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Грамматика (обобщение, 8 класс)

Put the verbs in brackets in Present Simple or Present Continuous
Hi Mary,
I 1) ………..(write) this letter from Portugal. I 2) ………. (be) on holiday here with
my family and we 3) ……. (have) a great time.
Right now, I 4) ….. (lie) on the beach. My little brother 5) ……. (play) on the sand
with his toys and my mother 6) ……(watch) him. My dad 7) …….(swim) in the sea.
I just love it here. We 8) ……..(get up) late every day and 9) …… (spend) most of our time
This afternoon we 10) ……..(go) into town to do a little sightseeing. Then my parents
11)…….. (take) us to a nice restaurant. They 12) ……….(want) us to try the local cuisine. I
hope it tastes good!
Well, that’s all for now. See you when I get back!
Take care,
1) am\’m writing
5) is playing
9) spend
2) am
3) are having
4) am lying
6) is watching
7) is swimming
8) get up
10) are going
11) are taking
12) want
1.sparkling 2. potatoes 3. bargain 4.off 5.hug
2. Fill in: off, potatoes, hug, sparkling, bargain
1. Can I have a glass of … water?
2. Please, peel the … .
3. I bought these sunglasses for only $20! – Wow, that’s a … !
4. This cream has gone … . You shouldn’t eat it.
5. When greeting close friends the British often give them a … .
1. was playing\ were doing 2. was cooking \heard
3. saw \ran 4. was doing\ came 5. did not do
3. Complete the sentences with the past simple or past
continuous form of the verbs.
1. He … (to play) computer games while his friends … (do) their
2. My mother ……… (cook) dinner when she … (hear) a noise in
the children’s room.
3. When we … (see) a stranger we … (run) away.
4. What … Mike … (do) when you …. (come) to see him?
5. Mary ……. (not/ to do) her homework at six o’clock yesterday.
1. catches, will not go 2. invent, will not pollute
3. has, will buy 4. enjoys, does 5.mix, get
4. Put the verbs in brackets into the future simple or the present
Put the verbs in the Present Simple or Future Simple.
1. If he …….. (to catch) a cold, he ……….(not/ to go) to the theatre.
2. If people …… (to invent) new fuel, cars ….. (not /to pollute) the air.
3. If he ……. (to have) a lot of money, he ……… (to buy) a computer.
4. If a person (enjoy) his jobs, he …….. (do) it well.
5. When you (mix) yellow and blue you ……. (get) green.
1. A: 1) saw
B: 2) have already seen
A: 3) has worked
B: 4) started
A: 5) have you ever met B: 6) sat
5. Complete the sentence with past simple or present perfect.
A: Last night I 1)…………(see) the latest James Bond film.
B: Oh, I 2) ………( already/see)it twice.
A: Do you know that Mrs Jones 3)…………..(work) here for sixteen years?
B: I thought she 4) ………(start) working here ten years ago.
A: 5) …………….. (you\ever\meet) anyone famous?
B) Yes, last summer I 6) …………(sit) next to Brad Pitt on a plane to LA.
1. bigger 2.highest 3.large 4.great 5.better\good
6. Put the words in brackets in the correct comparative or
superlative form.
1. The rivers in America are much (big) than those in England.
2. What is the name of the (high) mountain in Asia?
3. Russia is a very (large) country.
4. There is a (great) number of cars and buses in the streets of
Moscow than in any other city of Russia.
5. Your handwriting is now (good) than it was last year; but still it is
not so (good) as Nick’s handwriting.
1. does she ? 2. hasn’t she ? 3. don’t you ?
4. can he ? 5. is he ?
7. Fill in the correct tag question.
1. She doesn't cook very well, ……. ?
2. My mother has lovely hair, ……. ?
3. You like this film we're watching, …… ?
4. He can't speak English very well, ……. ?
5. Your brother isn't married, ……. ?
have you ever tried 2. have put
have been cooking
has never bought
5. have been doing
8. Use Present Perfect Continuous or Present Perfect to complete the
You......................................(ever/try) poached eggs?
I need to go on a diet as I ………………..(put)on some extra weight.
I................................ (cook) dinner for 2 hours , but I haven't
finished yet. Can you help me?
Kate ......................................(never/buy) anything from a car boot
sale before.
I’m so tired – we ………………….(do) window shopping for 3
hours already. Let’s stop it.
1. out 2. into 3. up 4. away 5. back
• 9. Fill in: away, out, back, up, into, over (one is extra)
• 1. We ran ………… of sugar, we should go and buy some.
• 2. When I was hanging out at the shopping centre, I ran ….……. my
classmate Alex.
• 3. Lilly gave … fencing two years ago because of a bad injury.
• 4. Mark gave his stamp collection … to his younger brothers.
• 5. Hey! Give me … my red pen!
1. enjoys 2. may 3. is 4. mix 5. will say
10. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb
in brackets.
1. If a person (enjoy) his job, he does it well.
2. If we hurry up, we (may) get there in time.
3. If the weather (be) nice at the weekend, we will go on a picnic.
4. When you (mix) yellow and blue you get green.
5. If I see Jane, I (say) hello to her from you.
1) help 2) is always laughing 3) leaves 4) thinks 5) are you
11.Put the verbs in brackets in Present Simple or Present Continuous.
1. We … (help) our granny in the garden every Sunday morning.
2. A: Why are you so angry? – B: She … (always/ laugh) at me!
3. Hurry up! Our train … (leave) at 7.35.
4. My colleague … (think) that my book is perfect.
5. Why … (you/be) so happy today?
1) stray 2) emit 3) role model 4) obey 5) creepy
12. Fill in: creepy, role model, obey, stray, emit.
1.My brother takes care of … animals.
2.Cars burn petrol and ... toxic fumes.
3.This singer is a good … for teenagers.
4.You must … your parents.
5.Do you agree that horror films are ...?
1) was watching, went
2) was doing, rang
3) was walking, saw
4) fell, broke
5) was Peter doing, knocked
13. Complete the sentences with Past Simple or Past Continuous form of
the verbs.
1. My mother … (watch) a mystery film on TV when the electricity … (go)
2. Steve`s wife … (do) the washing up when the phone … (ring).
3. Alice … (walk) in the forest when she … (see) a white rabbit.
4. Last weekend Sarah … (fall) and … (break) her leg.
5. What … (Peter / do) when you … (knock) at his door?
1) will not (won`t) finish, works
2) get, will be 3) Leaves 4) finish 5) will be
14. Put the verbs in brackets into Future Simple or Present Simple.
1. She ….(not\finish) her science project next year, unless she ….(work) hard.
2. By the time we …..(get) home after tiring trip, our dinner …..(be) ready.
3. I`ve packed all my things, my flight to London …..(leave) at 6 a.m.
4. Please phone me when you …..(finish) doing your homework.
5. I don`t know when Susan ……(be) back.
1) has never heard
2) attended 3) has eaten 4) watched 5) has been
15. Complete the sentence with Past Simple or Present Perfect.
1. He …….(never \ hear) such a moving song before.
2. It`s a long time since Mary …… (attend) Art lessons.
3. My aunt ….. (eat) plenty of ice cream so her throat is sore.
4. Simon ……. (watch) a science fiction film for the first time last
5. This actor …… (be) in the film industry for seven years.
1) the worst 2) the tastiest 3) the prettiest 4) better
5) more carefully
16. Put the words in brackets in the correct Comparative or
Superlative form.
1. We`ve been walking for 20 minutes and it`s ……. (bad) way to get
2. It`s …… (tasty) fish I`ve ever eaten!
3. This city has some of …… (pretty) houses, hasn`t it?
4. My classmate plays chess ….. (well) I do.
5. He is going to prepare for exams ….. (carefully).
1) haven’t they? 2) aren’t I? 3) isn’t he?
4) was he? 5) don’t we?
17. Fill in the correct tag question.
1. Ted and Sarah have just planned their holidays, … ?
2. I am pretty good at English, …..?
3. Mike is driving home, …..?
4. Greg wasn’t surprised to know the results of the exam, …..?
5. My granny and I know how to cook, ……..?
1) Fred has just drawn a nice landscape.
2) Have you been waiting for your friend for a long time?
3) Helen and Bred have not decided where to go yet.
4) We have known each other since 2015.
5) Has she ever thought about her future occupation?
18. Use Present Perfect Continuous or Present Perfect to complete the
1. Fred just (to draw) a nice landscape.
2. You (to wait for) your friend for a long time?
3. Helen and Bred (not to decide) where to go yet.
4. We (to know) each other since 2015.
5. She ever (to think) about her future occupation?
1) at 2) up 3) after 4) forward to 5) after
19. Fill in: after, forward to, up, for.
1. Who is looking …….. you right now?
2. If there is a new phrase in the text, I usually look it …… in the dictionary.
3. When you are away, Tony looks ……… your pet.
4. It is only March but I am looking ……… vacation in August.
5. We don’t look …….. children, so you should take them with you.
1) doesn`t rain, die
2) will not pass, don`t learn
3) phones, will not (won`t) leave
4) go, will be
5) do not (don`t) behave, will not (won`t) go
20. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.
1. If it … (not/rain), the flowers … (die).
2. You … (not/pass) the exam if you (not/ learn) the vocabulary and grammar.
3. Unless Harry …..(phone), we …. (not/leave) without him.
4. If you …. (go) to bed late, you …. (be) tired tomorrow morning.
5. Until the children … (not\behave) themselves well, they …. (not\go) to the
theme park.
21.Complete the following questions:
1. They won't go to the party, ___________?
2. This house is new, ___________?
3. I'm your doctor, ___________?
4. There is much snow there, ___________?
5. There is no juice in the fridge, ___________?
6. She never comes in time, ___________?
7. They have got a new house, ___________?
8. They had many tomatoes last summer, ___________?
9. They had to buy a new desk, ___________?
10. They had no time to discuss the problem,
1. will they?
2. isn’t it?
3. aren’t I?
4. isn’t there?
5. is there?
6. does she?
7. haven’t they?
8. didn’t they?
9. didn’t they?
10.did they?
22. Put the verbs into the correct form (will, going
to, Simple Present, Present Continuous)
1. I love London. I (probably / go) there next year.
2. Our train (leave) at 4.47.
3. What (wear / you) at the party tonight?
4. I haven’t made up my mind yet. But I think I (find) something nice in my
mom’s wardrobe.
5. This is my last day here. I (go) back to England tomorrow.
6. Hurry up! The conference (begin) in 20 minutes.
7. My horoscope says that I (meet) an old friend this week.
8. Look at these big black clouds! It (rain).
9. Here is the weather forecast. Tomorrow (be) dry and sunny.
• 1. I will probably go
• 2. Our train leaves
• 3. What are you going to wear?
• 4. I’ll find
• 5. I’m going to go
• 6. The conference begins
• 7. I will meet
• 8. It’s going to rain
• 9. It will be
23. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя глаголы в
Present Simple, Present Continuous, Future Simple или
используя конструкцию going to:
• 1) К сожалению, он не может нас встретить. Он собирается навестить
свою подругу в больнице.
• 2) Я уверена, учитель нам все объяснит.
• 3) Кто-то звонит по телефону. Ты ответишь?
• 4) Я не знаю, когда он придет.
• 5) Обещаю, что верну тебе деньги как можно скорее.
• 6) Кажется, будет дождь. На небе столько туч!
• 7) Ты поможешь мне сделать гостям чай?
• 8) Они все решили. Они едут в отпуск на следующей неделе.
• 9) Их поезд приезжает в 5 утра.
• 1. Unfortunately, he can’t visit us. He is visiting his friend in hospital.
• 2. I am sure, the teacher will explain everything to us.
• 3. Somebody is ringing on the phone. – Will you answer it?
• 4. I don’t know when he comes.
• 5. I promise, I will give you the money back as soon as possible.
• 6. It looks like it is going to rain. It is so cloudy.
• 7. Will you help me to make tea for the guests?
• 8. They have made up their minds. They are going on a holiday next
• 9. Their train arrives at 5 a.m.
24. Choose the correct word.
1. John leaves an unhealthy / unwelcome
2. We really like the landscape / peace and
quiet in this village.
3. There is a low rate of unemployment /
living in big cities.
4. It is a crime to look / break into a house.
5. I miss the hustle and noise / bustle of LA.
6. I love saying / chatting with my friends.
7. Public transport is convenient / heavy in my
8. You are hometown / homesick when you
miss home.
9. He is installing / inventing outside lights in
his garden.
10.I hate the constant / crowded noise in Paris.
11.He feels lonely / friendly away from his
12.Let’s check / rent a DVD tonight.
1. unhealthy
2. peace
3. unemployment
4. break
5. bustle
6. chatting
7. convenient
8. homesick
9. installing
10. constant
11. lonely
12. rent
25. Complete the following sentences with about, on, after, from,
• 1. Many young people hang .....at shopping centres at
• 2. The police are running .......the burglar.
• 3. He is crazy ......football.
• 4. There are a lot of books to choose ........
1. out
2. after
• I can’t say I am keen .......cooking.
3. about
4. from
5. on
26. Fill in: wear, tell, create, solve, smoke, use, overcome,
put, play, explore;
1. ......... a story
2. ........ a magnifying glass
3. .......... an area
4. ........ a role
5. .......... a character
6. ......... criminals behind bars
7. ........ a crime
8. ......... a pipe
9. ............ an obstacle
10. ............a hat
1. tell
2. use
3. explore
4. play
5. create
6. put
7. solve
8. smoke
9. overcome
1 A-are you B-starts
2 A-am thinking B-don`t think
3 A-are you B- is always taking
4 A-looks B- is studying
5 A-are you leaving B - leaves
27. Put the verbs in brackets in the present simple or the present
A: Why …….. (you\be) in such hurry?
B: I`m worried. My exam ……….. (start) in ten minutes.
A: I…….. (think) of changing school.
B: I…….. (not\think) it`s a good idea. You`ll be lonely.
A: Why …….. (you\be) angry?
B: My sister …. (always\take) my clothes.
A: Tom …… (look) very stressed.
B: Yes. He ….. (study) a lot these days.
A: Why …… (you\leave)?
B: My train ….. (leave) in an hour.
1 is shining
2 is baking
3 is jumping
4 works, is spending
5 are always borrowing
28 Present Simple or Present Continuous
1. The sun (shine) all day.
2. My Granny (bake) a pie at the moment.
3. Look! The monkey (jump) in the grass.
4. My wife normally (work) at home, but she (spend)
this month in Italy.
5. You (always to borrow) money!
29 Put the verbs in brackets in the present simple or the present continuous
1. What he (to do)? — He (to read) a newspaper.
2. You (to want) to be rich?
3. What you (to talk) about?
4. Look! The boys (to run) in the street.
5. Pete (not to like) reading books. He (to prefer) riding a bike in
the park.
is he doing, is reading
Do you want
are you talking
are running
doesn`t like, prefers
1 advice 2 advertisement 3 stray
4 interview 5 members
30. Fill in the right words in the sentences. One is EXTRA!
• 1. This TV programme is for women: it gives fashion and beauty… .
• 2. Wow! You can buy this mobile phone for half price today – look at
the … .
• 3. Our club “Save the environment” helps … animals.
• 4. An … with Jude Law is in today’s magazine.
• 5. There are 350 … in our club.
1 patient 2 fit 3 sociable 4 creative 5 determined
31 Fill in: fit, imaginative, sociable, determined, patient,
creative (one is extra)
1. John doesn’t get upset easily. He’s______.
2. Jill is very____. She spends every afternoon at the gym.
3. Robert enjoys parties. He is very____.
4. She’s a(an)_____ person. She designs and makes clothes.
5. Warren won’t give up easily. He is ____to succeed.
1 convenient 2 alarm 3 burglar 4 exhibition 5 masterpiece
32 Fill in: masterpiece, exhibition, unemployment, convenient,
burglar, alarm (one is extra)
1. I am a city mouse, because I prefer ……………… public
2. There is a fire …………………………… system in our school.
3. If a ………………… breaks into your house, call the police.
4. There is an ……………… of Royal crowns in the Tower of
5. This castle is a ………………………of medieval architecture.
33 Complete the sentences with the words
obsession isolated confused constant crawling
1. My homework was so difficult I was really ………
2. Can you see the ants ……… up the tree?
3. That man is famous for his …….. with money.
4. She lives in a(an) ………… area in the North.
5. I can`t study when there`s …… noise around me.
34. Choose the correct word
1. Don`t run after \ hang over the burglar!
2. A burglar let \ broke into our house yesterday!
3. What`s the best way to avoid pickpockets \ wallet?
4. How can we protect \ investigate our home?
5. Greg sighed \ snored with relief when he found keys.
Task 33
3- obsession,
4- isolated,
5- constant
Task 34
1- run after,
2- broke,
3- pickpockets,
1 were you doing 2 went 3 fell, was climbing 4 was
writing 5 was reading, was watching
35. Complete the sentences with the past simple or past
continuous form of the verbs
1. The policeman asked, “What ….. (you/do) at the time of the
2. They … (go) on holiday in June.
3. Tom … (fall) down while he … (climb) a mountain.
4. I… (write) a letter when the lights went out.
5. Derek … (read) a newspaper while Angela … (watch) a final
episode of her favourite sitcom.
1- after, 2-in, 3-about, 4-around, 5-for
36. Complete the sentences with the correct
1. I tried to run into \ after the thief.
2. Be careful in \ on crowded streets!
3. John is crazy about \ with skating!
4. You can walk around \ on the lovely gardens.
5. She was late in \ for breakfast.
1 was reading, was doing 2 was cooking, heard
3 saw, ran 4 was Nick doing 5 was not playing
37. Complete the sentences with the past simple or past
continuous form of the verbs.
1. My friends (read) the book while I (do) my homework.
2. Mary (cook) dinner when she (hear) a noise in the
3. When Pam (see) a tiger, she (run) away.
4. What Nick (to do) when you came to his place?
5. My sister (not to play) the piano at four o’clock
1 was climbing, broke 2 was shining, got up
3 exploded, was having 4 got, was playing 5 were lying, were studying
38. Complete the sentences with the past simple or past
continuous form of the verbs.
1. He (climb) down the side of a building, when suddenly the
rope (break).
2. The sun (shine) brightly when I (get up) this morning.
3. The hot water tank (explode) while I (have) a shower.
4. When we (get) to the concert, the band (play) my
favourite song.
5. While you (lie) on the beach we (study) for our exams!
1 don`t help, won`t finish 2 will buy, save 3 won`t go
doesn`t feel 4 are not hurry, will be 5 snows, will build
39. Put the verbs in the Present Simple or Future Simple.
1. If we (not help) them, they (not finish) the work on
2. I (buy) a new laptop computer if I (save) enough
3. He (not go) to school tomorrow if he (not feel) better.
4. If they (not hurry), they (be) late.
5. If it (snow), we (build) a snowman.
1-stopped, 2-appeared, 3- is calling, 4-Are you
coming…..? 5- switches off
40 Fill in the gaps with the verbs in the correct grammar forms
from the list
* call * come * stop
* appear *switch off
1. My alarm clock ……… working last week. I need a new one.
2. He …….. in five films last year.
3. James …… to the police to report the incident right now.
4. You…… to the cinema with us?
5. Peter always ……… his mobile phone at the theatre.
1-is tasting, 2-fits, 3-am seeing, 4-think, 5-smells
41. Complete with the correct verb form (Present
Simple or Continuous)
1. Ann (taste) the pudding.
2. The dress (fit) her perfectly.
3. I (see) John this afternoon.
4. I (think) she is rather faithful.
5. Her perfume (smell) sweet.
1 comes, will go 2 have, will go 3 have, will stay
4 finish, will go 5 will buy, gives
42. Put the verbs in brackets into the future simple or the present
1. If Peter (come) to my place, we (go) to play in the yard.
2. If Frank’s parents (have) their holidays in summer, they (go) to
the seaside.
3. If they (have) their holidays in winter, they (stay) at home.
4. When I (finish) my work, I (go) to the cinema.
5. We (buy) this book as soon as our mother (give) us some
1 has, takes 2 don`t stop, will have 3 drinks, has
4 put, will hurt 5 experiences, risks
43. Put the verbs in brackets into the future simple or the present
1. Unless Sarah (have) a headache, she never (take) a painkiller.
2. If you (not/stop) sunbathing right now, you (have) a sunburn
all over your back tomorrow.
3. Alex always (drink) hot tea with some raspberry jam if he
(have) high fever.
4. Unless you (put) a cold pack on your knee, it still (hurt)
5. If a person (experience) stressful situations for a long period of
time, he (risk) to come down with an illness.
• 5. Complete the sentence with past simple or present perfect.
• 1. I can’t find my phone anywhere. It looks like I … (lose) it.
• 2. When … (you/meet) Frank for the 1st time?
• 3. He … (not/clean) his room yet.
• 4. … (you/ever/see) Eiffel Tower?
• 5. Sally … (bring) these puppies 2 days ago.
• 6. We … (not/have) Geography lesson last week.
• 5. Complete the sentence with past simple or present perfect.
• 1. 1.Kevin … (lose) his bag. He … (leave) it on the bus two days ago.
• 2. … (not/play) tennis since I was at school. But I … (be) very good
at it then.
• 3. 3Mr and Mrs Brown … (be) to Australia. They … (go) in 1998.
• 4. - … you … (choose) a costume for the Halloween party yet? – Yes,
I … (do) it two days ago.
• 5. 5..Only a few people in the world … (not/ hear) about Legoland.
• 5. Complete the sentence with past simple or present perfect.
• 1. He … (never/be) abroad, he only … (visit) some towns nearby last
• 2. The Browns … (sell) their old car about a month ago. They’re
looking for a new one.
• 3. Where are you going? The bell … (not ring) yet.
• 4. I can’t find my phone anywhere. It looks like I … (lose) it.
• 5. When … (you/meet) Frank for the 1st time?
• 6. Put the words in brackets in the correct comparative or superlative
• 1. I guess Novosibirsk is … (far) from Moscow than Orenburg is.
• 2. My cousin is … (young) than me.
• 3. These shoes are … (expensive) in the shop.
• 4. This comedy is … (funny) that I’ve ever watched!
• 5. Our dad believes that footballers are … (famous) than
6. Put the words in brackets in the correct comparative or superlative
This restaurant is … (expensive) in our town.
Skiing is ... (exciting) than curling.
Tom is … (intelligent) man I’ve ever known.
My friend is as … (tall) as me.
Russia is … (good) country in the world
• 6. Put the words in brackets in the correct comparative or superlative
• 1. I guess Novosibirsk is … (far) from Moscow than Orenburg is.
• 2. My cousin is … (young) than me.
• 3. These shoes are … (expensive) in the shop.
• 4. This comedy is … (funny) that I’ve ever watched!
• 5. Our dad believes that footballers are … (famous) than
• 7. Fill in the correct tag question.
• 1. Camels live in the desert, __________?
• 2. Gorillas are amazing animals, ________?
• 3. My friend speaks Chinese fluently , ____________?
• 4. These children have been collecting rubbish, ___________?
• 5. Daniel is an eco-helper, ______________?
• 7. Fill in the correct tag question.
• 1. Their cousin doesn’t want to give up eating sweets,
• 2. 2.My classmate gives me my pencil case back,
• 3. 3.Our father wants to give up smoking,
• 4. 4.Tim doesn’t want to give you your disks away ,
• 5. 5.His sister has a big scar all over her face,
• 7. Fill in the correct tag question.
• 1. She won’t do this to him, ___________?
• 2. They bought this hose last year, ___________?
• 3. I am a teacher ___________?
• 4. There are too many people, ___________?
• 5. There are no chances that he can get here in an hour,
• 9. Fill in: of, away, up, for, with, back (one is extra)
• 1. I gave my classmate his book …
• 2. You shouldn’t lose control … your emotions.
• 3. Never give … your favourite hobby!
• 4. Stephen W. Hawking is famous … the way he copes … MND.
• 5. He slowly lost control … his muscles.
• 9. Fill in: into, after, over, out, of, out (one is extra)
• 1. We ran ………… of sugar, we should go and buy some.
• 2. When I was hanging out at the shopping centre, I ran ….……. my
classmate Alex.
• 3. Tom ran ………… his dog and couldn’t catch it.
• 4. The teacher asked the pupils to hand …………….. their exercisebooks.
• 5. Would you like to hang …………….. in Armada mall tonight?
• 9. Fill in: after \ back \off\across\ out \forward (one is extra)
• 1. Martha came ………… some pictures from her childhood.
• 2. I saw two policemen running ………….. a robber.
• 3. 3.The new film is coming …… next week.
• 4. 4.Give me ………. my skateboard!
• 5. 5.Sean is looking …….to his holiday
• 10. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.
• 1 If Chris ____________ (come) round, we ____________ (play) Monopoly.
• 2. If our parents _________ (have) much work this week, we ___ (not to
go) to the cinema at the weekend.
• 3. Tom _______ (send) you the files as soon as he _______ (get) to the
• 4. I _____ (make) up with Nathan only if he _____________________ (buy)
me an ice-cream.
• 5. I _________ (give) you back your wallet as soon as you _____(give) me
back my tickets.
• 10. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in
• 1. When my father (drive), we read fairytales.
• 2. If john (drink) coffee, he (look) good.
• 3. Now that I have enough money, I (buy) some new pencils.
• 4. I think we (to buy) two return tickets.
• 5. My aunt (to go) to Canada next summer
• 10. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in
• 1. If you break the rules, you _____________ (be) punished.
• 2. If he ______________ (learn) all the words, he’ll get a good
• 3. When the spring comes, everything _____________ (become)
• 4. If they call me, I ________________ (answer).
• 5. It’s hot here. I ___________the window. (open)