Загрузил Aydar Suleymanov

PVT and Phase Behaviour of Petroleum Reservoir Fluids

PVT and Phase Behaviour of Petroleum Reservoir Fluids
Ali Danesh
Elsevier, 1998
ISBN: 0 444 82196 1
220Nlg (approx. £83)
This new book provides a useful reference text for geoscientists interested in the
properties of petroleum fluids. Professor Danesh’s new text includes nine chapters of
easy-to-read text with clear figures and comprehensive references. This book brings
together recent research and fundamental topics in a compilation that is useful for
geoscientists interested in petroleum fluids in either exploration, development or both.
The Phase Behaviour Fundamentals chapter defines and explains differences between
black oil and condensate, and wet and dry gas. The PVT Tests and Correlations chapter
highlights the problems sampling petroleum fluids of interest to the geochemist and
defines formation factors for oil-water of interest in establishing reserve distributions.
Gas formation volume factor is also covered but not so easy to find from the references.
The Phase Equilibra, Equations of State and Phase Behaviour Calculations chapters are
concepts fundamental to reservoir engineering and of general interest to geoscientists.
The Fluid Characterisation chapter has direct links with geochemistry and would be
useful reference for geochemists in their discussions with reservoir engineers. This
chapter, and a further section in the final chapter, emphasise the difficulty engineers have
in sampling the fluids in wells. Geochemists have a role to play in assessing
representivity by comparison with core extracts.
The chapter on Gas Injection is useful for scientists engaged in improved oil recovery.
Interfacial Tension is defined and the challenges of measurement described in a separate
chapter. Application in Reservoir Simulation chapter describes the methods used to
group the components in compositional simulators. The individual hydrocarbon
components are not described within a black oil simulator. Geoscientists are increasingly
asked to address the compositional variations of hydrocarbon fluids and their PVT
evolution in the geological past. Techniques discussed in this final chapter are applicable
to basin modelling simulations.
The text is an excellent text for master’s level petroleum engineering training, as it is well
supplemented with exercises, and also serves the in-depth needs of the specialist in the
field. For geoscientists, the text is recommended for their reference use, being most
valuable to geochemists working closely in reservoir characterisation and development.