Change Management - rocb

WCO Management Development
Conference:”The Role of Customs Regulation in the Economic Security in the
Globalization Context”
Section 4: Management of Customs system and ways of improvement
Vitali Mikeladze
WCO Europe Regional Office for Capacity Building
27 January 2012
2011 Organization
Copyright © 2011–
Всемирная Таможенная Организация
• 177 членов
• Пересмотренная Киотская Конвенция по Упрощению
и Гармонизации Т-процедур (вступила в силу 3/022006; 77 государств)
• Стамбульская Конвенция
• Найробийская Конвенция (Йоганесбургская
• Пересмотренная Арушская Декларация
• Гармонизированная Система (141 государство; 5000
товарных групп)
Copyright © 2011– World Customs Organization
Инструменты ИР ВТО
• Стратегия институционального развития ВТО (2003)
• Рамочные Стандарты Безопасности и Облегчения мировой
торговли (2005г.; две основы (3-сотр-во с к/органами на
границе?), 4 элемента, 17 стандартов)
• Программа «Колумб» –26/01-2006: 166 стран-участниц, из них
120 – с помощью ВТО,115 ДМ, 83 ТС на стадии внедрения,
(Европа:16 – с помощью ВТО, 15 ДМ)
• Таможня 21го века (10 строительных блоков)
• Модель данных ВТО (включающая ЕО)
• Методика хронометража Времени
• База данных по правилам происхождения товаров
• Стратегия регионализации ИР(РУЦ, РИЛО, Рег/Офис)
• Стратегия ИР Европейского региона
Copyright © 2011– World Customs Organization
Подготовка кадров ТС
• Система Электронного обучения (CLiKC-Сustoms Learning
and Knowledge Community): более 150 модулей, на 3-5 языках,
250 часов, 2500 страниц, интерактивная форма, облегченный
доступ с помощью Интернета
• Программа «ПИКАРД» (Партнерство в развитии таможенных
академических исследований), 80 Университетов и вузов:
а) разработка учебных программ (Профессиональные
стандарты управления ВТО; учебные программы
(бакалавр/магистр), лицензирование программ (7 вузов)
б) научные исследования по актуальной тематике (СBM,
Оценка результатов деятельности; ежегод. kонференции,
журнал INCU)
• Программа укрепления морально-этического состояния ТС
(семинарские занятия, концепция внедрения)
Copyright © 2011– World Customs Organization
Подготовка кадров ТС
Copyright © 2011– World Customs Organization
Copyright © 2011– World Customs Organization
WCO Capacity Building approach
WCO Capacity Building Strategy (2003) – basis for
sustainable CB development of Members
“…helping WCO Members develop or acquire the
skills, competencies, tools, processes, and
resources needed to improve the capacity of the
administration to carry out its allotted functions
and achieve its objectives.”
Customs CB Operational Strategy (2008)
- Members’ engagement and ownership of
modernisation programmes – key to sustainable
- mobilisation of regional and global resources and
development of partnerships to deliver CB
Copyright © 2011– World Customs Organization
The WCO Capacity Building Portfolio
The WCO CB programmes and initiatives
- Columbus Programme
- Learning, including CLiKC!
- Integrity
- Fellowship Programme
- Career Development Programme (previously
Internship Programme)
- PICARD Programme
- Management Development Programme
- Regionalization
- Tripartite Agreements
Copyright © 2011– World Customs Organization
Leadership and Management Development
Module 1 - Introduction
Module 2 - Elements of a Modern Customs
Module 3 - Strategic management
Module 4 - Self-evaluation
Module 5 - Leadership
Module 6 – Visioning
Copyright © 2011– World Customs Organization
Leadership and Management Development
Module 7 - Management Styles and Situational
Module 8 – People Management
Module 9 - Promoting Integrity
Module 10 – Negotiation Skills
Module 11 – Communications
Module 12 - Change Management
Copyright © 2011– World Customs Organization
Module 1
Presentation of the workshop & Introduction of
 Management development as WCO priority
 Capacity building and Customs modernization
 Skills necessary to be an effective strategic manager in a
Customs environment
 Creation of an atmosphere conducive to learning
 Ground rules of the workshop
 Understanding the roles of facilitators and participants
 Time – 70 minutes
Copyright © 2011– World Customs Organization
Module 2
Elements of a Modern Customs Administration
 7 dimensions of a modern Administration, based on the WCO
Diagnostic Framework
 Analysis of the requirements of these elements to better
understand Customs modernization
 Overview of key international standards and best practices in the
area of Customs
 Overview of Customs in the 21st Century
 Time – 120 minutes
Copyright © 2011– World Customs Organization
Module 3
Strategic management
 Concept of Strategic management – its application in the
 Defining Leadership – What is it?
 Presentation on PICARD
 Introduction to the Personal Development Pyramid
 ‘Knowing yourself’ – an issue for leaders
 Increasing awareness for qualities
 Time – 240 minutes
Copyright © 2011– World Customs Organization
Personal Development Pyramid
Copyright © 2011– World Customs Organization
Module 4
Leadership and Management self-evaluation
 Self-assessment of own leadership and management skills
 Validate understanding of skills
 Identify strengths and weaknesses – develop a personal
development action plan
 Individual exercise with coaching support from facilitators and
 “Being a partner” - applying some basic coaching principles
 Time – 30 minutes
 Throughout the duration of the workshop
Copyright © 2011– World Customs Organization
Module 5
Distinction between Leadership and management
Focus on raising self-awareness
Leadership in action – behaviours of leadership and its impact
Leadership and future – imagining an ideal World
Awaken the leader through greater self-awareness - body, mind,
emotions and spirit
 Servant leadership – “parent of the world”
 Time – 245 minutes
Copyright © 2011– World Customs Organization
Module 6
 Understanding the administration’s vision statement and beyond
 Visioning at the organizational level and at the “work area” level
 Difference between mission, vision, strategy, and organizational
 Visioning as an ongoing process
 “Walk the walk and talk the talk”
 Time – 175 minutes
Copyright © 2011– World Customs Organization
Module 7
Management Styles and Situational Leadership
 Understanding your own management style and that of the
 Identifying your preferred style
 Understanding and experiencing various management styles
 Situational Leadership – its four dimensions
 Leader: Work and Person
 Worker: Task Maturity, Commitment and beyond
 Time – 175 minutes
Copyright © 2011– World Customs Organization
Module 8
People Management
HR Management vs People Management
Achieving results through others
Coaching & Feedback
Performance management
 Time – 360 minutes
Copyright © 2011– World Customs Organization
Module 9
Promoting Integrity
Integrity and corruption in the Customs environment
Broad concept of integrity: anti-corruption, professional conduct
Impact on objectives, organisation, people, stakeholders,
Organisational response: integrity development in the Customs
context – based on the Revised Arusha Declaration
 Anti-corruption pipeline
 Role of the manager in the promotion of integrity in the
workplace - concrete actions that should be taken
 Personal values and integrity
 Time – 220 minutes
Copyright © 2011– World Customs Organization
Module 10
Negotiation Skills
 Negotiations in the Customs context – role play
 Manager as a negotiator on a daily basis
 Best practices and lessons learned
 Time – 120 minutes
Copyright © 2011– World Customs Organization
Module 11
Strategic Communication Skills
 Managing strategic communications – achieving results through
effective communications
 What is it? and how to apply strategic communications
 Strategic communications in practice – identifying good
 Segmentation and stakeholder analysis
 Time – 150 minutes
Copyright © 2011– World Customs Organization
Module 11
Personal Communication
 Why is personal communication important for a manager
 How can one improve his/her communication skills
 What can have an impact on communication:
- Body language
- Filters
 Emotional intelligence
 Time – 180 minutes
Copyright © 2011– World Customs Organization
Module 12
Change Management
Change management principles and concepts
Consolidate many other skills acquired and issues covered
Types of changes and drivers for change
Role of manager in managing change
 Change and personal transition process
 How can the manager lead people to accept change
 Time – 120 minutes
Copyright © 2011– World Customs Organization
Module 12
Change Management
 Organizational change management
 Familiarize with Kotter’s 8-step approach to change
 Apply concepts to practical Customs cases
 Time – 185 minutes
Copyright © 2011– World Customs Organization
Other LMD modules
 9-day core programme
 1-day for optional modules
 Possible modules:
Business case preparation
Project proposal preparation
IT governance
Corporate risk management
Performance measurement
Diversity in the workplace
Time management
Conflict resolution
Copyright © 2011– World Customs Organization
LMD for Top Executives
 3-day high level and interactive facilitated discussion on senior
leadership and Customs management issues
 Targeted participants: Top managers only
 Based on Building Block A and PICARD standards
 Upon request from Members only
 Contents?
 Facilitators?
 Other issues?
Copyright © 2011– World Customs Organization
Regionalisation in Europe
WCO Regional Office for Capacity Building
in Baku(ROCB):
• Coordinate CB activities in Europe region
• Identify Members CB needs
• Provide support to Members compliant to WCO instruments (RKC)
• Promote modern HR development programmes (PICARD)
• Ensure availability of professional training resources
• Promote development of change management skills
• Coordinate activities of RTCs
• To develop staff to be able to support Members reforms etc.
Regional Web-portal: Compendium of National Training Centers (Europe) +
Customs academic Universities
Scientific Journal- your articles are welcome
Copyright © 2011– World Customs Organization
Natiq Aliyev str., 4a
1025 – Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan
Tel:+994 12 464 3134/35
Fax:+994 12 464 3136
Copyright © 2011– World Customs Organization