Practice of oral speech IRel.Part 1

al-Farabi Kazakh National University
Faculty of International Relations
Chair of Diplomatic Translation
Approved by the University
Dean of the Faculty
Scientific-Methodical Council
________ K.N. Shakirov
Meeting (Sitting)
“____” _________ 2015
Protocol № __ from ____ 2015
Vice-Rector on Academic affairs
Akhmed-Zaki D.Zh.
“___” _________
Methodical Recommendations
For the elective course
“Practice of oral speech and writing: English. Part 1.
Specialty Code: 5B050500 “Regional studies.” Education form: full time
Almaty, 2015
Methodical recommendations for the discipline
Practice of oral speech and writing: English. Part 1.
developed by Associate Professor of KazNU Makusheva M.K. and senior teacher
Karipbayeva Y.A.
On the basis of the Academic Program (Curriculum) specialty “5B030200” –
International Law
Considered and recommended at the Chair meeting “Diplomatic Translation”
On “___” ___________ 2015, Protocol № ____
Head of the Chair
Recommended at the Methodical Council (bureau of the Faculty).
On “___” ___________ 2015, protocol № ____
Chairman ________________ Sairambayeva Zh.T.
Contents of the discipline:
“Practice of oral speech and writing: English
Name of the theme:
System of Education in Kazakhstan, Great Britain and the USA
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
Choosing a career
My Future Specialty
General information about Kazakhstan
Geography, history and population of Kazakhstan
Customs, traditions and national holidays in Kazakhstan
General information on the USA
Geography, history, population of the USA
Customs and Traditions, national holidays in the USA
General information on Great Britain
Geography, history, population of Great Britain
Customs and traditions, national holidays of Great Britain
Environment protection
Ecology of a megapolis
2. Plans of seminars and forms of activities at seminars (traditional seminars,
checking up of home assignments, situational analysis, “Round tables”, brain storm
activities, practical classes).
3. Recommended literature to be used at seminars:
Учебное пособие для студентов 1 курса факультета международных
отношений. Коллектив авторов кафедры дип.перевода. изд."Қазақ
Университеті" 2004 г
Plan of the practical classes:
I. Topic: The system of education in Kazakhstan, Great Britain and the USA.
Aims and objectives: to continue developing oral speech habit by using
and consolidating the Essential Vocabulary; to consolidate the new grammar
material (the subjunctive mood); to pay attention to the presentation and reading
strategies; to discuss the basic questions related to topic
General information on the education system of Kazakhstan, Great Britain
and the USA is grown in a comparative form. The advantages and disadvantages of
each system is to be stated.
The structure and the strategy of the education system of Al-Farabi KazNU
within the frame of the Bologna Process should be considered.
Lexical minimum:
education system – система образования
to provide – обеспечивать
at public expense – за счет государства
to graduate from – окончить ВУЗ
to establish – создавать, учреждать
elementary and secondary levels – начальный и средний уровень
to enroll in – принимать (ст-тов) в….
a free education system – бесплатная система образования
to finance certain educational programs – финансировать определенный
образовательной программы
to set basic requirements for teaching – выдвигать (устанавливать) основные
требования к обучению
compulsory disciplines – обязательные дисциплины
to study for a US degree – обучаться в США для получения степени
to use distance education – использовать дистанционного обучения
marks, grades – оценки
to be engaged in extracurricular activities – заниматься внеклассной работой
to acquire new occupational skills – приобретать новый профессиональные
to update or upgrade job skills – повышать квалификацию
to create a scholarship fund – создать стипендиальный фонд
Do the tasks to control yourself:
Answer the following questions:
a)What do you know about the education system of Great Britain?
b)What can you tell about the education system of the USA
c).Compare the education systems of the USA, Great Britain and Kazakhstan
d).Speak on new academic approaches originated in the curriculum of KazNU
within the frame of the Bologna Process
1. Complete the following sentences adding some information
a).The oldest universities in the RK, Great Britain and the USA are………..
b).Oxford, Yale and Harvard Universities are famous for……………
c).The main functions of a Federal Department of Education in the USA, of the
Ministry of Education in the RK are………….
d).Adult education is so widely spread now because…………..
e).What birthday was Al-Farabi KazNU celebrated recently?
2. Tell if the following sentences are true or false:
a).Franklin Delano Roosevelt was a graduated of Yale University.
b).Students of International Relations Department of KazNU can not engaged in
extracurricular activities.
c).A large number of students hold jobs besides studying.
d).Preschooling is compulsory in Kazakhstan.
e)Studying for degree under distance education requires students to have special
qualities such as self-discipline and the ability to work on their own.
Our University
Aims and objectives: to continue developing oral speech habit by using and
consolidating the Essential Vocabulary; to consolidate the new grammar material
(the subjunctive mood); to pay attention to the presentation and reading strategies;
to discuss the basic questions related to the history of the University and to the
current new approaches and strategies of the leading HEE of the RK in the aspect
of the Bologna Process.
Lexical minimum
to be founded – быть основанным
compulsory education – обязательное образование
full-time (part-time, extra-time) student – студент очной (вечерней и заочной)
формы обучения
to have every opportunity – иметь все возможности
to get a higher education – получить высшее образование
to be free of charge – быть бесплатным
tuition fee – плата за обучение
to be ranking among – быть в числе
to use innovations approaches and technologies – использовать
инновационные подходы и технологии
to join the Bologna Process – присоединиться к Европейскому
образовательному процессу
to be good at – преуспевать в чем-то
to lay behind – отставать
to catch up – догонять
to miss classes – пропускать занятия
to attend classes – посещать занятия
to introduce credit technologies – для введения кредитных технологий
to pass(take) exam successfully – сдавать (сдать) экзамены на успешно
compulsory subjects – обязательный предмет
elective course – элективный курс
to study abroad for a degree – учиться за рубежом
a Bachelor Degree student – бакалавр
a Master Degree student – магистратура
a PhD student – докторантура
to depend a thesis (dissertation) – защищать диссертацию
to submit a course paper – представить курсовую работу на обсуждение
Do the tasks to control yourself:
1.Answer the following questions:
a).When was al Farabi Kazakh National University founded?
b).What outstanding people (figures) studied at the University?
c).What was the number of students in the first year of the University existence?
d).Has the University produces any Nobel laureates?
e). How long does it take a student to get any vocational skill?
f).What is the tuition fee at the University?
g).Can the students of KazNU hold any part-time jobs when studying?
h).How long must a student study to get Bachelor (Master, PhD) degree?
j).When did the University get the status of “National”?
Complete the following sentences adding some information:
Since tuition fees at the Universities are rather high, a large number of schoolleavers…
As a result of economic changes and the rapid advance of the “IT” age, students…
The cherished desire of a Kazakhstani school-leavers is to…
If our students were given a chance to have part-time jobs “on campus” (in
dormitories, cafeterias, students’ services, they…)
Prepare the presentation on the topic: “How to become a competitive specialist”
III.Topic: Choosing a career. My Future Profession.
Aims and objectives: Introduction of new words and phrases on the topic. Further
developing of skills and oral speech habits on the given topics. Developing good
communication skills in order to make up dialogues and monologues, and to
organize discussions on the topic. Reading and analyzing texts on the topic.
Lexical minimum
to make a great influence on one’s career choice – оказать огромное влияние на
выбор профессии
to be of great need and importance – быть в спросе и представлять особую
to analyze one’s interest and abilities – анализировать интересы и способности
to be fully dedicated – посвятить себя полностью чему-либо
knowledge of foreign languages – знание иностранных языков
to achieve perfection – стремиться достичь совершенства
to demand creative thinking – требовать творческого мышления
to have great capability perspective – иметь большие возможности в будущем
to apply for a high-paid job – искать, подавать заявление на
высокооплачиваемую работу
to turn a skill into a career – превратить умения и навыки в карьеру
to make enough money to support yourself and your family – зарабатывать
достаточно денег, чтобы содержать себя и семью
to provide yourself a secure future – обеспечить себе надежное будущее
a challenging task – трудная задача
freelance work – свободная от графика работа
to work out a realistic set of occupational requirement – разработать реальный
комплекс профессиональных требований
to make up one’s mind to do something – решить сделать что-либо
to be sacked/fired – быть уволенным
to be made redundant - попасть под сокращение, быть уволенным
Do the tasks to control yourself:
Answer the following questions:
.a).What sort of life do you want to live?
b).Do you want to live in the country or in the town?
c).Is leisure time of great importance to you?
d).Is the size of your future salary important?
e).What sort of work do you want to do?
f).Do you want to work alone or with others?
g).Do you want to be an organizer of other people’s activities?
h).Would you like to develop new ideas and initiate changes?
Complete the following sentences adding some new ideas:
You should not rely on someone’s advice when choosing your future career
If you have great capability persistence, you will…
If you don’t observe occupational requirements, you won’t…
On a path towards a fruitful, fulfilling career, one should…
If your future career is based on freelance work, you…
Keep in mind the following:
It is the best to work to a plan
Be wary of any job which promises easy money
Don’t get pulled into various, numerous pyramidal schemes. This can land you in
debt or even prison
Be wary of jobs offered overseas.
IY-YII.Topics: General information about Kazakhstan.Kazakhstan: geography,
history, population. Customs, traditions and national holydays.
Aims and objectives: to learn and to know the essential vocabulary in order to be
able to study the history population, customs and traditions, and cultural life of
Kazakhstan in the contemporary context.
Learning-objectives must be geared toward student’s needs to develop their
competence in the following:
- To pronounce geographical and proper names correctly in the texts about
- To know the essential vocabulary specified by the curriculum;
- To develop language proficiency and reading skills for getting information related
to the theme: “ Kazakhstan in the past and at the present”.
Lexical minimum on the topic: “ General information about Kazakhstangeography, history, population”
to cover an area-занимать площадь
to stretch from… to… for… - простираться с… на..
administrative and territorial division-административно-территориальное
independent and sovereign-независимое и суверенное
a unitary state-унитарное государство
a presidential form of government-президентская форма правления
to be a member of-быть членом
to have a special status-иметь особый стату
ancient Turkic nomadic tribes-древние тюркские кочевые племена
the stone age-каменный век
to have a considerable influence upon the formation of…- иметь оказывать
значительное влияние на формирование чего-либо
flourishing cities-процветающие города
to develop trade and handicrafts-развивать торговлю и ремесленное дело
to conquer-завоевать
to start the siege-начать осаду
to annihilate all the population-уничтожить все население
to win the victory over…-одержать победу над…
political repressions- политические репрессии
the collapse of the USSR-развал СССР
to gain the independence- завоевать независимостьm
multinational- многонациональный
a secular state- светское государство
the density of population- плотность населения
b). Customs, traditions and national holidays
national cuisine- национальная кухня
“yurta”- юрта
to set up and take down- собирать и разбирать
to provide warmth and protection- снабжать теплом и защитой
hHand-crafted articles- вещи ручной работы
rugs and blankets- коврики и корпешки(одеяла)
dombra- основной национальный 2-х струнный музыкальный инструмент
national game competitions- национальные игры-соревнования
the major feature of Kazakh culture- основная черта казахской культуры
a deep love for music and songs- истинная любовь к музыке и пению
impressing traditional costumes- восхитительная традиционная одежда
the wedding ceremony- свадебная церемония
to keep ancient behests- хранить древние повеления,заветы.
Nauryz- древний тюркский праздник Нового года
spring equinox- весеннее равноденствие
seven ingredients- семь наименований продуктов
7 life beginnings- семь начал жизни
to symbolize joy ( luck, wisdom, health, speed growth and Heaven protection)символизировать радость (удачу, мудрость, здоровье, рост и божью защиту )
to revive physically and spiritually- восстановиться/оздоровиться физически и
to reconcile with smb- мириться с кем-то
to ask for forgiveness for- просить прощение за что-либо
sharp verbal competitions of akyns- острая словесная борьба акынов
contests in national sports and games- соревнования в национальных видах
спорта и играх
Do the tasks to control yourself
Answer the following questions:
a).Where is the Republic of Kazakhstan (RK) situated?
b).What is the population of the country?
c).What countries does the RK border on?
d).What part of the country is called “Semirechie”?
e).Are there any navigable rivers in the RK?
f).Does the territory of the RK have the outlet with to open sea?
g).What do you think of the geopolitical position of the RK?
a).Can you prove that the history of the Kazakh land began with the appearance of
the human race in the stone age?
b).What is the correlation between the Kharluc Khanate and the first Muslim
Turkic state?
c).Name the most flourishing cities of that period.
d).Why is Kazakhstan called a multinational state?
Customs, traditions and National holidays:
a).What specific Kazakh customs and traditions do you know? Dwell upon them.
b).Can you give some information about a legendary akyn Korkyt Ata?
c).Kazakh national music has a long and rich history and traditions. Speak on
Prepare presentations on the topics:
a) Kazakhstan in the 21st century.
b) The role and place of the RK in the World community.
YIII-X-.Topics The USA: a) General information about the USA,
b)Geography, history, population
c) Customs, traditions and national holidays
Tasks and Objectives. Language-learning objectives like other objectives, are
defined in terms of practical acquisition of a foreign language by learning and
enriching the lexical minimum in order to be able to get information related to the
theme: “The USA”; to develop communicative competences by reading and
translating the texts on the given topic, asking and answering the questions and
giving additional information on the suggested themes.
Lexical minimum on the Topic: General information about the USA:
geography, history, population
to cover the territory – занимать площадь, территорию
to be situated – быть расположенным
to be washed by – омываться водами
to stretch from…to… - простираться от ... до ...
to be divided into – делиться на ...
bay, falls, plains – залив, водопады, равнины
lowlands and highlands – низменности и возвышенности
to have the outlet into – иметь выход к ...
to flow into the ocean – впадать в океан
to be cut by deep rapids – быть изрезанным глубокими порогами
rocky mountains and high peaks – скалистые горы и высокие вершины
to be rich in natural resources – быть богатым природными ресурсами
to overcome the drought – бороться с засухой
to harvest two crops – собирать два урожая
due to favourable climatic conditions – благодаря благоприятным
климатическим условиям
to discover a new continent – обнаружить (найти, открыть) новый континент
to start the War of Independence – начать Войну за Независимость
the Declaration of Independence – Декларация Независимости
to establish the first permanent settlement – основать первое постоянное
to exercise control over – осуществлять контроль над
the Pilgrims – паломники
to conflict with smth constantly – постоянно встпуать в конфликт с ....
to develop trade, industry and agriculture- развивать торговлю,
промышленность и сельское хозяйство
to be independent of – быть независимой от
the battle and victory of the colonials – битва и победа колонистов
Britain’s hereditary enemy – вечный враг Британии
to recognize finally and formally American independence – признать
окончательно и официально американскую независимость
free labor, slave labor – свободный труд, рабский труд
to sweep away the obstacles – устранить все припядствия
the Great Depression – Великая Депрессия
economic collapse – экономический крах
economic recovery – экономическое восстоновление
The People of America
a Nation of immigrants – нация иммигрантов
to be of non-English origin – быть не английского происхождения
according to the US census of population – согласно переписке населения США
poverty and joblessness – нищита и безработица
Afro-American ancestors -афро-американские предки
to transport in chains - перевозить в цепях
to pass laws prohibiting discrimination – принять законы запрещяюшие
to force tribes to inhabit reservations – заставлять племена проживать в
to decrease and disappear altogether (population) - сократиться и исчезнуть
вовсе (население)
to lose languages and most of their culture – потерять свой язык и культуру
to derive from – происходить от
countless place names – многочисленные названия мест
American National Holidays and Traditions
to be rich in customs and traditions – быть богатым раул обычаями и
to compare to other countries – сравнивать с другими странами
to be founded upon 7 principles - основываться на 7 принципах
to exchange gifts – обмениваться подарками
to become social events – стать общественными мероприятиями
to carry on rain dancing – проводить танец дождя
to hold flower festivals – проводить выствку фестиваль цветов
the sign of friendship and welcome – Знак дружбы и приветствия
to be observed throughout the country – отмечать по всей стране
the most entertaining and relaxing holiday – самый развлекательный праздник
Do the tasks to control yourself;
Answer the following questions:
History, geography and population of the USA
a).Who were the very first settlers on the American continent?
b).Why was the «New World called America?»
c).What do 50 stars and the stripes on the American flag symbolize?
d).Why don’t the Indians want civilization?
e).What counties were the first to establish colonies on the newly discovered land?
f).Why some information on the War of Independence and the American Civil
Geography of the USA
a).Where is the USA situated?
b).What are the names of the five Great Lakes and seven great rivers in the USA?
c).Have you ever heard about the Niagara Falls?
d).What is the climate of the USA affected by?
e)What part of the USA is very much exposed to the hurricanes and large cyclonic
Population of the USA
a).What is a typical American?
b).What are the main values of the Americans?
American national Holidays and traditions:
1. What have many of American Holidays originated from?
2. What holiday encourages African Americans to think about African roots?
3. How do the Americans in Michigan celebrate a winter festival?
4. How do the Americans celebrate the New Year?
5. When and who declared Memorial Day as a National Holiday?
6. What do you know about such holidays as Independence Day, Thanksgiving
7. What kind of Holiday is Easter, Christmas?
8. What is the origin of St. Valentine’s day?
2. Complete the following sentences:
a) The USA is a country of great differences because….
b) Two Great Powers, the USSR and the USA, were on the brink of War
c) On November 22,1963, President Kennedy……
d) It was impossible to prevent economic collapse and in 1929 there began……
e) Cities of the USA were able to grow vertically as well as horizontally with the
appearance of…
f) In 1986 the space shuttle “Challenger”…..
g) Although the USA is young compared to other countries, its culture and
traditions are rich because…..
Every July 4, Americans….
3.Write and make presentations on the topic:
a)the USA in the 21-st century.
b) the Role and place of the USA in the world developments
to have great influence on the climate – оказывать огромное влияние на климат
valleys and plains – долины и равнины
to be cool and rainy – быть прохладным и дождливым
XI-XIII.Topics: Great Britain: a) General information about the USA,
b)Geography, history, population
c) Customs, traditions and national holidays
the inhabitants of the UK – жители Великобритании
the English – англичанин
the Scots – шотландец
the Welsh – житель Уэльса
the Irish – житель Ирландии
to have a certain insular spirit – обладать определенным островным духом
to be friendly and sociable – быть дружелюбным и общительным
to have basically different outlooks – обладать абсолютно другим взглядом,
English vanity and arrogance – английское тщеславие и высокомерие
a reserved person – сдержанный человек
to be modest – быть скромным
to have a sense of humor – иметь чувство юмора
to be rather conservative – быть достаточно консервативным
to be infatuated with common sense – быть поглощенным здравым смыслом
to be prudent and careful – быть предусмотрительным и осторожным
Customs, traditions and national holidays in Great Britain
informal greetings – неофициальные приветствия
handshakes on first introduction – рукопожатие вовремя первого знакомства
as a taken of agreement and congratulation – в знак согласия или поздравления
devotion to animals – любовь/преданность к животным
to be founded half a century before – основан на пол века раньше
a visit to a country pub – посещение загородного паба
to prefer to live in – предпочитать жить в …
the world’s greatest tea drinkers – большие любители чая
to uphold the will of the people – поддерживать волю народа
to make holiday in solitude – отдыхать в уединении
to spend much time at the seaside - проводить много времени у моря
hop-picking – сбор хмеля
gardening – занятие садоводством
energetic kinds of amusement – энергичные формы развлечения (отдыха)
(tennis, golfing, cricked, football, skating, billiards, bowls, motor-cycling, etc.)
Bank holidays – Easter, Monday, Whit Monday and the last Monday in August –
Пасха, День Духов и последний понедельник в Августе, когда все банки
бывают закрыты
annual events – ежегодные мероприятия, события
to endure from those early times – продолжаться с тех ранних времен
to celebrate New Year’s Eve – отмечать канун Нового года
from time immemorial – с незапамятных времен
to fix the particular dates – устанавливать конкретные даты
a pageant festival – зрелищный, пышный фестиваль
annually – ежегодно
to be of a pagan origin – быть языческого происхождения
the resurrection of Jesus – воскрешение Христа
a Remembrance Day – День Памяти (11 ноября)
to observe throughout the country – отмечать по всей стране
Christmas – Рождество (25 декабря)
the Boxing Day – День рождественских подарков (в коробках) (26 декабря)
Do the tasks to control yourself
Answer the following questions:
1.History, geography and population of Great Britain. A bit of history of Great
a).What is your point of view of the English? (the Scots, the Welsh and the Irish)
b).Do you agree to the statement that Britain is run bythe correct combination of
class and cash?
c) What are the national emblems of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern
d) What legends about King Arthur do you know?
e) What is the difference between heritable and courtesy titles?
f) Do you know any information about the ruthless custom of primogeniture?
g) Under whose reign did Scotland and England became one kingdom “Great
h) What is the ancient name of Scotland?
i) What do you know about the history of the Globe, the theatre in London?
2. Describe the essential facts from the history of Great Britain using the
following phrases in the sentences:
Throughout their age-long history, great part in the life of, at the beginning of …
century, the Queen, sovereign-minded people, the members of the House of Lords,
cultural life, some 5000 smaller islands, the total area, to elect, the British
3. Work in groups:
Some students are planning to go on a journey to Great Britain in the near future.
Ask them to tell you some travel arrangements.
4. Prepare presentations on the topics:
a) The people of Great Britain.
b) Great Britain is a conservative but democratic state.
c) The Queen in the Head of the State. She reigns but doesn’t rule.
XIY-XY.Topic: Environmental protection.
Ecology of megapolises.
Aims and Objectives. To learn new words and phrases on the Topic. To develop
skills and oral speech habits on the given topics in order to make up dialogues, and
monologues, and to organize panel discussions. To read and analyze texts on the
Lexical minimum to a topic:Man and Nature.
to be aware of ecological problems – осознавать экологические проблемы
environmental destruction and pollution – разрушение и загрязнение
окружающей среды
land (water, air) pollution – загрязнение почвы, воды и воздуха
industrial (radioactive) wastes – производственные радиоактивные отходы
arable lands – пахотные земли
recreation coastal areas – приобретённые зоны отдыха
flora and fauna – флора и фауна
vegetation and greenery – растительность, зелень
woodlands, forestry – лесные массивы
wildlife – дикая природа
to abuse nature – уродовать природу
to be environment-conscious and educated – быть экологически сознательным и
to upset the biological balance – нарушить биологический баланс
extensive use of agrochemicals – чрезмерное использование агрохимикатов
to face the fresh water supply problem – столкнуться с проблемой питьевого
depletion of water resourses – истощение водных ресурсов
marine pollution – морское загрязнение
oil spillage – утечка, разлив нефти
foul air – загрязненный воздух
to exhaust toxic gases – выбрасывать в атмосферу токсичные газы
combustion of fuel and concentration of smoke in the air – сгорание топлива и
скопление дыма в воздухе
high radioactivity – высокая радиоактивность
global warming – глобальное потепление
global environmental security – глобальная безопасность окружающей среды
to preserve ecosystems – сохранять (защищать) экосистему
to create disaster – prevention programs - создать (разработать) программы по
предотвращению природных бедствий
to harmonize industry and community – согласовать промышленность и
to stop merciless killing of animals – остановить жестокое истребление
to preserve (protect) woodlands – сохранять лесные массивы
to minimize noise disturbance – минимизировать нарушения тишины
to dispose garbage (litter, wastes) – избавляться от мусора, отходов в
определенном специально отведенном месте
the state policy in environmental protection – государственная политика по
охране окружающей среды
the use of sewage sludge – использование канализацион
Do the tasks to control yourself.
Answer the following questions on the topic: Man and Nature.
a). What are the main environmental issues confronting humanity today?
b).Why are many people concerned about ecology today?
c).Why should every man be environment – conscious and environment educated?
d).What measures have been undertaken by the RK Government to reduce land,
water and air pollution? Has the RK joined any International documents on the
control of pollution?
e).Do you know some facts about the practical results of the international
cooperation in environmental protection?
f).What role should mass media play in environmental protection?
Work in pairs. Discuss any of the environmental problems of today. You may
speak about air pollution in Almaty and try to make some recommendations in
regard to pollution. Use the topical vocabulary.
Prepare presentations on the following giving your views on the problems
pertaining to natural environment and ecological problems of large cities.
Man as a constituent part of Nature.
a).Ill – effects of unrestricted industrialization and modernization.
b).Extermination of wildlife and the sprawl of large-built areas.
c).International cooperation in environmental protection.
d).Shrinking of the Aral Sea is the global problem.