8.Гиг оценка строитель материал и конструкции

Lecture on environmental sanitation for the
5th year
Hygienic assessment of building materials
and designs
Lecturer prof. Iskandarov G.T.
In order to characterize the
physical properties of the materials
2 indicators:
1. Relative density;
2. The bulk density.
Relative density (y) – is
the mass of material per unit volume in the
dense state (without pores).
 Bulk weight (yo) is the mass per unit
volume of the material in its natural state.
A comparison of both weight gives an
indication of the porosity of the material
To characterize the different
materials used thermal conductivity (Y),
 expressing a large amount of heat calories
passing through the wall of the material thickness
of 1 m, an area of ​1 m2 for 1 hour with a
temperature difference on the surfaces of the walls
 1 degrees C.
Specific heat
This property of the material to absorb
heat when the temperature rises.
 The indicator is the specific heat (c)
the measured quantity of heat in Kcal
required to heat the material to 1kg 1
Heat absorption expressed
coefficient (S) of heat in
Kcal required to raise the
temperature of the material
surface 1m2 for 1 hour at
1grad.S flue 24 h period.
Water vapor permeability
measured coefficient (M) - expressing
moisture content in grams per hour
passing through a flat wall of 1m2 of a
material thickness of 1 m, the
difference in water vapor pressure on
the one and the other wall equal
Types of building materials.
1. Wood;
2. Clay;
3. Natural stones;
4. Brick;
5. The artificial composite materials.
General characteristics of the
synthetic polymeric materials.
Plastics have a number of positive
characteristics that determine their
widespread use in construction.
 valuable properties of plastics is their low
volume weight, high strength properties,
low thermal conductivity, chemical
These include:
• Asbestos fibers;
• Cotton;
• Wood fiber;
• Glass fiber.
Used mainly to improve the mechanical properties
of plastics. Plastics with fiber fillers often called red
Sheet-like fillers for plastics
• Paper;
• Cotton and glass fabric;
• asbestos board;
• Wood sheet.
• Plastics complex fill-lyami possess extremely high strength characteristics.
They are called laminates.
Of the synthetic polymer used in the
practice of housing the greatest use in
the construction of the following groups
 Lubricants (oleic acid and sterol al.) Are
introduced into the plastic to prevent
their sticking to the molds. From the
hygienic point of view, dyes and
lubricants do not present danger.
 Catalysts and curing agents are added
to certain plastics to reduce the time of
formation of the polymer and converting
it into an insoluble state.
Polymeric materials have their
 1.Svyazuyuschie substance.
Sanitary doctors need to know about
him.stroenii material as it allocates toxic
 2.Napolniteli.
Harmless factor: the chalk dust.
Plasticizer - debutilftolat emits odor
embryotropic, ganadotropnye effect on rats.
Other dyes, diluents, catalysts, materials having
active properties - toxic.
• 1. Poliofeliny (polyethylene, polypropylene, copolymers).
• 2. polyvinylchloride and copolymers of vinyl chloride.
• 3. Amino (aminoplasts).
• 4. Polystyrene.
• 5. Polyester resin (saturated and unsaturated).
• 6. Fenaldegid resin (phenolics).
• 7. Polymers based on vinyl acetate.
• 8. Polyformaldehyde.
• 9. The epoxy resin.
10. Cellulose Ethers.
• 11 .Poliamidy.
• 12.Poliakrilaty
 Polyethylene. widely used in the
production of water supply, sewerage, gas
pipes, tubes of small diameter for
concealed wiring. Polyethylene films of
different thicknesses are used for hydro -,
steam and gazoizolyatsii various building
 Polypropylene chemical resistance is
similar to polyethylene, but differs in a large
mechanical strength. From it are made pipe
lining material and decorative anticorrosive
purpose insulating film.
 Polyvinyl chloride is one of the
most common currently synthetic
The construction materials used
for the manufacture of PVC
linoleum, linkrusta, pavinola,
hydro and gazoizolation h films,
ventilation ducts, Paroplast for
thermal insulation
 Polystyrene.
It is also one of the most
common synthetic plastics. It
has nearly absolute water
resistance, high chemical
inertness and transparency, is
obtained by polymerization of
Polyvinyl acetate - a polymer of a
vinyl ester., Is a transparent
colorless polymer unstable to
alcohols, esters, acids and
alkalis. It is used the manufacture
of varnishes, adhesives and
mastics. When heated above 150
"decomposes with the release of
acetic acid.
The materials used for
Finishing materials (roll, sheet, tile).
1. Round tiled made of polyvinyl
chloride paste is finely milled flour and
a plasticizer. Danger small fluctuates
sharply indoor climate, particularly
moisture room.
2. Sheet - it is based on phenol and
formaldehyde - a wood -smolisty
plasticizer, the inner layer is covered
with a wood finish, the structure
includes an aldehyde. For sheet
materials - fiberglass part, which
includes phenol..