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The Great Barrier Reef is the world's largest coral reef located in the Pacific Ocean.
The ridge has more than 2,900 individual coral reefs. The Great Barrier Reef stretches
along the northeastern coast of Australia for 2,500 km and covers an area of about
344,400 square kilometers. The Great Barrier Reef is the largest natural object on
Earth, formed by living organisms - it can be seen from space. The structure of this
reef is formed (built) of billions of tiny organisms known to science as coral polyps.
Angkor Wat is a temple complex in honor of the god Vishnu, built by King
Suryavarman II in the first half of the XII century in the Angkor region, Siem Reap
province in the north of Cambodia, in the vicinity of the Great Lake, where in the XIXIV centuries there was a region of the capitals of the Angkor Empire and the
residences of the ancient Khmer kings.
Rapa Nui or Easter Island is an island in the southeastern Pacific Ocean, Chile. It is
the most remote inhabited island in the world. Tourism is the main source of income
for the population. Moai are stone statues on the coast of Easter Island in the form of a
human head with a torso truncated at about waist level. Their height reaches 20
The Grand Canyon is one of the deepest canyons in the world. Located on the
Colorado Plateau, Arizona, USA, in the Grand Canyon National Park. The canyon is
cut by the Colorado River through limestone, shale and sandstone. The length of the
canyon is 446 km. The width ranges from 6 to 29 km, at the bottom - less than a
kilometer. The maximum depth is 1857 m.
Stonehenge is a World Heritage-listed stone megalithic structure (cromlech) in
Wiltshire, England. It is located about 130 km south-west of London.
One of the most famous archaeological sites in the world, Stonehenge is made up of
ring and horseshoe structures built from large menhirs. It sits at the center of
England's most dense Neolithic and Bronze Age complex of monuments. Stonehenge
is transferred by the British crown to the management of the English Heritage, while
the surrounding area belongs to the National Trust.
Islamic Cairo is a historical quarter in the center of the modern capital of Egypt, a
medieval citadel. It was founded in 969 as a palace complex for the Fatimid caliphs,
while the real economic and administrative capital was in nearby Fustat.