1 ДЕПАРТАМЕНТ ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ ГОРОДА МОСКВЫ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЕ БЮДЖЕТНОЕ ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНОЕ УЧРЕЖДЕНИЕ ВЫСШЕГО ПРОФЕССИОНАЛЬНОГО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ ГОРОДА МОСКВЫ МОСКОВСКИЙ ГУМАНИТАРНЫЙ ПЕДАГОГИЧЕСКИЙ ИНСТИТУТ ФАКУЛЬТЕТ АНГЛИЙСКОЙ ФИЛОЛОГИИ КАФЕДРА ГРАММАТИКИ И ФОНЕТИКИ АНГЛИЙСКОГО ЯЗЫКА И МЕТОДИКИ ИХ ПРЕПОДАВАНИЯ автор-составитель: Е.М. Вишневская Практикум по фонетике английского языка Учебно-методическое пособие для студентов, обучающихся по направлениям 050100.62 Педагогическое образование (Английский язык) 050300.62 Филологическое образование (Иностранный язык и русский язык как иностранный) ⃗English proˌnunci、ation.∥ /ˈɪŋglɪʃ prəˌnʌnsɪˈeɪʃ(ə)n/ Москва 2013 2 Практическая фонетика английского языка: Учебно-методическое пособие для студентов, обучающихся по направлениям 050100.62 Педагогическое образование (Английский язык); 050300.62 Филологическое образование (Иностранный язык и русский язык как иностранный) / Авт.-сост. Е.М.Вишневская – М.: АПКиППРО, 2012. – 98 с. Автор-составитель: старший преподаватель кафедры грамматики и фонетики английского языка и методики их преподавания МГПИ, Вишневская Е.М. Рецензенты: заведующий кафедрой грамматики и фонетики английского языка и методики их преподавания МГПИ, доцент, к.ф.н. Молчанова М.А. профессор кафедры англистики и межкультурной коммуникации МГПИ, д.ф.н. Авербух К.Я. доцент кафедры грамматики и фонетики английского языка и методики их преподавания МГПИ, к.п.н. Нечаева Е.С. Рекомендовано к изданию Научно-методическим советом факультета английской филологии МГПИ Данное учебно-методическое пособие представляет собой сборник материалов по практической фонетике английского языка для работы на 1 курсе со студентами, обучающимися по направлению 050100.62 Педагогическое образование (Английский язык), 050300.62 Филологическое образование (Иностранный язык и русский язык как иностранный), а также студентами, изучающими английский язык как второй иностранный. Учебно-методическое пособие составлено с учетом рекомендаций ФГОС нового поколения, совмещает в себе функции книги для студентов и рабочей тетради, большинство заданий пособия обеспечено аудиозаписями, что способствует максимально эффективному усвоению и самостоятельному моделированию речевых образцов. Материал пособия организован в соответствии со структурой коррективного курса учебника «Практический курс английского языка. 1 курс» под редакцией В.Д. Аракина и рассчитан на 2 семестра. Пособие содержит материал для коррекции и отработки звуков как в отдельности, так и в связной речи. Основное назначение данного учебнометодического пособия – формирование фонетической компетенции студентов, а именно совершенствование слухопроизносительных и ритмико-интонационных навыков оформления речи на английском языке. 3 Introduction Lesson One Lesson Two Lesson Three Lesson Four Lesson Five -ContentsPhoneme Letters and sounds Transcription Organs of speech Vowel and consonant sounds Consonants: /k/, /ɡ/ Aspiration Consonants /t/, /d/ Vowels: /ɪ/, /iː/ Palatalization Vowel duration Glottal stop Word stress Consonants: /l/ Dark/Clear “l” Lateral plosion Syntagma Intonation Nuclear tone Low Fall Low Rise Sentence Stress, Logical Stress Pronunciation of articles Vowels: /ǝ/ Rhythm units, Intoning rules Vowels: /e/, /æ/ Consonants: /m/, /n/ /ŋ/ Consonants: /ð/, /θ/ Pronunciation of particle ‘to’; Assimilation Regressive Assimilation English Rhythm Consonants: /s/, /z/ Consonants: /p/, /b/ Nasal plosion Vowels: /ǝʊ/, /aʊ/ Reduction Intonation formula Consonants: /f/, /v/ Consonants: /w/, /j/ Loss of plosion Types of syllables Vowels: /ʌ/, /ɑː/ Intonation: Function words, Direct address Text 1: A Visit 5 5 6 6 7 9 9 10 11 11 12 12 12 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 16 17 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 25 26 27 28 29 30 30 32 33 34 35 35 37 37 4 Lesson Six Lesson Seven Lesson Eight Lesson Nine Lesson Ten Lesson Eleven Appendix 1 Appendix 2 Appendix 3 Appendix 4 Appendix 5 Appendix 6 Appendix 7 Appendix 8 Consonants: /h/; Vowels: /ɜː/ Loss of aspiration Consonants: /ʃ/, /ʒ/ Vowels: /ɒ/, /ɔː/ Digraphs Intonation: Apposition, Parenthesis, Compound adjective, Enumeration Text 2: Betty Smith, Text 3: Doctor Sandford’s family Consonants: /r/ Linking ‘r’ Vowels: /eɪ/, /aɪ/, /ɔɪ/ Numerals Syllabification Sonorants with preceding consonants Vowel: /ʊə/ Intonation: Fall-Rise, Direct address Text 4: About Benny’s cousins Consonants: /tʃ/, /dʒ/ Vowels: /ɪə/, /eə/ Stress Vowels: /ʊ /, /uː/ Intonation: Please, Thank you Text 5: Our English Lesson Vowels: /aɪǝ/, /aʊǝ/ Sounds combination: /wɜː/ Digraphs before ‘r’, Geographical names Intonation: Adverbial modifiers, Compound sentences, Direct speech, Accidental rise Text 6: Doctor Sandford’s house Linking /w/, Linking /j/ Intonation: Well, Exclamations, Preposition after the nucleus Text 7: Mr. White comes again. Poems: Solomon Grundy, Thirty days have September Strong and weak forms Poem: Roadways Intonation: Complex sentences Text 8: Dialogue Secondary stress Intonation of questions Tongue twisters Sounds with pictures Additional texts Dialogues Alphabetic index IPA index Useful links, sources 39 41 41 42 44 45 45 47 48 48 50 51 52 53 53 54 55 57 58 59 61 61 63 64 64 66 67 69 70 70 70 74 75 76 76 77 79 80 84 85 89 99 100 100 5 Introduction Фонема (phoneme) Буквы и звуки английского языка (letters and sounds) Транскрипция (transcription) Органы речи (organs of speech) Гласные и согласные звуки (vowel and consonant sounds) Фонетический строй английского языка весьма своеобразен, и его изучение представляет значительные трудности для русскоговорящих как собственно в звуковом, так и в интонационном отношении. Овладеть произносительными нормами иностранного языка – значит научиться правильно произносить звуки данного языка как изолированно, так и в потоке речи, правильно интонационно оформлять предложения. В основе звукового строя всякого языка лежит система фонем. Фонема (Phoneme) может быть определена как мельчайшая звуковая единица языка. Это звук или группа звуков, которые, будучи противопоставлены другим звукам в одинаковом фонетическом контексте, различают слова и грамматические формы слов. Например: can – cap, man – men, write – wrote. Каждая фонема имеет свое собственное графическое изображение соответственно системе фонетической транскрипции. Количество фонем, составляющих слово, не всегда совпадает с количеством входящих в его состав букв, что составляет основную трудность овладения английской орфографией. Так, например слово daughter /'dɔːtǝ/ «дочь» содержит восемь букв, но четыре фонемы. Подобное расхождение между орфографией и произношением обусловлено исторически. Английская орфография на протяжении веков не подвергалась сколько-нибудь значительным изменениям и в своем современном виде отражает произношение, существовавшее в языке несколько веков назад. Определенные несоответствия между звуковой и письменной стороной слов есть в каждом языке, однако только в английском это явление, как отмечают сами англичане, приняло характер «национального бедствия». Обучение английскому произношению производится на базе произносительной нормы лондонского диалекта, лежащего в основе литературного произношения современного английского языка. 26 букв английского алфавита передают 46 гласных и согласных фонем. Некоторые исследователи полагают, что фонем 44 (не выделяя трифтонги, и определяя их как сочетание дифтонга и нейтрального звука) Фонемы английского языка принято делить на 3 группы относительного языка родного: 1) фонемы, совпадающие в английском и родном языках, 2) фонемы, похожие на фонемы родного языка, но отличающиеся от них рядом существенных признаков, 3) фонемы, аналогов которым в родном языке нет Первая группа – /b/, /g/, /v/, /f/, /tʃ/, /m/ Вторая группа – /p/, /d/, /t/, /k/, /z/, /s/, /ʒ/, /ʃ/, /h/, /n/, /l/, /j/, /ʌ/, /e/, /ʊ/, /æ/, /ɒ/, /ɪ/, /ɔː/, /ɑː/, /iː/, /uː/ Третья группа – /ð/, /θ/, /dʒ/, /r/, /w/, /ŋ/, /ǝ/, /ɜː/, /aɪ/, /eɪ/, /ɔɪ/, /aʊ/, /ǝʊ/, /eǝ/, /ɪǝ/, /aʊǝ/, /aɪǝ/ 6 Фонематическая транскрипция (Transcription) – это система передачи звучания слов в виде последовательности специальных фонетических символов. Знаки фонематической транскрипции обычно заключаются в косые скобки: / /, для обозначения долготы звука применяется двоеточие после транскрипционого символа (ː). Словесное ударение ставится перед ударным слогом, главное вверху с помощь символа ('), а второстепенное внизу с помощью символа (ˌ). Например: teacher /'tiːtʃǝ/ English /'ɪŋɡlɪʃ/ pronunciation /prǝˌnʌnsɪ'eɪʃ(ǝ)n/ IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) 1 /b/ 7 /v/ 13 /ð/ 19 /n/ 25 /ʌ/ 31 /ǝ/ 37 /aɪ/ 43 /ʊǝ/ big van that net cup mother Mike sure 2 /p/ 8 /f/ 14 /θ/ 20 /r/ 26 /e/ 32 /ɔː/ 38 /eɪ/ 44 /ɪǝ/ put fine think rap pe n pork name here 3 /d/ 9 /z/ 15 /h/ 21 /l/ 27 /ʊ/ 33 /ɑː/ 39 /ɔɪ/ 45 /aʊǝ/ do zoo hello like cook car boy our 4 /t/ 10 /s/ 16 /dʒ/ 22 /w/ 28 /æ/ 34 /ɜː/ 40 /aʊ/ 46 /aɪǝ/ take sing Jack white cat her cow Ireland 5 /ɡ/ 11 /ʒ/ 17 /tʃ/ 23 /j/ 29 /ɒ/ 35 /iː/ 41 /ǝʊ/ go television check yes dog we no 6 /k/ 12 /ʃ/ 18 /m/ 24 /ŋ/ 30 /ɪ/ 36 /uː/ 42 /eǝ/ cake she me thing his pool there Органы речи и их работа (Organs of speech) В верхней части дыхательного горла (гортани) расположены две мускульные эластичные подвижные складки – голосовые связки (Vocal Cords), пространство между ними называется голосовой щелью (glottis). При произнесении глухих согласных (Voiceless Consonants) голосовые связки не напряжены и раздвинуты. Когда голосовые связки напряжены и сближены, а поток воздуха заставляет их вибрировать, возникает голос, который мы слышим при произнесении гласных (Vowels), сонантов (Sonorants) или звонких согласных звуков (Voiced Consonants). В полости рта расположены следующие органы речи: язык (Tongue), нёбо (Palate), отделяющее полость рта (Mouth Cavity) от носовой полости (Nasal Cavity), зубы (Teeth) и губы (Lips). Для удобства описания артикуляции звуков язык условно разделяется на следующие части: переднюю часть (Front) с кончиком языка (Tip), среднюю (Blade) и заднюю (Back) с корнем (Root). Нёбо включает альвеолы (Teeth Ridge) (небольшие бугорки за верхними зубами), твёрдое нёбо (Hard Palate) и мягкое нёбо (Soft Palate) с маленьким язычком (Uvula). В состоянии покоя передняя часть языка находится против десен и альвеол, средняя часть расположена против твердого нёба, задняя против мягкого нёба. При поднятом положении подвижной части мягкого нёба проход для струи воздуха в носовую полость закрыт, а при опущенном её положении воздушный поток проходит через нос. Органы речи подразделяют на активные и пассивные (Active and Passive). Активные органы речи подвижны и в процессе образования звуков занимают то или иное положение по отношению к пассивным органам речи, являющимся неподвижными. 7 Active 1 the vocal cords 2 the soft palate 3 the uvula 4 the upper lip 5 the lower lip 6 the tongue back (+root) front (+tip) blade Passive organs of speech 7 the teeth ridge 8 the hard palate 9 the upper teeth 10 the lower teeth Гласные и согласные Если выдыхаемая струя воздуха не встречает на своем пути шумообразующей преграды, произносятся звуки, называемые гласными (vowels). В отличие от гласных согласные (consonants) характеризуются наличием шума, образуемого при преодолении преграды. При произнесении глухих (voiceless) согласных слышится только шум, при произнесении звонких (voiced) – шум и голос. Если шум превалирует над голосом, согласный называется шумным, например: /p/, /v/, /tʃ/если же голос превалирует над шумом, согласный называется сонантом, например /m/, /r/, /w/ Классификация гласных и согласных звуков. Английские согласные классифицируются по следующим принципам: по способу образования преграды по участию голосовых связок plosives voiced voiceless consonants noise fricatives affricates voiced voiceless voiced voiceless /tʃ/ oral nasal /r/ /m/ /b/ /p/ /v/ /f/ /d/ /t/ /z/ /s/ /l/ /n/ /ɡ/ /k/ /ʒ/ /ʃ/ /w/ /ŋ/ /ð/ /θ/ /j/ /h/ /dʒ/ sonorants 8 по работе активного органа речи и месту образования преграды labial bilabial labiodental /p/ /f/ /b/ /v/ postalveolar /r/ consonants lingual forelingual (apical) palatointeralveolar alveolar dental /d/ /ʃ/ /ð/ /t/ /ʒ/ /θ/ /m/ /l/ /dʒ/ /w/ /n/ /tʃ/ mediolingual /j/ back-lingual glottal (velar) /k/ /h/ /ɡ/ /ŋ/ /z/ /s/ Английские гласные классифицируются по следующим принципам в зависимости от стабильности артикуляции выделяют следующие четыре группы: vowels monophthongs long short diphthongs diphthongoids triphthongs /ɔː/ /ɒ/ /aɪ/ /iː/ /aʊǝ/ /ɑː/ /ʌ/ /eɪ/ /uː/ /aɪǝ/ /ɜː/ /ʊ/ /ɔɪ/ /æ/ /aʊ/ /e/ /ǝʊ/ /ɪ/ /eǝ/ /ǝ/ /ʊǝ/ /ɪǝ/ в зависимости от участия губ и языка монофтонги (и дифтонгоиды) подразделяются на: forelingual mediolingual backlingual non-labialized labialized /iː/ /ʌ/ /ɪ/ /ɜː/ /ɔː/ /e/ /ǝ/ /uː/ /æ/ /ɑː/ /ɒ/ /ʊ/ Монофтонг (Monophthong) – гласный звук, при произнесении которого артикуляция не меняется в течение всего периода звучания. Дифтонг (Diphthong) – гласный звук, состоящий из двух разных по качеству элементов. Дифтонгоид (Diphthongoid) – гласный звук, качество которого неоднородно в начале и конце произнесения. Трифтонг (Triphthong) – гласный звук, состоящий из трех элементов, или (по мнению некоторых ученых) сочетание дифтонга с нейтральным гласным звуком. 9 Lesson One Consonants: /k/, /ɡ/ /t/, /d/ Vowels: /ɪ/, /iː/ Aspiration Palatalization Vowel duration Glottal stop Word stress /k/ – backlingual, velar, voiceless, plosive, noise consonant. /ɡ/ – backlingual, velar, voiced, plosive, noise consonant. При произнесении звуков /k/, /ɡ/ задняя спинка языка касается мягкого неба, образуя полную преграду. Струя воздуха с взрывом размыкает эту преграду. Английский глухой согласный /k/ энергичнее соответствующего русского звука и произносится с аспирацией, то есть с придыханием. /kh/ Придыхание (Aspiration) – легкий выдох, который имеет место после произнесения глухого взрывного согласного перед началом колебания связок для произнесения следующего гласного звука. E.g. cat /kæt/, Pete /piːt/, take /teɪk/ Английский звонкий согласный /g/ значительно слабее глухого /k/. В отличие от русского /г/ английский /g/ в конце слов не оглушается полностью. Ex.1.1. Read the words. /ˈtæksi/ /kǝʊt/ /mɪlk/ /skuːl/ /kiːp/ /kæt/ /fɪks/ /lɒk/ /kɪŋ/ /blæk/ Ex.1.2. c k /k/ ck ch Listen and read. car cat keep key back black school stomach careful kind check chemist clean kitchen pocket architect Ex.1.3. Listen and repeat. 1) Look in the kitchen cupboard close desk tick colour like fact talk walk 2) Keep your keys in your pocket Ex.1.4. Read the words. /glɑːs/ /gɜːl/ /dɒg/ /frɒg/ /ˈæŋgri/ /gǝʊt/ /bæg/ /eg/ /wɪg/ /gǝʊst/ Ex.1.5. Listen and read. /g/ g/gg garden girl glass go gold Ex.1.6. Listen and repeat. 1) Can you guess the beginning of the dialogue? ago hungry bag leg 2) Are you going jogging again? egg bigger 10 Ex.1.7. Match the words with the transcription. Choose from the words in the box. ache again work back bag big bigger bike called cake carry coffee cold comb come copy get give great grey guess guest kiss keys 1 /gɪv/ 11 /ˈkɒfi/ give 6 /keɪk/ 2 /bɪg/ 7 12 /ǝˈgen/ /kɪs/ 3 /get/ 8 13 /wɔːk/ /eɪk/ 4 /kǝʊm/ 9 14 /kɔːld/ /gest/ 5 /kiːz/ 10 /bæk/ 15 /bæg/ /t/ – forelingual, apical, alveolar, voiceless, plosive, noise consonant. /d/ – forelingual, apical, alveolar, voiced, plosive, noise consonant. При произнесении кончик языка касается альвеол, образуя полную преграду, средняя и задняя части языка опущены. Струя воздуха с взрывом размыкает эту преграду. Английский глухой согласный /t/ энергичнее соответствующего русского звука и произносится с аспирацией /th/ Английский звонкий согласный /d/ значительно слабее глухого /t/. В отличие от русского согласного /д/ английский /d/ в конце слов не оглушается полностью. 16 17 18 19 20 black gave walk /ˈbɪgǝ/ /kǝʊld/ /ˈkæri/ /wɜːk/ /greɪ/ Ex.1.8. Read the words. /ˈteɪbl/ /ˈletǝ/ /pleɪt/ /gɪˈtɑː/ /teɪk/ /tɔɪ/ /fæt/ /waɪt/ /tiː/ /trend/ Ex.1.9. /t/ Listen and read. tea till t/tt complete eat ten eight top light two suit Ex.1.10. Listen and repeat. Tom and Tim were twins. Tom said to Tim, ‘Can I talk to you?’ twenty better water bottle bit /t/ Thailand, Thames. Thomas Thatcher /'θæʧǝ/ Ex.1.11. Read the words. /ˈdenɪs/ /deɪ/ /raɪd/ /waɪd/ /dres/ /kǝʊld/ /dɔː/ /kɑːd/ /desk/ /ˈdɒktǝ/ Ex.1.12. /d/ Listen and read day d/dd head deep ready do add door address did ladder food middle good Ex.1.13. Listen and repeat Doctor Dixon said to his daughter Daria, ‘don’t go downtown after dark – it’s dangerous.’ 11 Ex.1.14. send Listen and write the number of words sent wide white said 1 Ex.1.15. Listen and circle the word you hear what / watch wide / white dry/try set road riding / writing wrote taught / thought /ɪ/ – vowel, non-labialized, forelingual, short monophthong /iː/ – vowel, non-labialized, forelingual diphthongoid При произнесении /ɪ/ язык находится в передней части полости рта, средняя часть языка поднята к твердому небу, но значительно ниже, чем при соответствующем русском /и/, нижняя челюсть слегка опущена. При произнесении /iː/ язык находится в передней части полости рта, средняя часть языка поднята высоко к твердому небу, губы несколько растянуты. В процессе артикуляции, язык от более низкого и отодвинутого назад положения переходит к более высокой продвинутой вперед позиции. Палатализация (Palatalization) – смягчение согласных под влиянием следующих за ними гласных переднего ряда. В английском языке большинство согласных произносится без палатализации, твердо. Слегка смягченные согласные в английском языке – /ʃ/, /ʒ/, /tʃ/, /dʒ/. Ex.1.16. Pronounce Russian and English words. Pay attention to the difference. Presence/absence of palatalization. мил бег пить Бил лист пень mill beg Pete Bill list pen /mɪl/ /beg/ /piːt/ /bɪl/ /lɪst/ /pen/ Ex.1.17. Read the words. /ʃɪp/ /bɪn/ /mɪl/ /hɪl/ /bɪl/ /ˈtʃɪkɪn/ /bɪg/ /ˈlɪtl/ /sɪks/ /wɪn/ Ex.1.18. /ɪ/ Listen and read i if u, ui, y busy listen business Ex.1.19. Listen and repeat 1. fifty six 2. dinner in the kitchen Ex.1.20. miss building dinner system 3. a cinema ticket 4. a picture of a building 5. big business Listen and repeat /dɪd/ /sɪt/ /ˈsɪti/ /ɪt/ /sɪt/ - /sɪd/ /dɪg/ /nɪt/ /ˈkɪti/ /ɪz/ /dɪk/ - /dɪg/ /kɪd/ /sɪk/ /ˈtɪkɪt/ /ɪn/ /tɪk/ - /tɪg/ /sɪn/ /kɪs/ /ˈgɪdi/ swim 12 Ex.1.21. Read the words. /ʃiːp/ /miːl/ /sliːp/ /biːf/ /griːn/ /biːn/ /hiːl/ /tʃiːz/ /kriːm/ /pliːz/ Ex.1.22. ie e /iː/ ey i eo Listen and read field piece these metre key ski kilo people secret evening equal Peter museum litre pizza machine magazine police European Ex.1.23. Listen and repeat 1. Can you see the sea? 2. A piece of pizza, please. 3. Peter’s in the team. 4. A kilo of peaches and a litre of cream. 5. Please can you teach me to speak Portuguese? Ex.1.24. big office Listen, circle all the /iː/ sounds and underline all the /ɪ/ sounds. buzy dinner give green in listen people pizza please repeat six tea meet three Позиционная долгота гласных (Vowel Duration) – долгота гласных (как кратких, так и долгих) находится в зависимости от позиции в слове. Ударные гласные являются наиболее долгими в конечной позиции, несколько короче перед звонкими согласными и наиболее короткими перед глухими согласными. biː biːd biːt Твердый приступ (Glottal Stop) – задержка колебаний голосовых связок при артикуляции начального гласного. (Это то, что мы произносим дважды в составе отрицательного междометия "не-а"; не само слово "не-а", а когда мы произносим два звука подряд, через нос, не размыкая губ, в виде отрицания – эти два лёгких щелчка и есть твёрдые приступы.) Ex.1.25. Listen and pay attention to glottal stop All Americans Eat Every Ounce Of Avocado Available В первый раз каждое слово начинается твердым приступом; во второй — только слова "every ounce"; в третий – только слово "Americans"; в четвёртый раз glottal stop не используется. Словесное ударение (Word Stress) – выделение в слове одного или двух слогов среди других слогов. Акустически ударные слоги производят впечатление более сильных. Ударение обозначается знаком /ˈ/ перед слогом – /ˈkɪti/, второстепенное ударение знаком /ˌ/ – /prǝˌnʌnsɪˈeɪʃn/ Ex.1.26. Listen and circle the word with different stress exam excuse explain extra 1. actor after afraid also 2. before belong better between 3. paper pencil picture police 4. coffee colour concert correct 5. English enjoy evening every 13 Ex.1.27. Listen and read /biː/ - /biːn/ – /biːt/ /iːv/ /dɪd/ – /diːd/ /sɪt/ – /siːt/ /diː/ - /diːn/ – /diːp/ /ˈiːzi/ /lɪd/ – /liːd/ /bɪt/ – /biːt/ /niː/ - /niːd/ – /niːt/ /iːt/ /lɪv/ – /liːv/ /nɪt/ – /niːt/ /siː/ - /siːd/ – /siːt/ /fɪld/ – /fiːld/ /lɪst/ – /liːst/ /liː/ - /liːg/ – /liːk/ /sɪn/ – /siːn/ /slɪp/ – /sliːp/ Ex.1.28. Transcribe the words. cake Kate ticket duck guitar kid kitten tea dig team game tig giddy teeth dream Ex.1.29. Transcribe the words in bold. Mother: “Johnny, I left two pieces of cake in the cupboard this morning. I see there is only one piece there. Where is the other? Can you tell me?” Johnny: “It was too dark, Mummy, I could not see the other piece.” the word transcription the word transcription Ex.1.30. Transcribe all the numbers 2 / 3 / 15 / 6 / 17 / 8 / 20 / 10 / 12 / 13 / Ex.1.31. Transcribe all words with sound /k/. Use the vocabulary, if you need. - Mr. Collins, how can I help you? - Good morning, Doctor Clark. Can you cure my headache? - Oh, yes. I can cure it. Come back to the clinic at six o’clock. - Thank you, Doctor Clark. - Take care, Mr. Collins! / / / / / / / / / / / / / / 14 Lesson Two Consonants: /l/ Vowels: /ǝ/ Dark/Clear “l” Lateral plosion Syntagma Intonation Nuclear tone Low Fall Sentence Stress Rhythm units Pronunciation of articles Low Rise Logical Stress Intoning rules /l/ – alveolar, forelingual, apical, oral, sonorous consonant Кончик языка прижат к альвеолам, но боковые края языка опущены, образуя проход для струи воздуха. Твердый (Dark) оттенок /ł/ звучит в конце слов и перед согласными. При произнесении этого звука поднята задняя спинка языка. E.g. – well, till, help, difficult Палатализованный (Clear) оттенок /l/ звучит перед гласными и перед согласным /j/. Смягчение достигается поднятием средней спинки языка. Следует иметь в виду, что английский палатализованный согласный /l/ тверже соответствующего русского варианта /л’/, а английский твердый согласный /ł/ несколько мягче русского /л/. По степени твердости/мягкости /л/ /ł/ /l/ /л’/ Ex.2.1. Read the words. /ˈkʌlǝ/ /ˈteɪbl/ /mɪlk/ /skuːl/ /bluː/ /lǝʊ/ /glɑːs/ /lɒk/ /slaɪs/ /blæk/ Ex.2.2. l /l/ ll Listen and read. learn leave tall well Ex.2.3. Listen and repeat. 1) When shall we leave? 4) Can I help you? language yellow lovely alone feel help English 2) Are you alone? 3) How do you feel? 5) Look at those lovely little yellow flowers. Ex.2.4.Write these words: /fiːl/ feel /leɪt/ /laɪt/ /lɑːdʒ/ /kǝʊld/ /ˈteɪbl/ /ˈæpl/ /ˈlɜːnɪŋ/ /bɪˈlǝʊ/ Ex.2.5. Listen and circle the word you hear: light / right collect / correct Ex.2.6. Read the words. Pay attention to dark and clear “l”. dark /kɔːl/ /dɔːl/ /helθ/ /teɪl/ /hel/ clear /laɪf/ /lʊk/ /lɔː/ /leg/ /laɪt/ /wɪl/ /fɪlm/ /ˈmɪljǝn/ /ˈfeɪljǝ/ /ˈɔːlweɪz/ /ˈstæljǝn/ 15 Ex.2.7. Read the words. Mind the difference between dark and clear “l”. /læp/ – /pæl/ /leɪt/ – /teɪl/ /laɪm/ – /maɪl/ /lɪst/ – /stɪl/ /leɪm/ – /meɪl/ /luːp/ – /puːl/ /laɪn/ – /naɪl/ /liːv/ – /viːl/ /lʌg/ - /gʌl/ Латеральный взрыв (Lateral Plosion) – Сонант /l/ с предшествующим взрывным альвеолярным согласным произносится слитно, не следует отрывать кончик языка от альвеол, гласного призвука между ними не должно быть. Взрыв альвеолярного согласного происходит в процессе произнесения последующего сонанта /l/. Сонант в подобных случаях становится слогообразующим. Ex.2.8. Listen and read. /les/–/sel/ /lɪk/-/kɪl/ /ˈsetl/ /let/-/tel/ /lɪt-tɪl/ /ˈketl/ /lɪp/-/pɪl/ /ˈlɪli/-/ˈlɪtl/ Ex.2.9. Read the words. Pay attention to lateral plosion. 1 2 3 4 5 please plan plant plane apple bless block problem public horrible little mostly exactly metal bottle candle middle hardly headline idle clean close ankle clothes cloud glad glove glass Gloria struggle 6 simple blind Scotland endless declare ugly 7 example possible softly badly uncle eagle 8 employ incredible battle deadline climate English Ex.2.10. Practise lateral plosion in connected speech. 1. a white lie 2. at a glance 3. to be on the black list 4. to play a double game 5. to be a gentleman Синтагма (Syntagma) – отрезок предложения, относительно законченный по смыслу. Предложение может состоять из нескольких синтагм; иногда синтагма может быть равна предложению. Например: He is a teacher. или As far as I know | he is a teacher. Фонетически каждая синтагма характеризуется определенной интонационной структурой. Интонация (Intonation) – изменения в высоте основного тона, силе, темпе и тембре произнесения. Движение основного тона и фразовое ударение являются основными характеристиками интонационной структуры синтагмы. Каждая синтагма заканчивается либо нисходящим, либо восходящим тоном последнего (или единственного) ударного слога. Этот тон носит название ядерного. Ядерный тон (Nuclear Tone) – Последний ударный слог синтагмы. Выделяет ядро смыслового центра высказывания. Низкий нисходящий тон (Low Fall) – чаще всего выражает законченность мысли, категоричность суждения. С нисходящим тоном произносятся: 16 эмоционально нейтральные утвердительные предложения, специальные вопросы, приказания, восклицания. Низкий нисходящий тон характеризуется средним диапазоном и постепенностью понижения. Следует обратить особое внимание на низкое звучание конечных безударных слогов. It is 、difficult. Низкий восходящий ядерный тон (Low Rise) характеризует некатегоричные утверждения, некоторые синтагмы, тесно связанные с последующей частью предложения, общие вопросы, просьбы. Низкий восходящий тон отличается низким началом и постепенностью повышения. Например: Is it ͵six? Если за последним ударным следуют безударные слоги, повышение осуществляется на безударных слогах. Например: ͵Isn’t it? Перед первым ударным слогом синтагмы отмечается начало шкалы (обозначается стрелкой) В эмоционально нейтральных высказываниях шкала обычно нисходящая (Descending head)(↘), которая имеет две разновидности: падающая (Falling Head), например: ↘This is the ˈsixth 、lesson. и ступенчатая (Stepping head), например: ↘Is this ˈlesson ͵difficult? или высокая ровная шкала (High Level Head), если в синтагме всего 2 ударных слога (первый <начало шкалы> и последний <ядерный тон>), например: ⃗This is a 、lesson. Условные обозначения Текст Тонограмма 、(LF) Последний ударный (ядерный тон) ╮(LF) Последний ударный (ядерный тон) ͵ (LR) Последний ударный (ядерный тон) ◞ (LR)* ↘ ⃗ Ударный слог – Последний ударный (ядерный тон) Первый ударный (начало шкалы) Остальные ударные слоги ˈ Безударный слог • Второстепенное ударение ˌ Полуударный слог ° Пауза между синтагмами ∣ Пауза между синтагмами ∣ Пауза между предложениями ∥ Пауза между предложениями ∥ *если за низким нисходящим тоном следуют безударные слоги, то он обозначается символом ‘–’, а следующие за ним безударные символами ‘•’, постепенно повышаясь. Например: 17 Ex.2.11. Listen and read the sentences. Pay attention to the intonation: 1. How did you spend your 、holiday? (special question) 2. I went to A、merica. (statement) 3. Was it ex͵pensive? (general question) 4. 、Yes. 、Very. (statement) Ex.2.12. Listen and repeat. Pay attention to the intonation of exclamation: 1. What a fast 、car! 3. What a marvelous 、photograph! 2. What a funny 、dancer! 4. What a fantastic gui、tar! Ex.2.13. Listen and repeat. Pay attention to the intonation of command and request: request command Have a ͵holiday, Mrs. Blogs. Have a 、holiday, Mrs. Blogs. Stop ͵washing, Mrs. Blogs. Stop 、washing, Mrs. Blogs. Don’t drop that ͵pot, Mrs. Blogs. Don’t drop that 、pot, Mrs. Blogs. Put it on the ͵box, Mrs. Blogs. Put it on the 、box, Mrs. Blogs. Фразовое ударение (Sentence Stress) – выделяет одни слова в предложении среди других. Наиболее обычным видом фразового ударения является синтаксическое ударение, при котором знаменательные слова, как правило, бывают ударны, а служебные безударны. Ex.2.14. Listen and read the poem. Pay attention to sentence stress: Shopping list Some milk and eggs, A tin of peas, A snack for lunch: Some fruit and cheese. The loaf of bread, A jar of jam, Some juice to drink, A piece of ham. Some pears or grapes, Some beans and rice, A can of beer As cold as ice! Логическое ударение (Logical Stress) – другая разновидность фразового ударения, выделяет логический центр высказывания, подчеркивает элементы противопоставления в высказывании. Ex.2.15. Listen and read. Pay attention to logical stress: A: It’s very quiet. A: I don’t like it. B: Too quiet. B: I don’t like it at all. A: I think, something’s wrong. A: Let’s get out of here! B: Very wrong. B: Let’s get out fast! Ex.2.16. Listen and indicate the nuclear tone. Sid: Shh! Joe: What? Sid: Bear! Joe: Bear? Sid: Bear! Joe: Where? Sid: There! Joe: Far? Sid: No! Joe: Near? Sid: Yeah! Joe: Run? Sid: Run! 18 Ex.2.17. Read the following phrases. Pay attention to the intonation. 1. 、Yes. 6. ͵Is it? 2. 、Bill. 7. ⃗Is it ͵seven? 3. 、Kitty. 8. ⃗Is it ͵ten? 4. Miss 、Kitty. 9. ↘Is Mrs. 'Dixy ͵sixty? the - /ðǝ/ - the pen /ðǝˈpen/ Before vowels 5. ͵Ted? 10. ↘Is Mrs. ˈSmith sixty ͵six? a - /ǝn/ - an apple /ǝnˈæpl/ the - /ðiː/ - the apple /ðiˑˈæpl/ Pronunciation of articles Before consonants: a - /ǝ/- a pen /ǝˈpen/ Ex.2.18. Read the following phrases – first with Low Fall, then with Low Rise. Draw the staves. ______ 1. 2. 3. 4. /ˈjes/ 5. 6. /ˈmɪni ˈsmɪθ/ /ˈðɪs/ /ˈbeti/ /mɪsˈmɪni/ /ˈbeti ˈnelsǝn/ ______ __╮__ ______ ______ ______ /ˈjes/ ______ ______ /ˈmɪni ˈsmɪθ/ /ˈðɪs/ /ˈbeti/ /mɪsˈmɪni/ /ˈbeti ˈnelsǝn/ __◞ __ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ /ǝ/ – vowel, non-labialized, mediolingual, short, monophthong (SCHWA /ʃwɑː/) При произнесении гласного /ǝ/ в начале или середине слов несколько приподнят весь язык целиком. Для английского /ǝ/ в этом положении характерна краткость и отсутствие четкости артикуляции. Недопустима замена английского нейтрального гласного русскими /а/ или /ы/ Ex.2.19. Read the words. /ˈwʊmǝn/ /ˈmʌðǝ/ /ǝˈlǝʊn/ /ˈtiːtʃǝ/ /ˈletǝ/ /ˈpɪktʃǝ/ /ǝˈbʌv/ /ˈkænǝdǝ/ /ˈsǝʊfǝ/ /ǝˈraʊnd/ Ex.2.20. /ǝ/ Listen and read. away banana police doctor Ex.2.21. Listen and repeat. 1) from Canada to China 2) The parrot was asleep 3) The cinema was open woman correct sugar support paper figure under colour 4) The photographer’s assistant 5) A question and an answer 6) A woman and her husband Ex.2.22. Listen and circle the word you hear. 1. What time did the woman / women arrive? 2. Where’s Kate’s dress / address? 3. The team manager’s / manages well. 4. The German teacher’s / teaches English. 5. The weight’s / waiter’s heavy. 6. The woman dancer’s / dances fast. 7. The officer’s / office’s here. 8. Take that away / way. 9. What a nice driver / drive. 10. The racer’s / races finished. 19 Ex.2.23. Listen and underline neutral sound. Transcribe the words in bold. 1. It’s a glass of water. / / 4. It’s a vase of flowers. / 2. It’s a cup of coffee. / / 5. It’s a newspaper. / 3. It’s a bowl of fruit. / / 6. It’s a piece of chocolate. / / / / Правила деления на ритмические группы (RHYTHM UNITS) при транскрибировании словосочетаний и предложений Количество ударных слогов соответствует количеству ритмических групп. Служебные слова являются безударными и примыкают к ударным знаменательным словам. Деление на ритмические группы грамматически обусловлено (предлоги, артикли, союзы и т.д. входят в ритмические группы с теми словами, к которым относятся) Если возникает сомнение, куда относить безударный слог – следует относить его к предыдущей ритмической группе. Ex.2.24. Transcribe the word combinations and short sentences. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. a fat cat a hot plate Is this a meal? These are beans. a slice of melon 6. Can I help you? 7. doctor Clark 8. I’ve got a goat 9. Take care! 10. a lovely little girl Интонирование. Памятка. (INTONING) 1. Определить количество синтагм в предложении. 2. Найти последний ударный слог каждой синтагмы, определить его тип. 3. Найти первый ударный слог синтагмы (здесь будет начало шкалы). 4. Определить, есть ли между первым и последним ударными ещё ударные слоги, и обозначить их. 5. Если между первым и последним ударным больше ударных нет (то есть их всего два), то тип шкалы в большинстве случаев High Level Head; если между первым и последним есть ещё ударные слоги, то тип шкалы в большинстве случаев Descending (нисходящая) или Ascending (восходящая); обозначить тип шкалы. 6. Затранскрибировать предложение с учетом ритмических групп. В каждой ритмической группе обязательно следует проставить ударения. 7. Изобразить схему (тонограмму). 8. Проверить, чтобы количество слогов обязательно соответствовало количеству символов на схеме. Ex.2.25. Transcribe and draw the staves. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Hello! Phone him. Thank you. Fine! It’s mother’s. 6. Do you speak English? 7. How often? 8. Write to him? 9. Of course. 10. No wonder. 20 Lesson Three Consonants: /m/, /n/ /ŋ/, /ð/, /θ/ Vowels: /e/, /æ/ Pronunciation of particle ‘to’ Assimilation Regressive Assimilation English Rhythm /e/ – vowel, non-labialized, forelingual, short, monophthong /æ/ – vowel, non-labialized, forelingual, monophthong При произнесении гласного /e/ язык находится в передней части полости рта, средняя часть языка поднята к твердому небу, губы слегка растянуты. По сравнению с русским /э/ английский /e/ более закрытый. При произнесении /æ/ рот широко раскрыт, язык находится в передней части полости рта, плоско лежит во рту, средняя его часть несколько приподнята. Углы губ слегка оттянуты в стороны. Русский гласный /э/ менее открытый, чем английский гласный /æ/. Чтобы избежать ошибки типа русского /э/ следует шире открывать рот. Ex.3.1. Read the words. /pen/ /ten/ /fred/ /best/ /lesn/ /ben/ /bel/ /ˈklevǝ/ /ˈbetǝ/ /nekst/ Ex.3.2. e ea ie a ai /e/ Listen and read. check leg bread head friend any many again said letter red read (past) Ex.3.3. Listen and repeat. 1. Tell me again. 2. Send me a cheque. 3. Correct these sentences. Ex.3.4. sentence 4. Twenty to twelve. 5. Help your friend. Listen and read. /ten/ /get/ /en/ /det/-/ded/ /sɪt/-/set/ /ˈbɪzi/-/ˈbeni/ /gets/ /pen/ /pet/ /eg/ /bet/-/bed/ /bɪt/-/bet/ /ˈpɪti/-/ˈbeti/ /pets/ /men/ /net/ /et/ /set/-/sed/ /bɪg/-/beg/ /ˈmɪni/-/ˈmeni/ /bedz/ /dɪd/-/ded/ /kɪdz/ Ex.3.5. Read the words. /pæn/ /æks/ /ˈhæpi/ /hæt/ /ˈpætrɪk/ /mæn/ /æn/ /bæg/ /kæt/ /ˈkæri/ Ex.3.6. /æ/ a Listen and read. back camera factory hat jam manager map plan traffic 21 Ex.3.7. Listen and repeat. 1. Thanks for the cash. 2. I ran to the bank. 3. Where’s my black jacket? 4. That man works in a jam factory. 5. Let me carry your bags. Ex.3.8. Write the words. Then listen and repeat. Example: /mæp/ __map___ 1. /hænd/ _______________ 5. /men/ 2. 3. 4. /best/ / / /mæn/ Ex.3.9. 3 _______________ _______________ _______________ 6. /ˈmeni/ 7. /hæv/ 8. /nekst/ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ Seven of these numbers have /e/, which are they? Listen and check. 7 8 10 11 12 seven /ˈsevǝn/ 13 Ex.3.10. 17 18 20 70 80 Listen and read the words. /læb/ – /læp/ /æd/ /dɪd/ – /ded/ – /dæd/ /pɪt/ – /pet/ – /pæt/ /kæb/ – /kæp/ /æm/ /hɪd/ – /hed/ – /hæd/ /tɪn/ – /ten/ – /tæn/ /hæd/ – /hæt/ /æt/ /sɪt/ – /set/ – /sæt/ /pɪn/ – /pen/ – /pæn/ /ǝˈbɪg ˈbæg/ /ǝˈblæk ˈkæt/ /ˈget ðǝˈmæps/ /m/ – bilabial, nasal, sonorous consonant /n/ – alveolar, forelingual, apical, nasal, sonorous consonant /ŋ/ – velar, backlingual, nasal, sonorous consonant При произнесении /m/ губы, смыкаясь, образуют полную преграду, но мягкое нёбо опущено, и струя воздуха проходит через полость носа. По сравнению с русским /м/ следует отметить более напряженную артикуляцию английского согласного /m/. При произнесении /n/ кончик языка касается альвеол, образуя полную преграду, средняя и задняя части языка опущены; мягкое нёбо опущено, и воздух проходит через полость носа. Русский звук /н/ – дорсально-зубной. При произнесении звука /ŋ/ задняя часть языка касается мягкого нёба, мягкое небо опущено, и воздух проходит через полость носа. В русском языке подобного звука нет. В случае ошибки типа /n/ или /н/ следует шире открыть рот и проследить, чтобы кончик языка не поднимался к верхним зубам или альвеолам, а находился у корней нижних зубов. 22 Ex.3.11. Read the words. /fɑːm/ /ˈmɑːkɪt/ /ˈsɪnǝmǝ/ /ˈmʌðǝ/ /ˈmjuːzɪk/ /mjuːˈziːǝm/ /hǝʊm/ /swɪm/ /meɪk/ /men/ Ex.3.12. Listen and read. m me more mm summer /m/ mb comb mn autumn lemon swim film some sometimes Ex.3.13. Listen and repeat. 1. sometimes in summer 2. more for you, most for me 3. in the middle of the film Ex.3.14. Read the words. /naɪs/ /ˈmʌni/ /ˈmɒnɪŋ/ /ˈiːvnɪŋ/ /nɜːs/ /tɪn/ /naɪn/ /ˌɑːftǝˈnuːn/ /kɑːˈtuːn/ /nǝʊz/ Ex.3.15. Listen and read. n new now dinner sunny /n/ nn kn knew know sun one gone knife Ex.3.16. Listen and repeat. 1. a sunny afternoon 2. sun and moon 3. nine months Ex.3.17. Read the words. /fæŋ/ /rɪŋ/ /lɒŋ/ /ˈlʊkɪŋ/ /θæŋks/ /rɒŋ/ /wɪŋ/ /ˈɪŋglɪʃ/ /ˈsliːpɪŋ/ /θɪŋk/ Ex.3.18. /ŋ/ Listen and read. evening long ŋ bank thanks ŋk angry finger ŋg sing think hungry singer uncle longer thing single Ex.3.19. Listen and repeat. 1. thinking about things 2. a long evening singing songs 3. a hungry man is an angry man Ex.3.20. Write the words. Then listen and repeat. Example: /mɔː/ __more___ 1. /muːn/ _______________ 5. /naɪvz/ _______________ 2. /rɒŋ/ _______________ 6. /kǝʊm/ _______________ 3. /drɪŋk/ _______________ 7. /θɪŋ/ _______________ 4. /ˈʌŋkl/ _______________ 8. /ˈstrɒŋgǝ/ _______________ 23 Ex.3.21. Listen and circle the word you hear. 1. ran / rang 2. thing / think 3. might / night 4. some / sung 5. some / sun /θ/ – interdental, forelingual, apical, voiceless, fricative, noise consonant. /ð/ – interdental, forelingual, apical, voiced, fricative, noise consonant. При произнесении этих звуков язык распластан и не напряжен, кончик языка находится между зубами. Струя воздуха проходит между языком и верхними зубами. Зубы обнажены. Звонкий /ð/ значительно слабее глухого /θ/ и в конце слов частично оглушается. В русском языке подобных звуков нет. В случае ошибки типа /т/, /д/ не следует прижимать язык к верхним зубам, необходимо оставлять щель между зубами и языком. Чтобы избежать ошибки типа /с/, /з/ не следует держать язык в зазубном положении. Кончик языка должен находиться между зубами. Во избежание ошибки типа русских /ф/, /в/ следует опускать нижнюю губу. Ex.3.22. Read the words. /maʊθ/ /θɪk/ /naɪnθ/ /smɪθ/ /θɔːt/ /θʌm/ /θɪŋk/ /tenθ/ /θæŋk/ /ˈθɪǝtǝ/ Ex.3.23. Listen and read. thin thanks three both /θ/ th thirty month theatre mouth thumb north Thursday south thirsty birthday Ex.3.24. Listen and repeat. 1. I thought April the twelfth was a Tuesday, but it’s a Thursday. 2. A: I’ve got three birthdays this month. B: Three birthdays? What do you mean? A: My wife’s, my son’s and my daughter’s! 3. It’s thirteen degrees in the north, and thirty in the south. 4. A: One third is thirty-three per cent, isn’t it? B: Thirty-three and a third per cent, to be exact. Ex.3.25. Read the words. /ˈmʌðǝ/ /ˈbrʌðǝ/ /ˈfeðǝ/ /ðɪs/ /ðæt/ /ˈfɑːðǝ/ /ðiːz/ /ðǝʊz/ /ðǝ/ /klǝʊðz/ Ex.3.26. /ð/ th Listen and read. this that brother other these those together weather then without they breathe father with mother 24 Ex.3.27. 1. Listen and repeat. A: Can I have one of those, please? B: These? A: No, the others, over there. A: Two coffees, please. B: With milk? A: One with. 2. Ex.3.28. Listen and read. /θθθ/ – /ððð/ /θθθ/ - /θɪn/ /sɪn/ - /θɪn/ - /tɪn/ /sss/ – /θθθ/ /θθθ/ - /θɪk/ /sɪk/ - /θɪk/ - /tɪk/ /zzz/ – /ððð/ /ððð/ - /ðɪs/ Ex.3.29. Write the words. Then listen and repeat. Example: /ðæt/ __that___ 1. /mʌnθ/ _______________ 4. /ðeɪ/ _______________ 2. /ðen/ _______________ 5. /wɪð/ _______________ 3. /θɪn/ _______________ 6. /ˈbɜːθdeɪ/ _______________ Ex.3.30. Listen. Which words have /θ/, and which words have /ð/? Read. 1. What are you thinking about? 5. What are those things over there? 2. Can I have another? 6. Is the plural of ‘tooth’ ‘teeth’? 3. Are you good at maths? 7. Is today the fourth or the fifth? 4. Where’s the bathroom? words with /θ/ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ words with /ð/ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ TO /tuː/ - before vowels /tə/ - before consonants Ex.3.30a Read the examples to eat to jump to act to love to come to open to play to answer Ex.3.31. Listen and circle the word you hear. 1. thing / sing 2. three / tree Ассимиляция (Assimilation) – качественное уподобление смежных согласных звуков. Так, альвеолярные /t/, /d/, /n/, /l/, /s/, /z/ становятся зубными под влиянием последующих межзубных /θ/, /ð/. Example: Let the drums roll out Let the trumpets call Ex.3.32. Listen and read. /ǝˈlesn/ /ˈðɪsɪz ǝˈlesn/ /ǝˈsentǝns/ /ˈðɪsɪz ðǝˈsɪksθ 'lesn/ /ǝnˈend/ /ˈðɪsɪz ðǝˈtenθ ˈsentǝns/ /ðǝˈlesn/ /ɪnðǝˈsɪti/ /ðǝˈsentǝns/ /ɪnðǝˈdesk/ /ǝtðǝˈdesk/ /ǝtðǝˈlesn/ 25 Ex.3.33. Practise reading the words and word combinations. 1. this theatre 7. I breathe softly 2. his thoughts 8. register of births 3. is that 9. with zebras 4. the tenth saying 10. the thirtieth sound 5. the sixth sentence 11. north, south and west 6. clothes 12. these thieves Регрессивная ассимиляция (Regressive assimilation) – предыдущий согласный оглушается или озвончается под влиянием последующего. Такая ассимиляция свойственна русскому языку, а в английском языке отсутствует, например бейсбол /з/ – baseball /z/, birthday /θ/ Example: - Kitty is six - these sounds - big sale - Becky is seven - his scarf - good thing Compare: из клуба – is comfortable /z-k/ над полкой – a good picture /d-p/ без прописки – these ponies /z-p/ под шкафом – bad shoes /d - ʃ/ Английский ритм (English Rhythm) – чередование ударных слогов через равные промежутки времени в определенной мелодической последовательности. Ex.3.34. Read and keep the rhythm. 1) 1-2-3-4 3) 1-and a 2-and a 3-and a 4 5) 1 – and a little 2… 2) 1-and 2-and 3-and 4 4) 1 – and a nice 2 – and a nice 3 – and a nice 4 Ex.3.35. Ask your fellow-student to read the words and correct his or her mistakes. /pɪt/ – /pet/ /bɪd/ – /bed/ /ˈpeni/ /pɪn/ – /pen/ /nɪt/ – /net/ /ˈtedi/ Ex.3.36. Listen and read. Ex.3.37. Listen and read. /fɪl/ /lɪv/ /sɪŋ/ /hæŋk/ /gʊdˈmɔːnɪŋ/ /def/ /ˈvelvɪt/ /lɒŋ/ /tæŋk/ /gʊdɑːftǝˈnuːn/ /ˈdefɪnɪt/ /ˈsevn/ /ˈiːtɪŋ/ /ˈlɪŋkɪŋ/ /gʊdˈiːvnɪŋ/ /ˈskeɪtɪŋ/ /ˈθɪŋkɪŋ/ /ɪnˈdefɪnɪt/ /ɪˈlevn/ Ex.3.38. Transcribe and draw the staves. Tomorrow. At the institute. At the dean’s office. Which cassette? Hurry up, then. Thank you, Tom. Do you know? Who? Did she? Weren’t they? Have you? A few? Really? By what day? When you meet – use Low Fall, when leave – Low Rise 26 Lesson Four Consonants: /s/, /z/, /p/, /b/, Vowels: /ǝʊ/, /aʊ/ Nasal plosion Reduction Intonation formula /s/ – alveolar, forelingual, voiceless, fricative noise consonant /z/ - alveolar, forelingual, voiced, fricative noise consonant При произнесении этих согласных узкая щель образуется между кончиком языка и альвеолами. Английский глухой согласный /s/ энергичнее русского /с/. Английский звонкий согласный /z/ слабее английского глухого /s/. В отличие от русского /з/ английский согласный /z/ в конце слов оглушается частично. В отличие от английских согласных /s/, /z/ русские /с/, /з/ характеризуются дорсальной артикуляцией, в то время как первые (английские) – альвеолярной. Ex.4.1. Read the words. /bʌs/ /glɑːs/ /hɔːs/ /ˈsəʊfə/ /stɑː/ /spuːn/ /ˈpensɪl/ /bɒks/ /desk/ /maʊs/ Ex.4.2. /s/ Listen and read. s sit ss class c city sc science sister glasses circle scissors Ex.4.3. Listen and repeat. 1. Summer in the city. 2. Have you seen my glasses? bus pencil process, centre, per cent place police 3. So, I’ll see you in the same place next Saturday. 4. I saw your sister on the bus yesterday. 5. My science lessons were the most interesting. Ex.4.4. Read the words. /zuː/ /zɪp/ /pliːz/ /zæp/ /bɜːdz/ /bʌz/ /praɪz/ /ðəʊz/ /bɔɪz/ /dɔːz/ Ex.4.5. /z/ Listen and read. s gives z zoo ss scissors zz jazz sisters zero pronounce easy size husband roses Ex.4.6. Listen and repeat. 1. What time does the zoo close? 3. Roses are my favourite flowers. 2. A: My favourite music is jazz. B: Really? Well, it’s always interesting, but it isn’t always easy to listen to. 27 Ex.4.7. Write these words. Then listen and check. /seɪ/ /liːvz/ /taɪmz/ /sæt/ /iːst/ /ˈglɑːsɪz/ Ex.4.8. Listen and write the /s/ and /z/ sounds in each word. 1. these 5. isn’t 9. certainly /z/ 2. size 6. pronounce 10. words 3. style 7. dress 11. suits /s/ 4. please 8. it’s Ex.4.9. Listen and circle the word you hear. place / plays zoo / Sue so / show sing / thing /p/ – bilabial, voiceless, plosive, noise consonant. /b/ – bilabial, voiced, plosive, noise consonant. При произнесении этих звуков губы, смыкаясь, образуют полную преграду. В отличие от русского согласного /п/ английский /p/ произносится с аспирацией. Для английского согласного /p/ характерна сильная артикуляция, особенно в конце слов. Английский согласный /b/ в конце слов не оглушается. Ex.4.10. Read the words. /ˈpɪktʃə/ /pəˈteɪtəʊ/ /kʌp/ /pliːz/ /ˈpiːtə/ /ˈpepə/ /ʃiːp/ /ˈprɪntə/ /ˈprɒbləm/ /pæk/ Ex.4.11. Listen and read. p pen push /p/ pp happy stopping Ex.4.12. Listen and repeat. 1. A piece of paper. 2. Push or pull? stop 3. A deep sleep. 4. A cheap trip round Europe. Ex.4.13. Read the words. /bɪn/ /biː/ /blæk/ /bluː/ /ˈbɒtl/ /beə/ /kæb/ /bɒks/ /ˈrʌbə/ /baɪ/ Ex.4.14. Listen and read. /b/ b/bb big best rob robber Ex.4.15. Listen and repeat. 1. Big business. 2. When was the baby born? 3. It’s better to bake your own bread than to buy it. 4. What’s that big building between the bank and the library? verb 28 Ex.4.16. Listen and read. 1. Pamela’s got a new job. 2. Paul’s got big problems with his neighbours. 3. Can you remember Pete’s phone number? 4. Pack your bags and bring your passport. Ex.4.17. Listen very carefully and pronounce yourself. 1. Stop! 3. Hey, Bob! 2. Don’t drop that! 4. The worldwide web. Ex.4.18. back beard Bill black 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Match the words with the transcription. Listen and check. bomb bought butter part pie book bread buy party piece boot build pack pay pool boots but paper pepper pull /bɪl/ bill /piːs/ /baɪ/ /pɜːs/ /blæk/ /peɪ/ /bʌt/ 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 /pæk/ /bɒm/ /ˈpepə/ /ˈbʌtə/ /pɑːt/ /bʊk/ purse put /bæk/ /buːts/ /puːl/ /bɪəd/ /pʊt/ /bɔːt/ /ˈpɑːti/ Ex.4.19. Listen and circle the word you hear. pears / bears pear / fair copies / coffees Носовой взрыв (Nasal Plosion) – Сочетание взрывных согласных с последующими носовыми сонантами, произносимое слитно. Взрыв альвеолярного согласного происходит в процессе произнесения последующего сонанта, и называется носовым взрывом. Например: /ˈgɑːdn/, /ˈstɒp ˈmuːvɪŋ/, /əˈbɪg ˈmæp/. (Аналоги в русском языке – дно, относить, обман). Сонант в подобных случаях становится слогообразующим. Ex.4.20. Read the words. Pay attention to nasal plosion. development group mate topmost eaten bitten mittens button written Britain curtain fortnight nightmare apartment appointment pardon hidden sudden modern admire student Ex.4.21. Practise nasal plosion in connected speech. - the rotten apple - forbidden fruit - a hard nut to crack Sweden midnight submit didn’t couldn’t - to cry over the spilt milk - no news is good news - to be in one’s right mind 29 nucleus - ядро glide - призвук /əʊ/ – vowel, diphthong /aʊ/ – vowel, diphthong /əʊ/ – В начале произнесения дифтонга губы слегка округлены, затем постепенно губы ещё более округляются (без оттягивания вперед). В случае ошибки типа русского /оу/ надо следить за тем, чтобы губы не были вытянуты вперед, язык следует продвинуть вперед. При ошибке типа русского /эу/ следует не растягивать губы (губы округлены) и несколько оттянуть язык назад. /aʊ/ – При произнесении ядра дифтонга язык находится в передней части полости рта и лежит плоско, кончик языка касается нижних зубов, губы немного растянуты (как монофтонг этот звук не встречается). Затем язык делает движение назад и вверх в направлении звука /ʊ/. Второй элемент дифтонга должен быть очень слабым. В случае ошибки типа /ау/ следует продвинуть язык вперед, чтобы сделать первый элемент дифтонга более передним и значительно ослабить второй элемент. Ex.4.22. Read the words. /həˈləʊ/ /ʤəʊ/ /ˈzəʊi/ /səʊ/ /snəʊ/ /gəʊɪŋ/ /kəʊt/ /əʊld/ /pəʊst/ Ex.4.23. Listen and read. o no cold ow know low /əʊ/ oa boat oe toe post show Ex.4.24. Listen and repeat. 1. I don’t know. 2. My toes are cold. Ex.4.25. close slow drove home phone 3. She phoned me in October. 4. They showed us their home. Listen and read. /ləʊ/ - /nəʊn/ - /nəʊt/ /əʊ/ /sɜː/ - /səʊ/ /ˈsəʊ ˈsəʊ/ /gəʊ/ - /kəʊl/ - /kəʊt/ /əʊn/ /fɜː/ - /fəʊ/ /ˈəʊ ˈnəʊ/ /səʊ/ - /səʊl/ - /səʊk/ /ˈəʊnli/ /tɜːn/ - /təʊn/ /ˈdəʊnt ˈgəʊ ˈhəʊm ǝˈlǝʊn/ /bɪˈləʊ/ - /bəʊn/ - /bəʊt/ /ˈəʊpn/ /bɜːn/ - /bəʊn/ Ex.4.26. Read the words. /kaʊ/ /braʊn/ /haʊs/ /taʊn/ /spaʊz/ /kaʊnt/ /raʊnd/ /ˈtraʊzɪz/ /klaʊn/ /praʊd/ Ex.4.27. Listen and read. ow how now /aʊ/ ou loud mouth vowel sound 30 Ex.4.28. Listen and repeat. 1. a thousand pounds 2. loud vowel sounds Ex.4.29. 3. round the house 4. Countdown – three, two, one, now! Listen and read. /naʊ/ - /naʊn/ - /əˈbaʊt/ /aʊl/ /ˈhaʊ ˈhaɪ/ /ˈʌp ənˈdaʊn/ /baʊ/ - /taʊn/ - /haʊs/ /aʊt/ /ˈhaʊ ˈhɑːd/ /əˈbaʊt ˈfaɪv/ /ˈhaʊ ˈhɒt/ /ˈwɒt əbaʊtðəˈsaʊndz/ /əˈlaʊ/ - /laʊd/ - /daʊt/ Ex.4.30. houses stone brown old coach Circle the word with a different sound. Then listen and check your answers. soup about mountains gone closed coast flower snow town over lost no boat some road Ex.4.31. Listen to these poems, transcribe each line. Don’t forget about rhythm units. (а) A pound I found a pound down on the ground and said, “It’s mine, I’ve got it.” I looked around and heard no sound and put it in my pocket (b) A letter A letter came in the post from the coast - the one that I wanted the most. It said, “Don’t be slow, walk through the snow and phone me when you are close.” Редукция (Reduction) – Длительность гласных в безударных служебных словах и местоимениях сокращается. При сильном ослаблении гласные этих слов могут утратить свое качество. Происходит так называемая количественная (quantitative) и качественная (qualitative) редукция. qualitative: Tell her the truth /ˈtelhǝ ðǝˈtruːθ/ quantitative: Is she married? /ˈɪzʃiˑ ˈmærɪd/ /ɑː – ɑˑ-ə/. Формы служебных слов и местоимений с нередуцированными гласными носят название сильных, формы с редуцированными гласными называются слабыми. INTONATION FORMULA Pre-Head (PH) – all unstressed and half stressed syllables before the first stressed syllable. Head (FH, HLH) – all the syllables starting with the first stressed up to the last stressed syllable. Nucleus (LF, LR) – last stressed syllable within the syntagma. Tail (T) – all unstressed and half stressed syllables after the last stressed syllable. 31 4.32. Define the amount of stressed syllables in the sentences and write the formula. 1. He met her on a party. 2. They sat in a nice coffee shop. 3. I always think of my childhood. 4. She was deeply touched. 5. That was a really nice talk. 6. I never feel sorry for anything I do. 7. The king went back to the castle. 8. I want to see the town. 9. He got back from the trip. 10. You’re so kind. Ex.4.33. Listen and read. Transcribe the sentences. Mark the intonation patterns. Write the formula He’s from Spain. ____________________ What’s her name? ____________________ They’re from Brazil. ____________________ Where’s she from? ____________________ He’s a teacher in Italy. ____________________ Ex.4.34. Complete the word combinations and transcribe them. Listen and check. _a_ glass _of_ milk ____ time ____ lunch ____ egg ____ chips ____ bag ____ nuts ____ drink ____ eat Ex.4.35. /əˈglɑːs əvˈmɪlk/ ____ cook ____ rice ____ fast ____ that ____ meal ____ two ____ box ____ food ____ fish ____ meat Listen and read. Then write the sentences and indicate the intonation patterns. /ˈɪzðɪs əˈsentəns ‖ ˈjes ∣ ɪtˈɪz ‖/ _________________________________________ /ɪzɪtəˈdɪfɪkəltsentəns ‖/ _________________________________________ /ˈjes ∣ ɪtˈɪz ‖ ðɪsˈsentəns ɪzˈdɪfɪkəlt ‖/ _________________________________________ /ɪtsəˈdɪfɪkəltsentəns ∣ ˈɪzntɪt ‖ ˈjes ∣ ɪtˈɪz/ _________________________________________ Ex.4.36. Listen and read. Indicate the intonation patterns. Draw the staves. Kitty is six. _______________ Is Kitty six? _______________ Becky is seven. _______________ Is Becky seven? _______________ Teddy is ten. _______________ Is Teddy ten? _______________ Lilly is eleven. _______________ Is Lilly eleven? _______________ Mrs. Nelson is sixty six. _______________ Is Mrs. Nelson sixty six? _______________ Ex.4.37. Listen and read. Indicate the intonation patterns. Transcribe the sentences. Write the formula. This is a clock. _________________________________________________ This is a desk. _________________________________________________ This is the best answer. _________________________________________ This is the fifth lesson. __________________________________________ This is the second letter. ________________________________________ This is the eleventh sentence. ____________________________________ Is this a good book? ____________________________________________ Is this a low desk? ______________________________________________ Is this the best answer? _________________________________________ Is this the fifth lesson? __________________________________________ Is this the second letter? ________________________________________ This is the end. ________________________________________________ 32 Lesson Five Consonants: /f/, /v/, /w/, /j/, Vowels: /ʌ/, /ɑː/ Loss of plosion Types of syllables Intonation: Function words, Direct address Text: A Visit /f/ – labiodental, voiceless, fricative, noise consonant. /v/ – labiodental, voiced, fricative, noise consonant. Артикуляционно эти согласные совпадают с соответствующими русскими согласными /ф/ и /в/. Глухой английский согласный / f/ сильнее соответствующего русского согласного, особенно на конце слов. Звонкий согласный /v/ слабее /f/. В конце слов звонкий согласный /v/ частично оглушается. Ex.5.1. Read the words. /fɪʃ/ /fəʊn/ /flaɪ/ /ˈflɒrə/ /liːf/ /flaʊə/ /fɔː/ /fred/ /naɪf/ /fɔːk/ Ex.5.2. /f/ Listen and read. f feel ff off ph phone gh laugh first coffee autograph café after leaf Ex.5.3. Listen and repeat. 1. fourty five 2. a family photo 3. I’m feeling fine 4. the fourteenth of February 5. When I asked for her autograph she just laughed. Ex.5.4. Read the words. /ˈvɪnsənt/ /faɪv/ /vɑːz/ /ˈvɪzɪtə/ /ˈveri/ /ˈvɪki/ /ˈseven/ /twelve/ /væn/ /vjuː/ Ex.5.5. /v/ Listen and read. very v travel every have leave Ex.5.6. Listen and repeat. 1. We’re leaving at five past seven. 2. a visa for a seven day visit 3. Stephen lives in a village. Ex.5.7. /fəʊn/ phone Write these words. Listen and check. /faɪv/ /ˈvɪzɪt/ /fɜːst/ /friː/ /liːv/ 33 Ex.5.8. Listen, read, learn. November the first The traveller November the first “A visitor? Having fun? A fine day for travelling,” he said Five leaves left “A café? A phone? Here? I’m afraid not,” he laughed One leaf falls “You’ll find one in the village. Far? No, not very far. Four leaves left The ferry over the river. Then a few more miles – five, or seven, or eleven…” Ex.5.9. Listen and circle the word you hear. 1. few/view 2. leaf/leave 3. copy/coffee /w/ – bilabial, oral, sonorous consonant. /j/ – mediolingual, oral, sonorous consonant При произнесении согласного /j/ средняя часть языка поднята к твердому небу, но не так высоко, как в случае с русским согласным /й/. Края языка прижаты к верхним зубам, образуя проход для воздуха вдоль середины языка. Органы речи постепенно переходят в позицию для произнесения последующего гласного. Английский согласный значительно слабее соответствующего русского согласного. При произнесении звука /w/ губы сильно округляются и выдвигаются вперед, образуя круглую щель. Задняя часть языка поднята к мягкому небу. Затем мгновенно язык и губы переходят в положение для произнесения следующего гласного. Подобного звука в русском языке нет. В случае ошибки типа русского /в/ необходимо следить за тем, чтобы нижняя губа не касалась верхних зубов. В случае ошибки типа русского /ы/ следует ещё больше напрячь и округлить губы. Ex.5.10. Read the words. /wet/ /weɪl/ /west/ /wɒt/ /twelv/ /waɪn/ /wɔːm/ /ˈwɪndi/ /wɒtʃ/ /ˈkwɔːtə/ Ex.5.11. /w / Listen and read. week wet w windy away wh what white o/u one language way always which question Ex.5.12. Listen and repeat. swimming in warm water twenty-one words What’s the answer? quarter to twelve on Wednesday warm twelve where quiet well swim weather square twenty-two languages the wrong word the whole world question and answer Ex.5.13. Read the words. /jes/ /jɔː/ /ˈjeləʊ/ /jʌŋ/ /ˈmjuːzɪk/ /jæm/ /juː/ /ˌjuːnɪˈvɜːsəti/ /ˈstjuːdənt/ /njuː/ 34 Ex.5.14. y /j / /juː/ Listen and read. yes yesterday usual student interview beautiful year university queue young new Europe view Ex.5.15. Listen and repeat. 1. a young university student 4. the European Union 2. a beautiful view 5. I usually walk to work but I used the car yesterday 3. waiting in a queue for an interview Ex. 5.16. /ˈjʌŋgə/ Write these words.Listen and check. /njuːz/ /fjuː/ /jet/ /ˌwiːkˈend/ /ˈmjuːzɪk/ /west/ /ˈjeləʊ/ /jɪə/ /tjuːnz/ younger /wen/ Ex.5.17. /et/ – /jet/ /el/ – /jel/ Ex.5.18. Listen and read. /es/ - /jes/ /ˈjes ∣ ɪtˈɪz/ Listen and read. /wiː/ /ˈwɪntə/ /wiˑ、ɑː/ /ˈwɒtsðə ˈmætə/ /wel/ /ˈwɪndəʊ/ /wiˑɑˑ、nɒt/ /ˈwenɪzhiˑ ˈbɪzi/ /waɪ/ /wɒnt/ /ˏɑːwiˑ/ /ˈwaɪ ˈɪznt ðəˈwɔːtə ˈwɔːm/ /wɪð/ /wəʊnt/ Потеря взрыва (Loss of Plosion) – английские смычные согласные /b/, /d/, /g/, /p/, /t/, /k/ теряют взрыв, если за ними следует другой смычный согласный или аффрикат /tʃ/, /dʒ/. Так, например /k/ теряет взрыв в сочетании с последующим /g/ в словосочетании /ðəˈdɑːk ˈgɑːdn/ Ex.5.19.Read and practise loss of plosion. 1. black coffee 6. bad days 2. take care 7. card games 3. a back garden 8. blood donor 4. thank goodness 9. a grand jury 5. rob banks 10. a hundred times 11. a good gymnasium 12. you’d better 13. a big gap 14. a big deal 15. hug Kate Ex.5.20. Practise loss of plosion in connected speech to be dog-tired to have a sharp tongue to be sick to death to bring up to date to walk on tip-toe to read between the lines Ex.5.21. Practise loss of plosion in sentences Diamond cut diamond. Best defence is attack. A watched pot never boils. The end justifies the means. to stick to the point not to believe one’s eyes behind closed doors Man proposes but God disposes. A burnt child dreads the fire. One can’t put back the clock. Don’t cross the bridge till you get to it. 35 FOUR TYPES OF SYLLABLES I – open syllable I II III IV II – closed syllable III – before “r” a o u e /eɪ/ face /æ/ map a+r /ɑː/ park a + re /eǝ/ parents /ǝʊ/ note / ɒ/ not o+r /ɔː/ fork o + re /ɔː/ more /juː/ tune / ʌ/ but u+r /ɜː/ fur u + re /jʊǝ/ pure /iː/ we /e/ hen e+r /ɜː/ her e + re IV – before “re” i/y /aɪ/ time / type / ɪ/ sit / myth i/y + r /ɜː/ girl / myrtle i/y + re /aɪǝ/ fire / tyre /ɪǝ/ here /ʌ/ – vowel, non-labialized, mediolingual, short monophthong /ɑː/ – vowel, non-labialized, backlingual long monophthong При произнесении /ʌ/ рот полуоткрыт, губы нейтральны, язык несколько оттянут назад. Задняя часть языка слегка приподнята. В случае ошибки типа русского /а/ язык следует несколько отодвинуть назад. Английский звук более краткий. При произнесении гласного /ɑː/ язык находится в задней части рта, задняя часть языка слегка приподнята, кончик языка оттянут от нижних зубов, губы нейтральны. При ошибке типа русского /а/, звука центрального ряда, следует оттянуть язык назад и несколько удлинить гласный. Не следует широко раскрывать рот. Ex.5.22. Read the words. /kʌp/ /kʌt/ /lʌv/ /ˈlʌndən/ /sʌn/ /hʌt/ /fʌn/ /jʌŋ/ /ˈmʌndi/ /ʌŋkl/ Ex.5.23. /ʌ/ Listen and read. bus colour o,u luck Monday number run come month study cup mother sun front much uncle London nothing under Ex.5.24. Listen and repeat. 1. Good luck with your exam next month! 2. Take the number one bus. 3. I said ‘Come on Monday’, not ‘Come on Sunday’. 4. My brother’s studying in London. Ex.5.25. Read the words. /kɑːt/ /bəˈnɑːnə/ /təˈmɑːtəʊz/ /kɑːz/ /ˈgɑːdn/ /hɑːt/ /ˈglɑːsɪz/ /plɑːnts/ /grɑːs/ /ɑːnt/ 36 Ex.5.26. Listen and read. after afternoon bathroom can’t /ɑː/ a, ar father glass card far ask class tomato park answer dance bar star bath fast car start Ex.5.27. Listen and repeat. 1. How far’s the car park? 2. We went to a large bar full of film stars. 3. We’re starting in half an hour. Ex.5.28. Listen and write the words in the correct column. artist, garden, March, part, square, talk, warm, watch other sounds ɑː artist Square Ex.5.29. Listen and write the words in the correct column. business, country, fun, home, lots, money, mother, push other sounds ʌ country business Ex.5.30. Listen and circle the word you hear. heart / hat, far / four, cat / cut, look / luck, Ex.5.31. luck / lock, Listen and repeat. /kɑː/ - /kɑːm/ - /kɑːt/ /ɑːm/ /əˈfɑː ˈstɑː/ /fɑː/ - /fɑːm/ - /fɑːst/ /ɑːt/ /ˈɑːsk ˈfɑːðə/ /bɑː/ - /bɑːd/ - /bɑːk/ /ɑːsk/ /ðəˈdɑːk ˈgɑːdn/ Ex.5.32. butter / better Listen and repeat. kʌb kʌp ʌs ˈsʌmθɪŋ ˈfʌni bʌd bʌt ʌp ˈkʌm təðəˈklʌb sʌn lʌk ˈʌndə maɪˈmʌðəz ˈkʌzn ɪzəˈdɒktə tʌŋ hʌt ˈevri ˈkʌntri həzɪtsˈkʌstəmz Before reading the text practice the sounds in the following words and word combinations: Ex. 5.33 (a). /ɪ/ – is, in, visit, still, pity /e/ – Betty, Benny, well, better, bed, yet, then /æ/ – matter, bad, have, glad, Saturday, Sandford /əʊ/ – oh, no, so, old, home, cold /ɒ/ – doctor, hospital, sorry, long 37 Ex. 5.33 (b). Assimilation: in the hospital, in the park No glottal stop: Is Doctor Sandford in? She is in the park. She is always glad. Is not at home yet. Loss of plosion: bad cold, glad to see you Phonetic notes: 1) Служебные слова (Function Words) – союзы, предлоги, артикли, вспомогательные глаголы и местоимения (личные, притяжательные, относительные, неопределенные) имеют 2 формы произнесения: сильную и слабую: has /hæz - həz – z/ Как правило, в связной речи эти слова безударны и употребляются в слабой форме. Например: /ʃiˑɪzˈɔːlwəz ˈglæd təˈsiːjuˑ/ 2) Обращение (Direct Address), стоящее в середине или в конце предложения, обычно безударно и продолжает мелодию предшествующей синтагмы и в отдельную синтагму не выделяется: Good after、noon, Mr. White. /gʊdɑːftəˈnuːnmɪstəwaɪt/ So 、long, Mr. White. /səʊˈlɒŋmɪstəwaɪt/ Text 1 A VISIT W: Hello, Betty! B: Good afternoon, Mr. White! W: Is Doctor Sandford in? B: No, he isn’t. Dr. Sandford is still in the hospital. W: Is Mrs. Sandford at home? B: No, she isn’t. Mrs. Sandford is out. She is in the park with Benny. And old Mrs. Sandford is not well. W: Oh, that’s a pity! What’s the matter? It 'isn’t the flu, is it? B: Oh, no, it’s a bad cold, she is better today. W: Is she in bed? B: No, she isn’t. Come in, Mr. White, and have a talk with Mrs. Sandford. She is always glad to see you. W: Perhaps, some other day, Betty! B: I’m so sorry Mr. Sandford isn’t at home yet. W: That’s all right. Remember me to Mrs. Sandford. B: Yes, Mr. White. W: So long then, Betty! B: So long, Mr. White. On Saturday Mr. Sandford is at home after four. Ex.5.34. Work with the sentences in bold. Transcribe, intone and draw the staves. 1)______________________________________________________________________ 2)______________________________________________________________________ 3)______________________________________________________________________ 4)______________________________________________________________________ 5)______________________________________________________________________ 6)______________________________________________________________________ 7)______________________________________________________________________ 38 Ex.5.35. Read the following questions. Mind the intonation. 1. Is this a text? 2. Is this a lesson? 3. Is this a sentence? 4. Is this a pen? 5. Is this a park? 6. This text is easy, isn’t it? 7. The dog is not big, is it? 8. This lesson is not difficult, is it? 9. Is the park big? 10. Is the clock old? 11. Is the pencil yellow? 12. Is the lesson easy? 13. Is the text difficult? 14. Is the book good? Indicate the intonation patterns, transcribe and draw the staves: 1. ________________________________________________________________________ 2. ________________________________________________________________________ 3. ________________________________________________________________________ 4. ________________________________________________________________________ 5. ________________________________________________________________________ 6. ________________________________________________________________________ 7. ________________________________________________________________________ 8. ________________________________________________________________________ 9. ________________________________________________________________________ 10. ________________________________________________________________________ 11. ________________________________________________________________________ 12. ________________________________________________________________________ 13. ________________________________________________________________________ 14. ________________________________________________________________________ Ex.5.36. Read the following words. Mind the pronunciation of the endings. a lot – lots a note – notes a bill – bills a clock – clocks a top – tops fog – fogs a fox – foxes a kid – kids a net – nets a pet – pets a kiss – kisses a stick – sticks a set – sets a nod – nods a bed – beds a theme – themes Ex.5.37. Read the following words and transcribe them. 1. a bell – bells _____________________________________ 2. a mill – mills _____________________________________ 3. a city – cities _____________________________________ 4. a test – tests _____________________________________ 5. an empty desk – empty desks ________________________ 6. a sentence – sentences _____________________________ 7. a lily – lilies _______________________________________ 8. a busy bee – busy bees ______________________________ Ex.5.38. Transcribe the words: 1. best / 2. cod / 5. code / 6. sold / 9. nod / 10. spoke / 13. tops / 14. mock / 17. sent / 18. theme / 21. bed / 22. block / 25. these / 26. then / 3. neck / 7. cone / 11. bold / 15. enter / 19. cell / 23. centner / 27. motor / 4. dose / 8. nest / 12. depth / 16. less / 20. self / 24. fold / 28. doctor / 39 Lesson Six Consonants: /h/, /ʃ/, /ʒ/ Vowels: /ɒ/, /ɔː/, /ɜː/ Loss of aspiration Digraphs Intonation: Apposition, Parenthesis, Compound adjective, Enumeration Text: Betty Smith, Doctor Sandford’s family /h/ – glottal, voiceless, fricative, noise, consonant При его произнесении в области зева образуется неполная преграда сближением корня языка и задней стенки зева. Язык в момент произнесения /h/ принимает положение для последующего гласного. Звук /h/ встречается только перед гласными и на слух представляет собой лишь выдох. При произнесении русского /х/ задняя часть языка высоко поднята к небу. При ошибке типа /х/ следует ослабить согласный до легкого выдоха, предшествующего гласному. Ex.6.1. Read the words. /hæt/ /hɑːt/ /hɪǝ/ /ˈhelɪkɒptǝ/ /hǝˈlǝʊ/ /hǝʊld/ /hɪl/ /hɔːs/ /ˈhændbæg/ /ˈhæpi/ Ex.6.2. /h/ Listen and read. h hat wh who here whose Ex.6.3. Listen and repeat. 1. Hi, hello, how are you? 2. Whose hat is this? 3. It’s hot in here. Ex.6.4. help whole hot how behind 4. We had a whole month’s holiday. 5. Can you help me for half an hour? 6. Who’s who? Listen and repeat. /iː/ - /hiː/ /ɑːt/ - /hɑːt/ /hǝ͵lǝʊ/ /gǝʊ、hǝʊm/ – /gǝʊ͵hǝʊm/ /ɪz/ - /hɪz/ /hɪz hed/ /hǝʊˈtel/ /ˈdǝʊnt gǝʊ、hǝʊm/ /ɑːm/ - /hɑːm/ /hɪz hɑːt/ /ˈhɒspɪtl/ /ˈdǝʊnt gǝʊ͵hǝʊm/ Ex.6.5. Write these words. Listen and check. Example: /hed/ head /hæt/ /haʊ/ /həʊm/ /hɑːf/ /haɪ/ /huː/ /ɜː/ – vowel, non-labialized, mediolingual, long, monophthong При произнесении /ɜː/ язык приподнят, спинка языка лежит плоско, кончик языка находится у нижних зубов, зубы чуть обнажены, расстояние между верхними и нижними зубами небольшое. В случае ошибки типа /е/, /э/ не следует слишком растягивать губы. В случае ошибки типа /о/ следует добиться нейтрального положения губ, не открывать широко рот, продвинуть язык слегка вперед, добиваясь его плоского уклада. 40 Ex.6.6. Read the words. /pɜːl/ /wɜːk/ /ˈɜːli/ /ˈθɜːsti/ /ˈθɜːti/ /ʃɜːt/ /bɜːd/ /ɜːn/ /skɜːt/ /ˈpɜːsən/ Ex.6.7. /ɜː/ Listen and read. ir bird first or word work ur turn Thursday our journey ear early earth er service Germany birthday world circle worse thirty worst heard prefer learn dessert weren’t verb university Ex.6.8. Listen and repeat. 1. My birthday’s on Thursday the thirty first, and hers is a week later. 2. When would you prefer, Tuesday or Thursday? 3. That was the worst journey in the world. 4. Have you ever heard this word? 5. A: The cakes weren’t very good. B: I thought they were. 6. She went to university to learn German. Ex.6.9. Listen and put the words in the correct groups. beard, car, chair, church, curtains, dirty, door, floor, four, girl, horse, large, March, near, nurse, pair, parked, purse, shirt, shorts, stars, surfer, third, warm, wearing words with /ɜː/ words with /ɔː/ words with /ɑː/ words with other sounds church door car beard Ex.6.10. Listen and write the numbers you hear. Transcribe those that have sound /ɜː/ Example: 42 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Ex.6.11. Listen and repeat. /sɜː/ - /sɜːv/ - /sɜːf/ /ɜːn/ /ənˈɜːli ˈbɜːd/ /fɜː/ - /lɜːn/ - /nɜːs/ /ˈɜːli/ /ðəˈfɜːst ˈvɜːb/ /bɜː/ - /bɜːd/ - /bɜːθ/ /ɜːθ/ /ðəˈθɜːti ˈfɜːst/ 41 Ex.6.12. Read the sentences and react with intonation of surprise or doubt. Use low rise. Example: This is an oak. – ͵Isn’t it? This isn’t an oak. – ͵Is it? 1. This is a garden. 2. This is a mill. 3. This isn’t a penny. 4. This isn’t a star. 5. This is a cock. 6. This isn’t a fox. 7. This is a clock. 8. This isn’t a dog. Потеря аспирации (Loss of Aspiration) – согласные /k/, /t/, /p/ теряют аспирацию в положении после согласного /s/. Например, /spɒt/ Степень аспирации наиболее сильная в ударном слоге, в конце слова и безударном слоге аспирация звучит значительно слабее. /phound/ – /sneɪkh/ – /thǝˈdeɪ/ – /ˈspheʃǝl/ Ex.6.13. Read the words and observe different degrees of aspiration. 1. peace, pin, pen, point, key, calm, come, could, kind, team, turn, touch, time, tour; 2. deep, loop, shop, hope, met, rat, hurt, night, neck, book, duck, soak, like; 3. polite, perceive, position, pollution, together, tomorrow, terrific, corrupt, conclude; 4. speed, spill, sparrow, spoon, spider, steals, stick, star, storm, spare, scheme, skin, scan. peak – speak keen – skin take – stake Kate – skate team – steam pan – span can – scan top – stop pair – spare teller – Stella peace – masterpiece – speed case – staircase – skate test – protest – step tip – city – stick tight – appetite – style /ʃ/ – palato-alveolar, forelingual (apical), voiceless, fricative, noise consonant /ʒ/ – palato-alveolar, forelingual (apical), voiced, fricative, noise consonant При произнесении этих звуков кончик языка находится у альвеол, а средняя часть языка поднимается к твердому небу. Поднятием средней части языка к твердому небу и объясняется тот оттенок мягкости, которым английские /ʃ/ /ʒ/ отличаются от русских твердых согласных звуков /ш/, /ж/. Чтобы избежать ошибки типа русских звуков /ш/, /ж/ следует поднять среднюю часть языка. Ex.6.14. Read the words. /ʃuː/ /ʃiːt/ /ˈɪŋglɪʃ/ /ˈrʌʃn/ /dɪˈlɪʃǝs/ /ʃiː/ /ʃeɪk/ /fæʃn/ /ˈtɜːkɪʃ/ /prǝˌnʌnsɪˈeɪʃn/ Ex.6.15. sh c ch ci /ʃ/ s ss ti Listen and read. shop fashion ocean machine delicious special sugar sure Russia international cash fresh wash ш ʃ щ mushroom 42 Ex.6.16. Listen and repeat. 1. This is a very special pronunciation machine. 2. All our food is fresh and we serve, delicious international specialties. 3. A: You didn’t put sugar in my tea, did you? B: No. A: Are you sure? Ex.6.17. Write these words. Listen and check. Example: /ˈʃʊgǝ/ – sugar /fɪʃ/ /ˈfɪnɪʃ/ /ʃɔːt/ /steɪʃn/ /ʃaʊt/ /dɪʃ/ Ex.6.18. Read the words. /ˈtelɪvɪʒn/ /dɪˈsɪʒn/ /ˈmeʒǝ/ /ˈtreʒǝ/ /ˈeɪʒǝ/ /ˈjuːʒʊǝli/ /ˈpleʒǝ/ /gǝˈrɑːʒ/ /ˈkæʒʊǝl/ /kǝˈlɪʒn/ Ex.6.19. Listen and read. Asia /ʒ/ television usually ж ʒ жь Ex.6.20. A. B. Listen and repeat. Do you like sport? Yes, but only on television, usually. Ex.6.21. Listen and repeat. /ʃiː/ /ʃæl/ /ʃiˑ、ɪz/ /hiˑ、ɪz/ /aɪ、æm/ /fɪʃ/ /ˈfɪnɪʃ/ /ʃiˑ、ɪznt/ /hiˑ、ɪznt/ /aɪǝm、nɒt/ /ˈmeʒǝ/ /ˈpleʒǝ/ /ʃiˑ ɪz、nɒt/ /hiˑɪz、nɒt/ /͵æmaɪ/ /dɪˈvɪʒn/ /dɪˈsɪʒn/ /͵ɪz ʃiˑ/ /͵ɪz hiˑ/ /ɒ/ – vowel, labialized, backlingual, short monophthong /ɔː/ – vowel, labialized, backlingual, long monophthong При произнесении /ɒ/ язык находится в задней части полости рта, задняя часть языка слегка приподнята, рот широко раскрыт, губы округлены. По сравнению с /ɑː/ английский гласный /ɒ/ несколько более задний и закрытый. В отличие от английского /ɒ/ русский гласный /о/ менее открытый, губы сильно округлены. В случае ошибки типа русского /о/ следует шире раскрыть рот, ниже опустить и отодвинуть язык, округляя губы, не вытягивать их вперед и несколько сократить звук. При произнесении /ɔː/ язык находится в задней части полости рта. Задняя спинка языка поднята к мягкому небу несколько выше, чем для /ɒ/. При ошибке типа русского /о/ следует добиваться более открытой артикуляции. По сравнению с /ɒ/ гласный звук /ɔː/ менее открытый и более лабиализованный. Ex.6.22. Read the words. /klɒk/ /pɒt/ /rɒk/ /lɒŋ/ /bɒks/ /kɒt/ /sɒk/ /wɒnt/ /ʃɒp/ /wɒtʃ/ 43 Ex.6.23. Listen and read. bottle box chocolate dog gone got /ɒ/ lost lot not stop top wrong clock holiday off quality coffee hospital often want copy hot possible wash cost job shop wasn’t cross lock song watch doctor long sorry what Ex.6.24. Listen and repeat. 1. Have you got a lot of shopping? 3. How much did your holiday cost? 2. John’s gone to the shops. 4. She said the coffee wasn’t very good, but I thought it was. Ex.6.25. Listen and repeat. /gɒd/ - /gɒt/ /ɒn/ /ǝˈdɒg/ - /dɒgz/ /ǝˈbɒks/ - /ˈbɒksɪz/ /nɒd/ - /nɒt/ /ɒd/ /ǝˈdɒl/ - /dɒlz/ /ǝˈfɒks/ - /ˈfɒksɪz/ /dɒg/ - /dɒk/ /ˈɒfǝ/ /ǝˈkɒk/ - /kɒks/ /ˈmɒd(ǝ)n ˈnɒv(ǝ)lz/ /lɒg/ - /lɒk/ /ˈɒksǝn/ /ǝˈlɒk/ - /lɒks/ /ˈgɪv ˈpɒli ˈkɒfi/ Ex.6.26. Write these words. Listen and check. Example: /bɒks/ – box /klɒk/ /wɒnt/ /ˈsɒri/ /gɒn/ /ˈwɒntɪd/ /wɒt/ Ex.6.27. Read the words. /bɔːl/ /pɔːt/ /spɔːt/ /smɔːl/ /fɔː/ /dɔːn/ /fɔːks/ /ʃɔːt/ /tɔːl/ /ˈwɔːtǝ/ Ex.6.28. Listen and read. all ball call a tall wall water al talk walk autumn /ɔː/ au aw saw augh caught daughter taught ough bought thought Ex.6.29. Listen and repeat. 1. quarter past four 2. born in autumn 3. have some more Ex.6.30. fall ar or oor ore our quarter born horse door before four warm corner short floor more 4. walking on water 5. the fourth door on the fourth floor Listen and read and mind the vowel duration. /kɔː/ - /kɔːd/ - /kɔːt/ /ɔːl/ /kɑːd/ - /kɔːd/ /sɔː/ - /sɔːd/ - /sɔːt/ /ˈɔːgǝst/ /kɑːt/ - /kɔːt/ /fɔː/ - /fɔːm/ - /fɔːk/ /ɔːt/ /pɑːt/ - /pɔːt/ /tɔː/ - /tɔːl/ - /tɔːk/ /pɑːk/ - /pɔːk/ /ten/ - /tɜːn/ - /tɔːn/ /kɒk/ - /kɔːk/ - /ˈkǝʊkǝʊ/ /hed/ - /hɜːd/ - /hɔːd/ /hɒt/ - /hɔːl/ - /hǝʊp/ /ben/ - /bɜːn/ - /bɔːn/ /pɒt/ - /pɔːt/ - /pǝʊk/ /bed/ - /bɜːd/ - /bɔːd/ /⃗nɒt ǝt、ɔːl ∥↘ɪzðɪs ˈbɔːl ͵bɪg ∣ ɔˑ、smɔːl∥/ /spɒt/ - /spɔːt/ - /spǝʊk/ forty sort 44 Ex. 6.31. Listen and circle the word you hear. 1. not / note 2. luck / lock 3. coat / caught Ex. 6.32. Write the transcription of the past form. catch / teach / buy / 4. shot / short bring 5. walk / were / seek / Диграф (Digraph) – сочетание двух букв, произносимое как одна фонема. Чтение гласных диграфов в ударном слоге зависит от типа слога. Наличие у диграфов некоторых общих черт позволяет разделить их на следующие три группы: Group 1 Group 2 (The 1’st and the 2’nd letters of the digraph refers to the 1’st and the 2’nd elements of the diphthong) (The letters of the digraph are not read. The digraph refers to a monophthong or a diphthong) vein1 ei ey /eɪ/ they oo at the end of the word too oo + consonant oi oy oo+k /ɔɪ/ au aw ou ow boy 1good, 1receive, ceiling – /iː/ ai ay ie ye oa oe /uː/ soon1 (not k) oil Group 3 (The 1’st letter Is read) /ʊ/ /ɔː/ /aʊ/ cook ow author saw out2 now ue ui ee ea /eɪ/ /aɪ/ /ǝʊ/ /juː/ /iː/ maid day tie1 rye coat toe low window2 due suit3 meet tea4 (The 2’nd letter Is read) eu neutral /juː/ ew few1 1field, wood, stood – /ʊ/ 2country, cousin, young – /ʌ/ youth, group, soup, rouble - /uː/ Ex. 6.33 Read the sentences. Underline the digraphs. 1. Fay’s afraid she may fail. 2. The noise is annoying. 3. The new moon is due. 4. Lou grew too big for his shoes. 5. Fuller took good aim. 6. Cal me at a quarter to four. 7. Paul’s eyes draw straws. 8. Out of doubt. 9. Now, how would Brown work it out? 10. They are playing the waiting game. believe - /iː/ not reduced at the end in unstressed syllable 2is 3blue, fruit, juice - /uː/ (after r, l, dʒ) death - /e/ (before d, th) 1 blew, drew, Jew - /uː/ (after r, l, dʒ) 4 bread, 11. Bye-bye! Mind your eye! 12. This road goes to Soho. 13. I won’t crow over a foe. 14. The new moon is due. 15. Pleased to meet you. 16. Eating between meals. 17. They say it takes eighty eight days. 18. Try to be loyal and see the boy’s point. Before reading the text practice the sounds in the following words and word combinations: Ex. 6.34 (a). /æ/ – companions, married, family, parrot, rabbit /h/ – a house-wife, a hedgehog, in the house, to have a rabbit, his mother, we have no peace /əv/ – a lot of friends, most of them, a member of her family, is fond of birds, because of all Ex. 6.34 (b). No glottal stop – is Elizabeth, my elder, have only, and animals, is eager, because of all Linking r – my brother in law, a member of, my sister is, his mother is 45 Phonetic notes: 1) Приложение (Apposition) – приложение обычно выделяется в отдельную смысловую группу, ударно и произносится с тем же тоном, что и определяемое слово, но на более низком уровне. My brother-in-law, Henry Sandford, is married to my elder sister Helen. 2) Вводная смысловая группа (Parenthesis) в конце предложения безударна и продолжает мелодию предшествующей группы: I’m a writer, just a beginner, you know. 3) Составные прилагательные (Compound Adjectives) обычно произносятся с ударением на каждом из составляющих слов элементов. Например: ˈwell-ˈknown, ˈgood-ˈlooking, ˈkind-ˈhearted, ˈabsent-ˈminded В связной речи под влиянием ритма одно из ударений может опускаться. Например, She is a ⃗good-looking 、girl. 4) Перечисление (Enumeration). В предложениях, содержащих перечисление, обычно каждая неконечная смысловая группа произносится с восходящим тоном. Например: The ↘five 'members of his 'family 、are: | his ͵mother, | his ⃗sister-in-͵law, | his ⃗son ͵Benny, | his ⃗wife ͵Helen | and him、self. Text 2 BETTY SMITH I am Betty Smith. My full name is Elizabeth Louise Smith. I am twenty two. I am a college graduate. I am a writer, just a beginner, you know. I have a lot of friends. Most of them are my former school-mates. My best companions are two girl friends. They are very kind, jolly and well-bred. My brother-in-law, Henry Sandford, is married to my elder sister Helen. I am a member of her family. My brother-in-law is a doctor. He has a mother, but he has no father. My sister is a housewife. They have only one child, Benny. Benny is my nephew, he is four. Sometimes he is naughty. He is fond of birds and animals. We have white mice, a hedgehog, and a parrot in the house. Now Benny is eager to have a rabbit. But his mother is against it, we have no peace because of all Benny’s animals and birds. Text 3 DOCTOR SANDFORD’S FAMILY Doctor Sandford’s family is not very large. There are five of them. The five members of his family are: his mother, his sister-in-law, his son Benny, his wife Helen and himself. Helen has no parents. Old Mrs. Sandford is fifty-eight. Helen is twenty-six. Doctor Sandford is thirty. Benny is an only child and there are no boys or girls in the family for him to play with. Ex.6.35. Work with the sentences in bold. Transcribe, intone and draw the staves. 1)______________________________________________________________________ 2)______________________________________________________________________ 3)______________________________________________________________________ 4)______________________________________________________________________ 5)______________________________________________________________________ 6)______________________________________________________________________ 46 Ex.6.36. Read these alternative questions, paying special attention to the intonation. Low Rise + Low Fall. 1. Is she five or six? 2. Is his daughter four or five? 3. Is Pete nine or ten? 4. Is this a park or garden? 5. Is this family big or small? 6. Is this pencil black or yellow? 7. Is the lesson difficult or easy? 8. Is the meat hot or cold? Ex.6.37. Read these statements twice. First as a command, then as a request. 1. Tell father all. 2. Don’t go alone. 3. Make tea for him. 4. Take the ball. 5. Don’t take the lamp. 6. Take the pencil. Ex.6.38. Transcribe the words and explain the rules of reading. 1. sit 9. late / 17. pine / /sɪt/ 2. lame / 10.mad / 18. hate / 3. back / 11.made / 19. act / 4. miss / 12.nine / 20. ice / 5. sack / 13.fill / 21. plot / 6. gave / 14.cake / 22. face / 7. tip / 15.thick / 23. hit / 8. tide / 16.bat / 24. fate / 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. spot pile land gold cap nose fix harm / / / / / / / / Ex.6.39. Read the following special questions. Observe the weak forms of function words. Indicate the intonation patterns and transcribe the sentences. 1. When is she busy? 2. Why are you late? 3. When are you free? 4. When are you busy? 5. Why are you sad? 6. Why is Betty in the park? 7. Why is Mrs. Sandford in bed? 8. Why is she still at the hospital? 9. When is she at home? 10. Why is she still at home? Ex.: ⃗When is she 、busy? /ˈwenɪzʃiˑ ˈbɪzi/ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Ex.6.40. Give the degrees of comparison of the following adjectives and transcribe them. 1. short 11. good / / /ˈʃɔːtǝ/ /ðǝˈʃɔːtǝst/ 2. tall / / 12. bad / / 3. large / / 13. few / / 4. nice / / 14. busy / / 5. long / / 15. near / / 6. big / / 16. far / / 7. high / / 17. old / / 8. dirty / / 18. late / / 9. fast / / 19. thin / / 10. easy / / 20. thick / / 47 Lesson Seven Consonants: /r/ Vowels: /eɪ/, /aɪ/, /ɔɪ/, /ʊə/ Linking ‘r’ Numerals Syllabification Sonorants with preceding consonants Intonation: Fall-Rise, Direct address Text: About Benny’s cousins /r/ – postalveolar, forelingual, oral, sonorous consonant При произнесении звука /r/ кончик языка поднят к заднему скату альвеол. Английский сонант /r/ представляет собой однородный звук и акустически сильно отличается от прерывистого раскатистого русского звука /ррр/. При произнесении русского /р/ кончик языка занимает то же положение (заальвеолярное), но он расслаблен и вибрирует. Чтобы избежать ошибки типа /р/, следует кончик языка держать напряженным и неподвижным и не касаться альвеол. How many names are here?? Ex.7.1. Read the words. /rɒŋ/ /ˈdʒeri/ /fred/ /rɒs/ /striːt/ /raɪt/ /grɑːs/ /ˈlɑːrǝ/ /ˈændruː/ /θrǝʊ/ Ex.7.2. /r/ r rr wr Listen and read. red ready ferry sorry wrap wrist really right road write written wrote Ex. 7.3. Listen and repeat. 1. What are you reading? 2. I’m really sorry – your room isn’t ready. 3. I don’t know if I’m right or wrong. Ex. 7.4. room 4. Too much writing makes my wrist ache. 5. travelling by ferry 6. wrapping presents for Christmas Listen and read. /riːd/ /ˈberi/ /ˈriːd ðǝˈraɪmz/ /raɪt/ /ˈnærǝʊ/ /ˈbiːt ðǝˈrɪðm/ /rǝʊd/ /ˈfɒrɪn/ /ˈðæts ˈraɪt/ /ˈreɪdɪǝʊ/ /ˈveri ˈsɒri/ /ˈgreɪt ˈbrɪtn/ Ex. 7.5. Read (following the rhythm); indicate the intonation patterns and transcribe the word combinations in bold. a. His mother is ill. _____________ e. The woman is good. b. Her cousin is right. _____________ f. The girl is clever. c. My sister is in. _____________ g. His daughter is pretty. d. His brother is out. _____________ h. The man is wrong. Ex. 7.6. Listen and circle the word you hear 1. light / right 2. long / wrong 3. collect / correct _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ 48 Связующее ‘r’ (Linking ‘r’) – Если за словом, оканчивающимся на согласную букву ‘r’, следует слово, начинающееся с гласного звука, то на стыке слов звучит согласный /r/, который носит название «связующего r» (linking ‘r’). Если эти слова разделены паузой, то связующий ‘r’ исчезает. Ex.7.7. Read the words and expressions. after – after all never – never again for – for example somewhere – somewhere else four – four o’clock where – where are you further – further on your – your own for a change mother-in-law an hour or two for a while father-in-law take care of him for instance sister-in-law a year and a half for ages brother-in-law an hour and a half /eɪ/ – vowel, diphthong /aɪ/ - vowel, diphthong /ɔɪ/ - vowel, diphthong Ядро дифтонга /eɪ/ краткий гласный /e/. После произнесения ядра язык делает легкое движение вверх в направлении звука /ɪ/, не достигая, однако, его полного образования. Нельзя допускать произношения звука типа русского /й/. При произнесении ядра дифтонга язык находится в передней части полости рта и лежит плоско, кончик языка касается нижних зубов, губы немного растянуты (как монофтонг этот звук не встречается). После произнесения ядра язык делает движение вверх в направлении звука /ɪ/. В случае ошибки типа /ʌɪ/ язык следует продвинуть вперед, с тем, чтобы сделать звук более передним, при ошибке типа /ай/ второй элемент дифтонга следует произносить как можно слабее и среднюю часть языка не следует поднимать высоко. Ядро дифтонга /ɔɪ/ представляет собой звук, средний между /ɒ/ и /ɔː/. После произнесения ядра язык движется в направлении гласного /ɪ/. В случае ошибки типа /ой/ следует сделать первый элемент дифтонга более открытым и менее лабиализованным, а второй элемент значительно ослабить. Ex.7.8. Read the words. /ˈpeɪpə/ /ʃeɪd/ /ˈteɪbl/ /seɪl/ /deɪt/ /ˈreɪdɪəʊ/ /peɪn/ /reɪn/ /ˈreɪlweɪ/ as far as I know as far as I remember as far as I can see as a matter of fact 49 Ex.7.9. Listen and read. a age came ai rain wait ay day play /eɪ/ ey grey ea break great eigh eight weight plane table say Ex.7.10. Listen and repeat. 1. They came a day later. 3. Is this the way to the station? 2. It was a grey day in May. 4. Wait at the gate – I’ll be there at eight. Ex.7.11. Read the words. /baɪk/ /kaɪt/ /ˈsʌnʃaɪn/ /maɪs/ /ˈeksəsaɪz/ /gaɪd/ /aɪ/ /ˈdraɪvɪŋ/ /ˈraɪtɪŋ/ /gʊdˈbaɪ/ Ex.7.12. Listen and read. i like time ie die dry July /aɪ/ y igh high night uy buy Ex.7.14. Read the words. Ex.7.13. white Listen and repeat. 1. Do you like dry wine? 2. Why don’t you try? 3. July will be fine. 4. Drive on the right. why right /bɔɪ/ /dʒɔɪ/ /ˈnɔɪzi/ /ˈbɔɪlɪŋ/ /ˈɔɪstə/ /tɔɪ/ /ɔɪl/ /vɔɪs/ /kɔɪn/ /ɪnˈdʒɔɪ/ Ex.7.15. oi /ɔɪ/ oy Listen and read. coin point boy enjoy Ex.7.17. Listen and read. Ex.7.16. Listen and repeat. 1 I can hear a boy’s voice. 2 Those are coins, not toys! voice toy /leɪ/ - /leɪd/ - /leɪt/ /eɪ/ /ðəˈseɪm ˈneɪm/ /meɪ/ - /meɪd/ - /meɪt/ /eɪd/ /ðəˈgeɪ ˈdeɪ/ /seɪ/ - /seɪv/ - /seɪf/ /eɪt/ /ˈdəʊnt ˈteɪk ðəˈkeɪk/ /saɪ/ - /saɪd/ - /saɪt/ /aɪ/ /heɪ/ - /haɪ/ /ˈfaɪn ˈaɪz/ /laɪ/ - /laɪd/ - /laɪt/ /aɪz/ /meɪ/ - /maɪ/ /ˈdeɪ baɪˈdeɪ/ /taɪ/ - /taɪd/ - /taɪt/ /aɪs/ /leɪk/ - /laɪk/ /ˈleɪt ətˈnaɪt/ Ex.7.18. Ex.7.19. Listen and read. Listen and read. /nɔɪz/ - /vɔɪs/ /ˈðɪs ˈbɔɪ/ - /ˈðiːz bɔɪz/ /bɔɪl/ - /ʧɔɪs/ /ˈðɪs ˈtɔɪ/ - /ˈðiːz ˈtɔɪz/ /kɔɪn/ - /ɪkˈsplɔɪt/ /ˈðæt ˈvɔɪs/ - /ˈðəʊz ˈvɔɪsɪz/ Ex.7.20. wrote /ðəˈbɔɪ ˈspɔɪlz ðəˈtɔɪz/ Transcribe the infinitive of these verbs. Listen and check. write /raɪt/ tried / found / bought / flew / 50 Ex.7.21. Listen and circle the word you hear 1. gate / get 2. way / wear 3. my / May Remember: numerals with –teen can have either 1 or two stresses – /θɜːˈtiːn/ & /ˈθɜːˈtiːn/; telephone numbers: 5687 – five six eight seven, 441 – double four one, 0 – /əʊ/; numerals: 101 – one hundred and one, 1712 – seventeen hundred and twelve years: 1900 – nineteen hundred, 1909 – nineteen hundred and nine or nineteen nine dates: 25.01.1912 – the twenty-fifth of January, nineteen twelve Ex.7.22. Listen and write down the telephone numbers. 1. _____________________________ 2. _____________________________ 3. _____________________________ 4. _____________________________ 5. _____________________________ Ex.7.23. Read the following numerals: 3, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15, 19, 33, 44, 60, 99, 100 1st, 3rd, 5th, 9th, 19th, 2nd, 4th, 8th, 12th, 20th + plus minus : divided by * multiplied by = is 46 + 18 = 64 15 – 8 = 7 80 – 30 = 50 9 + 11 = 20 4 + 40 = 44 10 + 8 = 18 79 – 50 = 29 99 + 1 = 100 Ex.7.24a. We add “a” before hundred, thousand and million. Listen and repeat. 100 – a hundred 1,000 – a thousand 1,000,000 – a million 30 : 5 = 6 5 * 5 = 25 9 * 9 = 81 10 : 2 = 5 10 : 5 = 2 6 * 8 = 48 6 * 6 = 36 27 : 3 = 9 Ex.7.24b. When we say numbers over 100 we add the weak form of and /ǝn/ before the last two figures. Listen and read. 101 529 7,512 350 2,491 27,403 Ex.7.24c. We say years differently from numbers. Listen and read. The number 1764 is one thousand seven hundred and sixty-four, but the year 1764 is seventeen sixty-four but starting from 2000 we say years the same as numbers 1764 1890 1900 1907 2000 2007 Ex.7.25a. In telephone numbers we say each number separately and pause between groups of numbers. For 0 we say oh. Listen and repeat: 01425 365 7098 51 Ex.7.25b. repeat: Ex.7.26. 14° 0° For 33 and 77, for example, we say double three and double seven, etc. Listen and 0609 655 400 In temperatures for 0 we say zero. Listen and repeat: -12° Ex.7.27. We say dates in two different ways. Listen, write and read: 22 May ____________________ ____________________ 13 January ____________________ ____________________ 30 January ____________________ ____________________ Ex.7.28. Listen, write and repeat the fractions: ½ __________, ¼ __________, ¾ __________, ⅓ __________, ⅔ __________, ⅛ __________, ⅝ __________. Ex.7.29. Read the following numerals and telephone numbers: 134 9,011 104 1,017 6,410 298 193 151 1,038 10,784 355 561 175 2,568 257,629 948 7,506,017 189 4,083 841,403 3,526 34,616,234 1,012 5,993 2,184,001 134-86-78 253-64-92 289-47-30 119-39-73 943-00-39 Правила слогоделения (Syllabification) – Гласная в ударном слоге двусложного слова читается по тем же правилам, что и гласная в односложном слове, но для определения типа слога необходимо установить графическую границу между ударным и безударным слогами. При определении графической границы в двусложных словах следует исходить из следующего: 1. Если за ударной гласной стоит одна согласная буква (но не буква “r”), то она относится к следующему за ней безударному слогу, например stu ∣ dent. Таким образом, ударный слог оказывается открытым, и гласная в нем читается по 1-ому типу слога. Однако в английском языке имеется ряд двусложных слов, в которых ударная гласная в открытом слоге читается кратко: city, pity, copy, very etc. 2. Если гласная ударного слога отделена от последующей гласной двумя или более согласными, в том числе и удвоенной буквой “r”, то первая из согласных отходит к первому слогу, закрывая при этом ударный слог. Гласная в данном случае читается по 2-ому типу слога, т.е. кратко, например: dinner /ˈdɪnə/, marry /ˈmæri/. Это правило не распространяется на слова, в которых одна из двух согласных, отделяющих ударный слог от безударного, - сонант, например ta ∣ ble /'teɪbl/. В этом случае согласная “b” примыкает ко второму слогу, образуемому сонантом “l”, и первый ударный слог оказывается открытым. Ex.7.30. Transcribe the words and explain the rules of reading. five / tone / shade /faɪv/ land tip / fry / pupil / brother bed / rule / love / shall pipe / ton / cut / bus / / / / snack blame poke found / / / / 52 Ex.7.31. 1 2 Listen, write down the words, define the amount of syllables. 3 5 7 4 6 8 Ex.7.32. Listen, read and define the amount of syllables in the words in bold. 9 10 I remember 3 once on my first visit__ to England__, soon after__ I started__ learning__ English__, my landlady__ went shopping__ and she came back with a big bag full of things, but she forgot__ to buy some soup – she needed__ a tin of tomato__ soup. So I said, ”I’ll go to the shop and buy it for you,” because__ I wanted__ to be helpful__ and it was a chance to practise__ my English__ a bit. Сочетание сонантов с предшествующими согласными (Sonorants with preceding consonants) – Сонанты /r, l, w, j/ в сочетании с предшествующим согласным произносится слитно. Например: /breɪk/, /glaɪd/. Сонанты /r, l, w, j/ в положении после глухих согласных частично оглушаются. Например: /triː/, /pleɪ/, /ˈtwenti/, /tjuːn/. Альвеолярная артикуляция согласных /t,d/ переходит в заальвеолярную под влиянием последующего заальвеолярного сонанта /r/. Например: /traɪ/, /draɪ/. В сочетании сонантов /l+j/ произносится светлый оттенок /l/. Например: /ˈwɪljuˑ/. Ex.7.33. Listen and read. /triː/ /friː/ /twɪnz/ /ˈwɪljuˑ ˈriːd/ /traɪ/ /frend/ /twelve/ /ˈwɪljuˑ ˈkʌm/ /træm/ /praʊd/ /kwɪk/ /ˈwɪljuˑ ˈgəʊ/ /draɪ/ /ˈprəʊnaʊn/ /kwaɪt/ /ˈwɪljuˑhəv ˈbraʊn ˈbred fəˈbrekfəst/ /driːm/ /θrəʊ/ /ˈkwestʃn/ Ex.7.34. Practise sonorants with other sounds. price – bright try – dry cream – green press – breast true – drew crow – grow Don’t trouble trouble until trouble troubles you. Ex. 7.35 Read the words. spring proud spread cry strike crab straw cream scream crew scrub crop try true trade traffic trolley dream Ex. 7.36 Read the words. shrill mushroom shrewd three shrug through birthright throw horse-race thread present prize problem proof cruise upright dry cockroach drew drive tree dress pretty with Rob Very true. drop with right The crops promise well. It’s rather strange, yet true. The river is running dry. Rod’s eyes draw straws. on the stroke of three 53 /ʊə/ - vowel, diphthong Ядро дифтонга – гласный заднего продвинутого вперед ряда высокого подъема широкой разновидности, слегка лабиализованный. После произнесения ядра язык движется к центру в направлении /ə/. Следует избегать сильного округления и выпячивания губ при произнесении первого элемента. Ex. 7.37 Read the words. /ʃʊə/ /ˈtʊərɪst/ /ˈjʊərəp/ /krʊəl/ /ˈfjʊə/ /ˈækʧʊəl/ /kjʊə/ /pʊə/ /ˈfjʊərɪəs/ Ex. 7.38 Read the words. curiosity /ʊə/ individual plural reassure Ex. 7.39 Read the words. pull – poor book – boor could – cure took – tour should – sure brook – brewer demure continual impure insurance Ex. 7.40 Read the words. 1. It’s a usual cure. 2. Curiosity is incurable. Before reading the text practice the sounds in the following words and word combinations: Ex. 7.41 (a). /ʌ/ – cousin, at once, husband, country, London, much, but, come /ɑː/ – large, aunt, farther, as far as /ɔː/ – daughter, Georgie, four, North Ex. 7.41 (b). Linking r – your aunt, are in Canada, where is it, far away, as far as No voicing before voiced consonants – Thomas Brown, it’s just, it’s much No devoicing before voiceless consonants – Benny’s cousins, whose children, Emily’s children Loss of plosion – but granny, mid day Phonetic notes: 1) Нисходяще-восходящий тон (Fall-Rise) – Характерным для английского языка является сложный нисходяще-восходящий тон (the falling-rising tone, or Fall-Rise). Нисходящевосходящий тон наблюдается в смысловых группах, требующих восходящего тона, в которых коммуникативный центр высказывания выделен понижением тона. Нисходящевосходящее движение тона может осуществляться в пределах одного слога или распространяться на большее количество слогов. Употребление нисходяще-восходящего тона характерно для эмоционально окрашенной речи: They are in 、Canada ͵now. 2) Обращение (Direct Address) – Интонация обращения зависит от его места в предложении. В начале предложения обращение всегда ударно, обычно образует самостоятельную смысловую группу и произносится, как правило, с нисходящевосходящим тоном. Например: 、Gran͵ny, ∣ have I any ͵cousins? В официальной речи или когда обращение направлено к аудитории, оно произносится с нисходящим тоном: 、James, ∣ come to the ͵blackboard. 54 В середине и в конце предложения обращение безударно и продолжает мелодию предшествующей синтагмы: Come a͵long, my dearest, | it’s just the time… Text 4 ABOUT BENNY’S COUSINS “Granny, have I any cousins?” “Yes Benny! You have two.” “Whose children are they? How old are they? Are they boys or girls?” “Not so many questions at once, please, Benny! Your cousins are: a five-year-old boy, Georgie, and a four-year-old girl, May. They are your Aunt Emily’s children. They are in Canada now with their parents: your Aunt Emily, my daughter, and her husband, Mr. Thomas Brown.” “In Canada? What’s Canada, granny? Where is it?” “Canada is a far-away country. It is in the North of America.” “In the North of America? Where is it? Is it as far as London?” “Oh, no Benny! It’s much farther.” “But, granny…” “Come along, my dearest. It’s just the time for your midday milk.” Ex.7.42. Transcribe the sentences, indicate the intonation patterns and draw the staves. 1. My brother-in-law, Mr. Smith, is a writer. ________________________________________________________________________ 2. Have you a sister? ________________________________________________________________________ 3. How old is she? ________________________________________________________________________ 4. What’s her name? ________________________________________________________________________ 5. Is Betty a member of his family? ________________________________________________________________________ 6. She has a mother, a father, a brother and two sisters. ________________________________________________________________________ 7. Mary, open the window. ________________________________________________________________________ 8. Start reading the text, John. ________________________________________________________________________ Ex.7.43. Transcribe the following word combinations. 1. ten miles 5. /ˈten ˈmaɪlz/ 2. go home / 6. 3. take the pen / 7. 4. he is late / 8. it is fine a pale face I am nineteen this is a park / / / / Ex.7.44. Read the exercise. Listen to your fellow-student – detect his errors. /piːt/ - /pɪt/ – /pet/ – /pæt/ - /pɑːt/ - /pɒt/ - /pɜːt/ - /pɔːt/ - /pʊt/ /riːd/ - /rɪd/ – /red/ - /reɪd/ - /raɪd/ - /rǝʊd/ – /ruːd/ /ˈmʌðǝrɪz ǝtˈhǝʊm ∥ ˈfɑːðǝrɪz ɪnðiˑˈɒfɪs ∥ ˈsɪstǝrɪz ɪnðǝˈgɑːdn ∥ ˈbrʌðǝrɪz ǝtˈskuːl∥/ /ðǝˈmænɪz ɪnðǝˈstriːt ∥ ðǝˈwʊmǝnɪz ɪnðǝˈmɑːkɪt ∥ ðǝˈgɜːlɪz ɪnðǝˈpɑːk/ 55 Lesson Eight Consonants: /tʃ/, /dʒ/ Vowels: /ɪə/, /eə/, /ʊ/, /uː/ Stress Intonation: Please, Thank you Text: Our English Lesson /tʃ/ – palato-alveolar, forelingual, voiceless, affricate, noise, consonant /dʒ/ – palato-alveolar, forelingual, voiced, affricate, noise, consonant Сложные согласные звуки, первый компонент которых – взрывной звук /t/ или /d/, а второй фрикативный /ʃ/ или /ʒ/. При их произнесении кончик языка касается альвеол, одновременно средняя часть языка поднимается к твердому небу. Постепенно кончик языка отходит от альвеол. Таким образом, эта полная преграда переходит в неполную. Английский /tʃ/ по сравнению с русским /ч/ звучит тверже. Английский /dʒ/ не имеет соответствующего звука в русском языке. Нельзя допускать раздельного произнесения компонентов аффриката /dʒ/, как в русских словах джаз и джем. Ex.8.1. Read the words. /tʃeǝ/ /tʃɒp/ /wɒtʃ/ /ˈkɪtʃǝn/ /tʃɔːk/ /tʃɪps/ /tʃiːp/ /ˈpɪktʃǝ/ /ˈtʃɪldrǝn/ /ˈtʃɪkɪn/ Ex.8.2. /tʃ/ Listen and read. ch chips t future tch catch choose question watch March which Czech, check, cheque kitchen Ex. 8.3. Listen and repeat. 1. Which questions did you choose in the exam? 2. The picture in the kitchen is by a Czech artist. Ex.8.4. Read the words. /dʒæm/ /dʒiːp/ /dʒɪə/ /dʒɑː/ /dʒæpə'niːz/ /'dʒeri/ /dʒəʊk/ /frɪdʒ/ /'dʒɜːmən/ /'dʒeli/ Ex.8.5. /dʒ/ Listen and read. j jam g general ge age dge fridge jacket large jeans job jet 56 Ex.8.6. Listen and repeat. 1. Who’s that wearing a large orange jacket? 2. There’s some juice in the fridge. 3. Languages are a bridge between people. Ex.8.7. Listen and read. /tʃiːz/ /dʒæm/ /'dʒeɪn ən'dʒɒn/ /tʃaɪld/ /dʒʊˈlaɪ/ /'dəʊnt 'tʌtʃ ðə'wɒtʃ/ /tʃɔːk/ /'vɪlɪdʒ/ /tiːtʃ/ /tʃeɪndʒ/ Ex.8.8. Write these words. Listen and check. Example: /dʒæm/ – jam /wɒtʃ/ /tʃɪps/ /dʒuːs/ /tʃeə/ /dʒɒb/ /lɑːdʒ/ /dʒæz/ /eɪdʒ/ Ex.8.9. Listen and circle the odd one out. Example: larger generally guess 1. village get Germany 2. coach check Christmas 3. June vegetable give 4. station Russian picture Ex.8.10. Listen and repeat these sentences: 1. I went to a small Russian village. 2. Cabbage is my favourite vegetable. 3. I was in Germany at Christmas. fridge page temperature cabbage information 4. Look at this page of information. 5. I’m going to the coach station. 6. Can you check the temperature, please? Ex.8.11. Listen and put these words into two groups: teacher lounge bridge chair large juice Dutch language chips orange words with /tʃ/ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ chicken cheese cheap dangerous words with /dʒ/ __________ __________ __________ __________ sandwich??? __________ __________ __________ __________ Ex.8.12. Listen and circle the word you hear: 1. watch / wash 2. shoes / choose 3. what’s / watch Ex.8.13. Read the words: /fetʃ/ /tʃest/ /'dʒestʃə/ /edʒ/ /dʒɔɪn/ /kætʃ/ /tʃæt/ /dʒʌst/ /bædʒ / /pɔɪnt/ /lætʃ/ /tʃɑːt/ /dʒɒb/ /lɑːdʒ/ /ɪn'dʒɔɪ/ /'fetʃ ðə'bæg/ /'kɔːl 'dʒɒn/ /ə'draɪ 'triː/ /'kætʃ ðə'dɒg/ /'faɪnd 'dʒɔːdʒ/ /ə'brəʊkn 'tɔɪ/ /'riːtʃ ðə'pɑːk/ /'tiːtʃ 'dʒeɪn/ /ə'frəʊzn 'rəʊz/ 4. coach / coats 57 /ɪə/ - vowel, diphthong /eə/ - vowel, diphthong Ядро дифтонга /ɪə/ – гласный переднего ряда высокого подъема широкой разновидности, нелабиализованный. После произнесения ядра язык движется к центру в направлении /ə/. Чтобы избежать ошибки типа /ɪʌ/ следует ослабить второй элемент дифтонга. Ядро дифтонга /eə/ –гласный переднего ряда среднего подъема широкой разновидности нелабиализованный, второй элемент – нейтральный гласный. Ex.8.14. Read the words. /ɪə/ /hɪə/ /nɪə/ /bɪəd/ /jɪə/ /klɪə/ /bɪə/ /lɪə/ /aɪˈdɪə/ Ex.8.15. Listen and read. ea real ear ear hear /ɪə/ eer beer ere here beard nearly cheers we’re clear year Ex.8.16. Listen and repeat. 1. We’re here. 3. Is there a bank near here? 2. Have a beer – cheers! 4. The meaning isn’t really clear. Ex.8.17. Read the words. /tʃeə/ /heə/ /weə/ /ðeə/ /'meəri/ /peə/ /kleə/ /'eəpɔːt/ /'peərənts/ /skweə/ Ex.8.18. Listen and read. are care square air air chair wear /eə/ ear ere where aer aeroplane Ex.8.19. Listen and repeat. A: Look at that aeroplane! B: Where? A: Up there, in the air, of course! Ex.8.20. fair hair stair aeroplane – British airplane - American Listen and read this note and find four /ɪə/ and four /eə/. Dear Mary, I’m really pleased you can come to the theatre with us tonight. We’ve got seats upstairs, near the front. See you there! Sarah /ɪə/________________________________ /eə/________________________________ 58 Ex.8.21. Listen and repeat these poems: I’ve had these ears When nobody’s there a hundred years. I don’t care what I wear, Well, no, not really and I sit on the stair but very very nearly. with my feet on a chair Ex.8.22. Listen and circle the words you hear: 1. near / knee 2. bird / beard 3. wear / way Ex.8.23. Listen and read the sentences: 1. She’s got fair hair. 4. There’s a man with a beard sitting in the square 2. The chairs are under the stairs. 5. Speak up! I can’t hear you. 3. How many years have you lived here? 6. It’s a clear day – you can see for miles. Ex.8.24. Listen and read. /dɪə/ /beə/ /pʊə/ /'weərɪz 'meəri/ /nɪə/ /ðeə/ /ʃʊə/ /'weərɪz ðə'tʃeə/ /hɪə/ /heə/ /'jʊərəp/ /'wɒtɪzðeər ɪnðə'bæg/ /'peərənts/ /'juːʒʊəli/ /'wɒtɪzðeər ɒnðə'ʃelf/ Stress (Ударение в двусложных и многосложных словах) В двусложных английских словах ударение, как правило, падает на первый слог (если первый слог не является префиксом, потерявшим семантическое значение), например: dinner /'dɪnə/, office /'ɒfɪs/. В словах, содержащих префикс, ударение падает на второй слог, например: return /rɪ'tɜːn/, begin /bɪ'gɪn/. В трехсложных и многосложных словах в большинстве случаев ударным является третий слог от конца слова, и гласная в нем читается по 2-ому типу слога, т.е. имеет краткое чтение, независимо от количества согласных, отделяющих ее от следующего за ней безударного слога, даже если это буква ‘r’, например: factory /'fæktəri/, family /'fæmɪli/, experiment /ɪks'perɪmənt/. Но когда в ударном третьем от конца слоге содержится звук /juː/, этот слог читается по первому типу слога, как открытый. Например: funeral /'fjuːnərəl/. При определении ударного слога грамматические окончания и живые суффиксы во внимание не принимаются. Например: demonstrate /'demənstreɪt/, demonstrated /'demənstreɪtɪd/, demonstrating /'demənstreɪtɪŋ/. Но при образовании существительных путем присоединения к глаголу суффикса –ion происходит перемещение ударения на слог, предшествующий суффиксу, а ударение исходного глагола сохраняется в виде второстепенного. Например: demonstration /ˌdeməns'treɪʃn/. Некоторые слова имеют 2 главных ударения. Это числительные от 13 до 19, например: thirteen /'θɜː'tiːn/, а также слова с приставками, придающими слову новое значение. Например: disappear /'dɪsə'pɪə/, rewrite /'riː'raɪt/. Ex. 8.25. a Make words from these parts. write them in the correct column. Listen and check. turn re first syllable is stressed ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ long ing er second syllable is stressed ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ sleep 59 Ex.8.26. Stress often stays on the same syllable, sometimes it can move. Listen and read. (a) begin – beginning (b) electric - electricity decide – decided pronounce - pronunciation possible – impossible photograph - photography sentence – sentences explain - explanation interest – interesting Ex.8.27. Write the words into the correct column. Then listen and check. adjective, alphabet, cinema, eleven, furniture, grandmother, important, reception, remember, tomorrow Ooo oOo adjective_________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ /uː/ - vowel, long, diphthongoid /ʊ/ - vowel, short, monophthong При произнесении дифтонгоида /uː/ язык находится в задней части полости рта. Задняя часть языка значительно приподнята. В процессе произнесения /uː/ язык перемещается от продвинутого впереди более низкого положения в направлении более задней и закрытой позиции. Губы значительно округлены, причем округление увеличивается к концу произнесения. По сравнению с английским гласным русский гласный /у/ является более задним, более закрытым и более лабиализованным. В случае ошибки типа русского /у/ следует в первую очередь следить за тем, чтобы губы были округлены, но не вытянуты вперед. При произнесении краткого гласного /ʊ/ язык находится в задней части полости рта, но не так далеко, как при /uː/. Задняя часть языка приподнята меньше, чем при /uː/. Губы слегка округлены. В случае ошибки типа русского гласного /у/ следует продвинуть язык вперед и не вытягивать губы вперед. Ex.8.28. Read the words. /puːl/ /suːp/ /bluː/ /prɪˈzjuːm/ /ˌɑːftǝˈnuːn/ /ruːl/ /fruːt/ /ʃuː/ /skuːl/ /muːn/ Ex.8.29. Listen and read. oo too ou blue u /uː/ ue wo two ui Ex.8.30. Listen and repeat. 1. me too 2. work in groups 3. new shoes Ex.8.31. Read the words. group music fruit 4. red and blue 5. listen to the music 6. fourty-two oe ew juice shoe new 7. fruit juice 60 /lʊk/ /rʊk/ /ˈfʊtbɔːl/ /kʊd/ /pʊʃ/ /bʊk/ /kʊk/ /gʊd/ /wʊd/ /bʊʃ/ Ex.8.32. Listen and read. u full sugar oo book foot /ʊ/ ou would o woman Ex.8.33. Listen and repeat. 1. My bag’s full. 2. Where’s my book? Ex.8.34. 3. my left foot 4. a kilo of sugar 5. Who’s that woman? Listen and read. /luːz/ – /luːs/ /njuː/ - /fjuː/ /juˑˈɑː/ /muːd/ – /muːt/ /ˈmjuːzɪk/ /juɑˑˈnɒt/ /suːn/ – /suːp/ /ˈmjuːzɪkǝl/ /ˈɑːjuˑ/ /ˈstjuːdǝnts/ /juˑˈɑːnt/ Ex.8.35. Listen and read. /gʊd/ /pʊl/ - /puːl/ /ǝˈgʊd ˈbʊk/ /kʊd/ /fʊl/ - /fuːl/ /ǝˈgʊd ˈkʊk/ /kʊk/ /fʊt/ - /fuːt/ /ˈlʊk ǝtðǝˈbʊk/ /tʊk/ /pʊt/ - /buːt/ Ex.8.36. Circle the words with /uː/. Listen and check. food four June look news soup spoon sugar town Ex.8.37. Circle the words with /ʊ/. Listen and check. book cookery cough could lunch soon sugar room Tuesday good thought school two looking through Ex.8.38. Circle the words that have /uː/ and /ʊ/, put them in the correct column. Listen and check. 1. Is it really true? 6. I’ll be ready soon. 2. You’re standing on my foot! 7. Here’s your ticket – don’t lose it! 3. Are you a good cook? 8. Go through that door over there. 4. Where’s my toothbrush? 9. My keys! Where did I put them? 5. Do you push or pull to open this door? /ʊ/ /uː/ _______foot_________ _____true___________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ Ex.8.39. Listen and circle the word you hear: 61 1. pool / pull 2. look / luck 3. soup / soap Before reading the text practice the sounds in the following words and word combinations: Ex.8.40 (a). /iː/ – please, read, believe, weak, clean /ɪ/ – ill, begin, transcription, distinct, listen, switch /e/ – lesson, present, temperature, let, exercise, check, text, rest, any, correct /æ/ – absent, bad, palatalization, family, thank Ex. 8.40 (b). Alveolars replaced by dentals – in the nouns, at the board, read the text, clean the board Loss of plosion – sit down, read Text 7, write down, next time Clear /l/ before /j/ – will you take, will you please switch on the tape recorder? Phonetic notes: 1) Please –Произношения слова please зависит от его места в предложении. В начале предложения (или смысловой группы), оно ударно, но обычно не образует отдельной смысловой группы. Например: ↘Please, Helen, proˈnounce the 、words.∥ В середине предложения слово please может быть ударно или безударно, но оно не образует отдельной смысловой группы. Например: ↘Will you please ˈswitch ˈon the ͵tape-recorder?∥ В конце предложения слово please безударно, не образует отдельной смысловой группы и произносится с мелодией предшествующей смысловой группы: ↘Will you ˈread ͵louder, please?∥ 2) Thank you – Произнесенное с нисходящим тоном thank you выражает искреннюю благодарность. Те же самые слова, произнесенные восходящим тоном, служат выражением лишь формально вежливой благодарности: Will you please switch on the tape recorder? 、Thank you. ͵Thank you, Mike. Go to your seat. Text 5 OUR ENGLISH LESSON Teacher: Good morning, all! Sit down, please! I expect no one is away? Monitor: Nobody is. All are present. Oh, sorry, Ann is not here. Teacher: What’s up? Is she ill? Monitor: It’s flu with a high temperature. Teacher: That’s too bad. Well now. Let’s begin. We’ll check our homework. Mike, will you take your exercise book and come to the board? Mike: Shall I write the words in transcription? Teacher: Do. And you, Helen, read Text 7, will you? The others should write down the mistakes if she has any. Do you follow me? Will you read a little louder, please? That’ll do. Any mistakes noticed? Julia: I believe there’s some palatalization in the nouns “family” and “Benny”. 62 Teacher: That’s it. Please, Helen, pronounce the words. Now it’s correct. You must work more. Pronunciation is your weak point, I’m afraid. Helen: Shall I read the text again for the next time? Teacher: Yes. Have another try and make your reading more distinct. Now everybody look at the board! Mike: Shall I read the exercise? Teacher: Of course. (Mike reads). Is everything correct, Pete? Pete: I think it is. Teacher: Thank you, Mike. Clean the board, please, and go to your seat. (To the monitor). Have we got the headphones? Monitor: Here they are. Teacher: Fine. Let’s listen to the new text. Open your books at page 81. Will you please switch on the tape-recorder? Thank you. Ex.8.41. Transcribe the sentences, indicate the intonation patterns and draw the staves. 1. Good morning, all! Sit down, please! ________________________________________________________________________ 2. Please, Helen, pronounce the words. ________________________________________________________________________ 3. And you, Helen, read Text 7, will you? ________________________________________________________________________ 4. Pronunciation is your weak point, I’m afraid. ________________________________________________________________________ 5. Now everybody look at the board! ________________________________________________________________________ 6. Is everything correct, Pete? ________________________________________________________________________ 7. Thank you, Mike. ________________________________________________________________________ 8. Will you please switch on the tape-recorder? Thank you. ________________________________________________________________________ Ex.8.42. Read and explain the pronunciation of the consonants in bold type. face cage write Alice fish bright eight engine job chest sigh ginger yet lock white light gently knock gate wrong gymnastics cheek knight phlox Ex.8.43. Pronounce the following verbs first as commands, then as requests. take go put read look open come write start close Gypsy whole whip whisper speak prepare 63 Lesson Nine Vowels: /aɪə/, /aʊə/ Sounds combination: /wɜː/ Digraphs before ‘r’ Geographical names Intonation: Adverbial modifiers, Compound sentences, Direct speech, Accidental rise Text: Doctor Sandford’s house Revision /aɪə/ - vowel, triphthong /aʊə/ - vowel, triphthong Трехэлементные сочетания гласных. Самый сильный и отчетливый элемент этих сочетаний – первый, самый слабый – второй. Во избежание замены второго элемента сочетания /aɪə/ звуками /j/ или /й/ не следует поднимать очень высоко среднюю часть спинки языка. При произнесении сочетания /aʊə/ не следует сильно выдвигать губы и заменять второй элемент губно-губным сонантом /w/. Ex.9.1. Read the words. /laɪən/ /dɪˈzaɪə/ /faɪə/ /ˈaɪələnd/ /ʃaɪə/ /waɪə/ /rɪkˈwaɪə/ /ɪnˈtaɪə/ /ɪŋˈkwaɪəri/ Ex.9.2. Read the words. quiet aspired /aɪə/ tired dire Ex.9.3. Read the words. wireless fireman /aʊə/ /dɪˈvaʊə/ /vaʊəl/ /ʃaʊə/ /taʊə/ /flaʊə/ /paʊə/ /kaʊəd/ /taʊəl/ Ex.9.4. Read the words. cowardice hour /aʊə/ sour bowery Ex.9.5. scour flower hire higher towel gower Listen and read. /faɪə/ /aʊə/ /ðeərɑˑˈflaʊəz ənˈflaʊəz ˈevrɪweə/ /waɪə/ /ʃaʊə/ /taɪd - taɪəd/ /taɪəd/ /taʊə/ /laɪn - laɪən/ /laɪən/ /paʊə/ /kwaɪt - kwaɪət/ /ˈaɪlənd - ˈaɪələnd/ 64 При произнесении /wɜː/ следует обращать внимание на отсутствие палатализации /w/ перед /ɜː/, на быструю смену лабиализованной артикуляции нейтральной, а также на недопустимость оттенков /о/ и /э/ в произнесении гласного /ɜː/ Ex.9.6. Ex.9.7. Listen and read. /wɜːd/ - /wɜːdz/ /wɜːk/ - /wɔːk/ /wɜːk/ - /wɜːkt/ - /ˈwɜːkɪŋ/ /wɜːd/ - /wɔːd/ /ˈwɜːs ǝndˈwɜːs/ /wɜːm/ - wɔːm/ Listen and read. (Revision) /ˈmʌðǝ/ /ðɪsˈθɪŋ/ /sʌm/ - /θʌm/ /def/ – /deθ/ /ˈfɑːðǝ/ /ðætˈθɪŋ/ /tɪn/ - /θɪn/ /pɑːs/ - /pɑːθ/ /ǝˈnʌðǝ/ /ðiːzˈθɪŋz/ /tɪk/ - /θɪk/ /tens/ - /tenθ/ /ðiˑˈʌðǝ/ /ðǝʊzˈθɪŋz/ /fɪn/ - /θɪn/ /wɜːs/ - /wɜːθ/ /siːm/ - /θiːm/ /bǝʊt/ - /bǝʊθ/ /tɔːt/ - /θɔːt/ - /sɔːt/ - /fɔːt/ /ǝˈsnǝʊwaɪt ˈteɪblklɒθ/ /ˈwʌn ˈbɑːθ/ - /ˈθriː ˈbɑːðz/ /ˈredimeɪd ˈklǝʊðz/ /ˈwʌn ˈmaʊθ/ - /ˈθriː ˈmaʊðz/ /ˈwʌn ˈpɑːθ/ - /ˈθriː ˈpɑːðz/ /ˈwʌn ˈjuːθ/ - /θriː ˈjuːðz/ digraph + r ai+r ei+r ee+r Digraphs before ‘r’ sound /eǝ/ /ɪǝ/ ea+r /eǝ/ /ɔː/ oa+r oo+r ou+r 1. 2. /ʊǝ/ /aʊǝ/ examples air, chair their beer, deer near, dear1 bear board poor2 our, flour В некоторых словах диграф ea + r читается /ɜː/. Например, learn, earth Но в словах door, floor диграф читается /ɔː/ Geographical names (Adjectives are often pronounced in a very similar way to the noun; they are not shown separately in the list. For example: Austria-Austrian. Some adjectives are pronounced differently; these are shown in the list) Ex.9.8. Listen read and transcribe. Africa Brazil America Canada Argentina Canadian Asia Caribbean Atlantic Chile Australia China Austria Croatia Belgium Cuba Czech Republic Danish Denmark Dutch Egypt England Europe European 65 France French Germany Greece Greek Holland Hungarian Hungary India Iran Iranian Iraq Iraqi Ireland Irish Israel Israeli Italian Italy Japan Japanese Korea Mediterranean Mexico Netherlands New Zealand Nigeria Norway Norwegian Pacific Pakistan Peru Poland Portugal Romania Russia Saudi Arabia Scotland Slovakia Slovenia Spain Spanish Sweden Swiss Switzerland Turkey Ukraine UK USA Wales Welsh Ex.9.9. Complete the table with the missing words. Read all the names # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 country Bulgaria capital language nationality Prague Slovak the Cubans German Budapest Mongolia Warsaw Rumanian the Vietnamese Danish Vienna Belgium Ottawa French the Finns Dutch London Greece Amsterdam Italian the Indians Swedish Tokyo Norway Madrid the Americans 66 Before reading the text practice the sounds in the following words and word combinations: Ex. 9.10 (a). /ɒ/ – doctor, not, modern, following, long /ɔː/ – lawn, also, call, before, orchard /ǝʊ/ – cosy, also, only, own, so /æ/ – Sandford, pantry, grandmother /uː/ – rooms, two, fruit /aɪ/ – behind, dining-room, quite /ɜː/ - nursery, furniture /e/ – Betty, bedroom, every, many /aʊ/ – house, downstairs Ex. 9.11 (b). No devoicing before voiceless consonants – Sandford’s house, is comfortable, Sandford says Alveolars replaced by dentals – and the rooms, and the bathroom Loss of plosion – fruit trees, but Doctor, must pay No glottal stop – in front of, there is a green lawn, is also, his own Phonetic notes: 1) Обстоятельственные группы (Adverbial Modifiers) в начале предложения, как правило, выделяются в отдельную интонационную группу и произносятся низким восходящим тоном. Например: In ⃗front of the ͵house∣... On the ⃗ground ͵floor∣… 2) Оба предложения, входящие в состав сложносочиненного предложения (Compound Sentence), как правило, произносятся нисходящим тоном, что объясняется их смысловой законченностью. Например: Doctor ↘Sandford’s ˈhouse is not 、large ∣ but it is 、comfortable. Большая смысловая взаимосвязь между двумя самостоятельными предложениями может быть выражена восходящим завершением первого предложения. Например: Doctor ↘Sandford’s ˈhouse is not ͵large ∣ but it is 、comfortable. 3) Предложение, вводящее прямую речь (Direct Speech), может произноситься как восходящим, так и нисходящим тоном. Например: He ͵says: “I’m from 、Moscow.” He 、says: “I’m from 、Moscow.” При переводе в косвенную речь это предложение обычно не образует самостоятельной смысловой группы. Например: Doctor ↘Sandford ˈsays he must ˈpay a ˈlot of 、money. 4) Accidental Rise Постепенно нисходящая последовательность ударных слогов может быть нарушена, если по смыслу необходимо выделить одно из промежуточных слов (the Broken Descending Scale). Некоторое повышение тона на ударном слоге выделенного слова сопровождается дальнейшим постоянным понижением тона последующих слогов. Например: He must ↘pay the ˈmoney for ↑many 、years now. 67 Text 6 DOCTOR SANDFORD’S HOUSE Doctor Sandford’s house is not large, but it is comfortable and well-planned. It is a small two-storeyed cottage. In front of the house there is a green lawn and a lot of flowers. Behind it there is a little orchard with a few fruit trees in it. On the ground floor there is a kitchen, a pantry, a dining room, a cosy sitting room and Dr. Sandford’s study. There are also several rooms upstairs on the first floor: the Sandfords’ bedrooms, Grandmother’s room, which is also Benny’s nursery, Betty’s room and the bathroom. The furniture is modern and quite new. But Doctor Sandford says he must pay a lot of money for the house and the furniture. He must pay the money for many years before he can call the house his own. Ex.9.12. Transcribe the sentences, indicate the intonation patterns and draw the staves. 1. Doctor Sandford’s house is not large, but it is comfortable and well-planned. ________________________________________________________________________ 2. In front of the house there is a green lawn and a lot of flowers. ________________________________________________________________________ 3. Behind it there is a little orchard with a few fruit trees in it. ________________________________________________________________________ 4. On the ground floor there is a kitchen, a pantry, a dining room, a cosy sitting room and Dr. Sandford’s study. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 5. But Doctor Sandford says he must pay a lot of money for the house and the furniture. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 6. He must pay the money for many years before he can call the house his own. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ REVISION Ex.9.13. Read the words and word combinations. (Revision) /lɪt/ – /let/ /ˈðɪsɪz ǝˈtekst/ /ˈɪzðɪs ǝˈtekst/ /fɪl/ – /fel/ /ˈðɪsɪz ǝˈsɪti/ /ˈɪzðɪs ǝˈsɪti/ /lɪft/ – /left/ /ˈðɪsɪz ǝˈpeni/ /ˈɪzðɪs ǝˈpeni/ Ex.9.14. Read the words and word combinations. (Revision) /kæt/ - /kɑːt/ /hæt/ - /hɑːt/ /hɪzˈbæg/ /hɜː/ - /hɜːd/ - /hɜːt/ /pæk/ - /pɑːk/ /hæd/ - /hɑːd/ /hɪzˈhæt/ /fɜː/ - /fɜːm/ - /fɜːst/ Ex.9.15. Read and explain the rules of reading, define phonetic patterns. speed rose cube tool tense loaf fill weave freeze shoot loom coal faint mutton trainer reach aim steam crystal coast raze float beach least boot fee author veil 68 Ex.9.16. Read, transcribe the word combinations, comment on the phonetic patterns. 1. a big boat __________ 6. a black bag __________ 2. a simple riddle __________ 7. an old goat __________ 3. a little star __________ 8. a good cook __________ 4. a good accent __________ 9. a fat cock __________ 5. an old oak __________ 10. a good tool __________ Ex.9.17. Transcribe the PLURAL form of these words. writer house / /ˈraɪtəz/ college / bird / family / man / Wife / goose / Child / woman / mouse / leaf / parrot / roof / day son-in-law turkey swine box dish sheep / / / / / / / Ex.9.18. Read the word combinations. Mind the intonation. (Revision) /aɪhævəˈfɑːðər◡əndəˈmʌðə ∥/ /ˈhævjuˑ eniˈɑːnts ∥ ˈjes ∣ aɪhævˈtuː ∥ ˈnəʊ aɪhævˈnɒt ∥/ /ˈnəʊ ∣ aɪhævˈnəʊɑːnts ∥ ˈnəʊ ∣ aɪˈhævnt eniˈɑːnts ∥/ /ˈhæzʃiˑ eniˈgɜːlfrendzɪnmɒskəʊ ∥ ˈjes ∣ ʃiˑˈhæzsʌm ∣ bətˈnɒt ˈmeni ∥/ Ex.9.19. Listen, read, mind the pronunciation of sound /ə/ in different positions. /ˈseldəm/ /ˈletə/ /ðəˈsuːnə ðəˈbetə/ /ˈɪntəvəl/ /ˈbetə/ /ˈbetə ˈleɪt ðənˈnevə/ /ˈeksələnt/ /ˈnevə/ Ex.9.20. Listen, read, define phonetic patterns. /ˈlɪtl/ /ˈsʌdn/ /ˈdɪdnt/ /paɪ/ - /spaɪ/ /tɪl/ - /stɪl/ /ˈteɪbl/ /ˈrɪtn/ /ˈkʊdnt/ /peɪn/ - /speɪn/ /tɔːl/ - /stɔːl/ /ˈpiːpl/ /ˈteɪkn/ /ˈhæznt/ /keɪt/ - /skeɪt/ /ˈtrʌbl/ /ˈbiːtn/ /ˈniːdnt/ /kuːl/ - /skuːl/ Ex.9.21. Transcribe the following words and explain the reading rules: 1. boot 6. good / 11.cold / /buːt/ 2. prepare / 7. store / 12.last / 3. ball / 8. bread / 13.plant / 4. book / 9. care / 14.text / 5. mere / 10. palm / 15.exam / Ex.9.22. Transcribe the word combinations. Mind rhythm units: 1. a talented dancer /əˈtæləntɪd ˈdɑːnsə/ 9. a big ship 2. a broken branch 10. a fat sheep 3. a stone wall 11. a naughty girl 4. a dull day 12. a lazy boy 5. a wise man 13. a rare plant 6. a cheap car 14. a strict lady 7. a cold lake 15. Bertha’s basket 8. a birthday present 16. spare time 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. germ hurt hare grasp staff / / / / / 69 Lesson Ten Linking /w/, Linking /j/ Intonation: Well, Exclamations, Preposition after the nucleus Text: Mr. White comes again. Poems: Solomon Grundy. Thirty days have September Revision Связующие w, j (Linking w, j) возникают при наличии двух гласных звуков на стыке слов. Если слово оканчивается на гласный /ɪ/ или /iː/, а последующее слово начинается с любого гласного, для их соединения используется звук /j/ Например: me◡jand you three ◡jor four the◡jend Если слово оканчивается на гласный /ʊ/ или /uː/, а последующее слово начинается с любого гласного, для их соединения используется звук /w/ Например: you◡wand me two◡wor three go◡woutside Ex.10.1. Listen and repeat these poems. Mark where there will be /w/ and /j/ links. Asking the way Hats Yes. I’ll do one for you. Go outside of the building. I’ll give you one too Go along the street. a nice one Go over the bridge. a new one Go across the street. a yellow and blue one. Go up the hill. Take the eighth street on your left. Then the eleventh on your right. Then… … I’m not sure – You’ll have to ask again Ex.10.2. Listen and read the sentences. Mark /w/ and /j/ links. 1. Is it blue or grey? 5. Play a song for me. 2. What day is it today? Thursday or Friday? 6. Hello. Reception? Which city is this? 3. Coffee or tea? 7. See you in the evening. 4. Where’s my interview suit? 8. Why do we always have to get up so early? Ex.10.3. Listen, complete and read the sentences, mark /w/ and /j/ links. 1. A: Are you the ________________________? B: ______________. 2. A: Is __________________________________ as you? B: No, ____________. 3. A: __________________? B: _____________________. Come in. 4. A: Is she ________________________ with us? B: __________________. 5. A: These chairs ________________________ comfortable, are they? B: No, __________. 70 Ex.10.4. Read the poems and learn them by heart. Mind your pronunciation and intonation. Solomon Grundy Thirty days Solomon Grundy, Thirty days have September, Born on Monday, April, June and November, christened Christened on Tuesday, /ˈkrɪsǝnd/ All the rest have thirty-one; Married on Wednesday, February has twenty-eight alone, Ill on Thursday, Excepting leap-year, that’s the time Worse on Friday, When February’s days are twenty-nine. Died on Saturday, Buried on Sunday, That was the end of Solomon Grundy Before reading the text practice the sounds in the following words and word combinations: Ex. 10.5 (a). /iː/ – see, receive, read, needn’t, please, tea /æ/ – Saturday, Sandford, glad, can, family, thank, have /e/ – enter, present, let, anything, pleasure, well /ɒ/ – knock, what, doctor, clock Ex. 10.5 (b). Nasal plosion – needn’t, certainly No devoicing before voiceless consonants – his study, have tea No voicing before voiced consonants – let’s go, this way Loss of plosion – glad to see you, sit down, what can I do, like to have it No glottal stop – Saturday afternoon, Sandford is in, come in, what is it, show him in, Mr. White enters Phonetic notes: 1) Вводное слово well (Parenthesis Well), употребляемое в начале предложения, часто образует самостоятельную интонационную группу и произносится восходящим тоном. Например: ͵Well, Mr. White, ∣ it’s ⃗five o’、clock. 2) Восклицательные предложения (Exclamations), обычно произносятся нисходящим тоном, будучи эмоционально окрашенными – при несколько расширенном диапазоне. Например: ˋCertainly! 3) Предлог, следующий за последним ударным словом интонационной группы (Preposition after the Nucleus), имеет полную нередуцированную форму. Например: What can I do for you? /ˈwɒt kǝnaɪˈduːfɔːjuˑ/ Text 7 MR. WHITE COMES AGAIN It is Saturday afternoon. Doctor Sandford is in his study. Betty knocks. “Come in, please. What is it, Betty?” “Mr. White wants to see you, Henry.” “Well, yes. Show him in please.” (Mr. White enters) “Good afternoon, doctor.” 71 “Good afternoon, Mr. White.” “I’m terribly sorry to trouble you.” “That’s all right. Glad to see you. Sit down, please. What can I do for you?” “Do you receive the Times?” “Certainly.” “Would you like to have it for the next year?” “Oh, I forget. We never remember such things in time. Must I pay anything right now?” “No, you needn’t. For the present, you can sign this paper. Here you are.” “Where do I sign?” “Here, please. Thank you, doctor.” “Well, Mr. White. It’s five o’clock. You’ll have some tea with us, won’t you?” “Thank you. I’d be glad to.” “Let’s go to the dining room. This way, please.” Ex.10.6. Transcribe the following sentences, indicate the intonation patterns and draw the staves. 1. Come in, please. What is it, Betty? ________________________________________________________________________ 2. Mr. White wants to see you, Henry. ________________________________________________________________________ 3. Well, yes. Show him in please. ________________________________________________________________________ 4. Good afternoon, doctor. ________________________________________________________________________ 5. Good afternoon, Mr. White. ________________________________________________________________________ 6. Sit down, please. ________________________________________________________________________ 7. What can I do for you? ________________________________________________________________________ 8. Would you like to have it for the next year? ________________________________________________________________________ 9. Here, please. Thank you, doctor. ________________________________________________________________________ 10. Well, Mr. White. It’s five o’clock. ________________________________________________________________________ 11. You’ll have some tea with us, won’t you? ________________________________________________________________________ 12. Let’s go to the dining room. This way, please. ________________________________________________________________________ REVISION Ex.10.7. Listen and read the word combinations. Mind the intonation. (Revision) /ˈraɪtɪŋ əˈletə/ /ˈveri ˈwel/ /ˈriːdɪŋ əˈnɒvəl/ /ˈwɒt ˈvaʊəl/ /ˈlɜːnɪŋ əˈpəʊɪm/ /əˈswiːt ˈvɔɪs/ /ˈsiːɪŋ ənˈɒpərəhaʊs/ /ˈwɒt ˈfaɪn ˈvɜːsɪz/ /wɪðaʊtˈseɪŋ əˈwɜːd/ /təˈwɪn əˈvɪktəri/ /ˈwɒtɪz ðəˈweðəlaɪkðeər ɪnˈwɪntə ∥ ɪtsˈkwaɪt ˈwɔːm ∥/ 72 Ex.10.8. Listen, read, define phonetic patterns. /maɪˈred ˈpensɪl/ /ˈnɒt ˈnaʊ/ /ˈglæd tə'siːjuˑ/ /ˈletmi ˈsiː/ /jɔˑˈwiːk ˈpɔɪnt/ /ˈraɪt ˈnaʊ/ /aɪˈwɒnt tuˑɑːskjuˑ/ /aɪˈdəʊnt ˈnəʊ/ /hɜˑˈʃɔːt ˈkəʊt/ /ˈstɒp ˈmeəri/ /hiˑˈhæznt ˈgɒtɪt/ /wiˈdəʊnt ˈlaɪkɪt/ /hɪzˈgreɪt ˈtrʌbl/ /ˈleɪt ətˈnaɪt/ /ʃiˑˈdʌznt ˈtiːtʃhɜˑ/ /hɪˈdʌznt ˈlɜːnɪt/ /ðeərˈəʊld ˈklɒk/ Ex.10.9. Read and transcribe the following words. Explain the reading rules. 1. did – deed /dɪd - diːd/ 7. Mary – marry / 13. hill – heal 2. had – hard / 8. chair – cheer / 14. hail – hear 3. lick – leak / 9. marry - merry / 15. bad – bard 4. hip – heap / 10. bear – beer / 16. fill – feel 5. dear – deer / 11. lip – leap / 17. sill – seal 6. lad – lard / 12. ship – sheep / 18. pit – pat 19. taught – tap – tape / 21. fit – foot – fate / 20. pen – pain – pale / 22. dive – dove – dame / / / / / / / Ex.10.10. Arrange the words in columns according to the corresponding type of syllable. stamp bench Button typist cure muff lace tires write tulip Mule fare burn fine cube fade stir Arthur System dark here mere purse prepare Types of syllables (define the type of stressed syllable) 1 2 3 4 Ex.10.11. Spell and transcribe the 3rd person singular of the following verbs. 1. come 8. stress / 15. hang /kʌmz/ 2. go / 9. begin / 16. get 3. play / 10. catch / 17. relax 4. write / 11. cut / 18. hold 5. wash / 12. eat / 19. know 6. work / 13. change / 20. open 7. kiss / 14. study / 21. stay / / / / / / / Ex.10.12. Read the following exclamations. Mind the intonation. 1. You are right! 4. She is here! 5. How nice! 2. It’s excellent! 5. They are ready! 6. We can ask him! 73 Ex.10.13. Read. Listen to your fellow student and correct the mistakes if he or she has any. /ˈhaʊ ˈprɪtiʃiˑɪz/ /ˈwɒt ˈnɑːsti ˈweðǝ/ /ˈhaʊ ˈklevǝrǝvjuˑ/ /ˈwɒt ˈwʌndǝfʊl ˈrǝʊzɪz/ /ˈhaʊ ˈnaɪsǝvjuˑtǝˌkʌm/ /ˈwɒt ˈlʌvli ˈvaɪǝlɪtsjuˑvgɒt/ /ˈhaʊ ˈstreɪnʤðɪsǝʊldmænɪz/ Ex.10.14. Read the following phrases with the low-rising tone and then with the falling-rising tone: 1. ⃗Satis͵factory? 1. Satis、facto͵ry? 2. On ͵Saturday? 2. On 、Satur͵day? 3. Mr. ͵Robertson? 3. Mr. 、Robert͵son? 4. In ͵Moscow? 4. In 、Mos͵cow? 5. In ͵London? 5. In 、Lon͵don? 6. ⃗Next ͵year? 6. 、Next ͵year? 7. To the ͵North? 7. To the ⌵North? 8. A͵gain? 8. A⌵gain? 9. At ͵night? 9. At⌵night? 10. To͵day? 10. To⌵day? 11. ͵Now? 11. ⌵Now? Ex.10.15. Transcribe the plural form of the following nouns. country man / /ˈkʌntrɪz/ saleswoman / tooth / match / handkerchief / boy / potato / sister-in-law / deer / piano knife lady suffix foot / / / / / Ex.10.16. Read. Listen to your fellow student and correct the mistakes if he or she has any. /tɪǝ/ – /teǝ/ - /tʊǝ/ /ǝˈrɪǝ ˈkɔːnǝ/ /ˈbɒtl/ /ˈrɒtn/ /dɪǝ/ – /deǝ/ - /dʊǝ/ /ǝˈspeǝ ˈmɪnɪt/ /ˈdʌbl/ /ˈpætn/ /mɪǝ/ – /meǝ/ - /mʊǝ/ /ǝˈpʊǝr ˈænɪmǝl/ /ˈsɪmpl/ /ˈhɪdn/ /ˈrɪdl/ /fǝˈbɪdn/ Ex.10.17. Read, indicate the intonation patterns, transcribe and draw the staves. 1. Can he speak English? Yes, he can. No, he can’t. No, he can not. 2. May I come in? Yes, please. Do, please. Yes, you may. No, you mustn’t, it’s too late. 3. Must we write it down? Yes, you must. It’s a very good proverb. No, you needn’t. 4. Switch on the tape recorder and listen to it again. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 74 Lesson Eleven Strong and weak forms Intonation: Complex sentences Text: Dialogue Poem: Roadways Revision Сильные и слабые формы (Strong and Weak Forms) В английском языке существуют так называемые сильные и слабые формы произношения. Когда слово находится под ударением, оно выступает в сильной форме. Если слово не является ударным, оно выступает в слабой форме. В основном в слабой форме употребляются местоимения, предлоги, союзы, а также вспомогательные глаголы. Практически всегда образование слабой формы происходит путем замены ударного гласного звука сильной формы на нейтральный, безударный гласный [ə], в остальных случаях – путём замены долгого звука на краткий. Pronouns, possessives, conjunctions, prepositions, articles. weak strong weak strong you your /jǝ/ /juː/ /jǝ/ /jɔː/ me his /mi/ /miː/ /ɪz/ /hɪz/ he their /i/ /hiː/ /ðǝ/ /ðeǝ/ she and /ʃi/ /ʃiː/ /n/ or /ǝn/ /ænd/ him but /ɪm/ /hɪm/ /bǝt/ /bʌt/ her some /ǝ/ or /hǝ/ /hɜː/ /sǝm/ /sʌm/ we that /wi/ /wiː/ /ðǝt/ /ðæt/ us at /ǝs/ /ʌs/ /ǝt/ /æt/ them for /ðǝm/ /ðem/ /fǝ/ /fɔː/ from a /frǝm/ /frɒm/ /ǝ/ /eɪ/ to an /tǝ/ /tuː/ /ǝn/ /æn/ of the /ǝv/ /ɒv/ /ðǝ/ /ði/ /ðiː/ Ex.11.1. Listen and mark the underlined words W (weak) or S (strong). Example: w w 1. A: Are you going to talk to him? B: No, I think he should talk to me first. 2. A: Shall I phone her? B: Yes, I think you should. 3. A: You see those photos over there? Do you know them? B:I know her, but I don’t know him. 4. A: What are you going to give him? B: I think I’ll give him a shirt. What about you? 5. Let him come in and ask him what he wants. 6. She says she’ll bring her money tomorrow. 7. I’m tired … shall we go now? 8. Everybody’s leaving. What about us? Shall we go, too? 9. Tell us when you’re ready. 10. A: Who broke that window? B: He did! C: No, I didn’t, she did! Ex.11.2. Listen, compete the sentences, read. Example: What did she say? 1. What _______________ think about 3. it? 3. _______________ ready _______________ 2. Where _______________ tonight? now. 75 4. 5. 6. Where _______________? 7. 7. Tell _______________. _______________ come in. 8. 8. I _______________ phone number but not _______________ feeling all right? ______________. Ex.11.3. Listen and repeat the poem, be careful to speak with the correct rhythm. Stress the words in bold, and use weak forms of the pronouns between them. Read Comings and goings. What did she say? Don’t send her away Give her a chance Ask her to dance Give us a drink What do you think? Ask them to wait Tell them it’s late What shall we do? Shall we wait here for you? Please don’t delay. Tell me, what do you say? Ex.11.4. Read the poem and learn them by heart. Mind your pronunciation and intonation. Read Roadways One road leads to London, One road runs to Wales, My road leads me seawards To the white dipping sails.. One road leads to the river As it goes singing slow My road leads to shipping Where the bronzed sailors go. My road calls me, lures me West, east, south and North, Most roads lead men homewards My road leads me forth. Before reading the text practice the sounds in the following words and word combinations: Ex. 11.5 (a). /e/ – November, eleventh, seventh, celebrate, gets, guests, red, let, French, pen-friends, fellow, members; /ɑː/ – part, March, dark, park, France, party, mark /ʃ/ – revolution, demonstration, illumination, English, Spanish /ɔː/ – Warsaw, small, North Ex. 11.5 (b). Alveolars replaced by dentals – is the eleventh, on the seventy, is the greatest, in the parks, and the guests, on this day, in the history, is the library. Loss of plosion – take part, what country, good time No voicing before voiced consonants – this day, gets dark, much better No glottal stop – the anniversary, the illumination, from all, let me introduce you, better than English, but I understand, nearly everything, Lucy and I, come on 76 Phonetic notes: Интонация сложноподчиненного предложения (Complex Sentences). Главное предложение, предшествующее придаточному, может произноситься как нисходящим тоном, так и восходящим тоном в зависимости от степени его смысловой законченности. Например: I pre↘fer to ˈspeak 、Spanish, | as I ↘know it ˈmuch ˈbetter than 、English. В главном предложении выражена основная мысль, придаточное предложение представляет собой дополнительную мысль. I pre↘fer to ˈspeak ͵Spanish, | as I ↘know it ˈmuch ˈbetter than 、English. Главное предложение воспринимается незаконченным без разъяснения, сделанного в придаточном предложении. Однако в целом ряде случаев сложноподчиненные предложения образуют одну синтагму. Например: I ↘don’t ˈthink he is 、right. Придаточное предложение, предшествующее главному, как правило, не выражает смысловой законченности и произносится восходящим тоном. Например: When it ⃗gets ͵dark | ↘Moscow ˈlooks esˈpecially 、beautiful | because of its ⃗splendid ilˌlumi、nations. Text 8 DIALOGUE Alex: Excuse me, what country are you from? Voitek: I am from Poland. Alex: Do you live in Warsaw? Voitek: No, I don’t. I live in a small town in the North of Poland. Let me introduce you to my friend Lucy. Alex: I am ever so glad to meet you. Voitek: Lucy is from France, from Paris. She is French. By the way, do you speak French? Alex: I am afraid, I don’t. I speak only two foreign languages, English and Spanish. Alex: And I prefer to speak Spanish, as I know it much better than English. Voitek: Oh, that’s fine! Lucy speaks Spanish rather well. Her mother is from South America. As for me I can’t speak Spanish but I understand nearly everything. Lucy and I are pen friends. Alex: Would you like to join me and my fellow-students? We can have a good time together. Voitek: That’d be lovely. Alex: Come on, then. Ex.11.6. Transcribe the following sentences, indicate the intonation patterns and draw the staves. 1. And I prefer to speak Spanish as I know it much better than English. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 2. As for me I can’t speak Spanish but I understand nearly everything. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 3. I live in a small town in the North of Poland. ________________________________________________________________________ 77 Ex.11.7. Listen, read and mind the stress. /ˈɪnðə ˈnɔːθ/ /ˈdemənstreɪt - ˌdemənˈstreɪʃn/ /ˈɪnðə ˈsaʊθ/ Secondary stress /ˈselɪbreɪt/ - /ˌselɪˈbreɪʃn/ /ˈsɪtjʊeɪt - ˌsɪtjʊˈeɪʃn/ /ˈɪmɪteɪt - ˌɪmɪˈteɪʃn/ /ɪˈljuːmɪneɪt - ɪˌljuːmɪˈneɪʃn/ /ˈɔːgənaɪz - ˌɔːgənaɪˈzeɪʃn/ /ˈɪnðə ˈwest/ /ˈɪnðiˑ ˈiːst/ /ˈɪnðə pəˈsɪfɪk ˈəʊʃn/ /ˈɪnðiˑ ətˈlæntɪk ˈəʊʃn/ /ˈdekəreɪt - ˌdekəˈreɪʃn/ /ˈɪnðiˑ ænˈtɑːktɪk/ Ex.11.8. Read and transcribe. Mind the stress. 1. anniversary /ˌænɪˈvɜːs(ə)ri/ 2. demonstration / 3. revolution / 4. illumination / 5. the Missisipi / 6. nationality / 7. Japanese / Ex.11.9. Read, indicate the stresses. illustrate – illustration liberate – liberation immigrate – immigration stimulate – stimulation 8. explanation 9. celebration 10. invitation 11. assimilation 12. conversation 13. congratulation 14. palatalization / / / / / / / constitute – constitution discriminate – discrimination the race discrimination the fight for liberation the new Russian constitution REVISION Ex.11.10. Give the degrees of comparison of the following adverbs and transcribe them. 1. slowly 9. early slower /ˈsləʊə/ 2. fast 10. far 3. hard 11. near 4. badly 12. often 5. much 13. late 6. well 14. quietly 7. easily 15. seriously 8. little 16. comfortably Ex.11.11. Read the words and word combinations. /ˈtraɪəl/ /əˈfeɪməs ˈsaɪəntɪst/ /ˈtaɪərənt/ /əˈkəʊld ˈʃaʊə/ /ˈkwaɪət/ /əˈfreɪgrənt ˈvaɪəlɪt/ /ədˈmaɪə/ /əˈkliːn ˈtaʊəl/ /dɪˈzaɪə/ Ex.11.12. /əˈfrʌnt ˈvaʊəl/ Read the words and word combinations. /sɪn/ - /sɪŋ/ - /sɪŋk/ /sɪŋ/ - /ˈsɪŋɪŋ/ /θɪn/ - /θɪŋ/ - /θɪŋk/ /rɪŋ/ - /ˈrɪŋɪŋ/ /wɪn/ - /wɪŋ/ - /wɪŋk/ /brɪŋ/ - /ˈbrɪŋɪŋ/ /ræn/ – /ræŋ/– /ræŋk/ /bæŋ/ - /ˈbæŋɪŋ/ 78 Ex.11.13. Read the exercise. Listen to your fellow-student – detect his errors. /ˈsɪŋ əˈsɒŋ/ /ˈgəʊɪŋ ʌpðəˈstriːt/ /wɜːk/ - /wɔːk/ - /wəʊk/ /ˈstraɪk əˈgɒŋ/ /ˈlʊkɪŋ ətðəˈpɪkʧə/ /wɜːl/ - /wɔːl/ - /wəʊld/ /ˈpleɪ əˈgeɪm əvpɪŋˈpɒŋ/ /ˈwɜːkɪŋ ətðəˈprɒbləm/ /wɜːm/ - /wɔːm/ - /ˈwəʊsəm/ Ex.11.14. Read the following sentences, pay attention to the intonation of the word please. Indicate the intonation patterns. 1. Please, bring me that newspaper. 2. Please, pronounce the sentence once more. 3. Please, tell me your name. 4. Please, take some salad for me. 5. Please, show me the Caucasus on the map! 6. Will you, please, come up to me? 7. Will you, please, pass me the book? 8. Will you, please, turn on the tape-recorder? 9. Will you, please, say it again? 10. Stand up, please! 11. Stop talking, please. 12. Step aside, please! 13. Help yourself to some pie, please. Ex.11.15. Read the following sentences, pay attention to the intonation of direct address. Indicate the intonation patterns. 1. Ann, will you please fetch some milk from the kitchen? 2. Shall I put some more sugar on your cornflakes, John? 3. No more, Mum. 4. Why aren’t you eating anything, Kitty? 5. Give me a little more cornflakes, dear. Ex.11.16. Read the following sentences. Indicate the intonation patterns. 1. You are wrong, I am afraid. 2. As for me, I prefer bananas to tangerines. 3. Well, she says, it’s time to have a bite. 4. As far as I know, Japanese is more difficult than Spanish. 5. Tastes differ, he says. 6. To tell the truth, I don’t like this beefsteak. 7. Besides, I’d like to be in time for the beginning of the party. Ex.11.17. Read the following compound nouns. Don’t stress the second element. a dining room a fountain-pen a reading-hall a looking glass a bathroom a smoking-car a blackboard a bedroom a dress-maker Ex.11.18. Transcribe the following sentences indicate the intonation patterns and draw the staves. 1. Hello, Mary! _____________________________________________________________ 2. Look here, Mary, there is a concert this evening at our club. ________________________________________________________________________ 3. Well, we haven’t been there for ages. ________________________________________________________________________ 4. Let me have a look at it. ____________________________________________________ 5. We’re going to be late, I’m afraid. ________________________________________________________________________ 6. How are things? __________________________________________________________ 7. Don’t you find it difficult to study mathematics? ________________________________________________________________________ 8. Do you have time to go in for sports? ________________________________________________________________________ 9. Hope to see you some day! _________________________________________________ 10. So you are a student now, aren’t you? ________________________________________ 11. Will you invite me to our party? ______________________________________________ 79 Appendix 1 Intonation of questions. General questions (a.k.a. – Y/N questions) Nucleus – LOW RISE ⃗Is there a ͵lake in your town? Special questions (a.k.a. – WH questions) Nucleus – LOW FALL ⃗Where are you 、from? Alternative questions Nuclei – LOW RISE + LOW FALL ⃗Do you study ͵English or 、French? Disjunctive questions (a.k.a. – Tag questions) Nuclei – LOW FALL + LOW RISE / LOW FALL You know the answer: You’re 、here, 、aren’t you? You don’t know the answer: You’re 、here, ͵aren’t you? 80 Appendix 2 TONGUE TWISTERS for each sound 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 /b/ /ʒ/ Bernie brought a big breakfast back to bed Pat put purple paint in the pool David’s daughter didn’t dance but David’s dad did. Betty bought a bit of butter. Grandma gave the guests eggs and frog’s legs. The king cooked the carrots and the queen cooked the cake. Vera drove to Venice in a van. Frank found four frogs laughing on the floor. Zebras in zoos are like dolphins in pools. It’s six or seven years since Sydney’s sister sang that song. Casual clothes are provisional for leisurely trips across Asia. /ʃ/ Sharon shouldn't wash her shoes in the shower. /ð/ /θ/ My father and mother live together with my other brother. Martha Smith’s an author and an athlete. /h/ Harry had a habit of helping hitch-hikers. /dʒ/ Ginger spilt orange juice on George's jacket. /tʃ/ Which child put chalk on the teacher's chair? /r/ /w/ The rabbits raced right around the ring. Clara’s really clever but Lilly’s a little silly. Wendy went away twice a week. /j/ We didn't use euros in Europe a few years ago. /m/ Mum made me move my models. /n/ There was no one on the moon on the ninth of June. /ŋ/ Young King Kong was stronger than strong. /ɒ/ John wants to watch Walter wash the dog. /ʌ/ My mother's brother's my uncle; my uncle's son's my cousin. /ʊ/ That cook couldn't cook if he didn't look at a cook book. /æ/ /iː/ The fat cat sat on the man’s black hat. It’s best to rest, said the vet to the pet. Tim bit a bit of Kitty’s biscuit. I ate an apple and a banana in a cinema in Canada. Laura’s daughter bought a horse and called it Laura. "It's hard to park such a large car in the dark", Arthur remarked. The girl heard the nurse work. Steve keeps the cheese in the freezer. /uː/ Sue knew too few tunes on the flute. /aɪ/ Nile crocodiles have the widest smiles. The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain. Roy enjoys noisy toys! /p/ /d/ /t/ /ɡ/ /k/ /v/ /f/ /z/ /s/ /l/ /e/ /ɪ/ /ǝ/ /ɔː/ /ɑː/ /ɜː/ /eɪ/ /ɔɪ/ 81 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 /aʊ/ /ǝʊ/ Mrs. Brown counted cows coming down the mountain. Rose knows Joe phones Sophie, but Sophie and Joe don’t know Rose knows. /eǝ/ Sarah and Mary share their pears fairly. /ʊǝ/ A purely rural duel truly plural is better than a purely plural duel truly rural. Near an ear, a nearer ear, a nearly eerie ear. /ɪǝ/ /aʊǝ/ Our power comes after an hour in a shower. /aɪǝ/ The lion from Ireland gnaws wires and tires and writes diaries. Appendix 2A more tongue twisters /æ/ 1. 2. 3. That’s the man who sat on my hat in the tram. Once there lived a lad who was always very sad. For he hadn’t any mother and he hadn’t any dad. Where are you going to, my little cat? I’m going to town to buy a hat! What? A hat for a cat? A cat in a hat? Who ever saw a cat in a hat? /ǝʊ/ 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Oh, no, don’t go home alone, nobody knows how lonely the road is. Soames never boasts of what he knows and Rose never knows of what she boasts. As you sow you shall mow. Little strokes fell great oaks. If many men knew what many men know. If many men went where many men go. If many men did what many men do. The world would be better – I think so, don’t you? /ɜː/ 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. A little girl with a pretty curl. Learn thirteen words of Lesson Thirty. The first word is a verb and the third word is an adverb. First come first served. One good turn deserves another. As the workman so is the work. /ɔː/ 15. 16. 17. 18. George was born in August. I saw more than forty horses. Her naughty daughter Maud is at fault. Of all saws I ever saw, I never saw a saw as that saw saws. /ʤ/ 19. 20. 21. 22. Julious was jealous. Jane, Jim and George Jones. John, put the orange juice into the fridge. A journalist made a journey over Japan. /ʊ/ 23. 24. 25. The cook took a good look at the cookery book. It’s good he could go on foot. A good beginning makes a good ending. 82 /w/ 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Everywhere we saw the white snow. William was not very willing to wait. Didn’t this waiter work in Washington last winter? No sweet without some sweat. Where there is a will there is a way. /wɜː/ 31. 32. Her work grows worse and worse. William always wears a very warm woolen vest in winter; Victor, however, will never wear woolen underwear, even in the Wild West. /ɒ/ 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. “What an old clock,” said Tom. Lots and lots of clocks watches have gone wrong. Molly’s got a spot on her frock. A watched pot never boils. Honesty is the best policy. /h/ 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. Helen’s husband hates hot tea. He held his hand in his. The horn of the hunter was heard on the hill. Healthy habits make healthy bodies. He that has ears to hear let him hear. My heart’s is in the Highlands. My heart is not here. /θ, ð/ 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. The third Thursday of this month is the sixteenth. Thirty-three thousand three hundred and thirty-three. These are three brothers, these are their father and mother, this is their other brother. Wealth is nothing without health. First think then speak. /θ - s/ 49. Three things on this side and six things on that side. /ð - f/ 50. That fish has a fat fin, this fish is a fish that has a thinner fin than that fish. /e/ 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. Get ten eggs ready for breakfast. Every day in every way. The weather is getting better and better. East or West home is best. All is well that ends well. Better late than never. Health is above wealth. /iː/ 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. Please believe me. Please leave me in peace. Extremes meet. Seeing is believing. A friend in need is a friend indeed. A sailor went to sea to see what he could see. But all he could see was sea, sea, sea. If all the seas were one sea, what a great sea that would be. 83 /ɑː/ 63. 64. 65. 66. Can’t you ask Father or Aunt Margaret? He laughs best who laughs last. Half heart is no heart. The highest art is artlessness. /r/ 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. A foreign accent is a very great drawback. The three will probably drive across the Brooklyn Bridge. We gathered ripe red raspberries along the river road. When at Rome do as the Romans do. Neither rhyme nor reason. Every cook praises his own broth. /aʊ/ 73. 74. What have you found out about it? Out of sight out of mind. /aʊ - aɪ/ 75. Snow came in the night without a sound, Like a white cloud trembling down to the ground. /ɪ/ 76. Six little kittens lost their mittens. It’s a pity, they were so pretty. 77. Little Bill, sit still. Will you sit still, little Bill? If you sit still, little Bill, Jimmy Nill will bring you to a big hill. /ʧ/ 78. 79. 80. Most French children like cheese. Why did the teacher ask such a question? Don’t touch those peaches in the kitchen. /ŋ/ 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. To know everything is to know nothing. A good beginning makes a good ending. Better die standing than live kneeling. The proof of the pudding is in the eating. Spades for digging, pens for writing. Ears for hearing teeth for biting. Eyes for seeing, legs for walking. Tongues for tasting and for talking. 84 Appendix 3 (Sounds for pupils) 8 /f/ fish 17 /tʃ/ cherry 23 /j/ yes 32 /ɔː/ horse 40 /aʊ/ cow 1 /b/ bear 9 /z/ zebra 15 /h/ hat 25 /ʌ/ cup 33 /ɑː/ car 41 /ǝʊ/ nose 2 /p/ parrot 10 /s/ ski 18 /m/ monkeys 26 /e/ hen 34 /ɜː/ bird 42 /eǝ/ hare 3 /d/ dolphin 11 /ʒ/ television 19 /n/ note 27 /ʊ/ cook 35 /iː/ bee 43 /ʊǝ/ poor 4 /t/ tiger 12 /ʃ/ ship 24 /ŋ/ strong 28 /æ/ cat 36 /uː/ moon 44 /ɪǝ/ ear 5 /ɡ/ frog 13 /ð/ they 20 /r/ rose 29 /ɒ/ dog 37 /aɪ/ ice-cream 45 /aʊǝ/ flowers 6 /k/ cake 14 /θ/ birthday 21 /l/ lion 30 /ɪ/ pig 38 /eɪ/ train 46 /aɪǝ/ fire 7 /v/ volleyball 16 /dʒ/ giraffe 22 /w/ wolf 31 /ǝ/ elephant 39 /ɔɪ/ boy 85 Appendix 4 Additional texts (Listen, idicate the intonatio, define phonetic patterns, read) Text 9 DAYS AND MONTHS. ASKING THE TIME. “Do you know the days of the week?” “Yes, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.” “Now, let’s assume that today is Wednesday. What day will tomorrow be?” “Thursday.” “And the day after tomorrow?” “Friday.” “What day was yesterday?” “Tuesday.” “And the day before yesterday?” “Monday.” “As it happens, last Monday was my birthday.” “Is that so? Well, many happy returns of the day.” “Thank you, and now, let’s have the names of the months.” “Certainly. January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December.” “Good… Oh, can you tell me the right time, please?” “Well, my watch says five past two, but it’s no use relying on it, because sometimes its fast and sometimes it’s slow.” Text 10 “Have we time for another coffee?” “I think so.” “Shall I give you some?” “Yes, please.” “Do you take sugar?” “No, thank you.” “Will you have a cigarette?” “In a moment.” “Have you paid the bill?” “Not yet.” “Shouldn’t we be going now?” “All right.” “Oughtn’t we to take a taxi?” “If you like.” Text 11 “How long will you be out?” “Not long.” “When will you be back?” “Soon after ten.” “What are you going to do?” “Nothing very interesting.” “Where are you going?” “Just down the road.” “Who are you going to see?” “Tom.” “Why are you going to see him?” “Just for a little chat” “What about?” “Nothing in particular.” Text 12 OUR SITTING ROOM Let’s have a look at this picture of our sitting room. As you come into the room you notice a piano with a low music-stool in front of it. Next to the piano is a tall bookcase standing against the wall. On the left is a large window. Under the window there is a radiator, but you can’t see it because it’s behind the settee. On the settee there are two cushions. The fireplace is at the other end of the room. On each side of the fireplace there’s an armchair. An old lady is sitting in one of the chairs, but nobody’s sitting in the other one: it’s empty. 86 In the centre of the mantelpiece there’s a clock and above it an oval mirror. On the right you can see a standard lamp. Opposite the fireplace you can see a small table with an ash-tray and some newspapers on it. By the table there’s a small chair. On the extreme right there’s a radioset. The floor is covered with a beautiful thick carpet. An electric light is hanging from the middle of the ceiling. At night when it gets dark we switch on the light and draw the curtains: During the day, the light comes in through the window. - Text 13 You’re on holiday, aren’t you? No, I’m not. You’re not working, are you? Yes, I am. You work in London, don’t you? No, I don’t. It’s nearly time for tea, isn’t it? No, it isn’t. You’re not hungry, are you? Yes, I am. You’ll soon be going home, won’t you? No, I shan’t. - Text 14 Is it going to rain? I hope not. Ought we to take our coats? I think so. Shall we be late? We might be. Is the car all right? I expect so. Will it break down? I doubt it. Have you got enough petrol? I hope I have. Text 15 BALZAC AS A HANDWRITING EXPERT Balzac, the famous French writer was a man of great talent. But he himself was proud of his ability to tell a person’s character by his or her handwriting. He often told his friends that he could tell anybody’s character exactly by his handwriting. One day a woman friend brought him a young boy’s exercise book. She said that she wanted to know what Balzac thought of the boy’s character. Balzac studied the handwriting carefully for a few minutes. The woman, however, told him that the boy was not her son and that he might tell her the truth. “All right,” said Balzac. “I shall tell you the truth” and he said that the boy was a bad lazy fellow. “It’s very strange,” said the woman smiling. “This is a page from your own exercise book, which you used when you were a boy”. Text 16 THE SMOKING CHIMNEY One afternoon Professor N. was walking along a country road when he saw a farmer eating his supper alone in the road before his house. The professor approached the farmer and asked him: “Why are you eating here alone?” “Well, sir,” answered the farmer after a short pause, “the chimney smokes.” “That is too bad,” said the professor. “You must have it repaired. Let’s have a look at it.” And before the farmer could say a word the professor tried to enter the farmer’s house. As soon as he opened the door a broom fell on his shoulders and a woman’s voice cried: “Go away, you old rascal or I’ll kill you…” The professor left the house quickly. The farmer sat in the road looking very unhappy. The professor approached him and put his hand on his shoulder. “Never mind,” said he, “my chimney smokes sometimes too.” 87 Text 17 - When I went out it was dark - Was it? - Just at first I couldn’t see. - Couldn’t you? - After a while I got used to it. - Did you? - I went to Tom’s and he wasn’t there. - Wasn’t he? - So I walked around and then came back home. - Oh? And now if you like we’ll go to the pictures. - Lovely. Text 18 MARK TWAIN IN FRANCE Mark Twain, the famous American writer, was travelling in France. Once he was going by train to Dijon. That afternoon he was very tired and wanted to sleep. He therefore asked the conductor to wake him up when they came to Dijon. But first he explained that he was a very heavy sleeper. “I’ll probably protest loudly when you try to wake me up,” he said to the conductor. “But do not take notice, just put me off the train anyway.” Then Mark Twain went to sleep. Later, when he woke up, it was night-time and the train was in Paris already. He realized at once that the conductor had forgotten to wake him up at Dijon. He was very angry. He ran up to the conductor and began to shout at him. “I have never been so angry in all my life,” Mark twain said. The conductor looked at him calmly. “You’re not half so angry as the American whom I put off the train at Dijon,” he said. Text 19 PLANNING A HOLIDAY “I say, what are you and your sister going to do for your holiday this year?” “Well, I don’t know. I should like to take my sister for a tour to the Baltic Sea, but then she can’t very well leave her children. What are you going?” “We shall go to the sea, I expect – for part of the time, anyhow. Then my wife and I may go off alone for a week or so in the car.” “Leaving the rest of the family behind, I suppose!” “Oh yes. They’ll be quite safe with their grandmother – and, besides, they’re ever so much happier playing about on the sands then spending long days in the car.” “Where do you go, as a rule?” “We’ve tried many seaside-places on the east and south coasts: on the whole, I think we prefer the south. However, it really doesn’t seem to matter very much, as long as the youngsters get a good sandy beach.” “What do you do? Take rooms, or stay at a hotel, or what?” “We’ve done both and this year we’re taking a furnished house. Why don’t you make up your mind to join us? Find a house nearby, and make a large party. It’ll be great fun.” “For my own part, I should love it. I’ll talk it over with my sister, and see what she thinks about it.” “Do, and let me know as soon as you can.” “Right. I will.” 88 Text 20 THE BULLET-PROOF JACKET A man once called on a general, and showed him a jacket which he had invented for soldiers, and which, he said, was bullet-proof. “Oh!” said the general. “Put it on!” Then he rang the bell, and said to the servant: “Tell the captain to load his gun and come here.” The inventor of the bullet-proof jacket disappeared, and the general never saw him again. Text 21 THE DUMB BEGGAR A beggar made up his mind that he would pretend to be dumb. He arrived at a town where he had begged before. In one of the streets a gentleman who had given him money, and so remembered his face, met him and spoke to him. The beggar did not say a word. “Hello!” cried gentleman, “How long have you been dumb?” “Ever since I was a baby,” answered the beggar. Text 22 THE BELL-BOY A traveller was standing at the desk in the lobby of a Washington hotel. He was in a hurry. He had only 10 minutes to pay his bill and reach the station. Suddenly he remembered that he had forgotten something. He called the bell-boy and said: “Run up to Room 48 and see whether I left a box on the table. Be quick, I am in a hurry.” The boy ran up the stairs. Five minutes past, and the gentleman was walking up and down impatiently. At last the boy came back. “Yes, sir,” he said, “Yes, sir, you left it there. It’s on the table.” Text 23 An English tourist found himself in Norway with only enough money in his pocket to pay his passage back. As he knew that it would take him only two days to get to England, he decided that he could easily do without food. So he went on board the steamer and bought a ticket. He closed his ears to the sound of the lunch bell. When dinner time came he refused the invitation to accompany a fellow traveller to the saloon saying that he didn’t feel well. The next morning he didn’t go to breakfast and at lunch time he again stayed in his cabin. At dinner time he was so hungry that he could not stand it any longer. “I’m going to eat,” he said, “even if they throw me overboard afterwards.” At dinner he ate everything the steward put in front of him and felt ready for the coming row. “Bring me the bill,” he said to the steward. “The bill, sir?” said the man. “Yes,” answered the traveller. “There isn’t any bill,” was the answer, “on the ship meals ship meals are included in the passage money.” 89 Appendix 5 Dialogues (Listen, complete, indicate the intonation patterns, mark and transcribe all the words with the target sound, learn the dialogue by heart, recite) 1. /iː/ In a restaurant Peter: ______________________________ ___________________________________? Edith: ______________________________. Peter: ______________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________? Jean: _______________________________ ___________________________________. Waiter: _____________________________. Peter: ______________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________. Edith: ______________________________! Waiter: _____________________________ ___________________________________. 2. /ɪ/ An interesting film Bill: ________________________________? Lyn: _______________________________? Mrs. Smith: __________________________. Bill: ________________________________ Tim: _______________________________. Lyn: _______________________________? Tim: _______________________________? Lyn: ________________________________. Bill: ________________________________. Mrs. Smith: _________________________... Tim: _______________________________ ___________________________________! 3. /e/ An expensive holiday Eddie: ______________________________ ___________________________________! Ben: _______________________________. Eddie: ______________________________. Ellen: ______________________________. Jenny: ______________________________. Ben: _______________________________ ___________________________________? Eddie: ______________________________ ____________________________________. Everybody: __________________________! Ellen: ______________________________. Ben: _______________________________? Eddie: ______________________________ ___________________________________. Jenny: _____________________________? Eddie: ______________________________! 4. /æ/ A bad hijacker Hostess Bradley: ______________________ ____________________________________! Hostess Allen: ________________________ ____________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________. Hostess Bradley: _____________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________. Hostess Allen: _______________________ ____________________________________? Hostess Bradley: _____________________ ___________________________________. Hostess Allen: ________________________ ___________________________________. Hostess Bradley: ______________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________. Fat lady: _____________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________... Handbag: BANG! 5. /ʌ/ I love you Russ: _______________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________. Janet: ______________________________! Russ: _______________________________ ___________________________________. Janet: ______________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________. Russ: _______________________________ ___________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ___________________________________. 90 Janet: _______________________________ Russ: ______________________________ __________________________________... Janet: ______________________________! 6. /ɑː/ At a party Margaret: ___________________________ ____________________________________? Barbara: ____________________________. Martin: ______________________________ ____________________________________ _____________________________________ ____________________________________. Margaret: ___________________________ ___________________________________! Barbara: ____________________________ ___________________________________! Margaret: ___________________________ ____________________________________! Martin: _____________________________ ___________________________________. Barbara: ____________________________! Margaret: ___________________________ ___________________________________! Barbara: ____________________________ ____________________________________. Martin: _____________________________. 7. /ɒ/ TV advertisement for 'On wash' Voice A: ____________________________ ___________________________________? Mrs. Bloggs: _________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________! Voice В: ____________________________ ___________________________________! Voice С: _____________________________. Voice D: ____________________________ ___________________________________. Voice A: ____________________________ ___________________________________. Voice В: ____________________________. Voice С: ____________________________ ___________________________________. Voice D: ____________________________. Everybody: __________________________! 8. /ɔː/ Sports report from Channel 4 Announcer:__________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________. Paul Short: __________________________ ____________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________. George Ball: __________________________ ___________________________________? Paul Short: __________________________ ____________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________. George Ball: _________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ___________________________________. Paul Short: __________________________? George Ball: _________________________. Paul Short: __________________________? George Ball: _________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________! 9. /ʊ/ A lost book Mr. Cook: ___________________________ ___________________________________? Mrs. Cook: __________________________? Mr. Cook: ___________________________ ___________________________________. Mrs. Cook: __________________________ ___________________________________? Mr. Cook: ___________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________? Mrs. Cook: __________________________? Mr. Cook: ___________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________! Mrs. Cook: __________________________ ___________________________________. Mr. Cook: ___________________________! 10. /uː/ In a good school Miss Luke: __________________________. Girls: _______________________________. Miss Luke: __________________________ ____________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________. Prue: _______________________________. 91 Miss Luke: __________________________? Prue: _______________________________ ___________________________________. Miss Luke: __________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________? Prue: _______________________________. Miss Luke: __________________________? Prue: _______________________________. June: _______________________________. Sue: _______________________________! June: _______________________________ ____________________________________ ___________________________________! Sue: _______________________________ ___________________________________! June: _______________________________! Sue: _______________________________! Miss Luke: __________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________. 11. /ɜː/ The worst nurse Sir Herbert: _________________________! Colonel Burton: ______________________! Sir Herbert: _________________________! Colonel Burton: ______________________! Sir Herbert: __________________________! Colonel Burton: ______________________ ____________________________________. Sir Herbert: __________________________. Colonel Burton: ______________________ ____________________________________. Sir Herbert: _________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________? Colonel Burton: ______________________. Sir Herbert: _________________________ ___________________________________? Colonel Burton: ______________________ ____________________________________! 12. /ə/ Shopping A: _________________________________. B: _________________________________ ___________________________________? A: _________________________________ ___________________________________. В: _________________________________ ____________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________. A: _________________________________ ___________________________________? В: _________________________________ ___________________________________. 13. /eɪ/ At the railway station Mr. Grey: ____________________________ ___________________________________. Porter: _____________________________? Mr. Grey: ___________________________. Porter: _____________________________ ___________________________________. Mr. Grey: ___________________________ ___________________________________. Porter: _____________________________ ___________________________________. Mr. Grey: ___________________________? Porter: ______________________________ ____________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________. Mr. Grey: ___________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________? Porter: _____________________________ ___________________________________. Mr. Grey: ___________________________ ___________________________________. 14. /aɪ/ Mike, Myra and Violet Myra: ______________________________! Mike: ______________________________ ___________________________________. Mike: ______________________________ ___________________________________? Violet: ______________________________ ____________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________. Mike: ______________________________ ___________________________________? Violet: ______________________________. Mike: ______________________________ ___________________________________? 92 Violet: ______________________________ ___________________________________. Mike: ______________________________? Violet: ______________________________. Mike: ______________________________! Myra: ______________________________ ___________________________________. Violet: _____________________________? Myra: ______________________________. 15. /ɔɪ/ Joyce's Rolls Royce Garage boy: _________________________. Joyce: ______________________________? Garage boy: _________________________ ____________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________. Joyce: ______________________________. Garage boy: _________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________. Joyce: ______________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________. 16. /аʊ/ A mouse in the house Mrs. Brown: _________________________! Mr. Brown: __________________________ ___________________________________. Mrs. Brown: _________________________ ___________________________________. Mr. Brown: _________________________? Mrs. Brown: _________________________ ___________________________________. Mr. Brown: _________________________? Mrs. Brown: _________________________ ___________________________________. Mr. Brown: __________________________. Mrs. Brown: ________________________? Mr. Brown: __________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________! 17. /əʊ/ Snow in October Joan: _______________________________! Joe: _______________________________? Joan: _______________________________. Joe: ________________________________ ___________________________________. Joan: _______________________________ ___________________________________! Joe: ________________________________ ___________________________________. Joan: _______________________________ ___________________________________. Joe: ________________________________. Joan: _______________________________ ____________________________________ ___________________________________! 18. /ɪə/ A bearded mountaineer Mr. Lear: ____________________________ ____________________________________. Mrs. Lear: ___________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________. Mr. Lear: ____________________________ ____________________________________. Mrs. Lear: ___________________________ ___________________________________. Mr. Lear: ____________________________. Mrs. Lear: ___________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________. Mr. Lear: ____________________________. Mrs. Lear: ___________________________ ____________________________________! Mr. Lear: ____________________________. Waiter: _____________________________ ___________________________________. Mr. Lear: ___________________________! Mrs. Lear: ___________________________ ____________________________________! 19. /eə/ A pair of hairbrushes Mary: ______________________________ ___________________________________. Claire: ______________________________ ___________________________________? Mary: ______________________________. Claire: _____________________________? Mary: ______________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________. 93 Claire: _____________________________? Mary: ______________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________? Claire: _____________________________ ___________________________________! Mary: ______________________________? Claire: _____________________________ ___________________________________. 20. /p/ Passports, please Official: _____________________________! Mr. Tupman: ________________________ ___________________________________. Mrs. Tupman: _______________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________? Mr. Tupman: _______________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________... Mrs. Tupman: ________________________ ____________________________________ ___________________________________. Mr. Tupman: _________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________... Mrs. Tupman: ________________________ ____________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________. Mr. Tupman: ________________________. Mrs. Tupman: ________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________. Official: ______________________________ _____________________________________. Mr. Tupman: ________________________ ____________________________________ ___________________________________. Official: ____________________________? Mr. Tupman: ________________________. Official: _____________________________ ____________________________________. 21. /b/ Happy birthday Bob: ________________________________. Barbara: ____________________________ ___________________________________. Bob: _______________________________ ___________________________________! Barbara:____________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________. Bob: ________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________. Barbara: ____________________________. Bob: _______________________________? Barbara: ____________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________. Bob: _______________________________ ___________________________________. Barbara: ____________________________ ___________________________________! Bob: ________________________________ _____________________________________ ____________________________________! 22. /t/ In a department store Pretty girl: __________________________. Assistant: ___________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________. Fat man: ___________________________? Assistant: ___________________________ ___________________________________. Little girl: ___________________________ ___________________________________. Assistant: ___________________________ ___________________________________. Tall lady: ____________________________ ___________________________________. Assistant: ___________________________ ___________________________________. Gentleman: _________________________ ___________________________________? Assistant: ___________________________ ___________________________________. Student: ____________________________. Assistant: ___________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________. Little boy: __________________________ ___________________________________? 94 Assistant: ___________________________ ___________________________________. Twins: _____________________________ ___________________________________? Assistant: ___________________________ ___________________________________. 23. /d/ A damaged telephone Daisy: ______________________________. Donald: _____________________________ ___________________________________. Daisy: ______________________________. Donald: _____________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________? Daisy: _______________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Donald: _____________________________ ____________________________________ ___________________________________. Daisy: ______________________________ ___________________________________. Donald: ____________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________? Daisy: ______________________________ ___________________________________. Donald: ____________________________ ___________________________________? Daisy: ______________________________ ____________________________________ ___________________________________? Donald: ____________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________! Mrs. Clark: __________________________ ____________________________________ ___________________________________? Mrs. Cook: ___________________________ ___________________________________. Mrs. Clark: __________________________? Mrs. Cook: __________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________. Mrs. Clark: __________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________? Mrs. Cook: __________________________! Clock: _____________________________!.. Mrs. Clark: ___________________________ ___________________________________! Clock: ______________________________! 25. /g/ Guests in August Craig: ______________________________ ___________________________________. Carol: ______________________________ ___________________________________? Craig: ______________________________ ___________________________________. Carol: ______________________________ ___________________________________. Craig: _______________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________. Carol: ______________________________ ___________________________________. Craig: _______________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________. Carol: ______________________________ ____________________________________. 24. /k/ The cuckoo clock Mrs. Cook: __________________________ ___________________________________? Mrs. Clark: __________________________ ___________________________________. Mrs. Cook: __________________________ ___________________________________? Mrs. Clark: __________________________. Mrs. Cook: _________________________ __________________________________... 26. /s/ It's expensive Sam: ________________________________ ____________________________________. Alice: _______________________________ ___________________________________. Sam: _______________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________. Alice: ______________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________. 95 Sam: _______________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________. Alice: _______________________________ ___________________________________. 27. /z/ Surprises in the post office Mrs. Smith: __________________________ ___________________________________. Mrs. Jones: __________________________ ___________________________________. Mrs. Smith: _________________________? Mrs. Jones: __________________________ ___________________________________. Mrs. Smith: _________________________! Mrs. Jones: _________________________? Mrs. Smith: __________________________ ___________________________________. Sack: ________________________________! Mrs. Jones: __________________________ ___________________________________! Mrs. Smith: _________________________ ___________________________________? Mrs. Jones: __________________________ ___________________________________. Box: _______________________________! Mrs. Smith: _________________________! Mrs. Smith: __________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________. Mrs. Jones: __________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________! 28. /∫/ A special washing machine Mrs. Marsh: __________________________ ____________________________________? Mr. Shaw: ___________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________. Mrs. Marsh: _________________________? Mr. Shaw: ___________________________. Mrs. Marsh: _________________________. ____________________________________ Mr. Shaw: ___________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________. Mrs. Marsh: _________________________ ___________________________________? Mr. Shaw: ___________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________. Mrs. Marsh: __________________________ ____________________________________. Mr. Shaw: __________________________ ___________________________________? Mrs. Marsh: _________________________. 29. /ʧ/ At the butcher's shop Butcher: ____________________________. Mrs. Church: ________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________. Butcher: ____________________________ ___________________________________? Mrs. Church: ________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________. Butcher: ____________________________ ____________________________________? Mrs. Church: ________________________? Butcher: _____________________________ ____________________________________. Mrs. Church: ________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________? Butcher: ____________________________. 30. /ʤ/ George Churchill Jerry: _______________________________ ____________________________________. John: ______________________________ ___________________________________? Jerry: _______________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________. John: ______________________________ ___________________________________? Jerry: _______________________________ ____________________________________. John: ______________________________ ____________________________________ ___________________________________? Jerry: _______________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________. 96 John: ______________________________? Jerry: ______________________________. John: ______________________________? Jerry: ______________________________ ___________________________________! 31. /f/ At the photographer's Phillip: _____________________________ ___________________________________. Photographer: _______________________ ____________________________________ ___________________________________? Phillip: _____________________________ ___________________________________? Phillippa: ___________________________. Photographer: _______________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________? Phillippa: ____________________________. Photographer: _______________________ ___________________________________. Phillip: ______________________________ ____________________________________. Photographer: _______________________ ___________________________________. Phillip: (laughs) Phillippa: ____________________________? Photographer: _______________________. Phillip: ______________________________ ____________________________________? Photographer: _______________________ ___________________________________. 32./v/ A fine view Vera: _______________________________ ___________________________________? Victor: ______________________________ ____________________________________. Vera: ______________________________! Victor: ______________________________. Vera: _______________________________ ___________________________________. Victor: ______________________________. 33. /w/ A walk in the woods Gwen: _____________________________ ___________________________________? Wendy: _____________________________ ___________________________________. Gwen: _____________________________? Wendy: _____________________________ ____________________________________ ___________________________________. Gwen: ______________________________. Wendy: _____________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ___________________________________. Gwen: _____________________________ ___________________________________? Wendy: _____________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ___________________________________. 34. /j/ A stupid student Jim: _______________________________? Jack: _______________________________. Jim: ________________________________ ___________________________________? Jack: _______________________________. Jim: ________________________________ ___________________________________. Jack: _______________________________ ___________________________________? Jim: ________________________________ ___________________________________. Jack: _______________________________ ____________________________________ ___________________________________? Jim: ________________________________. Jack: _______________________________? Jim: ________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________. Jack: _______________________________. 35. /h/ A horrible accident Helen: ______________________________. Ellen: ______________________________ ___________________________________. Helen: _____________________________? Ellen: _______________________________ ____________________________________. Helen: _____________________________? Ellen: ______________________________ ___________________________________. 97 Helen: _____________________________? Ellen: _______________________________ ____________________________________. Helen: ______________________________! Ellen: _______________________________ ____________________________________. Helen: ______________________________. Ellen: ______________________________. 36. /θ/ Gossips Judith: _____________________________. Ethel: _______________________________. Judith: _____________________________. Ethel: ______________________________. Judith: _____________________________ ___________________________________. Ethel: ______________________________ ___________________________________. Judith: _____________________________ ___________________________________. Ethel: _______________________________ ____________________________________. Judith: _____________________________. Ethel: ______________________________ ___________________________________. Judith: _____________________________. Ethel: ______________________________? Judith: _____________________________. 37. /ð/ The hat in the window Miss Brothers: _______________________ ___________________________________. Assistant: ____________________________ _____________________________________ ____________________________________? Miss Brothers: _______________________. Assistant: ____________________________? Miss Brothers: _______________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________. Assistant: ___________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________. Miss Brothers: _______________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________. Assistant: ___________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________. 38. /m/ Mum's crumpets Jim: _______________________________ ___________________________________? Mrs. Smith: _________________________ ___________________________________? Jim: ________________________________ ____________________________________. Mrs. Smith: _________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________? Jim: _______________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________? Mrs. Smith: __________________________. Jim: ________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________! 39. /n/ At an accommodation agency Mr. Mason : _________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________. Manager: ___________________________ ___________________________________? Mr. Mason: _________________________. Manager: ___________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ___________________________________. Mr. Mason: _________________________? Manager: __________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________... Mr. Mason: _________________________ ___________________________________! 40. /ŋ/ Noisy neighbours Mr. Pring: __________________________ ____________________________________ ___________________________________? 98 Mrs. Pring: __________________________. Mr. Pring: ___________________________ ___________________________________? Mrs. Pring: __________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ___________________________________. Mr. Pring: __________________________? Mrs. Pring: __________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ___________________________________! Mr. Pring: __________________________? Mrs. Pring: __________________________. Mr. Pring: __________________________? Mrs. Pring: __________________________ ____________________________________ ___________________________________. Mr. Pring: __________________________? Mrs. Pring: __________________________ ___________________________________. Mr. Pring: ___________________________ ___________________________________. 41. /l/ Early for lunch Mr. Allen: ___________________________ ___________________________________. Waitress: ___________________________ ___________________________________. Mr. Allen: ___________________________ ___________________________________. Waitress: ___________________________? Mr. Allen: ___________________________. Waitress: ___________________________ ____________________________________ ___________________________________. Mr. Allen: ___________________________. Waitress: ___________________________ ___________________________________? Mr. Allen: ___________________________ ___________________________________. 42. /l/ A spoilt little boy in a bicycle shop Paul: _______________________________! Uncle Bill: ___________________________! Salesman: __________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________... Uncle Bill: ___________________________! Paul: _______________________________ ____________________________________. Salesman: __________________________ __________________________________... Paul: _______________________________ ___________________________________. Uncle Bill: __________________________ __________________________________... Paul: _______________________________ ____________________________________. 43. /r/ A proud parent Mrs. Randal: ________________________ ___________________________________? Mrs. Reed: __________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________. Mrs. Randal: ________________________ ___________________________________? Mrs. Reed: ___________________________ ____________________________________. Mrs. Randal: _________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________. Mrs. Reed: ___________________________ _____________________________________ ____________________________________. Mrs. Randal: ________________________ ___________________________________? Mrs. Reed: ___________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________. Mrs. Randal: ________________________ ___________________________________? Mrs. Reed: ___________________________ ____________________________________. Mrs. Randal: _________________________ ____________________________________? Mrs. Reed: __________________________. Mrs. Randal: _________________________ ____________________________________? Mrs. Reed: __________________________. 99 Appendix 6 Alphabetic index A Accidental rise – 66 Active organs of speech – 6 Adverbial modifiers – 66 Affricate – 7 Alternative question – 79 Alveolar – 8 Apical – 8 Apposition – 45 Aspiration – 9 Assimilation – 24 B Back part of the tongue – 6, 7 Backlingual – 8 Bilabial – 8 Blade – 6, 7 C Clear ‘l’ – 14 Complex sentence – 76 Compound adjective – 45 Compound sentences – 66 Consonants – 6, 7, 8 D Dark ‘ł’ – 14 Digraph – 44, 64 Diphthong – 8 Diphthongoid – 8 Direct address – 37, 53 Direct speech – 66 Disjunctive question – 79 E English Rhythm – 25 Enumeration – 45 Exclamations – 70 F Fall-Rise – 53 Forelingual – 8 Fricative – 7 Front part of the tongue – 6, 7 Function words – 37 G General question – 79 Geographical names – 64 Glide – 29 Glottal – 8 Glottal stop – 12 H Hard palate – 6, 7 I Interdental – 8 Intonation – 15 Intonation formula – 30 Intoning – 19 IPA – 6 L Labial – 8 Labiodental – 8 Labialized vowel – 8 Lateral plosion – 15 Lingual – 8 Linking ‘j’ – 69 Linking ‘r’ – 48 Linking ‘w’ – 69 Lips – 6 Logical stress – 17 Long vowel – 8 Loss of aspiration – 41 Loss of plosion – 34 Low Fall – 15 Low Rise – 16 Lower lip – 7 Lower teeth – 7 M Mediolingual – 8 Monophthong – 8 Mouth cavity – 6 N Nasal cavity – 6 Nasal plosion – 28 Nasal sonorant – 7 Noise consonants – 7 Non-labialized vowel – 8 Nuclear Tone – 15 Nucleus – 29 Numerals – 50-51 O Oral sonorant – 7 Organs of speech – 6, 7 P Palatalization – 11 Palate – 6 Palato-alveolar – 8 Parenthesis – 45 Passive organs of speech – 6 Phoneme – 5 Please – 61 Plosive – 7 Post-alveolar – 8 Preposition after nucleus – 70 Pronunciation of articles – 17 Q Qualitative reduction – 30 Quantitative reduction – 30 R Reduction – 30 Regressive assimilation – 25 Rhythm units - 19 Root of the tongue – 6, 7 S Sentence stress – 17 Short vowel – 8 Soft palate – 6, 7 Sonorant – 6, 7 Sonorants with preceding consonants – 52 Special question - 79 Stress – 58 Strong and weak forms – 74 Syllabification – 51 Syntagma – 15 T Teeth – 6 Teeth ridge – 6, 7 Thank you – 61 Tip of the tongue – 6, 7 Tongue – 6, 7 Transcription – 6 Triphthong – 8 Types of syllables – 35 U Upper lip – 7 Upper teeth – 7 Uvula – 6, 7 V Velar – 8 Vocal cords – 7 Voiced consonants – 6, 7 Voiceless consonants – 6, 7 Vowel duration – 12 Vowels – 6, 7, 8 W Well – 70 Word stress – 12 100 /b/ /p/ /d/ /t/ /ɡ/ /k/ 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 27 /v/ 27 /f/ 10 /z/ 10 /s/ 9 /ʒ/ 9 /ʃ/ Appendix 7 IPA index 32 /ð/ 23 /n/ 21 /ʌ/ 35 /ǝ/ 32 /θ/ 23 /r/ 47 /e/ 20 /ɔː/ 26 /h/ 39 /l/ 14 /ʊ/ 59 /ɑː/ 26 /dʒ/ 55 /w/ 33 /æ/ 20 /ɜː/ 41 /tʃ/ 55 /j/ 33 /ɒ/ 42 /iː/ 41 /m/ 21 /ŋ/ 21 /ɪ/ 11 /uː/ 18 42 35 39 11 59 /aɪ/ /eɪ/ /ɔɪ/ /aʊ/ /ǝʊ/ /eǝ/ 48 48 48 29 29 57 /ʊǝ/ /ɪǝ/ /aʊǝ/ /aɪǝ/ 53 57 63 63 Appendix 8 Useful links http://www.pearsonlongman.com/phonetic-chart.html http://www.macmillanenglish.com/phonemic-chart/ http://www.stuff.co.uk/calcul_nd.htm http://www.antimoon.com/how/pronunc-soundsipa.htm http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/grammar/pron/sounds/ http://www.englishmedialab.com/pronunciation.html http://usefulenglish.ru/phonetics/ http://www.native-english.ru/pronounce Sources: 1. Белогурова С.П., Практическая фонетика английского языка для студентов 1 курса факультета английской филологии: Учебно-методическое пособие. – М.: АПКиППРО, 2008. – 122с. 2. Ефимова Р.Н., Фонетика: Начинаем читать, писать и говорить по-английски. – Спб.: КАРО, 2007. – 144с. 3. Корчажкина О.М., Тихонова Р.М., Фонетико-орфографический справочник английского языка – М.: Форум: Инфра М. 2004. – 256с. 4. Лебединская Б.Я., Практикум по английскому языку: англйиское произношение: учеб. пособие для вузов. – 2-е изд., испр. – М.: Астрель: АСТ, 2005. – 175с. 5. Леонтьева С.Ф., Теоретическая фонетика современного английского языка: Учеб. для студентов педагогических вузов и университетов. – 3-е изд., испр. и доп. – М.: Издательство «Менеджер», 2004. – 336с. 6. Практический курс англйиского языка: 1 курс: Учебник для студентов пед. вузов / Под ред. В.Д.Аракина – 5-е изд., испр. – М.: Гуманит. изд. центр ВЛАДОС, 2001. – 544с. 7. Baker Ann, Ship or Sheep? An intermediate pronunciation course. Third edition – Cambridge University Press, 2007. – 224p. 8. Baker Ann, Tree or three? An elementary pronunciation course. Second edition – Cambridge University Press, 2007. – 130p. 9. Fitzpatrick Frank, A teacher’s guide to practical pronunciation – International Book Distributors Ltd, 1995. – 101p. 10. Hancock Mark, English pronunciation in use. Intermediate. Self-study and classroom use – Cambridge University Press, 2009. – 200p. 11. Marks Jonathan, English pronunciation in use. Elementary. Self-study and classroom use – Cambridge university press, 2009. – 166p. 12. O’Connor J.D., Fletcher Clare, Sounds English. A pronunciation practice book – Longman Froup UK Limited, 1994. – 125p.