or computers or email or CDs or videos. Well, we can't imagine what scientists will invent in the next 50 years. There will be robots cleaning the worldl B C That's possible I guess. Or there wrll be a war and we'lI all die! The thing is, we don't know. I'm going to try to forget about lt and enjoy my iife. Oh, Beata. I'm not. I'm going to do something to he1p. I've joined Greenpeace and I'm going to protest against pollution. Ard I'm never going to buy a car! FUNCTIONS BANK Asking for permission and giving/ refusing permission (Unit 4) Telephoning (Unit 1) Starting a conversation A B A B A B Asking for permission Hello. Nick here Hi Nick. It's Jack. Can I sit here, please? Could I use your phone, please? Hello 266 7039. Hi. This is Mike. Is that Jane? Giving permission Good morning/afternoon. World Music. Hello, is Tom Brorm Lhere, please? Yes, of course. No problem. Yes, lhat's fine. Here you are. Finishing a conversation Refusing permission (explaining your reasons) Bye./Bye bye./Goodbye. See you (soonllaterltomorrow I on Friday I at seuen). Sorry I'm afraid not. This is a non-smoking office. No, I'm sorry. That seat's not free. Take care. Greetings Asking for and giving information (Unit 5) How are you? Very welVfine/Not bad thank you. And you? Asking for directions Excuse me, is there a (post offi,celbank) near here? Other expressions used while talking on the phone How do I get to your house? Excuse me, where's the (cznemaltrai,n stati,on)? Sorry, wrong number. Giving directions Sorry, he's not here. Hold on, please./Hang on a minute, please. Expressing preferences (Unit 2) Illke (danczng on the beach/shoppi,ng). Ilove (helpi,ng my motherlschoo| ho|idays). She enjoys (holidaysldanci,ng on the beach). I don't llke (eatinglsui,mming) a lot. They hate (hot ueatherlerams). Go straight on. Waik past the (sup erwtarket I the neu,s ag ent's) Buying something to eat and drink (Unit 6) Describing people (Unit 3) Customer Describing appearanee He's young and he's got short, blond, straight hair Have you got any (cri,spslchoco\ate)? and big, green eyes. He looks like his (dadlmum). They're both tall and thin. . Tirrn right/Ieft at the traffic lights. Take ihe first turning on the left/righL. There's a (bus stoplbookshop) on the corner. My house is on the right,{eft. It's opposite the (post offi,celbus stati,on). Can I have (a bott\e of uater/an apple), please? I'd like sausages and chips, piease. How much is that? That's all, thank you. Here you are. He doesn't look like hrs (sr,sterlbrother). Shop assistant Describing personality and interests He's friendly and confident. He is like my mum. They're both qureL. We both love music and books. She's very good at sports. I like reading but she doesn't. Can I help you? Certainly. Anrrthino elqp? There's one left. There are two. That's 53.50 (altogether), please. fTorp rrnrr lrp 107 Sharing good and bad news (Unit 7) Asking for advice/Suggestions (Unit 11) A B A B A Asking for advice You look happy. Yes, I passed my EngLish exam! How was your day? Great! I got a Saturdayjob! That's (Brilli,ant! IWeII done! lGood Fantastic!) What should I buy for her? What can I take for my dad? What do you suggest? for gou! I Suggestions If she likes souvenirs, you could get one of those Finding out about an important person from the past (Unit 8) mugs. What about (a toylone of these key rings)? Why don't you get (a bor of bi,scui,ts/ some earri,ngs) for your mum? General questions Accepting or rejeeting a suggestion Who was he/she? How old was he/she? Where was he/she from? WhereAVhen/How did you meet her,&im? What did he/she do? How did he/she do that? What else did he/she do? How did he/she influence you? That's a good idea. why not? I don't think so. I'm not sure about that. Yes, Describing a picture (Unit 12) Asking for information (Unit 9) Could you tell me the dates and times of the course? Can you give me some information about the level and the course book they use? Suggesting help a bi,ke). How can I help? Shall I send you our brochure? I can give you the address, if you like Confirming your understanding/making sure What do you mean by low? Sorry, did you say Monday? . you canforget all your prob\ems/ and in good condition. Size How big is it? - It's quite smalVnot very big. What size is it? - It's smaller than a radio. How long/wide/high/thick is it? - It's 35 by 27 centimetres/metres.,{t's 20 centimetres long/ wide/high/thick. Other features How hear,y is it? - It weighs 2 kilos/it's 500 grams What make is itlare they? - It's a Toyota,/an iPod/ They're Levi's. How much is itldoes it cost? - It's 5200./ It costs 108 5200. A description of a favourite place (Unit 13) It's really (peacefullbe auti,fullnoi,sy) What I like about itis (the natura| beautyl the atmospherelthe space). It's the kind of place where (you cctn relarl Describing an obiect (Unit 10) Look what does it look tike? - It's grey, very smarl It's a picture of (o. parkla cztl1 street). I can see five people. On the left/right, there's a big tree. There's/are (a manltrees) in the middle. Maybe rt's (the uteekendli,n the citgli,n a ui,Ilage). I think (they're o"fami,Lylthey aIL Look happg ctnd re\aned). The yor-rnger boy's/girl's (carrgzng a ba\Llnding people go for speci,al occasi,ons). It's the (mo st unsp o i,lt I quie t e st I mo st e r ci'ti'ng) place I've ever been to' Expressing opinion (Unit 14) Expressing your own opinion and beliefs I think rt's (ho rri,b e I t e rri,b Le I g r e at I w onde rJuL) I don't think it's a very good idea. In my opinion, you should complain about it. Personally, I don't think it'll make any difference. L . Agreeing with a speaker's opinion Yes, I (completely) agree. Yes, I agree wilh you. Yes, you're (absolutely) right. Disagreeing with a speaker's opinion Sorry but I don't agree. I'm afraid I disagree. That's true but ... I know what you mean but ... Giving and reacting to bad news A B A B A What's the matter? I failed my driving test again! What's up? You look sad. I lost my mobiie phone today. Oh dear./I'm so sorry./Never mind./ It doesn't matter.,Don't worrv. 109 $l **ou,uoo,uu **on,no G Anne of Green Gabler IV Elementary Workbook lndi!.r*:ry Students will ... enjoy their course rr'ith the inspiring and up-to-date topics and'Culture Shock' sections. with activities that help learners both understand and internalise grammar rules and avoid common mistakes. be motivated and confident For further reading at this Ievel see Anne of Green Gables and other 1eve1 2 readers. be able to speak easily with a syllabus that focuses on communication in real-world contexts and vocabulary. with a clear syllabus supported by exam practice and exam sirategies. be extensively prepared for school-ieaving exams Teachers ... can make every lesson different with the variety of material in the Students' Book, th.e video, the CD-ROM, photocopiables and tests. can easily adapt lessons and tests with photocopiables and the Testmaster CD-ROM. lt's all in the name! \Xlith Szccess we recommend the Longman Wordwise Dictionary. fil { I S BN 978-0-582-85517-2 lil www.rongman.com llll | illllllllllllil [